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First, you have to come up with something your loved one wants, and then you have to find it. Sometimes, that dream gift proves difficult to track down in the real world. For booklovers,, a search engine for rare books, provides a shortcut to personalized presents</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>New York Magazine (United States), <a href=""><q>What Should I Gift a Gourmand?</q></a></strong> (17 November 2016) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">I like the idea of getting something exclusive or rare. What's the best gift along those lines that you've ever received? Vintage cookbooks are amazing. You can find them at a used bookshop, AbeBooks, BookFinder, or even Amazon. There are so many cool ones out there. I love all those '70s American editions of old French books that are freaking amazing to look at, like Modern French Culinary Art by Henri-Paul Pellaprat, and The New International Confectioner by Wilfred Fance.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Lancaster Farming (United States), <a href=""><q>Tips for Vintage, Rare Book Collecting</q></a></strong> (10 September 2016) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">For pricing, Smalter turns to websites such as, since it aggregates information from numerous other sites. Too many inexperienced people sell on sites like eBay and Amazon, and therefore search results on those sites may not be a reliable barometer of accurate pricing, according to Smalter. He said general-public sites like these also do nothing to screen sellers for accuracy or even basic ethics.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>ODU Mace & Crown (United States), <a href=""><q>Before Checking the College Bookstore, Check the Internet</q></a></strong> (19 August 2016) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">For students willing to put in the research, there are also many websites available that exist just to compare textbook prices like BookFinder. For the top results, it's best to use multiple comparison tools as some might have access to resources that the others do not.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Traverse City Record Eagle (United States), <a href=""><q>It's time for college students to prepare</q></a></strong> (2 August 2016) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">The list of required textbooks for fall classes should be available, and now is a great time to compare costs. There are many choices when shopping, whether to buy new or used, rent or get an e-book, if available. Some of the popular online sites are,, There is even a website that helps you compare costs,</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>U.S. News & World Report (United States), <a href=""><q>Weigh 3 Factors When Making a Law School Budget</q></a></strong> (28 July 2016) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Because many law schools have similar first-year curriculums, students may go outside of their own school to find discounted text books, but the books may not necessarily be the right version, says Rahman. "Make sure it's the right edition." She also encourages students to look online for cheaper books at sites such as and</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>The State (United States), <a href=""><q>Columbia readers: Get ready for some deals on books!</q></a></strong> (21 July 2016) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Used book sales also are often the only place to find popular works that are no longer in print, such as Norman Dixonis On the Psychology of Military Incompetence, which, according to the web site was the most searched for out-of-print book in 2014.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>West Plains Daily Quill (United States), <a href=""><q>Book sale at Thomasville</q></a></strong> (15 July 2016) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Thomasville Library will have a back-to-school book sale August 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, and 11 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. On sale will be several old titles for ages baby to teen. Some of these titles list for up to $75 on These titles will sell separately from the regular 15-cent paperback and 25-cent hardcover books.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Georgia State Signal (United States), <a href=""><q>Top five Georgia State hacks for students</q></a></strong> (17 June 2016) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Don't spend that dime, go online: Amazon, Chegg,, Valore Books,, and are just a couple of website options with discounted book prices. Both rental and purchases take a week or two to arrive, so make sure you order in advance, to stay on track with your classes!</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Deal Crunch (United States), <a href=""><q> Why Bibliophiles Still Flock to 'the Google of Dead Books' to Find the Right Book</q></a></strong> (10 June 2016) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Several bookstores later, I still hadn't found the The Bees by Carol Ann Duffy. I knew the chances of finding her poetry on a bookshelf were slim (as she was Britain's newly established Poet Laureate), yet it was still disheartening to leave another bookstore, empty-handed. If I had known about <em></em>, I wouldn't have wasted my time driving to bookstores.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Finger Lakes Times (United States), <a href=" "><q>Way back when in Wayne County</q></a></strong> (9 May 2016) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Because of the bicentennial of the lost summer, there have been a number of new books published on the subject. But if you just want some great educational entertainment to share with your children or grandchildren, try to find a copy of Ontario author Mary Jane Auch's children's book Frozen Summer. It was published about 10 years ago and is now out of print, but maybe eBay or <em>Bookfinder</em> can locate a copy for you.