Microbiology of the Built Environment
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Seifert © Her Majesty the Queen in the Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada </figcaption> <div class="info-pop"> <span class="badge" data-height-toggle="i-12">info</span> <div class="description-container" data-height-reveal="i-12"> <div class="description scheme-light"> <p>A common component of house dust, Aspergillus glaucus thrives in low-moisture environments, making it ideally suited to the dry indoor spaces build by humans.</p> </div> </div> </div> </figure> </div> <section class="lead-secondary"> <div class="container"> <header> <h4 class="label"> Program Goal </h4> <h2 class="title" data-qq="lead_title"> To grow a new multidisciplinary field of scientific inquiry focused on understanding the microbial ecology of the built environments where people work, live, and play. </h2> </header> </div> </section> <a name="strategy"></a> <section class="scheme-gray"> <div class="container"> <header class="section-header"> <h2>Strategy</h2> </header> <div class="content-grid-two"> <div class="col rte-content"> <ul> <li>Generate new knowledge by directly supporting original, high-quality research on the microbial ecology of the built environment.</li> <li>Build a thriving, multidisciplinary network and research community of biologists, engineers, architects, and technologists that will endure beyond the program’s timeline.</li> <li>Train the next generation of scholars and practitioners. An important component of this program is introducing new voices into the field and training the next generation of researchers.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="col rte-content"> <ul> <li>Develop community-wide research and data collection protocols, and norms.</li> <li>Advance capacity for discovery through development of new tools and resources for data collection, sampling, analysis, and visualization.</li> <li>Attract dedicated funding from federal agencies by demonstrating the existence of important gaps in our scientific knowledge and the potential for federal intervention to fill them.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <a name="news"></a> <section class="scheme-none"> <div class="container"> <div data-qq-ignore> <header class="section-header"> <h2>News</h2> <a href="/about/press/grantee-news?subprogram=2" class="arrow-link">See All</a> </header> <ul class="blurb-grid"> <li class="col"> <a href=""> <div class="source"> The New York Times </div> <h3 class="title"> Subway Swabbers Find a Microbe Jungle and Thousands of New Species </h3> </a> </li> <li class="col"> <a href=""> <div class="source"> Bloomberg </div> <h3 class="title"> To Make a Building Healthier, Stop Sanitizing Everything </h3> </a> </li> <li class="col"> <a href=""> <div class="source"> Colorado State University </div> <h3 class="title"> Global summit on science and innovation for reopening workplaces safely starts this week </h3> </a> </li> <li class="col"> <a href=""> <div class="source"> Good Morning America </div> <h3 class="title"> Testing buildings may become added weapon in coronavirus reopenings </h3> </a> </li> <li class="col"> <a href=""> <div class="source"> Washington Post </div> <h3 class="title"> ‘Superspreading’ events, triggered by people who may not even know they are infected, propel coronavirus pandemic </h3> </a> </li> <li class="col"> <a href=""> <div class="source"> University of