What are the Hallmarks of Aging - American Federation for Aging Research

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0.47,2.45 0.47,3.75 v 15.98 h -6.33 v -12.82 c 0,-0.7 -0.03,-1.49 -0.11,-2.35 -0.07,-0.86 -0.26,-1.67 -0.55,-2.43 -0.3,-0.76 -0.76,-1.39 -1.4,-1.9 -0.63,-0.51 -1.5,-0.77 -2.58,-0.77 -1.06,0 -1.94,0.18 -2.66,0.53 -0.72,0.35 -1.32,0.83 -1.79,1.42 -0.47,0.6 -0.82,1.28 -1.03,2.06 -0.21,0.78 -0.32,1.58 -0.32,2.43 v 13.82 h -6.33 v -25.3 z" id="path30" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 403.19,566.63 h -5.22 v -5.38 h 5.22 v -3.59 c 0,-1.76 0.12,-3.35 0.37,-4.77 0.24,-1.42 0.71,-2.64 1.4,-3.67 0.69,-1.02 1.64,-1.8 2.88,-2.35 1.23,-0.55 2.83,-0.82 4.8,-0.82 1.44,0 2.78,0.12 4.01,0.37 l -0.42,5.38 c -0.46,-0.1 -0.9,-0.19 -1.32,-0.26 -0.42,-0.07 -0.86,-0.11 -1.32,-0.11 -0.88,0 -1.58,0.14 -2.11,0.42 -0.53,0.28 -0.94,0.66 -1.24,1.14 -0.3,0.47 -0.49,1.03 -0.58,1.66 -0.09,0.63 -0.13,1.3 -0.13,2 v 4.59 h 5.85 v 5.38 h -5.85 v 19.94 h -6.33 v -19.93 z" id="path32" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 424.55,576.12 c 0.21,1.9 0.95,3.37 2.22,4.43 1.26,1.06 2.79,1.58 4.59,1.58 1.58,0 2.91,-0.33 3.98,-0.98 1.07,-0.65 2.01,-1.46 2.82,-2.45 l 4.54,3.43 c -1.48,1.83 -3.13,3.13 -4.96,3.9 -1.83,0.77 -3.74,1.16 -5.75,1.16 -1.9,0 -3.69,-0.31 -5.38,-0.95 -1.69,-0.63 -3.15,-1.53 -4.38,-2.69 -1.23,-1.16 -2.21,-2.56 -2.93,-4.19 -0.72,-1.64 -1.08,-3.46 -1.08,-5.46 0,-2 0.36,-3.82 1.08,-5.46 0.72,-1.64 1.7,-3.03 2.93,-4.19 1.23,-1.16 2.69,-2.06 4.38,-2.69 1.69,-0.63 3.48,-0.95 5.38,-0.95 1.76,0 3.36,0.31 4.82,0.92 1.46,0.62 2.71,1.51 3.74,2.67 1.04,1.16 1.85,2.59 2.43,4.3 0.58,1.71 0.87,3.67 0.87,5.88 v 1.74 z m 12.98,-4.75 c -0.03,-1.86 -0.62,-3.33 -1.74,-4.4 -1.12,-1.07 -2.69,-1.61 -4.69,-1.61 -1.9,0 -3.4,0.55 -4.51,1.64 -1.11,1.09 -1.79,2.55 -2.03,4.38 h 12.97 z" id="path34" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 469.8,582.76 h -0.1 c -0.91,1.55 -2.15,2.67 -3.69,3.38 -1.55,0.7 -3.22,1.05 -5.01,1.05 -1.97,0 -3.72,-0.34 -5.24,-1.03 -1.53,-0.69 -2.84,-1.63 -3.93,-2.82 -1.09,-1.19 -1.92,-2.6 -2.48,-4.22 -0.56,-1.61 -0.85,-3.36 -0.85,-5.22 0,-1.86 0.3,-3.61 0.9,-5.22 0.6,-1.61 1.43,-3.02 2.5,-4.22 1.07,-1.19 2.36,-2.13 3.88,-2.82 1.51,-0.69 3.16,-1.03 4.96,-1.03 1.19,0 2.25,0.12 3.16,0.37 0.91,0.25 1.72,0.56 2.43,0.95 0.7,0.39 1.3,0.8 1.79,1.24 0.49,0.44 0.9,0.87 1.21,1.29 h 0.16 v -17.77 h 6.33 v 39.87 h -6.01 v -3.8 z m -14.97,-8.85 c 0,0.98 0.17,1.94 0.5,2.85 0.33,0.92 0.83,1.73 1.47,2.43 0.65,0.7 1.43,1.27 2.35,1.69 0.91,0.42 1.95,0.63 3.11,0.63 1.16,0 2.2,-0.21 3.11,-0.63 0.91,-0.42 1.7,-0.98 2.35,-1.69 0.65,-0.7 1.14,-1.51 1.48,-2.43 0.33,-0.91 0.5,-1.86 0.5,-2.85 0,-0.98 -0.17,-1.94 -0.5,-2.85 -0.33,-0.91 -0.83,-1.72 -1.48,-2.42 -0.65,-0.7 -1.43,-1.27 -2.35,-1.69 -0.91,-0.42 -1.95,-0.64 -3.11,-0.64 -1.16,0 -2.2,0.21 -3.11,0.64 -0.91,0.42 -1.7,0.98 -2.35,1.69 -0.65,0.7 -1.14,1.51 -1.47,2.42 -0.34,0.91 -0.5,1.86 -0.5,2.85 z" id="path36" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 488.05,576.12 c 0.21,1.9 0.95,3.37 2.21,4.43 1.26,1.06 2.79,1.58 4.59,1.58 1.58,0 2.91,-0.33 3.98,-0.98 1.07,-0.65 2.01,-1.46 2.82,-2.45 l 4.54,3.43 c -1.48,1.83 -3.13,3.13 -4.96,3.9 -1.83,0.77 -3.74,1.16 -5.75,1.16 -1.9,0 -3.7,-0.31 -5.38,-0.95 -1.69,-0.63 -3.15,-1.53 -4.38,-2.69 -1.23,-1.16 -2.21,-2.56 -2.93,-4.19 -0.72,-1.64 -1.08,-3.46 -1.08,-5.46 0,-2 0.36,-3.82 1.08,-5.46 0.72,-1.64 1.7,-3.03 2.93,-4.19 1.23,-1.16 2.69,-2.06 4.38,-2.69 1.69,-0.63 3.48,-0.95 5.38,-0.95 1.76,0 3.36,0.31 4.82,0.92 1.46,0.62 2.71,1.51 3.74,2.67 1.04,1.16 1.85,2.59 2.43,4.3 0.58,1.71 0.87,3.67 0.87,5.88 v 1.74 z m 12.98,-4.75 c -0.03,-1.86 -0.62,-3.33 -1.74,-4.4 -1.12,-1.07 -2.69,-1.61 -4.69,-1.61 -1.9,0 -3.4,0.55 -4.51,1.64 -1.11,1.09 -1.79,2.55 -2.03,4.38 h 12.97 z" id="path38" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 513.26,561.25 h 6.33 v 4.01 h 0.1 c 0.7,-1.48 1.71,-2.62 3.01,-3.43 1.3,-0.81 2.79,-1.21 4.48,-1.21 0.39,0 0.77,0.04 1.14,0.11 0.37,0.07 0.75,0.16 1.13,0.26 v 6.12 c -0.53,-0.14 -1.05,-0.26 -1.56,-0.34 -0.51,-0.09 -1.01,-0.13 -1.5,-0.13 -1.48,0 -2.66,0.27 -3.56,0.82 -0.9,0.55 -1.58,1.17 -2.06,1.87 -0.47,0.7 -0.79,1.41 -0.95,2.11 -0.16,0.7 -0.24,1.23 -0.24,1.58 v 13.55 h -6.33 v -25.32 z" id="path40" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 549.6,583.08 h -0.16 c -0.91,1.44 -2.08,2.49 -3.48,3.14 -1.41,0.65 -2.95,0.97 -4.64,0.97 -1.16,0 -2.3,-0.15 -3.4,-0.47 -1.11,-0.32 -2.09,-0.79 -2.95,-1.42 -0.86,-0.63 -1.56,-1.42 -2.09,-2.37 -0.52,-0.95 -0.79,-2.06 -0.79,-3.32 0,-1.37 0.24,-2.54 0.74,-3.51 0.49,-0.97 1.15,-1.78 1.98,-2.43 0.82,-0.65 1.79,-1.17 2.88,-1.56 1.09,-0.39 2.22,-0.68 3.4,-0.87 1.18,-0.19 2.36,-0.31 3.56,-0.37 1.19,-0.05 2.32,-0.08 3.37,-0.08 h 1.58 v -0.69 c 0,-1.58 -0.55,-2.77 -1.64,-3.56 -1.09,-0.79 -2.48,-1.19 -4.17,-1.19 -1.33,0 -2.58,0.24 -3.74,0.71 -1.16,0.48 -2.16,1.12 -3.01,1.93 l -3.32,-3.33 c 1.41,-1.44 3.05,-2.48 4.93,-3.11 1.88,-0.63 3.82,-0.95 5.83,-0.95 1.79,0 3.3,0.21 4.54,0.61 1.23,0.4 2.25,0.92 3.06,1.55 0.81,0.64 1.43,1.36 1.87,2.19 0.44,0.83 0.76,1.66 0.95,2.51 0.19,0.84 0.3,1.66 0.34,2.45 0.03,0.79 0.05,1.49 0.05,2.09 v 14.55 h -5.7 v -3.47 z m -0.37,-7.86 h -1.32 c -0.88,0 -1.87,0.03 -2.96,0.11 -1.09,0.07 -2.12,0.24 -3.08,0.5 -0.97,0.27 -1.79,0.65 -2.46,1.16 -0.67,0.51 -1,1.22 -1,2.13 0,0.6 0.13,1.1 0.39,1.51 0.26,0.4 0.61,0.75 1.03,1.03 0.42,0.28 0.9,0.49 1.42,0.61 0.53,0.12 1.06,0.18 1.58,0.18 2.18,0 3.79,-0.52 4.82,-1.56 1.04,-1.03 1.56,-2.45 1.56,-4.24 v -1.43 z" id="path42" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 559.15,566.63 v -5.38 h 5.22 v -7.33 h 6.33 v 7.33 h 6.96 v 5.38 h -6.96 v 11.08 c 0,1.27 0.24,2.27 0.71,3 0.47,0.74 1.41,1.11 2.82,1.11 0.56,0 1.18,-0.06 1.85,-0.18 0.67,-0.12 1.2,-0.33 1.58,-0.61 v 5.33 c -0.67,0.32 -1.49,0.54 -2.46,0.66 -0.97,0.12 -1.82,0.18 -2.56,0.18 -1.69,0 -3.06,-0.18 -4.14,-0.55 -1.07,-0.37 -1.92,-0.93 -2.53,-1.69 -0.61,-0.76 -1.04,-1.7 -1.27,-2.82 -0.23,-1.12 -0.34,-2.42 -0.34,-3.91 v -11.6 z" id="path44" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 581.88,552.65 c 0,-1.02 0.37,-1.91 1.13,-2.67 0.76,-0.76 1.71,-1.13 2.87,-1.13 1.16,0 2.14,0.36 2.93,1.08 0.79,0.72 1.19,1.63 1.19,2.72 0,1.09 -0.39,2 -1.19,2.72 -0.79,0.72 -1.76,1.08 -2.93,1.08 -1.16,0 -2.12,-0.38 -2.87,-1.14 -0.76,-0.75 -1.13,-1.64 -1.13,-2.66 z m 0.89,8.6 h 6.33 v 25.31 h -6.33 z" id="path46" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 595.11,573.91 c 0,-2 0.36,-3.82 1.08,-5.46 0.72,-1.64 1.7,-3.03 2.93,-4.19 1.23,-1.16 2.69,-2.06 4.38,-2.69 1.69,-0.63 3.48,-0.95 5.38,-0.95 1.9,0 3.69,0.32 5.38,0.95 1.69,0.64 3.15,1.53 4.38,2.69 1.23,1.16 2.21,2.56 2.93,4.19 0.72,1.64 1.08,3.46 1.08,5.46 0,2 -0.36,3.82 -1.08,5.46 -0.72,1.64 -1.7,3.03 -2.93,4.19 -1.23,1.16 -2.69,2.06 -4.38,2.69 -1.69,0.64 -3.48,0.95 -5.38,0.95 -1.9,0 -3.69,-0.31 -5.38,-0.95 -1.69,-0.63 -3.15,-1.53 -4.38,-2.69 -1.23,-1.16 -2.21,-2.56 -2.93,-4.19 -0.72,-1.63 -1.08,-3.46 -1.08,-5.46 z m 6.33,0 c 0,0.98 0.17,1.94 0.5,2.85 0.33,0.92 0.83,1.73 1.48,2.43 0.65,0.7 1.43,1.27 2.35,1.69 0.91,0.42 1.95,0.63 3.11,0.63 1.16,0 2.2,-0.21 3.11,-0.63 0.91,-0.42 1.7,-0.98 2.35,-1.69 0.65,-0.7 1.14,-1.51 1.48,-2.43 0.33,-0.91 0.5,-1.86 0.5,-2.85 0,-0.98 -0.17,-1.94 -0.5,-2.85 -0.33,-0.91 -0.83,-1.72 -1.48,-2.42 -0.65,-0.7 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2.78,0.12 4.01,0.37 l -0.42,5.38 c -0.45,-0.1 -0.9,-0.19 -1.32,-0.26 -0.42,-0.07 -0.86,-0.11 -1.32,-0.11 -0.88,0 -1.58,0.14 -2.11,0.42 -0.52,0.28 -0.94,0.66 -1.24,1.14 -0.3,0.47 -0.49,1.03 -0.58,1.66 -0.09,0.63 -0.13,1.3 -0.13,2 v 4.59 h 5.85 v 5.38 h -5.85 v 19.94 h -6.33 v -19.93 z" id="path52" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 694.37,573.91 c 0,-2 0.36,-3.82 1.08,-5.46 0.72,-1.64 1.7,-3.03 2.93,-4.19 1.23,-1.16 2.69,-2.06 4.38,-2.69 1.69,-0.63 3.48,-0.95 5.38,-0.95 1.9,0 3.69,0.32 5.38,0.95 1.69,0.64 3.15,1.53 4.38,2.69 1.23,1.16 2.21,2.56 2.93,4.19 0.72,1.63 1.08,3.46 1.08,5.46 0,2 -0.36,3.82 -1.08,5.46 -0.72,1.64 -1.7,3.03 -2.93,4.19 -1.23,1.16 -2.69,2.06 -4.38,2.69 -1.69,0.64 -3.48,0.95 -5.38,0.95 -1.9,0 -3.7,-0.31 -5.38,-0.95 -1.69,-0.63 -3.15,-1.53 -4.38,-2.69 -1.23,-1.16 -2.21,-2.56 -2.93,-4.19 -0.72,-1.63 -1.08,-3.46 -1.08,-5.46 z m 6.33,0 c 0,0.98 0.17,1.94 0.5,2.85 0.33,0.92 0.82,1.73 1.48,2.43 0.65,0.7 1.43,1.27 2.35,1.69 0.91,0.42 1.95,0.63 3.11,0.63 1.16,0 2.19,-0.21 3.11,-0.63 0.91,-0.42 1.7,-0.98 2.34,-1.69 0.65,-0.7 1.15,-1.51 1.48,-2.43 0.33,-0.91 0.5,-1.86 0.5,-2.85 0,-0.98 -0.17,-1.94 -0.5,-2.85 -0.33,-0.91 -0.82,-1.72 -1.48,-2.42 -0.65,-0.7 -1.43,-1.27 -2.34,-1.69 -0.92,-0.42 -1.95,-0.64 -3.11,-0.64 -1.16,0 -2.2,0.21 -3.11,0.64 -0.92,0.42 -1.7,0.98 -2.35,1.69 -0.65,0.7 -1.15,1.51 -1.48,2.42 -0.33,0.91 -0.5,1.86 -0.5,2.85 z" id="path54" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 727.81,561.25 h 6.33 v 4.01 h 0.11 c 0.7,-1.48 1.7,-2.62 3,-3.43 1.3,-0.81 2.8,-1.21 4.49,-1.21 0.39,0 0.76,0.04 1.13,0.11 0.37,0.07 0.75,0.16 1.13,0.26 v 6.12 c -0.53,-0.14 -1.05,-0.26 -1.55,-0.34 -0.51,-0.09 -1.01,-0.13 -1.5,-0.13 -1.48,0 -2.67,0.27 -3.56,0.82 -0.9,0.55 -1.58,1.17 -2.06,1.87 -0.48,0.7 -0.79,1.41 -0.95,2.11 -0.16,0.7 -0.24,1.23 -0.24,1.58 v 13.55 h -6.33 z" id="path56" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 176.68,619 h 7.18 l 20.11,46.68 h -9.49 L 190.13,655 h -20.24 l -4.22,10.68 h -9.3 z m 10.54,28.87 -7.19,-18.99 -7.32,18.99 z" id="path58" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 250.64,662.24 c -5.76,3.08 -12.2,4.61 -19.32,4.61 -3.61,0 -6.91,-0.58 -9.92,-1.75 -3.01,-1.16 -5.6,-2.81 -7.78,-4.94 -2.17,-2.13 -3.88,-4.69 -5.11,-7.68 -1.23,-2.99 -1.85,-6.3 -1.85,-9.95 0,-3.74 0.61,-7.13 1.85,-10.18 1.23,-3.06 2.93,-5.66 5.11,-7.82 2.18,-2.15 4.77,-3.81 7.78,-4.97 3.01,-1.17 6.32,-1.75 9.92,-1.75 3.56,0 6.9,0.42 10.02,1.28 3.12,0.86 5.91,2.39 8.37,4.58 l -6.13,6.2 c -1.5,-1.45 -3.31,-2.58 -5.44,-3.36 -2.13,-0.78 -4.38,-1.18 -6.76,-1.18 -2.42,0 -4.61,0.43 -6.56,1.28 -1.96,0.86 -3.64,2.04 -5.04,3.56 -1.41,1.52 -2.5,3.28 -3.26,5.3 -0.76,2.02 -1.15,4.2 -1.15,6.53 0,2.5 0.38,4.81 1.15,6.92 0.77,2.11 1.86,3.93 3.26,5.47 1.41,1.54 3.09,2.75 5.04,3.63 1.96,0.88 4.14,1.32 6.56,1.32 2.11,0 4.1,-0.2 5.97,-0.59 1.87,-0.39 3.53,-1.01 4.98,-1.85 v -11 h -9.56 v -7.52 h 17.87 z" id="path60" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 260.27,619 h 8.31 v 46.68 h -8.31 z" id="path62" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 278.79,619 h 11.01 l 22.61,34.68 h 0.13 V 619 h 8.31 v 46.68 H 310.3 l -23.07,-35.8 h -0.13 v 35.8 h -8.31 z" id="path64" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 372.74,662.24 c -5.76,3.08 -12.2,4.61 -19.32,4.61 -3.61,0 -6.91,-0.58 -9.92,-1.75 -3.01,-1.16 -5.6,-2.81 -7.78,-4.94 -2.17,-2.13 -3.88,-4.69 -5.11,-7.68 -1.23,-2.99 -1.85,-6.3 -1.85,-9.95 0,-3.74 0.61,-7.13 1.85,-10.18 1.23,-3.06 2.93,-5.66 5.11,-7.82 2.18,-2.15 4.77,-3.81 7.78,-4.97 3.01,-1.17 6.32,-1.75 9.92,-1.75 3.56,0 6.9,0.42 10.02,1.28 3.12,0.86 5.91,2.39 8.37,4.58 l -6.13,6.2 c -1.5,-1.45 -3.31,-2.58 -5.44,-3.36 -2.13,-0.79 -4.38,-1.18 -6.76,-1.18 -2.42,0 -4.61,0.43 -6.56,1.28 -1.96,0.86 -3.64,2.04 -5.04,3.56 -1.41,1.52 -2.5,3.28 -3.26,5.3 -0.76,2.02 -1.15,4.2 -1.15,6.53 0,2.5 0.38,4.81 1.15,6.92 0.77,2.11 1.86,3.93 3.26,5.47 1.41,1.54 3.09,2.75 5.04,3.63 1.96,0.88 4.14,1.32 6.56,1.32 2.11,0 4.1,-0.2 5.97,-0.59 