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A 32-year-old man, standing five feet nine inches tall and weighing just 68 pounds, was forced to live in an 8-by-9-foot room for 20 years. All because his 56-year-old stepmother said so, Waterbury police said. Kimberly Sullivan was arrested this week and charged with first-degree assault, second-degree kidnapping, first-degree unlawful restraint, cruelty to persons, and first-degree reckless endangerment, police said. She was released from jail on Thursday after posting a $300,000 bond. Original Report: Waterbury Woman Held Stepson Captive For 20 Y… </span> </span> </a> <div class="e-article-footer"> <div js-share-buttons class="b-share-buttons m-article-item"> <p>SHARE</p> <a js-share-single-button data-network="facebook" data-url="" data-title="Trapped For 20 Years: Police Detail Life Of Man Held Captive By Stepmom" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-facebook"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-facebook2" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="twitter" data-url="" data-title="Trapped For 20 Years: Police Detail Life Of Man Held Captive By Stepmom" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-twitter"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-twitter" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="linkedin" data-url="" data-title="Trapped For 20 Years: Police Detail Life Of Man Held Captive By Stepmom" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-linkedin"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-linkedin" title="" ></i> </a> </div> <span class="e-article-author"> <div class="b-bylines m-minimal"> by <!-- Rendering on the frontend --> <a class="e-article-writer-link" href="/ct/waterbury/staff/125/josh-lanier/" rel="nofollow" data-testid="lead-article-author"> Josh Lanier </a> </div> </span> <span class="e-article-pub-date"> <time data-testid="article-date" class="b-timestamp m-card-timestamp"> 03/13/2025 </time> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="e-article-wrapper"> <div class=" b-article-item m-auto " js-module="ArticleItem" js-article-id="914013" js-article-card js-stream-article data-testid="article-card" > <div class="e-site-category-header"> <a class="e-site-name" href=""> Ringwood-Wanaque, NJ </a> <div class="e-category-label"> <a class="e-category-link" data-testid="article-category-link" href="/category/police-fire/"> Police & Fire </a> </div> </div> <a class="e-article-link " data-testid="article-card-link" href=" "> <div class="e-image-container" data-testid="article-card-photo"> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1280px)" /> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-regular" src="" alt="Man Manufactured Child Porn, Sexually Assaulted Teen: Passaic County Prosecutor" js-article-image /> </picture> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-lead" src="" alt="Man Manufactured Child Porn, Sexually Assaulted Teen: Passaic County Prosecutor" js-article-image /> </picture> </div> <span class="e-title" data-testid="article-card-title"> Man Manufactured Child Porn, Sexually Assaulted Teen: Passaic County Prosecutor </span> <span class="e-article-body-container" js-article-body-container> <span class="e-article-body" js-article-body data-testid="article-card-body"> A 39-year-old Passaic County man has been charged with sexually assaulting a child between ages 13 and 15 and manufacturing child pornography earlier this year, authorities said. Scott Volpe, of Ringwood, carried out the assaults in West Milford in January and February 2025, Passaic County Prosecutor Camelia M. Valdes said following an investigation prompted by reports that came in March 7 of the alleged incidents. Volpe was arrested Wednesday, March 12 without incident in Ringwood, Valdes said. Volpe is charged with one count of first degree Aggravated Sexual Assault; two counts of s… </span> </span> </a> <div class="e-article-footer"> <div js-share-buttons class="b-share-buttons m-article-item"> <p>SHARE</p> <a js-share-single-button data-network="facebook" data-url="" data-title="Man Manufactured Child Porn, Sexually Assaulted Teen: Passaic County Prosecutor" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-facebook"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-facebook2" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="twitter" data-url="" data-title="Man Manufactured Child Porn, Sexually Assaulted Teen: Passaic County Prosecutor" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-twitter"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-twitter" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="linkedin" data-url="" data-title="Man Manufactured Child Porn, Sexually Assaulted Teen: Passaic County Prosecutor" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-linkedin"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-linkedin" title="" ></i> </a> </div> <span class="e-article-author"> <div class="b-bylines m-minimal"> by <!-- Rendering on the frontend --> <a class="e-article-writer-link" href="/nj/ringwood-wanaque/staff/6/cecilia-levine/" rel="nofollow" data-testid="lead-article-author"> Cecilia Levine </a> </div> </span> <span class="e-article-pub-date"> <time data-testid="article-date" class="b-timestamp m-card-timestamp"> 03/13/2025 </time> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="e-article-wrapper"> <div class=" b-article-item m-auto " js-module="ArticleItem" js-article-id="913995" js-article-card js-stream-article data-testid="article-card" > <div class="e-site-category-header"> <a class="e-site-name" href=""> Clifton, NJ </a> <div class="e-category-label"> <a class="e-category-link" data-testid="article-category-link" href="/category/police-fire/"> Police & Fire </a> </div> </div> <a class="e-article-link " data-testid="article-card-link" href=" "> <div class="e-image-container" data-testid="article-card-photo"> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1280px)" /> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-regular" src="" alt="Video Shows Car Flying Through Intersection In Fatal 5-Car Clifton Crash" js-article-image /> </picture> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-lead" src="" alt="Video