Bangkok Post: The world's window to Thailand

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With the development of technology in different online platforms from personal computer, mobile devices to smart TVs, today's consumers have more choices and convenience to access data and updated news. Bangkok Post continuously expands our online media to cover all devices. To find out more about our digital products, <a title="Find out more about our digital products details" href="/digitalproduct">click here</a>. </p> </div> <div class="monthly-media"> <h2>MONTHLY MEDIA REACH - AUG 2019</h2> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr> <th colspan="2"> <img src="/common/img/Media-info/bg-website.gif"> <h3>WEBSITE</h3> </th> <th> <img src="/common/img/Media-info/bg-mobileApps.gif"> <h3>MOBILE APPS</h3> </th> <!-- <th> <img src="/common/img/Media-info/bg-tebletApps.gif"> <h3>TABLET APPS</h3> </th> --> <th> <img src="/common/img/Media-info/bg-socialMedia.gif"> <h3>SOCIAL MEDIA</h3> </th> <th> <h3>TOTAL</h3> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="users"> <td class="icon"><img src="/common/img/Media-info/bg-user.gif" alt="Users"></td> <td>1,736,743</td> <td>15,309</td> <!-- <td>2,399</td> --> <td>1,076,756</td> <td>2,831,207</td> </tr> <tr class="page-views"> <td class="icon"><img src="/common/img/Media-info/bg-PageViews.gif" alt="Page views"></td> <td>7,163,009</td> <td>324,830</td> <!-- <td>47,186</td> --> <td>7,269,953</td> <td>14,804,978</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>Source: <a href="">Truehits</a><a href=" ">Facebook</a><a href=" ">Twitter</a></p> <img class="img-guideline" src="/common/img/Media-info/bg-guideline.gif"> </div> </li> <li> <h2>Reaches diverse target audience - new generation Thais, expatriates and foreigners living aboard who have interest in changes in Thailand</h2> <p>Majority viewers are Thai, Americans, Australians, British and Canadians living in Thailand, while top oversea viewers are from US, AUS, UK and Canada. They have interest in Thailand local news, general news, business news, technology news, learning English and travel features.</p> <img src="/common/img/Media-info/bg-consumers.jpg?v=2" width="944"> </li> <li class="article-last"> <h2>High penetration to affluent and high-purchasing-power consumers</h2> <p>Entrepreneurs, business owners, senior management, specialists, business development, marketers from local and overseas are the majority viewers of Bangkok Post content.</p> <img src="/common/img/Media-info/bg-rank-income.jpg?v=2" width="944"> <div class="content-detail"> <p>Business owner 11% Top Management 9% Marketing/Sale/PR 5%</p> <p>25% gain 5,000 &ndash; 10,000 USD per month</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- end footer --> </div><!-- end wrapper --> <div style="width: 984px; clear: both; overflow: hidden; margin: 0 auto;"> <div style="margin-top: 20px; overflow: hidden; padding-bottom: 30px; display: inline-block;"> <h3 style="font-family: 'arial_blackregular'; font-size: 14px; 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} break; } break; case 'section': switch (section) { // All these section are same case 'tech': case 'lifestyle': case 'auto': case 'business': case 'travel': var html_adver = '<h3><a href="' + click_url + '" title="' + headline + '">' + headline + '</a></h3><a class="thumbnail" href="' + click_url + '" title="' + headline + '"><img width="100" height="67" src="' + src + ' " alt="' + headline + '" /></a><div class="detail"><p>' + intro + '<img src="' + view_url + '" /></p><span class="adver"><img src=""></span></div>'; var element = $('.highlightChannel .highlight-list .highlight-item'); var count_content = element.length - 1; if (count_content > 0) { element.eq(count_content).html(html_adver); } break; case 'learning': $('.learning-song').css('top', ''); var html_adver = '<div class="highlight-secondary adver"><h3><a href="' + click_url + '">' + headline + '</a></h3><a href="' + click_url + '"><img src="' + src + '" width="100" height="67"></a><div class="detail"><p>' + intro + '<img src="' + view_url + '" /></p><span class="adver">Sponsored</span></div></div>'; $(html_adver).insertBefore(".divide"); break; case 'business_vdo': var element = $('.VideoNews .highlight-list ul li').eq(1); var html_adver_vdo = '<p><a href="' + click_url + '" title="' + headline + '"><img alt="' + headline + '" src="' + src + '" width="143" height="93"><span>&nbsp;</span></a></p><h3><a title="' + headline + '" href="' + click_url + '">' + headline + '</a><img src="' + view_url + '" /></h3><span class="adver" style="display: block;margin-left: 10px;">Sponsored</span>'; if (element.length) { element.html(html_adver_vdo); } break; case 'vdo_highlight': // vdo here var element = $('.wp-highlight .highlight-list li').next().next().eq(0); var html_adver_vdo = '<p><a href="' + click_url + '" title="' + headline + '"><img src="' + src + '" width="220" height="124"><img src="' + view_url + '" /><span>&nbsp;</span></a></p><h3><a href="' + click_url + '" title="' + headline + '">' + headline + '</a></h3><span class="adver" style="display: block;">Sponsored</span>'; if (element.length) { element.html(html_adver_vdo); } break; case 'highlight-list-sub-id-164': case 'highlight-list-sub-id-85': case 'highlight-list-sub-id-152': case 'highlight-list-sub-id-160': case 'highlight-list-sub-id-163': case 'highlight-list-sub-id-153': case 'highlight-list-sub-id-161': case 'highlight-list-sub-id-162': case 'highlight-list-sub-id-165': var element = $('.' + section + ' li').next().next().eq(0); var html_adver_vdo = '<p><a href="' + click_url + '" title="' + headline + '"><img src="' + src + '" width="220" height="124"><img src="' + view_url + '" /><span>&nbsp;</span></a></p><h3><a href="' + click_url + '" title="' + headline + '">' + headline + '</a></h3><span class="adver" style="display: block;">Sponsored</span>'; if (element.length) { element.html(html_adver_vdo); } break; default: break; } break; case 'sub_section': var html_adver = '<a class="thumbnail" href="' + click_url + '" title="' + headline + '"><img src="' + src + '" alt="" title="" width="140" height="93" ></a><div class="detail"><h3><a href="' + click_url + '" title="' + headline + '"> ' + headline + '</a></h3><p>' + intro + '<img src="' + view_url + '" /></p><span class="adver">Sponsored</span></div>'; switch (section) { // All these section are same case 'tech': case 'lifestyle': case 'auto': case 'business': case 'travel': case 'learning': // Is first page? if (arr_path_utm[3].indexOf('page-1') != -1 || arr_path_utm[3] == '') is_first_page_sub_section = true; if (is_first_page_sub_section) { var element = $('.allStory li').eq(0); if (element.length > 0) element.html(html_adver); } break; case 'vdo-sub-section-list' : var element = $('.highlight-list li').next().next().eq(0); var html_adver_vdo = '<p><a href="' + click_url + '" title="' + headline + '"><img src="' + src + '" width="220" height="124"><img src="' + view_url + '" /><span>&nbsp;</span></a></p><h3><a href="' + click_url + '" title="' + headline + '">' + headline + '</a></h3><span class="adver" style="display: block;">Sponsored</span>'; if (element.length) { element.html(html_adver_vdo); } break; default: break; } break; case 'article' : if (section == 'vdo-article') { var element = $('.highlight-list li').next().next().eq(0); 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