1.87,-0.39 3.53,-1.01 4.98,-1.85 v -11 h -9.56 v -7.52 h 17.87 z" id="path66" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 406.88,619 h 16.22 c 2.24,0 4.41,0.21 6.49,0.63 2.09,0.42 3.94,1.13 5.57,2.14 1.62,1.01 2.92,2.37 3.89,4.09 0.97,1.71 1.45,3.89 1.45,6.52 0,3.39 -0.93,6.22 -2.8,8.51 -1.87,2.28 -4.54,3.67 -8.01,4.15 l 12.39,20.64 H 432.06 L 421.25,645.9 h -6.06 v 19.78 h -8.31 z m 14.76,19.78 c 1.19,0 2.37,-0.06 3.56,-0.16 1.19,-0.11 2.27,-0.37 3.26,-0.79 0.99,-0.42 1.79,-1.05 2.41,-1.91 0.62,-0.86 0.92,-2.06 0.92,-3.59 0,-1.36 -0.29,-2.46 -0.86,-3.3 -0.57,-0.84 -1.32,-1.46 -2.24,-1.88 -0.92,-0.42 -1.94,-0.69 -3.06,-0.82 -1.12,-0.13 -2.21,-0.2 -3.26,-0.2 h -7.18 v 12.66 h 6.45 z" id="path68" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 448.41,619 h 30.92 v 7.52 h -22.61 v 11.47 h 21.43 v 7.52 h -21.43 v 12.66 h 23.8 v 7.52 h -32.11 z" id="path70" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 511.56,629.02 c -0.88,-1.27 -2.06,-2.21 -3.53,-2.8 -1.47,-0.59 -3.02,-0.89 -4.65,-0.89 -0.97,0 -1.9,0.11 -2.8,0.33 -0.9,0.22 -1.72,0.58 -2.44,1.06 -0.73,0.49 -1.3,1.11 -1.75,1.88 -0.44,0.77 -0.66,1.68 -0.66,2.73 0,1.58 0.55,2.79 1.65,3.63 1.1,0.84 2.46,1.56 4.09,2.18 1.63,0.62 3.4,1.21 5.34,1.78 1.94,0.57 3.71,1.36 5.34,2.37 1.63,1.01 2.99,2.35 4.09,4.02 1.1,1.67 1.65,3.89 1.65,6.66 0,2.51 -0.46,4.69 -1.39,6.56 -0.92,1.87 -2.16,3.42 -3.73,4.65 -1.56,1.23 -3.37,2.15 -5.44,2.77 -2.06,0.62 -4.24,0.92 -6.53,0.92 -2.9,0 -5.69,-0.48 -8.37,-1.45 -2.68,-0.97 -4.99,-2.6 -6.92,-4.88 l 6.26,-6.06 c 1.01,1.54 2.34,2.73 3.99,3.59 1.65,0.86 3.39,1.28 5.24,1.28 0.97,0 1.93,-0.13 2.9,-0.39 0.97,-0.26 1.85,-0.66 2.64,-1.18 0.79,-0.53 1.42,-1.2 1.91,-2.01 0.48,-0.81 0.73,-1.75 0.73,-2.8 0,-1.72 -0.55,-3.03 -1.65,-3.96 -1.1,-0.93 -2.46,-1.7 -4.09,-2.34 -1.63,-0.64 -3.41,-1.24 -5.34,-1.82 -1.94,-0.57 -3.72,-1.35 -5.34,-2.34 -1.63,-0.99 -2.99,-2.31 -4.09,-3.96 -1.1,-1.65 -1.65,-3.85 -1.65,-6.62 0,-2.42 0.49,-4.51 1.49,-6.27 0.99,-1.76 2.28,-3.22 3.89,-4.38 1.61,-1.16 3.44,-2.03 5.51,-2.61 2.06,-0.57 4.17,-0.85 6.33,-0.85 2.46,0 4.85,0.37 7.15,1.12 2.3,0.75 4.38,1.98 6.23,3.69 z" id="path72" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 526.53,619 h 30.92 v 7.52 h -22.61 v 11.47 h 21.43 v 7.52 h -21.43 v 12.66 h 23.8 v 7.52 h -32.1 V 619 Z" id="path74" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 581.91,619 h 7.18 l 20.11,46.68 h -9.49 L 595.36,655 h -20.24 l -4.22,10.68 h -9.3 z m 10.55,28.87 -7.19,-18.99 -7.31,18.99 z" id="path76" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 614.41,619 h 16.22 c 2.24,0 4.4,0.21 6.49,0.63 2.09,0.42 3.94,1.13 5.57,2.14 1.62,1.01 2.92,2.37 3.89,4.09 0.97,1.71 1.45,3.89 1.45,6.52 0,3.39 -0.94,6.22 -2.8,8.51 -1.87,2.28 -4.54,3.67 -8.01,4.15 l 12.39,20.64 H 639.59 L 628.78,645.9 h -6.06 v 19.78 h -8.31 z m 14.77,19.78 c 1.18,0 2.37,-0.06 3.56,-0.16 1.19,-0.11 2.27,-0.37 3.27,-0.79 0.99,-0.42 1.79,-1.05 2.4,-1.91 0.62,-0.86 0.92,-2.06 0.92,-3.59 0,-1.36 -0.28,-2.46 -0.85,-3.3 -0.58,-0.84 -1.32,-1.46 -2.24,-1.88 -0.92,-0.42 -1.94,-0.69 -3.06,-0.82 -1.12,-0.13 -2.21,-0.2 -3.26,-0.2 h -7.18 v 12.66 h 6.44 z" id="path78" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 687.98,629.94 c -1.72,-1.85 -3.37,-3.08 -4.98,-3.69 -1.61,-0.62 -3.22,-0.92 -4.85,-0.92 -2.42,0 -4.61,0.43 -6.56,1.28 -1.96,0.86 -3.64,2.04 -5.04,3.56 -1.41,1.52 -2.5,3.28 -3.27,5.3 -0.77,2.02 -1.15,4.2 -1.15,6.53 0,2.5 0.38,4.81 1.15,6.92 0.77,2.11 1.86,3.93 3.27,5.47 1.4,1.54 3.09,2.75 5.04,3.63 1.95,0.88 4.14,1.32 6.56,1.32 1.89,0 3.73,-0.45 5.51,-1.35 1.78,-0.9 3.44,-2.34 4.97,-4.32 l 6.86,4.88 c -2.11,2.9 -4.68,5.01 -7.71,6.33 -3.03,1.32 -6.27,1.97 -9.69,1.97 -3.61,0 -6.91,-0.58 -9.92,-1.75 -3.01,-1.16 -5.61,-2.81 -7.78,-4.94 -2.17,-2.13 -3.88,-4.69 -5.11,-7.68 -1.23,-2.99 -1.85,-6.3 -1.85,-9.95 0,-3.74 0.61,-7.13 1.85,-10.18 1.23,-3.06 2.94,-5.66 5.11,-7.82 2.18,-2.15 4.77,-3.81 7.78,-4.97 3.01,-1.17 6.32,-1.75 9.92,-1.75 3.16,0 6.09,0.56 8.8,1.68 2.71,1.12 5.22,3.02 7.55,5.7 z" id="path80" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 701.1,619 h 8.31 v 18.59 h 21.82 V 619 h 8.31 v 46.68 h -8.31 v -20.57 h -21.82 v 20.57 h -8.31 z" id="path82" fill="#8d837f"/></g></g></svg> </span> </a> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.header__logo 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-1.25,-2.25 -2.41,-4.51 -3.5,-6.82 -2.16,-4.51 -3.98,-9.07 -5.45,-13.62 -2.95,-9.18 -4.5,-18.33 -4.5,-27.31 0,-41.265 27.51,-71.909 66.64,-71.909 2.71,0 5.4,0.148 8,0.363 39.09,3.59 66.08,33.336 66.08,63.086 0,27.75 -24.19,43.43 -27.22,61.86 -0.21,1.23 -0.3,2.47 -0.3,3.75 0,1.61 0.19,3.31 0.55,5.01 5.44,25.48 50.66,55.25 106.21,55.25 104.72,0 135.39,-88.86 135.39,-158.675 0,-40.207 -46.51,-44.425 -189.35,-84.652 C 1334,854.707 1282.01,815.305 1265.25,764.41 c -4.65,-14.219 -6.59,-29.371 -6.59,-45.57 0,-8.649 0.82,-16.852 2.4,-24.68 2.07,-10.359 5.47,-20.07 9.99,-29.012 4.48,-8.988 10.06,-17.238 16.56,-24.75 34.02,-39.457 92.46,-59.066 144.52,-59.066 h 0.01 c 110.98,0 177.43,53.938 220.81,89.918 l 0.55,-0.09 -0.43,-0.5 c 0,0 55.58,-90.058 163.22,-90.058 3.78,0 7.53,-0.391 11.24,-0.09 4.7,0.437 9.36,1.039 13.98,1.777 1.83,0.281 3.67,0.633 5.44,1.051 2.29,0.34 4.55,0.84 6.8,1.301 27.62,6.089 53.79,18.531 78.22,39.328 29.28,24.922 42.5,60.57 48.01,83.972 0.19,1.5 0.44,3.008 0.61,4.411 1.75,8.546 2.32,13.918 2.32,13.918 l 0.22,11.128 c 0.14,1.973 0.29,3.864 0.38,5.563 v 12.848 l 0.15,7.171 0.23,52.372 0.02,2.753 -0.4,-0.378 v 170.316 c 4.13,67.587 28.47,142.437 136.76,151.367 42.58,3.49 90.04,-15.32 90.04,-41.77 0,-20.1 -27.5,-35.98 -27.5,-65.57 0,-31.74 30.69,-63.472 74.04,-63.472 39.14,0 66.65,30.644 66.65,71.922 0,71.95 -96.14,143.07 -216.23,136.19" fill="#f4a00f" transform="matrix(.04812 0 0 -.04812 -20.552239 71.501094)"/><path d="m 816.395,793.98 c 0,-113.21 -90.95,-161.89 -171.36,-161.89 -59.219,0 -106.836,35.961 -106.836,89.898 0,68.821 60.313,118.539 173.489,149.242 l 104.707,28.528 z m 463.105,692.04 c -5.43,-0.08 -10.8,0.1 -16.17,-0.29 -111.29,-4.53 -210.83,-59.02 -210.83,-185.37 v -123.68 h -91.293 v -53.86 H 1052.5 V 753.73 c 0,-89.839 -14.46,-127.601 -68.383,-126.921 -52.375,0.64 -67.207,38.113 -67.207,126.921 v 231.719 c 0,132.241 -108.957,185.101 -226.367,185.101 -130.129,0 -228.508,-82.51 -228.508,-154.43 0,-41.265 27.516,-71.909 66.656,-71.909 43.36,0 74.039,31.727 74.039,63.449 0,29.61 -27.515,45.48 -27.515,65.61 0,26.41 47.613,60.26 106.851,60.26 104.715,0 135.383,-88.86 135.383,-158.675 0,-40.207 -46.515,-44.425 -189.34,-84.652 C 467.305,844.746 427.148,792.93 427.148,718.84 c 0,-92.02 94.145,-137.508 173.477,-137.508 111.063,0 176.898,53.938 220.281,89.918 0,0 56.035,-91.289 163.836,-91.289 3.774,0 7.492,0.25 11.219,0.551 4.709,0.437 9.369,1.039 13.989,1.777 1.82,0.32 3.66,0.633 5.44,1.051 2.27,0.34 4.53,0.84 6.78,1.301 27.63,6.089 53.8,17.929 78.22,38.711 29.31,24.949 42.52,61.796 48.01,85.187 0.22,1.512 0.44,3.012 0.64,4.441 1.74,8.52 2.31,13.899 2.31,13.899 l 0.22,11.121 c 0.14,1.98 0.28,3.859 0.38,5.582 v 12.867 l 0.15,7.09 -0.15,52.75 v 306.531 h 111.15 v 53.86 h -111.15 v 113.12 c 0,16.19 1.6,33.58 5.28,50.7 13.82,55.83 42.27,103.21 130.7,108.49 37.73,2.24 88.73,-9.28 90.06,-39.95 0.87,-20.09 -27.52,-35.97 -27.52,-65.61 0,-31.69 30.69,-63.44 74.07,-63.44 39.03,0 66.54,30.68 66.54,71.92 0,71.95 -93.15,135.58 -211.58,134.11" fill="#f4a00f" transform="matrix(.04812 0 0 -.04812 -20.552239 71.501094)"/><path d="M2904.16 1015h-7.69c-5.13 0-10.86-.2-17.21-.61-6.36-.41-12.36-1.39-17.99-2.93-5.64-1.53-10.41-3.8-14.3-6.76-3.89-2.97-5.85-7.118-5.85-12.454 0-3.484.78-6.402 2.32-8.766 1.53-2.359 3.53-4.347 5.99-5.996 2.45-1.64 5.22-2.812 8.3-3.531 3.08-.715 6.15-1.078 9.22-1.078 12.71 0 22.08 3.031 28.14 9.066 6.04 6.055 9.07 14.297 9.07 24.759zm2.15-45.805h-.92c-5.34-8.402-12.1-14.5-20.29-18.3-8.21-3.79-17.22-5.684-27.07-5.684-6.76 0-13.37.934-19.82 2.762-6.46 1.851-12.2 4.609-17.22 8.312-5.02 3.676-9.07 8.289-12.14 13.828-3.08 5.539-4.61 11.981-4.61 19.364 0 8.003 1.43 14.813 4.3 20.453 2.87 5.64 6.71 10.34 11.53 14.13 4.82 3.8 10.4 6.82 16.75 9.08 6.35 2.25 12.97 3.95 19.84 5.07 6.86 1.13 13.77 1.85 20.74 2.16 6.97.31 13.53.46 19.68.46h9.23v3.99c0 9.22-3.18 16.14-9.54 20.75-6.35 4.62-14.45 6.92-24.28 6.92-7.79 0-15.07-1.38-21.83-4.15-6.76-2.77-12.6-6.51-17.53-11.21l-19.37 19.36c8.2 8.4 17.79 14.45 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31.38 5.53 10.24 0 19.61-1.8 28.11-5.38 8.51-3.59 15.79-8.76 21.83-15.53 6.05-6.76 10.76-15.11 14.15-25.05 3.39-9.94 5.07-21.37 5.07-34.28v-10.15h-112.52M4858.21 1096.48h36.9v-23.37h.6c4.09 8.6 9.93 15.26 17.52 19.98 7.59 4.72 16.3 7.07 26.15 7.07 2.24 0 4.45-.21 6.61-.62 2.15-.41 4.35-.92 6.6-1.53v-35.67c-3.07.82-6.11 1.49-9.06 2-2.97.52-5.9.77-8.76.77-8.62 0-15.54-1.59-20.76-4.77-5.23-3.18-9.22-6.8-11.99-10.91-2.77-4.1-4.62-8.2-5.53-12.3-.92-4.1-1.38-7.17-1.38-9.22v-79.008h-36.9v147.578M5067.88 1015h-7.69c-5.12 0-10.86-.2-17.21-.61-6.37-.41-12.35-1.39-18-2.93-5.62-1.53-10.4-3.8-14.3-6.76-3.87-2.97-5.83-7.118-5.83-12.454 0-3.484.77-6.402 2.31-8.766 1.53-2.359 3.52-4.347 5.99-5.996 2.47-1.64 5.23-2.812 8.3-3.531 3.08-.715 6.15-1.078 9.22-1.078 12.71 0 22.09 3.031 28.14 9.066 6.04 6.055 9.07 14.297 9.07 24.759zm2.16-45.805h-.93c-5.34-8.402-12.1-14.5-20.29-18.3-8.2-3.79-17.22-5.684-27.06-5.684-6.76 0-13.37.934-19.83 2.762-6.46 1.851-12.19 4.609-17.21 8.312-5.02 3.676-9.07 8.289-12.14 13.828-3.08 5.539-4.61 11.981-4.61 19.364 0 8.003 1.41 14.813 4.3 20.453 2.87 5.64 6.7 10.34 11.53 14.13 4.8 3.8 10.4 6.82 16.74 9.08 6.35 2.25 12.98 3.95 19.83 5.07 6.88 1.13 13.79 1.85 20.76 2.16 6.98.31 13.52.46 19.68.46h9.23v3.99c0 9.22-3.19 16.14-9.54 20.75-6.36 4.62-14.45 6.92-24.29 6.92-7.79 0-15.06-1.38-21.82-4.15-6.76-2.77-12.6-6.51-17.53-11.21l-19.37 19.36c8.19 8.4 17.77 14.45 28.76 18.14 10.95 3.69 22.28 5.53 33.96 5.53 10.45 0 19.27-1.18 26.44-3.54 7.17-2.36 13.13-5.38 17.82-9.07 4.73-3.68 8.36-7.94 10.93-12.75 2.55-4.82 4.4-9.69 5.53-14.6 1.12-4.93 1.79-9.69 2-14.3.2-4.61.31-8.66.31-12.15v-84.848h-33.2v20.293M5125.67 1065.11v31.37h30.44v42.72h36.9v-42.72h40.57v-31.37h-40.57v-64.57c0-7.364 1.37-13.204 4.16-17.517 2.75-4.296 8.24-6.453 16.43-6.453 3.28 0 6.86.36 10.77 1.075 3.89.718 6.97 1.902 9.21 3.523v-31.039c-3.89-1.852-8.66-3.125-14.29-3.844-5.64-.719-10.62-1.074-14.91-1.074-9.83 0-17.89 1.074-24.13 3.227-6.26 2.152-11.18 5.429-14.76 9.839-3.59 4.403-6.05 9.875-7.38 16.45-1.33 6.558-2 14.14-2 22.753v67.63h-30.44M5263.11 1096.48h36.88V948.902h-36.88zm-5.23 50.1c0 5.94 2.2 11.12 6.61 15.53 4.41 4.41 9.99 6.61 16.75 6.61 6.77 0 12.45-2.1 17.06-6.3 4.62-4.21 6.92-9.49 6.92-15.84 0-6.35-2.3-11.63-6.92-15.83-4.61-4.2-10.29-6.31-17.06-6.31-6.76 0-12.34 2.21-16.75 6.61-4.41 4.41-6.61 9.59-6.61 15.53M5371.93 1022.69c0-5.75.98-11.28 2.92-16.6 1.96-5.33 4.82-10.043 8.62-14.149 3.79-4.093 8.35-7.378 13.69-9.847 5.31-2.453 11.37-3.68 18.13-3.68 6.76 0 12.8 1.227 18.14 3.68 5.32 2.469 9.88 5.754 13.67 9.847 3.8 4.106 6.65 8.819 8.61 14.149 1.96 5.32 2.92 10.85 2.92 16.6 0 5.73-.96 11.27-2.92 16.6-1.96 5.32-4.81 10.03-8.61 14.14-3.79 4.1-8.35 7.37-13.67 9.84-5.34 2.46-11.38 3.69-18.14 3.69-6.76 0-12.82-1.23-18.13-3.69-5.34-2.47-9.9-5.74-13.69-9.84-3.8-4.11-6.66-8.82-8.62-14.14-1.94-5.33-2.92-10.87-2.92-16.6zm-36.88 0c0 11.68 2.1 