American History and Politics Quiz | Britannica
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How are birds able to fly (and why can’t I do the same?)? Human beings have long been curious about the world in which we live, striving to identify connections among the phenomenons we witness and to understand how it all works. The field of science has developed over many centuries as a way of studying and understanding the world, beginning with the primitive stage of simply noting important regularities in nature and continuing through the rise of modern science. The modern-day sciences cover a vast range of fields, including biology, chemistry, meteorology, astronomy, physics, and much more.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/86/193986-050-7B2DBB6A/ball-and-stick-model-structure-atoms.jpg","altText":"Science","fullUrl":""}},"typeDisplayName":"Image Multiple Choices"},{"id":15905,"title":"Dutch, Yiddish, Japanese, or Hindi? Quiz","url":"/quiz/dutch-yiddish-japanese-or-hindi-quiz","description":"Guess the language these English words come from.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/95/260895-131-3075CC44/paper-slips-thank-you-different-languages-quiz-thumbnail.jpg","altText":"Many slips of paper with "thank you" in different languages written on them. Thumbnail for the Dutch, Yiddish, Japanese, or Hindi Quiz.","credit":"© aaabbc/","fullUrl":""},"type":"QUIZ","breadcrumb":{"items":[{"title":"Text Multiple Choices","url":"/quiz/browse"},{"title":"Literature","url":"/quiz/browse/Literature"}],"lastItemTitle":"Literature"},"superCategory":{"id":2,"title":"Arts & Culture","url":"Arts-Culture","description":"Explore arts and culture; entertainment and pop culture, actors, comics, dance, film, food, music, theatre, tv; visual arts, architecture, fashion, painting, photography, sculpture; literature, fiction, nonfiction, plays, poetry, short story; sports and recreation","keywords":"entertainment and pop culture, actors, comics, dance, film, food, music, theatre, tv; visual arts, architecture, fashion, painting, photography, sculpture; literature, fiction, nonfiction, plays, poetry, short story; sports and recreation","classId":"ART","sortOrder":6},"hashtags":["Britannica","Encyclopedia Britannica","Encyclopaedia Britannica","quiz","quizzes","language of origin","Dutch","Yiddish","Japanese","Hindi","etymology "],"hashtagsString":"Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica, quiz, quizzes, language of origin, Dutch, Yiddish, Japanese, Hindi, etymology ","displayDate":[2024,9,4],"urlTitle":"dutch-yiddish-japanese-or-hindi-quiz","featureSubType":"TEXT_MULTIPLE_CHOICE","categories":[{"id":12000,"title":"Literature","url":"Literature","description":"With the development of language, the human imagination has found a way to create and communicate through the written word. A literary work can transport us into a fictional, fantastic new world, describe a fleeting feeling, or simply give us a picture of the past through novels, poems, tragedies, epic works, and other genres. Through literature, communication becomes an art, and it can bridge and bond people and cultures of different languages and backgrounds.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/44/172844-131-9695C31F/word-communication-stress-accent-letters-syllable.jpg","altText":"Literature","fullUrl":""}},null,null],"mainCategory":{"id":12000,"title":"Literature","url":"Literature","description":"With the development of language, the human imagination has found a way to create and communicate through the written word. A literary work can transport us into a fictional, fantastic new world, describe a fleeting feeling, or simply give us a picture of the past through novels, poems, tragedies, epic works, and other genres. Through literature, communication becomes an art, and it can bridge and bond people and cultures of different languages and backgrounds.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/44/172844-131-9695C31F/word-communication-stress-accent-letters-syllable.jpg","altText":"Literature","fullUrl":""}},"typeDisplayName":"Text Multiple Choices"},{"id":13111,"title":"Facts You Should Know: Weather Quiz","url":"/quiz/facts-you-should-know-weather-quiz","description":"The forecast calls for 15 questions. Prove your meteorological merit.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/37/190637-131-44E2DB89/Lightning-farm-field-energy-tree-Weather-electricity.jpg","altText":"Lightning over a farm field. Weather electricity thunderstorm light energy tree","credit":"© Black Ivy Images/","fullUrl":""},"type":"QUIZ","breadcrumb":{"items":[{"title":"Text Multiple Choices","url":"/quiz/browse"},{"title":"Science","url":"/quiz/browse/Science"}],"lastItemTitle":"Science"},"superCategory":{"id":6,"title":"Science & Tech","url":"Science-Tech","description":"Explore science and technology; astronomy; biology; chemistry; earth science; mathematics; physics; technology, agriculture, cars, computers, engineering, industry, inventions, communication","keywords":"astronomy; biology; chemistry; earth science; mathematics; physics; technology, agriculture, cars, computers, engineering, industry, inventions, communication","classId":"SCIENCE","sortOrder":2},"hashtags":["Britannica","Encyclopedia Britannica","Encyclopaedia Britannica","quiz","quizzes","weather","snow","lightning","hurricanes","cyclones","hail","rain","clouds","humidity","heat index","tornado","wind","Coriolis effect"],"hashtagsString":"Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica, quiz, quizzes, weather, snow, lightning, hurricanes, cyclones, hail, rain, clouds, humidity, heat index, tornado, wind, Coriolis effect","displayDate":[2023,3,10],"urlTitle":"facts-you-should-know-weather-quiz","featureSubType":"TEXT_MULTIPLE_CHOICE","categories":[{"id":1000,"title":"Science","url":"Science","description":"How can the sky be blue one day and stormy the next? Why do heavy objects tend to fall downwards when dropped? How are birds able to fly (and why can’t I do the same?)? Human beings have long been curious about the world in which we live, striving to identify connections among the phenomenons we witness and to understand how it all works. The field of science has developed over many centuries as a way of studying and understanding the world, beginning with the primitive stage of simply noting important regularities in nature and continuing through the rise of modern science. The modern-day sciences cover a vast range of fields, including biology, chemistry, meteorology, astronomy, physics, and much more.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/86/193986-050-7B2DBB6A/ball-and-stick-model-structure-atoms.jpg","altText":"Science","fullUrl":""}},null,null],"mainCategory":{"id":1000,"title":"Science","url":"Science","description":"How can the sky be blue one day and stormy the next? Why do heavy objects tend to fall downwards when dropped? How are birds able to fly (and why can’t I do the same?)? Human beings have long been curious about the world in which we live, striving to identify connections among the phenomenons we witness and to understand how it all works. The field of science has developed over many centuries as a way of studying and understanding the world, beginning with the primitive stage of simply noting important regularities in nature and continuing through the rise of modern science. The modern-day sciences cover a vast range of fields, including biology, chemistry, meteorology, astronomy, physics, and much more.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/86/193986-050-7B2DBB6A/ball-and-stick-model-structure-atoms.jpg","altText":"Science","fullUrl":""}},"typeDisplayName":"Text Multiple Choices"},{"id":12397,"title":"Name That Historical Figure!","url":"/quiz/name-that-historical-figure","description":"Put faces to some of history's biggest names.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/37/216237-131-42085667/Stained-glass-Joan-of-Arc-St-Mary-of-the-Angels-Catholic-church-Wellington-New-Zealand.jpg","altText":"Stained glass of Joan of Arc in St. Mary of the Angels, Wellington, New Zealand. Roman Catholic church. (Saint Joan of Arc, St. Joan of Arc)","credit":"© Tupungato/","fullUrl":""},"type":"QUIZ","breadcrumb":{"items":[{"title":"Image Multiple Choices","url":"/quiz/browse"},{"title":"Lifestyles & Social Issues","url":"/quiz/browse/Lifestyles-Social-Issues"}],"lastItemTitle":"Lifestyles & Social Issues"},"superCategory":{"id":5,"title":"History & Society","url":"History-Society","description":"Explore history and society; accidents and disasters; the age of revolutions; the ancient world; historic dynasties; global exploration; the middle ages; the modern world; prehistory; US history; world history; wars and battles; sociology; religion and philosophy; humanities; ethics; anthropology; festivals and holidays; human rights; human migration; international relations; politics, law, and government","keywords":"accidents and disasters; the age of revolutions; the ancient world; historic dynasties; global exploration; the middle ages; the modern world; prehistory; US history; world history; wars and battles; sociology; religion and philosophy; humanities; ethics; anthropology; festivals and holidays; human rights; human migration; international relations; politics, law, and government","classId":"HISTORY","sortOrder":1},"hashtags":["Britannica","Encyclopedia Britannica","Encyclopaedia Britannica","quiz","quizzes","Sigmund Freud","Al Capone","Amelia Earhart","Rosa Parks","Thomas Jefferson","Malcolm X","Andy Warhol","Harriet Tubman","Frido Kahlo","Karl Marx","Alexander Graham Bell","Blackbeard","Sitting Bull","Beethoven","Charles Darwin","Joan of Arc","Queen Victoria","Eleanor Roosevelt "],"hashtagsString":"Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica, quiz, quizzes, Sigmund Freud, Al Capone, Amelia Earhart, Rosa Parks, Thomas Jefferson, Malcolm X, Andy Warhol, Harriet Tubman, Frido Kahlo, Karl Marx, Alexander Graham Bell, Blackbeard, Sitting Bull, Beethoven, Charles Darwin, Joan of Arc, Queen Victoria, Eleanor Roosevelt ","displayDate":[2022,10,14],"urlTitle":"name-that-historical-figure","featureSubType":"IMAGE_MULTIPLE_CHOICE","categories":[{"id":8000,"title":"Lifestyles & Social Issues","url":"Lifestyles-Social-Issues","description":"It's easy enough to agree that human beings all around the world have certain basic requirements that must be fulfilled in order to ensure their individual and collective well-being. History has shown us, however, that it's not so easy to form societies or communities that fulfill these requirements for all members. The fight for human and civil rights has persisted for hundreds of years and remains alive today, both within the borders of nations and on an international scale. It has led to large-scale social movements and reforms concerning issues such as suffrage, slavery, women's rights, racism, environmentalism, gay rights, and much more.