Pozice soci谩ln铆ho pedagoga ve vzd臎l谩vac铆m prost艡ed铆 - Digit谩ln铆 repozit谩艡

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The research focuses on defining models of the social pedagogue, with the main question being: What are the models of the social pedagogue in the Czech Republic and abroad? In order to achieve the set objectives, a survey was conducted through semi-structured interviews with 50 respondents who are or have been working in the profession of social pedagogue. The respondents were selected from different regions of the Czech Republic to capture different experiences and perspectives on the practice of the profession. The results show that the majority of respondents are fulfilling duties appropriate to their role and are being used effectively as social educators. However, a key issue remains the lack of clarity in legislation, specifically the Teaching Personnel Act. This legislative uncertainties make it difficult for school management to understand and define the role of social pedagogues. In comparison with selected neighbouring countries such as Germany. Poland or Slovakia, it appears that the Czech... Mat臎j Svoboda, Pozice soci谩ln铆ho pedagoga ve vzd臎l谩vac铆m prost艡ed铆 Abstrakt Tato pr谩ce se zam臎艡uje na pozici soci谩ln铆ho pedagoga ve vzd臎l谩vac铆m prost艡ed铆 v 膶esk茅 republice, s c铆lem objasnit jeho profesn铆 roli a legislativn铆 ukotven铆 ve srovn谩n铆 se zem臎mi Evropy. V r谩mci v媒zkumu je kladen d暖raz na vymezen铆 model暖 soci谩ln铆ho pedagoga, p艡i膷em啪 hlavn铆 ot谩zkou je: Jak茅 jsou modely soci谩ln铆ho pedagoga u n谩s a v zahrani膷铆? K dosa啪en铆 stanoven媒ch c铆l暖 bylo provedeno 拧et艡en铆 prost艡ednictv铆m polostrukturovan媒ch rozhovor暖 se 50 respondenty, kte艡铆 v profesi soci谩ln铆ho pedagoga p暖sob铆 nebo p暖sobili. Respondenti byli vyb铆r谩ni z r暖zn媒ch region暖 膶esk茅 republiky, aby se zachytily rozli膷n茅 zku拧enosti a pohledy na v媒kon t茅to profese. V媒sledky ukazuj铆, 啪e v臎t拧ina respondent暖 napl艌uje povinnosti p艡im臎艡en茅 jejich roli a je efektivn臎 vyu啪铆v谩na jako soci谩ln铆 pedagogov茅. Nicm茅n臎, kl铆膷ov媒m probl茅mem z暖st谩v谩 nejasnost v legislativ臎, konkr茅tn臎 v z谩kon臎 o pedagogick媒ch pracovn铆c铆ch. Tato legislativn铆 neukotvenost znesnad艌uje veden铆 拧kol v pochopen铆 a definov谩n铆 n谩pln臎 pr谩ce soci谩ln铆ch pedagog暖. V komparaci s vybran媒mi sousedn铆mi zem臎mi, jako je N臎mecko. Polsko nebo Slovensko, se ukazuje, 啪e 膶esk谩 republika zaost谩v谩, nebo钮 mnoho z t臎chto zem铆 ji啪 implementovalo jasn臎 definovan茅 legislativn铆 r谩mce pro postaven铆 soci谩ln铆ch pedagog暖. Z... 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<a href=''>Bendl, Stanislav</a> (vedouc铆 pr谩ce) ; <a href=''>Sy艡i拧t臎, Ivo</a> (oponent)<br /> <strong>Typ dokumentu: </strong>Diplomov茅 pr谩ce<br /> <strong> Rok: </strong>2025<br /> <strong> Jazyk: </strong>cze<br/> <strong> Abstrakt: </strong><script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $(".abslang").bind("click", function(){ $(".abslang").css({"color" : "grey", "cursor" : "pointer"}); $(this).css({"color" : "black", "cursor" : "default"}); var target = $(this).attr('data-target'); $(".abstract").css("display", "none"); $("#"+target).css("display", "inline"); }); $(".abslang:first").trigger("click"); }); </script><span class='abslang' data-target='lang-0' style='color:grey;'>[cze]</span> <span class='abslang' data-target='lang-1' style='color:grey;'>[eng]</span> <br /> <span class='abstract' id='lang-0' style='display:none;'>Mat臎j Svoboda, Pozice soci谩ln铆ho pedagoga ve vzd臎l谩vac铆m prost艡ed铆 Abstrakt Tato pr谩ce se zam臎艡uje na pozici soci谩ln铆ho pedagoga ve vzd臎l谩vac铆m prost艡ed铆 v 膶esk茅 republice, s c铆lem objasnit jeho profesn铆 roli a legislativn铆 ukotven铆 ve srovn谩n铆 se zem臎mi Evropy. V r谩mci v媒zkumu je kladen d暖raz na vymezen铆 model暖 soci谩ln铆ho pedagoga, p艡i膷em啪 hlavn铆 ot谩zkou je: Jak茅 jsou modely soci谩ln铆ho pedagoga u n谩s a v zahrani膷铆? K dosa啪en铆 stanoven媒ch c铆l暖 bylo provedeno 拧et艡en铆 prost艡ednictv铆m polostrukturovan媒ch rozhovor暖 se 50 respondenty, kte艡铆 v profesi soci谩ln铆ho pedagoga p暖sob铆 nebo p暖sobili. Respondenti byli vyb铆r谩ni z r暖zn媒ch region暖 