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For example, my friend Leon showed me how engaging his 1938 copy of Judge James Wickersham's "Old Yukon: Tales, Trails, and Trials" was recently, and I craved my own copy. <em></em> revealed a bookstore in Massachusetts would part with theirs for $6.99, after I threw in another $3.99 for shipping. Now, it's mine.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Toronto Star (Canada), <a href=" "><q>Lady Gaga: Between the covers</q></a></strong> (27 November 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Sex: <em></em> reports that Sex is always at the top of their list of most requested out of print books. It is at the top this year beating Nora Roberts and Stephen King books Promise Me Tomorrow and Rage. Sex was perfectly designed to be a collector's item, says <em></em>'s Scott Laming. The controversy that surrounded the launch of the book, "gave the book a kind of exclusivity which translates well into a secondary collector's market." There is a premium for unopened copies, says Laming. Gaga: Considering its already discounted status it is unlikely to have an enduring legacy. Laming compares the length of each performer's career -- about 25 to five. "If we're still hearing Lady Gaga's name in 2033 she's definitely got a shot."</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Rocky Hill Patch (United States), <a href=" "><q>Sarah J. Hale: The Mother of Thanksgiving As We Know It</q></a></strong> (24 November 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Copies of Laurie Anderson's book on Sarah Hale can be found for between $5-10 on <em></em></span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>BellaOnline (United States), <a href=" "><q>How To Become A Knowledgeable Cherrypicker</q></a></strong> (5 November 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Another useful addition to your coin collecting library is James L. Halperin's How to Grade U.S. Coins. You should be able to find suitable copies of these books at Amazon. If not try <em></em> which is a website that searches several used book databases.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>MSN Money (United States), <a href=" "><q>Should textbooks really cost $200?</q></a></strong> (26 October 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">The majority of students (61%) said they compared prices online before buying their books, tapping into the vast bazaar of used books and rentals that can dramatically reduce textbook costs. Comparison sites such as AddAll,, <em></em> and DealOz scour online booksellers to help you find the textbooks you need.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>ABC 15 Arizona (United States), <a href=" "><q>8 ways to save on digital and print books</q></a></strong> (19 October 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">If you're looking for a rare, out-of-print or international book, check out <em></em>.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Portsmouth Herald (United States), <a href=" "><q>Who's fleecing the US consumer?</q></a></strong> (2 October 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">William Proxmire, former U.S. senator from your state, published The Fleecing of America in 1980. Several decades ago, his "Golden Fleece" awards became legendary. His book is available at your local Prairie du Chien Memorial Library and other public libraries. For Star-Telegram readers, Dallas Public Library owns the book; Fort Worth Public Library does not. You can purchase The Fleecing of America at used bookstores and online sources (e.g.,, <em></em>, etc.). At this point, a copy may cost you as little as $1.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Americana Exchange (United States), <a href=" "><q>BookFinder Lists The Top 100 Most Sought After Out-of-Print Books</q></a></strong> (1 October 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">William Proxmire, former U.S. senator from your state, published The Fleecing of America in 1980. Several decades ago, his "Golden <em></em> has released its annual report of the top 100 most sought after books on its book metasearch site. As a metasearch site, <em>BookFinder</em> searches multiple listing sites, such as AbeBooks, Alibris, and Amazon, and aggregates their results. What type of books do people generally search <em>BookFinder</em> for? Not new ones, as these are primarily old book sites. Nor are people likely to go to an aggregator to find what is common. The books on this list are likely to combine desirability with difficulty to find, which leads people to a search engine that searches many sites at once.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Forth Worth Star Telegram (United States), <a href=" "><q>Who's fleecing the US consumer?</q></a></strong> (24 September 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">William Proxmire, former U.S. senator from your state, published The Fleecing of America in 1980. Several decades ago, his "Golden Fleece" awards became legendary. His book is available at your local Prairie du Chien Memorial Library and other public libraries. For Star-Telegram readers, Dallas Public Library owns the book; Fort Worth Public Library does not. You can purchase The Fleecing of America at used bookstores and online sources (e.g.,, <em></em>, etc.). At this point, a copy may cost you as little as $1.