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/11/195611-131-4DFC1336/Belgian-pride-parade-People-streets-flags-Brussels-2017.jpg","altText":"Lifestyles & Social Issues","fullUrl":""}},{"id":6000,"title":"World History","url":"World-History","description":"Does history really repeat itself, or can we learn from the mistakes of those who came before us? History provides a chronological, statistical, and cultural record of the events, people, and movements that have made an impact on humankind and the world at large throughout the ages.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/05/84505-050-8BB58BE6/cave-art-Ennedi-Plateau-Chad.jpg","altText":"World History","fullUrl":""}},null],"mainCategory":{"id":8000,"title":"Lifestyles & Social Issues","url":"Lifestyles-Social-Issues","description":"It's easy enough to agree that human beings all around the world have certain basic requirements that must be fulfilled in order to ensure their individual and collective well-being. History has shown us, however, that it's not so easy to form societies or communities that fulfill these requirements for all members. The fight for human and civil rights has persisted for hundreds of years and remains alive today, both within the borders of nations and on an international scale. It has led to large-scale social movements and reforms concerning issues such as suffrage, slavery, women's rights, racism, environmentalism, gay rights, and much more.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/11/195611-131-4DFC1336/Belgian-pride-parade-People-streets-flags-Brussels-2017.jpg","altText":"Lifestyles & Social Issues","fullUrl":""}},"typeDisplayName":"Image Multiple Choices"},{"id":15746,"title":"Curious Origins of Everyday Words Quiz","url":"/quiz/curious-origins-of-everyday-words-quiz","description":"Oh, that’s where that comes from…","image":{"id":0,"url":"/00/257800-131-CB7D2F72/burrowing-owl-Athene-cunicularia.jpg","altText":"Burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) tilts its head outside its burrow on Marco Island, Florida. (birds)","credit":"© Smitty411/","fullUrl":""},"type":"QUIZ","breadcrumb":{"items":[{"title":"Text Multiple Choices","url":"/quiz/browse"},{"title":"Literature","url":"/quiz/browse/Literature"}],"lastItemTitle":"Literature"},"superCategory":{"id":2,"title":"Arts & Culture","url":"Arts-Culture","description":"Explore arts and culture; entertainment and pop culture, actors, comics, dance, film, food, music, theatre, tv; visual arts, architecture, fashion, painting, photography, sculpture; literature, fiction, nonfiction, plays, poetry, short story; sports and recreation","keywords":"entertainment and pop culture, actors, comics, dance, film, food, music, theatre, tv; visual arts, architecture, fashion, painting, photography, sculpture; literature, fiction, nonfiction, plays, poetry, short story; sports and recreation","classId":"ART","sortOrder":6},"hashtags":["Britannica","Encyclopedia Britannica","Encyclopaedia Britannica","quiz","quizzes","etymology","word origins"],"hashtagsString":"Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica, quiz, quizzes, etymology, word origins","displayDate":[2024,7,16],"urlTitle":"curious-origins-of-everyday-words-quiz","featureSubType":"TEXT_MULTIPLE_CHOICE","categories":[{"id":12000,"title":"Literature","url":"Literature","description":"With the development of language, the human imagination has found a way to create and communicate through the written word. A literary work can transport us into a fictional, fantastic new world, describe a fleeting feeling, or simply give us a picture of the past through novels, poems, tragedies, epic works, and other genres. Through literature, communication becomes an art, and it can bridge and bond people and cultures of different languages and backgrounds.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/44/172844-131-9695C31F/word-communication-stress-accent-letters-syllable.jpg","altText":"Literature","fullUrl":""}},null,null],"mainCategory":{"id":12000,"title":"Literature","url":"Literature","description":"With the development of language, the human imagination has found a way to create and communicate through the written word. A literary work can transport us into a fictional, fantastic new world, describe a fleeting feeling, or simply give us a picture of the past through novels, poems, tragedies, epic works, and other genres. Through literature, communication becomes an art, and it can bridge and bond people and cultures of different languages and backgrounds.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/44/172844-131-9695C31F/word-communication-stress-accent-letters-syllable.jpg","altText":"Literature","fullUrl":""}},"typeDisplayName":"Text Multiple Choices"},{"id":12420,"title":"Name That Magnified Object!","url":"/quiz/name-that-magnified-object","description":"Can you figure out what these common items are when they're extremely magnified?","image":{"id":0,"url":"/68/236468-131-772AE055/Human-eyelashes-scanning-electron-micrograph.jpg","altText":"Human eyelashes under magnifcation. Colored scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of human eyelash mites","credit":"© Steve Gschmeissner—Science Photo Library/Getty Images","fullUrl":""},"type":"QUIZ","breadcrumb":{"items":[{"title":"Image Multiple Choices","url":"/quiz/browse"},{"title":"Science","url":"/quiz/browse/Science"}],"lastItemTitle":"Science"},"superCategory":{"id":6,"title":"Science & Tech","url":"Science-Tech","description":"Explore science and technology; astronomy; biology; chemistry; earth science; mathematics; physics; technology, agriculture, cars, computers, engineering, industry, inventions, communication","keywords":"astronomy; biology; chemistry; earth science; mathematics; physics; technology, agriculture, cars, computers, engineering, industry, inventions, communication","classId":"SCIENCE","sortOrder":2},"hashtags":["Britannica","Encyclopedia Britannica","Encyclopaedia Britannica","quiz","quizzes","salt","blood cell","floss","sandpaper","pollen","butterfly","dust mite","velcro","sandpaper","broccoli","ballpoint pen"],"hashtagsString":"Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica, quiz, quizzes, salt, blood cell, floss, sandpaper, pollen, butterfly, dust mite, velcro, sandpaper, broccoli, ballpoint pen, ","displayDate":[2022,10,14],"urlTitle":"name-that-magnified-object","featureSubType":"IMAGE_MULTIPLE_CHOICE","categories":[{"id":1000,"title":"Science","url":"Science","description":"How can the sky be blue one day and stormy the next? Why do heavy objects tend to fall downwards when dropped? How are birds able to fly (and why can’t I do the same?)? Human beings have long been curious about the world in which we live, striving to identify connections among the phenomenons we witness and to understand how it all works. The field of science has developed over many centuries as a way of studying and understanding the world, beginning with the primitive stage of simply noting important regularities in nature and continuing through the rise of modern science. The modern-day sciences cover a vast range of fields, including biology, chemistry, meteorology, astronomy, physics, and much more.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/86/193986-050-7B2DBB6A/ball-and-stick-model-structure-atoms.jpg","altText":"Science","fullUrl":""}},{"id":10000,"title":"Entertainment & Pop Culture","url":"Entertainment-Pop-Culture","description":"Entertainment and leisure activities have been a part of culture in one form or another since the ancient times. Dance performances, live music, and storytelling have a long tradition throughout history, even as the styles and available methods of delivery have shifted dramatically.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/04/167104-050-A0D0F726.jpg","altText":"Entertainment & Pop Culture","fullUrl":""}},null],"mainCategory":{"id":1000,"title":"Science","url":"Science","description":"How can the sky be blue one day and stormy the next? Why do heavy objects tend to fall downwards when dropped? How are birds able to fly (and why can’t I do the same?)? Human beings have long been curious about the world in which we live, striving to identify connections among the phenomenons we witness and to understand how it all works. The field of science has developed over many centuries as a way of studying and understanding the world, beginning with the primitive stage of simply noting important regularities in nature and continuing through the rise of modern science. The modern-day sciences cover a vast range of fields, including biology, chemistry, meteorology, astronomy, physics, and much more.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/86/193986-050-7B2DBB6A/ball-and-stick-model-structure-atoms.jpg","altText":"Science","fullUrl":""}},"typeDisplayName":"Image Multiple Choices"},{"id":12745,"title":"Guess the Bones and Muscles Quiz","url":"/quiz/guess-the-bones-and-muscles-quiz","description":"Bone up on your knowledge of the human body.