Commercialising our research | University of Southampton

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Four have floated on London's Alternative Investment Market (AIM) with a combined market value of £180 million. They are the oil exploration company <strong> Offshore Hydrocarbon Mapping </strong> (OHM), the asthma therapy development company <strong> Synairgen </strong> , and the fibre laser manufacturer <strong> SPI Lasers </strong> and <strong> Ilika </strong> , a company developing new patentable functional materials. </p> <p> But this tells only part of the enterprise story. At any one time, the University is working with over 1,000 external organisations; over 40 per cent of our research projects involve one or more business partners; more than 150 international businesses have chosen the University as a key partner for their research and development; and we have a rolling patent portfolio of more than 300 active patent families with an annual income of about £1m. </p> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-1 uos-js-triggered" id="uos-component-accordion-ourspinoutcompanies1"> <h3 class="uos-component-accordion-title js-accordion" data-group=".accordion-1" data-target="#uos-component-accordion-ourspinoutcompanies1" tabindex="0"> Our spin-out companies </h3> <div class="uos-component-accordion-container"> <h4> Our spin-out companies </h4> <p> View a list of our current spin-out companies and find out more about them: </p> <p> <strong> Ilika: </strong> Science-based materials discovery company, which uses high-throughput technologies. </p> <p> Visit the <a href="" target="_blank" title="Visit the Ilika website"> Ilika website </a> . </p> <p> <strong> Karus Therapeutics: </strong> Novel drug treatment of cancer and heart disease through histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors. </p> <p> Visit the <a href="" target="_blank" title="Visit the Karus Therapeutics website"> Karus Therapeutics website </a> . </p> <p> <strong> Synairgen: </strong> Working to improve the treatment of lung diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). </p> <p> Visit the <a href="" target="_blank" title="Visit the Synairgen website"> Synairgen website </a> . </p> <p> <strong> Arkivum: </strong> Working to provide long-term, large-scale data archiving. </p> <p> Visit the <a href="" target="_blank" title="Arkivum website "> Arkivum website </a> </p> <p> <strong> BluPoint: </strong> Provides a physical access point to enable people in off-grid communities to both access free digital materials on their mobile phones and share digital content within their community Smart Space. </p> <p> Visit the <a href="" target="_blank" title="Find out more about Blupoint"> BluPoint website </a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="uos-tier uos-tier-secondary uos-tier-fill"> <div class="uos-tier-inner"> <h3> Turning research into commercial enterprises </h3> <div class="uos-image-with-text"> <figure class="uos-component-image uos-component-image-right"> <img alt="Our Research and Innovation Services help our researchers to patent their research and commercialise it" src="/assets/imported/transforms/content-block/CB_RImg/14E1DEE17887450B8BB1DA8600DD996B/IP%20spin%20outs%20and%20licensing.jpg_SIA_JPG_fit_to_width_INLINE.jpg"/> <figcaption class="uos-component-image-caption"> Patenting success </figcaption> </figure> </div> <p> Taking a piece of groundbreaking research or an innovative idea and turning into a commercial product is not easy. Setting up a business, especially for the first time, is very hard to do without advice, support and collaboration. At the University of Southampton we understand this, and we also recognise how important it is to make sure that the work of our researchers gets out into the real world. That is why we have a number of services to support researchers hoping to take their work into the business world. </p> <p> </p> <h4> Research and Innovation Services </h4> <div class="uos-image-with-text"> <figure class="uos-component-image"> <img alt="We offer opportunities for our researchers to go on courses or work with businesses to learn entrepreneurial skills" src="/assets/imported/transforms/content-block/CB_RImg/F92FB61541544A848F77B89310F70491/research%20studentships.jpg_SIA_JPG_fit_to_width_INLINE.jpg"/> <figcaption class="uos-component-image-caption"> Learning business skills </figcaption> </figure> </div> <p> Our <a href="/ris/" target="_blank" title="Visit the Research and Innovation Services website"> Research and Innovation Services (RIS) </a> team is dedicated to supporting our researchers personally and professionally. </p> <p> We can help to set up <a href="/business/collaboration/" title="Find out more about knowledge transfer partnerships"> Knowledge Transfer Partnerships </a> between researchers and local businesses – an excellent way of learning how the commercial world works. We also encourage our researchers to become consultants, offering advice and guidelines on how to go about this. Our <a href="/pdu/" target="_blank" title="Visit the Professional Development Unit website"> Professional Development Unit </a> also runs a number of courses that can help you to expand your skills base. And once you make an innovation in your work that has business potential we can help you to license your intellectual property. </p> <h4> SETsquared business incubator </h4> <p> The University of Southampton is one of several universities who are part of the <a href="" target="_blank" title="Visit the SETSquared website"> SETsquared business incubator partnership. </a> </p> <p> This business incubator offers a real kick-start to entrepreneurs and researchers who wish to set-up at business. SETsquared offers up to £50,000 of ‘get-started’ funding, access to free OpenDOOR Software, help with market research, support and guidance from InnovationUK, and a ‘Researcher to Innovator’ course. All of which gives you the resources, as well as the skills to create a successful business out of your research. </p> <h4> University of Southampton Science Park </h4> <p> Our <a href="" target="_blank" title="Visit the Science Park website"> Science Park </a> , based close to our Highfield campus at nearby Chilworth, offers a flexible and convenient space for you to grow your business. </p> <p> You can hire just one desk or a very small space, with no obligations to take on a long-term lease. We also offer mentoring and business support opportunities, as well as numerous networking events with other businesses on the Science Park. </p> </div> </div> <div class="uos-tier uos-tier-secondary"> <div class="uos-tier-inner uos-tier-inner-grid"> <div class="uos-grid uos-grid-3"> <article class="uos-box"> <div class="uos-box-image"> <img alt="Business networking" src="/assets/imported/transforms/content-block/BoxGridWithImages_ImageBlock/729C7D310B35482EA19BB320EC4F3907/SIBN1.jpg_SIA_JPG_fit_to_width_MEDIUM.jpg"/> </div> <div class="uos-box-copy"> <h2 class="uos-box-copy-title"> <a href="/"> Working with business </a> </h2> <p class="uos-box-copy-excerpt"> Explore our Business section to learn about more opportunities to work with businesses </p> </div> <a class="uos-box-link" href="/" title="Working with business"> </a> </article> </div> <div class="uos-grid uos-grid-3"> <article class="uos-box"> <div class="uos-box-image"> <img alt="facilities" 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