Shows Car Flying Through Intersection In Fatal 5-Car Clifton Crash" js-article-image /> </picture> </div> <span class="e-title" data-testid="article-card-title"> Video Shows Car Flying Through Intersection In Fatal 5-Car Clifton Crash </span> <span class="e-article-body-container" js-article-body-container> <span class="e-article-body" js-article-body data-testid="article-card-body"> Brand-new footage has surfaced showing the Wednesday, March 12, five-car Clifton crash that left a 52-year-old driver dead. View this post on Instagram A post shared by @dailyvoicenewjersey The video, initially shared by Inside Clifton NJ, shows a 2021 Chevy Trailblazer flying down Getty Avenue and through the intersection at Crooks Avenue, appearing to blow a red light. The Chevy — which can be heard approaching — hits a sedan, then a pickup truck, and then the other vehicles, causing a loud bang each time. "Holy sh—," someone can be … </span> </span> </a> <div class="e-article-footer"> <div js-share-buttons class="b-share-buttons m-article-item"> <p>SHARE</p> <a js-share-single-button data-network="facebook" data-url="" data-title="Video Shows Car Flying Through Intersection In Fatal 5-Car Clifton Crash" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-facebook"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-facebook2" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="twitter" data-url="" data-title="Video Shows Car Flying Through Intersection In Fatal 5-Car Clifton Crash" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-twitter"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-twitter" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="linkedin" data-url="" data-title="Video Shows Car Flying Through Intersection In Fatal 5-Car Clifton Crash" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-linkedin"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-linkedin" title="" ></i> </a> </div> <span class="e-article-author"> <div class="b-bylines m-minimal"> by <!-- Rendering on the frontend --> <a class="e-article-writer-link" href="/nj/clifton/staff/6/cecilia-levine/" rel="nofollow" data-testid="lead-article-author"> Cecilia Levine </a> </div> </span> <span class="e-article-pub-date"> <time data-testid="article-date" class="b-timestamp m-card-timestamp"> 03/12/2025 </time> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="e-article-wrapper"> <div class=" b-article-item m-auto " js-module="ArticleItem" js-article-id="913980" js-article-card js-stream-article data-testid="article-card" > <div class="e-site-category-header"> <a class="e-site-name" href=""> Bayville-Berkeley, NJ </a> <div class="e-category-label"> <a class="e-category-link" data-testid="article-category-link" href="/category/news/"> News </a> </div> </div> <a class="e-article-link " data-testid="article-card-link" href=" "> <div class="e-image-container" data-testid="article-card-photo"> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1280px)" /> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-regular" src="" alt="NJ Corrections Lt. Stole, Sold $475K In State Ammo, Prosecutors Say" js-article-image /> </picture> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-lead" src="" alt="NJ Corrections Lt. Stole, Sold $475K In State Ammo, Prosecutors Say" js-article-image /> </picture> </div> <span class="e-title" data-testid="article-card-title"> NJ Corrections Lt. Stole, Sold $475K In State Ammo, Prosecutors Say </span> <span class="e-article-body-container" js-article-body-container> <span class="e-article-body" js-article-body data-testid="article-card-body"> A New Jersey Department of Corrections lieutenant in charge of managing state ammunition stockpiles was charged with stealing and selling taxpayer-funded ammo for personal profit, authorities said. Timothy Morris, 56, of Bayville (Ocean County), who served as NJDOC’s Range Master, is accused of illegally ordering excess ammunition and selling it on the secondary market, Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin announced. Morris allegedly pocketed more than $475,000 through this scheme while attempting to conceal his financial transactions, prosecutors said. Morris, who has held his Range Master… </span> </span> </a> <div class="e-article-footer"> <div js-share-buttons class="b-share-buttons m-article-item"> <p>SHARE</p> <a js-share-single-button data-network="facebook" data-url="" data-title="NJ Corrections Lt. Stole, Sold $475K In State Ammo, Prosecutors Say" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-facebook"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-facebook2" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="twitter" data-url="" data-title="NJ Corrections Lt. Stole, Sold $475K In State Ammo, Prosecutors Say" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-twitter"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-twitter" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="linkedin" data-url="" data-title="NJ Corrections Lt. Stole, Sold $475K In State Ammo, Prosecutors Say" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-linkedin"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-linkedin" title="" ></i> </a> </div> <span class="e-article-author"> <div class="b-bylines m-minimal"> by <!-- Rendering on the frontend --> <a class="e-article-writer-link" href="/nj/bayville-berkeley/staff/6/cecilia-levine/" rel="nofollow" data-testid="lead-article-author"> Cecilia Levine </a> </div> </span> <span class="e-article-pub-date"> <time data-testid="article-date" class="b-timestamp m-card-timestamp"> 03/12/2025 </time> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="e-article-wrapper"> <div class=" b-article-item m-auto " js-module="ArticleItem" js-article-id="913978" js-article-card js-stream-article data-testid="article-card" > <div class="e-site-category-header"> <a class="e-site-name" href=""> Waterbury, CT </a> <div class="e-category-label"> <a class="e-category-link" data-testid="article-category-link" href="/category/police-fire/"> Police & Fire </a> </div> </div> <a class="e-article-link " data-testid="article-card-link" href=" "> <div