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class="component-content"> <div class="tabs-inner"> <ul class="tabs-heading"> <li> <div> <div class="component content col-xs-12"> <div class="component-content"> <a href="#" class="field-heading">Our Board of Directors</a> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div> <div class="component content col-xs-12"> <div class="component-content"> <a href="#" class="field-heading">Our Senior Leadership team</a> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="tabs-container"> <div class="tab"> <div class="u-flex-justify-center sxa-super-container" data-module="bio"> <div class="l-container bio-container"> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="1" data-target="row-1"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Who-we-are/Leadership/DeanWaddell.png" alt="Dean Waddell (Chair)"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Dean Waddell (Chair) </div> <div class="bio__title"> PAK'nSAVE Tauranga </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="1"> <h4>Dean Waddell (Chair)</h4> <h5>PAK'nSAVE Tauranga</h5> Dean is a third-generation grocer who was appointed to the Foodstuffs North Island Board in 2013 and later became Chair. He started out working in the family supermarket, New World Brookfield, then went to study for a Bachelor of Business Studies at Massey University, before returning to work at New World Brookfield. Dean became a Member in 1992 when he purchased New World Brookfield and moved to his current store, PAK’nSAVE Tauranga, in 2013. Dean and his wife Julie have three children. </div> </div> </div> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="2" data-target="row-1"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Who-we-are/Leadership/Brendon.png" alt="Brendon Good"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Brendon Good </div> <div class="bio__title"> New World Brookfield </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="2"> <h4>Brendon Good</h4> <h5>New World Brookfield</h5> Brendon was appointed to the Foodstuffs North Island Board in 2021 and began his co-op journey in the Trainee Operator Programme in 2003. He purchased his first store, New World Green Bay, in 2005 then moved to New World Westend in 2006. He went on to purchase his current store, New World Brookfield, in 2013. Brendon was Chair of the New World Banner Representation Group and served on the Foodstuffs North Island New World Committee. Brendon is the current Chair of the Operator Development and Approval Committee (ODAC) and has been on this committee since 2018. </div> </div> </div> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="3" data-target="row-1"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Who-we-are/Leadership/FS-ProfileImages-Brendon-V6.png" alt="Brendon Jones"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Brendon Jones </div> <div class="bio__title"> New World Howick </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="3"> <h4>Brendon Jones</h4> <h5>New World Howick</h5> Appointed to the Board in 2018, Brendon began his career at Foodies in 2001 at Write Price Wanganui and in 2005 took ownership of New World Gonville. In 2007, he opened the brand new New World Wanganui, before moving to New World Howick in 2014. Brendon is a Director on the Eat My Lunch Board. He is married to Kate and they have two children </div> </div> </div> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="4" data-target="row-1"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Who-we-are/Leadership/FS131371---SONI_Leaders-images-for-website_Nagaja.png" alt="Nagaja Sanatkumar"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Nagaja Sanatkumar </div> <div class="bio__title"> Independent Director </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="4"> <h4>Nagaja Sanatkumar</h4> <h5>Independent Director</h5> Nagaja has an impressive international background in digital technology and customer experience. Through various General Management roles at the intersection of business and technology she has helped businesses such as Amazon Fresh and held senior and executive roles at companies in New Zealand and overseas, including Icebreaker and Paymark. She is currently also on the Board of a number of other companies including New Zealand Post, Meridian Energy, Ultrafast Fibre, Cawthron Institute and MediaWorks. Alongside her Directorships, Nagaja manages her own digital consulting practice which focuses on helping New Zealand companies adopt best practices in digital strategy and execution. Nagaja is passionate about sustainable futures and has a particular interest in the consumer disruption in the food sector. </div> </div> </div> <div class="bio__popup" id="row-1"> </div> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="5" data-target="row-2"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Who-we-are/Leadership/PeterSchuyt.png" alt="Peter Schuyt"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Peter Schuyt </div> <div class="bio__title"> Independent Director </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="5"> <h4>Peter Schuyt</h4> <h5>Independent Director</h5> Peter has held senior executive roles in finance and strategy at the New Zealand Dairy Board, Fonterra and NZ Post Group. Over the past 15 years Peter has held governance roles in a wide range of New Zealand-based companies, including as Board Chair and chairing Audit and Risk Committees. He is currently a Board member of the Tatua Dairy Company and Chair of Tax Management NZ. Peter has a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Economics from Canterbury University. He and his wife Tracey have five children. </div> </div> </div> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="6" data-target="row-2"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Who-we-are/Leadership/RobMcGregor.png" alt="Rob