Indian GCCs And The Talent Landscape - Forbes India

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biggest IT services companies have stopped hiring in large numbers, faced with cost-cutting and demand for AI-led automation among clients", "url" : "", "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ForbesIndia", "url" : "", "logo" : { "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "" } } } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement": [ { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 1, "item": { "@id": "", "name": "Home" } }, { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 2, "item":{ "@id": "", "name": "Leadership" } }, { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 3, "item":{ "@id": "", "name": "Leadership" } }, { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 4, "item":{ "@id": "", "name": "Indian GCCs and the talent landscape" } }] } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> [{ "@context": "", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "@type": "Article", "url": "", "articleBody":"[CAPTION]The GCC workforce is expedcted to reach 2.8 million in 2030, as per a Zinnov report Image: Madhu Kapparath[/CAPTION]In her Budget speech, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman included a proposal to develop a &lsquo;national framework&rsquo; to support the growth of global capability centres (GCCs) in the country, with emphasis on encouraging them to expand into Tier II cities.The move is echoed by recent policies announced by some of the state governments. Notably, the government of Karnataka is seeking to incentivise global businesses to consider locations such as Mysuru and Mangaluru to bring 500 new GCCs to the state. It also has the ambitious target of creating 350,000 jobs over the next five years, and the hope is that the growth of GCCs will play a central role in this.Staffing experts noted how the budget proposals on skilling reflect an effort to foster the entire talent &lsquo;value chain&rsquo;&mdash;from schoolchildren all the way to deeptech researchers.&ldquo;The Budget places a strong emphasis on education and digital empowerment, ensuring that India&rsquo;s talent pipeline is built from the ground up,&rdquo; Sumit Kumar, chief strategy officer for degree apprenticeship at Teamlease, one of India&rsquo;s biggest staffing providers, says in an email.The proposal to set up three AI (artificial intelligence) centres of excellence, with an outlay of ₹500 crore, start 50,000 Atal Tinkering Labs&mdash;maker spaces are already in vogue under another Atal scheme&mdash;adding 6,500 seats in the IITs and the ₹20,000 crore deeptech fund all augur well for the growth of India&rsquo;s tech talent ecosystem. It can be tapped not only by the GCCs, but by the country&rsquo;s emerging tech startups as well.Today there are some 1.9 million people working in India&rsquo;s GCC sector, as estimated by Nasscom, India&rsquo;s tech industry&rsquo;s biggest lobby. Of these, a modest 82,000 are in Tier III locations. Within the total workforce, the sector includes some 120,000 AI specialists. And there are 185 GCCs that have centres of excellence for AI and machine learning, according to the India GCC Landscape report published by Nasscom and the consultancy Zinnov last year. The report projects the GCC workforce to grow at a CAGR of 6 to 8 percent to reach 2.5 million to 2.8 million in 2030.The rise of the GCCs in India is also happening at a time when the country&rsquo;s biggest IT services companies have stopped hiring in large numbers, faced with cost cutting and demand for AI-led automation among clients. TCS and Infosys, the top two Indian IT services companies, for example, have seen their collective workforce shrink by about 30,600 people, net, from the beginning of Q3FY23 to the end of Q3FY25.Teamlease, in a report, notes that GCCs will likely hire more entry-level recruits too, in the future, as the sector becomes bigger, compared with their practice of onboarding more experienced people in the past. GCCs will also pay &ldquo;premium salaries&rdquo; where in-demand skills are concerned, says Teamlease Digital, a unit of the staffing provider.Also read: Our India centres are a powerhouse of innovation: ThoughtSpot&#039;s Kumar GauravIn cybersecurity and network administration, for example, penetration tester, data scientist, full stack developer, big data developer, cybersecurity specialist, and blockchain developer are some of the most in-demand roles.In this domain, GCCs are expected to lead with an average salary of ₹9.57 lakh per annum, which is 40.12 percent higher than their IT counterparts, Teamlease Digital projected in November, for the year ahead. IT products and services companies may offer ₹6.83 lakh per annum on average, and non-tech companies will likely offer around ₹5.17 lakh per annum.