class="e-image-container" data-testid="article-card-photo"> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1280px)" /> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-regular" src="" alt="CT Woman Held Stepson Captive For 2 Decades In 'Horrific,' Inhumane Conditions: Police" js-article-image /> </picture> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-lead" src="" alt="CT Woman Held Stepson Captive For 2 Decades In 'Horrific,' Inhumane Conditions: Police" js-article-image /> </picture> </div> <span class="e-title" data-testid="article-card-title"> CT Woman Held Stepson Captive For 2 Decades In 'Horrific,' Inhumane Conditions: Police </span> <span class="e-article-body-container" js-article-body-container> <span class="e-article-body" js-article-body data-testid="article-card-body"> A Connecticut woman has been arrested after police say she held her stepson captive for over two decades, subjecting him to extreme neglect and abuse before he allegedly set fire to their home in a desperate bid for freedom. Kimberly Sullivan, 56, of Waterbury, was arrested on Wednesday, March 12, and charged with multiple felonies, including first-degree assault, second-degree kidnapping, first-degree unlawful restraint, cruelty to persons, and first-degree reckless endangerment, police said. New Report: Stepmom Accused Of Holding Man Hostage Posts Bond; Police Detail Victim's Lif… </span> </span> </a> <div class="e-article-footer"> <div js-share-buttons class="b-share-buttons m-article-item"> <p>SHARE</p> <a js-share-single-button data-network="facebook" data-url="" data-title="CT Woman Held Stepson Captive For 2 Decades In 'Horrific,' Inhumane Conditions: Police" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-facebook"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-facebook2" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="twitter" data-url="" data-title="CT Woman Held Stepson Captive For 2 Decades In 'Horrific,' Inhumane Conditions: Police" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-twitter"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-twitter" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="linkedin" data-url="" data-title="CT Woman Held Stepson Captive For 2 Decades In 'Horrific,' Inhumane Conditions: Police" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-linkedin"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-linkedin" title="" ></i> </a> </div> <span class="e-article-author"> <div class="b-bylines m-minimal"> by <!-- Rendering on the frontend --> <a class="e-article-writer-link" href="/ct/waterbury/staff/125/josh-lanier/" rel="nofollow" data-testid="lead-article-author"> Josh Lanier </a> </div> </span> <span class="e-article-pub-date"> <time data-testid="article-date" class="b-timestamp m-card-timestamp"> 03/12/2025 </time> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="e-article-wrapper"> <div class=" b-article-item m-auto " js-module="ArticleItem" js-article-id="913962" js-article-card js-stream-article data-testid="article-card" > <div class="e-site-category-header"> <a class="e-site-name" href=""> Saratoga Springs, NY </a> <div class="e-category-label"> <a class="e-category-link" data-testid="article-category-link" href="/category/news/"> News </a> </div> </div> <a class="e-article-link " data-testid="article-card-link" href=" "> <div class="e-image-container" data-testid="article-card-photo"> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1280px)" /> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-regular" src="" alt="Mom Of 3 Found Dead In Burning Clothing Donation Bin In NY, Daughter Doubts Official Account" js-article-image /> </picture> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-lead" src="" alt="Mom Of 3 Found Dead In Burning Clothing Donation Bin In NY, Daughter Doubts Official Account" js-article-image /> </picture> </div> <span class="e-title" data-testid="article-card-title"> Mom Of 3 Found Dead In Burning Clothing Donation Bin In NY, Daughter Doubts Official Account </span> <span class="e-article-body-container" js-article-body-container> <span class="e-article-body" js-article-body data-testid="article-card-body"> The daughter of a New York woman found dead inside a burning clothing donation bin says she does not believe the official version of events surrounding her mother’s death. Michelle McFarren, 43, was discovered around 2:20 a.m. Thursday, March 6, inside a smoldering donation bin in the parking lot of a Glens Falls restaurant on Hudson Avenue, police said. Authorities determined her cause of death was fire-related but have not released further details. McFarren, a mother of three and grandmother of three, likely climbed into the bin seeking refuge from the rain, Glens Falls Mayor Bill Collins… </span> </span> </a> <div class="e-article-footer"> <div js-share-buttons class="b-share-buttons m-article-item"> <p>SHARE</p> <a js-share-single-button data-network="facebook" data-url="" data-title="Mom Of 3 Found Dead In Burning Clothing Donation Bin In NY, Daughter Doubts Official Account" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-facebook"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-facebook2" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="twitter" data-url="" data-title="Mom Of 3 Found Dead In Burning Clothing Donation Bin In NY, Daughter Doubts Official Account" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-twitter"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-twitter" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="linkedin" data-url="" data-title="Mom Of 3 Found Dead In Burning Clothing Donation Bin In NY, Daughter Doubts Official Account" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-linkedin"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-linkedin" title="" ></i> </a> </div> <span class="e-article-author"> <div class="b-bylines m-minimal"> by <!