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Trump supporters, conservative Christians and conspiracy theorists is spreading lurid claims about child trafficking</p> <p><strong><a href="">A Notorious Syria Conspiracy Theory Is Definitively Debunked</a></strong><br /><em>New Lines magazine, 15 February 2023</em><br /> The latest report from the global chemical weapons watchdog shows not only that Assad used gas in Douma but that no alternative explanation is viable</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Friends in Strange Places</strong></a><br /><em>New Lines magazine, 7 November 2022</em><br /> A bizarre alliance of anti-vaxxers, 9/11 truthers, creationists and atrocity deniers spans – and blurs – left-right boundaries</p> <p><strong><a href="">Unaccountable in Lebanon: How a PM’s Killers Got Away With It</a></strong><br /><em>New Lines magazine, 23 June 2022</em><br /> The UN's 17-year effort to track down the murderers of Rafik Hariri is finally at an end. It cost a billion dollars and the assassins are still at large</p> <p><strong><a href="">The Saudi Billionaire Who Sought to Join Britain’s Aristocracy</a></strong><br /><em>New Lines magazine, 2 December 2021</em><br /> Mahfouz Marei Mubarak bin Mahfouz spent a fortune trying to acquire a British knighthood – and triggered an influence-peddling scandal that has now embroiled the heir to the throne</p> <p><strong><a href="">The ‘Echo Chamber’ of Syrian Chemical Weapons Conspiracy Theorists</a></strong><br /><em>New Lines magazine, 4 November 2021</em><br /> A collection of non-mainstream bloggers has been paid by a murky organization to parrot Assad regime and Kremlin falsehoods</p> <hr /><p>Below is a collection of my articles about the Middle East, mostly written for the The Guardian newspaper and its website. The articles are grouped chronologically and according to country.</p> <p><strong>Articles in chronological order:</strong><br /><a href="/articles-section/articles-brian-whitaker#2016">2016</a>|<a href="/articles-section/articles-brian-whitaker#2015">2015</a>|<a href="/articles-section/articles-brian-whitaker#2014">2014</a>|<a href="/articles-section/articles-brian-whitaker#2013">2013</a>|<a href="/articles-section/articles-brian-whitaker#2012">2012</a>|<a href="/articles-section/articles-brian-whitaker#2011">2011</a>|<a href="/articles-brian-whitaker-2#2010">2010</a>|<a href="/articles-brian-whitaker-2#2009">2009</a>|<a href="/articles-brian-whitaker-2#2008">2008</a>|<a href="/articles-brian-whitaker-2#2007">2007</a>|<a href="/articles-brian-whitaker-2#2006">2006</a>|<a href="/articles-brian-whitaker-1#2005">2005</a>|<a href="/articles-brian-whitaker-1#2004">2004</a>|<a href="/articles-brian-whitaker-0#2003">2003</a>|<a href="/articles-brian-whitaker-0#2002">2002</a>|<a href="/articles-brian-whitaker#2001">2001</a>|<a href="/articles-brian-whitaker#2000">2000</a>|<a href="/articles-brian-whitaker#1999">1999</a>|<a href="/articles-brian-whitaker#1998">1998</a></p> <p><strong>Articles listed by country:</strong><br /><a href="/node/2332#Algeria">Algeria</a>|<a href="/node/2332#Bahrain">Bahrain</a>|<a href="/node/2352">Egypt</a>|<a href="/node/2332#Iran">Iran</a>|<a href="/node/2353">Iraq</a>|<a href="/node/2332#Kuwait">Kuwait</a>|<a href="/node/2355">Lebanon</a>|<a href="/node/2356">Libya</a>|<a href="/node/2332#Oman">Oman</a>|<a href="/node/2354">Palestine/Israel</a>|<a href="/node/2332#Qatar">Qatar</a>|<a href="/node/2357">Saudi Arabia</a>|<a href="/node/2358">Syria</a>|<a href="/node/2332#Tunisia">Tunisia</a>|<a href="/node/2332#UAE">United Arab Emirates</a>|<a href="/node/2359">Yemen</a></p> <hr /><p><strong><a name="2016" id="2016">2016</a></strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Everything you need to know about being gay in Muslim countries</strong></a><br /> The Guardian, 21 June 2016<br /> The official fiction, Brian Whitaker explains, is that gay people don’t exist in the Middle East. They do – and for many of them, the attitudes of family and society are a much bigger problem than the fear of being prosecuted</p> <p><strong><a href="">Book Review: Extremist Eclipse</a></strong><br /> Newsweek Middle East, 24 February 2016<br /> Review of 'Burning Country: Syrians in Revolution and War', by Robin Yassin-Kassab and Leila Al Shami</p> <p><strong><a href="">The Saudi execution will reverberate across the Muslim world</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 4 January 2016<br /> Islamic sectarianism has been inflamed. Expect a hardening of positions in Syria, Iraq and beyond</p> <p><strong><a name="2015" id="2015">2015</a></strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Saudi Arabia is worried – and not just about its king</strong></a><br /> The Guardian, 29 Sep 2015<br /> Not only are many Saudis jumpy about their incautious King Salman, the world surrounding the Gulf is also changing in all the ways they fear</p> <p><strong><a href="">The rise of Arab atheism</a></strong><br /> New Humanist, 29 June 2015<br /> Across the Middle East, governments are cracking down on non-belief. But Arab atheists are becoming more visible</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Yemen, long on the brink of catastrophe, may have tipped over the edge</strong></a><br /> The Guardian, 23 Mar 2015<br /> Friday’s mosque attacks, whoever was behind them, will intensify sectarian rivalries and invite bloody reprisals. The scene is set for a protracted civil war</p> <p><strong><a href="">Saudi Arabia is right to be anxious over its ideological links with Isis</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 6 Jan 2015<br /> The Saudi authorities have condemned Islamic State, but they fear the destabilising effects of any detailed examination of their shared principles</p> <p><strong><a name="2014" id="2014">2014</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="">If homosexuality isn’t illegal, why is there a gay crackdown in Egypt?</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 10 Dec 2014<br /> A bath house raid instigated by complicit media looks like a bid to distract attention from bigger economic and political issues</p> <p><strong><a href="">British fear of Islamists and Saudi fears about atheists are two sides of the same coin</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 24 Nov 2014<br /> Young people want to know about jihadism – and it’s better that they inquire about it openly, in schools, than elsewhere</p> <p><strong><a href="">It’s dangerous to be so cosy with the Gulf’s autocrats</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 11 Nov 2014<br /> Why is the west still so close to reactionary monarchies in the Middle East when all the evidence suggests they’re on their way out?</p> <p><strong><a href="">Most Arab states share Isis’s ideology. They’re trying to have it both ways</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 28 Oct 2014<br /> Isis may be more brutal but many Arab governments are on the same ground – asserting the superiority of Islam</p> <p><strong><a href="">Yemen is being reshaped by rebellion and intrigue</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 9 Oct 2014<br /> While the world’s attention is on Syria and Iraq, the pieces of the kaleidoscope have been shaken in Yemen – with regional implications</p> <p><strong><a name="2013" id="2013">2013</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="">Beyond Syria: five Middle East stories you may have missed</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 3 Sep 2013<br /> Syria is rightly dominating the news. But from Egypt's spying stork to Israeli-Palestinian talks, here's a look at what else is going on</p> <p><strong><a href="">The US view of Yemen as an al-Qaida hotbed is a travesty of the truth</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 7 Aug 2013<br /> Yemen is a real place where people are demanding social justice and democracy. Their cause is only harmed by the US</p> <p><strong><a name="2012" id="2012">2012</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria conflict: Eid al-Adha ceasefire - Friday 26 October 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 26 Oct 2012<br /> Follow developments on the first day of an unmonitored ceasefire in Syria to mark the Eid al-Adha holiday</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria accepts ceasefire with conditions - Thursday 25 October 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 25 Oct 2012<br /> Follow live updates as doubts continue over whether a ceasefire in Syria will take hold</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: regime 'accepts ceasefire' – Wednesday 24 October 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 24 Oct 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments international envoy Lakhdar Brahimi announced that the Syrian government has agreed to a ceasefire</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: UN mulls peacekeepers but ceasefire hopes fade - Tuesday 23 October 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 23 Oct 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments after the UN said there are contingency plans for redeploying a peacekeeping force in Syria but hopes faded for an Eid al-Adha ceasefire</p> <p><strong><a href="">Security chief dies in Beirut blast - Friday 19 October 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 19 Oct 2012<br /> A bomb kills security chief in Beirut and Lakhdar Brahimi takes his plan for an Eid truce in Syria to Damascus</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: fears for '28,000 disappeared' – Thursday 18 October 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 18 Oct 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments as a report said 28,000 people have disappeared in Syria and efforts continued to secure a ceasefire</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Brahimi pushes for truce - Wednesday 17 October 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 17 Oct 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments amid diplomatic efforts to secure a temporary ceasefire in Syria</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: US concerned weapons reaching jihadis - Tuesday 16 October 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 16 Oct 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments as the US state department said it is concerned that Gulf-supplied weapons are reaching the wrong hands and urged Syria's neighbours to keep a vigilant watch on their airspace</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: US concerned over weapons reaching jihadis</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 16 Oct 2012<br /> The US state department admits concerns that foreign weapons are falling into the wrong hands and urges Syria's neighbours to keep a vigilant watch on airspace</p> <p><strong><a href="">Turkey scrambles warplanes to Syrian border – Friday 12 October 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 12 Oct 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments as sparks fly over Syrian airliner intercepted by Turkey</p> <p><strong><a href="">Turkey says Syrian plane carried arms – Thursday 11 October 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 11 Oct 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments after Turkey intercepted a Syria passenger plane suspected of carrying Russian arms</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: US sends troops to Jordan - Wednesday 10 October 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 10 Oct 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments after the New York Times reported that the US has sent a military task force to Jordan to insulate its ally from the turmoil in Syria</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: bombs hit security complex - Tuesday 9 October 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 9 Oct 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments after the Islamist al-Nusra Front claimed it bombed an intelligence complex near Damascus and the Syrian army advanced in Homs</p> <p><strong><a href="">Turkey issues new warnings to Syria - Friday 5 October 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 5 Oct 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments after the security council condemned Syria over the deadly mortar attack on Turkey</p> <p><strong><a href="">Turkey-Syria border tension - Thursday 4 October 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 4 Oct 2012<br /> Tension between Syria and Turkey has intensified after mortar fire from across the border killed five people in a Turkish village</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Aleppo bomb attacks - Wednesday 3 October 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 3 Oct 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments as bombs targeted government-controlled areas of Syria's largest city</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Hezbollah commander 'killed in Homs' - Tuesday 2 October 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 2 Oct 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments after the US state department suggested a video showing the captured journalist Austin Tice may have been staged by the Syrian government</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: fight for Aleppo - Friday 28 September 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 28 Sep 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments as 'unprecedented' fighting was reported in Aleppo after rebels launched what they claimed would be a decisive battle</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: rebels hail 'decisive' battle for Aleppo - Thursday 27 September 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 27 Sep 2012<br /> Syrian activists report the highest daily death toll as world leaders remained divided over the crisis at the UN</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: blasts hit Damascus – Wednesday 26 September 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 26 Sep 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments as explosions hit Damascus and the UN general assembly met in New York</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: plight of the children – Tuesday 25 September 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 25 Sep 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments as the UN general assembly met and a report highlighted atrocities against Syrian children</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria receiving Iranian arms 'almost daily' via Iraq - Thursday 20 September 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 20 Sep 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments as an intelligence report detailed Iranian arms deliveries through Iraq and over its airspace and the Friends of Syria group met in The Hague</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Iran's foreign minister in Damascus talks - Wednesday 19 September 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 19 Sep 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments as Iran's foreign minister held talks in Syria after outlining a nine-point plan for tackling the violence</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Iran proposes sending observers - Tuesday 18 September 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 18 Sep 2012<br /> Follow how the day unfolded after Tehran proposed that peace monitors from Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey be sent to Syria</p> <p><strong><a href="">Protests spread against US over anti-Islamic film - as it happened</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 14 Sep 2012<br /> Follow live updates as Friday protests against 'the Innocence of Muslims' film occur in Jordan, Iraq, Kashmir, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Egypt, Yemen and several other countries</p> <p><strong><a href="">Yemen protesters storm US embassy - as it happened</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 13 Sep 2012<br /> Follow live updates on the aftermath of the killing of the US ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, in a suspected terrorist attack</p> <p><strong><a href="">US ambassador Chris Stevens killed in Libya - as it happened</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 13 Sep 2012<br /> US ambassador and three other American embassy staff killed after Islamist militants fire rockets at their car. Follow the latest here</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: live coverage – Tuesday 11 September 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 11 Sep 2012<br /> Follow how the day unfolded as Syrian refugee numbers continued to grow and tensions flared up again in Yemen</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: bombs and shelling hit Damascus - Friday 7 September 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 7 Sep 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments as two separate explosions hit Damascus and the army shelled suburbs of the city</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Aleppo rebels vow to fight on - Thursday 6 September 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 6 Sep 2012<br /> Follow the day's events as the battle for Aleppo continued and the extradition of Gaddafi's spy chief to Libya sparked an international legal tussle</p> <p><strong><a href="">Libya: Gaddafi's spy chief Abdullah al-Senussi extradited - Wednesday 5 September 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 5 Sep 2012<br /> Follow how the day unfolded as rebels produced footage of downed warplanes in Idlib province and an Arab League meeting in Cairo discussed the crisis</p> <p><strong><a href="">Record number of people fleeing Syria, UN reports</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 4 Sep 2012<br /> Thousands of refugees pouring into neighbouring countries with over 100,000 seeking asylum in August</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: refugee crisis - Tuesday 4 September 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 4 Sep 2012<br /> Follow live updates as the refugee crisis mounts the head of the International Committee of the Red Cross lobbied Bashar al-Assad for humanitarian access to areas worst hit by the violence</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Express delivery of Arab revolts</strong></a><br /> A review of the first books about the Arab Spring. Portal 9, Autumn, 2012.</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Turkey calls for 'safe haven' – Friday 31 August</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 31 Aug 2012<br /> Turkey seeks urgent action to protect displace Syrians</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Assad regime oppressive, says Morsi – Thursday 30 August</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 30 Aug 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments as they unfolded</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Assad says more time needed to 'win the battle' - Wednesday 29 August 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 29 Aug 2012<br /> Follow live updates as Bashar al-Assad says he needs more time to "win the battle"</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Fighting rages around Damascus – Tuesday 28 August 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 28 Aug 2012<br /> Follow the latest developments as Assad regime seeks to clear rebels from the capital</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: France backs no-fly zone - Friday 24 August 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 24 Aug 2012<br /> Follow live updates as France calls for a no-fly zone amid continued fighting</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Obama and Cameron issue chemical weapons warning - Thursday 23 August 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 23 Aug 2012<br /> David Cameron joins President Obama in warning Syria about its chemical weapons</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: shelling in Damascus - Wednesday 22 August 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 22 Aug 2012<br /> A reported offer by Syria to 'discuss Assad's resignation' is downplayed by the US</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Obama warns on chemical weapons – Tuesday 21 August</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 21 Aug 2012<br /> Follow the day's events as they happened</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: Renewed shelling as UN ends observer mission - Friday 17 August 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 17 Aug 2012<br /> UN ends its observer mission in Syria</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: many dead in Azaz airstrike - Thursday 16 August 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 16 Aug 2012<br /> Fighting continues in Syria and the OIC moves to isolate the Damascus regime</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: US accuses Iran of training militia – Wednesday 15 August 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 15 Aug 2012<br /> Blasts hit Damascus and Islamic countries move to isolate Syria</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis - Tuesday 14 August 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 14 Aug 2012<br /> Rolling coverage of the latest developments in Syria, plus Egypt, Yemen and Bahrain</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: UK to give £5m to rebels - Friday 10 August 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 10 Aug 2012<br /> Follow live updates on the latest news from Syria as the UK pledges extra funding to Syrian rebels</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria conflict: rebels withdraw from Salahedin, Aleppo - Thursday 9 August 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 9 Aug 2012<br /> Free Syrian Army announces a tactical retreat from Salahedin after intense bombardment</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Assad's new offensive in Aleppo - Wednesday 8 August</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 8 Aug 2012<br /> Syrian government launches a new offensive against the rebel held district of Salahedin in Aleppo</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Iranian hostages, Aleppo battle, and defections - Tuesday 7 August 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 7 Aug 2012<br /> Tehran says the US is responsible for fate of Iranian hostages held by rebels and the fight for the control of Aleppo continues</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: UN general assembly backs new resolution – Friday 3 August 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 3 Aug 2012<br /> More mass killings are reported in Hama and Damascus amid recriminations over Kofi Annan's resignation</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Kofi Annan resigns as peace envoy</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 2 Aug 2012<br /> International mediator announces his resignation as international envoy to Syria</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: rebels 'execute shabiha' in Aleppo - Wednesday 1 August 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 1 Aug 2012<br /> Jet and helicopters hit eastern Aleppo for the first time while the standoff in the south-western district of Salaheddine continues</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syrian rebels 'overrun Aleppo police stations'</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 31 Jul 2012<br /> Renewed clashes are reported in Syria's biggest city</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: US fears Aleppo 'massacre' - Friday 27 July 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 27 Jul 2012<br /> Follow live updates as Aleppo braces for an assault by President Bashar al-Assad's forces amid mounting international fears over what could happen</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Aleppo battle looms - Thursday 26 July 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 26 Jul 2012<br /> Follow live updates as Syrian troops mass on Aleppo and Arab states seek a new UN resolution on political transition</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Assad strikes back with jets in Aleppo and Damascus - Wednesday 25 July 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 25 Jul 2012<br /> Follow live updates as President Assad's forces continue a major counter offensive in Aleppo and the suburbs of Damascus</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: clashes and prison mutiny in Aleppo - Tuesday 24 July 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 24 Jul 2012<br /> Follow live updates after activistsl claimed up to 20 people were