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>El Mundo (Spain), <a href=" "><q>El libro más buscado</q></a></strong> (6 September 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="es">¿'Sex' de Madonna? Sí, claro: aquel libro de fotografías en las que la señora Ciccone posaba desnuda en situaciones más o menos eróticas... Cualquiera que tuviera edad en esa época (1992) recuerda aquel volumen envuelto en una bolsa parecida a los envoltorios de los condones. Y por eso, no ha sido una gran sorpresa que la red 'on line' <em></em> (dirigida al mercado en inglés) de librerías de viejo del Reino Unido anunciara la semana pasada que 'Sex' era el libro más demandado por sus clientes entre todos los títulos descatalogados con presencia en su catálogo.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Hindustan Times (India), <a href=" "><q>Madonna.s Sex most wanted, out-of-print book</q></a></strong> (1 September 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna.s 1992 book Sex has reportedly become the most wanted out-of-print book in the US of the past one year. According to <em></em>, the singer.s limited-edition picture book got into controversy after its first release for its explicit images and went on to be a collector.s item, reports the BBC.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>New Kerala (India), <a href=" "><q>Madonna.s Sex most wanted, out-of-print book in US</q></a></strong> (1 September 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">According to <em></em>, the singer.s limited-edition picture book got into controversy after its first release for its explicit images and went on to be a collector.s item, reports the BBC.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong> (United States), <a href=" "><q>Billboard Bits: Madonna's 'Sex' Still Wanted, Lady Gaga's Prosthetic VMA Surprise</q></a></strong> (31 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna's 'Sex' Still Wanted 19 Years Later. "Sex," Madonna's 1992 graphic picture book, is the most sought-after out-of-print book in the United States, according to an annual report by <em></em>. Johnny Cash's memoir, "Man in Black," sits at No. 7 on the list.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong> (United States), <a href=" "><q>Today's top culture picks from around the Web</q></a></strong> (30 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">What do Madonna, Johnny Cash and Norman Mailer have in common? All three have volumes among the top-10 "most sought after out-of-print books," according to <em></em>'s fall 2011 report.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>The Atlantic Wire (United States), <a href=" "><q>Most Wanted Out-of-Print Books Are About Sex, Celebrities, and Flyfishing</q></a></strong> (30 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna's Sex is 2011's most sought-after out of print book, according to <em>Book Finder</em>'s ninth annual ranking of the site's most frequently searched for out-of-print titles.The 100-book list is a curiosity, dominated by classic children's books (365 Bedtimes Stories, No. 26) pop culture artifacts (Johnny Cash's Man in Black, No. 7, and Norman Mailer's Marilyn, No. 8), hobbyist holy grails (The Lovely Reed: An Enthusiasts Guide to Building Bamboo Fly Rods, No. 64, and the ABCs of Long-Arm Quilting, No. 78) , and highly specific military histories (British Campaign Furniture: Elegance Under Canvas, 1740-1914, No. 97)</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>The Oregonian (United States), <a href=" "><q>Bookmarks: Alex Shakar, Ismet Prcic, Apricot Irving, Madonna, Pico Iyer</q></a></strong> (30 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna's 1992 book "Sex" continues to be the most sought-after out-of-print book in the country, according to an annual report by <em></em>. Nora Roberts' "Promise Me Tomorrow" is next, followed by two books by Stephen King, "Rage" (as Richard Bachman) and "My Pretty Pony.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>BBC (United Kingdom), <a href=" "><q>Madonna's Sex book is most wanted</q></a></strong> (30 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna's explicit 1992 coffee-table book Sex is the most sought after out-of-print title in the US of the past 12 months, according to <em></em>. The singer's limited-edition picture book caused controversy when it was first released for its risque images and went on to be a collector's item.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Daily Express (United Kingdom), <a href=" "><q>Madonna's Sex book is most wanted out-of-print publication</q></a></strong> (30 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">According to a new poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving popular. The limited-edition release caused outrage in 1992 and featured the singer in a series of pornographic poses with rapper Vanilla Ice and Naomi Campbell. </span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>The Guardian (United Kingdom), <a href=" "><q>Madonna's Sex most sought after out-of-print book</q></a></strong> (30 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">The graphic coffee-table book, featuring . in the words of <em>BookFinder</em>, "photos of the Material Girl, without the material" . has been one of the most popular out-of-print titles in the US for years and a collector's item since it was first published in 1992. "Since Madonna is never one to do something twice, and the fact that the once highly controversial book is less edgy than it once was leads us to guess that Sex will remain out of print," predicted the book search engine.