-- Rendering on the frontend --> <a class="e-article-writer-link" href="/ny/saratoga-springs/staff/123/michael-mashburn/" rel="nofollow" data-testid="lead-article-author"> Michael Mashburn </a> </div> </span> <span class="e-article-pub-date"> <time data-testid="article-date" class="b-timestamp m-card-timestamp"> 03/12/2025 </time> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="e-article-wrapper"> <div class=" b-article-item m-auto " js-module="ArticleItem" js-article-id="913946" js-article-card js-stream-article data-testid="article-card" > <div class="e-site-category-header"> <a class="e-site-name" href=""> Wayne, NJ </a> <div class="e-category-label"> <a class="e-category-link" data-testid="article-category-link" href="/category/police-fire/"> Police & Fire </a> </div> </div> <a class="e-article-link " data-testid="article-card-link" href=" "> <div class="e-image-container" data-testid="article-card-photo"> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1280px)" /> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-regular" src="" alt="Video Shows Sword-Wielding Man Charge At Wayne Cops Before Being Shot: Prosecutor" js-article-image /> </picture> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-lead" src="" alt="Video Shows Sword-Wielding Man Charge At Wayne Cops Before Being Shot: Prosecutor" js-article-image /> </picture> </div> <span class="e-title" data-testid="article-card-title"> Video Shows Sword-Wielding Man Charge At Wayne Cops Before Being Shot: Prosecutor </span> <span class="e-article-body-container" js-article-body-container> <span class="e-article-body" js-article-body data-testid="article-card-body"> Police have identified the Wayne man captured on newly-released bodycam footage coming down the stairway of his home with a long sword, prompting officers to fire their guns last month (scroll down for footage). On Friday, Feb. 14, Wayne police encountered Connor Darpino, 34, when they responded to a single-car crash, where he was identified as the driver, Passaic County Prosecutor Camila M. Valdes in a new update Wednesday, March 12. During that interaction, Darpino became argumentative and combative with officers, leading to his arrest and release from Wayne Police Headquarters after bein… </span> </span> </a> <div class="e-article-footer"> <div js-share-buttons class="b-share-buttons m-article-item"> <p>SHARE</p> <a js-share-single-button data-network="facebook" data-url="" data-title="Video Shows Sword-Wielding Man Charge At Wayne Cops Before Being Shot: Prosecutor" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-facebook"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-facebook2" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="twitter" data-url="" data-title="Video Shows Sword-Wielding Man Charge At Wayne Cops Before Being Shot: Prosecutor" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-twitter"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-twitter" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="linkedin" data-url="" data-title="Video Shows Sword-Wielding Man Charge At Wayne Cops Before Being Shot: Prosecutor" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-linkedin"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-linkedin" title="" ></i> </a> </div> <span class="e-article-author"> <div class="b-bylines m-minimal"> by <!-- Rendering on the frontend --> <a class="e-article-writer-link" href="/nj/wayne/staff/6/cecilia-levine/" rel="nofollow" data-testid="lead-article-author"> Cecilia Levine </a> </div> </span> <span class="e-article-pub-date"> <time data-testid="article-date" class="b-timestamp m-card-timestamp"> 03/12/2025 </time> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="e-article-wrapper"> <div class=" b-article-item m-auto " js-module="ArticleItem" js-article-id="913942" js-article-card js-stream-article data-testid="article-card" > <div class="e-site-category-header"> <a class="e-site-name" href=""> Bayville-Berkeley, NJ </a> <div class="e-category-label"> <a class="e-category-link" data-testid="article-category-link" href="/category/news/"> News </a> </div> </div> <a class="e-article-link " data-testid="article-card-link" href=" "> <div class="e-image-container" data-testid="article-card-photo"> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1280px)" /> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-regular" src="" alt="NJ Parents Facing Long Road To Recovery After Being Shot By Angry Neighbor: Campaign" js-article-image /> </picture> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-lead" src="" alt="NJ Parents Facing Long Road To Recovery After Being Shot By Angry Neighbor: Campaign" js-article-image /> </picture> </div> <span class="e-title" data-testid="article-card-title"> NJ Parents Facing Long Road To Recovery After Being Shot By Angry Neighbor: Campaign </span> <span class="e-article-body-container" js-article-body-container> <span class="e-article-body" js-article-body data-testid="article-card-body"> A pair of Jersey Shore residents are facing a long road to recovery after they were shot by their neighbor in their home on Monday, March 10, according to a fundraiser set up to support them. Please keep those prayers going for Jill Gawarkiewicz Kwatkoski and Tom!!! This article sheds some light on what... Posted by Linda Klimkowski Flynn on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 At 4:45 p.m., Berkeley Township police responded to Drake Drive and found Tom and Jill Kwatkoski suffering from a gunshot wound, Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley Billhimer said. Billhimer later identified the shooter as Joh… </span> </span> </a> <div class="e-article-footer"> <div js-share-buttons class="b-share-buttons m-article-item"> <p>SHARE</p> <a js-share-single-button data-network="facebook" data-url="" data-title="NJ Parents Facing Long Road To Recovery After Being Shot By Angry Neighbor: Campaign" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-facebook"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-facebook2" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="twitter" data-url="" data-title="NJ Parents Facing Long Road To Recovery After Being Shot By Angry Neighbor: Campaign" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-twitter"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-twitter" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="linkedin" data-url="" data-title="NJ Parents Facing Long Road To Recovery After Being Shot By Angry Neighbor: Campaign" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-linkedin"> <i 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A 