killed in a prison mutiny in Aleppo amid continuing clashes in the city</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: UN mission given 30 day extension - Friday 20 July 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 20 Jul 2012<br /> Follow how the day unfolded as UN monitors were given an extension and Assad regained some control lost since Wednesday's assassinations</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Tweeting for Assad</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 20 Jul 2012<br /> Seven days in the life of a state news agency</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Russia and China veto UN resolution</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 19 Jul 2012<br /> Russia and China block a UN resolution on Syria for the third time</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: three members of Assad inner circle killed in Damascus</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 18 Jul 2012<br /> Attack kills key regime figures and fighting continues in Damascus</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Damascus clashes continue - Tuesday 17 July 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 17 Jul 2012<br /> Follow live updates as fighting in Damascus continues while Ban Ki-moon visits Moscow ahead of a vote in the security council</p> <p><strong><a href="">Political changes in the Arab world – 2002-12</a> </strong><br /> The Guardian, 17 Jul 2012<br /> War, protest, western intervention and elections have changed parts of the Arab world greatly in the last 10 years</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Tremseh 'massacre' - Friday 13 July 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 13 Jul 2012<br /> Syrian government troops and militia loyal to Bashar al-Assad have killed more than 200 people in Hama province, opposition activists say</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: ambassador to Iraq defects - Thursday 12 July 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 12 Jul 2012<br /> • Syria says defected ambassador has been sacked • Egypt's President Morsi accepts court order on parliament</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: first diplomat has defected, reports say - Wednesday 11 July 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 11 Jul 2012<br /> Follow live updates as Russia's draft resolution proposed extending UN monitoring mission</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: Annan's 'hotspots' peace plan leaked – Tuesday 10 July 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 10 Jul 2012<br /> Follow live updates as Kofi Annan shuttles around the Middle East and a confrontation between the Muslim Brotherhood and Egyptian generals is put on hold</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: top defection as 'Friends of Syria' meet - Friday 6 July 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 6 Jul 2012<br /> Follow live updates as the Friends of Syria meeting in Paris has been buoyed by the reported defection of Manaf Tlass</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: top-level defection reported - Thursday 5 July 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 5 Jul 2012<br /> Follow live updates as WikiLeaks releases more than two million emails from Assad's inner circle</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Turkey finds bodies of downed pilots - Wednesday 4 July 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 4 Jul 2012<br /> Follow live updates as Turkey finds the bodies of two pilots shot down by Syria</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis, Libya unrest – Monday 2 July 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 2 Jul 2012<br /> • Russia agrees to meet Syrian opposition leaders • Libya releases detained staff of International Criminal Court</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Assad vows to 'annihilate terrorists' - Friday 29 June 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 29 Jun 2012<br /> Follow live updates as Bashar al-Assad warns against outside interference in Syria as the action group prepares for talks on a political transition</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Kofi Annan proposes unity government - Thursday 28 June 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 28 Jun 2012<br /> Follow live updates as Russia keeps diplomats guessing on whether it will back a unity government that excludes President Bashar al-Assad</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria in a state of war, says Assad - Wednesday 27 June 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 27 Jun 2012<br /> Follow live updates as the UN's human rights council told that violence in Syria is as bad or worse than before the ceasefire</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Erdogan threatens military retaliation - Tuesday 26 June 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 26 Jun 2012<br /> Follow live updates as Turkish prime minister Erdogan threatens Syrian soldiers approaching the border as tanks are dispatched</p> <p><strong><a href="">Mohamed Morsi prepares for government in Egypt – Monday 25 June 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 25 Jun 2012<br /> Mohamed Morsi prepares to take office as Egypt's first freely elected president</p> <p><strong><a href="">Egypt protests ahead of election results - Friday 22 June 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 22 Jun 2012<br /> Follow live updates as protesters gather in Tahrir Square urging the military council to 'return to legitimacy'</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syrian colonel 'defects' in jet to Jordan - Thursday 21 June 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 21 Jun 2012<br /> Follow live updates as a Syrian pilot seeks asylum after landing a jet in Jordan</p> <p><strong><a href="">Egypt: Mubarak 'improves' as crisis worsens - Wednesday 20 June 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 20 Jun 2012<br /> Follow live updates as conflicting reports about Hosni Mubarak's health add renewed volatility to Egypt's political crisis</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: US and Russia divided on Assad's future - Tuesday 19 June 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 19 Jun 2012<br /> Follow live updates as US and Russia call for an end to escalating violence in Syria but fail to agree on regime change</p> <p><strong><a href="">Egypt reels from 'judicial coup' - Friday 15 June 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 15 Jun 2012<br /> Follow live updates after Egypt's highest court dissolves parliament and clears former PM Ahmed Shafiq of standing in this weekend's presidential runoff</p> <p><strong><a href="">Egypt's transition plunged into chaos - Thursday 14 June 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 14 Jun 2012<br /> Follow live updates after an Egyptian court dissolves a third of the seats in the new parliament but clears former PM Ahmed Shafiq to contest this weekend's presidential runoff</p> <p><strong><a href="">Assad regime and activists deny Syria has reached civil war - Wednesday 13 June 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 13 Jun 2012<br /> Follow live updates after Hillary Clinton accused Russia of escalating a conflict that the UN peacekeeping chief says has descended into civil war</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: UN says children used as human shields - Tuesday 12 June 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 12 Jun 2012<br /> Follow live updates after the UN documented incidence of children being used as human shields by the Syrian army</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria live: UN monitors arrive in al-Qubair</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 8 Jun 2012<br /> 'Stench of burnt flesh in al-Qubair" – BBC reporter • Agreement in Egypt over new body to draft constitution</p> <p><strong><a href="">Annan at UN amid reports of new Syria massacre</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 7 Jun 2012<br /> World leaders respond to reports of a massacre in a village near Hama</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria 'to admit aid