Quotes that use "supercompilation" - OneLook

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WIK_URL = {"d": "", "defs": "", "q": ""}; POS_MAP = {"PROPN": "Name", "NOUN": "Noun", "VERB": "Verb", "ADJ": "Adjective", "ADV": "Adverb", "PUNCT": "Punctuation", "ADP": "Adposition", "AUX": "Auxiliary verb", "CONJ": "Coordinating conjunction", "DET": "Determiner", "INTJ": "Interjection", "NUM": "Numeral", "PART": "Particle", "PRON": "Pronoun", "SCONJ": "Subordinating conjunction", "SYM": "Symbol", "X": "Other"}; GENRE_MAP = {"d": "Wikipedia", "q": "Quotes", "pop": "Pop music", "b": "Books", "country": "Country music", "shakespeare": "Shakespeare", "poetry": "Poetry", "musicals": "Musicals", "hiphop": "Hip hop"}; var data; var query; var domId; var isFullSentenceQuery; var backoffToSimilarSentence; var verbose; var header; var apiHost; var maxExamples; var selectedCluster = "all"; var selectedPos = "all"; function truncate( str, n, useWordBoundary ){ if (str.length <= n) { return str; } const subString = str.substr(0, n-1); return (useWordBoundary ? subString.substr(0, subString.lastIndexOf(" ")) : subString) + "&hellip;"; }; function layoutResults() { var str = ""; var genre_counts = {} var pos_counts = {} if (header && data.length > 0) { if ($( ".tabheader" ).length) { $(".tabheader").html(header); } else { str += "<center>" + header + "</center>"; } } // Count by domain (genre) for (i=0; i<data.length; i++) { var ar = data[i]["word"].split(":"); if (ar.length >= 4) { var domain = ar[0]; if (!GENRE_MAP[domain]) domain = "q"; if (!genre_counts[domain]) genre_counts[domain] = 0; genre_counts[domain] = genre_counts[domain] + 1; } } var genre_entries = Object.entries(genre_counts); if ((genre_entries.length) > 1) { // Create cluster bar genre_entries.sort(function(a, b){return b[1] - a[1];}); str += "<fieldset class=field-set><legend>Used in:</legend>"; str += "<label for=\"cluster-select-all\">All</label>"; var checked = selectedCluster == "all" ? " CHECKED" : ""; str += "<input class=\"m_radio m_radio_cluster\"" + checked + " type=\"radio\" name=\"cluster-select\" id=\"cluster-select-all\">"; for (var i=0; i<genre_entries.length; i++) { var item_str = "cluster-select-" + genre_entries[i][0]; str += "<label for=\"" + item_str + "\">" + GENRE_MAP[genre_entries[i][0]] + "</label>"; var checked = selectedCluster == genre_entries[i][0] ? " CHECKED" : ""; str += "<input class=\"m_radio m_radio_cluster\"" + checked + " type=\"radio\" name=\"cluster-select\" id=\"" + item_str + "\">"; } str += "</fieldset><br>"; } // Count by part of speech (POS) for (i=0; i<data.length; i++) { var ar = data[i]["word"].split(":"); if (ar.length >= 4) { var domain = ar[0]; var pos = ar[1]; if (selectedCluster == "all" || selectedCluster == domain) { if (!pos_counts[pos]) pos_counts[pos] = 0; pos_counts[pos] = pos_counts[pos] + 1; } } } // If there are at least 2 POSs with >= 10 each, display bar var pos_entries = Object.entries(pos_counts); pos_entries.sort(function(a, b){return b[1] - a[1];}); MIN_FOR_POS = 10; if ((pos_entries.length >= 2 && pos_entries[0][1] >= MIN_FOR_POS && pos_entries[1][1] >= MIN_FOR_POS) || (selectedPos !== "all")) { str += "<fieldset class=field-set><legend>Used as:</legend>"; str += "<label class=\"m_radio_pos_label\" for=\"pos-select-all\">All</label>"; var checked = selectedPos == "all" ? " CHECKED" : ""; str += "<input class=\"m_radio m_radio_pos\"" + checked + " type=\"radio\" name=\"pos-select\" id=\"pos-select-all\">"; for (var i=0; i<pos_entries.length; i++) { if (pos_entries[i][1] >= MIN_FOR_POS || pos_entries[i][0] == selectedPos) { var item_str = "pos-select-" + pos_entries[i][0]; str += "<label class=\"m_radio_pos_label\" for=\"" + item_str + "\">" + POS_MAP[pos_entries[i][0]] + "</label>"; var checked = selectedPos == pos_entries[i][0] ? " CHECKED" : ""; str += "<input class=\"m_radio m_radio_pos\"" + checked + " type=\"radio\" name=\"pos-select\" id=\"" + item_str + "\">"; } } str += "</fieldset><br>"; } str += "<table style=\"padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; table-layout: fixed;\" width=100%>"; var numPrinted = 0; var seen_sentences = {}; for (i=0; i<data.length; i++) { if (numPrinted >= maxExamples) { break; } var d = data[i]["word"]; var ar = d.split(":"); var domain = ""; var pos = ""; var title = ""; var sentence = ""; if (ar.length >= 4) { domain = ar[0]; pos = ar[1]; title = ar[2]; sentence = ar[3]; } else { domain = "d"; pos = "_"; title = ar[0]; sentence = ar[1]; } // De-dupe if (seen_sentences[sentence.toLowerCase().replace(/[\W_]+/g," ")]) { continue; } seen_sentences[sentence.toLowerCase().replace(/[\W_]+/g," ")] = 1; if ((selectedCluster == "all" || selectedCluster == domain) && (selectedPos == "all" || selectedPos == pos)) { author = ""; str += "<tr><td align=left><div class=\"wke_entry\">"; highlight_query = sentence.replace("...", ""); sentence = sentence.replace("<b>", "<mark>"); sentence = sentence.replace("</b>", "</mark>"); highlight_query = highlight_query.replace("<b>", ""); highlight_query = highlight_query.replace("</b>", ""); url_title = title.replace("&colon;", ":"); if (domain == "defs") { title = title.replace("_", " "); url = WIK_URL[domain] + encodeURIComponent(url_title); str += "<a href=\"" + url + "&loc=olthes&mentions=1\">" + title + "</a>: " + sentence; str += "<br></div></td></tr>"; numPrinted += 1; continue; } str += "<span class=\"wke_sentence\">" + sentence + "</span>"; if (domain == "b") { // title|author|url var ar2 = title.split("|"); title = truncate(ar2[0], 50, true); if (ar2[1] != " ") author = " <font size=1>by " + ar2[1] + "<font>"; url = "" + ar2[2]; } else if (WIK_URL[domain]) { url = WIK_URL[domain] + encodeURIComponent(url_title); } else { url = "" + encodeURIComponent(url_title) + "&btnI"; } scroll_to_text = highlight_query.replace(/_/g, " ").replace(/[ ]+/g, "%20").replace(/["]/g,"%22").replace(/[']/g,"%27"); str += "<br>&mdash;<font size=2><a href=\"" + url + "#:~:text=" + scroll_to_text + "\">" + title + "</a>" + author + "</font>"; show_related = true; if (show_related) { str += "&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=\"wke_show_similar_title\">[Similar</span> <span class=\"wke_show_similar wke_show_similar_quotes\">quotes</span>, <span class=\"wke_show_similar wke_show_similar_lyrics\">lyrics</span><span class=\"wke_show_similar_title\">]</span>"; } str += "<br><br></div></td></tr>"; numPrinted += 1; } } str += "</table>"; // if (selectedCluster !== "all" || selectedPos !== "all") { // str += "<img src=\"/img/0.gif?wkecat=" + selectedCluster + "-" + selectedPos + "\">"; // } if (i >= maxExamples && maxExamples < 100) { str += "<p align=right><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + query + "&loc=olthes&mentions=1\">More mentions...</a></p><br>"; } if (data.length == 0 && verbose) { str += "<center><i>(None found.)</i></center>"; } if (data.length == 0 && (query.includes(" ") || query.includes("[") || query.includes("_")) && !isFullSentenceQuery && backoffToSimilarSentence) { query = query.replace(/_/g, " "); query = query.replace(/[\[\]]/g, " "); var ss = "quotes"; if (window.location.href.includes("verses=1") || window.location.href.includes("Word=%5")) ss = "lyrics"; showSimilar(query, ss, "rzss_backoff"); return 0; } $(domId).html(str); $( function() { $( ".m_radio" ).checkboxradio(); $( ".m_radio_cluster" ).click(clickClusterCheckbox); $( ".wke_show_similar_quotes" ).click(clickShowSimilarQuotes); $( ".wke_show_similar_lyrics" ).click(clickShowSimilarLyrics); $( ".m_radio_pos" ).click(clickPosCheckbox); $( ".wke_similar_target" ).keydown(enterInSimQuery); } ); return numPrinted; } function enterInSimQuery(e, ui) { if(e.keyCode == 13) { e.preventDefault(); target_text = $(this).parent().find('.wke_sentence').first().text(); showSimilar(target_text, "quotes", "rzss_retyped"); // $(this).append("<img src=\"/img/0.gif?wkerewrite\">"); } }; function clickClusterCheckbox(e, ui) { selectedCluster = $(this).attr('id').replace("cluster-select-", ""); numPrinted = layoutResults(); if (numPrinted == 0 && selectedPos !