&ldquo;While IT services have seen a slowdown, GCCs are expected to lead the way, offering premium salaries,&rdquo; Neeti Sharma, CEO of TeamLease Digital, says in an email. In roles like penetration testing and data science, average entry-level packages can be as high as ₹11.8 lakh per annum. This surge can be attributed to the rapid expansion of GCCs in India and their need to maintain global standards, Sharma adds.A multi-stakeholder effort is critical for a strong future pipeline of talent, even in the specific context of GCCs, Alouk Kumar, founder of Inductus, an IT and ITES staffing provider, tells Forbes India.Cost continues to be a big factor for global tech investments in India-based talent. &ldquo;India is the only destination which offers unmatched cost,&rdquo; Kumar says. &ldquo;It&rsquo;s 60 to 70 percent economical in terms of talent, compared with the US or some of the other rich countries.&rdquo;A talent crunch in the future can&rsquo;t be ruled out at this stage, Kumar says. The IT industry evolved over a period of 25 years, but the pace at which the GCCs are being added in India is faster, he says. &ldquo;GCCs, all of a sudden many companies have come down&hellip; and all of them will require high-end professionals&rdquo;. Industry estimates put the number of new GCCs in India in the last 12 months at more than 40.While entry-level availability might be more stable, because of large numbers at the base of the pyramid, as one seeks more experienced people, &ldquo;there, we have a relatively limited resource base&rdquo;, Kumar points out. And if the IT companies turn a corner, as some experts hope will happen in the latter half of 2025, competition will increase for lateral recruits.At the top end, advanced centres are stepping up their own in-house efforts to train and recruit the best engineers. AMD India&rsquo;s Senior VP and Country Head Jaya Jagadish says the company&rsquo;s global design centre takes in engineering graduate and even doctoral-level interns to work on AMD&rsquo;s own projects, not dummy projects created for them, but ongoing R&amp;D and commercial projects&mdash;for periods of nine months.The best from this cohort has a chance to be absorbed into the company&rsquo;s growing team of world-class semiconductor designers. And the semiconductor design sector is but one example of how India&rsquo;s talent ecosystem today offers exciting opportunities to engineers. &ldquo;I truly feel like we are at the right place at the right time. And this is something I want to give a shout out to all the students out there who are looking for career opportunities,&rdquo; Jaya says. There are challenges aplenty in fantastic fields and opportunities on offer to &ldquo;develop yourself as a true engineer&rdquo;, she says.", "articleSection":"Leadership", "headline": "Indian GCCs and the talent landscape", "description":"The rise of the GCCs in India is happening at a time when the country&#039;s biggest IT services companies have stopped hiring in large numbers, faced with cost-cutting and demand for AI-led automation among clients", "author": "Harichandan Arakali", "datePublished": "2025-02-26T14:52:52+05:30", "dateModified": "2025-02-26T15:00:47+05:30", "image":{ "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "width": "800px", "height": "600px", "url":"" }, "publisher":{ "@context": "", "@type": "Organization", "name": "ForbesIndia", "logo": { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "width": "800px", "height": "600px", "url": "" }, "url":"" } }] </script> <!-- arjun code start --> <script type="text/javascript"> (function () { window._w18hn = "FORBES"; window._w18_config = { "microsite": "own", "sections": "Leadership,Leadership", "tags": "", "language": "English" }; 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speech, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman included a proposal to develop a ‘national framework’ to support the growth of global capability centres (GCCs) in the country, with emphasis on encouraging them to expand into Tier II cities.<p>The move is echoed by recent policies announced by some of the state governments. Notably, the government of Karnataka is seeking to incentivise global businesses to consider locations such as Mysuru and Mangaluru to bring 500 new GCCs to the state. It also has the ambitious target of creating 350,000 jobs over the next five years, and the hope is that the growth of GCCs will play a central role in this.