膶esk茅 republiky, aby se zachytily rozli膷n茅 zku拧enosti a pohledy na v媒kon t茅to profese. V媒sledky ukazuj铆, 啪e v臎t拧ina respondent暖 napl艌uje povinnosti p艡im臎艡en茅 jejich roli a je efektivn臎 vyu啪铆v谩na jako soci谩ln铆 pedagogov茅. Nicm茅n臎, kl铆膷ov媒m probl茅mem z暖st谩v谩 nejasnost v legislativ臎, konkr茅tn臎 v z谩kon臎 o pedagogick媒ch pracovn铆c铆ch. Tato legislativn铆 neukotvenost znesnad艌uje veden铆 拧kol v pochopen铆 a definov谩n铆 n谩pln臎 pr谩ce soci谩ln铆ch pedagog暖. V komparaci s vybran媒mi sousedn铆mi zem臎mi, jako je N臎mecko. Polsko nebo Slovensko, se ukazuje, 啪e 膶esk谩 republika zaost谩v谩, nebo钮 mnoho z t臎chto zem铆 ji啪 implementovalo jasn臎 definovan茅 legislativn铆 r谩mce pro postaven铆 soci谩ln铆ch pedagog暖. Z...</span> <span class='abstract' id='lang-1' style='display:none;'>Mat臎j Svoboda, Pozice soci谩ln铆ho pedagoga ve vzd臎l谩vac铆m prost艡ed铆 Abstract This thesis focuses on the position of the social pedagogue in the educational environment in the Czech Republic, with the aim of clarifying his/her professional role and legislative anchorage in comparison with European countries. The research focuses on defining models of the social pedagogue, with the main question being: What are the models of the social pedagogue in the Czech Republic and abroad? In order to achieve the set objectives, a survey was conducted through semi-structured interviews with 50 respondents who are or have been working in the profession of social pedagogue. The respondents were selected from different regions of the Czech Republic to capture different experiences and perspectives on the practice of the profession. The results show that the majority of respondents are fulfilling duties appropriate to their role and are being used effectively as social educators. However, a key issue remains the lack of clarity in legislation, specifically the Teaching Personnel Act. This legislative uncertainties make it difficult for school management to understand and define the role of social pedagogues. In comparison with selected neighbouring countries such as Germany. Poland or Slovakia, it appears that the Czech...</span> <br /> <strong> Kl铆膷ov谩 slova: </strong><a href='"soci%C3%A1ln%C3%AD%20pedagog"&amp;ln=cs'>soci谩ln铆 pedagog</a>; <a href='"soci%C3%A1ln%C3%AD%20prost%C5%99ed%C3%AD"&amp;ln=cs'>soci谩ln铆 prost艡ed铆</a>; <a href='"soci%C3%A1ln%C3%AD%20pr%C3%A1ce"&amp;ln=cs'>soci谩ln铆 pr谩ce</a>; <a href='"v%C3%BDchova"&amp;ln=cs'>v媒chova</a>; <a href='"z%C3%A1kon%20o%20pedagogick%C3%BDch%20pracovn%C3%ADc%C3%ADch"&amp;ln=cs'>z谩kon o pedagogick媒ch pracovn铆c铆ch</a>; <a href='"education"&amp;ln=cs'>education</a>; <a href='"law%20on%20pedagogical%20workers"&amp;ln=cs'>law on pedagogical workers</a>; <a href='"social%20environment"&amp;ln=cs'>social environment</a>; <a href='"social%20pedagogue"&amp;ln=cs'>social pedagogue</a>; <a href='"social%20work"&amp;ln=cs'>social work</a><br /> <br /><strong>Instituce: </strong>Fakulty UK (V艩KP) (<a href="" target="_blank">web</a>) <br /> <strong>Informace o dostupnosti dokumentu: </strong>Dostupn茅 v digit谩ln铆m repozit谩艡i UK.<br /> <strong>P暖vodn铆 z谩znam: </strong><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br /> <br /><strong>Trval媒 odkaz NU艩L: </strong><a href=''></a><br /> <br /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="" charset="utf-8"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /> <div class="highslide-gallery"> <ul> </ul> <div style="clear:both"></div></div> </div> <div class="bottom-left-folded"><div class="recordlastmodifiedbox" style="position:relative;margin-left:1px">&nbsp;Z谩znam vytvo艡en dne 2025-02-09, naposledy upraven 2025-02-09.</div></div> <div class="bottom-right-folded" style="text-align:right;padding-bottom:2px;"> <span class="moreinfo" style="margin-right:10px;"><a href=";p=recid%3A669656&amp;rm=wrd" class="moreinfo">Podobn茅 z谩znamy</a></span></div> </div> </div> </div> <br/> <br /> <div class="detailedrecordminipanel"> <div class="top-left"></div><div class="top-right"></div> <div class="inside"> <div id="detailedrecordminipanelfile" style="width:40%;float:left;margin-left:10px"> <span style="color:#aaa;">Nen铆 p艡ilo啪en dokument</span> </div> <div id="detailedrecordminipanelactions" style="width:40%;float:right"> <ul class="detailedrecordactions"> <!