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/90/237690-131-60E05817/anatomy-Sternum.jpg","altText":"3D illustration of sternum, ribs, skeleton, anatomy","credit":"© Cinefootage/","fullUrl":""},"type":"QUIZ","breadcrumb":{"items":[{"title":"Image Multiple Choices","url":"/quiz/browse"},{"title":"Health & Medicine","url":"/quiz/browse/Health-Medicine"}],"lastItemTitle":"Health & Medicine"},"superCategory":{"id":6,"title":"Science & Tech","url":"Science-Tech","description":"Explore science and technology; astronomy; biology; chemistry; earth science; mathematics; physics; technology, agriculture, cars, computers, engineering, industry, inventions, communication","keywords":"astronomy; biology; chemistry; earth science; mathematics; physics; technology, agriculture, cars, computers, engineering, industry, inventions, communication","classId":"SCIENCE","sortOrder":2},"hashtags":["Britannica","Encyclopedia Britannica","Encyclopaedia Britannica","quiz","quizzes","anatomy","skeleton","muscles","phalanges","Achilles tendon","sternum","deltoid","triceps","clavicle","pectorals","tibia","gluteus maximus","quadriceps","mandible","spine","lumbar vertebrae","coccyx","carpal bones","bones"],"hashtagsString":"Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica, quiz, quizzes, anatomy, skeleton, muscles, phalanges, Achilles tendon, sternum, deltoid, triceps, clavicle, pectorals, tibia, gluteus maximus, quadriceps, mandible, spine, lumbar vertebrae, coccyx, carpal bones, bones","displayDate":[2023,1,11],"urlTitle":"guess-the-bones-and-muscles-quiz","featureSubType":"IMAGE_MULTIPLE_CHOICE","categories":[{"id":3000,"title":"Health & Medicine","url":"Health-Medicine","description":"The study of the human mind and body, how these function, and how they interact—not only with each other but also with their environment—has been of utmost importance in ensuring human well-being. Research on potential treatments and preventive medicine has expanded greatly with the development of modern medicine, and a network of disciplines, including such fields as genetics, psychology, and nutrition, aims to facilitate the betterment of our health.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/07/192107-050-CE043374/anatomy-charts-human-body-muscle-systems-skeletal.jpg","altText":"Health & Medicine","fullUrl":""}},null,null],"mainCategory":{"id":3000,"title":"Health & Medicine","url":"Health-Medicine","description":"The study of the human mind and body, how these function, and how they interact—not only with each other but also with their environment—has been of utmost importance in ensuring human well-being. Research on potential treatments and preventive medicine has expanded greatly with the development of modern medicine, and a network of disciplines, including such fields as genetics, psychology, and nutrition, aims to facilitate the betterment of our health.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/07/192107-050-CE043374/anatomy-charts-human-body-muscle-systems-skeletal.jpg","altText":"Health & Medicine","fullUrl":""}},"typeDisplayName":"Image Multiple Choices"},{"id":12672,"title":"Challenging Standardized Test Words Quiz: Vol. 2","url":"/quiz/challenging-standardized-test-words-quiz-vol-2","description":"No number two pencil is required. Find the answer that best describes the italicized Standardized Test word.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/37/238237-131-2E573E18/broken-pencil-standardized-testing.jpg","altText":"Broken pencil on a standardized test. (testing, education, exam, SAT test)","credit":"© michaelquirk—iStock/Getty Images","fullUrl":""},"type":"QUIZ","breadcrumb":{"items":[{"title":"Text Multiple Choices","url":"/quiz/browse"},{"title":"Literature","url":"/quiz/browse/Literature"}],"lastItemTitle":"Literature"},"superCategory":{"id":2,"title":"Arts & Culture","url":"Arts-Culture","description":"Explore arts and culture; entertainment and pop culture, actors, comics, dance, film, food, music, theatre, tv; visual arts, architecture, fashion, painting, photography, sculpture; literature, fiction, nonfiction, plays, poetry, short story; sports and recreation","keywords":"entertainment and pop culture, actors, comics, dance, film, food, music, theatre, tv; visual arts, architecture, fashion, painting, photography, sculpture; literature, fiction, nonfiction, plays, poetry, short story; sports and recreation","classId":"ART","sortOrder":6},"hashtags":["Britannica","Encyclopedia Britannica","Encyclopaedia Britannica","quiz","quizzes","aptitude test","Scholastic Aptitude Test","vocabulary "],"hashtagsString":"Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica, quiz, quizzes, aptitude test, Scholastic Aptitude Test, vocabulary ","displayDate":[2022,12,16],"urlTitle":"challenging-standardized-test-words-quiz-vol-2","featureSubType":"TEXT_MULTIPLE_CHOICE","categories":[{"id":12000,"title":"Literature","url":"Literature","description":"With the development of language, the human imagination has found a way to create and communicate through the written word. A literary work can transport us into a fictional, fantastic new world, describe a fleeting feeling, or simply give us a picture of the past through novels, poems, tragedies, epic works, and other genres. Through literature, communication becomes an art, and it can bridge and bond people and cultures of different languages and backgrounds.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/44/172844-131-9695C31F/word-communication-stress-accent-letters-syllable.jpg","altText":"Literature","fullUrl":""}},null,null],"mainCategory":{"id":12000,"title":"Literature","url":"Literature","description":"With the development of language, the human imagination has found a way to create and communicate through the written word. A literary work can transport us into a fictional, fantastic new world, describe a fleeting feeling, or simply give us a picture of the past through novels, poems, tragedies, epic works, and other genres. Through literature, communication becomes an art, and it can bridge and bond people and cultures of different languages and backgrounds.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/44/172844-131-9695C31F/word-communication-stress-accent-letters-syllable.jpg","altText":"Literature","fullUrl":""}},"typeDisplayName":"Text Multiple Choices"}], "quiz": {"id":4641,"generalAudience":false,"popular":false,"vocab":false,"categories":[{"label":"World History","slug":"World-History"}],"type":"TEXT_MULTIPLE_CHOICE","image":{"altText":"The original copy of the constitution of the United States; housed in the National Archives, Washington, D.C.","credit":"National Archives, Washington, D.C.","fullUrl":""},"title":"American History and Politics Quiz","timed":true,"seconds":10,"questions":[{"text":"Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution officially extended the right to vote to women?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["Fifteenth Amendment","Twentieth Amendment","Nineteenth Amendment","Twelfth Amendment"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\"> Nineteenth Amendment</a> (1920) to the Constitution of the United States officially extended the right to vote to women."},{"text":"In which U.S. state is the Lost Colony of Roanoke located?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["Florida","Pennsylvania","North Carolina","California"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Lost Colony</a> was an early English settlement on Roanoke Island (now in North Carolina) that mysteriously disappeared between the time of its founding (1587) and the return of the expedition’s leader (1590)."},{"text":"Who among these is NOT traditionally considered to be a Founding Father?","correctAnswerIndex":0,"answers":["John Trumbull","George Mason","Patrick Henry","Samuel Adams"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Founding Fathers</a> were the most prominent statesmen of America’s Revolutionary generation. While there are no agreed-upon criteria for inclusion, membership in this select group customarily requires conspicuous contributions at one or both of the foundings of the United States: during the American Revolution, when independence was won, or during the Constitutional Convention, when nationhood was achieved. Although the list of members can expand and contract in response to political pressures and ideological prejudices of the moment, the following represent the “gallery of greats” that has stood the test of time: John Adams, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Marshall, George Mason, and George Washington. John Trumbull was a painter especially known for his paintings of major episodes in the American Revolution."},{"text":"What was Japan''s first treaty with the United States?","correctAnswerIndex":0,"answers":["Treaty of Kanagawa","Treaty of Peace with Japan","Security Treaty","Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Treaty of Kanagawa</a> was Japan’s first treaty with a Western nation. Concluded by representatives of the United States and Japan at Kanagawa (now part of Yokohama), it marked the end of Japan’s period of seclusion (1639–1854). The treaty was signed as a result of pressure from U.S. Commodore Matthew C. Perry, who sailed into Tokyo Bay with a fleet of warships in July 1853 and demanded that the Japanese open their ports to U.S. ships for supplies."},{"text":"Which U.S. presidents succeeded to the presidency under the process decreed by the Twenty-fifth Amendment, thereby becoming the country''s only chief executive who had not been elected either president or vice president?","correctAnswerIndex":3,"answers":["Benjamin Harrison","Millard Fillmore","Andrew Johnson","Gerald Ford"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Gerald Ford</a> succeeded to the presidency on the resignation of President Richard Nixon, under the process decreed by the Twenty-fifth Amendment to the Constitution. He thereby became the country’s only chief executive who had not been elected either president or vice president."},{"text":"Which U.S. president enacted the program known as the New Deal?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["Theodore Roosevelt","Woodrow Wilson","Franklin D. Roosevelt","Herbert Hoover"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">New Deal</a> was a domestic program of the administration of U.S. Pres. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Franklin D. Roosevelt</a> between 1933 and 1939, which took action to bring about immediate economic relief as well as reforms in industry, agriculture, finance, waterpower, labour, and housing, vastly increasing the scope of the federal government’s activities."},{"text":"Which U.S. president''s administration was associated with the Teapot Dome Scandal?