<div class="related-atrical-highlight col-md-5 col-sm-12"> <h4>Related stories</h4> <ul> <style> .related-atrical-highlight ul li {width:100%;} section.artical .artical-story-img > img{width:100px;} </style> <li> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-5 col-sm-4 col-xs-4"><a class="artical-story-img" href=""><img class="" alt="From pure-play engineering we&#039;re now end-to-end: Roche India&#039;s Raja Jamalamadaka" title="From pure-play engineering we&#039;re now end-to-end: Roche India&#039;s Raja Jamalamadaka" src=""></a></div> <div class="col-md-7 col-sm-7 col-xs-7"> <div class="artical-story-description clearfix row"> <h4><a class="related_stories" href="">From pure-play engineering we&#039;re now end-to-end: Roche India&#039;s Raja Jamalamadaka</a></h4> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-5 col-sm-4 col-xs-4"><a class="artical-story-img" href=""><img class="" alt="We aspire to become a truly global hub: Providence India&#039;s Murali Krishna" title="We aspire to become a truly global hub: Providence India&#039;s Murali Krishna" src=""></a></div> <div class="col-md-7 col-sm-7 col-xs-7"> <div class="artical-story-description clearfix row"> <h4><a class="related_stories" href="">We aspire to become a truly global hub: Providence India&#039;s Murali Krishna</a></h4> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-5 col-sm-4 col-xs-4"><a class="artical-story-img" href=""><img class="" alt="India will soon house 70 percent of our R&amp;D: OpenText&#039;s Muhi S Majzoub" title="India will soon house 70 percent of our R&amp;D: OpenText&#039;s Muhi S Majzoub" src=""></a></div> <div class="col-md-7 col-sm-7 col-xs-7"> <div class="artical-story-description clearfix row"> <h4><a class="related_stories" href="">India will soon house 70 percent of our R&amp;D: OpenText&#039;s Muhi S Majzoub</a></h4> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="common-ad col-md-12 col-sm-12 mobileonly"> <!-- --> <div class='ads' id='' style='height: px; text-align: center;'> <script> googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(''); }); </script> </div> </div> <p>Staffing experts noted how the budget proposals on skilling reflect an effort to foster the entire talent ‘value chain’—from schoolchildren all the way to deeptech researchers.<p>“The Budget places a strong emphasis on education and digital empowerment, ensuring that India’s talent pipeline is built from the ground up,” Sumit Kumar, chief strategy officer for degree apprenticeship at Teamlease, one of India’s biggest staffing providers, says in an email.<p>The proposal to set up three AI (artificial intelligence) centres of excellence, with an outlay of ₹500 crore, start 50,000 Atal Tinkering Labs—maker spaces are already in vogue under another Atal scheme—adding 6,500 seats in the IITs and the ₹20,000 crore deeptech fund all augur well for the growth of India’s tech talent ecosystem. It can be tapped not only by the GCCs, but by the country’s emerging tech startups as well.<div class="forbslife_article" style="margin-top: 18px;text-align:center;margin-bottom:40px;"><a href="javascript:;" class="readMores act read_more_cp">Read More</a></div><div class="dataless hidedata"><p>Today there are some 1.9 million people working in India’s GCC sector, as estimated by Nasscom, India’s tech industry’s biggest lobby. Of these, a modest 82,000 are in Tier III locations. Within the total workforce, the sector includes some 120,000 AI specialists. And there are 185 GCCs that have centres of excellence for AI and machine learning, according to the India GCC Landscape report published by Nasscom and the consultancy Zinnov last year. The report projects the GCC workforce to grow at a CAGR of 6 to 8 percent to reach 2.5 million to 2.8 million in 2030.<p>The rise of the GCCs in India is also happening at a time when the country’s biggest IT services companies have stopped hiring in large numbers, faced with cost cutting and demand for AI-led automation among clients. TCS and Infosys, the top two Indian IT services companies, for example, have seen their collective workforce shrink by about 30,600 people, net, from the beginning of Q3FY23 to the end of Q3FY25.<p>Teamlease, in a report, notes that GCCs will likely hire more entry-level recruits too, in the future, as the sector becomes bigger, compared with their practice of onboarding more experienced people in the past. GCCs will also pay “premium salaries” where in-demand skills are concerned, says Teamlease Digital, a unit of the staffing provider.