McGregor"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Rob McGregor </div> <div class="bio__title"> PAK'nSAVE Papamoa </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="6"> <h4>Rob McGregor</h4> <h5>PAK'nSAVE Papamoa</h5> Rob joined the Foodstuffs North Island Board in 2017 and started out at his father’s store, New World Te Kuiti in 1984. He graduated from Waikato University with a Bachelor of Computer Studies and applied this knowledge to develop computer programmes for the business. In 1995, Rob purchased New World Hillcrest, before moving to Auckland and opening the newly-built New World Victoria Park. He then opened the newly-built PAK’nSAVE Papamoa in 2010, where he is Owner Operator today. Rob served on the New World Committee for a number of years, including as Chair, and is a Director on the Ruel Foundation Board. </div> </div> </div> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="7" data-target="row-2"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Who-we-are/Leadership/Sarah-Ashton.png" alt="Sarah Aston"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Sarah Aston </div> <div class="bio__title"> New World Mt. Roskill </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="7"> <h4>Sarah Aston</h4> <h5>New World Mt. Roskill</h5> Sarah was appointed to the Board in 2018. She joined the Co-op as the Owner of Four Square Oneroa in 2008. Prior to joining Foodies, she held several senior business roles at Coopers and Lybrand (now PwC), and Telecom New Zealand (now Spark) including the Programme Lead of an operational capability development programme and Head of the 1200-strong Customer Care Team. Sarah was the owner of New World Milford from 2010 to 2022, and in July 2022 she took over ownership of New World Mt. Roskill. Sarah is also a Board Member of the Milford Business Association and was the Chair of Laura’s Angels (a fundraising committee for the Laura Fergusson Trust). Sarah and her husband Grant have two children. </div> </div> </div> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="8" data-target="row-2"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Who-we-are/Leadership/HenryVanderHeyden.png" alt="Sir Henry van der Heyden"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Sir Henry van der Heyden </div> <div class="bio__title"> Independent Director </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="8"> <h4>Sir Henry van der Heyden</h4> <h5>Independent Director</h5> Sir Henry has served in dairy industry governance roles for over 25 years. Currently he is chair of Raukawa Iwi Developments Limited and Rimu SA / Manuka SA in Chile. In addition to these Chairmanship roles, he is a Director of Pascaro Investments Limited, Better Eggs Limited and is a Director of a number of his own family businesses. Sir Henry holds a Bachelor of Engineering with Honours from Canterbury University. He is married to Jocelyn and they have four children. In 2009, Sir Henry was appointed a Distinguished Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit. </div> </div> </div> <div class="bio__popup" id="row-2"> </div> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="9" data-target="row-3"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Who-we-are/Leadership/FS131371---SONI_Leaders-images-for-website_Wade.png" alt="Wade Brown"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Wade Brown </div> <div class="bio__title"> New World Kumeu </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="9"> <h4>Wade Brown</h4> <h5>New World Kumeu</h5> Wade was appointed to the Foodstuffs North Island Board in 2021, after joining the co-op in 2013 as Owner Operator of New World Kawerau then moving to New World Kumeu in 2017. Before that, he was the Owner of McDonald’s Whakatane for five years and did 20 years in the financial markets in New Zealand, Japan and England. Wade served 12 years on the Board of the Trust Horizon, formerly known as the Eastern Bay Energy Trust, and has served or chaired a number of other boards. He was Chair of the Foodies Foundation and completed the Fonterra Governance Programme in 2016. </div> </div> </div> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="10" data-target="row-3"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Tim-Wilson.png" alt="Tim Wilson"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Tim Wilson </div> <div class="bio__title"> New World Stonefields </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="10"> <h4>Tim Wilson</h4> <h5>New World Stonefields</h5> <p>Appointment from 1 Feb 2025.</p> <p>Tim began his ownership journey when he purchased 4 Square Matakana in 2012. He moved to New World Flaxmere in 2015, then opened New World Pukekohe in 2019 where he built a strong team culture and led operational and financial success across all metrics, and this year made the move to New World Stonefields. </p> <p>Tim has given a massive amount of time and support to the Foodies Foundation as a founding Trustee and Chair. He’s also a member of ODAC and has done the Fonterra Governance Development programme. Tim and his wife Jo have three children. </p> <div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="11" data-target="row-3"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/2024/Matt-Humphrey.png" alt="Matt Humphrey"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Matt Humphrey </div> <div class="bio__title"> Gilmours Wellington </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="11"> <h4>Matt Humphrey</h4> <h5>Gilmours Wellington</h5> <p>Appointment from 1 Feb 2025.