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.19 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.68 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.84 3.69 20.28 5.53 31.36 5.53 11.07 0 21.52-1.84 31.36-5.53 9.84-3.69 18.33-8.92 25.52-15.68 7.17-6.76 12.86-14.91 17.05-24.45 4.2-9.52 6.3-20.13 6.3-31.81 0-11.68-2.1-22.3-6.3-31.823-4.19-9.527-9.88-17.668-17.05-24.429-7.19-6.77-15.68-12.004-25.52-15.696-9.84-3.672-20.29-5.531-31.36-5.531-11.08 0-21.52 1.859-31.36 5.531-9.84 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.17 6.761-12.87 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.2 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823M5518.6 1096.34h34.98v-23.63h.63c3.47 7.37 8.8 13.76 15.97 19.18 7.15 5.42 16.87 8.15 29.16 8.15 9.81 0 18.14-1.66 25.01-4.92 6.84-3.28 12.43-7.58 16.72-12.9 4.3-5.32 7.38-11.46 9.22-18.41 1.83-6.95 2.76-14.23 2.76-21.8v-93.006h-36.84v74.586c0 4.1-.21 8.65-.6 13.67-.42 5.01-1.49 9.72-3.24 14.11-1.74 4.4-4.44 8.08-8.12 11.05-3.7 2.97-8.71 4.46-15.05 4.46-6.14 0-11.3-1.02-15.51-3.07-4.2-2.05-7.66-4.81-10.42-8.29-2.77-3.48-4.76-7.47-5.99-11.97-1.23-4.5-1.84-9.21-1.84-14.12v-80.426h-36.84v147.336M2822.35 769.5h-30.38v31.313h30.38v20.867c0 10.234.71 19.492 2.15 27.785 1.43 8.289 4.14 15.398 8.14 21.328 3.99 5.937 9.56 10.484 16.73 13.672 7.16 3.164 16.46 4.746 27.92 4.746 8.4 0 16.17-.715 23.34-2.16l-2.46-31.289c-2.66.605-5.22 1.113-7.68 1.523-2.45.41-5.01.613-7.66.613-5.12 0-9.21-.82-12.28-2.46-3.08-1.629-5.48-3.829-7.22-6.598-1.74-2.754-2.87-5.988-3.37-9.66-.52-3.684-.77-7.586-.77-11.668v-26.699h34.07V769.5h-34.07V653.469h-36.84V769.5M2946.67 727.141c0-5.743.97-11.262 2.91-16.582 1.94-5.309 4.81-10.02 8.59-14.11 3.79-4.097 8.34-7.371 13.66-9.828 5.32-2.461 11.36-3.68 18.11-3.68 6.76 0 12.79 1.219 18.11 3.68 5.32 2.457 9.87 5.731 13.67 9.828 3.78 4.09 6.65 8.801 8.59 14.11 1.95 5.32 2.92 10.839 2.92 16.582 0 5.73-.97 11.257-2.92 16.57-1.94 5.328-4.81 10.027-8.59 14.117-3.8 4.094-8.35 7.371-13.67 9.832-5.32 2.461-11.35 3.68-18.11 3.68-6.75 0-12.79-1.219-18.11-3.68-5.32-2.461-9.87-5.738-13.66-9.832-3.78-4.09-6.65-8.789-8.59-14.117-1.94-5.313-2.91-10.84-2.91-16.57zm-36.85 0c0 11.66 2.11 22.25 6.3 31.769 4.19 9.52 9.87 17.649 17.04 24.41 7.16 6.739 15.66 11.961 25.48 15.641 9.82 3.684 20.25 5.531 31.3 5.531 11.06 0 21.5-1.847 31.31-5.531 9.83-3.68 18.32-8.902 25.48-15.641 7.17-6.761 12.84-14.89 17.04-24.41 4.19-9.519 6.28-20.109 6.28-31.769 0-11.661-2.09-22.25-6.28-31.77-4.2-9.512-9.87-17.66-17.04-24.402-7.16-6.758-15.65-11.981-25.48-15.66-9.81-3.668-20.25-5.528-31.31-5.528-11.05 0-21.48 1.86-31.3 5.528-9.82 3.679-18.32 8.902-25.48 15.66-7.17 6.742-12.85 14.89-17.04 24.402-4.19 9.52-6.3 20.109-6.3 31.77M3104.42 800.813h36.85v-23.344h.61c4.09 8.601 9.93 15.25 17.5 19.961 7.56 4.711 16.26 7.062 26.08 7.062 2.25 0 4.46-.195 6.61-.613 2.15-.41 4.35-.918 6.6-1.543v-35.598c-3.06.821-6.1 1.473-9.06 2-2.97.5-5.9.762-8.75.762-8.59 0-15.51-1.578-20.71-4.75-5.22-3.18-9.21-6.809-11.99-10.91-2.76-4.09-4.59-8.192-5.51-12.281-.93-4.09-1.38-7.161-1.38-9.2v-78.89h-36.85v147.344M3404.63 719.469h-7.69c-5.1 0-10.84-.199-17.17-.617-6.34-.403-12.34-1.372-17.97-2.922-5.63-1.532-10.38-3.782-14.27-6.739-3.88-2.972-5.84-7.113-5.84-12.441 0-3.488.78-6.391 2.3-8.75 1.55-2.359 3.54-4.34 5.99-5.98 2.46-1.649 5.22-2.809 8.29-3.532 3.08-.718 6.14-1.078 9.21-1.078 12.69 0 22.06 3.012 28.09 9.051 6.02 6.039 9.06 14.277 9.06 24.719zm2.14-45.731h-.91c-5.33-8.398-12.08-14.488-20.26-18.269-8.19-3.778-17.19-5.688-27.02-5.688-6.74 0-13.35.918-19.79 2.778-6.46 1.832-12.19 4.613-17.18 8.281-5.04 3.68-9.07 8.281-12.14 13.808-3.06 5.532-4.61 11.973-4.61 19.34 0 7.973 1.44 14.782 4.3 20.41 2.86 5.633 6.71 10.34 11.52 14.122 4.8 3.781 10.38 6.8 16.72 9.062 6.34 2.238 12.94 3.93 19.8 5.066 6.85 1.114 13.76 1.84 20.73 2.141 6.95.313 13.5.449 19.63.449h9.21v4c0 9.223-3.18 16.121-9.5 20.723-6.36 4.609-14.43 6.91-24.26 6.91-7.78 0-15.04-1.391-21.8-4.16-6.76-2.75-12.59-6.492-17.5-11.191l-19.33 19.332c8.18 8.386 17.75 14.429 28.71 18.109 10.93 3.684 22.25 5.531 33.91 5.531 10.44 0 19.23-1.179 26.4-3.535 7.16-2.355 13.09-5.367 17.81-9.047 4.69-3.691 8.33-7.941 10.89-12.738 2.56-4.813 4.39-9.672 5.52-14.594 1.12-4.906 1.78-9.656 2-14.269.2-4.61.29-8.649.29-12.118v-84.722h-33.14v20.269M3552.59 771.34c-6.56 0-12.49-1.078-17.81-3.219-5.33-2.152-9.89-5.109-13.66-8.902-3.8-3.797-6.75-8.399-8.9-13.809-2.15-5.43-3.23-11.43-3.23-17.969 0-5.929 1.08-11.461 3.23-16.57 2.15-5.109 5.15-9.609 9.05-13.512 3.89-3.879 8.49-6.949 13.82-9.211 5.3-2.238 11.04-3.359 17.19-3.359 6.74 0 12.83 1.121 18.25 3.359 5.42 2.262 10.04 5.282 13.82 9.071 3.78 3.769 6.7 8.332 8.76 13.652 2.04 5.309 3.05 11.039 3.05 17.199 0 12.891-3.88 23.321-11.66 31.301-7.79 7.969-18.41 11.969-31.91 11.969zm78.56 29.473V666.672c0-13.301-1.64-25.313-4.9-36.063-3.27-10.757-8.34-19.847-15.21-27.328-6.85-7.461-15.48-13.242-25.92-17.34-10.44-4.082-22.83-6.14-37.15-6.14-13.7 0-26.7 1.738-38.98 5.23-12.28 3.469-23.64 9.801-34.07 19.02l22.1 30.078c7.37-6.75 15.04-11.969 23.01-15.641 7.99-3.687 17.21-5.527 27.65-5.527 8.78 0 16.2 1.219 22.24 3.668 6.03 2.461 10.84 5.851 14.43 10.141 3.57 4.289 6.13 9.468 7.67 15.5 1.54 6.039 2.31 12.73 2.31 20.089v10.762h-.62c-5.32-7.172-12.39-12.543-21.18-16.133-8.8-3.566-17.81-5.347-27.01-5.347-11.05 0-21.08 1.988-30.08 5.968-9 3.993-16.73 9.371-23.17 16.129-6.46 6.742-11.42 14.723-14.9 23.942-3.47 9.191-5.2 19.031-5.2 29.461 0 10.839 1.63 20.98 4.9 30.39 3.27 9.41 8.08 17.598 14.42 24.547 6.35 6.961 13.97 12.442 22.88 16.442 8.89 3.98 19.08 5.972 30.54 5.972 10.44 0 20.15-2.058 29.15-6.152 9.01-4.078 16.16-10.629 21.5-19.629h.6v22.102h34.99M3673.51 800.813h36.84V653.469h-36.84zm-5.22 50.027c0 5.937 2.2 11.101 6.6 15.5 4.4 4.402 9.98 6.598 16.74 6.598 6.74 0 12.43-2.11 17.03-6.29 4.6-4.199 6.91-9.46 6.91-15.808 0-6.336-2.31-11.61-6.91-15.813-4.6-4.199-10.29-6.289-17.03-6.289-6.76 0-12.34 2.207-16.74 6.606-4.4 4.39-6.6 9.558-6.6 15.496M3752.71 800.813h34.99v-23.641h.61c3.48 7.367 8.79 13.769 15.96 19.18 7.16 5.425 16.88 8.14 29.16 8.14 9.82 0 18.16-1.64 25.03-4.914 6.84-3.269 12.42-7.566 16.72-12.898 4.29-5.309 7.37-11.461 9.2-18.41 1.84-6.95 2.78-14.231 2.78-21.79v-93.011h-36.84v74.601c0 4.09-.22 8.629-.62 13.649-.41 5.019-1.49 9.711-3.23 14.121-1.73 4.398-4.45 8.09-8.13 11.039-3.68 2.973-8.69 4.461-15.03 4.461-6.15 0-11.32-1.031-15.52-3.07-4.19-2.051-7.66-4.809-10.42-8.29-2.77-3.48-4.76-7.468-5.99-11.96-1.22-4.5-1.84-9.219-1.84-14.122v-80.429h-36.83v147.344M4001.95 771.34c-6.55 0-12.49-1.078-17.8-3.219-5.33-2.152-9.88-5.109-13.66-8.902-3.79-3.797-6.75-8.399-8.9-13.809-2.16-5.43-3.23-11.43-3.23-17.969 0-5.929 1.07-11.461 3.23-16.57 2.15-5.109 5.16-9.609 9.04-13.512 3.9-3.879 8.51-6.949 13.82-9.211 5.32-2.238 11.05-3.359 17.19-3.359 6.75 0 12.83 1.121 18.26 3.359 5.41 2.262 10.04 5.282 13.82 9.071 3.78 3.769 6.7 8.332 8.74 13.652 2.05 5.309 3.08 11.039 3.08 17.199 0 12.891-3.9 23.321-11.67 31.301-7.78 7.969-18.42 11.969-31.92 11.969zm78.58 29.473V666.672c0-13.301-1.65-25.313-4.9-36.063-3.28-10.757-8.34-19.847-15.21-27.328-6.85-7.461-15.49-13.242-25.94-17.34-10.42-4.082-22.81-6.14-37.14-6.14-13.7 0-26.71 1.738-38.98 5.23-12.29 3.469-23.63 9.801-34.06 19.02l22.1 30.078c7.35-6.75 15.02-11.969 23.01-15.641 7.99-3.687 17.2-5.527 27.63-5.527 8.79 0 16.21 1.219 22.26 3.668 6.01 2.461 10.84 5.851 14.42 10.141 3.57 4.289 6.13 9.468 7.68 15.5 1.53 6.039 2.3 12.73 2.3 20.089v10.762h-.62c-5.32-7.172-12.39-12.543-21.18-16.133-8.79-3.566-17.81-5.347-27-5.347-11.06 0-21.08 1.988-30.09 5.968-9.01 3.993-16.73 9.371-23.18 16.129-6.44 6.742-11.41 14.723-14.89 23.942-3.47 9.191-5.21 19.031-5.21 29.461 0 10.839 1.62 20.98 4.92 30.39 3.26 9.41 8.07 17.598 14.42 24.547 6.34 6.961 13.96 12.442 22.87 16.442 8.89 3.98 19.07 5.972 30.54 5.972 10.44 0 20.14-2.058 29.16-6.152 8.99-4.078 16.15-10.629 21.49-19.629h.61v22.102h34.99M4195.95 800.813h36.83v-23.344h.61c4.1 8.601 9.93 15.25 17.5 19.961 7.57 4.711 16.26 7.062 26.09 7.062 2.25 0 4.46-.195 6.61-.613 2.15-.41 4.35-.918 6.61-1.543v-35.598c-3.08.821-6.11 1.473-9.07 2-2.97.5-5.9.762-8.75.762-8.59 0-15.5-1.578-20.71-4.75-5.22-3.18-9.21-6.809-11.98-10.91-2.77-4.09-4.6-8.192-5.52-12.281-.93-4.09-1.39-7.161-1.39-9.2v-78.89h-36.83v147.344M4420.33 741.879c-.2 10.84-3.58 19.383-10.12 25.633-6.55 6.226-15.67 9.359-27.33 9.359-11.04 0-19.8-3.18-26.24-9.531-6.44-6.328-10.39-14.828-11.82-25.461zm-75.51-27.629c1.23-11.051 5.52-19.641 12.9-25.789 7.36-6.129 16.26-9.199 26.7-9.199 9.2 0 16.93 1.886 23.18 5.668 6.24 3.781 11.71 8.55 16.41 14.281l26.39-19.949c-8.58-10.653-18.19-18.223-28.84-22.731-10.64-4.492-21.79-6.75-33.46-6.75-11.05 0-21.49 1.86-31.31 5.528-9.81 3.679-18.31 8.902-25.47 15.66-7.17 6.742-12.85 14.89-17.03 24.402-4.2 9.52-6.3 20.109-6.3 31.77 0 11.66 2.1 22.25 6.3 31.769 4.18 9.52 9.86 17.649 17.03 24.41 7.16 6.739 15.66 11.961 25.47 15.641 9.82 3.684 20.26 5.531 31.31 5.531 10.23 0 19.6-1.797 28.08-5.371 8.5-3.582 15.76-8.742 21.81-15.5 6.03-6.75 10.74-15.082 14.11-25.031 3.38-9.918 5.07-21.309 5.07-34.219V714.25h-112.35M4560.92 759.98c-7.17 10.02-16.79 15.059-28.86 15.059-4.91 0-9.73-1.238-14.43-3.699-4.71-2.449-7.06-6.449-7.06-11.969 0-4.512 1.94-7.781 5.85-9.82 3.86-2.051 8.78-3.789 14.72-5.231 5.94-1.422 12.33-2.898 19.18-4.441 6.86-1.527 13.25-3.891 19.19-7.059 5.93-3.172 10.84-7.519 14.73-13.039 3.89-5.531 5.83-13.101 5.83-22.73 0-8.789-1.9-16.211-5.68-22.25-3.78-6.031-8.69-10.879-14.73-14.571-6.04-3.699-12.83-6.359-20.41-7.98-7.58-1.641-15.15-2.469-22.72-2.469-11.46 0-21.99 1.649-31.61 4.918-9.62 3.281-18.22 9.223-25.78 17.813l24.54 23.019c4.72-5.332 9.78-9.672 15.21-13.062 5.42-3.36 12.02-5.059 19.79-5.059 2.67 0 5.42.301 8.29.93 2.87.609 5.53 1.621 7.98 3.07 2.45 1.418 4.44 3.219 5.99 5.371 1.53 2.149 2.3 4.66 2.3 7.508 0 5.109-1.95 8.91-5.84 11.359-3.88 2.461-8.8 4.454-14.72 5.981-5.94 1.543-12.34 2.973-19.19 4.301-6.86 1.34-13.26 3.48-19.18 6.449-5.93 2.961-10.85 7.101-14.74 12.43-3.9 5.332-5.83 12.691-5.83 22.101 0 8.192 1.69 15.301 5.06 21.34 3.38 6.039 7.83 10.988 13.35 14.891 5.53 3.879 11.86 6.738 19.04 8.597 7.16 1.825 14.43 2.754 21.8 2.754 9.82 0 19.54-1.687 29.15-5.062 9.62-3.391 17.38-9.168 23.32-17.352l-24.54-22.098M4723.6 741.879c-.2 10.84-3.59 19.383-10.14 25.633-6.55 6.226-15.65 9.359-27.31 9.359-11.05 0-19.79-3.18-26.25-9.531-6.44-6.328-10.37-14.828-11.81-25.461zm-75.51-27.629c1.22-11.051 5.52-19.641 12.9-25.789 7.35-6.129 16.26-9.199 26.69-9.199 9.2 0 16.94 1.886 23.18 5.668 6.25 3.781 11.71 8.55 16.42 14.281l26.4-19.949c-8.59-10.653-18.22-18.223-28.85-22.731-10.65-4.492-21.8-6.75-33.46-6.75-11.06 0-21.48 1.86-31.31 5.528-9.83 3.679-18.32 8.902-25.48 15.66-7.17 6.742-12.84 14.89-17.03 24.402-4.2 9.52-6.29 20.109-6.29 31.77 0 11.66 2.09 22.25 6.29 31.769 4.19 9.52 9.86 17.649 17.03 24.41 7.16 6.739 15.65 11.961 25.48 15.641 9.83 3.684 20.25 5.531 31.31 5.531 10.23 0 19.59-1.797 28.08-5.371 8.5-3.582 15.76-8.742 21.79-15.5 6.05-6.75 10.75-15.082 14.13-25.031 3.37-9.918 5.06-21.309 5.06-34.219V714.25h-112.34M4884.74 719.469h-7.68c-5.12 0-10.84-.199-17.18-.617-6.35-.403-12.33-1.372-17.96-2.922-5.63-1.532-10.39-3.782-14.27-6.739-3.9-2.972-5.84-7.113-5.84-12.441 0-3.488.78-6.391 2.31-8.75 1.53-2.359 3.53-4.34 5.97-5.98 2.46-1.649 5.23-2.809 8.3-3.532 3.07-.718 6.14-1.078 9.21-1.078 12.68 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The fact is, aging is a part of everyone’s life. But the facts of aging—what is happening on a biochemical, genetic, and physiological level—remain rich for exploration. </h4><h4><br />Research on aging is dynamic, constantly evolving based on new discoveries. This article introduces some key areas of research into the biology of aging. Each area is a part of a larger field of scientific inquiry. <br /></h4> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> <div class="grid-item grid-item--one-forth grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component component--inherit"> <div class="photo"> <div class="photo__inner"> <div class="photo__image"> <img class="lazyload" data-src="/imager/general/129249/steven_8c3db02c789aac09497d19c3bbf7ce48.png" alt="Steven"> <div class="slider-nav"> <div class="slider__arrow slider__prev swiper-button-prev component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_62" data-name="Path 62" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(11677.5 -12275.801) rotate(180)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"> </path></svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> <div class="slider__arrow slider__next swiper-button-next component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_63" data-name="Path 63" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(-11649.4 12342.199)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"></path> </svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> </div><!