California, Davis </div> <h3 class="title"> National Survey Shows Different Bacteria on Cellphones and Shoes </h3> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <a name="grants"></a> <section class="scheme-none"> <div class="container"> <header class="section-header"> <h2>Recent Grants</h2> <a href="/grants-database?setsubprogram=2" class="arrow-link">See All</a> </header> <nav class="summary-grid" data-qq-ignore> <ul class="grid"> <li class="col"> <a href="/grant-detail/g-2018-11375" data-mh="1"> <h5 class="summary-header"> Murdomo Institute, Inc. </h5> <p class="summary-meta"> $50,000 </p> <p class="hide-on-hover"> To support Community of Microbes, a dynamic, augmented reality-enabled interactive experience that introduces audiences to microorganism ecosystems </p> <span class="arrow-link show-on-hover"> Learn More </span> </a> </li> <li class="col"> <a href="/grant-detail/g-2018-11374" data-mh="1"> <h5 class="summary-header"> Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University </h5> <p class="summary-meta"> $30,000 </p> <p class="hide-on-hover"> To support a workshop on Viruses in the Built Environment </p> <span class="arrow-link show-on-hover"> Learn More </span> </a> </li> <li class="col"> <a href="/grant-detail/g-2018-11343" data-mh="1"> <h5 class="summary-header"> Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory </h5> <p class="summary-meta"> $67,000 </p> <p class="hide-on-hover"> To support a Banbury meeting on the Microbiology of the Built Environment </p> <span class="arrow-link show-on-hover"> Learn More </span> </a> </li> <li class="col"> <a href="/grant-detail/g-2018-11174" data-mh="1"> <h5 class="summary-header"> University of California, Davis </h5> <p class="summary-meta"> $101,430 </p> <p class="hide-on-hover"> To develop a business plan to sustain the activities of the Microbiology of the Built Environment Network </p> <span class="arrow-link show-on-hover"> Learn More </span> </a> </li> <li class="col"> <a href="/grant-detail/g-2018-11009" data-mh="1"> <h5 class="summary-header"> Cornell University </h5> <p class="summary-meta"> $125,000 </p> <p class="hide-on-hover"> To provide renewed support to examine how disinfectants may promote antibiotic resistance through horizontal gene transfer </p> <span class="arrow-link show-on-hover"> Learn More </span> </a> </li> <li class="col"> <a href="/grant-detail/g-2017-10052" data-mh="1"> <h5 class="summary-header"> University of California, Berkeley </h5> <p class="summary-meta"> $30,000 </p> <p class="hide-on-hover"> To extend comparative data analysis for studies of water damaged homes in NY and CA </p> <span class="arrow-link show-on-hover"> Learn More </span> </a> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </section> <a name="resources"></a> <section class="scheme-none"> <div class="container"> <header class="section-header"> <h2>Resources</h2> </header> <nav class="summary-grid"> <ul class="grid"> <li class="col"> <a href="" data-mh="110"> <h5 class="summary-header"> Biology of the Built Environment Center </h5> <p> University of Oregon </p> <span class="arrow-link"> Visit Site </span> </a> </li> <li class="col"> <a href="" data-mh="110"> <h5 class="summary-header"> </h5> <p> An online resource for all things related to indoor microbiology. </p> <span class="arrow-link"> Visit Site </span> </a> </li> <li class="col"> <a href="/programs/research/microbiology-of-the-built-environment/mobepostdocs" data-mh="110"> <h5 