AmiGO 2: Term Details for "metabolic process" (GO:0008152)
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This includes including anabolism (biosynthetic process) and catabolism (catabolic process). Metabolic processes includes the transformation of small molecules, as well macromolecular processes such as DNA repair and replication, protein synthesis and degradation. <em>Source:</em> <cite><a title="Go to ISBN:0198547684" href="">ISBN:0198547684</a></cite>, <cite>GOC:go_curators</cite> </dd> <!-- Comment. --> <dt>Comment</dt> <dd>Note that metabolic processes do not include single functions or processes such as protein-protein interactions, protein-nucleic acids, nor receptor-ligand interactions.</dd> <!-- Optional GO history. --> <dt>History</dt> <dd>See term <a href="" title="See term history.">history for GO:0008152</a> at QuickGO</dd> <!-- Taxon constraints. --> <!-- <dt>Taxon info</dt> --> <!-- --> <!-- <dd>None</dd> --> <!-- --> <!-- Chemical reaction participants. --> <dt>Chem. react.</dt> <dd>None</dd> <!-- Subsets --> <dt>Subset</dt> <!-- <dd> --> <!-- <ul> --> <!-- <li><a href="" title="View details of the GO slim"></a></li> --> <!-- <li>Unavailable</li> --> <!-- <li>goslim_metagenomics</li> --> <dd>goslim_metagenomics</dd> <!-- <li><a href="" title="View details of the GO slim"></a></li> --> <!-- <li>Unavailable</li> --> <!-- <li>gocheck_do_not_annotate</li> --> <dd>gocheck_do_not_annotate</dd> <!-- <li><a href="" title="View details of the GO slim"></a></li> --> <!-- <li>Unavailable</li> --> <!-- <li>goslim_chembl</li> --> <dd>goslim_chembl</dd> <!-- <li><a href="" title="View details of the GO slim"></a></li> --> <!-- <li>Unavailable</li> --> <!-- <li>goslim_plant</li> --> <dd>goslim_plant</dd> <!-- <li><a href="" title="View details of the GO slim"></a></li> --> <!-- <li>Unavailable</li> --> <!-- <li>goslim_pir</li> --> <dd>goslim_pir</dd> <!-- <li><a href="" title="View details of the GO slim"></a></li> --> <!-- <li>Unavailable</li> --> <!-- <li>goslim_euk_cellular_processes_ribbon</li> --> <dd>goslim_euk_cellular_processes_ribbon</dd> <!-- <li><a href="" title="View details of the GO slim"></a></li> --> <!-- <li>Unavailable</li> --> <!-- <li>goslim_prokaryote_ribbon</li> --> <dd>goslim_prokaryote_ribbon</dd> <!-- </ul> --> <!-- </dd> --> <!-- JS dynamic links created by manager. --> <dt id="prob_related" class="hidden">Related</dt> <dd id="prob_bio" class="hidden"> <a id="prob_bio_href" href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs">Link</a> to all <strong>genes and gene products</strong> annotated to metabolic process (<strong>excluding "regulates"</strong>). </dd> <dd id="prob_ann" class="hidden"> <a id="prob_ann_href" href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs">Link</a> to all direct and indirect <strong>annotations</strong> to metabolic process (<strong>excluding "regulates"</strong>). </dd> <dd id="prob_ann_dl" class="hidden"> <a id="prob_ann_dl_href" href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs">Link</a> to all direct and indirect <strong>annotations download</strong> (limited to first 10,000) for metabolic process (<strong>excluding "regulates"</strong>). </dd> <!-- <\!-- -\-> --> <!-- <dt>Feedback</dt> --> <!-- <dd> --> <!-- Contact the --> <!-- <a href="" title="GO Helpdesk.">GO Helpdesk</a> --> <!-- if you find mistakes or have concerns --> <!-- about the data you find here. --> <!-- </dd> --> </dl> <div> <a href="/amigo/term/GO:0008152?relation=regulates" class="btn btn-primary"> Include "regulates"</a> <br />For more information, please see the <a href="">ontology relation documentation</a>. </div> </div> </div> <!-- END template: term_details_main.tmpl --> <!-- Hrm... --> <!-- Display tabbing. --> <ul id="display-tabs" class="nav nav-tabs"> <!-- NOTE: As of RC3, "active" did not work, so still tabbed from JS. --> <!-- <li class="active"> --> <li> <a href="#display-associations-tab" data-toggle="tab">Annotations</a> </li> <li> <a href="#display-graphics-tab" data-toggle="tab">Graph Views</a> </li> <li> <a href="#display-lineage-tab" data-toggle="tab">Inferred Tree View</a> </li> <li> <!-- <a href="#display-sentences-tab" data-toggle="tab">Ancestors and Children</a> --> <a href="#display-sentences-tab" 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document">Graphical view (SVG)</a></li> <!-- One day this will be out of experimental. --> <!-- <li><a href="" --> <!-- title="Navigate the GO, using the current term as a seed">GO Navigation</a></li> --> </ul> <!-- END template: term_details_graphics.tmpl --> </div> </div> </div> <div id="display-lineage-tab" class="tab-pane"> <div class="panel panel-default amigo-detail-tab-spacer"> <div class="panel-body"> <!-- START template: term_details_lineage.tmpl --> <!-- <h4>Term lineage for metabolic process, including inferred links:</h4> --> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206a408e0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 0--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[Inferred is_a relation]" title="Inferred is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to biological_process">GO:0008150 biological_process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206a049f8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 1--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cellular process">GO:0009987 cellular process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206a416f0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 2--> <!-- override_image => <!-- override_title = Current term--> <!-- override_link = 1--> <!-- override_bold = 1--> <li> <img src="" alt="[Current term]" title="Current term" /> <span style="font-weight: bold;">GO:0008152 metabolic process</span> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af5e80)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to 3-methylquinoline metabolic process">GO:0018930 3-methylquinoline metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af2a78)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin metabolic process">GO:1901850 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206aeb448)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to acetate ester metabolic process">GO:1900619 acetate ester metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b26580)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to acetylenic compound metabolic process">GO:0120246 acetylenic compound metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b26340)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to adaptive thermogenesis">GO:1990845 adaptive thermogenesis</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206aee140)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to aldehyde metabolic process">GO:0006081 aldehyde metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af20b8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to aldoxime metabolic process">GO:0019330 aldoxime metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af5d60)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to alkaloid metabolic process">GO:0009820 alkaloid metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af5508)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to amide metabolic process">GO:0043603 amide metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b26100)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to amine metabolic process">GO:0009308 amine metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af28b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ammonium ion metabolic process">GO:0097164 ammonium ion metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af5580)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to antibiotic metabolic process">GO:0016999 antibiotic metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206ae7590)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to austinol metabolic process">GO:1900558 austinol metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b264f0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to