</p> <p>Matt began his co-op journey in 2015 when he joined the inwards goods team at Gilmours Mt Roskill, later becoming the Chilled Foods Buyer until he moved to Toops Ngauranga. From there he purchased Gilmours Wellington in 2016 and moved the store to Petone 18 months later. He’s Chair of the Gilmours BRG and has been involved in the Trainee Operator Programme for a couple of years. </p> <div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bio__popup" id="row-3"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tab"> <div class="u-flex-justify-center sxa-super-container" data-module="bio"> <div class="l-container bio-container"> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="12" data-target="row-4"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Who-we-are/Leadership/CQ-circle-BW.png" alt="Chris Quin"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Chris Quin </div> <div class="bio__title"> CEO </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="12"> <h4>Chris Quin</h4> <h5>CEO</h5> Chris joined Foodies as CEO in September 2015 with 28 years' experience in leadership roles. His most recent position was CEO of the Home, Business, and Mobile division of Spark NZ (previously Telecom NZ). Prior to that, he formed the successful IT services business Gen-i (within Telecom) by merging three businesses. In 2010, he received a Sir Peter Blake Leadership Award for his leadership achievements and contribution to the community, which included being Chair of The Icehouse business growth organisation. Chris has a Bachelor of Commerce and Accounting from Victoria University and completed the Stanford Graduate School of Business executive programme. </div> </div> </div> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="13" data-target="row-4"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Who-we-are/Leadership/CatherineTardif.png" alt="Catherine Tardif"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Catherine Tardif </div> <div class="bio__title"> General Manager Strategy & New Ventures </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="13"> <h4>Catherine Tardif</h4> <h5>General Manager Strategy & New Ventures</h5> Catherine arrived at Foodstuffs Auckland in May 2013 as Manager Strategy & New Ventures and was appointed to the role of GM Strategy & New Ventures in July 2016. Before Foodies, she was Senior Manager of Corporate Development for Thomas Cook Group in the UK and held senior investment banking roles at Citi and PwC. Catherine has an MBA from the London Business School, a Bachelor of Finance from Université Laval in Quebec, Canada, and is a CFA charter holder. </div> </div> </div> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="14" data-target="row-4"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Who-we-are/Leadership/Cindy-Chaimowitz_edit3.png" alt="Cindy Chaimowitz"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Cindy Chaimowitz </div> <div class="bio__title"> General Manager Wholesale & Customer Service </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="14"> <h4>Cindy Chaimowitz</h4> <h5>General Manager Wholesale & Customer Service</h5> Cindy joined Foodies in 2015 and has held roles in our Commercial Operations, Strategy & New Ventures, and Wholesale team. Before joining our team, she held a number of senior advisory and accounting roles in large organisations across New Zealand and South Africa, including EY and the Serious Fraud Office. </div> </div> </div> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="15" data-target="row-4"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Who-we-are/Leadership/DavidStewart.png" alt="David Stewart"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> David Stewart </div> <div class="bio__title"> General Manager Merchandise </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="15"> <h4>David Stewart</h4> <h5>General Manager Merchandise</h5> David joined in 2010 as Chief Financial Officer at Foodstuffs Auckland and became Chief Financial Officer at Foodstuffs North Island in 2013, then GM Merchandise in 2016. Before Foodies, David worked in Europe in senior finance roles at France Telecom, Orange, and PwC. Then, he returned to New Zealand to work at Yellow Pages as Chief Financial Officer. Named New Zealand’s CFO of the Year for 2015, David is a Chartered Accountant and has a Bachelor of Commerce and a Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce from the University of Auckland and is a graduate of the Stanford School of Business Executive Programme. </div> </div> </div> <div class="bio__popup" id="row-4"> </div> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="16" data-target="row-5"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Who-we-are/Leadership/JoAllan.png" alt="Jo Allan"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Jo Allan </div> <div class="bio__title"> Chief Financial Officer </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="16"> <h4>Jo Allan</h4> <h5>Chief Financial Officer</h5> Jo joined Foodies as Chief Financial Officer in January 2017 and brings more than 20 years’ Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) finance and leadership experience to the table. She has held senior finance, strategy, leadership, and transformation roles for a number of leading companies including Frucor, Danone, Fonterra, Tegel, and Lion. She is also an engineer and has a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) and is a CPA (Certified Practicing Accountant). </div> </div> </div> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="17" data-target="row-5"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Who-we-are/Leadership/JohnathonBox.png" alt="Jonathan Box"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Jonathan Box </div> <div class="bio__title"> General Manager Supply Chain </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="17"> <h4>Jonathan Box</h4> <h5>General Manager Supply Chain</h5> Jonathan was appointed GM Supply