-- /.slider-nav --> </div><!-- /.photo__image --> <div class="caption component__caption" data-aos="fade-zoom-in"> <p><strong>by Steven Austad, PhD</strong></p><p>AFAR Senior Scientific Director</p> </div><!-- /.caption --> </div><!-- /.photo__inner --> </div><!-- /.photo --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="section section--padxs-top section--padxs-bottom "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad"> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid grid--xs"> <div class="grid__inner"> <div class="grid-item grid-item--full"> <div class="component "> <div class="inlay"> <div class="shadow"></div><!-- /.shadow --> <div class="inlay__bg inlay__bg--clr component__bgclr"></div><!-- /.inlay__bg --> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <h4>In our bodies, aging is a series of interconnected processes. As the field of biomedical research on aging has grown over the past three decades, “hallmarks of aging,” have emerged. On a cellular level, these processes or “hallmarks” are considered the core underlying machinery of how our bodies age.</h4> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="section section--padxs-top section--padxs-bottom section--bgclr color-green "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad"> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid"> <div class="grid__inner"> <div class="grid-item"> <div class="component component--nocaption component--inherit"> <div class="inlay"> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article article--photo color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <p><strong><a href="#1">Epigenetic Alternations</a><br /></strong></p><p><strong><a href="#2">Loss of Proteostasis</a><br /></strong></p><p><strong><a href="#3">Deregulated Nutrient Sensing</a></strong><br /></p> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> <div class="grid-item"> <div class="component component--nocaption component--inherit"> <div class="inlay"> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article article--photo color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <p><strong><a href="#4">Mitochondrial Dysfunction</a></strong></p><p><strong><a href="#5">Cellular Senescence</a></strong></p><p><strong><a href="#6">Stem Cell Exhaustion</a></strong><br /></p> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> <div class="grid-item"> <div class="component component--nocaption component--inherit"> <div class="inlay"> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article article--photo color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <p><a href="#7">Altered Intercellular Communication</a></p><p><a href="#8">Genomic Instability</a></p><p><a href="#9">Telomere Attrition</a></p> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="jump-link-anchor" id="1"></div> <div class="section section--band section--padxs-top section--padxs-bottom "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad "> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid grid--sm"> <div class="grid__inner grid__inner--two-columns"> <div class="grid-item grid-item--small grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="photo"> <div class="photo__inner"> <div class="photo__image"> <img class="lazyload" data-src="/imager/general/188261/EpigeniticAlterations_8c3db02c789aac09497d19c3bbf7ce48.jpg" alt="Epigenitic Alterations"> <div class="slider-nav"> <div class="slider__arrow slider__prev swiper-button-prev component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_62" data-name="Path 62" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(11677.5 -12275.801) rotate(180)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"> </path></svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> <div class="slider__arrow slider__next swiper-button-next component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_63" data-name="Path 63" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(-11649.4 12342.199)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"></path> </svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> </div><!-- /.slider-nav --> </div><!-- /.photo__image --> </div><!-- /.photo__inner --> </div><!-- /.photo --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> <div class="grid-item grid-item--big grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="inlay"> <div class="shadow"></div><!-- /.shadow --> <div class="inlay__bg inlay__bg--clr component__bgclr"></div><!-- /.inlay__bg --> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <h5><strong>Epigenetic Alterations</strong></h5><p>Your genome is more than a long sequence of DNA letters. DNA strands are wound around spools of protein called histones, and both DNA and histones can have various chemical handles, cranks, and levers attached to them to help turn genes on or off. These handles, cranks, and levers comprise your epigenome. </p><p>Your epigenome changes as you age--levers are lost, added inappropriately, or shifted around. As a result, precise coordination of gene activity can be compromised. One particularly well-studied group of molecules than influence the epigenome is the sirtuins, molecules that remove one type of epigenetic handle. Interestingly, your epigenome can be modified by diet, other lifestyle factors, and pharmaceuticals. </p><p>Evidence that the epigenome affects aging comes mostly from the study of yeast, worms, and flies. However, dietary restriction in mice slows epigenetic changes, and when mice are made deficient in one of the seven mouse sirtuins, they show signs of accelerated aging. Moreover, when that same sirtuin is superabundant, male mice live longer.</p> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="jump-link-anchor" id="2"></div> <div class="section section--band section--padxs-top section--padxs-bottom "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad "> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid grid--sm"> <div class="grid__inner grid__inner--two-columns"> <div class="grid-item grid-item--big grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="inlay"> <div class="shadow"></div><!-- /.shadow --> <div class="inlay__bg inlay__bg--clr component__bgclr"></div><!-- /.inlay__bg --> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <h5><strong>Loss of Proteostasis</strong></h5><p>The main job of genes is to make proteins, which are the heart and soul of cells’ biology. Proteins regulate virtually all chemical reactions and provide cell structure. Protein homeostasis, or proteostasis, is the maintenance of all proteins in their original form and abundance. </p><p>In order to perform their duties, proteins must be folded in precise, complex shapes like origami. However, with age proteins are damaged by normal cellular process and when damaged begin to misfold. </p><p>Misfolded proteins not only fail to perform their normal job, they can clump together, and become toxic. Alzheimer’s disease is an example of an age-related disease caused by protein misfolding. </p><p>The importance of maintaining proteostasis can be seen in the elaborate cellular systems for maintaining it: there are specialized molecular devices to repair and refold damaged proteins as well as to degrade irretrievably damaged proteins and replace them. </p><p>Several pieces of evidence highlight the role of proteostasis in aging: misfolded proteins increase with age; protein misfolding occurs in the brain and muscle of Alzheimer’s patients; both genetic and drug-induced enhancement of protein quality control will extend life in mice.</p> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> <div class="grid-item grid-item--small grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="photo"> <div class="photo__inner"> <div class="photo__image"> <img class="lazyload" data-src="/imager/general/188418/LossofProteostatis_8c3db02c789aac09497d19c3bbf7ce48.jpg" alt="Lossof Proteostatis"> <div class="slider-nav"> <div class="slider__arrow slider__prev swiper-button-prev component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_62" data-name="Path 62" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(11677.5 -12275.801) rotate(180)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"> </path></svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> <div class="slider__arrow slider__next swiper-button-next component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_63" data-name="Path 63" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(-11649.4 12342.199)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"></path> </svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> </div><!-- /.slider-nav --> </div><!-- /.photo__image --> </div><!-- /.photo__inner --> </div><!-- /.photo --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="jump-link-anchor" id="3"></div> <div class="section section--band section--padxs-top section--padxs-bottom "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad "> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid grid--sm"> <div class="grid__inner grid__inner--two-columns"> <div class="grid-item grid-item--small grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="photo"> <div class="photo__inner"> <div class="photo__image"> <img class="lazyload" data-src="/imager/general/189673/NutrientMetabolism_8c3db02c789aac09497d19c3bbf7ce48.jpg" alt="Nutrient Metabolism"> <div class="slider-nav"> <div class="slider__arrow slider__prev swiper-button-prev component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_62" data-name="Path 62" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(11677.5 -12275.801) rotate(180)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"> </path></svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> <div class="slider__arrow slider__next swiper-button-next component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_63" data-name="Path 63" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(-11649.4 12342.199)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"></path> </svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> </div><!