Digital Accessibility (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

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The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP) is committed to making its electronic content accessible to its students, faculty, staff, and all other individuals with disabilities participating or engaging in the programs and services of the University.</p> <h2>Reporting Accessibility Issues</h2> <p> If you cannot access content or use features on any SEP webpage due to a disability, please report your accessibility issue to <a href="m&#97;ilto:editors&#37;40plato&#37;2estanford&#37;2eedu"><em>editors<abbr title=" at ">&#64;</abbr>plato<abbr title=" dot ">&#46;</abbr>stanford<abbr title=" dot ">&#46;</abbr>edu</em></a>.</p> <h2>Digital Accessibility Policy</h2> <p> The SEP website endeavors to comply with the University's <a href="" target="other">Accessibility of Electronic Content policy</a>, which addresses the responsibilities and processes for Stanford University branded websites with regard to electronic content and accessibility for individuals with disabilities.</p> <h2>Office of Digital Accessibility</h2> <p> Further information can be obtained at the <a href="" target="other">Office of Digital Accessibility</a> website, which serves the Stanford community by providing technical guidance, techniques for achieving accessibility, and best practices for accessible electronic content. The Office of Digital Accessibility website includes solutions for evaluating website accessibility, website scanning and monitoring tools, accessibility guidance for common applications, and other informational resources.</p> </div> <!-- End content --><!--DO NOT MODIFY THIS LINE AND BELOW--> <div id="footer" class="scroll-block"> <div id="footer-menu"> <div class="menu-block"> <h4><i class="icon-book"></i> Browse</h4> <ul role="menu"> <li role="menuitem"><a href="contents.html">Table of Contents</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="new.html">What's New</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="">Random Entry</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="published.html">Chronological</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="archives/">Archives</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="menu-block"> <h4><i class="icon-info-sign"></i> About</h4> <ul role="menu"> <li role="menuitem"><a href="info.html">Editorial Information</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="about.html">About the SEP</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="board.html">Editorial Board</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="cite.html">How to Cite the SEP</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="special-characters.html">Special Characters</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="tools/">Advanced Tools</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="accessibility.html">Accessibility</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="menu-block"> <h4><i class="icon-leaf"></i> Support SEP</h4> <ul role="menu"> <li role="menuitem"><a href="support/">Support the SEP</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="support/friends.html">PDFs for SEP Friends</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="support/donate.html">Make a Donation</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="support/sepia.html">SEPIA for Libraries</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- End footer menu --> <div id="mirrors"> <div id="mirror-info"> <h4><i class="icon-globe"></i> Mirror Sites</h4> <p>View this site from another server:</p> </div> <div class="btn-group open"> <a class="btn dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href=""> <span class="flag flag-usa"></span> USA (Main Site) <span class="caret"></span> <span class="mirror-source">Philosophy, Stanford University</span> </a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <li><a href="mirrors.html">Info about mirror sites</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- End mirrors --> <div id="site-credits"> <p>The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is <a href="info.html#c">copyright &copy; 2024</a> by <a href="">The Metaphysics Research Lab</a>, Department of Philosophy, Stanford University</p> <p>Library of Congress Catalog Data: ISSN 1095-5054</p> </div> <!-- End site credits --> </div> <!-- End footer --> </div> <!-- End container --> <!-- NOTE: Script required for drop-down button to work (mirrors). --> <script> $('.dropdown-toggle').dropdown(); </script> </body> </html>

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