== "all") { selectedPos = "all"; layoutResults(); } }; function clickPosCheckbox(e, ui) { selectedPos = $(this).attr('id').replace("pos-select-", ""); layoutResults(); }; function showSimilar(s, selector, logged_mode) { selectedCluster = "all"; selectedPod = "all"; genExampleSentencesFullText(s, apiHost, domId, verbose, "<br><br>Similar " + selector + " to \"" + "<i><span contenteditable=\"true\" class=\"wke_similar_target wke_sentence\">" + s + "</span>\"</i>:<br><br>", 1000, selector, logged_mode); } function clickShowSimilarQuotes(e, ui) { target_text = $(this).parent().find('.wke_sentence').first().text(); target_text = target_text.replace("<mark>", ""); target_text = target_text.replace("</mark>", ""); showSimilar(target_text, "quotes", "rzss_simquotes"); }; function clickShowSimilarLyrics(e, ui) { target_text = $(this).parent().find('.wke_sentence').first().text(); target_text = target_text.replace("<mark>", ""); target_text = target_text.replace("</mark>", ""); showSimilar(target_text, "lyrics", "rzss_simlyrics"); }; function genExampleSentences(in_query, in_apiHost, in_domId, in_verbose, in_header, in_maxExamples, in_backoff) { apiHost = in_apiHost; isFullSentenceQuery = false; backoffToSimilarSentence = in_backoff; if (backoffToSimilarSentence) { var botPattern = "(bot)"; var re = new RegExp(botPattern, 'i'); var userAgent = navigator.userAgent; if (re.test(userAgent)) { backoffToSimilarSentence = false; } } $j.ajax({ url: in_apiHost + "/words?max=501&nonorm=1&k=rz_wke&rel_wke=" + in_query, context: document.body }).done(function(d) { data = d; query = in_query; domId = in_domId; verbose = in_verbose; header = in_header; maxExamples = in_maxExamples; layoutResults(); }); } function genExampleSentencesFullText(in_sentence, in_apiHost, in_domId, in_verbose, in_header, in_maxExamples, selector, logged_mode) { in_data = {"query": in_sentence, "selector": selector, "wke": true}; isFullSentenceQuery = true; $(in_domId).html("Searching..."); $j.ajax({ method: "POST", url: in_apiHost + "/sentences?k=" + logged_mode + "&mode=" + selector, contentType: "application/json", data: JSON.stringify(in_data), }).done(function(d) { data = d; domId = in_domId; verbose = in_verbose; header = in_header; maxExamples = in_maxExamples; layoutResults(); }); } genExampleSentences("supercompilation", "//", "#samplesentences", 0, "", 100, 1); </script> Also see: <a href="">Google</a>, <a href="">News</a>, <a href="">Images</a>, <a href="">Wikipedia</a>, <a href="">Reddit</a>, <a href="">BlueSky</a> <br> <table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td align=right> <hr><br> <center> <a href="">Home</a> &nbsp; <a href="/thesaurus/">Reverse Dictionary / Thesaurus</a> &nbsp; <a href="">Datamuse</a> &nbsp; <a href="/games">Word games</a> &nbsp; <a href="">Spruce</a> &nbsp; <a href="">Feedback</a> &nbsp; <!-- <a href="">Privacy</a> &nbsp; --> <a href="#" class="darkModeToggle">Dark&nbsp;mode</a> &nbsp; <a href="/about.shtml">Help</a></center> </td></tr></table> <br> <br> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/cyj.min.css?6"> <script src="/cyj.min.js?3"></script> <style> #CONTAINER { margin: auto; border: 2px solid #ccf; border-radius: 10px; box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #ddf; display: flex; width: fit-content; margin-bottom: 20px; } </style> <div id="CONTAINER"></div> <script> const get_call_to_action_msg = () => { const is_daily = 1; const msgs = [ 'Can you rearrange the words into a chain of 2-word phrases' ]; // return (1 ? "Daily game: " : "") + msgs[Math.floor(Math.random() * msgs.length)]; return msgs[Math.floor(Math.random() * msgs.length)]; } const init_cyj_game = () => { const add_tracker = (container, action, msg) => { const is_daily = 1; const rand = Math.random(); const img = document.createElement('img'); = 'none'; img.src = `img/0.gif?x=cyj6&rand=${rand}&w=${is_daily}&action=${action}&msg=${msg}`; container.append(img); } const container = document.querySelector('#CONTAINER'); const is_daily = 1; const { starting_board, compound_info, min_moves } = {"puzzle_id": -8862812524807055472, "starting_board": ["recording", "bunny", "card", "rabbit", "dust", "game", "hole", "angel", "show"], "compound_info": [{"compound": ["recording", "angel"], "name": "recording angel", "connection_type": "C", "description": "(religion) A angel that records the events, and actions of each individual human. This includes bad sins, and good deeds."}, {"compound": ["angel", "dust"], "name": "angel dust", "connection_type": "C", "description": "(slang) Phencyclidine, a type of dissociative anesthetic."}, {"compound": ["dust", "bunny"], "name": "dust bunny", "connection_type": "C", "description": "(US, informal) A small clump of dust, fluff, hair, particles of skin, etc., that tends to accumulate indoors in areas not regularly dusted, such as under heavy furniture."