-- /.slider-nav --> </div><!-- /.photo__image --> </div><!-- /.photo__inner --> </div><!-- /.photo --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> <div class="grid-item grid-item--big grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="inlay"> <div class="shadow"></div><!-- /.shadow --> <div class="inlay__bg inlay__bg--clr component__bgclr"></div><!-- /.inlay__bg --> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <h5><strong>Deregulated Nutrient Sensing</strong></h5><p>When nutrients are abundant, animals including humans grow and reproduce--the evolutionary imperative. When nutrients are scarce, evolution has designed animals to focus on maintenance and repair. </p><p>Studies have been designed to inhibit the signaling of nutrient abundance by reducing food, by fooling the body into thinking fewer nutrients are available with drugs such as rapamycin and by inhibiting the signals of insulin or its close relative, the insulin-like growth factor<br /><br />All of these strategies enhance health and longevity in mice and other species.</p> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="jump-link-anchor" id="4"></div> <div class="section section--band section--padxs-top "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad "> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid grid--sm"> <div class="grid__inner grid__inner--two-columns"> <div class="grid-item grid-item--big grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="inlay"> <div class="shadow"></div><!-- /.shadow --> <div class="inlay__bg inlay__bg--clr component__bgclr"></div><!-- /.inlay__bg --> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <h5>Mitochondrial Dysfunction</h5><p>Mitochondria—often called the “powerhouses of the cell”— places where most of your cells’ energy is produced. Unfortunately mitochondria also produce most of the free radicals, or as scientists more commonly refer to them, Reactive Oxygen Species or ROS in your cells. </p><p>As ROS damage nearly any molecule they touch, for many years it was thought that ROS were the major culprit behind aging and that minimizing them would lead to longer health and life. </p><p>However, in the past decade, it was discovered that sometimes lowering ROS had no impact on health. Moreover, sometimes actually increasing ROS, by inhibiting mitochondrial function, seemed beneficial. The newer thinking is that ROS are important in signaling cellular stress. </p><p>Cells, organs, and tissues that sense stress increase their maintenance and repair processes in response to the stress. Current thinking suggests that ROS production should be in a Goldilocks zone, not too much, not too little, just the right amount.</p> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> <div class="grid-item grid-item--small grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="photo"> <div class="photo__inner"> <div class="photo__image"> <img class="lazyload" data-src="/imager/general/188984/MitochondrialDysfunction_8c3db02c789aac09497d19c3bbf7ce48.jpg" alt="Mitochondrial Dysfunction"> <div class="slider-nav"> <div class="slider__arrow slider__prev swiper-button-prev component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_62" data-name="Path 62" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(11677.5 -12275.801) rotate(180)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"> </path></svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> <div class="slider__arrow slider__next swiper-button-next component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_63" data-name="Path 63" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(-11649.4 12342.199)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"></path> </svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> </div><!-- /.slider-nav --> </div><!-- /.photo__image --> </div><!-- /.photo__inner --> </div><!-- /.photo --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="jump-link-anchor" id="5"></div> <div class="section section--band section--padxs-top section--padxs-bottom "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad "> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid grid--sm"> <div class="grid__inner grid__inner--two-columns"> <div class="grid-item grid-item--small grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="photo"> <div class="photo__inner"> <div class="photo__image"> <img class="lazyload" data-src="/imager/general/189098/CellularSenescence_8c3db02c789aac09497d19c3bbf7ce48.jpg" alt="Cellular Senescence"> <div class="slider-nav"> <div class="slider__arrow slider__prev swiper-button-prev component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_62" data-name="Path 62" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(11677.5 -12275.801) rotate(180)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"> </path></svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> <div class="slider__arrow slider__next swiper-button-next component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_63" data-name="Path 63" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(-11649.4 12342.199)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"></path> </svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> </div><!-- /.slider-nav --> </div><!-- /.photo__image --> </div><!-- /.photo__inner --> </div><!-- /.photo --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> <div class="grid-item grid-item--big grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="inlay"> <div class="shadow"></div><!-- /.shadow --> <div class="inlay__bg inlay__bg--clr component__bgclr"></div><!-- /.inlay__bg --> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <h5>Cellular Senescence</h5><p>Cells that once replicated vigorously but have now entered a permanent nondividing state are called senescent cells. We accumulate senescent cells with age. Alas, these cells do not die. They persist and secrete damaging molecules into the surrounding area.</p><p>Telomere attrition is one cause of cellular senescence, although other types of damage can also trigger this state. For years, it was debated whether senescent cells contributed to aging or were simply a protective mechanism against the development of cancer. </p><p>Recent work, in which mice were genetically engineered so that researchers could eliminate many of their senescent cells, has clearly shown many health benefits, including longer life. Work is now underway to identify drugs that target senescent cells for destruction.</p> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="jump-link-anchor" id="6"></div> <div class="section section--band section--padxs-top "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad "> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid grid--sm"> <div class="grid__inner grid__inner--two-columns"> <div class="grid-item grid-item--big grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="inlay"> <div class="shadow"></div><!-- /.shadow --> <div class="inlay__bg inlay__bg--clr component__bgclr"></div><!-- /.inlay__bg --> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <h5>Stem Cell Exhaustion</h5><p>The ability of our tissues and organs to regenerate and repair damage is critical to maintaining health. Our bodies’ ability to regenerate tissues and organs depends on healthy stem cells--the ultimate source of new cells--in virtually every tissue. </p><p>Healthy stem cells must replicate when required, but not otherwise. The replication ability of stem cells--and their ability to replicate only when needed--declines with age. </p><p>Several labs have now shown that stem cell function can be resuscitated by external factors such as the as-yet-unidentified rejuvenating factor(s) found in the blood of young mice or humans, opening the door for possible pharmacological prolongation of stem cell health.</p> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> <div class="grid-item grid-item--small grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="photo"> <div class="photo__inner"> <div class="photo__image"> <img class="lazyload" data-src="/imager/general/189301/StemCellExhaustion_8c3db02c789aac09497d19c3bbf7ce48.jpg" alt="Stem Cell Exhaustion"> <div class="slider-nav"> <div class="slider__arrow slider__prev swiper-button-prev component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_62" data-name="Path 62" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(11677.5 -12275.801) rotate(180)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"> </path></svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> <div class="slider__arrow slider__next swiper-button-next component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_63" data-name="Path 63" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(-11649.4 12342.199)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"></path> </svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> </div><!-- /.slider-nav --> </div><!-- /.photo__image --> </div><!-- /.photo__inner --> </div><!-- /.photo --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="jump-link-anchor" id="7"></div> <div class="section section--band section--padxs-top section--padxs-bottom "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad "> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid grid--sm"> <div class="grid__inner grid__inner--two-columns"> <div class="grid-item grid-item--small grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="photo"> <div class="photo__inner"> <div class="photo__image"> <img class="lazyload" data-src="/imager/general/189481/AlteredCellularCommunication_8c3db02c789aac09497d19c3bbf7ce48.jpg" alt="Altered Cellular Communication"> <div class="slider-nav"> <div class="slider__arrow slider__prev swiper-button-prev component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_62" data-name="Path 62" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(11677.5 -12275.801) rotate(180)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"> </path></svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> <div class="slider__arrow slider__next swiper-button-next component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_63" data-name="Path 63" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(-11649.4 12342.199)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"></path> </svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> </div><!-- /.slider-nav --> </div><!-- /.photo__image --> </div><!-- /.photo__inner --> </div><!-- /.photo --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> <div class="grid-item grid-item--big grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="inlay"> <div class="shadow"></div><!-- /.shadow --> <div class="inlay__bg inlay__bg--clr component__bgclr"></div><!