32-year-old man, standing five feet nine inches tall and weighing just 68 pounds, was forced to live in an 8-by-9-foot room for 20 years. All because his 56-year-old stepmother said so, Waterbury police said. Kimberly Sullivan was arrested this week and charged with first-degree assault, second-degree kidnapping, first-degree unlawful restraint, cruelty to persons, and first-degree reckless endangerment, police said. She was released from jail on Thursday after posting a $300,000 bond. Original Report: Waterbury Woman Held Stepson Captive For 20 Y… </span> </span> </a> <div class="e-article-footer"> <div js-share-buttons class="b-share-buttons m-article-item"> <p>SHARE</p> <a js-share-single-button data-network="facebook" data-url="" data-title="Trapped For 20 Years: Police Detail Life Of Man Held Captive By Stepmom" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-facebook"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-facebook2" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="twitter" data-url="" data-title="Trapped For 20 Years: Police Detail Life Of Man Held Captive By Stepmom" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-twitter"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-twitter" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="linkedin" data-url="" data-title="Trapped For 20 Years: Police Detail Life Of Man Held Captive By Stepmom" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-linkedin"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-linkedin" title="" ></i> </a> </div> <span class="e-article-author"> <div class="b-bylines m-minimal"> by <!-- Rendering on the frontend --> <a class="e-article-writer-link" href="/ct/waterbury/staff/125/josh-lanier/" rel="nofollow" data-testid="lead-article-author"> Josh Lanier </a> </div> </span> <span class="e-article-pub-date"> <time data-testid="article-date" class="b-timestamp m-card-timestamp"> 03/13/2025 </time> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="e-article-wrapper"> <div class=" b-article-item m-auto " js-module="ArticleItem" js-article-id="914013" js-article-card js-stream-article data-testid="article-card" > <div class="e-site-category-header"> <a class="e-site-name" href=""> Ringwood-Wanaque, NJ </a> <div class="e-category-label"> <a class="e-category-link" data-testid="article-category-link" href="/category/police-fire/"> Police & Fire </a> </div> </div> <a class="e-article-link " data-testid="article-card-link" href=" "> <div class="e-image-container" data-testid="article-card-photo"> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1280px)" /> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-regular" src="" alt="Man Manufactured Child Porn, Sexually Assaulted Teen: Passaic County Prosecutor" js-article-image /> </picture> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-lead" src="" alt="Man Manufactured Child Porn, Sexually Assaulted Teen: Passaic County Prosecutor" js-article-image /> </picture> </div> <span class="e-title" data-testid="article-card-title"> Man Manufactured Child Porn, Sexually Assaulted Teen: Passaic County Prosecutor </span> <span class="e-article-body-container" js-article-body-container> <span class="e-article-body" js-article-body data-testid="article-card-body"> A 39-year-old Passaic County man has been charged with sexually assaulting a child between ages 13 and 15 and manufacturing child pornography earlier this year, authorities said. Scott Volpe, of Ringwood, carried out the assaults in West Milford in January and February 2025, Passaic County Prosecutor Camelia M. Valdes said following an investigation prompted by reports that came in March 7 of the alleged incidents. Volpe was arrested Wednesday, March 12 without incident in Ringwood, Valdes said. Volpe is charged with one count of first degree Aggravated Sexual Assault; two counts of s… </span> </span> </a> <div class="e-article-footer"> <div js-share-buttons class="b-share-buttons m-article-item"> <p>SHARE</p> <a js-share-single-button data-network="facebook" data-url="" data-title="Man Manufactured Child Porn, Sexually Assaulted Teen: Passaic County Prosecutor" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-facebook"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-facebook2" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="twitter" data-url="" data-title="Man Manufactured Child Porn, Sexually Assaulted Teen: Passaic County Prosecutor" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-twitter"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-twitter" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="linkedin" data-url="" data-title="Man Manufactured Child Porn, Sexually Assaulted Teen: Passaic County Prosecutor" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-linkedin"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-linkedin" title="" ></i> </a> </div> <span class="e-article-author"> <div class="b-bylines m-minimal"> by <!-- Rendering on the frontend --> <a class="e-article-writer-link" href="/nj/ringwood-wanaque/staff/6/cecilia-levine/" rel="nofollow" data-testid="lead-article-author"> Cecilia Levine </a> </div> </span> <span class="e-article-pub-date"> <time data-testid="article-date" class="b-timestamp m-card-timestamp"> 03/13/2025 </time> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="e-article-wrapper"> <div class=" b-article-item m-auto " js-module="ArticleItem" js-article-id="913995" js-article-card js-stream-article data-testid="article-card" > <div class="e-site-category-header"> <a class="e-site-name" href=""> Clifton, NJ </a> <div class="e-category-label"> <a class="e-category-link" data-testid="article-category-link" href="/category/police-fire/"> Police & Fire </a> </div> </div> <a class="e-article-link " data-testid="article-card-link" href=" "> <div class="e-image-container" data-testid="article-card-photo"> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1280px)" /> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-regular" src="" alt="Video Shows Car Flying Through Intersection In Fatal 5-Car Clifton Crash" js-article-image /> </picture> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-lead" src="" alt="Video Shows Car Flying Through Intersection In