adenosine (CHEBI:16335)

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margin: 0"> <tr> <td class="gridLayoutCellStructure"> <img src=";jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?defaultImage=true&imageIndex=0&chebiId=16335&dimensions=200" height="400" width="400" id="strucImg"> <img src=";jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?defaultImage=true&imageIndex=0&chebiId=16335" class="margin-top:20px;"> </td> <td style="padding: 0"> <table width="100%" style="vertical-align:top; margin-top:5px; "> <tr> <td class="chebiDataHeader" style="width: 180px;"> ChEBI Name </td> <td><b>adenosine</b></td> </tr> <tr><td class="gap"></td></tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataHeader" style="width: 180px;"> ChEBI ID </td> <td><b>CHEBI:16335</b></td> </tr> <tr><td class="gap"></td></tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataHeader" style="width: 180px;"> Definition </td> <td>A ribonucleoside composed of a molecule of adenine attached to a ribofuranose moiety via a &#946;&#8210;N<small><sup>9</sup></small>-glycosidic bond.</td> </tr> <tr><td class="gap"></td></tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataHeader" style="width: 180px;"> Stars </td> <td> <img src="images/goldenstar.gif"/><img src="images/goldenstar.gif"/><img src="images/goldenstar.gif"/> <span class="starsLabel">This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.</span> </td> </tr> <tr><td class="gap"></td></tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataHeader" style="width: 180px;"> Secondary ChEBI IDs </td> <td> CHEBI:2472, CHEBI:40558, CHEBI:40825, CHEBI:40906, CHEBI:40911, CHEBI:13734, CHEBI:22237 </td> </tr> <tr><td class="gap"></td></tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataHeader" style="width: 180px;"> Supplier Information <span class="icon icon-common icon-basket helpinfo" style="float: right; 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var jmolApplet0; jmol = Jmol.getApplet("jmolApplet0", Info); var s = 'load inline "' + mol + '"; '; javascript: Jmol.script(jmolApplet0, s); </script> <div> <img src="/chebi/images/save_file.gif;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E" height="18" width="18" border="0" title="Save Molfile to disk" alt="Save molfile"> <a href=";jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?defaultImage=false&chebiId=16335&imageIndex=1&imageId=17090" title="Save Molfile to disk">Molfile</a> <a href="#" onclick="enlargeJsmol(0)" style="float:right;" id="expand0" >expand</a> </div> </div> </div> </td></tr> </table> <script type='text/javascript' src='/chebi/dwr/interface/WikipediaDWR.js;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/chebi/javascripts/wikipedia.js;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E'></script> <div style="padding:5px"></div> <table class="chebiTableContent" > <tr> <td class="chebiDataHeader" style="width: 90%"> Wikipedia <a href="" target="_blank" class="no-underline" title="Please click here to get further information on Wikipedia"><span class="icon icon-common icon-info helpinfo"></span></a> </td> <td class="chebiDataHeader"> License <a href="" target="_blank" class="no-underline"> <span class="icon icon-common icon-info helpinfo"></span> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" id="wikipediaId"> <img src="/chebi/images/wait_red_indicator.gif;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E" height="16px" width="16px" id="wikiWaitIndicator" alt="Waiting for wikipedia content"> <script type ="text/javascript" > loadWikiContent('Adenosine'); </script> </td> </tr> <tr><td> <a href="" target="_blank">Read full article at Wikipedia</a> </td></tr> </table> <table class="small-boxed-section"><tr><td> <a href="" target="_blank" class="no-underline" title="Please click here to get further information on Formulae"><span class="icon icon-common icon-info helpinfo" style="position: absolute; right: 20px;"></span></a> <table class="chebiTableContent" style="margin: 3px;"> <td class="chebiDataHeader" style="width: 150px; height: 15px;"> Formula </td> <td> C10H13N5O4<br/> </td> </table> <table class="chebiTableContent" style="margin: 3px;"> <tr> <td class="chebiDataHeader" style="width: 150px; height: 15px;"> Net Charge </td> <td> 0 </td> </tr> </table> <table class="chebiTableContent" style="margin: 3px;"> <tr> <td class="chebiDataHeader" style="width: 150px; height: 15px;"> Average Mass </td> <td> 267.24152 </td> </tr> </table> <table class="chebiTableContent" style="margin: 3px;"> <tr> <td class="chebiDataHeader" style="width: 150px; height: 15px;"> Monoisotopic Mass </td> <td> 267.09675 </td> </tr> </table> <table class="chebiTableContent" style="margin: 3px;"> <tr> <td class="chebiDataHeader" style="width: 150px; height: 15px;">InChI</td> <td>InChI=1S/C10H13N5O4/c11-<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>8-<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>5-<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>9(13-<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>2-<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>12-<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>8)<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>15(3-<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>14-<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>5)<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>10-<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>7(18)<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>6(17)<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>4(1-<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>16)<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>19-<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>10/h2-<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>4,6-<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>7,10,16-<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>18H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>/t4-<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>,6-<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>,7-<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>,10-<img