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>The Huffington Post (United States), <a href=" "><q>2011's 10 Most Wanted Out Of Print Books</q></a></strong> (30 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en"><em></em> keeps track of the most looked for out-of-print books in the United States. The following is a list of the 10 most sought after books from the past 12 months, listed with what they are currently being sold for (if we could find them). For the full top hundred</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>The New Yorker (United States), <a href=" "><q>Madonna.s sex book still hot</q></a></strong> (29 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Would you buy a used book for $2,700? Madonna.s .Sex. and Barbara Newhall Follett.s .The House without Windows. are on <em>Bookfinder</em>.s annual Top 100 Out-of-Print books list.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Media Bistro: Ebooknewser (United States), <a href=" "><q>Sex is the Most Sought After Book This Year</q></a></strong> (29 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">For the past 14 years, <em></em> has been helping book lovers find obscure and hard to get out-of-print books. For all that time, the website has also been tracking which titles people want most. Actually, most of the books aren.t obscure; they just had short print runs or were never adequately promoted by their publishers. Some, like Norman Mailer.s biography of Marilyn Monroe, are a surprise. You would think that these titles would be in print.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Sexis (United States), <a href=" "><q>Madonna's 'Sex' is Rare and In Demand</q></a></strong> (29 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">That.s not just a random observation. Madonna.s 1992 hardcover shocker .Sex,. has once again proven to be the most sought after out-of-print book. It headlined <em></em>.s Top 100 Out-of-Print Books</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>London Free Press (United Kingdom), <a href=" "><q>Madonna's sex book still hot</q></a></strong> (29 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna's infamous Sex book has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications literary fans most want to add to their shelves. According to a new poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving popular.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Christian Science Monitor (United States), <a href=" "><q>Top 100 most wanted out-of-print books of 2011</q></a></strong> (29 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en"><em>Bookfinder</em> compiles an annual list of the most sought-after out-of-print books, based on the past 12 months of searches on its site. This year.s list is topped by Madonna.s coffee-table book .Sex,. a .nearly perennial. #1, according to the site report, but also included some interesting newcomers.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Starpulse (United States), <a href=" "><q>Madonna's 'Sex' is Rare and In Demand</q></a></strong> (29 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">The "Holiday" singer is in the news lately because her 1992 coffee table book "Sex" happens to be the most sought after out-of-print book, according to a new poll. <em></em> reveals that the picture book is still popular. The limited-edition release caused outrage in 1992, featuring the singer in a series of explicit poses with Vanilla Ice and Naomi Campbell. Next on the most wanted list is Nora Roberts' Promise Me Tomorrow; two Stephen King releases - "Rage" and "My Pretty Pony"; and Johnny Cash's "Man In Black." A Marilyn Monroe biography by Norman Mailer, and Kyle Onstott's "Mandingo" also rank high on the list</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Independent Online (IOL) (South Africa), <a href=" "><q>Most wanted: Idol's sex book</q></a></strong> (29 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna.s raunchy sex book has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications literary fans most want to add to their shelves. According to a poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl.s shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving to be rather popular.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Entertainment Weekly: Shelf Life (United States), <a href=" "><q>On the Books Aug. 29</q></a></strong> (29 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Further proving that sex sells, <em></em> released its annual Top 100 Out-of-Print books list. Madonna.s steamy Sex continues to claim the #1 spot.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Actualitte (France), <a href=" "><q>Wanted : le livre Sex, de Madonna devenu rarissime</q></a></strong> (29 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="fr"><em></em> vient de publier son Top 100 des livres rares les plus recherchés par les lecteurs en 2011. En top position, Sex de Madonna, livre sensuel, qui n.est plus édité, bien que la plupart des lecteurs phantasme de l.avoir chez soi.