-- <li><a href=";recid=669656">Add to personal basket</a></li> --> <li>Exportovat ve form谩tu <!-- <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="">MARCXML</a>, --> <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="">DC</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="">NU艩L</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="">RIS</a> <li>Sd铆let <br /> <!-- JQuery Bookmark Button BEGIN --> <div id="bookmark"></div><div id="bookmark_mendeley"></div> <style type="text/css"> #bookmark_mendeley, #bookmark { float: left; } #bookmark_mendeley li { padding: 2px; width: 16px} #bookmark_mendeley ul, #bookmark ul { list-style-image: none; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <style type="text/css">@import "";</style> <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ $.bookmark.addSite('mendeley', '', '', 'en', 'bookmark', ''); $('#bookmark_mendeley').bookmark({sites: ['mendeley']}); $.bookmark.addSite('facebook', 'Facebook', 10, 'en', 'social','[url]={u}' ); $.bookmark.addSite('google', 'Google Plus', 12, 'en', 'social', '{u}'); $('#bookmark').bookmark({ sites: ['facebook', 'twitter', 'linkedin', 'google', 'delicious'], icons: '', url: '', addEmail: false, title: "", description: "Mat\u011bj Svoboda, Pozice soci\u00e1ln\u00edho pedagoga ve vzd\u011bl\u00e1vac\u00edm prost\u0159ed\u00ed Abstract This thesis focuses on the position of the social pedagogue in the educational environment in the Czech Republic, with the aim of clarifying his/her professional role and legislative anchorage in comparison with European countries. The research focuses on defining models of the social pedagogue, with the main question being: What are the models of the social pedagogue in the Czech Republic and abroad? In order to achieve the set objectives, a survey was conducted through semi-structured interviews with 50 respondents who are or have been working in the profession of social pedagogue. The respondents were selected from different regions of the Czech Republic to capture different experiences and perspectives on the practice of the profession. The results show that the majority of respondents are fulfilling duties appropriate to their role and are being used effectively as social educators. However, a key issue remains the lack of clarity in legislation, specifically the Teaching Personnel Act. This legislative uncertainties make it difficult for school management to understand and define the role of social pedagogues. In comparison with selected neighbouring countries such as Germany. Poland or Slovakia, it appears that the Czech..." }); $('#bookmark').bookmark('change', {'emailSubject':'Z谩znam v Digit谩ln铆m repozit谩艡i NU艩L', 'emailBody': '{t} ({u})'}); // ]]> </script> <!-- JQuery Bookmark Button END --> </li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear:both;margin-bottom: 0;"></div> </div> <div class="bottom-left"></div><div class="bottom-right"></div> </div> </div></div> <div class="pagefooter"> <!-- replaced page footer --> <div class="pagefooterstripeleft"> Digit谩ln铆 repozit谩艡&nbsp;::&nbsp;<a class="footer" href="">Hledej</a>&nbsp;::&nbsp;<a class="footer" href="">Nov媒 z谩znam</a>&nbsp;::&nbsp;<a class="footer" href="">Personalizace</a>&nbsp;::&nbsp;<a class="footer" href="">N谩pov臎da</a> <br /> Powered by <a class="footer" href="">Invenio</a> v1.1.2 <br /> Spravuje <a class="footer" href=""></a> <br /> </div> <div class="pagefooterstriperight"> Tato str谩nka je dostupn谩 tak茅 v n谩sleduj铆c铆ch jazyc铆ch:<br /><span class="langinfo">膶esky</span> &nbsp;<a href="/record/669656?ln=en" class="langinfo">English</a> </div> <!-- replaced page footer --> </div> </div><!-- end containing box --> <!-- Hanka je proste nejlepsi! --> </body> </html>

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