class="summary-header"> MoBE Postdoctoral Fellows </h5> <p> </p> <span class="arrow-link"> Visit Site </span> </a> </li> <li class="col"> <a href="" data-mh="110"> <h5 class="summary-header"> VAMPS </h5> <p> A leading platform for visualizing microbial population structures. </p> <span class="arrow-link"> Visit Site </span> </a> </li> <li class="col"> <a href="" data-mh="110"> <h5 class="summary-header"> QIITA </h5> <p> An open source microbial study management platform </p> <span class="arrow-link"> Visit Site </span> </a> </li> <li class="col"> <a href="" data-mh="110"> <h5 class="summary-header"> QIIME </h5> <p> An open source bioinformatic pipeline for performing microbiome analysis from raw DNA sequencing data. </p> <span class="arrow-link"> Visit Site </span> </a> </li> <li class="col"> <a href="" data-mh="110"> <h5 class="summary-header"> Microbiomes of the Built Environment: From Research to Application </h5> <p> A National Academies consensus study on the state of the field, where it needs to go, and how to get there. </p> <span class="arrow-link"> Visit Site </span> </a> </li> <li class="col"> <a href="" data-mh="110"> <h5 class="summary-header"> Management of Legionella in Water Systems </h5> <p> A National Academies consensus study </p> <span class="arrow-link"> Visit Site </span> </a> </li> <li class="col"> <a href="" data-mh="110"> <h5 class="summary-header"> Network analysis to evaluate the impact of research funding on research community consolidation </h5> <p> Hicks, Coil, Stahmer, and Eisen study the effects of Sloan funding on the formation of a new research community. </p> <span class="arrow-link"> Visit Site </span> </a> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </section> <a name="staff"></a> <div class="invisible"> <div data-qq="title">Microbiology of the Built Environment</div> <div data-qq="local_uri">/programs/completed-programs/microbiology-of-the-built-environment</div> <div data-qq="description"> Completed Photo Credit: K. Seifert © Her Majesty the Queen in the Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada info A common component of house dust, Aspergillus glaucus thrives in low-moisture environments, making it ideally suited to the dry indoor spaces build by humans. Program Goal To grow a new multidisciplinary field of scientific inquiry… </div> </div> </main> <footer class="site-footer"> <div class="container"> <!-- One off footer grid, not using abstracted system --> <div class="footer-grid"> <div class="col-third"> <a class="logo-type-left" href="/" aria-label="Back to home"> <svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 402.636 108.373" width="217.25" height="58.47"><defs><style>.logo-type-center-footer-fill{fill:#003a5d}</style></defs><path d="M19.167 10.06a31.733 31.733 0 0 1 31.025 1.447 8.467 8.467 0 1 0 4.23-5.278A38.5 38.5 0 0 0 0 19.31l47.616 47.615a31.928 31.928 0 0 1-31.025-1.447 8.344 8.344 0 1 0-8.065 6.251 8.357 8.357 0 0 0 3.836-.973A38.54 38.54 0 0 0 66.79 57.682zm36.853 1.332a3.163 3.163 0 1 1 0 4.473 3.142 3.142 0 0 1 0-4.473zM10.763 65.593a3.163 3.163 0 0 1-4.473 0 3.163 3.163 0 1 1 4.473 0zm45.125-4.604a31.812 31.812 0 0 1-2.505 2.23L8.67 18.508a30.941 30.941 0 0 1 2.224-2.51 32.015 32.015 0 0 1 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6.116zm-2.251-11.313h1.332c3.073 0 5.324-1.204 5.324-4.214 0-2.79-1.84-4.183-5.166-4.183a13.006 13.006 0 0 0-1.49.094zM200.227 32.581c-2.916-.095-6.972-.126-9.507-.126-1.68 