benzene-containing compound metabolic process">GO:0042537 benzene-containing compound metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b25ec0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to betaine aldehyde metabolic process">GO:1902061 betaine aldehyde metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b26190)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to bioluminescence">GO:0008218 bioluminescence</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af2040)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to biosynthetic process">GO:0009058 biosynthetic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af1f20)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to candicidin metabolic process">GO:1901125 candicidin metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af2580)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to carbazole metabolic process">GO:0018884 carbazole metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af2c28)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to carbohydrate derivative metabolic process">GO:1901135 carbohydrate derivative metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206ae6ed0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to carbon fixation">GO:0015977 carbon fixation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206ae77d0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to catabolic process">GO:0009056 catabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b263d0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[negatively_regulates relation]" title="negatively_regulates relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to catabolite repression">GO:0061984 catabolite repression</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206aee278)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cellular metabolic compound salvage">GO:0043094 cellular metabolic compound salvage</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206aea6c8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cellular senescence">GO:0090398 cellular senescence</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b262b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to chemosynthesis">GO:0062097 chemosynthesis</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af56a0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to collagen metabolic process">GO:0032963 collagen metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af5610)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cyanide metabolic process">GO:0019499 cyanide metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af5aa8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to demethylation">GO:0070988 demethylation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206ae6c90)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to dipyrrin metabolic process">GO:0046453 dipyrrin metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af2208)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to flavin-containing compound metabolic process">GO:0042726 flavin-containing compound metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af2310)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to flavonoid metabolic process">GO:0009812 flavonoid metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af57d8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to futile creatine cycle">GO:0140651 futile creatine cycle</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af2838)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to generation of precursor metabolites and energy">GO:0006091 generation of precursor metabolites and energy</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af5970)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to glycosylation">GO:0070085 glycosylation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b26070)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to hormone metabolic process">GO:0042445 hormone metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af22b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to hydrocarbon metabolic process">GO:0120252 hydrocarbon metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af5dd8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to hydrogen metabolic process">GO:1902421 hydrogen metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206aee1e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to hydroperoxide metabolic process">GO:2001290 hydroperoxide metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206ae3fc8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to imidazole-containing compound metabolic process">GO:0052803 imidazole-containing compound metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b26610)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to indole-containing compound metabolic process">GO:0042430 indole-containing compound metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af5a00)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to iron-sulfur-molybdenum cofactor metabolic process">GO:1901286 iron-sulfur-molybdenum cofactor metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af5cd0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ketone metabolic process">GO:0042180 ketone metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af58e0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to lactone metabolic process">GO:1901334 lactone metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af1de8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to macromolecule metabolic process">GO:0043170 macromolecule metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af5bb0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to metabolite repair">GO:0110051 metabolite repair</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af5850)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to methanofuran metabolic process">GO:2001119 methanofuran metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b26220)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to methanophenazine metabolic process">GO:1900629 methanophenazine metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206aeab48)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to methylation">GO:0032259 methylation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af27a8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to modified amino acid metabolic process">GO:0006575 modified amino acid metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af25f8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mucilage metabolic process">GO:0010191 mucilage metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206aeb640)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[negatively_regulates relation]" title="negatively_regulates relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to negative regulation of metabolic process">GO:0009892 negative regulation of metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206ae7350)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to nicotine metabolic process">GO:0018933 nicotine metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af53d0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to nitrile metabolic process">GO:0050898 nitrile metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af24d8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to nitrogen cycle metabolic process">GO:0071941 nitrogen cycle metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af5b08)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to olefinic compound metabolic process">GO:0120254 olefinic compound metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b25c80)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to organic heteropentacyclic compound metabolic process">GO:1901376 organic heteropentacyclic compound metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b25d10)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to organic hydroxy compound metabolic process">GO:1901615 organic hydroxy compound metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af1d88)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to organohalogen metabolic process">GO:0090345 organohalogen metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af5460)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to organometal metabolic process">GO:0018942 organometal metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b25da0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to oxazole or thiazole metabolic process">GO:0046484 oxazole or thiazole metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b25fe0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to oxygen metabolic process">GO:0072592 oxygen metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af5f10)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to peptide metabolic process">GO:0006518 peptide metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af5c40)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to phosphinothricin metabolic process">GO:1901764 phosphinothricin metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206aea908)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to phosphorus metabolic process">GO:0006793 phosphorus metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206ae4298)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to photosynthesis">GO:0015979 photosynthesis</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b26460)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to pigment metabolic process">GO:0042440 pigment metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206aead88)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) metabolic process">GO:0042620 poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af1e90)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to poly(hydroxyalkanoate) metabolic process">GO:1901440 poly(hydroxyalkanoate) metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206aed450)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[positively_regulates relation]" title="positively_regulates relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of metabolic process">GO:0009893 positive regulation of metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b25e30)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to prenylation">GO:0097354 prenylation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af1ce0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to primary amino compound metabolic process">GO:1901160 primary amino compound metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561205f83850)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to primary metabolic process">GO:0044238 primary metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b25f50)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to prosthetic group metabolic process">GO:0051189 prosthetic group metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b26730)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to pteridine-containing compound metabolic process">GO:0042558 pteridine-containing compound metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b26850)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to purine-containing compound metabolic process">GO:0072521 purine-containing compound metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af2718)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to pyridine-containing compound metabolic process">GO:0072524 pyridine-containing compound metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206ae7110)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to pyrimidine-containing compound metabolic process">GO:0072527 pyrimidine-containing compound metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af2b98)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to reactive nitrogen species metabolic process">GO:2001057 reactive nitrogen species metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b266a0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to reactive oxygen species metabolic process">GO:0072593 reactive oxygen species metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af5730)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[regulates relation]" title="regulates relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to regulation of metabolic process">GO:0019222 regulation of metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af2688)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to replicative senescence">GO:0090399 replicative senescence</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af2958)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to respiratory burst">GO:0045730 respiratory burst</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af29e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to secondary metabolic process">GO:0019748 secondary metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af2448)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to selenium compound metabolic process">GO:0001887 selenium compound metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af2b08)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to small molecule metabolic process">GO:0044281 small molecule metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206aeafc8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to sulfur compound metabolic process">GO:0006790 sulfur compound metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af1fb0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to tartrate metabolic process">GO:1901275 tartrate metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206b267c0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to tetrapyrrole metabolic process">GO:0033013 tetrapyrrole metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206ae6a50)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to translational initiation">GO:0006413 translational initiation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206af23b8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to tyrocidine metabolic process">GO:1901902 tyrocidine metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x561206aeb208)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to xenobiotic metabolic process">GO:0006805 xenobiotic metabolic process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> </ul> <!-- END template: term_details_lineage.tmpl --> </div> </div> </div> <div id="display-sentences-tab" class="tab-pane"> <div class="panel panel-default amigo-detail-tab-spacer"> <div class="panel-body"> <!-- START template: term_details_sentences.tmpl --> <h5 class="text-center"> Parents of metabolic process (GO:0008152) </h5> <table id="all-table-above" class="table table-striped table-hover"> <!-- START template: term_details_neighborhood_head.tmpl --> <thead> <tr> <th style="width: 42%">subject<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by subject" alt="[Reorder by subject]" /></th> <th style="width: 16%">relation<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by relation" alt="[Reorder by relation]" /></th> <th style="width: 42%">object<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by object" alt="[Reorder by object]" /></th> </tr> </thead> <!-- END template: term_details_neighborhood_head.tmpl --> <tbody> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561205f8aad8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 0 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = object --> <tr class=""> <td> metabolic process </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cellular process">cellular process (GO:0009987)</a> </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> </tbody> </table> <h5 class="text-center"> Children of metabolic process (GO:0008152) </h5> <table id="all-table-below" class="table table-striped table-hover"> <!