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["Chester A. Arthur","Calvin Coolidge","Warren G. Harding","William McKinley"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Teapot Dome Scandal</a> of the early 1920s involved the secret leasing of federal oil reserves by the secretary of the interior, Albert Bacon Fall. After U.S. Pres. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Warren G. Harding</a> transferred supervision of the naval oil-reserve lands from the navy to the Department of the Interior in 1921, Fall secretly granted to Harry F. Sinclair of the Mammoth Oil Company exclusive rights to the Teapot Dome (Wyoming) reserves (April 7, 1922). He granted similar rights to Edward L. Doheny of Pan American Petroleum Company for the Elk Hills and Buena Vista Hills reserves in California (1921–22). Harding was never personally implicated in the scandals, but he was aware of the actions of Forbes, Smith, and the Ohio Gang and failed to bring their corruption to light."},{"text":"Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution imposed the federal prohibition of alcohol?","correctAnswerIndex":3,"answers":["Sixteenth Amendment","Twenty-first Amendment","Fifteenth Amendment","Eighteenth Amendment"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Eighteenth Amendment</a> to the U.S. Constitution imposed the federal prohibition of alcohol. The Eighteenth Amendment is the only amendment to have secured ratification and later been repealed."},{"text":"On March 21–25, 1965, Martin Luther King, Jr., led a political march (now known as the Selma March) from Selma, Alabama, to which city?","correctAnswerIndex":3,"answers":["Tuscaloosa","Birmingham","Mobile","Montgomery"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Selma March</a> was a political march from Selma, Alabama, to the state''s capital, Montgomery, that occurred March 21–25, 1965. Led by Martin Luther King, Jr., the march was the culminating event of several tumultuous weeks during which demonstrators twice attempted to march but were stopped, once violently, by local police. As many as 25,000 people participated in the roughly 50-mile (80-km) march."},{"text":"What is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States?","correctAnswerIndex":1,"answers":["College of William & Mary","Harvard University","Princeton University","Yale University"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Harvard University</a> is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States (founded 1636) and one of the nation’s most prestigious."},{"text":"Who wrote most of the Declaration of Sentiments, a document that, along with the Seneca Falls Convention, marked the start of the women''s rights movement in the United States?","correctAnswerIndex":3,"answers":["Susan B. Anthony","Lucy Stone","Carrie Chapman Catt","Elizabeth Cady Stanton"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Declaration of Sentiments</a> was a document outlining the rights that American women should be entitled to as citizens. It was written primarily by <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Elizabeth Cady Stanton</a> and was modeled on the Declaration of Independence."},{"text":"Who delivered the Gettysburg Address?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["Martin Luther King, Jr.","Woodrow Wilson","Abraham Lincoln","George Washington"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Gettysburg Address</a> was delivered by U.S. Pres. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Abraham Lincoln</a> at the dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on November 19, 1863."},{"text":"How many members are there of the U.S. Senate?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["200","50","100","150"],"difficulty":1,"explanation":"There are 100 members of the U.S. Senate, two from each of the 50 states."},{"text":"Who drafted the U.S. Declaration of Independence?","correctAnswerIndex":3,"answers":["Abraham Lincoln","George Washington","King George III","Thomas Jefferson"],"difficulty":3,"explanation":"Thomas Jefferson, a delegate from Virginia to the Continental Congress, drafted the Declaration of Independence in 1776."},{"text":"What was the name of the secret organization of coal miners supposedly responsible for acts of terrorism in the coalfields of Pennsylvania and West Virginia from 1862 to 1876?","correctAnswerIndex":1,"answers":["North Side Gang","Molly Maguires","Egan''s Rats","Mullen Gang"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Molly Maguires</a> was a secret organization of coal miners supposedly responsible for acts of terrorism in the coalfields of Pennsylvania and West Virginia from 1862 to 1876. The group named itself after a widow who led a group of Irish antilandlord agitators in the 1840s."},{"text":"Which 1967 Supreme Court case struck down state laws that prohibited marriage by persons of different race?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["Mapp v. Ohio","Lawrence v. Texas","Loving v. Virginia","Munn v. Illinois"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Loving v. Virginia</a> was a legal case decided on June 12, 1967, in which the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously (9–0) struck down state antimiscegenation statutes in Virginia as unconstitutional under the equal protection and due process clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment."},{"text":"Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution formally abolished slavery?","correctAnswerIndex":3,"answers":["Sixteenth Amendment ","Ninth Amendment","Twenty-first Amendment","Thirteenth Amendment"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Thirteenth Amendment</a> (1865) to the U.S. Constitution formally abolished slavery."},{"text":"In the United States, PACs raise and distribute campaign funds to candidates seeking political office. What is the acronym PAC short for?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["public action commission","political accomplishment campaign","political action committee","positive action commission"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"In United States politics, a <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">political action committee</a> (PAC) is an organization whose purpose is to raise and distribute campaign funds to candidates seeking political office. PACs are generally formed by corporations, labor unions, trade associations, or other organizations or individuals and channel the voluntary contributions they raise to candidates for elective offices, primarily in for U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate."},{"text":"Which of these U.S. presidents won the Nobel Prize for Peace?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["Franklin D. Roosevelt","George W. Bush","Jimmy Carter","John F. Kennedy"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Jimmy Carter</a> was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2002 for his work in diplomacy and advocacy, both during and after his presidency."},{"text":"Who was the founder of the American Red Cross?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["Elizabeth Blackwell","Florence Nightingale","Clara Barton","Dorothea Dix"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Clara Barton</a> was the founder of the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">American Red Cross</a>."},{"text":"Who is known as the founder of the birth control movement in the United States?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["Jane Addams","Harriot Stanton Blatch","Margaret Sanger","Mary Wollstonecraft"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Margaret Sanger</a> was the founder of the birth control movement in the United States and an international leader in the field. She is credited with originating the term <em>birth control</em>."},{"text":"What kind of government does the United States have?","correctAnswerIndex":3,"answers":["monarchy","democracy","gerontocracy","republic"],"difficulty":1,"explanation":"The United States is a republic, with citizens represented by members of Congress and other elected officials."},{"text":"In what year was the Declaration of Independence approved and signed?","correctAnswerIndex":3,"answers":["1667","1767","1677","1776"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Declaration of Independence</a> was approved by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. On August 2, an “engrossed” version was signed at the Pennsylvania State House (now Independence Hall) in Philadelphia by most of the congressional delegates (engrossing is rendering an official document in a large clear hand)."},{"text":"Which site was the site of the international meeting in 1945 that established the United Nations?","correctAnswerIndex":1,"answers":["Philadelphia","San Francisco","Chicago","Seattle"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\"> San Francisco Conference</a> (April 25–June 26, 1945) was the international meeting that established the United Nations. The basic principles of a worldwide organization that would embrace the political objectives of the Allies had been proposed at the Dumbarton Oaks Conference in 1944 and reaffirmed at the Yalta Conference in early 1945."},{"text":"The Open Door policy was initiated by the United States for the protection of equal privileges among countries trading with which nation?","correctAnswerIndex":3,"answers":["Italy","India","Canada","China"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Open Door policy</a> was initiated by the United States in 1899 and 1900 for the protection of equal privileges among countries that were trading with China and in support of Chinese territorial and administrative integrity."},{"text":"Which first lady had a leading role in drafting the UN''s Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)?","correctAnswerIndex":0,"answers":["Eleanor Roosevelt","Lucretia Garfield","Helen Taft","Edith Wilson"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Eleanor Roosevelt</a> is famous for serving as first lady during the presidency of her husband, Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933–45), for her advocacy on behalf of liberal causes, and for her leading role in drafting the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)."