Fatal 5-Car Clifton Crash" js-article-image /> </picture> </div> <span class="e-title" data-testid="article-card-title"> Video Shows Car Flying Through Intersection In Fatal 5-Car Clifton Crash </span> <span class="e-article-body-container" js-article-body-container> <span class="e-article-body" js-article-body data-testid="article-card-body"> Brand-new footage has surfaced showing the Wednesday, March 12, five-car Clifton crash that left a 52-year-old driver dead. View this post on Instagram A post shared by @dailyvoicenewjersey The video, initially shared by Inside Clifton NJ, shows a 2021 Chevy Trailblazer flying down Getty Avenue and through the intersection at Crooks Avenue, appearing to blow a red light. The Chevy — which can be heard approaching — hits a sedan, then a pickup truck, and then the other vehicles, causing a loud bang each time. "Holy sh—," someone can be … </span> </span> </a> <div class="e-article-footer"> <div js-share-buttons class="b-share-buttons m-article-item"> <p>SHARE</p> <a js-share-single-button data-network="facebook" data-url="" data-title="Video Shows Car Flying Through Intersection In Fatal 5-Car Clifton Crash" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-facebook"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-facebook2" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="twitter" data-url="" data-title="Video Shows Car Flying Through Intersection In Fatal 5-Car Clifton Crash" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-twitter"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-twitter" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="linkedin" data-url="" data-title="Video Shows Car Flying Through Intersection In Fatal 5-Car Clifton Crash" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-linkedin"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-linkedin" title="" ></i> </a> </div> <span class="e-article-author"> <div class="b-bylines m-minimal"> by <!-- Rendering on the frontend --> <a class="e-article-writer-link" href="/nj/clifton/staff/6/cecilia-levine/" rel="nofollow" data-testid="lead-article-author"> Cecilia Levine </a> </div> </span> <span class="e-article-pub-date"> <time data-testid="article-date" class="b-timestamp m-card-timestamp"> 03/12/2025 </time> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="e-article-wrapper"> <div class=" b-article-item m-auto " js-module="ArticleItem" js-article-id="913980" js-article-card js-stream-article data-testid="article-card" > <div class="e-site-category-header"> <a class="e-site-name" href=""> Bayville-Berkeley, NJ </a> <div class="e-category-label"> <a class="e-category-link" data-testid="article-category-link" href="/category/news/"> News </a> </div> </div> <a class="e-article-link " data-testid="article-card-link" href=" "> <div class="e-image-container" data-testid="article-card-photo"> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1280px)" /> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-regular" src="" alt="NJ Corrections Lt. Stole, Sold $475K In State Ammo, Prosecutors Say" js-article-image /> </picture> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-lead" src="" alt="NJ Corrections Lt. Stole, Sold $475K In State Ammo, Prosecutors Say" js-article-image /> </picture> </div> <span class="e-title" data-testid="article-card-title"> NJ Corrections Lt. Stole, Sold $475K In State Ammo, Prosecutors Say </span> <span class="e-article-body-container" js-article-body-container> <span class="e-article-body" js-article-body data-testid="article-card-body"> A New Jersey Department of Corrections lieutenant in charge of managing state ammunition stockpiles was charged with stealing and selling taxpayer-funded ammo for personal profit, authorities said. Timothy Morris, 56, of Bayville (Ocean County), who served as NJDOC’s Range Master, is accused of illegally ordering excess ammunition and selling it on the secondary market, Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin announced. Morris allegedly pocketed more than $475,000 through this scheme while attempting to conceal his financial transactions, prosecutors said. Morris, who has held his Range Master… </span> </span> </a> <div class="e-article-footer"> <div js-share-buttons class="b-share-buttons m-article-item"> <p>SHARE</p> <a js-share-single-button data-network="facebook" data-url="" data-title="NJ Corrections Lt. Stole, Sold $475K In State Ammo, Prosecutors Say" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-facebook"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-facebook2" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="twitter" data-url="" data-title="NJ Corrections Lt. Stole, Sold $475K In State Ammo, Prosecutors Say" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-twitter"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-twitter" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="linkedin" data-url="" data-title="NJ Corrections Lt. Stole, Sold $475K In State Ammo, Prosecutors Say" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-linkedin"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-linkedin" title="" ></i> </a> </div> <span class="e-article-author"> <div class="b-bylines m-minimal"> by <!-- Rendering on the frontend --> <a class="e-article-writer-link" href="/nj/bayville-berkeley/staff/6/cecilia-levine/" rel="nofollow" data-testid="lead-article-author"> Cecilia Levine </a> </div> </span> <span class="e-article-pub-date"> <time data-testid="article-date" class="b-timestamp m-card-timestamp"> 03/12/2025 </time> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="e-article-wrapper"> <div class=" b-article-item m-auto " js-module="ArticleItem" js-article-id="913978" js-article-card js-stream-article data-testid="article-card" > <div class="e-site-category-header"> <a class="e-site-name" href=""> Waterbury, CT </a> <div class="e-category-label"> <a class="e-category-link" data-testid="article-category-link" href="/category/police-fire/"> Police & Fire </a> </div> </div> <a class="e-article-link " data-testid="article-card-link" href=" "> <div class="e-image-container" data-testid="article-card-photo"> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1280px)" /> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-regular" src="" alt="CT