-- /.inlay__bg --> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <h5>Altered Intercellular Communication</h5><p>Although a number of other hallmarks of aging focus on processes that lead to deterioration of our cells, appropriate communication among cells and tissues is also important to maintaining health. </p><p>Hormones, for instance, are one way cells communicate. Hormones produced in the brain alter the way cells behave in the rest of the body and vice versa. Your liver might chemically tell your brain to reduce hormone production or nerve cells that signal pain in your toe can chemically alert your immune system in the rest of your body. In relation to aging, perhaps the most important loss of appropriate communication in our bodies is the low-level, chronic inflammation that occurs as we grow older.</p><p>In youth, inflammation is mainly a response to injury that is turned off once the injury heals. In later life, low-level inflammation is not injury-related, but constant. Moreover, this inflammation is damaging to surrounding tissue. Although the cause of age-related inflammation is unclear, considerable evidence points to senescent cells as the culprit. </p><p>Restoring proper intercellular communication could extend health by reducing chronic age-related inflammation. Additionally, investigators are studying how intercellular communication influences the rejuvenating properties of young blood; studies lend evidence that the blood of young animals contains molecules that can actually rejuvenate damaged heart, brain, and muscle in older adult animals.</p> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="jump-link-anchor" id="8"></div> <div class="section section--band section--padxs-top section--padxs-bottom "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad "> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid grid--sm"> <div class="grid__inner grid__inner--two-columns"> <div class="grid-item grid-item--big grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="inlay"> <div class="shadow"></div><!-- /.shadow --> <div class="inlay__bg inlay__bg--clr component__bgclr"></div><!-- /.inlay__bg --> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <h5>Genomic Instability</h5><p>Each cell in your body--except your red blood cells--contains the string of 3 billion DNA letters that defines your individual genome. Proper functioning of your genome is largely responsible for the smooth running of your body. However, your genome is under constant attack from both external sources such as radiation or pollution and internal sources such as oxygen free radicals. <br /></p><p>By one estimate the DNA in each of your cells is damaged up to 1 million times per day. Fortunately, DNA also encodes a number of processes that detect and repair virtually all of this damage. <br /></p><p>Still, repair is not perfect and as we age damage to our genome accumulates. Cancer is one result of unrepaired DNA damage. In both humans and mice, individuals with compromised DNA repair processes show multiple signs of accelerated aging and that therapies such as dietary restriction reduce the rate of DNA damage accumulation: this gives evidence that genomic accumulation is fundamental to aging.</p> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> <div class="grid-item grid-item--small grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="photo"> <div class="photo__inner"> <div class="photo__image"> <img class="lazyload" data-src="/imager/general/189612/ChromosomalInstability_8c3db02c789aac09497d19c3bbf7ce48.jpg" alt="Chromosomal Instability"> <div class="slider-nav"> <div class="slider__arrow slider__prev swiper-button-prev component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_62" data-name="Path 62" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(11677.5 -12275.801) rotate(180)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"> </path></svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> <div class="slider__arrow slider__next swiper-button-next component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_63" data-name="Path 63" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(-11649.4 12342.199)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"></path> </svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> </div><!-- /.slider-nav --> </div><!-- /.photo__image --> </div><!-- /.photo__inner --> </div><!-- /.photo --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="jump-link-anchor" id="9"></div> <div class="section section--band section--padxs-top section--padxs-bottom "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad "> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid grid--sm"> <div class="grid__inner grid__inner--two-columns"> <div class="grid-item grid-item--small grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="photo"> <div class="photo__inner"> <div class="photo__image"> <img class="lazyload" data-src="/imager/general/189714/Teleomere_8c3db02c789aac09497d19c3bbf7ce48.jpg" alt="Teleomere"> <div class="slider-nav"> <div class="slider__arrow slider__prev swiper-button-prev component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_62" data-name="Path 62" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(11677.5 -12275.801) rotate(180)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"> </path></svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> <div class="slider__arrow slider__next swiper-button-next component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_63" data-name="Path 63" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(-11649.4 12342.199)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"></path> </svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> </div><!-- /.slider-nav --> </div><!-- /.photo__image --> <div class="caption component__caption" data-aos="fade-zoom-in"> <p>Special thanks to <a href="">Lifebiosciences</a> for featured illustrations.</p> </div><!-- /.caption --> </div><!-- /.photo__inner --> </div><!-- /.photo --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> <div class="grid-item grid-item--big grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="inlay"> <div class="shadow"></div><!-- /.shadow --> <div class="inlay__bg inlay__bg--clr component__bgclr"></div><!-- /.inlay__bg --> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <h5>Telomere Attrition</h5><p>One specific type of genomic instability is telomere attrition. As it has received considerable individual attention, it will be mentioned separately. Telomeres are repetitive sequences of DNA that protect the ends of chromosomes and prevent them from being mistaken for broken DNA strands. </p><p>Telomere attrition, or shortening, is a specific type of DNA damage to the ends of chromosomes. Normal cell division shortens telomeres as do other processes that damage DNA. When telomeres reach a critically short length, cells sense it and permanently turn off their replication machinery. </p><p>An enzyme called telomerase, which is turned off in most adult cells, can prevent telomere shortening and even restore telomere length. Evidence linking telomere attrition to aging is that telomeres shorten with age in both people and mice. Mice genetically engineered to lack telomerase have shown some symptoms of premature aging, and mice engineered to express higher levels of telomerase than normal have been reported to live longer.<br /><br />As biomedical research on healthy aging continues to evolve, these hallmarks provide a foundation for our knowledge of the basic biology of aging.</p> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="section section--padxs-top section--padsm-bottom section--bgclr color-blue section--bgimg"> <div class="section__bg section__bg--img poster inlay__bg--block-277426"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <style> .inlay__bg--block-277426 { background-image: 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0,1.61 0.19,3.31 0.55,5.01 5.44,25.48 50.66,55.25 106.21,55.25 104.72,0 135.39,-88.86 135.39,-158.675 0,-40.207 -46.51,-44.425 -189.35,-84.652 C 1334,854.707 1282.01,815.305 1265.25,764.41 c -4.65,-14.219 -6.59,-29.371 -6.59,-45.57 0,-8.649 0.82,-16.852 2.4,-24.68 2.07,-10.359 5.47,-20.07 9.99,-29.012 4.48,-8.988 10.06,-17.238 16.56,-24.75 34.02,-39.457 92.46,-59.066 144.52,-59.066 h 0.01 c 110.98,0 177.43,53.938 220.81,89.918 l 0.55,-0.09 -0.43,-0.5 c 0,0 55.58,-90.058 163.22,-90.058 3.78,0 7.53,-0.391 11.24,-0.09 4.7,0.437 9.36,1.039 13.98,1.777 1.83,0.281 3.67,0.633 5.44,1.051 2.29,0.34 4.55,0.84 6.8,1.301 27.62,6.089 53.79,18.531 78.22,39.328 29.28,24.922 42.5,60.57 48.01,83.972 0.19,1.5 0.44,3.008 0.61,4.411 1.75,8.546 2.32,13.918 2.32,13.918 l 0.22,11.128 c 0.14,1.973 0.29,3.864 0.38,5.563 v 12.848 l 0.15,7.171 0.23,52.372 0.02,2.753 -0.4,-0.378 v 170.316 c 4.13,67.587 28.47,142.437 136.76,151.367 42.58,3.49 90.04,-15.32 90.04,-41.77 0,-20.1 -27.5,-35.98 -27.5,-65.57 0,-31.74 30.69,-63.472 74.04,-63.472 39.14,0 66.65,30.644 66.65,71.922 0,71.95 -96.14,143.07 -216.23,136.19" fill="#f4a00f" transform="matrix(.04812 0 0 -.04812 -20.552239 71.501094)"/><path d="m 816.395,793.98 c 0,-113.21 -90.95,-161.89 -171.36,-161.89 -59.219,0 -106.836,35.961 -106.836,89.898 0,68.821 60.313,118.539 173.489,149.242 l 104.707,28.528 z m 463.105,692.04 c -5.43,-0.08 -10.8,0.1 -16.17,-0.29 -111.29,-4.53 -210.83,-59.02 -210.83,-185.37 v -123.68 h -91.293 v -53.86 H 1052.5 V 753.73 c 0,-89.839 -14.46,-127.601 -68.383,-126.921 -52.375,0.64 -67.207,38.113 -67.207,126.921 v 231.719 c 0,132.241 -108.957,185.101 -226.367,185.101 -130.129,0 -228.508,-82.51 -228.508,-154.43 0,-41.265 27.516,-71.909 66.656,-71.909 43.36,0 74.039,31.727 74.039,63.449 0,29.61 -27.515,45.48 -27.515,65.61 0,26.41 47.613,60.26 106.851,60.26 104.715,0 135.383,-88.86 135.383,-158.675 0,-40.207 -46.515,-44.425 -189.34,-84.652 C 467.305,844.746 427.148,792.93 427.148,718.84 c 0,-92.02 94.145,-137.508 173.477,-137.508 111.063,0 176.898,53.938 220.281,89.918 0,0 56.035,-91.289 163.836,-91.289 3.774,0 7.492,0.25 11.219,0.551 4.709,0.437 9.369,1.039 13.989,1.777 1.82,0.32 3.66,0.633 5.44,1.051 2.27,0.34 4.53,0.84 6.78,1.301 27.63,6.089 53.8,17.929 78.22,38.711 29.31,24.949 42.52,61.796 48.01,85.187 0.22,1.512 0.44,3.012 0.64,4.441 1.74,8.52 2.31,13.899 2.31,13.899 l 0.22,11.121 c 0.14,1.98 0.28,3.859 0.38,5.582 v 12.867 l 0.15,7.09 -0.15,52.75 v 306.531 h 111.15 v 53.86 h -111.15 v 113.12 c 0,16.19 1.6,33.58 5.28,50.7 13.82,55.83 42.27,103.21 130.7,108.49 37.73,2.24 88.73,-9.28 90.06,-39.95 0.87,-20.09 -27.52,-35.97 -27.52,-65.61 0,-31.69 30.69,-63.44 74.07,-63.44 39.03,0 66.54,30.68 66.54,71.92 0,71.95 -93.15,135.58 -211.58,134.11" fill="#f4a00f" transform="matrix(.04812 0 0 -.04812 -20.552239 71.501094)"/><path d="M2904.16 1015h-7.69c-5.13 0-10.86-.2-17.21-.61-6.36-.41-12.36-1.39-17.99-2.93-5.64-1.53-10.41-3.8-14.3-6.76-3.89-2.97-5.85-7.118-5.85-12.454 0-3.484.78-6.402 2.32-8.766 1.53-2.359 3.53-4.347 5.99-5.996 2.45-1.64 5.22-2.812 8.3-3.531 3.08-.715 6.15-1.078 9.22-1.078 12.71 0 22.08 3.031 28.14 9.066 6.04 6.055 9.07 14.297 9.07 24.759zm2.15-45.805h-.92c-5.34-8.402-12.1-14.5-20.29-18.3-8.21-3.79-17.22-5.684-27.07-5.684-6.76 