<p><b><i><p>Also read: <a href="" target="_blank">Our India centres are a powerhouse of innovation: ThoughtSpot's Kumar Gaurav</a></i></b><p>In cybersecurity and network administration, for example, penetration tester, data scientist, full stack developer, big data developer, cybersecurity specialist, and blockchain developer are some of the most in-demand roles.<p>In this domain, GCCs are expected to lead with an average salary of ₹9.57 lakh per annum, which is 40.12 percent higher than their IT counterparts, Teamlease Digital projected in November, for the year ahead. IT products and services companies may offer ₹6.83 lakh per annum on average, and non-tech companies will likely offer around ₹5.17 lakh per annum.<p>“While IT services have seen a slowdown, GCCs are expected to lead the way, offering premium salaries,” Neeti Sharma, CEO of TeamLease Digital, says in an email. In roles like penetration testing and data science, average entry-level packages can be as high as ₹11.8 lakh per annum. This surge can be attributed to the rapid expansion of GCCs in India and their need to maintain global standards, Sharma adds.<p>A multi-stakeholder effort is critical for a strong future pipeline of talent, even in the specific context of GCCs, Alouk Kumar, founder of Inductus, an IT and ITES staffing provider, tells Forbes India.<p>Cost continues to be a big factor for global tech investments in India-based talent. “India is the only destination which offers unmatched cost,” Kumar says. “It’s 60 to 70 percent economical in terms of talent, compared with the US or some of the other rich countries.”<p>A talent crunch in the future can’t be ruled out at this stage, Kumar says. The IT industry evolved over a period of 25 years, but the pace at which the GCCs are being added in India is faster, he says. “GCCs, all of a sudden many companies have come down… and all of them will require high-end professionals”. Industry estimates put the number of new GCCs in India in the last 12 months at more than 40.<p>While entry-level availability might be more stable, because of large numbers at the base of the pyramid, as one seeks more experienced people, “there, we have a relatively limited resource base”, Kumar points out. And if the IT companies turn a corner, as some experts hope will happen in the latter half of 2025, competition will increase for lateral recruits.<p>At the top end, advanced centres are stepping up their own in-house efforts to train and recruit the best engineers. AMD India’s Senior VP and Country Head Jaya Jagadish says the company’s global design centre takes in engineering graduate and even doctoral-level interns to work on AMD’s own projects, not dummy projects created for them, but ongoing R&D and commercial projects—for periods of nine months.<p>The best from this cohort has a chance to be absorbed into the company’s growing team of world-class semiconductor designers. And the semiconductor design sector is but one example of how India’s talent ecosystem today offers exciting opportunities to engineers. “I truly feel like we are at the right place at the right time. And this is something I want to give a shout out to all the students out there who are looking for career opportunities,” Jaya says. There are challenges aplenty in fantastic fields and opportunities on offer to “develop yourself as a true engineer”, she says. </p> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $(".readMores").click(function (e) { if ($(this).hasClass('act')) { $(this).blur(); $(this).removeClass('act') $('.hidedata').toggle(); $(".readMores").css('display','none'); $(".forbslife_article").css('display','none'); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); }); </script> <style> .forbslife_articlenew .subscribe-btn { background-color: #ed1c26; text-align: -webkit-center; border-radius: 20px; padding: 20px; color: white !important; font-family: 'BebasNeue-Regular', sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 16px; letter-spacing: 0.5px; font-weight: 700; line-height: 55px; height: 35px; } </style> <div class="clearfix forbslife_articlenew" style="text-align: center;"> <a href="" class="subscribe-btn subscribe_now" target="_blank">Subscribe Now</a> </div> <div class="clearfix forbslife_articlenew"> <p class="forbslife_text MsoNormal">(This story appears in the 21 February, 2025 issue of Forbes India. 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