Install Rust - Rust Programming Language

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To download Rustup and install Rust, run the following in your terminal, then follow the on-screen instructions. See <a href="">"Other Installation Methods"</a> if you are on Windows.</p> <pre><code class="db w-100 copyable">curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh</code></pre> </div> <div id="platform-instructions-win" class="instructions dn"> <p>It looks like you’re running Windows. To start using Rust, download the installer, then run the program and follow the onscreen instructions. You may need to install the <a href="">Visual Studio C++ Build tools</a> when prompted to do so. If you are not on Windows see <a href="">"Other Installation Methods"</a>.</p> <div class="mw9 center ph3-ns"> <div class="cf ph2-ns"> <div class="fl w-100 w-50-ns pa2"> <a href="" class="button button-secondary">Download <span class="nowrap">rustup-init.exe</span> <span class="nowrap">(32-bit)</span></a> </div> <div class="fl w-100 w-50-ns pa2"> <a href="" class="button button-secondary">Download <span class="nowrap">rustup-init.exe</span> <span class="nowrap">(64-bit)</span></a> </div> </div> </div> <h3 class="mt4">Windows Subsystem for Linux</h3> <p>If you’re a Windows Subsystem for Linux user run the following in your terminal, then follow the on-screen instructions to install Rust.</p> <pre><code class="db w-100 copyable">curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh</code></pre> </div> <div id="platform-instructions-default" class="instructions dn"> <div> <p> To install Rust, if you are running a Unix such as WSL, Linux or macOS,<br> run the following in your terminal, then follow the on-screen instructions. </p> <pre><code class="db w-100 copyable">curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh</code></pre> </div> <hr class="white-hr" /> <div> <p> If you are running Windows,<br>download and run <a href="">rustup‑init.exe</a> then follow the on-screen instructions. </p> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/scripts/app_7421438271980368202.js"></script> </div> </section> <section id="installation-notes" class="white"> <div class="w-100 mw-none ph3 mw8-m mw9-l center f3"> <header> <h2>Notes about Rust installation</h2> <div class="highlight"></div> </header> <div> <h3>Getting started</h3> <p> If you're just getting started with Rust and would like a more detailed walk-through, see our <a href=" /learn/get-started ">getting started</a> page. </p> <div class="platform-specific win dn"> <h3>Windows considerations</h3> <p> On Windows, Rust additionally requires the MSVC build tools for Visual Studio 2013 or later. See <a href=""> MSVC prerequistes</a> </p> <p> For further information about configuring Rust on Windows see the <a href=""> Windows-specific <code>rustup</code> documentation</a>. </p> </div> <h3>Toolchain management with <code>rustup</code></h3> <p> Rust is installed and managed by the <a href=""><code>rustup</code></a> tool. Rust has a 6-week <a href=""> rapid release process </a> and supports a <a href="">great number of platforms</a>, so there are many builds of Rust available at any time. <code>rustup</code> manages these builds in a consistent way on every platform that Rust supports, enabling installation of Rust from the beta and nightly release channels as well as support for additional cross-compilation targets. </p> <p> If you've installed <code>rustup</code> in the past, you can update your installation by running <code>rustup update</code>. </p> <p> For more information see the <a href=""> <code>rustup</code> documentation</a>. </p> <h3>Configuring the <code>PATH</code> environment variable</h3> <p> In the Rust development environment, all tools are installed to the <span class="platform-specific not-win di"> <code>~/.cargo/bin</code> </span> <span class="platform-specific win dn"> <code>%USERPROFILE%\.cargo\bin</code> </span> directory, and this is where you will find the Rust toolchain, including <code>rustc</code>, <code>cargo</code>, and <code>rustup</code>. </p> <p> Accordingly, it is customary for Rust developers to include this directory in their <a href=""> <code>PATH</code> environment variable</a>. During installation <code>rustup</code> will attempt to configure the <code>PATH</code>. Because of differences between platforms, command shells, and bugs in <code>rustup</code>, the modifications to <code>PATH</code> may not take effect until the console is restarted, or the user is logged out, or it may not succeed at all. </p> <p> If, after installation, running <code>rustc --version</code> in the console fails, this is the most likely reason. </p> <h3>Uninstall Rust</h3> <p> If at any point you would like to uninstall Rust, you can run <code>rustup self uninstall</code>. We'll miss you though! </p> </div> </div> </section> <section id="other-methods" class="purple"> <div class="w-100 mw-none ph3 mw8-m mw9-l center f3"> <header> <h2>Other installation methods</h2> <div class="highlight"></div> </header> <p> The installation described above, via <code>rustup</code>, is the preferred way to install Rust for most developers. However, Rust can be installed via other methods as well. </p> <a href="" class="button button-secondary"> Learn more </a> </div> </section> </main> <footer> <div class="w-100 mw-none ph3 mw8-m mw9-l center f3"> <div class="flex flex-column flex-row-ns pv0-l"> <div class="flex flex-column mw8 w-100 measure-wide-l pv2 pv5-m pv2-ns ph4-m ph4-l" id="get-help"> <h4>Get help!</h4> <ul> <li><a href="/learn">Documentation</a></li> <li><a href="">Rust Forge (Contributor Documentation)</a></li> <li><a href="">Ask a Question on the Users Forum</a></li> </ul> <div class="languages"> <div class="select"> <label for="language-footer" class="hidden">Language</label> <select id="language-footer"> <option title="English (en-US)" value="en-US">English (en-US)</option> <option title="Español (es)" value="es">Español (es)</option> <option title="Français (fr)" value="fr">Français (fr)</option> <option title="Italiano (it)" value="it">Italiano (it)</option> <option title="日本語 (ja)" value="ja">日本語 (ja)</option> <option title="Português (pt-BR)" value="pt-BR">Português (pt-BR)</option> <option title="Русский (ru)" value="ru">Русский (ru)</option> <option title="Türkçe (tr)" value="tr">Türkçe (tr)</option> <option title="简体中文 (zh-CN)" value="zh-CN">简体中文 (zh-CN)</option> <option title="正體中文 (zh-TW)" value="zh-TW">正體中文 (zh-TW)</option> </select> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-column mw8 w-100 measure-wide-l pv2 pv5-m pv2-ns ph4-m ph4-l"> <h4>Terms and policies</h4> <ul> <li><a href="/policies/code-of-conduct">Code of Conduct</a></li> <li><a href="/policies/licenses">Licenses</a></li> <li><a href="">Logo Policy and Media Guide</a></li> <li><a href="/policies/security">Security Disclosures</a></li> <li><a href="">Privacy Notice</a></li> <li><a href="/policies">All Policies</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="flex flex-column mw8 w-100 measure-wide-l pv2 pv5-m pv2-ns ph4-m ph4-l"> <h4>Social</h4> <div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap items-center"> <a rel="me" href="" target="_blank"><img src="/static/images/mastodon.svg" alt="Mastodon" title="Mastodon" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/static/images/twitter.svg" alt="twitter logo" title="Twitter"/></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img class="pv2" src="/static/images/youtube.svg" alt="youtube logo" title="YouTube"/></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/static/images/discord.svg" alt="discord logo" title="Discord"/></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/static/images/github.svg" alt="github logo" title="GitHub"/></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="attribution"> <p> Maintained by the Rust Team. 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