EU Open Research Repository - Roadmap
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rich-input-content"> <div class="ui text container rel-m-2 rel-pt-1"> <h2>Roadmap</h2> <p>The EU Open Research Repository has been fully launched in October 2024 after an initial pilot phase. We continue to collect user feedback and implement improvements to the platform. Below you'll find an overview over already planned improvements.</p> <p><strong>How do I provide feedback?<br></strong>We would love to hear any feedback you have - what works, what doesn’t, what’s missing and what could be improved. Please send us feedback via the <a href="../../../support">support</a>.</p> <p><strong>Timeline</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>2024 December</strong> <ul> <li>Automatic identification and harvesting of EU-funded content deposited in Zenodo outside of the EU Open Research Repository.</li> <li>Onboarding of 2700 existing EU project communities in Zenodo.</li> <li>FAIRness improvements of Zenodo.</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>2025 March</strong> <ul> <li>Harmonization of curation among EU project communities through automated basic curation checks.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Learn more</strong></p> <p>The EU Open Research Repository is developed under the HORIZON-ZEN project funded by the European Union under grant agreement no. 101122956. You can learn more about the HORIZON-ZEN project on <a href=""></a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer id="rdm-footer-element"> <div class="footer-top theme-primary horizon-footer"> <div class="ui container"> <div class="ui grid divided relaxed"> <div class="row"> <div class="rdm-footer five wide tablet three wide computer sixteen wide mobile column rel-mb-2"> <h2 class="ui small header">Managed by</h2> <a href="">CERN on behalf of the European Commission</a> <i class="green check circle outline icon"></i> </div> <div class="rdm-footer eleven wide tablet thirteen wide computer sixteen wide mobile column"> <div class="ui equal width stackable grid"> <div class="column"> <h2 class="ui small header">About</h2> <p><a href="/communities/eu/about">About the EU Open Research Repository</a></p> <p><a href="/communities/eu/curation-policy">Curation policy</a></p> <p><a href="/communities/eu/pages/roadmap">Roadmap</a></p> <p><a href="">FAQ</a></p> <p><a href="/communities/eu/pages/contact">Contact</a></p> </div> <div class="column"> <h2 class="ui small header">Submission</h2> <p><a href="/communities/eu/pages/how-to-submit">How to submit</a></p> <p><a href="/communities/eu/pages/join">Join with your EU project</a></p> <p><a href="">Help documentation</a></p> </div> <div class="right aligned column"> <a href="" aria-label="CERN"> <img src="/static/images/eufunded.png" width="100" height="100" alt="" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer-bottom sub-footer theme-default rel-p-1"> <div class="ui container"> <div class="ui grid"> <div class="four wide computer six wide tablet sixteen wide mobile column left middle aligned" > Powered by <a href="">CERN Data Centre</a> & <a href="">InvenioRDM</a> </div> <div class="four wide computer four wide tablet sixteen wide mobile column centered middle aligned" > <i class="green check circle outline icon"></i> <a href="">Verified community</a> </div> <div class="four wide computer six wide tablet sixteen wide mobile column right aligned" > <div class="ui horizontal list"> <div class="item"><a href="">Status</a></div> <div class="item"><a href="">Privacy policy</a></div> <div class="item"><a href="">Cookie policy</a></div> <div class="item"><a href="">Terms of use</a></div> <div class="item"><a href="/support">Support</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <script src="/static/dist/js/manifest.85914225ed5d447be325.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/73.c39079ca1fc2ae113347.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/3526.e89ca3df1ebb93426a28.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/theme.df2465216f8b783a462f.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/9630.668b690274e548f98163.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/1057.7d75f7650dc82016b0de.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/7655.822a63bb4ea3764acdae.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/9621.6535c4e4a93e5683c079.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/5373.4d3c97d870fcbcceede3.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/8871.6edcd2191521fae14176.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/621.a65ad81b760d669506ff.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/9827.77cd5b562048a6591df4.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/742.c9ff6bca3a608a9bce7d.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/base-theme-rdm.9d9bbd310b84172faad3.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/i18n_app.99c66e0dc76dcd873a86.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/4709.939b30788057693c892e.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/5941.416c32bce9b1f6137489.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/9736.60a1726b721ad3d427db.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/5965.a9d2e38c2dcdd42ebc70.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/1677.b755f75684136ec3634e.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/8102.8ca37a7a6650ce75a7fa.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/5368.01a2200ad661130e2972.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/8585.f6b02d1a40609affd664.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/1990.4198c9b3429de6dfebed.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/3532.e8cb76db2b7edf78ccfa.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/overridable-registry.d865c1ea4ce3e4ded8b7.js"></script><div class="ui container info message cookie-banner hidden"> <i class="close icon"></i> <div> <i aria-hidden="true" class="info icon"></i> <p class="inline">This site uses cookies. 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