workers' – Wednesday 6 June</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 6 Jun 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments as they unfolded</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: UNHRC emergency meeting - Friday 1 June</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 1 Jun 2012<br /> The UN's human rights council meets to discuss the Houla massacre</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syrian rebels urge Annan to declare end of ceasefire - Thursday 31 May</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 31 May 2012<br /> The head of the Free Syrian Army calls on Kofi Annan to declare an end to the shattered ceasefire</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Turkey expels diplomats - Wednesday 30 May</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 30 May 2012<br /> UN security council briefed on Kofi Annan's meeting with President Bashar al-Assad</p> <p><strong><a href="">Governments around the world expel Syrian diplomats – Tuesday 29 May</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 29 May 2012<br /> Kofi Annan meets President Assad in Damascus</p> <p><strong><a href="">Egypt election: latest results</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 25 May 2012<br /> Follow the latest twists in a tight race between the Muslim Brotherhood's candidate Mohammed Morsi, the leftist candidate Hamdeen Sabahy and former PM Ahmed Shafiq</p> <p><strong><a href="">Egypt election 2012 day two - live</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 25 May 2012<br /> Follow live updates on day two of the presidential election after former prime minister Ahmed Shafiq was attacked after casting his vote</p> <p><strong><a href="">Egypt's historic election – Wednesday 23 May</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 23 May 2012<br /> Egyptians head for the polls to find a replacement for the ousted president Hosni Mubarak</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: UN peacekeeping chief visits Homs - Tuesday 22 May</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 22 May 2012<br /> Assad regime exchanges detainees for a damaged tank • Jail sentences for police who killed Egyptian protesters</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: 'Heroes of Aleppo university' protests - Friday 18 May</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 18 May 2012<br /> Protests across Syria in tribute to Aleppo students • Abul Foutouh in the lead among Egypt's expat voters</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria opposition rift widens - Thursday 17 May</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 17 May 2012<br /> Opposition leader Burhan Ghalioun resigns after local activists threaten to leave the Syrian National Council</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: UN monitors return to safety - live updates</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 16 May 2012<br /> Follow live updates as detailed accounts emerge of an attack on UN monitors in Syria</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: UN monitors attacked -Tuesday 15 May</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 15 May 2012<br /> Video shows UN monitors under fire north of Hama • Palestinians and Israeli police clash on Nakba day</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria, Egypt and Algeria - Friday 11 May</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 11 May 2012<br /> Islamists routed in Algeria's parliamentary elections • Expatriate Egyptians go to the polls</p> <p><strong><a href="">Egyptian presidential election TV debate – as it happened</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 11 May 2012<br /> Egypt hoped to break new ground in Arab election coverage with first-ever presidential television debate</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: Damascus explosions - Thursday 10 May</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 10 May 2012<br /> Dozens are reported killed and injured in a bomb attack in Damascus</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: blasts defy Annan's peace plea - Wednesday 9 May</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 9 May 2012<br /> Syrian troops targeted in bus attacks in Dera'a and a suburb of Damascus in defiance of a plea by Kofi Annan to 'give peace a chance'</p> <p><strong><a href="">Algerian prime minister calls Arab spring a 'plague'</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 9 May 2012<br /> Ahmed Ouyahia's election campaign speech backfires as Libyan government summons ambassador to complain</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria, Egypt, Bahrain – Tuesday 8 May</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 8 May 2012<br /> Syrian opposition derides parliamentary poll, and 'insult' triggers presidential election row in Egypt</p> <p><strong><a href="">Protesters clash with security forces in Cairo - Friday 4 May</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 4 May 2012<br /> Follow the day's events as they unfolded</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syrian forces raid university – Thursday 3 May</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 3 May 2012<br /> Follow the day's events as they unfolded</p> <p><strong><a href="">Egyptian protesters killed in attack – Middle East live blog Wednesday 2 May</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 2 May 2012<br /> Follow the day's events as they unfolded</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria, Bahrain and Middle East - Tuesday 1 May</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 1 May 2012<br /> Ten reported dead in Idlib mortar attack • BBC allowed to see Bahraini hunger striker</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: Damascus 'suicide bomb' - Friday 27 April</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 27 Apr 2012<br /> Follow live updates after bomb blast in the Syrian capital confirms fears about the failure of the peace initiative</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: 'rocket attack' shatters fragile ceasefire - Thursday 26 April</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 26 Apr 2012<br /> Up to 70 people killed in attack in Hama, activists claim • Jordan's prime minister resigns after only six months • Mubarak's former PM reinstated as presidential candidate</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: Kofi Annan alarmed at surges in violence - Wednesday 25 April</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 25 Apr 2012<br /> Kofi Annan condemns 'reprehensible' surges in violence after visits by UN monitors</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis and Bahrain unrest - Tuesday 24 April</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 24 Apr 2012<br /> Follow live updates as the full scale of an alleged massacre in Hama is becoming clearer as the US warns Syria that its patience is running out</p> <p><strong><a href="">Bahrain's 'days of rage' - Friday 20 April</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 21 Apr 2012<br /> The US mulls alternatives to the incomplete ceasefire in Syria and protesters in Bahrain start three 'days of rage' to coincide with the grand prix</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis, Bahrain unrest - Thursday 19 April</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 19 Apr 2012<br /> Panetta: Pentagon has plan to establish Syria buffer zones • 23 protesters in Bahrain injured in clashes</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Syria crisis and Bahrain unrest - Wednesday 18 April 2012</strong></a><br /> The Guardian, 18 Apr 2012<br /> Gunfire during UN visit to monitor ceasefire in Syria • Ban on 10 Egyptian presidential candidates upheld</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria violence throws UN peace mission into doubt - Tuesday 17 April 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 17 Apr 2012<br /> Hague attacks Syria's "grudging" compliance • Amnesty accuses Bahrain of failing to tackle rights abuses</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: security forces confront protesters – Friday 13 April</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 13 Apr 2012<br /> Follow the day's events as they unfolded</p> <p><strong><a href="">Ahdaf Soueif: Egyptian writers' energy used to be spent on describing how bad things were</a></strong><br /> Video(3min 44sec),13 Apr 2012<br /> Ahdaf Soueif speaks about the emergence of a new wave of creativity in the wake of the revolution in Egypt</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria ceasefire fragile, says UN chief - Thursday 12 April</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 12 Apr 2012<br /> Follow the day's events as they happened</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syrian government says it will abide by ceasefire</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 11 Apr 2012<br /> The world watches to see if a ceasefire will take effect in Syria</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: Annan pushes ceasefire deadline back two days</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 10 Apr 2012<br /> Government attacks continue as first deadline passes • "No indication" of government move to join truce</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis, Bahrain unrest, Egypt turmoil - Friday 6 April</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 6 Apr 2012<br /> Syrian forces step up offensive ahead of ceasefire • Fears for life of activist on hunger strike in Bahrain</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: Heavy fighting amid claims of troop withdrawals</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 5 Apr 2012<br /> Follow the latest updates as fresh attacks are reported ahead of the 10 April deadline for a truce</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis - UN peacekeeping team heading for Damascus - live updates</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 4 Apr 2012<br /> Follow live updates as a UN peacekeeping team is bound for Syria and the security council drafts a new statement calling for the immediate implementation of Kofi Annan's peace plan</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis - Tuesday 3 April</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 3 Apr 2012<br /> Syria's pledge to partially implement Kofi Annan's peace plan is greeted with scepticism</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria and Middle East live: Land Day demos in West Bank</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 30 Mar 2012<br /> Follow the day's events as they unfolded</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis: Assad responds to peace plan - Thursday 29 March</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 29 Mar 2012<br /> The continuing violence in Syria tops the agenda at the Arab League summit in Baghdad</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria crisis - Wednesday 28 March</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 28 Mar 2012<br /> Clashes continue despite an apparent acceptance of Kofi Annan's peace plan for Syria</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria 'accepts Annan peace plan'</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 27 Mar 2012<br /> Follow live updates as diplomatic efforts to bring an end to the bloodshed in Syria continue</p> <p><strong><a href="">Wadah Khanfar: a new journalism for a new Arab world - video</a></strong><br /> Video(3min 12sec),27 Mar 2012:<br /> At the Guardian Open Weekend festival, the former director general of the al-Jazeera network, shares his vision of a more flexible and interactive post-revolution journalism in the Middle East</p> <p><a href=""><strong>The ongoing battle for gay rights in the Arab world</strong></a><br /> The Middle East Channel, 12 March 2012</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Slow thaw for gays in Arab world</strong></a><br /> Haaretz, 2 March 2012</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: Red Cross barred from Baba Amr - Friday 2 March</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 2 Mar 2012<br /> Relief supplies are sent to Homs, Iranians go to the polls and injured journalist Edith Bouvier returns to France</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: rebels withdraw from Baba Amr - Thursday 1 March</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 1 Mar 2012<br /> Kofi Annan says he plans to travel to Syria for mediation talks with the Assad regime</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: Baba Amr awaits its fate - Wednesday 29 February</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 29 Feb 2012<br /> Spanish journalist reported safe in Lebanon</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: the Homs rescue - Tuesday 28 February</a> </strong><br /> The Guardian, 28 Feb 2012<br /> Wounded British journalist is reported to be 'safe and sound' in Lebanon after being smuggled out of Homs</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: Qatar and splinter group back arming resistance - Monday 27 February 2012</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 27 Feb 2012<br /> Follow how the day unfolded as efforts to rescue wounded journalists from Homs ended in failure</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syrians should beware of some of their foreign 'friends'</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 26 Feb 2012<br /> Syrians should fear eastern, not western, intervention – especially autocratic 'friends' like Saudi Arabia</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: Qatar calls for Arab force to impose peace - Friday 24 February</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 24 Feb 2012<br /> Foreign ministers gather in Tunis for the first meeting of Friends of Syria group and negotiations continue over evacuating wounded reporters from Homs</p> <p><strong><a href="">UN accuses Syria of crimes against humanity - Thursday 23 February</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 23 Feb 2012<br /> Syrian army renews its bombardment of Homs on the eve of the first meeting of the Friends of Syria group in Tunisia</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: Marie Colvin among journalists killed in Homs – Wednesday 22 February</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 22 Feb 2012<br /> Follow the day's events as they happened</p> <p><strong><a href="">Yemen votes, Damascus revolts –Tuesday 21 February</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 21 Feb 2012<br /> Follow the day's developments as they happened</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: calls to arm the opposition - Monday 20 February</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 20 Feb 2012<br /> The US debates arming the opponents of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad</p> <p><strong><a href="">Libya celebrates, Syria burns – Friday 17 February</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 17 Feb 2012<br /> Britain promises £2m aid to Syrian civilians</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Syria: activists arrested as assault on cities continues – Thursday 16 February</strong></a><br /> The Guardian, 16 Feb 2012<br /> Blogger and human rights campaigner detained • Report highlights problem of militias in Libya</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Syria: critics deride referendum plan – Wednesday 15 February</strong></a><br /> The Guardian, 15 Feb 2012<br /> Assad sets date for elections and vote on constitution • France re-issues call for humanitarian corridors</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria, Bahrain and Middle East unrest – Tuesday 14 February</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 14 Feb 2012<br /> Bombardment of Homs 'worst for five days'</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Syria: UN general assembly begins discussion of crisis</strong></a><br /> The Guardian, 13 Feb 2012<br /> Follow the latest developments as the international community struggles to react to the continuing violence</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: live from the frontline in Homs</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 10 Feb 2012<br /> The Guardian's Martin Chulov describes intense fighting between the Syrian army and military defectors near Homs</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: attack on Homs continues