alt="" src="images/invisible_space.gif" width="0" height="0" border="0"/>/m1/s1</td> </tr> </table> <table class="chebiTableContent" style="margin: 3px;"> <tr> <td class="chebiDataHeader" style="width: 150px; height: 15px;">InChIKey</td> <td>OIRDTQYFTABQOQ-KQYNXXCUSA-N</td> </tr> </table> <table class="chebiTableContent" style="margin: 3px;"> <tr> <td class="chebiDataHeader" style="width: 150px; height: 15px;">SMILES</td> <td>Nc1ncnc2n(cnc12)[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O</td> </tr> </table> </td></tr></table> <div style="padding:5px"></div> <table class="chebiTableContent"> <tr> <td class="chebiDataHeader" width="30%" align="left"> Metabolite of Species <a href="" target="_blank" class="no-underline" title="Please click here to get further information on Metabolite of species"><span class="icon icon-common icon-info helpinfo"></span></a> </td> <td class="chebiDataHeader" width="70%" align="left">Details</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent"> <i>Mus musculus</i> <a href="" target="_blank">(NCBI:txid10090)</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent"> Source: BioModels - MODEL1507180067 See: <a href="//" target="_blank">PubMed</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent"> <i>Chlamydomonas reinhardtii</i> <a href="" target="_blank">(NCBI:txid3055)</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent"> See: <a href="//" target="_blank">PubMed</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent"> <i>Daphnia magna</i> <a href="" target="_blank">(NCBI:txid35525)</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent"> See: Mixtures of similarly acting compounds in Daphnia magna: From gene to metabolite and beyondTine Vandenbrouck, Oliver A.H. Jones, Nathalie Dom, Julian L. Griffin, Wim De CoenEnvironment International 36 (2010) 254-268 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent"> <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> <a href="" target="_blank">(NCBI:txid4932)</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent"> Source: See: <a href="//" target="_blank">PubMed</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent"> <i>Escherichia coli</i> <a href="" target="_blank">(NCBI:txid562)</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent"> See: <a href="//" target="_blank">PubMed</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent"> <i>Cordyceps sinensis</i> <a href="" target="_blank">(NCBI:txid72228)</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent"> Found in mycelium <a href="" target="_blank">(BTO:0001436)</a>. Ethanolic extract of dried mycelia See: <a href="//" target="_blank">PubMed</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent"> <i>Homo sapiens</i> <a href="" target="_blank">(NCBI:txid9606)</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent"> See: <a href="//" target="_blank">DOI</a> </td> </tr> </table> <div style="padding:5px"></div> <!-- ============================================== --> <!-- ROLES CLASSIFICATION --> <table class="chebiTableContent"> <tr width="100%" height="15px"> <td class="chebiDataHeader" colspan="2"> Roles Classification <a href="" target="_blank" class="no-underline" title="Please click here to get further information on Roles Classification"><span class="icon icon-common icon-info helpinfo"></span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class= "roleHeader"> <a href=";jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI:24432" target="_blank">Biological Role</a>(s):</td> <td > <a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=35480">analgesic</a> <div class="roleDefinition">An agent capable of relieving pain without the loss of consciousness or without producing anaesthesia. In addition, analgesic is a role played by a compound which is exhibited by a capability to cause a reduction of pain symptoms.</div> <a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=77746">human metabolite</a> <div class="roleDefinition">Any mammalian metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in humans (<ital>Homo sapiens</ital>).</div> <a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=78675">fundamental metabolite</a> <div class="roleDefinition">Any metabolite produced by all living cells.</div> </td> </tr> <tr><td style ="border-bottom :1px solid #999999;" colspan="2"></td></tr> <tr> <td class= "roleHeader"> <a href=";jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI:33232" target="_blank">Application</a>(s):</td> <td > <a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=38070">anti-arrhythmia drug</a> <div class="roleDefinition">A drug used for the treatment or prevention of cardiac arrhythmias. Anti-arrhythmia drugs may affect the polarisation-repolarisation phase of the action potential, its excitability or refractoriness, or impulse conduction or membrane responsiveness within cardiac fibres.