},{"text":"What policy statement, presented in 1823, promised that the U.S. would not interfere in the affairs of European states, while also stipulating that the Western Hemisphere was no longer open to further colonization?","correctAnswerIndex":1,"answers":["Freeport Doctrine","Monroe Doctrine","Carter Doctrine","Good Neighbor Policy"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"As articulated in 1823, the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Monroe Doctrine</a> laid out four basic tenets that would define U.S. foreign policy for decades. The first two promised that the U.S. would not interfere in the affairs of European states, be they wars or internal politics, and that the U.S. would not interfere with European states’ extant colonial enterprises. In exchange, it stipulated that the Western Hemisphere was no longer open to further colonization and that any attempt on the part of a European power to colonize territory in the Western Hemisphere would be understood by the U.S. as an act of aggression."},{"text":"Who was the second president of the United States?","correctAnswerIndex":1,"answers":["Thomas Jefferson","John Adams","James Madison","James Monroe"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">John Adams</a> was the first vice president (1789–97) and second president (1797–1801) of the United States."},{"text":"Which U.S. president issued the executive order that established the Peace Corps?","correctAnswerIndex":0,"answers":["John F. Kennedy","Dwight D. Eisenhower","Calvin Coolidge","Warren G. Harding"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Peace Corps</a> is a U.S. government agency of volunteers that was established by executive order by Pres. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">John F. Kennedy</a> on March 1, 1961, and authorized by the U.S. Congress through the Peace Corps Act of September 22, 1961."},{"text":"Which U.S. president first proposed the \"domino theory\" of foreign policy?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["Bill Clinton","Dwight D. Eisenhower","Harry S. Truman","Gerald R. Ford"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">domino theory</a> was first proposed by Pres. Harry S. Truman to justify sending military aid to Greece and Turkey in the 1940s, but it became popular in the 1950s when Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower applied it to Southeast Asia, especially South Vietnam. The theory stated that the “fall” of a noncommunist state to communism would precipitate the fall of noncommunist governments in neighbouring states."},{"text":"What is the nickname for the old regulations requiring racial segregation?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["Old Crow laws","Blue laws","Jim Crow laws","Stone the Crows laws"],"difficulty":3,"explanation":"Jim Crow laws established and upheld racial segregation in the American South for many decades."},{"text":"Where did the U.S. Senate first meet, before moving to Philadelphia and then to Washington, D.C.?","correctAnswerIndex":0,"answers":["New York City","Richmond","Boston","Trenton"],"difficulty":3,"explanation":"Like the rest of the U.S. government, the Senate was first housed in New York City."},{"text":"Where did the Wounded Knee Massacre take place?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["Colorado","Nevada","South Dakota","North Dakota"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Wounded Knee Massacre</a> the slaughter of approximately 150–300 Lakota Indians by United States Army troops in the area of Wounded Knee Creek in southwestern South Dakota."},{"text":"Who founded Tuskegee University?","correctAnswerIndex":0,"answers":["Booker T. Washington","Albion W. Tourgee","Andrew Carnegie","William Hooper Councill"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Tuskegee University</a>, a private, coeducational, historically black institution of higher education in Tuskegee, Alabama, was founded by the educator <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Booker T. Washington</a> in 1881 and served as its principal until his death in 1915."},{"text":"Which organization, first led by Uriah Smith Stephens, was the first important national labor organization in the United States?","correctAnswerIndex":0,"answers":["Knights of Labor","National Labor Union","American Federation of Labor","American Railway Union"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Knights of Labor</a> was the first important national labor organization in the United States, founded in 1869. Named the Noble Order of the Knights of Labor by its first leader, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Uriah Smith Stephens</a>, it originated as a secret organization meant to protect its members from employer retaliations."},{"text":"What is the name of the sea passage through the Arctic Archipelago of Canada, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean?","correctAnswerIndex":1,"answers":["Northeast Passage","Northwest Passage","Intracoastal Waterway","Dalco Passage"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Northwest Passage</a>, a historical sea passage of the North American continent, represents centuries of effort to find a route westward from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean through the Arctic Archipelago of Canada."},{"text":"The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union was signed by which U.S. president?","correctAnswerIndex":0,"answers":["Richard Nixon","Lyndon B. Johnson","John F. Kennedy","Jimmy Carter"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty</a> was an arms control treaty ratified in 1972 between the United States and the Soviet Union to limit deployment of missile systems that could theoretically be used to destroy incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) launched by the other superpower. The treaty was signed by U.S. Pres. The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Richard Nixon</a> and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev at a summit in Moscow in May 1972."},{"text":"When was the Supreme Court of the United States formally established?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["1802","1798","1789","1778"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Supreme Court of the United States</a> was formally established in 1789 when Congress passed the Judiciary Act."},{"text":"Which U.S. president led his country through the final stages of World War II and through the early years of the Cold War?","correctAnswerIndex":0,"answers":["Harry S. Truman","Franklin D. Roosevelt","Dwight D. Eisenhower","John F. Kennedy"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Harry S. Truman</a> led his country through the final stages of World War II and through the early years of the Cold War, vigorously opposing Soviet expansionism in Europe and sending U.S. forces to turn back a communist invasion of South Korea."},{"text":"When did Baton Rouge become the capital of Louisiana?","correctAnswerIndex":3,"answers":["1917","1902","1817","1849"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Baton Rouge</a> was incorporated in 1817, and in 1849 it became the capital of Louisiana."},{"text":"The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) were negotiations between the United States and which other country?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["China","North Korea","Soviet Union","Germany"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Strategic Arms Limitation Talks</a> (SALT) were negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union that were aimed at curtailing the manufacture of strategic missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons."},{"text":"Which famous American reporter of the 19th century traveled around the world in 72 days?","correctAnswerIndex":3,"answers":["Isabella Bird","Ida B. Wells","Ida Tarbell","Nellie Bly"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Nellie Bly</a> was the most famous American woman reporter of the 19th century. Her investigation of conditions at an insane asylum sparked outrage, legal action, and improvements of the treatment of the mentally ill. Her trip around the world in 72 days brought her even further fame."},{"text":"Who is known for having taken part in the creation of the NAACP in 1909 and for having written <i>The Souls of Black Folk</i> (1903), a collection of essays that became a landmark of African American literature?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["James Weldon Johnson","Alain Locke","W.E.B. Du Bois","Langston Hughes"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">W.E.B. Du Bois</a> was the most important Black protest leader in the United States during the first half of the 20th century. He shared in the creation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909 and edited <em>The Crisis</em>, its magazine, from 1910 to 1934. His collection of essays <em>The Souls of Black Folk</em> (1903) is a landmark of African American literature."},{"text":"Who wrote the American national anthem?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["F. Scott Fitzgerald","Francis Bellamy","Francis Scott Key","Francis Drake"],"difficulty":3,"explanation":"Francis Scott Key wrote the lyrics of the American national anthem, \"The Star-Spangled Banner,\" in 1814."},{"text":"Who is remembered as the inventor of the cotton gin and for developing the concept of mass production of interchangeable parts?","correctAnswerIndex":3,"answers":["Guglielmo Marconi","Henry Ford","Alexander Graham Bell","Eli Whitney"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Eli Whitney</a> was an American inventor, mechanical engineer, and manufacturer, best remembered as the inventor of the cotton gin but most important for developing the concept of <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">mass production</a> of <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">interchangeable parts</a>."