Alloy Calculator – Argus Metals
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The Alloy Calculator allows you to calculate the intrinsic value of any alloy using the vast library of Argus raw material price assessments as the basis for input costs.</p> <p>Identify the current market value of secondary materials — what percentage of the original value will you get back on post-production scrap? Understand its current value so that you can achieve the highest recovery value for your scrap.</p> <img style="width: 100%; margin: auto; display: block;" class="vidyard-player-embed" src ="/metals-platform/Assets/Images/spacer.gif" data-uuid="k4QtevZpPRw3MB5kygUhQj" data-v="4" data-type="inline" /> <h3>Advantages of Alloy Calculator</h3> <ul> <li> Powerful tool for creating should-cost estimates for highly-engineered materials that are manufactured to your company’s specification and for which there is no spot market to assess </li> <li> Provides a mechanism for calculating the current scrap value of your custom material by formulating a price based on the intrinsic value of its ingredients </li> <li> Not just useful for alloys, any combination of materials can be used to create a synthetic indicative price </li> <li> Retains history of your custom-built price for performance analysis over time </li> <li> Compare the cost of substitute materials or vary the composition of raw material percentages in your alloys to detect the best material qualities at the lowest cost </li> <li> Create multiple versions of your custom alloy in different currencies and units of measure to detect cost advantages </li> <li> Calculate the total cost related to production of alloys, including fixed costs — such as freight, transportation or any other known costs or discounts. Determine the cost of a finished product using Argus’ assessed metal prices as a variable cost and user-provided fixed costs for melting, processing and finishing. </li> <li> Eliminates the need to constantly update external spreadsheets with current raw material costs to calculate your overall exposure – costs shown are always the most up-to-date values. </li> </ul> <p>Call today and let us show you how the Alloy Calculator can help you plan, manage and anticipate complex variable material costs.</p> <p> </p> <p style="text-align: center;" id="requestDemoBtn"><a href="" target="_blank" class="button secondary">Request more information</a></p> </div> <div class="right-rail right third-width"> <div class="right-rail-text sidebar-feature cf"> <div class="inner cf"> <h4 class="cf">Request a demo of the ARGUS Metals platform</h4> <div class="description cf description-contact"> <b class="tourPurp">Email from anywhere</b> <ul> <li class="email"><a href=""></a></li> </ul> <b class="tourPurp">Call us in the US</b> <ul> <li class="phone"><span>+1 (713) 360-7568</span></li> </ul> <b class="tourPurp">Call our team in Europe</b> <ul> <li class="phone"><span>+44 (0) 20 7780 4200</span></li> </ul> <b class="tourPurp">Call our team in Asia</b> <ul> <li class="phone"><span>+65 6496 9966</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="right-rail right third-width"> <div class="right-rail-text sidebar-feature cf"> <div class="inner cf"> <h4 class="cf">Argus Blog</h4> <div class="description cf"> Our editors share insights and analyses about energy and commodity markets worldwide. 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