Woman Held Stepson Captive For 2 Decades In 'Horrific,' Inhumane Conditions: Police" js-article-image /> </picture> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-lead" src="" alt="CT Woman Held Stepson Captive For 2 Decades In 'Horrific,' Inhumane Conditions: Police" js-article-image /> </picture> </div> <span class="e-title" data-testid="article-card-title"> CT Woman Held Stepson Captive For 2 Decades In 'Horrific,' Inhumane Conditions: Police </span> <span class="e-article-body-container" js-article-body-container> <span class="e-article-body" js-article-body data-testid="article-card-body"> A Connecticut woman has been arrested after police say she held her stepson captive for over two decades, subjecting him to extreme neglect and abuse before he allegedly set fire to their home in a desperate bid for freedom. Kimberly Sullivan, 56, of Waterbury, was arrested on Wednesday, March 12, and charged with multiple felonies, including first-degree assault, second-degree kidnapping, first-degree unlawful restraint, cruelty to persons, and first-degree reckless endangerment, police said. New Report: Stepmom Accused Of Holding Man Hostage Posts Bond; Police Detail Victim's Lif… </span> </span> </a> <div class="e-article-footer"> <div js-share-buttons class="b-share-buttons m-article-item"> <p>SHARE</p> <a js-share-single-button data-network="facebook" data-url="" data-title="CT Woman Held Stepson Captive For 2 Decades In 'Horrific,' Inhumane Conditions: Police" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-facebook"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-facebook2" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="twitter" data-url="" data-title="CT Woman Held Stepson Captive For 2 Decades In 'Horrific,' Inhumane Conditions: Police" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-twitter"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-twitter" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="linkedin" data-url="" data-title="CT Woman Held Stepson Captive For 2 Decades In 'Horrific,' Inhumane Conditions: Police" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-linkedin"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-linkedin" title="" ></i> </a> </div> <span class="e-article-author"> <div class="b-bylines m-minimal"> by <!-- Rendering on the frontend --> <a class="e-article-writer-link" href="/ct/waterbury/staff/125/josh-lanier/" rel="nofollow" data-testid="lead-article-author"> Josh Lanier </a> </div> </span> <span class="e-article-pub-date"> <time data-testid="article-date" class="b-timestamp m-card-timestamp"> 03/12/2025 </time> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="e-article-wrapper"> <div class=" b-article-item m-auto " js-module="ArticleItem" js-article-id="913962" js-article-card js-stream-article data-testid="article-card" > <div class="e-site-category-header"> <a class="e-site-name" href=""> Saratoga Springs, NY </a> <div class="e-category-label"> <a class="e-category-link" data-testid="article-category-link" href="/category/news/"> News </a> </div> </div> <a class="e-article-link " data-testid="article-card-link" href=" "> <div class="e-image-container" data-testid="article-card-photo"> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1280px)" /> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-regular" src="" alt="Mom Of 3 Found Dead In Burning Clothing Donation Bin In NY, Daughter Doubts Official Account" js-article-image /> </picture> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-lead" src="" alt="Mom Of 3 Found Dead In Burning Clothing Donation Bin In NY, Daughter Doubts Official Account" js-article-image /> </picture> </div> <span class="e-title" data-testid="article-card-title"> Mom Of 3 Found Dead In Burning Clothing Donation Bin In NY, Daughter Doubts Official Account </span> <span class="e-article-body-container" js-article-body-container> <span class="e-article-body" js-article-body data-testid="article-card-body"> The daughter of a New York woman found dead inside a burning clothing donation bin says she does not believe the official version of events surrounding her mother’s death. Michelle McFarren, 43, was discovered around 2:20 a.m. Thursday, March 6, inside a smoldering donation bin in the parking lot of a Glens Falls restaurant on Hudson Avenue, police said. Authorities determined her cause of death was fire-related but have not released further details. McFarren, a mother of three and grandmother of three, likely climbed into the bin seeking refuge from the rain, Glens Falls Mayor Bill Collins… </span> </span> </a> <div class="e-article-footer"> <div js-share-buttons class="b-share-buttons m-article-item"> <p>SHARE</p> <a js-share-single-button data-network="facebook" data-url="" data-title="Mom Of 3 Found Dead In Burning Clothing Donation Bin In NY, Daughter Doubts Official Account" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-facebook"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-facebook2" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="twitter" data-url="" data-title="Mom Of 3 Found Dead In Burning Clothing Donation Bin In NY, Daughter Doubts Official Account" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-twitter"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-twitter" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="linkedin" data-url="" data-title="Mom Of 3 Found Dead In Burning Clothing Donation Bin In NY, Daughter Doubts Official Account" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-linkedin"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-linkedin" title="" ></i> </a> </div> <span class="e-article-author"> <div class="b-bylines m-minimal"> by <!