0-3.738.031-5.165.095v-.158c1.775-.603 2.06-1.046 2.06-6.877v-8.27c0-5.831-.285-6.275-2.06-6.846v-.158c1.427.064 3.232.095 4.88.095 4.69 0 7.384-.064 10.267-.222a47.08 47.08 0 0 0 .159 5.672l-.159.033c-.918-2.346-2.06-2.885-6.432-2.885a17.026 17.026 0 0 0-2.092.096v6.654l3.423-.094c2.946-.096 3.517-.412 4.023-1.712h.19a27.66 27.66 0 0 0-.126 2.98 26.44 26.44 0 0 0 .127 3.01h-.19c-.507-1.364-1.141-1.649-4.024-1.744l-3.423-.063v5.926c0 1.299.476 1.838 2.567 1.838 3.58 0 4.912-.761 6.464-3.201l.158.096a53.926 53.926 0 0 0-1.14 5.861zM206.72 32.392c1.776-.603 2.061-1.046 2.061-6.877v-8.27c0-5.831-.285-6.275-2.06-6.846v-.158c1.426.064 2.661.095 3.803.095 1.52 0 2.978-.127 4.405-.127 4.753 0 8.555 1.205 11.217 3.867a10.374 10.374 0 0 1 2.916 7.542c0 6.432-4.564 11.059-13.247 11.059-1.806 0-3.644-.222-5.291-.222-1.205 0-2.377.031-3.803.095zm15.243-16.827a9.757 9.757 0 0 0-7.003-2.63 8.397 8.397 0 0 0-1.616.095v14.988c0 1.427.539 1.934 3.074 1.934 4.531 0 7.731-2.758 7.731-8.05a8.71 8.71 0 0 0-2.186-6.337zM253.003 32.55a103.165 103.165 0 0 0-4.5-.095c-1.647 0-2.915.031-4.341.095v-.158c1.775-.603 2.06-1.046 2.06-6.877v-8.27c0-5.831-.285-6.275-2.06-6.846v-.158c1.426.064 2.694.095 4.34.095 1.079 0 2.726-.127 4.406-.127 5.64 0 9.443 2.282 9.443 6.592a5.722 5.722 0 0 1-1.68 4.278c-1.774 1.806-4.817 2.661-8.365 2.661h-1.521v2.853c0 4.753.254 5.196 2.218 5.799zm-2.218-11.28h1.11c2.122 0 3.738-.413 4.625-1.332a4 4 0 0 0 1.014-2.884c0-2.978-2.028-4.214-5.039-4.214-.664 0-1.298.063-1.71.094zM265.607 32.866a2.599 2.599 0 1 1 2.661-2.598 2.596 2.596 0 0 1-2.661 2.598zM291.07 32.993a15.24 15.24 0 0 1-6.94-1.616 42.623 42.623 0 0 0-.032-6.115l.16-.033c1.425 3.074 4.181 5.039 6.94 5.039a3.24 3.24 0 0 0 3.548-3.169c0-1.648-.982-2.661-4.34-4.15-4.216-1.934-5.96-3.74-5.96-6.75 0-3.581 2.98-6.401 7.606-6.401a13.778 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99.825c0-3.048 1.72-4.899 4.356-4.899s4.358 1.851 4.358 4.899c0 3.05-1.721 4.9-4.358 4.9s-4.356-1.85-4.356-4.9zm7.031 0c0-2.319-.992-3.516-2.675-3.516s-2.673 1.197-2.673 3.516.99 3.515 2.673 3.515 2.675-1.196 2.675-3.515zM241.455 95.15v1.627a2.733 2.733 0 0 1 2.673-1.85 2.642 2.642 0 0 1 2.657 1.868 3.003 3.003 0 0 1 2.841-1.869c1.797 0 2.844 1.272 2.844 3.44v6.135h-1.59v-6.003c0-1.46-.6-2.207-1.776-2.207-1.329 0-2.096.972-2.096 2.675v5.535h-1.588v-6.078c0-1.364-.636-2.132-1.76-2.132-1.308 0-2.112 1.047-2.112 2.75v5.46h-1.59v-9.35zM255.534 91.41h1.812v2.001h-1.812zm.111 3.74h1.59v9.35h-1.59zM259.853 101.846l1.608-.282a2.252 2.252 0 0 0 2.469 1.851c1.251 0 1.944-.615 1.944-1.42 0-.823-.504-1.16-1.347-1.31l-1.832-.336c-1.59-.3-2.487-1.196-2.487-2.618 0-1.608 1.346-2.805 3.554-2.805 2.094 0 3.515.954 3.702 2.525l-1.572.355a2.03 2.03 0 0 0-2.205-1.59c-1.197 0-1.928.525-1.928 1.44 0 .786.525 1.16 1.442 1.328l1.812.337c1.683.318 2.432 1.178 2.432 2.543 0 1.683-1.29 2.862-3.572 2.862-2.207 0-3.702-1.03-4.02-2.88zM277.56 100.293h-6.64a2.762 2.762 0 0 0 2.787 3.03 2.512 2.512 0 0 0 2.489-1.777l1.308.58a3.888 3.888 0 0 1-3.908 2.6c-2.675 0-4.263-1.703-4.263-4.788 0-3.122 1.57-5.012 4.244-5.012 2.524 0 3.984 1.44 3.984 4.245zm-1.607-1.495c0-1.721-.879-2.618-2.414-2.618-1.644 0-2.58 1.065-2.618 2.823h5.032zM284.384 99.825c0-3.048 1.719-4.899 4.356-4.899s4.358 1.851 4.358 4.899c0 3.05-1.722 4.9-4.358 4.9s-4.356-1.85-4.356-4.9zm7.03 0c0-2.319-.991-3.516-2.674-3.516s-2.674 1.197-2.674 3.516.99 3.515 2.674 3.515 2.675-1.196 2.675-3.515zM300.05 