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Geek Dad (United States), <a href=" "><q>Why Doesn't Jon Snow Know Anything?</q></a></strong> (6 May 2016) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Bibliotherapy. Pave the way for a discussion by first offering a book or movie that touches on the situation you suspect is troubling your child. You can search for subject-specific books in <em>Bookfinder</em>: When Kids Need Books, or on the internet..</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>St. John's The Telegram (United States), <a href=" "><q>Paul Sparkes: Etiquette lesson</q></a></strong> (2 May 2016) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">To me, while the book was not written to be a vehicle of entertainment, it is a delightful introduction to the ways of our outports. You can still buy the book online. I have seen it for $4 a copy (plus a shipping charge). Check out <em></em></span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Fine Books & Collections (United States), <a href=" "><q>Sex Sells: Top Out-of-Print Books in America</q></a></strong> (29 April 2016) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">On April 26, <em></em> released its 13th annual report of the 100 most coveted out-of-print books in the United States. The online book price comparison tool uses extensi ve search data to compile the list, and 2015 revealed some surprises.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Sheppards Confidential (United States), <q>International: the top 100 titles most sought after</q></strong> (29 April 2016) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">The findings from the 13th Annual <em></em> Report, which tabulates <em></em>'s extensive search data to reveal the 100 most sought after out-of-print book titles in the US from the prior year.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Houston Chronicle (United States), <a href=" "><q>Most sought-after out-of-print books</q></a></strong> (26 April 2016) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">The 13th annual <em></em> Report offers a list of the top 100 most searched for out-of-print book titles from the previous year. In this year's top 10: Madonna's "Sex," along with titles from Nora Roberts and Stephen King. One of the goals of the <em></em> report is to shine light onto books that were hiding behind the backlists, but still in demand. Here are the top 10 most sought after out-of-print books for 2015.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong> (United States), <a href=" "><q>Turn Your Old Books Into Money</q></a></strong> (13 April 2016) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">There are a lot of online bookstores that offer to buy your used books. It's a rather hit-or-miss situation because online bookstores don't buy every title, and how much they're willing to pay can vary greatly, depending on the market demand. An easy way to find the online bookseller that will offer you the best price is to use a website such as or <em></em>.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Smoky Mountain News (United States), <a href=" "><q>Time for spring migrants in the mountains</q></a></strong> (23 March 2016) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">We have for years used Arthur Stupka's Notes on the Birds of Great Smoky Mountains Park (University of Tennessee Press, 1963) for reliable information on earliest spring arrival and fall departure dates. (Unfortunately, this book is now out of print, but multiple used copies are often available via <em></em>. and similar Internet vendors).</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>TH Online (United States), <a href=" "><q>Lincoln-Poe photograph a fake</q></a></strong> (14 February 2016) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">This 2010 work of fiction is available in many public libraries. You can purchase a copy at your local bookstores. Or, you can buy the book through the usual online book sources that include, among others,,, <em></em></span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Daily Finance (United States), <a href=" "><q>11 Ways to Save Big on College Textbooks</q></a></strong> (2 February 2016) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">At a minimum, check at and in addition to your school bookstore and any nearby off-campus competitors.<em></em>,, and can help you compare.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Fairbanks Daily News-Miner (United States), <a href=" "><q>The value of books is not restricted to price</q></a></strong> (28 December 2015) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">I recommend checking out the book's price range at <em></em>, which gathers listings from hundreds of private book dealers, as well as Powell's, Amazon, ABE and other online used book venders. Then hire an appraiser, which isn't cheap.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>PR Newswire (United States), <a href=" "><q>One of the Most Sought-After Out-of-Print Books, "The Pink Dress," Now Available!</q></a></strong> (24 November 2015) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">One of the most sought-after out-of-print children's books, according to <em></em>, is available once again! The Pink Dress, a coming-of-age novel by Anne Alexander, has been a favorite of pre-teens and teens since it was first published in 1959.