as Assad talks of dialogue - Tuesday 7 February</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 7 Feb 2012<br /> Follow the day's events as they unfolded</p> <p><strong><a href="">US and UK vow further pressure on Syria as Homs assault continues – Monday 6 February</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 6 Feb 2012<br /> Follow the day's events as Syrian government troops continue the bombardment of Homs, inflicting scores more casualities, according to activists</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria's protesters are on their own</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 9 Jan 2012<br /> While Arab League monitors have failed to stop the bloodshed, this may be preferable to protracted talks about political 'reform'</p> <p><strong><a name="2011" id="2011">2011</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="">Egypt's raids on NGOs are about control</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 30 Dec 2011<br /> Restricting NGO funding is typical of authoritarian regimes happy to take foreign aid but less happy about human rights</p> <p><strong><a href="">Egypt raids on NGOs hint at wider crackdown</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 29 Dec 2011<br /> Even charitable work can be a sensitive matter in Arab regimes if it highlights the state's failure to provide basic services</p> <p><strong><a href="">Alwaleed bin Talal: from Saudi prince to king of Twitter?</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 20 Dec 2011<br /> The $300m deal has caused some alarm, but this royal family member is much more progressive than his relatives</p> <p><strong><a href="">Yemen's Ali Abdullah Saleh resigns – but it changes little</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 24 Nov 2011<br /> The president's regime, and all it stands for, remains intact. What Yemen needs is a more effective parliament</p> <p><strong><a href="">Why do the US media believe the worst about Iran?</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 9 Nov 2011<br /> In their eagerness to recycle flimsy scare stories about Iran, the US media have failed to absorb the lessons of Iraq and WMD</p> <p><strong><a href="">Egypt's military may soon regret jailing Alaa Abd El Fattah</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 1 Nov 2011<br /> The imprisonment of the high-profile revolutionary could escalate tensions between the ruling junta and the protest movement</p> <p><strong><a href="">Yemen needs more than a UN resolution to oust Saleh</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 17 Oct 2011<br /> As his country faces economic and humanitarian disaster, Yemen's president seems concerned only with retaining power</p> <p><strong><a href="">Al-Jazeera – how Arabic news channel became a key player in global media</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 20 Sep 2011<br /> Pioneering TV station credited with aiding Arab spring and opening up political debate in the Middle East</p> <p><strong><a href="">Yemen power struggle: who's who – interactive guide</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 19 Sep 2011:<br /> As more protesters are killed by security forces we look at the main political figures in the country</p> <p><strong><a href="">Guardian Focus podcast: What will UN recognition of a Palestinian state mean?</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 19 Sep 2011<br /> Audio(30min 27sec): We discuss the implications of Palestinians asking for UN recognition of statehood, with views from the Middle East, the US and Britain</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria's stalemate raises the spectre of civil war</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 15 Sep 2011<br /> Assad's opponents are putting pressure on the international community to act in Syria, but who would intervene, and how?</p> <p><strong><a href="">Turkey strides down the Arab street</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 13 Sep 2011<br /> Turkey is on a roll in the region, as many Arabs admire its political development – but now it will have to start taking sides</p> <p><strong><a href="">Tunisia is leading the way on women's rights in the Middle East</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 10 Sep 2011<br /> Tunisia is the first country in the region to withdraw reservations to the UN convention granting equal rights to men and women</p> <p><strong><a href="">Algeria's regime: out on a limb that looks set to fall</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 30 Aug 2011<br /> By giving the Gaddafi family refuge, Algeria's gerontocracy is putting itself on the wrong side of history</p> <p><strong><a href="">Gaddafi's fall unlikely to alarm Arab leaders</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 22 Aug 2011 Assad, Saleh and others will not lose any sleep and are unlikely to draw lessons from the fall of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya "</p> <p><strong><a href="">After Gaddafi, let's hope for the best in Libya</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 22 Aug 2011<br /> Yes, Gaddafi's fall will expose factional rivalries, but Libya is unlikely to turn into another Iraq, let alone Afghanistan</p> <p><strong><a href="">No stalemate in Libya – the writing is onthe wall for Gaddafi</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 15 Aug 2011<br /> A quick exit for the colonel is less important than a well-managed transition, setting the country on course for representative government</p> <p><strong><a href="">Saudi Arabia's message to Syria, decoded</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 8 Aug 2011<br /> It is Iranian influence, not the killing of civilians, that Saudi Arabia is concerned about as it recalls its ambassador in Syria</p> <p><strong><a href="">Egyptians must guard against a show trial as Mubarak faces the people</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 3 Aug 2011<br /> Seeing the Mubaraks behind bars will be widely viewed as poetic justice, but it's accountability – not humiliation – that matters</p> <p><strong><a href="">Could Gaddafi stay in Libya?</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 4 Jul 2011<br /> The opposition's offer to the Libyan dictator of internal exile may be pragmatic but it raises some tricky issues</p> <p><strong><a href="">Is France right to arm Libyan rebels?</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 30 Jun 2011<br /> Live discussion with France has been arming Libyans for their 'self-defence'. Debate the rights and wrongs of this with our Middle East editor</p> <p><strong><a href="">Arab governments are failing on human trafficking</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 28 Jun 2011<br /> The poor record of Middle Eastern countries on trafficking stems from the primacy given to protecting regimes over individuals</p> <p><strong><a href="">Gay Girl in Damascus was an arrogant fantasy</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 13 Jun 2011<br /> Tom MacMaster's hoax blog undermines, rather than illuminates, awareness of the realities of being gay in the Middle East</p> <p><strong><a href="">Yemen, and the trouble with 'democratic transition'</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 7 Jun 2011<br /> Politics in Yemen is beset by personal rivalries – it will be hard to keep the various players from each other's throats</p> <p><strong><a href="">Saleh is gone. What next for Yemen?</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 5 Jun 2011<br /> The president's departure for medical treatment has created an opportunity to resolve Yemen's political crisis</p> <p><strong><a href="">Yemen: attack on president keeps observers guessing</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 3 Jun 2011<br /> Confusion reigns in Yemen over President Saleh's injuries. Whatever the truth, the country is facing a decisive moment</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria will change – with or without Assad</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 9 May 2011<br /> Even if Syria's president manages to quell the current uprising, it doesn't mean he has won</p> <p><strong><a href="">The liberal-left are at odds on Libya</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 5 May 2011<br /> Significant voices outspoken in their opposition to war in Iraq are more equivocal on military intervention in Libya</p> <p><strong><a href="">Sea burial of Osama bin Laden breaks sharia law, say Muslim scholars</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 2 May 2011 US decision to dispose of body in the sea prevents grave site becoming a shrine but clerics warn it may lead to reprisals</p> <p><strong><a href="">Bin Laden's body buried at sea</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 2 May 2011 US officials say Osama bin Laden's swift burial complies with Islamic custom, although burial at sea is uncommon for Muslims</p> <p><strong><a href="">God save the Arab kings?