Custom reports – Argus Metals

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If you have multiple contracts settled on the basis of an Argus price assessment or exchange price, you can set up a report that creates a single list of all those prices, arranged by customer, product, location or department, and add it to your workspace so that you can track the current cost of all those materials every time you visit the platform. Setting up a custom report removes the need to repeatedly answer multiple queries to add the relevant prices that you manage in your contracts and arrange them into a single data extract. This is ideal for anyone who runs the same reports every month with the same collection of prices. Following an easy one-time set up, the report can be exported as a PDF or Excel file with the current data as often as you need to run it and distributed to anyone who is included on your functional licence with Argus. </p> <h3>Five simple steps to improving your workflow</h3> <p>1. From your custom dashboard, click the Add content button.</p> <p> <img src="/metals-platform/Assets/Images/Site/CustomReports/argus-metals-custom-reports-add-content.png" alt="add content" style="border: 1px solid #360554;"> </p> <p>2. In the Add a widget menu, click Custom reports to expand the custom report selections, and choose Create new.</p> <p> <img src="/metals-platform/Assets/Images/Site/CustomReports/argus-metals-custom-reports-create-new.png" style="border: 1px solid #360554;" alt=" Create new"> </p> <p>3. Add prices by searching or using the index and click add to the report, adjusting currency and unit of measure if needed.</p> <p> <img src="/metals-platform/Assets/Images/Site/CustomReports/argus-metals-custom-reports-select-prices.png" alt="Select prices" style="border: 1px solid #360554"> </p> <p>4. Name your report and save changes.</p> <p> <img src="/metals-platform/Assets/Images/Site/CustomReports/argus-metals-custom-reports-save-setting.png" alt="save setting" style="border: 1px solid #360554;"> </p> <p>5. Add the report to your workspace. Repeat these steps for as many groups of prices as you want to display together on your workspace.</p> <p> <img src="/metals-platform/Assets/Images/Site/CustomReports/argus-metals-custom-reports-add-widget.png" style="border: 1px solid #360554;" alt="add widget"> </p> <h3>Advantages of Argus custom reports</h3> <ul> <li> Creates workflow efficiency at user login level — every user with a unique login can set up their own customised view </li> <li> Dynamically updated to always show current pricing data, but also retains historic views of reports by date for auditing purposes </li> <li> Combines various price assessments into reports for how your business needs to view the data, not strictly by metal categories </li> <li> Can be added to <a href="/metals-platform/custom-workspaces/1">customised workspaces</a> alongside other customised content widgets, such as news, charts and prices by metal category </li> <li> Include any synthetic prices you have built using the <a href="/metals-platform/p/alloy-calculator">Alloy Calculator tool</a> </li> <li> Offers a clean customised report tailored to every one of your customers for contract administration purposes </li> <li> Easily exportable into PDF and Excel </li> <li> Combine exchange prices and Argus price assessments from any commodity category in a single report, using a common currency and unit of measure </li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: center;" id="requestDemoBtn"><a href="" target="_blank" class="button secondary">Request more information</a></p> <p style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="right-rail right third-width"> <div class="right-rail-text sidebar-feature cf"> <div class="inner cf"> <h4 class="cf">Request a demo of the ARGUS Metals platform</h4> <div class="description cf description-contact"> <b class="tourPurp">Email from anywhere</b> <ul> <li class="email"><a href=""></a></li> </ul> <b class="tourPurp">Call us in the US</b> <ul> <li class="phone"><span>+1 (713) 360-7568</span></li> </ul> <b class="tourPurp">Call our team in Europe</b> <ul> <li class="phone"><span>+44 (0) 20 7780 4200</span></li> </ul> <b class="tourPurp">Call our team in Asia</b> <ul> <li class="phone"><span>+65 6496 9966</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="right-rail right third-width"> <div class="right-rail-text sidebar-feature cf"> <div class="inner cf"> <h4 class="cf">Argus Blog</h4> <div class="description cf"> Our editors share insights and analyses about energy and commodity markets worldwide. 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