},{"text":"What year was the organization known as the Daughters of the American Revolution founded?","correctAnswerIndex":1,"answers":["1804","1890","1792","1843"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Daughters of the American Revolution</a> is a patriotic society organized on October 11, 1890, and chartered by Congress December 2, 1896. Membership is limited to direct lineal descendants of soldiers or others of the Revolutionary period who aided the cause of independence."},{"text":"What is the first \"self-evident truth\" in the Declaration of Independence?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["that honesty is the best policy","that standing armies should not exist","that all men are created equal","that everyone should have the right to vote"],"difficulty":1,"explanation":"The Declaration of Independence holds that \"all men are created equal.\""},{"text":"What war was fought in 1832 between the United States and Native Americans over territory in Illinois?","correctAnswerIndex":0,"answers":["Black Hawk War","Arikara War","Cayuse War","Ute Wars"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Black Hawk War</a> was a brief but bloody war from April to August 1832 between the United States and Native Americans led by Black Hawk, a 65-year-old Sauk warrior. Black Hawk led some 1,000 Sauk, Fox, and Kickapoo men, women, and children, including about 500 warriors, across the Mississippi River to reclaim land in Illinois that tribal spokesmen had surrendered to the U.S. in 1804. "},{"text":"Which document does the Fourth of July commemorate?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["Gettysburg Address","Constitution","Declaration of Independence","Articles of Confederation"],"difficulty":1,"explanation":"The Fourth of July, or Independence Day, commemorates the promulgation of the Declaration of Independence."},{"text":"Which of these Supreme Court cases established a student''s right to free speech in school settings?","correctAnswerIndex":0,"answers":["Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District","Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education","Abood v. Detroit Board of Education","School Board of Nassau County v. Arline"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District</a> was a case in which the U.S. Supreme Court established (7–2) the free speech and political rights of students in school settings. The case was decided on February 24, 1969."},{"text":"Which U.S. president began the “War on Drugs”?","correctAnswerIndex":0,"answers":["Richard Nixon","Ronald Reagan","Lyndon B. Johnson","Grover Cleveland"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">War on Drugs</a> began in June 1971 when U.S. Pres. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"md-crosslink \" data-show-preview=\"true\">Richard Nixon</a> declared drug abuse to be “public enemy number one” and increased federal funding for drug-control agencies and drug-treatment efforts."}],"difficulty":3,"nextUpQuiz":{"title":"Tightrope","subTitle":"A daily trivia game","url":"/quiz/tightrope","image":{"id":0,"url":"","altText":"Tightrope","fullUrl":""},"type":"TIGHTROPE"},"metadata":{"source":"EB","publishDate":1719101107410,"browserTitle":"American History and Politics Quiz","metaDescription":"Take this Political Science quiz at Encyclopedia Britannica to test your knowledge of American history and politics.","tags":["britannica","encyclopedia britannica","quiz","quizzes","law","Declaration of Independence","Washington","D.C.","U.S.","Constitution","government","Senate","politics","history"],"slug":"american-history-and-politics"}}, "quizFeatureFlags": { "enableLeaderboards": true, } }, "GA": {"leg":"B","adLeg":"B","userType":"ANONYMOUS","pageType":"Quiz","gisted":false,"pageNumber":1,"hasSummarizeButton":false,"hasAskButton":false} }; </script> <meta property="fb:app_id" content="1887621861548296"/ <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" /> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@britannica" /> <meta name="twitter:image" content="" /> <meta name="twitter:description" content="Take this Political Science quiz at Encyclopedia Britannica to test your knowledge of American history and politics."/> <meta property="og:type" content="WEBSITE"/> <meta property="og:title" content="American History and Politics Quiz | Britannica"/> <meta property="og:description" content="Take this Political Science quiz at Encyclopedia Britannica to test your knowledge of American history and politics."/> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Encyclopedia Britannica" /> <meta property="og:url" content=""/> <meta property="og:image" content="" /> <meta property="og:image:type" content="image/jpeg" /> <script type="text/javascript" data-type="init opengraph"> Mendel.openGraph = {"type":"WEBSITE","title":"American History and Politics Quiz","description":"Take this Political Science quiz at Encyclopedia Britannica to test your knowledge of American history and politics.","imageUrl":"","imageType":"image/jpeg","pageUrl":""}</script> <link rel="preconnect" href=""> <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="" > <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript"> if (self !== top) { top.location = self.location; } </script> <script src="" async ></script> <script> dataLayer = []; </script> <script type="text/javascript">(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= '//'+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-5W6NC8'); </script> </head> <body data-leg="B" class="quiz-page bg-gray-50 user-ANONYMOUS user-ads md-desktop leg-b b-ie"> <!-- **** cafemedia **** --> <script>Mendel.config.adProvider='cafemedia';</script> <script data-no-optimize="1" data-cfasync="false"> (function(w, d) { w.adthrive = w.adthrive || {}; w.adthrive.cmd = w. adthrive.cmd || []; w.adthrive.plugin = 'adthrive-ads-manual'; = '';var s = d.createElement('script'); s.async = true; s.referrerpolicy='no-referrer-when-downgrade'; s.src = 'https://' + + '/sites/61575e5c934c481d714b3ca9/ads.min.js?referrer=' + w.encodeURIComponent(w.location.href) + '&cb=' + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1); var n = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; n.parentNode.insertBefore(s, n); })(window, document); </script> <div class="ie-warning d-flex align-items-center align-self-center justify-content-center site-alert bg-orange"> <div> You are using an <strong>outdated</strong> browser. 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While there are no agreed-upon criteria for inclusion, membership in this select group customarily requires conspicuous contributions at one or both of the foundings of the United States: during the American Revolution, when independence was won, or during the Constitutional Convention, when nationhood was achieved. Although the list of members can expand and contract in response to political pressures and ideological prejudices of the moment, the following represent the “gallery of greats” that has stood the test of time: John Adams, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Marshall, George Mason, and George Washington. John Trumbull was a painter especially known for his paintings of major episodes in the American Revolution.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: What was Japan''s first treaty with the United States?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Treaty of Kanagawa</a> was Japan’s first treaty with a Western nation. Concluded by representatives of the United States and Japan at Kanagawa (now part of Yokohama), it marked the end of Japan’s period of seclusion (1639–1854). The treaty was signed as a result of pressure from U.S. Commodore Matthew C. Perry, who sailed into Tokyo Bay with a fleet of warships in July 1853 and demanded that the Japanese open their ports to U.S. ships for supplies.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Which U.S. presidents succeeded to the presidency under the process decreed by the Twenty-fifth Amendment, thereby becoming the country''s only chief executive who had not been elected either president or vice president?</dt> <dd>Answer: <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Gerald Ford</a> succeeded to the presidency on the resignation of President Richard Nixon, under the process decreed by the Twenty-fifth Amendment to the Constitution. He thereby became the country’s only chief executive who had not been elected either president or vice president.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Which U.S. president enacted the program known as the New Deal?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">New Deal</a> was a domestic program of the administration of U.S. Pres. <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Franklin D. Roosevelt</a> between 1933 and 1939, which took action to bring about immediate economic relief as well as reforms in industry, agriculture, finance, waterpower, labour, and housing, vastly increasing the scope of the federal government’s activities.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Which U.S. president''s administration was associated with the Teapot Dome Scandal?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Teapot Dome Scandal</a> of the early 1920s involved the secret leasing of federal oil reserves by the secretary of the interior, Albert Bacon Fall. After U.S. Pres. <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Warren G. Harding</a> transferred supervision of the naval oil-reserve lands from the navy to the Department of the Interior in 1921, Fall secretly granted to Harry F. Sinclair of the Mammoth Oil Company exclusive rights to the Teapot Dome (Wyoming) reserves (April 7, 1922). He granted similar rights to Edward L. Doheny of Pan American Petroleum Company for the Elk Hills and Buena Vista Hills reserves in California (1921–22). Harding was never personally implicated in the scandals, but he was aware of the actions of Forbes, Smith, and the Ohio Gang and failed to bring their corruption to light.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution imposed the federal prohibition of alcohol?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Eighteenth Amendment</a> to the U.S. Constitution imposed the federal prohibition of alcohol. The Eighteenth Amendment is the only amendment to have secured ratification and later been repealed.