-- START template: term_details_neighborhood_head.tmpl --> <thead> <tr> <th style="width: 42%">subject<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by subject" alt="[Reorder by subject]" /></th> <th style="width: 16%">relation<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by relation" alt="[Reorder by relation]" /></th> <th style="width: 42%">object<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by object" alt="[Reorder by object]" /></th> </tr> </thead> <!-- END template: term_details_neighborhood_head.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561205f8ac58) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 1 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to indole-containing compound metabolic process">indole-containing compound metabolic process (GO:0042430)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561205f89030) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 2 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to reactive oxygen species metabolic process">reactive oxygen species metabolic process (GO:0072593)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561205f8ad30) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 3 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to pteridine-containing compound metabolic process">pteridine-containing compound metabolic process (GO:0042558)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561205f88a00) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 4 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to purine-containing compound metabolic process">purine-containing compound metabolic process (GO:0072521)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206aeb088) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 5 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to tetrapyrrole metabolic process">tetrapyrrole metabolic process (GO:0033013)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206af5e50) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 6 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to benzene-containing compound metabolic process">benzene-containing compound metabolic process (GO:0042537)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206af2748) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 7 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to acetylenic compound metabolic process">acetylenic compound metabolic process (GO:0120246)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206aed948) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 8 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to catabolite repression">catabolite repression (GO:0061984)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[RO:0002212 relation]" title="RO:0002212 relation" /> RO:0002212 </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b26328) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 9 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to pigment metabolic process">pigment metabolic process (GO:0042440)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206ae7890) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 10 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to hormone metabolic process">hormone metabolic process (GO:0042445)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206ae7950) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 11 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to bioluminescence">bioluminescence (GO:0008218)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206af1d58) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 12 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to amine metabolic process">amine metabolic process (GO:0009308)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206af2070) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 13 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to chemosynthesis">chemosynthesis (GO:0062097)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b268b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 14 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to methanophenazine metabolic process">methanophenazine metabolic process (GO:1900629)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206ae72f0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 15 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to adaptive thermogenesis">adaptive thermogenesis (GO:1990845)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206af2538) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 16 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to oxazole or thiazole metabolic process">oxazole or thiazole metabolic process (GO:0046484)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b267a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 17 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to prenylation">prenylation (GO:0097354)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206af5a90) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 18 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to betaine aldehyde metabolic process">betaine aldehyde metabolic process (GO:1902061)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206af2b68) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 19 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to prosthetic group metabolic process">prosthetic group metabolic process (GO:0051189)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b25e78) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 20 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to oxygen metabolic process">oxygen metabolic process (GO:0072592)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b26040) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 21 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to organic hydroxy compound metabolic process">organic hydroxy compound metabolic process (GO:1901615)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b26958) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 22 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to nitrogen utilization">nitrogen utilization (GO:0019740)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000051 relation]" title="BFO:0000051 relation" /> BFO:0000051 </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b269e8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 23 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to sulfur compound metabolic process">sulfur compound metabolic process (GO:0006790)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b26a78) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 24 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to xenobiotic metabolic process">xenobiotic metabolic process (GO:0006805)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b2fca0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 25 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to negative regulation of metabolic process">negative regulation of metabolic process (GO:0009892)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[RO:0002212 relation]" title="RO:0002212 relation" /> RO:0002212 </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b2fd30) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 26 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to acetate ester metabolic process">acetate ester metabolic process (GO:1900619)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b2fdc0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 27 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to organic heteropentacyclic compound metabolic process">organic heteropentacyclic compound metabolic process (GO:1901376)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b2fe50) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 28 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) metabolic process">poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) metabolic process (GO:0042620)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b2fee0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 29 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to phosphorus metabolic process">phosphorus metabolic process (GO:0006793)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b2ff70) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 