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Daily Star (United Kingdom), <a href=" "><q>Madonna's Sex book is most wanted out-of-print publication</q></a></strong> (28 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna.s infamous SEX book has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications literary fans most want to add to their shelves. According to a new poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving popular. </span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Book2Book (United Kingdom), <a href=" "><q>Madonna's Sex Book Is Most Wanted Out-Of-Print Publication</q></a></strong> (28 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna.s infamous SEX book has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications literary fans most want to add to their shelves. According to a new poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving popular. </span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Female First (United Kingdom), <a href=" "><q>Madonna's Sex Book Is Most Wanted Out-Of-Print Publication</q></a></strong> (28 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna.s infamous SEX book has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications literary fans most want to add to their shelves. According to a new poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving popular. </span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Orange News (United Kingdom), <a href=" "><q>Madonna book is most wanted out-of-print publication</q></a></strong> (28 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna.s infamous SEX book has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications literary fans most want to add to their shelves. According to a new poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving popular. </span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>MALExtra (United Kingdom), <a href=" "><q>Madonna book is most wanted out-of-print publication</q></a></strong> (28 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna.s infamous SEX book has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications literary fans most want to add to their shelves. According to a new poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving popular. </span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Houston Chronicle (United States), <a href=" "><q>Top 10 most desired out-of-print books</q></a></strong> (28 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Every year, <em></em> compiles a list of the most sought-after out-of-print books. The new list is below. If got one (or, even better, two) of these titles, you may be able to make some money and give them a new home! Or, you could do what I do and hoard them.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Nina People (France), <a href=" "><q>Madonna : son livre Sexe est devenu un produit rare</q></a></strong> (28 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="fr">Selon le site <em></em>, SEX livre sensuel de Madonna est toujours très populaire. Ce dernier fait d'ailleurs partie de la liste de bouquins rares que les lecteurs rêvent d'avoir dans leur bibliothèque.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Dziennik Kultura (Poland), <a href=",ksiazka-madonny-sex-ciagle-budzi-pozadanie.html "><q>Ksiazka Madonny "Sex" ciagle budzi pozadanie</q></a></strong> (28 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="pl">Gdyby czytelnicy mieli zdecydowac, która z niedostepnych na rynku wydawniczym ksiazek chcieliby miec na swoich pólkach, wybraliby album fotograficzny Madonny "Sex". Ksiazka zajela pierwsze miejsce w sondazu przygotowanym przez portal <em></em> </span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Aftonbladet (Sweden), <a href=" "><q>Madonnas sexbok listetta</q></a></strong> (28 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="se">När Madonnas kontroversiella bok .Sex. gavs ut 1992 väckte den uppseende med sina mjukporrfotografier av inte bara Madonna, men även Isabella Rossellini, Vanilla Ice, Big Daddy Kane och Udo Kier. Nu är boken den mest efterfrågade i USA bland böcker vars upplaga sålt slut, enligt en lista som tagits fram av sajten <em></em>.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Liebling Stars (Germany), <a href=" "><q>MADONNA: .Sex.-Buch immer noch sehr beliebt</q></a></strong> (28 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="de">Madonnas Buch .Sex. erfreut sich immer noch riesiger Nachfrage . obwohl es schon längst nicht mehr auf dem Markt erhältlich ist. Dies geht nun aus einer Umfrage des Online-Dienstleisters .<em></em>. hervor. Das limitierte Bildband aus dem Jahre 1992 zeigt Madonna, wie es der Titel schon vermuten lässt, in ziemlich eindeutigen Posen. Auch andere illustre Persönlichkeiten befinden sich in dem Buch, wie die Schauspielerin Isabella Rossellini, der Rapper Vanilla Ice und das Top-Model Naomi Campbell.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>TV2 (Denmark), <a href=" "><q>Madonnas sexbog mest efterspurgte</q></a></strong> (28 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="dk">Madonnas berygtede bog "Sex" fra 1992 topper ny liste over de mest efterspurgte bøger, der er ude af tryk. Det er <em>Bookfinder</em>, der vil vide, at superstjernens meget eksplicitte billedbog altså stadig er særdeles populær.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Ottawa Sun (Canada), <a href=" "><q>Madonna.s sex book still hot</q></a></strong> (27 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna's infamous Sex book has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications literary fans most want to add to their shelves. According to a new poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving popular.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Toronto Sun (Canada), <a href=" "><q>Madonna.s Sex book still hot</q></a></strong> (27 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna's infamous Sex book has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications literary fans most want to add to their shelves. According to a new poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving popular.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Celeb Dirty Laundry (United States), <a href=" "><q>Madonna.s Sex book still hot</q></a></strong> (27 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">According to a new poll by <em></em> Madonna.s Sex book . imaginatively titled, .Sex. . has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications fans most want to add to their bookshelves.