96.46h-2.337v8.04h-1.59v-8.04h-1.719v-1.31h1.72v-1.477a2.622 2.622 0 0 1 2.73-2.842 4.702 4.702 0 0 1 1.196.13v1.365a6.45 6.45 0 0 0-.99-.093c-.954 0-1.347.524-1.347 1.664v1.254h2.337zM313.12 95.88a3.048 3.048 0 0 1 .859 2.207 3.158 3.158 0 0 1-3.459 3.198 4.091 4.091 0 0 1-1.794-.393 1.002 1.002 0 0 0-.675.915c0 .525.393.954 1.554.954h2.28c2.114 0 3.18.954 3.18 2.637 0 1.758-1.384 2.975-4.638 2.975-3.291 0-4.208-1.236-4.208-2.564a2.006 2.006 0 0 1 1.515-1.944 1.684 1.684 0 0 1-1.084-1.626 1.927 1.927 0 0 1 1.327-1.871 3.086 3.086 0 0 1-.916-2.28 3.13 3.13 0 0 1 3.459-3.162 4.267 4.267 0 0 1 1.833.393 2.189 2.189 0 0 1 2.225-1.701 2.305 2.305 0 0 1 .618.075v1.383a3.294 3.294 0 0 0-.674-.075 1.331 1.331 0 0 0-1.402.879zm-3.572 8.285a9.39 9.39 0 0 1-.786-.039 1.53 1.53 0 0 0-.99 1.403c0 1.159 1.158 1.533 2.841 1.533 2.282 0 2.862-.71 2.862-1.55 0-.88-.655-1.347-1.945-1.347zm2.936-6.06a1.964 1.964 0 1 0-1.964 1.963 1.866 1.866 0 0 0 1.964-1.962zM321.664 94.926a2.062 2.062 0 0 1 .336.018v1.554h-.073a2.728 2.728 0 0 0-2.057.729 4.343 4.343 0 0 0-.936 3.272v4.002h-1.59v-9.35h1.479v2.132a3.092 3.092 0 0 1 2.841-2.357zM331.443 100.293h-6.64a2.762 2.762 0 0 0 2.787 3.03 2.512 2.512 0 0 0 2.488-1.777l1.309.58a3.888 3.888 0 0 1-3.909 2.6c-2.675 0-4.263-1.703-4.263-4.788 0-3.122 1.57-5.012 4.245-5.012 2.523 0 3.983 1.44 3.983 4.245zm-1.608-1.495c0-1.721-.88-2.618-2.413-2.618-1.645 0-2.58 1.065-2.619 2.823h5.032zM333.313 101.976a2.458 2.458 0 0 1 1.308-2.206 9.446 9.446 0 0 1 3.14-.767l1.74-.205v-.15c0-1.721-.617-2.414-2.057-2.414a1.9 1.9 0 0 0-2.13 1.853h-1.704c.132-1.907 1.628-3.16 3.816-3.16 2.561 0 3.683 1.16 3.683 3.89v2.523a11.175 11.175 0 0 0 .318 3.16h-1.664a14.685 14.685 0 0 1-.148-1.7 3.127 3.127 0 0 1-3.143 1.926c-1.908 0-3.16-1.086-3.16-2.75zm6.207-1.552v-.468l-2.544.375c-1.383.205-1.98.69-1.98 1.608 0 .915.69 1.476 1.832 1.476a2.679 2.679 0 0 0 2.692-2.99zM342.922 95.15h1.738V92.7l1.59-.672v3.123h2.338v1.308h-2.339v5.18c0 1.067.411 1.533 1.365 1.533a3.708 3.708 0 0 0 .974-.13v1.459a4.859 4.859 0 0 1-1.385.168c-2.019 0-2.543-1.234-2.543-2.973v-5.237h-1.738zM355.86 91.41h1.813v2.001h-1.813zm.112 3.74h1.59v9.35h-1.59zM360.18 99.825c0-2.88 1.644-4.899 3.981-4.899a2.895 2.895 0 0 1 2.75 1.608v-5.591h1.59V104.5h-1.496v-1.74a3.11 3.11 0 0 1-3.03 1.965c-2.262 0-3.795-1.965-3.795-4.901zm6.768.225v-.43c0-2.039-.972-3.29-2.542-3.29-1.59 0-2.543 1.29-2.543 3.495 0 2.189.954 3.497 2.543 3.497 1.552 0 2.542-1.272 2.542-3.272zM379.439 100.293h-6.64a2.762 2.762 0 0 0 2.786 3.03 2.512 2.512 0 0 0 2.489-1.777l1.308.58a3.888 3.888 0 0 1-3.908 2.6c-2.675 0-4.263-1.703-4.263-4.788 0-3.122 1.57-5.012 4.244-5.012 2.524 0 3.984 1.44 3.984 4.245zm-1.608-1.495c0-1.721-.88-2.618-2.414-2.618-1.644 0-2.58 1.065-2.618 2.823h5.032zM381.306 101.976a2.458 2.458 0 0 1 1.308-2.206 9.446 9.446 0 0 1 3.141-.767l1.74-.205v-.15c0-1.721-.618-2.414-2.058-2.414a1.9 1.9 0 0 0-2.13 1.853h-1.703c.131-1.907 1.628-3.16 3.815-3.16 2.562 0 3.684 1.16 3.684 3.89v2.523a11.175 11.175 0 0 0 .318 3.16h-1.665a14.687 14.687 0 0 1-.148-1.7 3.127 3.127 0 0 1-3.143 1.926c-1.907 0-3.159-1.086-3.159-2.75zm6.207-1.552v-.468l-2.543.375c-1.384.205-1.981.69-1.981 1.608 0 .915.69 1.476 1.833 1.476a2.679 2.679 0 0 0 2.691-2.99zM391.478 101.846l1.608-.282a2.252 2.252 0 0 0 2.469 1.851c1.251 0 1.944-.615 1.944-1.42 0-.823-.504-1.16-1.347-1.31l-1.833-.336c-1.59-.3-2.486-1.196-2.486-2.618 0-1.608 1.346-2.805 3.554-2.805 2.094 0 3.515.954 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