30 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to methylation">methylation (GO:0032259)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b30000) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 31 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to nicotine metabolic process">nicotine metabolic process (GO:0018933)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b30090) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 32 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to austinol metabolic process">austinol metabolic process (GO:1900558)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b30120) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 33 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to catabolic process">catabolic process (GO:0009056)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b301b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 34 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cellular senescence">cellular senescence (GO:0090398)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b30240) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 35 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to translational initiation">translational initiation (GO:0006413)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b302d0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 36 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to dipyrrin metabolic process">dipyrrin metabolic process (GO:0046453)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b30360) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 37 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to pyrimidine-containing compound metabolic process">pyrimidine-containing compound metabolic process (GO:0072527)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b303f0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 38 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to carbon fixation">carbon fixation (GO:0015977)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b30480) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 39 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to peptide metabolic process">peptide metabolic process (GO:0006518)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b30510) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 40 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to imidazole-containing compound metabolic process">imidazole-containing compound metabolic process (GO:0052803)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b305a0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 41 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to photosynthesis">photosynthesis (GO:0015979)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b30630) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 42 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to hydrogen metabolic process">hydrogen metabolic process (GO:1902421)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b306c0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 43 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to 3-methylquinoline metabolic process">3-methylquinoline metabolic process (GO:0018930)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b30750) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 44 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to phosphinothricin metabolic process">phosphinothricin metabolic process (GO:1901764)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b307e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 45 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to metabolite repair">metabolite repair (GO:0110051)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b30870) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 46 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ketone metabolic process">ketone metabolic process (GO:0042180)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b30900) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 47 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to alkaloid metabolic process">alkaloid metabolic process (GO:0009820)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b30990) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 48 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to iron-sulfur-molybdenum cofactor metabolic process">iron-sulfur-molybdenum cofactor metabolic process (GO:1901286)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b30a20) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 49 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to demethylation">demethylation (GO:0070988)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b30ab0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 50 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to olefinic compound metabolic process">olefinic compound metabolic process (GO:0120254)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b30b40) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 51 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to methanofuran metabolic process">methanofuran metabolic process (GO:2001119)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b30bd0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 52 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to futile creatine cycle">futile creatine cycle (GO:0140651)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b31b28) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 53 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to glycosylation">glycosylation (GO:0070085)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b31bb8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 54 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to lactone metabolic process">lactone metabolic process (GO:1901334)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b31c48) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 55 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to collagen metabolic process">collagen metabolic process (GO:0032963)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b31cd8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 56 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to antibiotic metabolic process">antibiotic metabolic process (GO:0016999)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b31d68) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 57 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cyanide metabolic process">cyanide metabolic process (GO:0019499)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b31df8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 58 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to amide metabolic process">amide metabolic process (GO:0043603)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b31e88) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 59 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to organometal metabolic process">organometal metabolic process (GO:0018942)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b31f18) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 60 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to regulation of metabolic process">regulation of metabolic process (GO:0019222)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[RO:0002211 relation]" title="RO:0002211 relation" /> RO:0002211 </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b31fa8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 61 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to carbohydrate derivative metabolic process">carbohydrate derivative metabolic process (GO:1901135)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b32038) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 62 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to nitrile metabolic process">nitrile metabolic process (GO:0050898)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b320c8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 