Handshake - hagyományok kézfogása
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The village has been inhabited since the Bronze Age. The first written mention of the village can be traced back to the 13th century. The village was largely depopulated in Turkish times, back in the 17th-18th centuries. Swabian settlers arrived in the village in the 16th century. <br><br> The line of German nationality and traditions are still dominant these days. The economy of the village has been built on agriculture, farming, animal husbandry and because of the nearby Villány on viticulture and wine production since last centuries to these days . The village has a country house and a beautiful fishpond, which has been renovated from previous projects, and an international cycle path related to ecotourism is nearby. <br><br> The Croatian New Bezdán, inhabited almost exclusively by Hungarians, was founded in the 19th century in Bácska by the cubic Hungarian settlers from Bezdán by the Danube and to these days has a population of around 300 residents. The village is located almost just across the border, about 5 km from the Beremend border crossing. The cubic inhabitants worked on water management and sewerage works related to the Drava and the Danube throughout Transdanubia at that time. The village preserved the Hungarian traditions, language, taste and socio-economic structure of the Great Plain, and was self-sufficient. The Cubics also understood all branches of the village industry, from blacksmithing to carpentry, because of the versatility of their work. Bezdán also has a country house in good condition, which is the starting point for the development, which the village created primarily on its own. </div> </div><!-- --><div class="m_col col_02"> <img src=""> </div> </div> </div> <br><br> <div id="wm_02"> <div class="inner"> <div class="m_col col_01"> <img src=""><!-- --><img src=""> </div><!-- --><div class="m_col col_02"> <div class="t0"> The two villages have common historical roots in Central Europe and the Carpathian Basin, but have different traditions, their distance is 25 km, they are easily accessible by car and bicycle on a low-traffic road through Magyarbóly and Beremend, and the cooperation is also justified by the geographical proximity. <br><br> The classic Baranya triangle, Drávaszög, is a little-known, peripheral neglected area in both countries, despite its larger values, both in terms of tourism and economy. </div> </div> <div class="t1"> In the area, also due to its multi-ethnic nature, there are many settlements that have different historical, ethnic and folk traditions, collections or costumes worth presenting, but their organized presentation, connection and development into a tourism product have not yet taken place. There has been a growing demand for social and environmental sustainability in recent decades in order to learn about folk history, folk memory, folk industry and craft practices, local products, sustainability, self-sufficiency, organic and horticultural management. This is reflected in the local, national and regional levels, as well as in tourism, e.g. for various traditional dishes, customs, professions or even in related festivals, events (e.g. craft festival, blue painting festival, Fire Wheel Roll, hospital day, steam dumplings, brandy and sausage festivals, etc.). There is an interest and demand for the traditions rooted in the historical past, their presentation and acquaintance are possible, their tourist significance in the region is secondary (the exception to this is the Mohácsi busójárás in the affected geographical area). </div> </div> <div class="big_inner"> <div class="banner"></div> </div> <div class="inner"> <div class="t1"> The purpose of the project is to create a common tourist route - the handshake of traditions - presenting the historical traditions and folk way of life by uniting the two settlements of Baranya County and Drávaszög in the historical sense, reviving traditions and values, and involving other settlements and programs. Because of this the aim is to create two endpoints of the tourist route by developing the country houses in the two settlements. In the courtyard of the country houses, there will be in 5-5 mobile homes created, designed and furnished showrooms, in the case of programs actively used, a total of about 150-150 m2. <br><br> During the design of the exhibition halls, the goal in both locations should be to have real job opportunities, visitors can try them out, there will be opportunities for baking, cooking, but also for discing, woodworking and forging, so they will have real experiences. The furnishing and equipment of the exhibition spaces will be based on the collection of legacies, and the digitization of written and pictorial monuments collected in the area will be implemented in the settlements. In addition, the aim is to develop the program offer of the exhibition venues, to search for, preserve and revive the regional traditions, to regularly implement smaller programs (e.g. the nine families of Lourdes, the Holy Family looking for accommodation, etc.) and to set up a village cinema in summer. The detailed program, the partnerships, the connection of tourism and regional development organizations and other settlements will be managed by a professional staff (leader and coordinator). </div> </div> </div> <br><br> <div id="wm_03"> <div class="inner"> <div class="t_col col_01"> <img src=""> <div class="t0"> The purpose of the project is to organize 3-3 larger-volume events based on the revival of folk traditions in connection with the thematic route. There will be an Open Dance and Market Festival based on the May Dance (dance, music, arts), Easter Comfort and Local Products in Márok, the Cubic bean Gastronomy Program in Újbezdán, the Festival of Walnut Blossoms and the Festival of Crafts. </div> </div><!-- --><div class="t_col col_02"> <img src=""> <div class="t0"> Another reason for the project is that the leaders of the settlements have realized that there is a much greater potential in the cooperation of the two settlements, as they have complementary traditions and related material culture in many respects, than in the implementation of independent developments. </div> </div> </div> </div> <br><br> <div id="wm_04"> <div class="inner"> <div class="t_col col_01"> <div class="t0"> The result of the development of the project is the "Handshake of Traditions" "jointly developed tourism thematic route and product, with the related image / brand. The following activities will be carried out during the development of the thematic tourist route: </div> <br> <div class="c"> <img src=""><!-- --><img src=""> </div> </div><!-- --><div class="t_col col_02"> <div class="t1"> - 1 thematic tourist route based on the historical past and traditions<br> - Creation of 1 common brand<br> - 1 tourist publication<br> - 2 study tour for professionals<br> - 2 trainings for tourism professionals and service providers<br> - 6 major event festivals<br> - 4 workshops<br> - 2 conferences (opening and closing)<br> - nearly 300 m2 of space on both sides of the border as a new community space and exhibition space. </div> </div> </div> </div> <br><br> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div class="inner"> <div class="m_col col_01"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=""> </a> </div><!-- --><div class="m_col col_02"> "The project is implemented with the support of the EU within the framework of the Hungary-Croatia Cross-Border Cooperation Program." "A cross-border region where rivers connect does not separate." <br><br> “The content is the sole responsibility of Municipality of Márok and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/or the Managing Authority.” </div> </div> </div> <div id="soul"> <div class="inner"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="made by Marketing Soul Kft."> </a> </div> </div> <div id="preloader_div"> <div class="loader"></div> </div> </div> <div class="answer_popup" id="answer_popup"> <div class="close-popup transit"><span class="fa fa-close"></span></div> <div class="m_col col_01"> <div class="answer"></div> </div><!-- --><div class="m_col col_02"></div> </div> <div id="cookie_popup" class="answer_popup"> <div class="deftit"> Setting the cookies used on the website </div> <div class="p0"> Our website uses cookies to operate and facilitate the use of the website, to track activity on the website and display relevant offers. 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