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Coin Week (United States), <a href=" "><q>Paper Money Collecting – Forming a Basic Rare Currency Library</q></a></strong> (19 November 2015) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Many of the above mentioned reference sources are available new from book and supply dealers advertising in Coin World, especially in the classified ad section. is another reliable source, particularly for out of print and/or used books. <em></em> is another especially helpful on-line source of specialized books on virtually any subject.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>New York Times (United States), <a href=" "><q>Books of the Dead</q></a></strong> (29 October 2015) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">It Only Comes Out at Night & Other Stories By Dennis Etchison…This retrospective (sold out before publication; earlier collections are available from secondhand-book vendors like Amazon and <em></em>) doesn't rely much on traditional monsters.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong> (Australia), <a href=" "><q>Madonna's Sex remains the most wanted out of print book</q></a></strong> (24 September 2015) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">BOOKS are often forgotten in the digital revolution. Yet the demand remains and many out-of-print books have become collectors' items and very valuable. What are the most sought-after out-of-print books? <em></em> has released its latest list. Pop singer Madonna's revered coffee table book Sex, published by Warner Books in 1992, tops the list as it has done since 2011.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Post-Bulletin (United States), <a href=" "><q>Dear Teacher</q></a></strong> (9 September 2015) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">At a four-year public college, students can expect to spend about $1,200 per year on books and materials according to the College Board. First of all, students don't need to buy all their books at the college bookstore. They can do an online search using the textbook's ISBN, which uniquely identifies it. They should visit such sites as, and <em></em> to find good deals.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Lompoc Record (United States), <a href=" "><q>Answers to 'I Love Lucy' questions</q></a></strong> (29 June 2015) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Huge choices are devoted exclusively to I Love Lucy and the characters contained therein. Online, you can visit the usual book resources (e.g.,,, <em></em>). Type I Love Lucy, Lucille Ball, The Ricardos, plus any additional references that come to mind. At easily affordable prices, you can order new books or used copies.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Huffington Post (United States), <a href=" "><q>Forget Amazon Rankings and Just Write!</q></a></strong> (27 April 2015) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Barnes and Noble also has rankings which seem to be a better way to judge your sales numbers because, unlike Amazon, 95 percent of what B&N sells are actually books and ebooks. It is the same with online and brick-and-mortar independent bookstores. You may find better sales figures at <em>BookFinder</em>, Abe's Books, a local book shop or independent booksellers.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>The Register-Guard (United States), <a href=" "><q>Eugene textbook reseller The Book Rocket ready to blast off</q></a></strong> (15 March 2015) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Baesler said the partners plan to have The Book Rocket listed soon on websites like <em></em>.. which compare book prices from across the Internet for users.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Money & Career Cheat Sheet (United States), <a href=" "><q>5 of the Best Places to Make Money Selling Used Books Online</q></a></strong> (5 March 2015) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Scouting sites are an excellent tool if you want to find the best buyback price quotes across several sites with one click. and <em></em> are two good ones to start with</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Lompoc Record (United States), <a href=" "><q>Seeking a signed first edition of 'Mockingbird'</q></a></strong> (1 March 2015) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">To present your brother with a first edition (preferably signed by the author), you have several options...Your next stop would be the usual book-shopping websites (e.g.,,, <em></em>). When you make inquiries, be sure to ask very specific questions.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Fine Books Magazine (United States), <a href=" "><q>Bookfinder's Most Sought Books in 2014</q></a></strong> (12 February 2015) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en"><em></em>, an online price comparison tool for books, releases an annual list of their most searched for out of print books. The 2014 list was just unveiled and it holds a few familiar names - and a few surprises as well. For years, Madonna's book Sex topped the list, however the queen was toppled from her crown this year by not just one, but two other titles.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Publishing Perspectives (United States), <a href=""><q>Which Out-of-print Books Are Searched For the Most?</q></a></strong> (9 February 2015) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en"><em></em> has issued its 12th annual list of the top 100 most searched for out-of-print books from the previous year. This year's list has seen changes from the previous year, most notably, the drop in position of Madonna's Sex, which dropped down two places down on the chart.