}, {"compound": ["bunny", "rabbit"], "name": "bunny rabbit", "connection_type": "C", "description": "(childish or endearing) A bunny; a rabbit."}, {"compound": ["rabbit", "hole"], "name": "rabbit hole", "connection_type": "C", "description": "Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see rabbit, hole. (The entrance to) a rabbit warren or burrow."}, {"compound": ["hole", "card"], "name": "hole card", "connection_type": "C", "description": "(poker, chiefly in the plural) A playing card, dealt face down, that the holder need not reveal until the showdown"}, {"compound": ["card", "game"], "name": "card game", "connection_type": "C", "description": "(games) Any of the many games played with playing cards."}, {"compound": ["game", "show"], "name": "game show", "connection_type": "C", "description": "(games, broadcasting) A radio or television program that involves members of the public or celebrities, whether as individuals or as part of a team, playing a game, especially one involving the answering of quiz questions, for cash or prizes."}], "difficulty": 57.05, "winning_board": ["recording", "angel", "dust", "bunny", "rabbit", "hole", "card", "game", "show"], "min_moves": 4} ; const call_to_action_msg = get_call_to_action_msg().replace("[X]", starting_board[0]).replace("[Y]", starting_board[starting_board.length - 1]); /* add_tracker(container, 'render', call_to_action_msg); */ let helpstr = 'Pick up and drag the words to rearrange them into a chain in which every adjacent pair of words is a familiar two-word phrase like "hot dog". The pink words are the start and end of the chain and cannot be moved. When you have finished linking the words we\'ll show you the definitions of the phrases.'; if ("20250308".startsWith("def_")) helpstr = 'Pick up and drag the words to rearrange them into a valid definition for the word on the left.'; else if ("20250308".startsWith("proverb_")) helpstr = 'Pick up and drag the words to rearrange them into a grammatical proverb.'; helpstr = helpstr + ' If you want an extra challenge, try to make the chain in no more than ' + min_moves.toString() + ' moves.'; CompoundYourJoy.FromStandard(20250307, container, starting_board, compound_info, { help: helpstr, call_to_action: call_to_action_msg, play_again: "" }, { on_first_interaction: () => { add_tracker(container, 'first_interaction', ''); }, on_win: (num_moves, min_moves, duration) => { add_tracker(container, 'win', num_moves.toString() + '_' + min_moves.toString() + '_' + duration.toString()); }, on_share: () => { add_tracker(container, 'share', ''); }, on_definitions: () => { add_tracker(container, 'definitions', ''); }, }, min_moves ); } init_cyj_game(); </script> <style> /* Basic reset */ /* Container for the three boxes */ .games-container { font-family: "Gabarito", sans-serif; display: flex; /* Enable flex layout */ flex-wrap: wrap; /* Allow wrapping on smaller screens */ justify-content: center; /* Center the boxes horizontally */ gap: 20px; /* Space between items */ max-width: 1200px; margin: 0 auto; /* Center container in the page */ } /* Individual game box styling */ .game-box { flex: 1 1 200px; max-width: 200px; background: linear-gradient(135deg, lightblue, #1c39bb); border-radius: 8px; padding: 20px; color: #fff; text-align: center; box-shadow: 0 4px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; } .game-box h2 { margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 1.5rem; } .game-box p { margin-bottom: 20px; line-height: 1.4; } /* Button styling */ .cta-button { display: inline-block; background-color: #fff; color: #ff9800; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; padding: 10px 20px; border-radius: 4px; transition: background-color 0.3s, color 0.3s; } .cta-button:hover { background-color: #ff9800; color: #fff; } /* Responsive adjustments for smaller screens */ @media (max-width: 600px) { .game-box { max-width: 100%; /* Boxes will stretch to full width on small screens */ } } </style> <div class="games-container"> <!-- Threepeat Box --> <div class="game-box"> <h2>Threepeat</h2> <p> Find common ground </p> <a href="/threepeat" class="cta-button">Play Now</a> </div> <!