Security - The Crossplane Blog
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This particular milestone focused heavily on security, quality, and investing in key feature areas to push the project forward in its maturity and reliability. <a class="read-more" href="/crossplane-v1-13/">»</a></p> </section> <!-- <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>We are happy to announce the release today of Crossplane v1.13, the latest major release of the Crossplane project. This particular milestone focused heavily on security, quality, and investing in key feature areas to push the project forward in its maturity and reliability.…</p> </section> --> </div> </article> <article class="post tag-cncf tag-security"> <div class="inner"> <header class="post-header"> <h2 class="post-title"><a href="/fuzzing-security-audit/">Crossplane completes fuzzing security audit</a></h2> <span class="post-meta"><a href="/author/adam/">Adam Korczynski</a>, <a href="/author/jared/">Jared Watts</a> on <a href="/tag/cncf/">CNCF</a>, <a href="/tag/security/">Security</a> | <time datetime="2023-03-24">24 Mar 2023</time></span> <div class="clear"></div> </header> <section class="post-excerpt"> <img src="/content/images/2023/03/Crossplane-Red-City.svg" class="front-page-image" /> <p>Crossplane is happy to announce the successful completion of our fuzzing security audit. The work was carried out by the team at Ada Logics, supported by <a class="read-more" href="/fuzzing-security-audit/">»</a></p> </section> <!-- <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>Crossplane is happy to announce the successful completion of our fuzzing security audit. The work was carried out by the team at Ada Logics, supported by Crossplane contributor Philippe Scorsolini, and was sponsored by the CNCF as part of an initiative to bring fuzzing to the CNCF landscape. The audit…</p> </section> --> </div> </article> <article class="post tag-application-delivery tag-security tag-gke tag-gcp no-image"> <div class="inner"> <header class="post-header"> <h2 class="post-title"><a href="/crossplane-v0-6-enabling-application-delivery-platforms-on-the-road-towards-production-ready/">Crossplane v0.6 - enabling application delivery platforms on the road towards production-ready!</a></h2> <span class="post-meta"><a href="/author/phil/">Phil Prasek</a> on <a href="/tag/application-delivery/">Application Delivery</a>, <a href="/tag/security/">Security</a>, <a href="/tag/gke/">GKE</a>, <a href="/tag/gcp/">GCP</a> | <time datetime="2020-01-12">12 Jan 2020</time></span> <div class="clear"></div> </header> <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>After recently turning 1 year old, the Crossplane project is excited to have closed out 2019 with enhanced API support for GKE clusters (node pools, auto-scaling, <a class="read-more" href="/crossplane-v0-6-enabling-application-delivery-platforms-on-the-road-towards-production-ready/">»</a></p> </section> <!-- <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>After recently turning 1 year old, the Crossplane project is excited to have closed out 2019 with enhanced API support for GKE clusters (node pools, auto-scaling, gVisor container security, networking policies), simplified permission management with new default RBAC roles, and a new integration test framework in the crossplane-runtime. These new…</p> </section> --> </div> </article> <article class="post tag-azure tag-networking tag-security no-image"> <div class="inner"> <header class="post-header"> <h2 class="post-title"><a href="/azure-secure-connectivity-for-aks-azure-db/">Azure secure connectivity for AKS & Azure DB</a></h2> <span class="post-meta"><a href="/author/phil/">Phil Prasek</a>, <a href="/author/dan/">Dan Mangum</a> on <a href="/tag/azure/">Azure</a>, <a href="/tag/networking/">Networking</a>, <a href="/tag/security/">Security</a> | <time datetime="2019-10-17">17 Oct 2019</time></span> <div class="clear"></div> </header> <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>Azure Database instances can now be securely consumed from app deployments in an AKS cluster using kubectl with new Crossplane resources in the Azure Stack including: <a class="read-more" href="/azure-secure-connectivity-for-aks-azure-db/">»</a></p> </section> <!-- <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>Azure Database instances can now be securely consumed from app deployments in an AKS cluster using kubectl with new Crossplane resources in the Azure Stack including: Virtual Networks (VNets), Subnets, VNet Rules, and more! Continuing our series on cloud networking & security we鈥檒l explore new Crossplane support for provisioning…</p> </section> --> </div> </article> <article class="post tag-aws tag-networking tag-security no-image"> <div class="inner"> <header class="post-header"> <h2 class="post-title"><a href="/aws-secure-connectivity-for-eks-rds/">AWS secure connectivity for EKS & RDS</a></h2> <span class="post-meta"><a href="/author/javad/">Javad Taheri</a>, <a href="/author/phil/">Phil Prasek</a> on <a href="/tag/aws/">AWS</a>, <a href="/tag/networking/">Networking</a>, <a href="/tag/security/">Security</a> | <time datetime="2019-10-17">17 Oct 2019</time></span> <div class="clear"></div> </header> <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>The AWS Stack now supports securely connecting RDS instances and app deployments in an EKS cluster, using kubectl to manage new Crossplane resources including VPCs, Subnets, <a class="read-more" href="/aws-secure-connectivity-for-eks-rds/">»</a></p> </section> <!