</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 27 Apr 2011<br /> Arab monarchies underpinned by religion have been unscathed by the Middle East uprisings – but they may yet be toppled</p> <p><strong><a href="">This time, brutal crackdown in Syria may not work</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 25 Apr 2011<br /> Assad's promises of reform have failed to stop the widespread protest – but Syria is no longer cut off from the outside world</p> <p><strong><a href="">The vagueness of the law keeps Middle Eastern protests in check</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 20 Apr 2011<br /> Virtually all Arab countries allow citizens to demonstrate – but there is always a clause that prevents serious subversion</p> <p><strong><a href="">Bashar al-Assad's strategy in Syria is self-defeating</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 19 Apr 2011<br /> Syrians will not be won over by promises of reform from a regime that continues to kill protesters and spread disinformation</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Hosni Mubarak: from detention to where?</strong></a><br /> The Guardian, 13 Apr 2011<br /> From hospitalisation to immunity pleas, the dictators of Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen will do anything to escape justice</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria ceasefire fragile, says UN chief - Thursday 12 April</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 13 Apr 2011<br /> From hospitalisation to immunity pleas, the dictators of Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen will do anything to escape justice</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria has heard all this reform talk before</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 8 Apr 2011<br /> Bashar al-Assad is promising change in a bid to placate Sunnis and Kurds – but how many people in Syria believe him?</p> <p><strong><a href="">Twenty things you need to know about Yemen</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 5 Apr 2011 All you need to know about Yemen, from its tribal and often bloody politics to its coffee and qat culture</p> <p><strong><a href="">Syria: the boldness of Bashar al-Assad</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 31 Mar 2011<br /> Bashar al-Assad's seemingly relaxed attitude to reform is either supreme confidence or extreme recklessness</p> <p><strong><a href="">Libya: is negotiation the answer?</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 28 Mar 2011<br /> Nabila Ramdani and Head to head: As the fighting continues, Nabila Ramdani and Brian Whitaker debate Nato's next move</p> <p><strong><a href="">20 things you need to know about Syria</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 25 Mar 2011 A brief guide to key facts everyone should know about Syria</p> <p><strong><a href="">The difference with Libya</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 23 Mar 2011<br /> Unlike Bahrain or Yemen, the scale and nature of the Gaddafi regime's actions have impelled the UN's 'responsibility to protect'</p> <p><strong><a href="">Yemen needs balance, not another strongman</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 21 Mar 2011<br /> Yemen is not Egypt – a flood of high-level resignations could trigger a battle for the top</p> <p><strong><a href="">Saif Gaddafi and the democracy project –audio</a></strong><br /> Audio(14min 23sec),18 Mar 2011<br /> In a 2004 interview, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi says democracy in Libya is a personal project – it doesn't sound like the man urging a fight 'to the last bullet'</p> <p><strong><a href="">Bahrainis cannot be subdued for ever</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 17 March 2011<br /> The Saudi intervention has sectarianised the conflict even more, and thus may well have sealed the Bahrain regime's fate</p> <p><strong><a href="">The Arab spring is brighter than ever</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 14 Mar 2011<br /> Crackdowns on protest merely postpone the day of reckoning – Arabs now have a shared, unstoppable drive for freedom</p> <p><strong><a href="">Oman's Sultan Qaboos: a classy despot</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 4 Mar 2011<br /> He may be a Britain-friendly, music-loving 'renaissance man', but Oman's Sultan Qaboos still tolerates no dissent</p> <p><strong><a href="">Saudi Arabia's subtle protests are serious</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 1 Mar 2011<br /> Saudis may not be massing on the streets like others in the Middle East, but their petitions and complaints are momentous</p> <p><strong><a href="">Muammar Gaddafi: method in his 'madness'</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 23 Feb 2011<br /> Gaddafi has lost touch with his people, but though his actions may seem bizarre, there is a kind of logic to his behaviour</p> <p><strong><a href="">Mubarak teases Egypt as his regime fragments</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 11 Feb 2011<br /> Hosni Mubarak's insulting speech showed why he ought to go, but the struggle on the streets is no longer the only game in town</p> <p><strong><a href="">The Muslim Brotherhood uncovered</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 8 Feb 2011<br /> In an exclusive Guardian interview, Egypt's Islamist opposition group sets out its demands</p> <p><strong><a href="">Egypt protests give Arab media a headache</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 2 Feb 2011<br /> This week in the Middle East: In their Egypt coverage the Arab media – like the regimes they report on – have failed to move on from the old ways</p> <p><strong><a href="">This week in the Middle East</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 26 Jan 2011<br /> This week in the Middle East: Protests in Tunisia have sent shock waves across Egypt, Jordan and Yemen, where the appetite for ousting autocrats is strong</p> <p><strong><a href="">This week in the Middle East</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 19 Jan 2011<br /> This week in the Middle East: Tunisia's God-free uprising and the role of the internet; the growing trend of Saudi spinsters; Yemen's tribal politics</p> <p><strong><a href="">Tunisia analysis: Old guard, 'new' government</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 17 Jan 2011 Many Tunisians are asking whether ousted president Ben Ali's old guard can be trusted with free and fair elections "</p> <p><strong><a href="">This week in the Middle East</a></strong><br /> The Guardian, 12 Jan 2011<br /> This week in the Middle East: Tweeting about the Tunisian uprising; Iran, Russia, and the shady morals of Putin's tiger, and the price of presidents</p> <p><strong>.../<a href="">2010</a></strong></p> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-3 sidebar"> <div class="block homepage-artwork"> <div class="views-element-container form-group"><div class="view view-homepage-artwork view-id-homepage_artwork view-display-id-block_1 js-view-dom-id-f7068af4644dd1e985940763106426312ae04ebbc6d818d5342d354f08565f45"> <div class="view-content"> <div class="views-row"><div class="views-field views-field-field-art-image"><div class="field-content"> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/2023-09/susan-hefuna-patience.jpg" width="380" height="307" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div></div><div class="views-field views-field-body"><div class="field-content"><p><strong>ARAB ART 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