0-13.37.934-19.82 2.762-6.46 1.851-12.2 4.609-17.22 8.312-5.02 3.676-9.07 8.289-12.14 13.828-3.08 5.539-4.61 11.981-4.61 19.364 0 8.003 1.43 14.813 4.3 20.453 2.87 5.64 6.71 10.34 11.53 14.13 4.82 3.8 10.4 6.82 16.75 9.08 6.35 2.25 12.97 3.95 19.84 5.07 6.86 1.13 13.77 1.85 20.74 2.16 6.97.31 13.53.46 19.68.46h9.23v3.99c0 9.22-3.18 16.14-9.54 20.75-6.35 4.62-14.45 6.92-24.28 6.92-7.79 0-15.07-1.38-21.83-4.15-6.76-2.77-12.6-6.51-17.53-11.21l-19.37 19.36c8.2 8.4 17.79 14.45 28.75 18.14 10.97 3.69 22.29 5.53 33.97 5.53 10.46 0 19.27-1.18 26.44-3.54 7.17-2.36 13.12-5.38 17.84-9.07 4.71-3.68 8.34-7.94 10.91-12.75 2.56-4.82 4.4-9.69 5.54-14.6 1.12-4.93 1.78-9.69 1.99-14.3.2-4.61.31-8.66.31-12.15v-84.848h-33.2v20.293M2977.63 1096.48h35.05v-23.07h.61c3.27 6.97 8.56 13.17 15.83 18.6 7.28 5.43 17.07 8.15 29.37 8.15 23.16 0 38.51-9.11 46.11-27.36 5.33 9.42 11.99 16.34 20 20.75 7.98 4.4 17.52 6.61 28.59 6.61 9.83 0 18.13-1.64 24.89-4.92 6.76-3.28 12.24-7.79 16.46-13.53 4.19-5.74 7.21-12.45 9.06-20.13 1.85-7.69 2.78-15.94 2.78-24.75v-87.928h-36.92v83.618c0 4.51-.41 8.87-1.22 13.07-.83 4.2-2.25 7.89-4.3 11.07-2.04 3.18-4.82 5.68-8.31 7.52-3.48 1.86-7.99 2.78-13.51 2.78-5.74 0-10.63-1.08-14.61-3.23-3.99-2.15-7.29-5.02-9.83-8.61-2.58-3.59-4.44-7.68-5.56-12.3-1.11-4.61-1.68-9.27-1.68-13.98v-79.938h-36.9v87.928c0 9.22-1.94 16.55-5.83 21.98-3.9 5.43-10.35 8.15-19.37 8.15-6.15 0-11.33-1.03-15.53-3.07-4.2-2.06-7.68-4.83-10.46-8.3-2.75-3.5-4.75-7.49-5.98-12-1.23-4.51-1.85-9.22-1.85-14.14v-80.548h-36.89v147.578M3351.79 1037.44c-.22 10.86-3.59 19.42-10.15 25.67-6.55 6.25-15.69 9.38-27.37 9.38-11.06 0-19.83-3.18-26.28-9.53-6.45-6.35-10.41-14.86-11.84-25.52zm-75.64-27.67c1.22-11.063 5.53-19.668 12.91-25.825 7.38-6.148 16.3-9.218 26.75-9.218 9.22 0 16.95 1.89 23.21 5.687 6.25 3.785 11.73 8.555 16.45 14.289l26.45-19.976c-8.62-10.661-18.25-18.25-28.91-22.758-10.66-4.504-21.83-6.758-33.51-6.758-11.06 0-21.52 1.859-31.37 5.531-9.83 3.692-18.33 8.926-25.5 15.696-7.17 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.22 9.523-6.31 20.143-6.31 31.823 0 11.68 2.09 22.29 6.31 31.81 4.2 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.17 6.76 15.67 11.99 25.5 15.68 9.85 3.69 20.31 5.53 31.37 5.53 10.26 0 19.63-1.8 28.14-5.38 8.49-3.59 15.77-8.76 21.81-15.53 6.05-6.76 10.77-15.11 14.15-25.05 3.39-9.94 5.08-21.37 5.08-34.28v-10.15h-112.53M3423.1 1096.48h36.9v-23.37h.61c4.1 8.6 9.93 15.26 17.52 19.98 7.58 4.72 16.29 7.07 26.14 7.07 2.25 0 4.45-.21 6.6-.62 2.17-.41 4.36-.92 6.62-1.53v-35.67c-3.08.82-6.1 1.49-9.07 2-2.97.52-5.89.77-8.76.77-8.61 0-15.52-1.59-20.75-4.77-5.24-3.18-9.23-6.8-12-10.91-2.76-4.1-4.62-8.2-5.53-12.3-.91-4.1-1.38-7.17-1.38-9.22v-79.008h-36.9v147.578M3543.31 1096.48h36.89V948.902h-36.89zm-5.23 50.1c0 5.94 2.2 11.12 6.62 15.53 4.4 4.41 9.98 6.61 16.76 6.61 6.75 0 12.44-2.1 17.05-6.3 4.62-4.21 6.93-9.49 6.93-15.84 0-6.35-2.31-11.63-6.93-15.83-4.61-4.2-10.3-6.31-17.05-6.31-6.78 0-12.36 2.21-16.76 6.61-4.42 4.41-6.62 9.59-6.62 15.53M3723.47 1052.2c-4.31 4.51-8.81 8.1-13.53 10.76-4.72 2.66-9.53 4-14.45 4-6.76 0-12.82-1.23-18.13-3.69-5.34-2.47-9.9-5.74-13.69-9.84-3.8-4.11-6.67-8.82-8.61-14.14-1.94-5.33-2.92-10.87-2.92-16.6 0-5.75.98-11.28 2.92-16.6 1.94-5.33 4.81-10.043 8.61-14.149 3.79-4.093 8.35-7.378 13.69-9.847 5.31-2.453 11.37-3.68 18.13-3.68 5.73 0 11.07 1.172 15.99 3.527 4.91 2.368 9.12 5.801 12.6 10.305l24.59-26.441c-3.68-3.68-7.95-6.864-12.75-9.52-4.82-2.68-9.69-4.824-14.61-6.461-4.92-1.64-9.63-2.82-14.13-3.539-4.52-.719-8.41-1.074-11.69-1.074-11.08 0-21.52 1.859-31.36 5.531-9.85 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.16 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.22 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823 0 11.68 2.08 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.2 9.54 9.9 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.67 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.84 3.69 20.28 5.53 31.36 5.53 9.43 0 18.9-1.8 28.44-5.38 9.54-3.59 17.89-9.28 25.06-17.07l-25.52-25.51M3860.9 1015h-7.69c-5.12 0-10.87-.2-17.21-.61-6.36-.41-12.36-1.39-18-2.93-5.64-1.53-10.39-3.8-14.3-6.76-3.88-2.97-5.83-7.118-5.83-12.454 0-3.484.76-6.402 2.31-8.766 1.53-2.359 3.52-4.347 6-5.996 2.45-1.64 5.22-2.812 8.29-3.531 3.08-.715 6.15-1.078 9.23-1.078 12.7 0 22.08 3.031 28.13 9.066 6.03 6.055 9.07 14.297 9.07 24.759zm2.16-45.805h-.93c-5.34-8.402-12.09-14.5-20.29-18.3-8.2-3.79-17.22-5.684-27.05-5.684-6.77 0-13.38.934-19.84 2.762-6.46 1.851-12.19 4.609-17.22 8.312-5.02 3.676-9.06 8.289-12.12 13.828-3.09 5.539-4.62 11.981-4.62 19.364 0 8.003 1.42 14.813 4.3 20.453 2.86 5.64 6.7 10.34 11.53 14.13 4.81 3.8 10.4 6.82 16.74 9.08 6.36 2.25 12.97 3.95 19.84 5.07 6.87 1.13 13.77 1.85 20.75 2.16 6.97.31 13.53.46 19.67.46h9.24v3.99c0 9.22-3.2 16.14-9.54 20.75-6.35 4.62-14.44 6.92-24.29 6.92-7.79 0-15.06-1.38-21.83-4.15-6.77-2.77-12.6-6.51-17.53-11.21l-19.36 19.36c8.2 8.4 17.77 14.45 28.75 18.14 10.96 3.69 22.28 5.53 33.96 5.53 10.47 0 19.28-1.18 26.46-3.54 7.16-2.36 13.11-5.38 17.82-9.07 4.72-3.68 8.35-7.94 10.92-12.75 2.56-4.82 4.4-9.69 5.53-14.6 1.12-4.93 1.8-9.69 2-14.3.19-4.61.31-8.66.31-12.15v-84.848h-33.2v20.293M3935.91 1096.48h35.05v-23.68h.61c3.49 7.38 8.81 13.78 15.99 19.21 7.17 5.43 16.91 8.15 29.21 8.15 9.83 0 18.19-1.64 25.06-4.92 6.85-3.28 12.45-7.58 16.74-12.91 4.31-5.34 7.39-11.48 9.24-18.44 1.83-6.98 2.76-14.26 2.76-21.84v-93.148h-36.89v74.708c0 4.09-.21 8.65-.61 13.68-.41 5.02-1.5 9.73-3.24 14.15-1.73 4.4-4.46 8.09-8.15 11.06-3.68 2.96-8.71 4.46-15.05 4.46-6.16 0-11.33-1.03-15.54-3.07-4.2-2.06-7.68-4.83-10.46-8.3-2.75-3.5-4.74-7.49-5.98-12-1.23-4.51-1.84-9.22-1.84-14.14v-80.548h-36.9v147.578M4216.59 1065.11h-30.44v31.37h30.44v20.9c0 10.24.73 19.51 2.17 27.82 1.43 8.3 4.14 15.43 8.13 21.36 4 5.95 9.58 10.51 16.76 13.69 7.17 3.18 16.51 4.77 27.98 4.77 8.4 0 16.18-.73 23.36-2.16l-2.45-31.36c-2.67.62-5.24 1.13-7.69 1.54-2.47.41-5.04.62-7.69.62-5.13 0-9.22-.82-12.3-2.46-3.06-1.65-5.48-3.84-7.21-6.61-1.76-2.77-2.87-6-3.38-9.69-.53-3.69-.77-7.58-.77-11.68v-26.74h34.12v-31.37H4253.5V948.902h-36.91v116.208M4416.74 1037.44c-.21 10.86-3.6 19.42-10.15 25.67-6.56 6.25-15.68 9.38-27.36 9.38-11.07 0-19.84-3.18-26.29-9.53-6.45-6.35-10.4-14.86-11.84-25.52zm-75.64-27.67c1.23-11.063 5.54-19.668 12.92-25.825 7.38-6.148 16.28-9.218 26.75-9.218 9.21 0 16.94 1.89 23.2 5.687 6.26 3.785 11.73 8.555 16.46 14.289l26.45-19.976c-8.62-10.661-18.26-18.25-28.91-22.758-10.66-4.504-21.83-6.758-33.51-6.758-11.07 0-21.52 1.859-31.36 5.531-9.85 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.17 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.21 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823 0 11.68 2.09 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.2 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.67 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.84 3.69 20.29 5.53 31.36 5.53 10.25 0 19.62-1.8 28.12-5.38 8.51-3.59 15.78-8.76 21.83-15.53 6.05-6.76 10.78-15.11 14.15-25.05 3.38-9.94 5.07-21.37 5.07-34.28v-10.15H4341.1M4517.57 1022.69c0-5.75.97-11.28 2.92-16.6 1.95-5.33 4.82-10.043 8.61-14.149 3.8-4.093 8.35-7.378 13.68-9.847 5.33-2.453 11.39-3.68 18.15-3.68 6.77 0 12.79 1.227 18.14 3.68 5.31 2.469 9.88 5.754 13.66 9.847 3.81 4.106 6.66 8.819 8.62 14.149 1.95 5.32 2.93 10.85 2.93 16.6 0 5.73-.98 11.27-2.93 16.6-1.96 5.32-4.81 10.03-8.62 14.14-3.78 4.1-8.35 7.37-13.66 9.84-5.35 2.46-11.37 3.69-18.14 3.69-6.76 0-12.82-1.23-18.15-3.69-5.33-2.47-9.88-5.74-13.68-9.84-3.79-4.11-6.66-8.82-8.61-14.14-1.95-5.33-2.92-10.87-2.92-16.6zm87.31-51.655h-.6c-5.35-9.019-12.52-15.582-21.53-19.68-9.03-4.097-18.76-6.144-29.21-6.144-11.48 0-21.66 2-30.58 6.004-8.92 3.996-16.55 9.473-22.9 16.43-6.37 6.98-11.18 15.175-14.47 24.601-3.27 9.434-4.9 19.574-4.9 30.444 0 10.86 1.72 21 5.22 30.44 3.48 9.42 8.35 17.62 14.61 24.58 6.24 6.97 13.78 12.46 22.59 16.45 8.8 4 18.45 6 28.9 6 6.95 0 13.12-.72 18.45-2.15 5.32-1.44 10.03-3.28 14.13-5.53 4.09-2.26 7.58-4.67 10.47-7.23 2.85-2.57 5.21-5.07 7.06-7.54h.93v103.61h36.88V948.902h-35.05v22.133M4786.89 1037.44c-.21 10.86-3.59 19.42-10.15 25.67-6.56 6.25-15.69 9.38-27.36 9.38-11.07 0-19.84-3.18-26.28-9.53-6.46-6.35-10.41-14.86-11.84-25.52zm-75.63-27.67c1.22-11.063 5.53-19.668 12.91-25.825 7.37-6.148 16.29-9.218 26.74-9.218 9.22 0 16.95 1.89 23.21 5.687 6.26 3.785 11.73 8.555 16.46 14.289l26.44-19.976c-8.61-10.661-18.25-18.25-28.9-22.758-10.66-4.504-21.83-6.758-33.5-6.758-11.08 0-21.53 1.859-31.38 5.531-9.83 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.16 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.05 24.429-4.21 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823 0 11.68 2.09 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.19 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.05 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.69 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.85 3.69 20.3 5.53 31.38 5.53 10.24 0 19.61-1.8 28.11-5.38 8.51-3.59 15.79-8.76 21.83-15.53 6.05-6.76 10.76-15.11 14.15-25.05 3.39-9.94 5.07-21.37 5.07-34.28v-10.15h-112.52M4858.21 1096.48h36.9v-23.37h.6c4.09 8.6 9.93 15.26 17.52 19.98 7.59 4.72 16.3 7.07 26.15 7.07 2.24 0 4.45-.21 6.61-.62 2.15-.41 4.35-.92 6.6-1.53v-35.67c-3.07.82-6.11 1.49-9.06 2-2.97.52-5.9.77-8.76.77-8.62 0-15.54-1.59-20.76-4.77-5.23-3.18-9.22-6.8-11.99-10.91-2.77-4.1-4.62-8.2-5.53-12.3-.92-4.1-1.38-7.17-1.38-9.22v-79.008h-36.9v147.578M5067.88 1015h-7.69c-5.12 0-10.86-.2-17.21-.61-6.37-.41-12.35-1.39-18-2.93-5.62-1.53-10.4-3.8-14.3-6.76-3.87-2.97-5.83-7.118-5.83-12.454 0-3.484.77-6.402 2.31-8.766 1.53-2.359 3.52-4.347 5.99-5.996 2.47-1.64 5.23-2.812 8.3-3.531 3.08-.715 6.15-1.078 9.22-1.078 12.71 0 22.09 3.031 28.14 9.066 6.04 6.055 9.07 14.297 9.07 24.759zm2.16-45.805h-.93c-5.34-8.402-12.1-14.5-20.29-18.3-8.2-3.79-17.22-5.684-27.06-5.684-6.76 0-13.37.934-19.83 2.762-6.46 1.851-12.19 4.609-17.21 8.312-5.02 3.676-9.07 8.289-12.14 13.828-3.08 5.539-4.61 11.981-4.61 19.364 0 8.003 1.41 14.813 4.3 20.453 2.87 5.64 6.7 10.34 11.53 14.13 4.8 3.8 10.4 6.82 16.74 9.08 6.35 2.25 12.98 3.95 19.83 5.07 6.88 1.13 13.79 1.85 20.76 2.16 6.98.31 13.52.46 19.68.46h9.23v3.99c0 9.22-3.19 16.14-9.54 20.75-6.36 4.62-14.45 6.92-24.29 6.92-7.79 0-15.06-1.38-21.82-4.15-6.76-2.77-12.6-6.51-17.53-11.21l-19.37 19.36c8.19 8.4 17.77 14.45 28.76 18.14 10.95 3.69 22.28 5.53 33.96 5.53 10.45 0 19.27-1.18 26.44-3.54 7.17-2.36 13.13-5.38 17.82-9.07 4.73-3.68 8.36-7.94 10.93-12.75 2.55-4.82 4.4-9.69 5.53-14.6 1.12-4.93 1.79-9.69 2-14.3.2-4.61.31-8.66.31-12.15v-84.848h-33.2v20.293M5125.67 1065.11v31.37h30.44v42.72h36.9v-42.72h40.57v-31.37h-40.57v-64.57c0-7.364 1.37-13.204 4.16-17.517 2.75-4.296 8.24-6.453 16.43-6.453 3.28 0 6.86.36 10.77 1.075 3.89.718 6.97 1.902 9.21 3.523v-31.039c-3.89-1.852-8.66-3.125-14.29-3.844-5.64-.719-10.62-1.074-14.91-1.074-9.83 0-17.89 1.074-24.13 3.227-6.26 2.152-11.18 5.429-14.76 9.839-3.59 4.403-6.05 9.875-7.38 16.45-1.33 6.558-2 14.14-2 22.753v67.63h-30.44M5263.11 1096.48h36.88V948.902h-36.88zm-5.23 50.1c0 5.94 2.2 11.12 6.61 15.53 4.41 4.41 9.99 6.61 16.75 6.61 6.77 0 12.45-2.1 17.06-6.3 4.62-4.21 6.92-9.49 6.92-15.84 0-6.35-2.3-11.63-6.92-15.83-4.61-4.2-10.29-6.31-17.06-6.31-6.76 0-12.34 2.21-16.75 6.61-4.41 4.41-6.61 9.59-6.61 15.53M5371.93 1022.69c0-5.75.98-11.28 