</div> <a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=35620">vasodilator agent</a> <div class="roleDefinition">A drug used to cause dilation of the blood vessels.</div> <a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=35480">analgesic</a> <div class="roleDefinition">An agent capable of relieving pain without the loss of consciousness or without producing anaesthesia. In addition, analgesic is a role played by a compound which is exhibited by a capability to cause a reduction of pain symptoms.</div> </td> </tr> <tr><td style ="border-bottom :1px solid #999999;" colspan="2"></td></tr> </table> <a href="" style="margin-left: 13px;">View more via ChEBI Ontology</a> <!-- ONTOLOGY ROLLBACK START --> <table width="100%"> <tr> <a name="termLineage" class="anchoredHighInfo"> <td class="chebiDataHeader" align="left" colspan="2" width="200"> ChEBI Ontology <a href="" target="_blank" class="no-underline" title="Please click here to get further information on the ChEBI Ontology"><span class="icon icon-common icon-info helpinfo"></span></a> </td> </a> </tr> <tr> <td width="110px"> Outgoing </td> <td > adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16708">CHEBI:16708</a>) <br/> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has role </font> analgesic (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A35480">CHEBI:35480</a>) <br/> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has role </font> anti-arrhythmia drug (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A38070">CHEBI:38070</a>) <br/> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has role </font> fundamental metabolite (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A78675">CHEBI:78675</a>) <br/> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has role </font> human metabolite (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A77746">CHEBI:77746</a>) <br/> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has role </font> vasodilator agent (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A35620">CHEBI:35620</a>) <br/> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> is a </font> adenosines (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A22260">CHEBI:22260</a>) <br/> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> is a </font> purines <small>D</small>-ribonucleoside (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A142355">CHEBI:142355</a>) <br/> </td> </tr> <tr><td style ="border-bottom :1px solid #999999;" colspan="2"></td></tr> <tr> <td width="110px"> Incoming </td> <td > &#945;-<i>N</i>-(9-&#946;-<small>D</small>-ribofuranosylpurin-6-yl)glycinamide (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A77005">CHEBI:77005</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> (&#8722;)-<i>N</i><small><sup>6</sup></small>-(2-phenylisopropyl)adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A192091">CHEBI:192091</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> 1-methyladenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16020">CHEBI:16020</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> 1-tuberculosinyladenosine(1+) (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A85603">CHEBI:85603</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> 2-methylthio-<i>N</i><small><sup>6</sup></small>-(&#916;<small><sup>2</sup></small>-isopentenyl)adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A62875">CHEBI:62875</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> 2-methylthio-<i>N</i><small><sup>6</sup></small>-(<i>cis</i>-4-hydroxy-&#916;<small><sup>2</sup></small>-isopentenyl)adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A62879">CHEBI:62879</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> 2-thio-<i>N</i><small><sup>6</sup></small>-(&#916;<small><sup>2</sup></small>-isopentenyl)adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A73551">CHEBI:73551</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> 3'-<i>O</i>-salicyl-AMP (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A60351">CHEBI:60351</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> 3'-phosphoadenylyl selenate (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A28450">CHEBI:28450</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> 3-iodo-4-aminobenzyl-5'-<i>N</i>-methylcarboxamidoadenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A73285">CHEBI:73285</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> 3-iodobenzyl-5'-<i>N</i>-methylcarboxamidoadenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A73286">CHEBI:73286</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> 5'-<i>O</i>-sulfamoyladenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A43716">CHEBI:43716</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> 5'-<i>S</i>-methyl-5'-thioadenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A17509">CHEBI:17509</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> 5'-chloro-5'-deoxyadenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A47133">CHEBI:47133</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> 5'-deoxyadenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A17319">CHEBI:17319</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> 5'-ethylthioadenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A74046">CHEBI:74046</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> 9-ribosyl-<i>trans</i>-zeatin (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A71693">CHEBI:71693</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> <i>N</i>-[(9-&#946;-<small>D</small>-ribofuranosyl-2-methylthiopurin-6-yl)carbamoyl]threonine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A21457">CHEBI:21457</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> <i>N</i>-[(9-&#946;-<small>D</small>-ribofuranosylpurin-6-yl)carbamoyl]threonine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A21440">CHEBI:21440</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> <i>N</i>-ethyl-5'-carboxamidoadenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A73284">CHEBI:73284</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> <i>N</i><small><sup>6</sup></small>,2'-<i>O</i>-dimethyladenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A229469">CHEBI:229469</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> <i>N</i><small><sup>6</sup></small>,<i>N</i><small><sup>6</sup></small>-dimethyladenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A28284">CHEBI:28284</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> <i>N</i><small><sup>6</sup></small>-(&#916;<small><sup>2</sup></small>-isopentenyl)adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A62881">CHEBI:62881</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> <small>L</small>-adenosylselenohomocysteine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A77028">CHEBI:77028</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> adenosine phosphate (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A22256">CHEBI:22256</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> adenylyl selenate (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A2485">CHEBI:2485</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> aspartyl adenylate &#946;-ketophosphonate isostere (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A74089">CHEBI:74089</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> CGS-21680 (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A73283">CHEBI:73283</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> cordysinin B (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A69426">CHEBI:69426</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> diadenosyl diphosphate (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A64369">CHEBI:64369</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> diadenosyl hexaphosphate (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A63736">CHEBI:63736</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> diadenosyl pentaphosphate (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A63737">CHEBI:63737</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> diadenosyl tetraphosphate (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A63738">CHEBI:63738</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> diadenosyl triphosphate (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A63739">CHEBI:63739</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> nucleocidin (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A166872">CHEBI:166872</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> propionyl adenylate (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A74517">CHEBI:74517</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> sangivamycin (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A85997">CHEBI:85997</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> succinyladenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A71169">CHEBI:71169</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> thioadenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A26953">CHEBI:26953</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> has functional parent </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> adenosine residue (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A62885">CHEBI:62885</a>) <font style="font-weight:bold;"> is substituent group from </font> adenosine (<a href="/chebi/;jsessionid=DBBF37C2330F6F95796EC8A6B84EF69E?chebiId=CHEBI%3A16335">CHEBI:16335</a>)<br/> </td> </tr> </table> <div style="padding:5px"></div> <!-- ONTOLOGY ROLLBACK END --> <table class="chebiTableContent" > <tr> <td class="chebiDataHeader" width="100%" align="left"> IUPAC Name <a href="" target="_blank" class="no-underline" title="Please click here to get further information on IUPAC Names"><span class="icon icon-common icon-info helpinfo"></span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > adenosine </td> </tr> </table> <div style="padding:5px"></div> <!--<tr><td>--> <table class="chebiTableContent" > <tr> <td class="chebiDataHeader" width="80%" align="left"> Synonyms <a href="" target="_blank" class="no-underline" title="Please click here to get further information on synonyms"><span class="icon icon-common icon-info helpinfo"></span></a> </td> <td class="chebiDataHeader" width="20%" align="left"> Sources </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > (2<i>R</i>,3<i>R</i>,4<i>S</i>,5<i>R</i>)-2-(6-aminopurin-9-yl)-5-(hydroxymethyl)oxolane-3,4-diol </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > DrugBank </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > 6-Amino-9-beta-D-ribofuranosyl-9H-purine </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > ChemIDplus </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > 9-beta-D-Ribofuranosidoadenine </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > ChemIDplus </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > 9-&#946;-<small>D</small>-ribofuranosyl-9<i>H</i>-purin-6-amine </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > ChEBI </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > 9-beta-D-Ribofuranosyl-9H-purin-6-amine </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > ChemIDplus </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > 9-&#946;-<small>D</small>-ribofuranosyladenine </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > HMDB </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > Ade-Rib </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > CBN </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > adenine riboside </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > HMDB </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > Adenosin </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > ChEBI </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > ADENOSINE </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > PDBeChem </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > Adenosine </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > KEGG COMPOUND </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > adenosine </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > <a href=";adenosine&quot;&amp;sort=score" target="_blank"> UniProt </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > Ado </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > CBN </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > &#946;-<small>D</small>-adenosine </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > ChemIDplus </td> </tr> </table> <div style="padding:5px"></div> <table class="chebiTableContent" > <tr> <td class="chebiDataHeader" width="80%" align="left"> Brand Names <a href="" target="_blank" class="no-underline" title="Please click here to get further information on Brand Names"><span class="icon icon-common icon-info helpinfo"></span></a> </td> <td class="chebiDataHeader" width="20%" align="left"> Sources </td> </tr> <tr > <td class="chebiDataContent" > Adenocard </td> <td class="chebiDataContent"> DrugBank </td> </tr> <tr > <td class="chebiDataContent" > Adenocor </td> <td class="chebiDataContent"> DrugBank </td> </tr> <tr > <td class="chebiDataContent" > Adenoscan </td> <td class="chebiDataContent"> DrugBank </td> </tr> </table> <div style="padding:5px"></div> <table class="chebiTableContent"> <tr> <td class="chebiDataHeader" width="80%" align="left"> Manual Xrefs <a href="" target="_blank" class="no-underline" title="Please click here to get further information on Database Links"><span class="icon icon-common icon-info helpinfo"></span></a> </td> <td class="chebiDataHeader" width="20%" align="left"> Databases </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > <a href="" target="_blank">90</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > DrugCentral <!-- --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > <a href="" target="_blank">Adenosine</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > Wikipedia <!-- --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > <a href=";object=ADENOSINE&amp;redirect=T" target="_blank">ADENOSINE</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > MetaCyc <!-- --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > <a href="" target="_blank">ADN</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > PDBeChem <!-- --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > <a href="" target="_blank">ArF00</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > PDBeChem <!-- --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > <a href="" target="_blank">ArS00</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > PDBeChem <!-- --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > <a href=";word=C00007444" target="_blank">C00007444</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > KNApSAcK <!-- --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > <a href="" target="_blank">C00212</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > KEGG COMPOUND <!-- --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > <a href="" target="_blank">D00045</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > KEGG DRUG <!-- --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > <a href="" target="_blank">DB00640</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > DrugBank <!-- --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > <a href="" target="_blank">ECMDB00050</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > ECMDB <!-- --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > <a href="" target="_blank">HMDB0000050</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > HMDB <!-- --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > <a href="" target="_blank">LSM-28568</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > LINCS <!-- --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="chebiDataContent" > <a href="" target="_blank">YMDB00058</a> </td> <td class="chebiDataContent" > YMDB <!-- --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a target="_blank" href="">View more database links</a></td> </tr> </table> <div style="padding:5px"></div> <table class="chebiTableContent" > <tr> <td class="chebiDataHeader" width="30%" align="left"> Registry Numbers <a href="" target="_blank" class="no-underline" title="Please click here to get further information on Registry Numbers"><span class="icon icon-common 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