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong> (United Kingdom), <a href=" "><q>12th annual list of the top 100 most searched for out-of-print titles.</q></a></strong> (30 January 2015) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">'On the Psychology of Military Incompetence' pips 'Lovely Reed: An Enthusiast's Guide to Building Bamboo Fly Rods' to first place with the ever popular 'Sex' by Madonna in third.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Washington Post (United States), <a href=" "><q>Military Incompetence' trumps Madonna's 'Sex'</q></a></strong> (29 January 2015) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Military incompetence has lost wars and brought down empires. And now it's toppled the reign of Madonna. For the first time since 2010, the pop singer's soft-porn photo book Sex is not the No. 1 most searched-for out-of-print book in America.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Publishers Lunch (United States), <a href=" "><q>People, Etc.</q></a></strong> (29 January 2015) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en"><em></em> released their list of the 100 most searched for out-of-print books in 2014 and for once there is some news: Norman Dixon's On the Psychology of Military Incompetence was in first place, followed by Jack Howell's The Lovely Reed: An Enthusiast's Guide to Building Bamboo Fly Rods, with Madonna's Sex dropping to third place.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>ASU Herald (United States), <a href=""><q>Textbooks should not have to break the bank</q></a></strong> (26 January 2015) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">With great textbook comparison sites like Chegg, <em>Bookfinder</em>, Amazon and eBay, students can also take getting cheaper textbooks into their own hands.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Wall St. Cheat Sheet (United States), <a href=" "><q>How to Make Money Selling Your Used Books Online</q></a></strong> (18 January 2015) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Scouting sites are an excellent tool if you want to find the best buyback price quotes across several sites with one click. and <em></em> are two good ones to start with, and there are many others.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>IU Southeast Horizon (United States), <a href=" "><q>9 Ways to save on books </q></a></strong> (15 January 2015) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Students can find deals on buying or renting new, used or digital textbooks from online companies...Bigwords and <em>Bookfinder</em> also help students compare book prices from many different websites</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Lompoc Record (United States), <a href=""><q>Getting on, off highways without getting lost </q></a></strong> (28 December 2014) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Regarding Interstate 95, you can also locate travel books specifically devoted to I-95. You can borrow them from certain public libraries. You can purchase them inexpensively in the Travel section at your local bookstores. For new and used copies, you can visit online shopping websites (e.g.,, or booksites (e.g.,, <em></em>).</span></q> </blockquote> </div> <!-- end media-mentions-content-all --> <div class="media-mentions-group-nav" style="background: #ececff; border-color: #8888ff"> <p><strong>All global press mentions by year:</strong><br> <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2024">2024</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2023">2023</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2022">2022</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2021">2021</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2020">2020</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2019">2019</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2018">2018</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2017">2017</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2016">2016</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2015">2015</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2014">2014</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2013">2013</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2012">2012</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2011">2011</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2010">2010</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2009">2009</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2008">2008</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2007">2007</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2006">2006</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2005">2005</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2004">2004</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2003">2003</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2002">2002</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2001">2001</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2000">2000</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=1999">1999</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=1998">1998</a></p> <p><strong>Recent press mentions by language:</strong><br> <strong><a class="unlinked">English</a></strong>, <a href="/about/mentions/?lang=de">German</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?lang=fr">French</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?lang=es">Spanish</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?lang=nl">Dutch</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?lang=se">Northern Sami</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?lang=*">All languages</a></p> </div> <p><em><a href="">Have you seen a reference to us in the media? 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