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong> (United States), <a href=" "><q>Madonna - Madonna's Sex Book Is Most Wanted Out-Of-Print Publication</q></a></strong> (27 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna's infamous Sex book has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications literary fans most want to add to their shelves. According to a new poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving popular. </span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Madonna Electronica (France), <a href=" "><q>News : Nouvel Album, Sex Book.</q></a></strong> (27 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="fr">Le site <em>BookFinder</em> dresse la liste des 100 ouvrages et livres .épuisés. les plus recherché en 2011 ! C.est le Livre Sex, paru en 1992 qui remporte la mise, comme ce fut le cas régulièrement ces 10 dernières Années, Le livre de photographies reste très demandé et difficile à avoir.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Yahoo UK: Entertainment (United Kingdom), <a href=" "><q>Madonna's Sex Book Is Most Wanted Out-Of-Print Publication</q></a></strong> (27 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna's infamous Sex book has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications literary fans most want to add to their shelves. According to a new poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving popular. </span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Calgary Sun (Canada), <a href=" "><q>Madonna's Sex Book still hot</q></a></strong> (27 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna's infamous Sex book has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications literary fans most want to add to their shelves. According to a new poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving popular. </span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Edmonton Sun (Canada), <a href=" "><q>Madonna's Sex Book still hot</q></a></strong> (27 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna's infamous Sex book has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications literary fans most want to add to their shelves. According to a new poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving popular. </span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Winnipeg Sun (Canada), <a href=" "><q>Madonna's Sex Book still hot</q></a></strong> (27 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna's infamous Sex book has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications literary fans most want to add to their shelves. According to a new poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving popular. </span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>KGET 17 (United States), <a href=" "><q>Madonna book is most wanted</q></a></strong> (27 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna's infamous Sex book has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications literary fans most want to add to their shelves. According to a new poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving popular.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>ABC4 (United States), <a href=" "><q>Madonna book is most wanted</q></a></strong> (27 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna's infamous Sex book has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications literary fans most want to add to their shelves. According to a new poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving popular.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>MSN Music (United States), <a href=" "><q>Madonna's 'Sex' book tops most-wanted list</q></a></strong> (27 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna's infamous Sex book has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications literary fans most want to add to their shelves. According to a new poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving popular.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <span class="media-mentions-type-label">[TV]</span> <strong>WAAY ABC (United States), <a href=" "><q>Madonna book is most wanted</q></a></strong> (27 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Madonna's infamous Sex book has topped a list of out-of-circulation publications literary fans most want to add to their shelves. According to a new poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving popular.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong> Jam Showbiz (Canada), <a href=" "><q>Madonna.s Sex book still hot</q></a></strong> (27 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">According to a new poll by <em></em>, the Material Girl's shockingly explicit coffee table picture book is still proving popular. The limited-edition release caused outrage in 1992 and featured the singer in a series of pornographic poses with rapper Vanilla Ice and Naomi Campbell. Next on the most wanted list is Nora Roberts' Promise Me Tomorrow, followed by two Stephen King releases, Rage and My Pretty Pony. Also in the top ten are Johnny Cash's Man In Black, a Marilyn Monroe biography by Norman Mailer, and Kyle Onstott's Mandingo.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>JacketFlap (United States), <a href=" "><q>BookFinder Report</q></a></strong> (26 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">If you are at all familiar with <em></em> you probably know all about our annual <em></em> Report which tracks the demand of the 100 most sought-after titles which are no longer in print in the United States.