-- Compound Your Joy Box --> <div class="game-box"> <h2>Compound Your Joy</h2> <p> Find connection </p> <a href="/cyj" class="cta-button">Play Now</a> </div> <!-- Pandergram Box --> <div class="game-box"> <h3>Pandergram</h2> <p> Make alphabet soup </p> <a href="/pandergram" class="cta-button">Play Now</a> </div> </div> </center> <script src=""></script> <script> function highlightWildcard(item, pattern) { if (!pattern.endsWith('*')) { pattern += '*'; } const segments = pattern.split('*'); 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let matchLength = 0; let matchArray = null; for (let startPos = currentIndex; startPos <= item.length; startPos++) { const substring = item.slice(startPos); const m = segmentRegex.exec(substring); if (m) { matchPos = startPos; matchLength = m[0].length; matchArray = m; break; } } if (matchPos === -1) { break; } const gapText = item.slice(currentIndex, matchPos); if (gapText) { resultHTML += bold(gapText); } const matchedSegmentHTML = buildInvertedSegmentMatch(tokens, matchArray); resultHTML += matchedSegmentHTML; currentIndex = matchPos + matchLength; } const leftover = item.slice(currentIndex); if (leftover) { resultHTML += bold(leftover); } return resultHTML; } function ol(isForward, mode) { var x = $( "#olinput" ).val(); var url = "/"; if (isForward) { url = "/?w=" + encodeURIComponent(x); } else { url = "/thesaurus/"; if (x !== "") { url += "?s=" + encodeURIComponent(x); } } if (mode) { url += "&" + mode + "=1"; } if (url !== "/") { window.location.replace(url); } } $(function() { last_req = ""; const body = document.body; if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") { const savedTheme = localStorage.getItem('theme'); if (savedTheme) { body.className = savedTheme; } else { body.className = 'light-theme'; } } $(".darkModeToggle").click(() => { body.classList.toggle('dark-theme'); body.classList.toggle('light-theme'); if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") { $("#olinput").append('<img src="/img/0.gif?q=hometheme_' + body.className + '">'); localStorage.setItem('theme', body.className); } }); $( "#olinput" ).autocomplete( { minLength: 3, delay: 100, open: function(event, ui) { $('.ui-autocomplete').off('menufocus hover mouseenter mouseover'); }, select: function(event, ui) { if (ui.item.value.match("Symbols:")) { ui.item.value = $( "#thesinput").val(); return; } $('<input>').attr({ type: 'hidden', name: 'loc', value: 'home_ac_' + last_req }).appendTo('#olform'); $( "#olinput" ).val(ui.item.value); $( "#olform" ).submit(); }, source: function( request, response ) { var res = request.term.split(":"); var pattern = res[0]; var url; if (res.length > 1) { url = '//' + encodeURIComponent(res[0]) + '&ml=' + encodeURIComponent(res[1]); } else { url = '//' + encodeURIComponent(request.term.replace(/[:].*/,'')); } $.ajax({ dataType: "json", type: 'GET', url: url, success: function(data) { data.push({"word": "Symbols: ? (match a letter), * (match many), // (unscramble)"}); response($.map(data, function(item) { item.word = item.word.replace(/[+]/g, ' '); var label = item.word; var definition = ""; if (item.defs && item.defs.length > 0) { var parts = item.defs[0].split("\t"); if (parts.length > 1) { definition = parts[1].trim().replace(/[_.]/g, ''); definition = definition.replace(/^:/, "→ "); // right arrow for descriptives definition = definition.length > 60 ? definition.slice(0, 60) + "..." : definition; } } return { label: label, // label is shown in the dropdown menu value: item.word, // value goes into the input box on selection highlight: item.word === pattern ? ("<strong>" + pattern + "</strong>") : highlightWildcard(item.word, pattern), defs: definition, is_match: (item.word.toLowerCase() === pattern.toLowerCase()) }; })); } }); }}) .data("ui-autocomplete")._renderItem = function(ul, item) { var $li = $("<li>").appendTo(ul); var $word = $("<span>").html(item.highlight); // Definition on the right (in gray), but only if we have one if (item.defs) { var $def = $("<span class='definition'>").text(item.defs); if (item.is_match) { $def = $("<span class='definition definition_match'>").text(item.defs); } $li.append($word).append($def); } else { $li.append($word); } return $li; }; ; init(); }); </script> <br><br><br><br> </body></html>

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