supercompilation meaning: Program transformation for optimization, analysis - OneLook

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It's a 5-word (or occasionally 6-word) computer-generated summary of how the word is used most often. Be aware that words can have multiple meanings! If there are other senses of the word, they are shown below." class="ol_inbrief"><span class="ol_inbrief_title">Usually means:</span> Program transformation for optimization, analysis. </div> <div class="ol_tabs"> <b class="ol_selected_tab">Definitions</b> [<b class="ol_nonselected_tab"><a href="/?w=supercompilation&related=1">Related words</a></b>] [<b class="ol_nonselected_tab"><a href="/?w=supercompilation&mentions=1">Mentions</a></b>] [<b class="ol_nonselected_tab"><a href="/?w=supercompilation&history=1">History</a></b>] </div> <div id='main'> <div id='section-dicts'> We found 5 dictionaries that define the word <b>supercompilation</b>: <br><br> <a name=all_gen></a><u><b>General</b></u> (2 matching dictionaries)<br> <OL START=1> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">supercompilation</a>: Wiktionary <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">supercompilation</a>: </ol><br> <a name=all_com></a><u><b>Computing</b></u> (2 matching dictionaries)<br> <OL START=3> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">supercompilation</a>: Free On-line Dictionary of Computing <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">supercompilation</a>: Encyclopedia </ol><br> <a name=all_med></a><u><b>Medicine</b></u> (1 matching dictionary)<br> <OL START=5> <font color=grey><li> online medical dictionary <i>(No longer online)</i></font> </ol><br> </div> <div id='section-defn'> <table class="info-box" cellpadding=0 width=><tr><td> <div class="entry" type="normal"> <script> </script> <center><div class=0><font size=-1>Definitions from <a href="">Wiktionary</a> (<b><i>supercompilation</i></b>)</center></font><br> <b>&#9656; <i>noun</i>:</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;(computing) A technique, involving multiple metacompilations, that seeks to optimize a program.<br> <br> <div class=relheader><b>Similar:</b></div><div class=rellist> <a href=/?w=supercompiler&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>supercompiler</a>, <a href=/?w=autocompilation&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>autocompilation</a>, <a href=/?w=metacompiler&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>metacompiler</a>, <a href=/?w=compilate&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>compilate</a>, <a href=/?w=metacompilation&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>metacompilation</a>, <a href=/?w=transcompilation&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>transcompilation</a>, <a href=/?w=precompiler&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>precompiler</a>, <a href=/?w=compilation+behaviour&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>compilation behaviour</a>, <a href=/?w=superoptimization&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>superoptimization</a>, <a href=/?w=compilation&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>compilation</a>, <a href=/thesaurus/?s=supercompilation&loc=cb><i>more...</i></a> </div> <div id="dmapi_cls"></div> <script language=javascript type='text/javascript'> var query = 'supercompilation'; 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var baseurl = '/?loc=dmapirel&w=' </script> <br>&#9656; <a href="pm/#?w1=supercompilation">Invented words related to <i>supercompilation</i></a><br> </td></tr></table></td></tr> </table></div> </div></div> <br> <center><table class="info-box" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" width=80%><tr><td><a name=phrases></a> <div class=relheader><b>Similar:</b></div><div class=rellist> <a href=/?w=supercompiler&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>supercompiler</a>, <a href=/?w=autocompilation&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>autocompilation</a>, <a href=/?w=metacompiler&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>metacompiler</a>, <a href=/?w=compilate&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>compilate</a>, <a href=/?w=metacompilation&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>metacompilation</a>, <a href=/?w=transcompilation&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>transcompilation</a>, <a href=/?w=precompiler&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>precompiler</a>, <a href=/?w=compilation+behaviour&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>compilation behaviour</a>, <a href=/?w=superoptimization&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>superoptimization</a>, <a href=/?w=compilation&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>compilation</a>, <a href=/thesaurus/?s=supercompilation&loc=cb><i>more...</i></a> </div> </td></tr></table></center> <br><br> Search for <i>supercompilation</i> on <a href="">Google</a> or <a href="">Wikipedia</a><br><br> <hr><br> <br> <table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td align=right> <center> <a href="">Home</a> &nbsp; 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