Data at PSMSL
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href="/train_and_info/geo_signals/">Associated data sets (GIA, GPS, atmospheric pressure)</a></li> <li><a href="/products/" >All products from PSMSL</a></li> <li><a href="longrecords/ancill_rep.htm" >Report: Ancillary Time Series of Mean Sea Level Measurements</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="MainContent"> <h1>Data</h1> <h2><a href="obtaining/">Obtaining Tide Gauge Data:</a></h2> <a href="/data/obtaining/map.html" title="Link to map-based data page."> <img src="/graphics/data_explorer_2_200.png" alt="small icon for map-based data page" border="1"></a> <a href="/data/obtaining/" title="Link to table-based data page."> <img src="/graphics/table_3_200.png" alt="small icon for table-based data page" border="1"></a> <a href="/data/obtaining/complete.php" title="Link to download all data."> <img src="/graphics/all_200.png" alt="small icon for download all data page" border="1"></a><br /> Obtain files and plots of individual stations via a map-based explorer or a table, or download the entire dataset<br /> <h2><a href="supplying/">Supplying Tide Gauge Data:</a></h2> Learn more about contributing data to PSMSL<br /> <h2><a href="hf/">High Frequency Data:</a></h2> Learn more about obtaining fast and delayed mode high frequency data<br /> <h2><a href="gnssir/">GNSS-IR Records:</a> <span class="redtext">NEW!</span></h2> <a href="gnssir/map.php" title="Link to map-based data page."> <img src="/graphics/gnssir_map_300x60.png" alt="small icon for map-based data page" title="Map-based data page" border="1"></a> <a href="gnssir/table.php" title="Link to table-based data page."> <img src="/graphics/gnssir_list_300x60.png" alt="small icon for table-based data page" title="Table-based data page" border="1"></a> <br/> <!-- <a href="gnssir/complete.php" title="Link to download all data."> <img src="/graphics/all_200.png" alt="small icon for download all data page" title="Download all data" border="1"></a><br /> --> Obtain files and plots of sea level data measured using GNSS receivers via a map-based explorer or a table, or read a guide on how to download the entire dataset<br /> <h2><a href="bottom_pressure/">Bottom Pressure Records:</a></h2> Obtain files and plots of bottom pressure data via a map-based explorer or a table, or download the entire dataset<br /> <h2><a href="longrecords/">Long Records:</a></h2> Use this page to obtain long time series that are not in PSMSL main data set<br /> <h2><a href="calibrations/">GLOSS/ODINAFRICA Calibration Data:</a></h2> Obtain calibration data for the ODINAFRICA sites<br /> </div> <div class="Footer"> <p> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/graphics/ioc_en_color_small_60.png" alt="Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission logo"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/graphics/WDS_LOGO_LONG.png" alt="World Data System logo" height="60px"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/graphics/ggos_logo_60.png" alt="Global Geodetic Observing System logo"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/graphics/iag_logo_60.png" 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