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>JacketFlap (United States), <a href=""><q>Top 100 Most Sought After Out-of-Print Books in 2011</q></a></strong> (26 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en"><em></em> tracks the most sought-after out-of-print titles in America. This ninth annual edition is based on <em></em> searches from the past 12 months.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>USA Today (United States), <a href=""><q>What are the 100 most wanted out-of-print books?</q></a></strong> (26 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en"><em></em> has just released its list of the 100 most sought-after out-of-print books in America -- and you might be surprised by the findings.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>LA Times Jacket Copy (United States), <a href=" "><q>The most wanted used books, according to Bookfinder</q></a></strong> (26 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Sex sells. And so does Madonna's "Sex," a book so racy that when it was published in 1992 it came in a foil wrapper. In 2011, as it has been before, "Sex" was the most popular out-of-print book people searched for. That's according to <em></em>, which released its annual Top 100 Out-of-Print books list this week.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>GalleyCat (United States), <a href=" "><q>How to Comparison Shop for Books</q></a></strong> (12 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Want to get the best price on books? Book comparison shopping engines like <em></em> can help</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>The Hindu (India), <a href=" "><q>Inside Alladin's cave</q></a></strong> (6 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Stuart Manley suggests <em>BookFinder</em> (<em></em>) as the top site for comprehensive online book-searches</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <span class="media-mentions-type-label">[TV]</span> <strong>CBS Philly (United States), <a href=" "><q>Top Places To Buy Books For College Students</q></a></strong> (1 August 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Looking for a hard-to-find original copy or a book that.s out of print? This is your website! <em>BookFinder</em> compares prices on over 150 million books, including new and used, signed and original copies, rare books, international editions and generic textbooks.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Auction Bytes (United States), <a href=" "><q>Amazon Changes to API Could Affect Merchant Pricing Practices</q></a></strong> (28 July 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">One merchant speculated that the move could mean the end of scanners and repricers. A developer replied and said that some re-pricers would be affected, but others used the newer MWS and would not be affected, but said most comparison sites and Book/ISBN lookup sites like <em>BookFinder</em> and would probably be affected.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>The Denver Post: All Things Colorado Sports (United States), <a href=" "><q>Bookmen and Their Brothels</q></a></strong> (27 May 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">I liken it to when I used to hit used bookstores on road trips, looking to add to my collection of old books and lighting up when I discovered a gem; that was a lot more fun than shopping for books now via <em></em> or the individual online outlets</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>The LA Times (United States), <a href=" "><q>Bookmen and Their Brothels</q></a></strong> (24 May 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Bookmen and Their Brothels. is available via <em></em> (current prices range from $50 to $80)</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>The LA Times (United States), <a href=" "><q>Make Your Own Pickwick Book Shop Bookmarks!</q></a></strong> (23 March 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">I noticed that L.A. Observed had an item on the reissue of .Los Angeles: A Guide to the City and Its Environs,. a book that is well worth having. The Daily Mirror HQ acquired its copy (formerly the property of Fremont High School--ahem) back in the 1970s and it has provided many hours of entertainment (check out the Chapman South American Chinchilla Farm, 4957 W. 104th St., admission by telephone appointment only). The book has been reissued previously and is available on <em>Bookfinder</em>, although the price may be a little steep.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Toronto Star (Canada), <a href=" "><q>A peek into a long-lost world of build it and race it</q></a></strong> (18 March 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">Norman Havart began his car on Sunday, May 6, 1951, and registered it for road use on Friday, March 21, 1952 . good going for what was essentially a one-man project, building from the ground up and in the process teaching himself to weld. The dust jacket of One Off led me, via <em></em>, to Building and Racing My .750' by P.J. Stephens (how formal they were back then; I never did find what P.J. stood for).</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>Business Standard (United States), <a href=" "><q>Down to Earth</q></a></strong> (9 March 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">In December 2009, Chatterjee left his job as the CEO of <em></em> (which he.d sold to a subsidiary of, Abebooks) and Ghosh took a year.s leave from her work as a landscape architect to backpack across the world: They called it the .Year of No Flying..