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: On March 21–25, 1965, Martin Luther King, Jr., led a political march (now known as the Selma March) from Selma, Alabama, to which city?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Selma March</a> was a political march from Selma, Alabama, to the state''s capital, Montgomery, that occurred March 21–25, 1965. Led by Martin Luther King, Jr., the march was the culminating event of several tumultuous weeks during which demonstrators twice attempted to march but were stopped, once violently, by local police. As many as 25,000 people participated in the roughly 50-mile (80-km) march.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: What is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States?</dt> <dd>Answer: <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Harvard University</a> is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States (founded 1636) and one of the nation’s most prestigious.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Who wrote most of the Declaration of Sentiments, a document that, along with the Seneca Falls Convention, marked the start of the women''s rights movement in the United States?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Declaration of Sentiments</a> was a document outlining the rights that American women should be entitled to as citizens. It was written primarily by <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Elizabeth Cady Stanton</a> and was modeled on the Declaration of Independence.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Who delivered the Gettysburg Address?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Gettysburg Address</a> was delivered by U.S. Pres. <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Abraham Lincoln</a> at the dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on November 19, 1863.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: How many members are there of the U.S. Senate?</dt> <dd>Answer: There are 100 members of the U.S. Senate, two from each of the 50 states.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Who drafted the U.S. Declaration of Independence?</dt> <dd>Answer: Thomas Jefferson, a delegate from Virginia to the Continental Congress, drafted the Declaration of Independence in 1776.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: What was the name of the secret organization of coal miners supposedly responsible for acts of terrorism in the coalfields of Pennsylvania and West Virginia from 1862 to 1876?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Molly Maguires</a> was a secret organization of coal miners supposedly responsible for acts of terrorism in the coalfields of Pennsylvania and West Virginia from 1862 to 1876. The group named itself after a widow who led a group of Irish antilandlord agitators in the 1840s.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Which 1967 Supreme Court case struck down state laws that prohibited marriage by persons of different race?</dt> <dd>Answer: <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Loving v. Virginia</a> was a legal case decided on June 12, 1967, in which the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously (9–0) struck down state antimiscegenation statutes in Virginia as unconstitutional under the equal protection and due process clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution formally abolished slavery?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Thirteenth Amendment</a> (1865) to the U.S. Constitution formally abolished slavery.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: In the United States, PACs raise and distribute campaign funds to candidates seeking political office. What is the acronym PAC short for?</dt> <dd>Answer: In United States politics, a <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">political action committee</a> (PAC) is an organization whose purpose is to raise and distribute campaign funds to candidates seeking political office. PACs are generally formed by corporations, labor unions, trade associations, or other organizations or individuals and channel the voluntary contributions they raise to candidates for elective offices, primarily in for U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Which of these U.S. presidents won the Nobel Prize for Peace?</dt> <dd>Answer: <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Jimmy Carter</a> was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2002 for his work in diplomacy and advocacy, both during and after his presidency.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Who was the founder of the American Red Cross?</dt> <dd>Answer: <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Clara Barton</a> was the founder of the <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">American Red Cross</a>.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Who is known as the founder of the birth control movement in the United States?</dt> <dd>Answer: <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Margaret Sanger</a> was the founder of the birth control movement in the United States and an international leader in the field. She is credited with originating the term <em>birth control</em>.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: What kind of government does the United States have?</dt> <dd>Answer: The United States is a republic, with citizens represented by members of Congress and other elected officials.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: In what year was the Declaration of Independence approved and signed?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Declaration of Independence</a> was approved by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. On August 2, an “engrossed” version was signed at the Pennsylvania State House (now Independence Hall) in Philadelphia by most of the congressional delegates (engrossing is rendering an official document in a large clear hand).</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Which site was the site of the international meeting in 1945 that established the United Nations?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true"> San Francisco Conference</a> (April 25–June 26, 1945) was the international meeting that established the United Nations. The basic principles of a worldwide organization that would embrace the political objectives of the Allies had been proposed at the Dumbarton Oaks Conference in 1944 and reaffirmed at the Yalta Conference in early 1945.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: The Open Door policy was initiated by the United States for the protection of equal privileges among countries trading with which nation?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Open Door policy</a> was initiated by the United States in 1899 and 1900 for the protection of equal privileges among countries that were trading with China and in support of Chinese territorial and administrative integrity.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Which first lady had a leading role in drafting the UN''s Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)?</dt> <dd>Answer: <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Eleanor Roosevelt</a> is famous for serving as first lady during the presidency of her husband, Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933–45), for her advocacy on behalf of liberal causes, and for her leading role in drafting the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: What policy statement, presented in 1823, promised that the U.S. would not interfere in the affairs of European states, while also stipulating that the Western Hemisphere was no longer open to further colonization?</dt> <dd>Answer: As articulated in 1823, the <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Monroe Doctrine</a> laid out four basic tenets that would define U.S. foreign policy for decades. The first two promised that the U.S. would not interfere in the affairs of European states, be they wars or internal politics, and that the U.S. would not interfere with European states’ extant colonial enterprises. In exchange, it stipulated that the Western Hemisphere was no longer open to further colonization and that any attempt on the part of a European power to colonize territory in the Western Hemisphere would be understood by the U.S. as an act of aggression.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Who was the second president of the United States?</dt> <dd>Answer: <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">John Adams</a> was the first vice president (1789–97) and second president (1797–1801) of the United States.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Which U.S. president issued the executive order that established the Peace Corps?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Peace Corps</a> is a U.S. government agency of volunteers that was established by executive order by Pres. <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">John F. Kennedy</a> on March 1, 1961, and authorized by the U.S. Congress through the Peace Corps Act of September 22, 1961.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Which U.S. president first proposed the "domino theory" of foreign policy?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">domino theory</a> was first proposed by Pres. Harry S. Truman to justify sending military aid to Greece and Turkey in the 1940s, but it became popular in the 1950s when Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower applied it to Southeast Asia, especially South Vietnam. The theory stated that the “fall” of a noncommunist state to communism would precipitate the fall of noncommunist governments in neighbouring states.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: What is the nickname for the old regulations requiring racial segregation?</dt> <dd>Answer: Jim Crow laws established and upheld racial segregation in the American South for many decades.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Where did the U.S. Senate first meet, before moving to Philadelphia and then to Washington, D.C.?</dt> <dd>Answer: Like the rest of the U.S. government, the Senate was first housed in New York City.