Chain in June 2018. Prior to this, he spent almost 30 years with Nestlé around the world before Fonterra brought him to New Zealand. He has extensive leadership experience in Operations, Marketing, Sales, Supply Chain, and Business Transformation across a broad range of product categories and countries. Jonathan holds a Bachelor of Science from King’s College London and is a graduate of the Programme for Executive Development at IMD in Lausanne. </div> </div> </div> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="18" data-target="row-5"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Who-we-are/Leadership/LindsayRowles.png" alt="Lindsay Rowles"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Lindsay Rowles </div> <div class="bio__title"> General Manager Membership & Property </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="18"> <h4>Lindsay Rowles</h4> <h5>General Manager Membership & Property</h5> Lindsay joined Foodstuffs North Island in May 2016 as GM Property, taking on a new role in 2018 of GM Membership & Property. Previously, Lindsay spent eight years at Woolworths Australia, where he held various leadership roles in their property group. Most recently as Group Property Operations Manager – North, he was responsible for the development and execution of their national network strategy plan and their property strategy. Before Woolworths, Lindsay worked for ALDI for eight years, establishing and operating the ALDI retail brand in New South Wales. He graduated from Deakin University with degrees in Commerce and Law. </div> </div> </div> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="19" data-target="row-5"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Who-we-are/Leadership/Benefield-Julian-BW--April-2022jpg.png" alt="Julian Benefield"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Julian Benefield </div> <div class="bio__title"> General Counsel & Company Secretary </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="19"> <h4>Julian Benefield</h4> <h5>General Counsel & Company Secretary </h5> Julian first joined the Foodies Co-op as a teenager working part-time at PAK’nSAVE Taupo, and then re-joined Foodies in 2015 as a Senior Solicitor and was appointed to Associate General Counsel in 2018. Julian was appointed General Counsel & Company Secretary in April 2022. In 2020, Julian was named In-House Lawyer of the Year at the NZ Law Awards. Prior to joining Foodstuffs North Island, Julian worked in New Zealand and overseas at major law firms and in-house at international tech companies such as Telstra, online business REA Group, and Sky in London. Julian has an LLB and BCom from the University of Canterbury, and completed the Executive Legal Leadership Programme at Harvard Law School in 2021. </div> </div> </div> <div class="bio__popup" id="row-5"> </div> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="20" data-target="row-6"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Who-we-are/Leadership/FS-ProfileImages-Simon-V6.png" alt="Simon Kennedy"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Simon Kennedy </div> <div class="bio__title"> Chief Digital Officer </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="20"> <h4>Simon Kennedy</h4> <h5>Chief Digital Officer</h5> Simon joined in April 2019 as Chief Digital Officer. Before Foodies, Simon was most recently CIO at Air New Zealand, following seven years at The Warehouse Group, with the last four years there as Group CIO. A New Zealand citizen who is originally from the UK, Simon started his career with Accenture in London and held a number of consulting industry roles in the UK, NZ, and India before settling permanently in Auckland in 2009. Simon holds an MA in History & Economics from Oxford University. </div> </div> </div> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--three-m l-columns__column--three-l bio__wrap"> <div class="bio"> <a href="#" class="bio__toggle-btn" data-id="21" data-target="row-6"> <div class="bio__image"> <img src="/-/media/Project/Sitecore/Corporate/Corporate-North-Island/Who-we-are/Leadership/WendyHammonds.png" alt="Wendy Hammonds"> </div> <div class="bio__name"> Wendy Hammonds </div> <div class="bio__title"> General Manager People & Capability </div> <div class="bio__toggle-label"> See more </div> </a> <div class="bio__description--m" id="21"> <h4>Wendy Hammonds</h4> <h5>General Manager People & Capability</h5> Wendy became GM People & Capability in March 2016. With more than 15 years of experience in developing talent and leading people, Wendy is passionate about driving cultural change and strong employee engagement in large organisations. Prior to Foodies, she led the HR team for the retail business unit within Spark that looks after home and small business customers. She also worked for Westpac, AMP Banking, and Bendon, following ten years in the UK. </div> </div> </div> <div class="bio__popup" id="row-6"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="component component-super-container sxa-super-container sxa-super-container-without-header is-two-up" > <div class="u-flex-justify-center u-full-width"> <div class="l-container"> <div class="sxa-super-container__content"> <div class="sxa-super-container__header"> <h3 class="sxa-super-container__title"> </h3> <div class="sxa-super-container__sub-title"> </div> <!-- This show only if in variation for Super container is selected as Specials Carousel --> <div class="sxa-specials-carousel__description"> <div class="btn sxa-specials-carousel__cta field-herocta"> </div> </div> <div class="sxa-specials-carousel__point"> <img src="/assets/public-brands-pams/assets/images/brands-pams/value-device.svg" /> </div> </div> <div class="sxa-super-container__card-row"> <div class="sxa-carousel 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