-- Rendering on the frontend --> <a class="e-article-writer-link" href="/ny/saratoga-springs/staff/123/michael-mashburn/" rel="nofollow" data-testid="lead-article-author"> Michael Mashburn </a> </div> </span> <span class="e-article-pub-date"> <time data-testid="article-date" class="b-timestamp m-card-timestamp"> 03/12/2025 </time> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="e-article-wrapper"> <div class=" b-article-item m-auto " js-module="ArticleItem" js-article-id="913946" js-article-card js-stream-article data-testid="article-card" > <div class="e-site-category-header"> <a class="e-site-name" href=""> Wayne, NJ </a> <div class="e-category-label"> <a class="e-category-link" data-testid="article-category-link" href="/category/police-fire/"> Police & Fire </a> </div> </div> <a class="e-article-link " data-testid="article-card-link" href=" "> <div class="e-image-container" data-testid="article-card-photo"> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1280px)" /> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-regular" src="" alt="Video Shows Sword-Wielding Man Charge At Wayne Cops Before Being Shot: Prosecutor" js-article-image /> </picture> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-lead" src="" alt="Video Shows Sword-Wielding Man Charge At Wayne Cops Before Being Shot: Prosecutor" js-article-image /> </picture> </div> <span class="e-title" data-testid="article-card-title"> Video Shows Sword-Wielding Man Charge At Wayne Cops Before Being Shot: Prosecutor </span> <span class="e-article-body-container" js-article-body-container> <span class="e-article-body" js-article-body data-testid="article-card-body"> Police have identified the Wayne man captured on newly-released bodycam footage coming down the stairway of his home with a long sword, prompting officers to fire their guns last month (scroll down for footage). On Friday, Feb. 14, Wayne police encountered Connor Darpino, 34, when they responded to a single-car crash, where he was identified as the driver, Passaic County Prosecutor Camila M. Valdes in a new update Wednesday, March 12. During that interaction, Darpino became argumentative and combative with officers, leading to his arrest and release from Wayne Police Headquarters after bein… </span> </span> </a> <div class="e-article-footer"> <div js-share-buttons class="b-share-buttons m-article-item"> <p>SHARE</p> <a js-share-single-button data-network="facebook" data-url="" data-title="Video Shows Sword-Wielding Man Charge At Wayne Cops Before Being Shot: Prosecutor" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-facebook"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-facebook2" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="twitter" data-url="" data-title="Video Shows Sword-Wielding Man Charge At Wayne Cops Before Being Shot: Prosecutor" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-twitter"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-twitter" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="linkedin" data-url="" data-title="Video Shows Sword-Wielding Man Charge At Wayne Cops Before Being Shot: Prosecutor" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-linkedin"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-linkedin" title="" ></i> </a> </div> <span class="e-article-author"> <div class="b-bylines m-minimal"> by <!-- Rendering on the frontend --> <a class="e-article-writer-link" href="/nj/wayne/staff/6/cecilia-levine/" rel="nofollow" data-testid="lead-article-author"> Cecilia Levine </a> </div> </span> <span class="e-article-pub-date"> <time data-testid="article-date" class="b-timestamp m-card-timestamp"> 03/12/2025 </time> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="e-article-wrapper"> <div class=" b-article-item m-auto " js-module="ArticleItem" js-article-id="913942" js-article-card js-stream-article data-testid="article-card" > <div class="e-site-category-header"> <a class="e-site-name" href=""> Bayville-Berkeley, NJ </a> <div class="e-category-label"> <a class="e-category-link" data-testid="article-category-link" href="/category/news/"> News </a> </div> </div> <a class="e-article-link " data-testid="article-card-link" href=" "> <div class="e-image-container" data-testid="article-card-photo"> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1280px)" /> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-regular" src="" alt="NJ Parents Facing Long Road To Recovery After Being Shot By Angry Neighbor: Campaign" js-article-image /> </picture> <picture data-testid="article-detail-photo"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)" /> <img class="e-image-lead" src="" alt="NJ Parents Facing Long Road To Recovery After Being Shot By Angry Neighbor: Campaign" js-article-image /> </picture> </div> <span class="e-title" data-testid="article-card-title"> NJ Parents Facing Long Road To Recovery After Being Shot By Angry Neighbor: Campaign </span> <span class="e-article-body-container" js-article-body-container> <span class="e-article-body" js-article-body data-testid="article-card-body"> A pair of Jersey Shore residents are facing a long road to recovery after they were shot by their neighbor in their home on Monday, March 10, according to a fundraiser set up to support them. Please keep those prayers going for Jill Gawarkiewicz Kwatkoski and Tom!!! This article sheds some light on what... Posted by Linda Klimkowski Flynn on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 At 4:45 p.m., Berkeley Township police responded to Drake Drive and found Tom and Jill Kwatkoski suffering from a gunshot wound, Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley Billhimer said. Billhimer later identified the shooter as Joh… </span> </span> </a> <div class="e-article-footer"> <div js-share-buttons class="b-share-buttons m-article-item"> <p>SHARE</p> <a js-share-single-button data-network="facebook" data-url="" data-title="NJ Parents Facing Long Road To Recovery After Being Shot By Angry Neighbor: Campaign" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-facebook"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-facebook2" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="twitter" data-url="" data-title="NJ Parents Facing Long Road To Recovery After Being Shot By Angry Neighbor: Campaign" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-twitter"> <i class="b-icon m-icon-twitter" title="" ></i> </a> <a js-share-single-button data-network="linkedin" data-url="" data-title="NJ Parents Facing Long Road To Recovery After Being Shot By Angry Neighbor: Campaign" data-image="" class="e-social-icon-wrapper" data-testid="share-icon-linkedin"> <i 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