63 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to secondary metabolic process">secondary metabolic process (GO:0019748)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b32158) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 64 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin metabolic process">7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin metabolic process (GO:1901850)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b321e8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 65 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to small molecule metabolic process">small molecule metabolic process (GO:0044281)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b32278) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 66 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to reactive nitrogen species metabolic process">reactive nitrogen species metabolic process (GO:2001057)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b32308) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 67 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ammonium ion metabolic process">ammonium ion metabolic process (GO:0097164)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b32398) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 68 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to respiratory burst">respiratory burst (GO:0045730)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b32428) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 69 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to modified amino acid metabolic process">modified amino acid metabolic process (GO:0006575)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b324b8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 70 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to generation of precursor metabolites and energy">generation of precursor metabolites and energy (GO:0006091)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b32548) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 71 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to replicative senescence">replicative senescence (GO:0090399)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b325d8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 72 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to pyridine-containing compound metabolic process">pyridine-containing compound metabolic process (GO:0072524)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b32668) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 73 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to carbazole metabolic process">carbazole metabolic process (GO:0018884)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b326f8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 74 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mucilage metabolic process">mucilage metabolic process (GO:0010191)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b32788) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 75 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to flavin-containing compound metabolic process">flavin-containing compound metabolic process (GO:0042726)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b32818) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 76 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to hydrocarbon metabolic process">hydrocarbon metabolic process (GO:0120252)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b328a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 77 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to tyrocidine metabolic process">tyrocidine metabolic process (GO:1901902)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b32938) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 78 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to flavonoid metabolic process">flavonoid metabolic process (GO:0009812)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b329c8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 79 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to selenium compound metabolic process">selenium compound metabolic process (GO:0001887)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b32a58) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 80 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to nitrogen cycle metabolic process">nitrogen cycle metabolic process (GO:0071941)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b34410) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 81 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to aldoxime metabolic process">aldoxime metabolic process (GO:0019330)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b344a0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 82 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of metabolic process">positive regulation of metabolic process (GO:0009893)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[RO:0002213 relation]" title="RO:0002213 relation" /> RO:0002213 </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b34530) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 83 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to biosynthetic process">biosynthetic process (GO:0009058)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b345c0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 84 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to tartrate metabolic process">tartrate metabolic process (GO:1901275)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b34650) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 85 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to poly(hydroxyalkanoate) metabolic process">poly(hydroxyalkanoate) metabolic process (GO:1901440)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b346e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 86 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to macromolecule metabolic process">macromolecule metabolic process (GO:0043170)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b34770) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 87 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to candicidin metabolic process">candicidin metabolic process (GO:1901125)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b34800) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 88 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to organohalogen metabolic process">organohalogen metabolic process (GO:0090345)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b34890) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 89 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to aldehyde metabolic process">aldehyde metabolic process (GO:0006081)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b34920) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 90 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to hydroperoxide metabolic process">hydroperoxide metabolic process (GO:2001290)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b349b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 91 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cellular metabolic compound salvage">cellular metabolic compound salvage (GO:0043094)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b34a40) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 92 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to primary amino compound metabolic process">primary amino compound metabolic process (GO:1901160)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x561206b34ad0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x561206a416f0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 93 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to primary metabolic process">primary metabolic process (GO:0044238)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> metabolic process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <tbody> </tbody> </table> <!-- END template: 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