</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>John Hopkins News-Letter (United States), <a href=" "><q>Not so Noble Barnes: The cost of reading</q></a></strong> (27 February 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">These sites aggregate many of the cheapest websites and help locate the best options. Often, they even include shipping prices and advertise the condition of the books. Additionally, aggregators often inform shoppers of promotions or coupons that could apply to their orders. Similar sites include <em></em>.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>El Siglo de Torreon (Mexico), <a href=" "><q>El Misterioso Gemelo de Garcia Marquez</q></a></strong> (7 February 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="es">La distribución de ese libro alcanzó incluso portales extranjeros como y <em></em>. Intrigado, consulté en las oficinas centrales de Edamex, pero empleados y funcionarios aseguraron que la edición estaba agotada e incluso aseguraron haber olvidado el nombre del autor y no contar con datos sobre su paradero, toda vez que "en aquel entonces (1996) no acostumbraban llevar un registro de los autores que publicaban en la editorial"</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>The Daily Orange (United States), <a href=" "><q>Textbook rentals at SU, Follett's continue for students</q></a></strong> (26 January 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">The University Bookstore also offers a buyback policy for the books students purchase. This policy allows students to sell their books back to the bookstore at the end of the semester, whether they were bought new or used, for up to 50 percent of the new book price. "The buyback is the best value for students," Bradley said. Outside of the University Bookstore and Follett's, there are many online textbook-rental options, including <em>BookFinder</em></span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>The Star-Telegram (United States), <a href=" "><q>Ask Jerry: 'The Scent of a Woman' is the remake</q></a></strong> (25 January 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en">In the earlier film, Vittorio Gassman plays the role of a blind army captain. Although that film inspired the Al Pacino movie, the two plots differ significantly. Meanwhile, both movies emanated from a novel titled Il Buio e il Miele, by Arpino Giovanni. You can find it on various used book sites, including <em></em>.</span></q> </blockquote> <p> <strong>New York Times (United States), <a href=" "><q>Finding Cheaper Textbooks: 2nd Edition</q></a></strong> (14 January 2011) </p> <blockquote><q><span lang="en"> and <em></em>: A search for the same art history book on these two sites, suggested by readers, yielded similar results. has a no-frills feel, but all of the information you need - total cost, expected delivery - is listed. The site, which claims to search most major online booksellers, didn't appear to include rentals. <em></em>, meanwhile, also generated a long list of options (including rentals).</span></q> </blockquote> </div> <!-- end media-mentions-content-all --> <div class="media-mentions-group-nav" style="background: #ececff; border-color: #8888ff"> <p><strong>All global press mentions by year:</strong><br> <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2024">2024</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2023">2023</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2022">2022</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2021">2021</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2020">2020</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2019">2019</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2018">2018</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2017">2017</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2016">2016</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2015">2015</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2014">2014</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2013">2013</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2012">2012</a>, <strong><a class="unlinked">2011</a></strong>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2010">2010</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2009">2009</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2008">2008</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2007">2007</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2006">2006</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2005">2005</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2004">2004</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2003">2003</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2002">2002</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2001">2001</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=2000">2000</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=1999">1999</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?year=1998">1998</a></p> <p><strong>Recent press mentions by language:</strong><br> <a href="/about/mentions/?lang=en">English</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?lang=de">German</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?lang=fr">French</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?lang=es">Spanish</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?lang=nl">Dutch</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?lang=se">Northern Sami</a>, <a href="/about/mentions/?lang=*">All languages</a></p> </div> <p><em><a href="">Have you seen a reference to us in the media? 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