-- <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>The AWS Stack now supports securely connecting RDS instances and app deployments in an EKS cluster, using kubectl to manage new Crossplane resources including VPCs, Subnets, SecurityGroups, IAM Roles and more! Continuing our series on cloud networking & security we鈥檒l explore new Crossplane support for provisioning AWS networking and…</p> </section> --> </div> </article> <article class="post tag-gcp tag-networking tag-security no-image"> <div class="inner"> <header class="post-header"> <h2 class="post-title"><a href="/gcp-secure-connectivity-for-gke-cloudsql/">GCP secure connectivity for GKE & CloudSQL</a></h2> <span class="post-meta"><a href="/author/phil/">Phil Prasek</a>, <a href="/author/muvaffak/">Muvaffak Onu艧</a> on <a href="/tag/gcp/">GCP</a>, <a href="/tag/networking/">Networking</a>, <a href="/tag/security/">Security</a> | <time datetime="2019-10-16">16 Oct 2019</time></span> <div class="clear"></div> </header> <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>Securely consume CloudSQL instances from app deployments in a GKE cluster using private IP secure connectivity with new Crossplane resources in the GCP Stack including: Networks, <a class="read-more" href="/gcp-secure-connectivity-for-gke-cloudsql/">»</a></p> </section> <!-- <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>Securely consume CloudSQL instances from app deployments in a GKE cluster using private IP secure connectivity with new Crossplane resources in the GCP Stack including: Networks, Subnetworks, GlobalAddresses, and Private Service Connections -- all from kubectl! Continuing our series on cloud networking & security we鈥檒l explore new support for…</p> </section> --> </div> </article> <article class="post tag-crossplane tag-multicloud tag-networking tag-security tag-gcp"> <div class="inner"> <header class="post-header"> <h2 class="post-title"><a href="/v0-3-how-crossplane-enables-secure-connectivity/">How Crossplane enables secure connectivity</a></h2> <span class="post-meta"><a href="/author/negz/">Nic Cope</a> on <a href="/tag/crossplane/">Crossplane</a>, <a href="/tag/multicloud/">Multicloud</a>, <a href="/tag/networking/">Networking</a>, <a href="/tag/security/">Security</a>, <a href="/tag/gcp/">GCP</a> | <time datetime="2019-10-16">16 Oct 2019</time></span> <div class="clear"></div> </header> <section class="post-excerpt"> <img src="/content/images/2019/10/MultiCloud_Plates.svg" class="front-page-image" /> <p>Insights into how we designed and built Crossplane Services to support secure connectivity, starting with a solid foundation of cloud-specific, high-fidelity resources, and then layering a <a class="read-more" href="/v0-3-how-crossplane-enables-secure-connectivity/">»</a></p> </section> <!-- <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>Insights into how we designed and built Crossplane Services to support secure connectivity, starting with a solid foundation of cloud-specific, high-fidelity resources, and then layering a PVC-style claims/classes model on top. Resource classes now include secure connectivity options and new networking and security resources can be configured from kubectl.…</p> </section> --> </div> </article> <article class="post tag-crossplane tag-networking tag-security tag-stacks tag-aws tag-gcp tag-azure tag-gitlab no-image"> <div class="inner"> <header class="post-header"> <h2 class="post-title"><a href="/crossplane-v0-3-accelerating-support-for-more-clouds-and-managed-services/">Crossplane v0.3 - accelerating support for more clouds and managed services</a></h2> <span class="post-meta"><a href="/author/phil/">Phil Prasek</a> on <a href="/tag/crossplane/">Crossplane</a>, <a href="/tag/networking/">Networking</a>, <a href="/tag/security/">Security</a>, <a href="/tag/stacks/">Stacks</a>, <a href="/tag/aws/">AWS</a>, <a href="/tag/gcp/">GCP</a>, <a href="/tag/azure/">Azure</a>, <a href="/tag/gitlab/">GitLab</a> | <time datetime="2019-09-17">17 Sep 2019</time></span> <div class="clear"></div> </header> <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>New developer guide, CLI tooling and enhanced out-of-tree Infra Stacks (GCP, AWS, Azure) enables the community to add support for more cloud providers, managed Kubernetes offerings, <a class="read-more" href="/crossplane-v0-3-accelerating-support-for-more-clouds-and-managed-services/">»</a></p> </section> <!-- <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>New developer guide, CLI tooling and enhanced out-of-tree Infra Stacks (GCP, AWS, Azure) enables the community to add support for more cloud providers, managed Kubernetes offerings, and fully-managed cloud services that can be hosted in your cloud of choice. The momentum keeps rolling forward with Crossplane community engagement around extending…</p> </section> --> </div> </article> <nav class="pagination" role="pagination"> <div class="inner"> <span class="pagination-info">Page 1 of 1</span> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </nav> </main> </div> <div id="body-class" style="display: none;" class="tag-template tag-security"></div> <footer id="footer"> <div class="inner"> <section class="credits"> <span class="credits-theme">Theme <a href="">Attila</a> by <a href="" rel="nofollow">zutrinken</a></span> <span class="credits-software">Published with <a href="">Ghost</a></span> </section> </div> </footer> </section> <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/js/script.js?v=a1348d70b3"></script> <!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> <noscript><iframe src="" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript> <!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> </body> </html>