2.92-16.6 1.96-5.33 4.82-10.043 8.62-14.149 3.79-4.093 8.35-7.378 13.69-9.847 5.31-2.453 11.37-3.68 18.13-3.68 6.76 0 12.8 1.227 18.14 3.68 5.32 2.469 9.88 5.754 13.67 9.847 3.8 4.106 6.65 8.819 8.61 14.149 1.96 5.32 2.92 10.85 2.92 16.6 0 5.73-.96 11.27-2.92 16.6-1.96 5.32-4.81 10.03-8.61 14.14-3.79 4.1-8.35 7.37-13.67 9.84-5.34 2.46-11.38 3.69-18.14 3.69-6.76 0-12.82-1.23-18.13-3.69-5.34-2.47-9.9-5.74-13.69-9.84-3.8-4.11-6.66-8.82-8.62-14.14-1.94-5.33-2.92-10.87-2.92-16.6zm-36.88 0c0 11.68 2.1 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.19 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.68 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.84 3.69 20.28 5.53 31.36 5.53 11.07 0 21.52-1.84 31.36-5.53 9.84-3.69 18.33-8.92 25.52-15.68 7.17-6.76 12.86-14.91 17.05-24.45 4.2-9.52 6.3-20.13 6.3-31.81 0-11.68-2.1-22.3-6.3-31.823-4.19-9.527-9.88-17.668-17.05-24.429-7.19-6.77-15.68-12.004-25.52-15.696-9.84-3.672-20.29-5.531-31.36-5.531-11.08 0-21.52 1.859-31.36 5.531-9.84 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.17 6.761-12.87 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.2 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823M5518.6 1096.34h34.98v-23.63h.63c3.47 7.37 8.8 13.76 15.97 19.18 7.15 5.42 16.87 8.15 29.16 8.15 9.81 0 18.14-1.66 25.01-4.92 6.84-3.28 12.43-7.58 16.72-12.9 4.3-5.32 7.38-11.46 9.22-18.41 1.83-6.95 2.76-14.23 2.76-21.8v-93.006h-36.84v74.586c0 4.1-.21 8.65-.6 13.67-.42 5.01-1.49 9.72-3.24 14.11-1.74 4.4-4.44 8.08-8.12 11.05-3.7 2.97-8.71 4.46-15.05 4.46-6.14 0-11.3-1.02-15.51-3.07-4.2-2.05-7.66-4.81-10.42-8.29-2.77-3.48-4.76-7.47-5.99-11.97-1.23-4.5-1.84-9.21-1.84-14.12v-80.426h-36.84v147.336M2822.35 769.5h-30.38v31.313h30.38v20.867c0 10.234.71 19.492 2.15 27.785 1.43 8.289 4.14 15.398 8.14 21.328 3.99 5.937 9.56 10.484 16.73 13.672 7.16 3.164 16.46 4.746 27.92 4.746 8.4 0 16.17-.715 23.34-2.16l-2.46-31.289c-2.66.605-5.22 1.113-7.68 1.523-2.45.41-5.01.613-7.66.613-5.12 0-9.21-.82-12.28-2.46-3.08-1.629-5.48-3.829-7.22-6.598-1.74-2.754-2.87-5.988-3.37-9.66-.52-3.684-.77-7.586-.77-11.668v-26.699h34.07V769.5h-34.07V653.469h-36.84V769.5M2946.67 727.141c0-5.743.97-11.262 2.91-16.582 1.94-5.309 4.81-10.02 8.59-14.11 3.79-4.097 8.34-7.371 13.66-9.828 5.32-2.461 11.36-3.68 18.11-3.68 6.76 0 12.79 1.219 18.11 3.68 5.32 2.457 9.87 5.731 13.67 9.828 3.78 4.09 6.65 8.801 8.59 14.11 1.95 5.32 2.92 10.839 2.92 16.582 0 5.73-.97 11.257-2.92 16.57-1.94 5.328-4.81 10.027-8.59 14.117-3.8 4.094-8.35 7.371-13.67 9.832-5.32 2.461-11.35 3.68-18.11 3.68-6.75 0-12.79-1.219-18.11-3.68-5.32-2.461-9.87-5.738-13.66-9.832-3.78-4.09-6.65-8.789-8.59-14.117-1.94-5.313-2.91-10.84-2.91-16.57zm-36.85 0c0 11.66 2.11 22.25 6.3 31.769 4.19 9.52 9.87 17.649 17.04 24.41 7.16 6.739 15.66 11.961 25.48 15.641 9.82 3.684 20.25 5.531 31.3 5.531 11.06 0 21.5-1.847 31.31-5.531 9.83-3.68 18.32-8.902 25.48-15.641 7.17-6.761 12.84-14.89 17.04-24.41 4.19-9.519 6.28-20.109 6.28-31.769 0-11.661-2.09-22.25-6.28-31.77-4.2-9.512-9.87-17.66-17.04-24.402-7.16-6.758-15.65-11.981-25.48-15.66-9.81-3.668-20.25-5.528-31.31-5.528-11.05 0-21.48 1.86-31.3 5.528-9.82 3.679-18.32 8.902-25.48 15.66-7.17 6.742-12.85 14.89-17.04 24.402-4.19 9.52-6.3 20.109-6.3 31.77M3104.42 800.813h36.85v-23.344h.61c4.09 8.601 9.93 15.25 17.5 19.961 7.56 4.711 16.26 7.062 26.08 7.062 2.25 0 4.46-.195 6.61-.613 2.15-.41 4.35-.918 6.6-1.543v-35.598c-3.06.821-6.1 1.473-9.06 2-2.97.5-5.9.762-8.75.762-8.59 0-15.51-1.578-20.71-4.75-5.22-3.18-9.21-6.809-11.99-10.91-2.76-4.09-4.59-8.192-5.51-12.281-.93-4.09-1.38-7.161-1.38-9.2v-78.89h-36.85v147.344M3404.63 719.469h-7.69c-5.1 0-10.84-.199-17.17-.617-6.34-.403-12.34-1.372-17.97-2.922-5.63-1.532-10.38-3.782-14.27-6.739-3.88-2.972-5.84-7.113-5.84-12.441 0-3.488.78-6.391 2.3-8.75 1.55-2.359 3.54-4.34 5.99-5.98 2.46-1.649 5.22-2.809 8.29-3.532 3.08-.718 6.14-1.078 9.21-1.078 12.69 0 22.06 3.012 28.09 9.051 6.02 6.039 9.06 14.277 9.06 24.719zm2.14-45.731h-.91c-5.33-8.398-12.08-14.488-20.26-18.269-8.19-3.778-17.19-5.688-27.02-5.688-6.74 0-13.35.918-19.79 2.778-6.46 1.832-12.19 4.613-17.18 8.281-5.04 3.68-9.07 8.281-12.14 13.808-3.06 5.532-4.61 11.973-4.61 19.34 0 7.973 1.44 14.782 4.3 20.41 2.86 5.633 6.71 10.34 11.52 14.122 4.8 3.781 10.38 6.8 16.72 9.062 6.34 2.238 12.94 3.93 19.8 5.066 6.85 1.114 13.76 1.84 20.73 2.141 6.95.313 13.5.449 19.63.449h9.21v4c0 9.223-3.18 16.121-9.5 20.723-6.36 4.609-14.43 6.91-24.26 6.91-7.78 0-15.04-1.391-21.8-4.16-6.76-2.75-12.59-6.492-17.5-11.191l-19.33 19.332c8.18 8.386 17.75 14.429 28.71 18.109 10.93 3.684 22.25 5.531 33.91 5.531 10.44 0 19.23-1.179 26.4-3.535 7.16-2.355 13.09-5.367 17.81-9.047 4.69-3.691 8.33-7.941 10.89-12.738 2.56-4.813 4.39-9.672 5.52-14.594 1.12-4.906 1.78-9.656 2-14.269.2-4.61.29-8.649.29-12.118v-84.722h-33.14v20.269M3552.59 771.34c-6.56 0-12.49-1.078-17.81-3.219-5.33-2.152-9.89-5.109-13.66-8.902-3.8-3.797-6.75-8.399-8.9-13.809-2.15-5.43-3.23-11.43-3.23-17.969 0-5.929 1.08-11.461 3.23-16.57 2.15-5.109 5.15-9.609 9.05-13.512 3.89-3.879 8.49-6.949 13.82-9.211 5.3-2.238 11.04-3.359 17.19-3.359 6.74 0 12.83 1.121 18.25 3.359 5.42 2.262 10.04 5.282 13.82 9.071 3.78 3.769 6.7 8.332 8.76 13.652 2.04 5.309 3.05 11.039 3.05 17.199 0 12.891-3.88 23.321-11.66 31.301-7.79 7.969-18.41 11.969-31.91 11.969zm78.56 29.473V666.672c0-13.301-1.64-25.313-4.9-36.063-3.27-10.757-8.34-19.847-15.21-27.328-6.85-7.461-15.48-13.242-25.92-17.34-10.44-4.082-22.83-6.14-37.15-6.14-13.7 0-26.7 1.738-38.98 5.23-12.28 3.469-23.64 9.801-34.07 19.02l22.1 30.078c7.37-6.75 15.04-11.969 23.01-15.641 7.99-3.687 17.21-5.527 27.65-5.527 8.78 0 16.2 1.219 22.24 3.668 6.03 2.461 10.84 5.851 14.43 10.141 3.57 4.289 6.13 9.468 7.67 15.5 1.54 6.039 2.31 12.73 2.31 20.089v10.762h-.62c-5.32-7.172-12.39-12.543-21.18-16.133-8.8-3.566-17.81-5.347-27.01-5.347-11.05 0-21.08 1.988-30.08 5.968-9 3.993-16.73 9.371-23.17 16.129-6.46 6.742-11.42 14.723-14.9 23.942-3.47 9.191-5.2 19.031-5.2 29.461 0 10.839 1.63 20.98 4.9 30.39 3.27 9.41 8.08 17.598 14.42 24.547 6.35 6.961 13.97 12.442 22.88 16.442 8.89 3.98 19.08 5.972 30.54 5.972 10.44 0 20.15-2.058 29.15-6.152 9.01-4.078 16.16-10.629 21.5-19.629h.6v22.102h34.99M3673.51 800.813h36.84V653.469h-36.84zm-5.22 50.027c0 5.937 2.2 11.101 6.6 15.5 4.4 4.402 9.98 6.598 16.74 6.598 6.74 0 12.43-2.11 17.03-6.29 4.6-4.199 6.91-9.46 6.91-15.808 0-6.336-2.31-11.61-6.91-15.813-4.6-4.199-10.29-6.289-17.03-6.289-6.76 0-12.34 2.207-16.74 6.606-4.4 4.39-6.6 9.558-6.6 15.496M3752.71 800.813h34.99v-23.641h.61c3.48 7.367 8.79 13.769 15.96 19.18 7.16 5.425 16.88 8.14 29.16 8.14 9.82 0 18.16-1.64 25.03-4.914 6.84-3.269 12.42-7.566 16.72-12.898 4.29-5.309 7.37-11.461 9.2-18.41 1.84-6.95 2.78-14.231 2.78-21.79v-93.011h-36.84v74.601c0 4.09-.22 8.629-.62 13.649-.41 5.019-1.49 9.711-3.23 14.121-1.73 4.398-4.45 8.09-8.13 11.039-3.68 2.973-8.69 4.461-15.03 4.461-6.15 0-11.32-1.031-15.52-3.07-4.19-2.051-7.66-4.809-10.42-8.29-2.77-3.48-4.76-7.468-5.99-11.96-1.22-4.5-1.84-9.219-1.84-14.122v-80.429h-36.83v147.344M4001.95 771.34c-6.55 0-12.49-1.078-17.8-3.219-5.33-2.152-9.88-5.109-13.66-8.902-3.79-3.797-6.75-8.399-8.9-13.809-2.16-5.43-3.23-11.43-3.23-17.969 0-5.929 1.07-11.461 3.23-16.57 2.15-5.109 5.16-9.609 9.04-13.512 3.9-3.879 8.51-6.949 13.82-9.211 5.32-2.238 11.05-3.359 17.19-3.359 6.75 0 12.83 1.121 18.26 3.359 5.41 2.262 10.04 5.282 13.82 9.071 3.78 3.769 6.7 8.332 8.74 13.652 2.05 5.309 3.08 11.039 3.08 17.199 0 12.891-3.9 23.321-11.67 31.301-7.78 7.969-18.42 11.969-31.92 11.969zm78.58 29.473V666.672c0-13.301-1.65-25.313-4.9-36.063-3.28-10.757-8.34-19.847-15.21-27.328-6.85-7.461-15.49-13.242-25.94-17.34-10.42-4.082-22.81-6.14-37.14-6.14-13.7 0-26.71 1.738-38.98 5.23-12.29 3.469-23.63 9.801-34.06 19.02l22.1 30.078c7.35-6.75 15.02-11.969 23.01-15.641 7.99-3.687 17.2-5.527 27.63-5.527 8.79 0 16.21 1.219 22.26 3.668 6.01 2.461 10.84 5.851 14.42 10.141 3.57 4.289 6.13 9.468 7.68 15.5 1.53 6.039 2.3 12.73 2.3 20.089v10.762h-.62c-5.32-7.172-12.39-12.543-21.18-16.133-8.79-3.566-17.81-5.347-27-5.347-11.06 0-21.08 1.988-30.09 5.968-9.01 3.993-16.73 9.371-23.18 16.129-6.44 6.742-11.41 14.723-14.89 23.942-3.47 9.191-5.21 19.031-5.21 29.461 0 10.839 1.62 20.98 4.92 30.39 3.26 9.41 8.07 17.598 14.42 24.547 6.34 6.961 13.96 12.442 22.87 16.442 8.89 3.98 19.07 5.972 30.54 5.972 10.44 0 20.14-2.058 29.16-6.152 8.99-4.078 16.15-10.629 21.49-19.629h.61v22.102h34.99M4195.95 800.813h36.83v-23.344h.61c4.1 8.601 9.93 15.25 17.5 19.961 7.57 4.711 16.26 7.062 26.09 7.062 2.25 0 4.46-.195 6.61-.613 2.15-.41 4.35-.918 6.61-1.543v-35.598c-3.08.821-6.11 1.473-9.07 2-2.97.5-5.9.762-8.75.762-8.59 0-15.5-1.578-20.71-4.75-5.22-3.18-9.21-6.809-11.98-10.91-2.77-4.09-4.6-8.192-5.52-12.281-.93-4.09-1.39-7.161-1.39-9.2v-78.89h-36.83v147.344M4420.33 741.879c-.2 10.84-3.58 19.383-10.12 25.633-6.55 6.226-15.67 9.359-27.33 9.359-11.04 0-19.8-3.18-26.24-9.531-6.44-6.328-10.39-14.828-11.82-25.461zm-75.51-27.629c1.23-11.051 5.52-19.641 12.9-25.789 7.36-6.129 16.26-9.199 26.7-9.199 9.2 0 16.93 1.886 23.18 5.668 6.24 3.781 11.71 8.55 16.41 14.281l26.39-19.949c-8.58-10.653-18.19-18.223-28.84-22.731-10.64-4.492-21.79-6.75-33.46-6.75-11.05 0-21.49 1.86-31.31 5.528-9.81 3.679-18.31 8.902-25.47 15.66-7.17 6.742-12.85 14.89-17.03 24.402-4.2 9.52-6.3 20.109-6.3 31.77 0 11.66 2.1 22.25 6.3 31.769 4.18 9.52 9.86 17.649 17.03 24.41 7.16 6.739 15.66 11.961 25.47 15.641 9.82 3.684 20.26 5.531 31.31 5.531 10.23 0 19.6-1.797 28.08-5.371 8.5-3.582 15.76-8.742 21.81-15.5 6.03-6.75 10.74-15.082 14.11-25.031 3.38-9.918 5.07-21.309 5.07-34.219V714.25h-112.35M4560.92 759.98c-7.17 10.02-16.79 15.059-28.86 15.059-4.91 0-9.73-1.238-14.43-3.699-4.71-2.449-7.06-6.449-7.06-11.969 0-4.512 1.94-7.781 5.85-9.82 3.86-2.051 8.78-3.789 14.72-5.231 5.94-1.422 12.33-2.898 19.18-4.441 6.86-1.527 13.25-3.891 19.19-7.059 5.93-3.172 10.84-7.519 14.73-13.039 3.89-5.531 5.83-13.101 5.83-22.73 0-8.789-1.9-16.211-5.68-22.25-3.78-6.031-8.69-10.879-14.73-14.571-6.04-3.699-12.83-6.359-20.41-7.98-7.58-1.641-15.15-2.469-22.72-2.469-11.46 0-21.99 1.649-31.61 4.918-9.62 3.281-18.22 9.223-25.78 17.813l24.54 23.019c4.72-5.332 9.78-9.672 15.21-13.062 5.42-3.36 12.02-5.059 19.79-5.059 2.67 0 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14.89-17.03 24.402-4.2 9.52-6.29 20.109-6.29 31.77 0 11.66 2.09 22.25 6.29 31.769 4.19 9.52 9.86 17.649 17.03 24.41 7.16 6.739 15.65 11.961 25.48 15.641 9.83 3.684 20.25 5.531 31.31 5.531 10.23 0 19.59-1.797 28.08-5.371 8.5-3.582 15.76-8.742 21.79-15.5 6.05-6.75 10.75-15.082 14.13-25.031 3.37-9.918 5.06-21.309 5.06-34.219V714.25h-112.34M4884.74 719.469h-7.68c-5.12 0-10.84-.199-17.18-.617-6.35-.403-12.33-1.372-17.96-2.922-5.63-1.532-10.39-3.782-14.27-6.739-3.9-2.972-5.84-7.113-5.84-12.441 0-3.488.78-6.391 2.31-8.75 1.53-2.359 3.53-4.34 5.97-5.98 2.46-1.649 5.23-2.809 8.3-3.532 3.07-.718 6.14-1.078 9.21-1.078 12.68 0 22.05 3.012 28.09 9.051 6.03 6.039 9.05 14.277 9.05 24.719zm2.14-45.731h-.9c-5.35-8.398-12.09-14.488-20.28-18.269-8.19-3.778-17.17-5.688-27-5.688-6.76 0-13.36.918-19.8 2.778-6.45 1.832-12.17 4.613-17.19 8.281-5.02 3.68-9.06 8.281-12.14 13.808-3.06 5.532-4.6 11.973-4.6 19.34 0 7.973 1.44 14.782 4.3 20.41 2.87 5.633 6.72 10.34 11.51 14.122 4.82 3.781 10.38 6.8 16.74 9.062 6.34 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