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Where did the Wounded Knee Massacre take place?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Wounded Knee Massacre</a> the slaughter of approximately 150–300 Lakota Indians by United States Army troops in the area of Wounded Knee Creek in southwestern South Dakota.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Who founded Tuskegee University?</dt> <dd>Answer: <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Tuskegee University</a>, a private, coeducational, historically black institution of higher education in Tuskegee, Alabama, was founded by the educator <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Booker T. Washington</a> in 1881 and served as its principal until his death in 1915.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Which organization, first led by Uriah Smith Stephens, was the first important national labor organization in the United States?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Knights of Labor</a> was the first important national labor organization in the United States, founded in 1869. Named the Noble Order of the Knights of Labor by its first leader, <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Uriah Smith Stephens</a>, it originated as a secret organization meant to protect its members from employer retaliations.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: What is the name of the sea passage through the Arctic Archipelago of Canada, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Northwest Passage</a>, a historical sea passage of the North American continent, represents centuries of effort to find a route westward from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean through the Arctic Archipelago of Canada.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union was signed by which U.S. president?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty</a> was an arms control treaty ratified in 1972 between the United States and the Soviet Union to limit deployment of missile systems that could theoretically be used to destroy incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) launched by the other superpower. The treaty was signed by U.S. Pres. The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Richard Nixon</a> and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev at a summit in Moscow in May 1972.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: When was the Supreme Court of the United States formally established?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Supreme Court of the United States</a> was formally established in 1789 when Congress passed the Judiciary Act.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Which U.S. president led his country through the final stages of World War II and through the early years of the Cold War?</dt> <dd>Answer: <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Harry S. Truman</a> led his country through the final stages of World War II and through the early years of the Cold War, vigorously opposing Soviet expansionism in Europe and sending U.S. forces to turn back a communist invasion of South Korea.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: When did Baton Rouge become the capital of Louisiana?</dt> <dd>Answer: <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Baton Rouge</a> was incorporated in 1817, and in 1849 it became the capital of Louisiana.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) were negotiations between the United States and which other country?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Strategic Arms Limitation Talks</a> (SALT) were negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union that were aimed at curtailing the manufacture of strategic missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Which famous American reporter of the 19th century traveled around the world in 72 days?</dt> <dd>Answer: <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Nellie Bly</a> was the most famous American woman reporter of the 19th century. Her investigation of conditions at an insane asylum sparked outrage, legal action, and improvements of the treatment of the mentally ill. Her trip around the world in 72 days brought her even further fame.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Who is known for having taken part in the creation of the NAACP in 1909 and for having written <i>The Souls of Black Folk</i> (1903), a collection of essays that became a landmark of African American literature?</dt> <dd>Answer: <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">W.E.B. Du Bois</a> was the most important Black protest leader in the United States during the first half of the 20th century. He shared in the creation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909 and edited <em>The Crisis</em>, its magazine, from 1910 to 1934. His collection of essays <em>The Souls of Black Folk</em> (1903) is a landmark of African American literature.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Who wrote the American national anthem?</dt> <dd>Answer: Francis Scott Key wrote the lyrics of the American national anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner," in 1814.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Who is remembered as the inventor of the cotton gin and for developing the concept of mass production of interchangeable parts?</dt> <dd>Answer: <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Eli Whitney</a> was an American inventor, mechanical engineer, and manufacturer, best remembered as the inventor of the cotton gin but most important for developing the concept of <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">mass production</a> of <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">interchangeable parts</a>.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: What year was the organization known as the Daughters of the American Revolution founded?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Daughters of the American Revolution</a> is a patriotic society organized on October 11, 1890, and chartered by Congress December 2, 1896. Membership is limited to direct lineal descendants of soldiers or others of the Revolutionary period who aided the cause of independence.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: What is the first "self-evident truth" in the Declaration of Independence?</dt> <dd>Answer: The Declaration of Independence holds that "all men are created equal."</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: What war was fought in 1832 between the United States and Native Americans over territory in Illinois?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Black Hawk War</a> was a brief but bloody war from April to August 1832 between the United States and Native Americans led by Black Hawk, a 65-year-old Sauk warrior. Black Hawk led some 1,000 Sauk, Fox, and Kickapoo men, women, and children, including about 500 warriors, across the Mississippi River to reclaim land in Illinois that tribal spokesmen had surrendered to the U.S. in 1804. </dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Which document does the Fourth of July commemorate?</dt> <dd>Answer: The Fourth of July, or Independence Day, commemorates the promulgation of the Declaration of Independence.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Which of these Supreme Court cases established a student''s right to free speech in school settings?</dt> <dd>Answer: <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District</a> was a case in which the U.S. Supreme Court established (7–2) the free speech and political rights of students in school settings. The case was decided on February 24, 1969.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Which U.S. president began the “War on Drugs”?</dt> <dd>Answer: The <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">War on Drugs</a> began in June 1971 when U.S. Pres. <a target="_blank" href="" class="md-crosslink " data-show-preview="true">Richard Nixon</a> declared drug abuse to be “public enemy number one” and increased federal funding for drug-control agencies and drug-treatment efforts.</dd> </dl> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="grid"> <div class="col pt-sm-20"> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context" : "", "@type" : "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement" : [ { "@type" : "ListItem", "position" : 1, "item" : { "@id" : "", "name": "Games & Quizzes" } } , { "@type" : "ListItem", "position" : 2, "item" : { "@id" : "", "name": "World History Quizzes" } } ] } </script> <nav class="breadcrumb quiz-breadcrumb mt-10 mt-sm-0 mb-10 mx-auto"> <span class="breadcrumb-item "> <a href="/" class="">Home</a> </span> <span class="breadcrumb-item "> <a class="" href="/quiz/browse">Games & Quizzes</a> </span> <span class="breadcrumb-item "> <a class="" href="/quiz/browse/World-History">World History Quizzes</a> </span> </nav> <div class="md-quiz mx-n20 mx-sm-auto shadow-lg rounded" id="quiz-root" data-bc-category="World History"> <div class="md-quiz-skeleton" style="--aspect-ratio: 900/675"></div> </div> <div class="md-extra-quiz-content mx-auto mb-10"> <div id="intro" class="mt-10"> <a class="font-14 d-inline-flex align-items-center font-weight-bold mb-10" href=""> <em class="material-icons mr-5" data-icon="star" style="font-size: inherit"></em> Save your scores! 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(birds)" class="col-100" /> </a> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="card-body text-hyphenate"> <a href="/quiz/curious-origins-of-everyday-words-quiz" class="font-weight-bold font-16 lh-sm">Curious Origins of Everyday Words Quiz</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="p-10 d-inline-flex col-md-33 col-sm-50 col-100 "> <div class="card text-normal col-100 "> <div class="card-media position-relative"> <div class="image-icon-sm position-absolute rounded-sm right-10 top-10"> <span class="material-icons font-20" data-icon="image"></span> </div> <a href="/quiz/name-that-magnified-object" style="--aspect-ratio: 16/9"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Human eyelashes under magnifcation. 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