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In order to help researchers and our partners use scite data we can provide a number of different ways to access scite data.<br/><br/>See <a class="Link__link___plGt2 Link__blueLink___BhE5_ Link__underline___K1Y7j" tabindex="0" href="/badge"></a> for our embeddable badges page.<br/>See <a class="Link__link___plGt2 Link__blueLink___BhE5_ Link__underline___K1Y7j" tabindex="0" href="/embed-citation-search"></a> for embedding citation search or linking terms to scite data.<br/><br/>For API or Data Access, Please email us at <a class="Link__link___plGt2 Link__blueLink___BhE5_ Link__underline___K1Y7j" href="" tabindex="0" role="link"></a> to request access and documentation. In the email please include your intended use and affiliation. API use is restricted by the terms below:</p><h3 class="Header__h3___dSkqO">API Terms of use</h3><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">Last updated: July 9<sup>th</sup>, 2019</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">Scite, Inc. (referred to here as “Scite”) makes available its application programming interface (“Scite API”) subject to this Terms of Use agreement (the “API Terms”). Scite may update, amend or modify these API Terms from time to time. By accessing and continuing to use the Scite API, you (“You” or “Your” where applicable) signify Your binding acceptance of these API Terms (as updated on the Scite developer website located at <a class="Link__link___plGt2 Link__blueLink___BhE5_" href="" tabindex="0" role="link"></a> (the “Scite Developer Website”) from time to time), and You represent that You are of legal age to form a binding contract. If you are using the Scite API in your capacity as an employee, agent, consultant, advisor or other representative of any individual, partnership, limited liability company, association, corporation, trust or other entity, then such individual or entity and any other individuals or entities under common control with such individual or entity shall be included in the definition of “You.” If You disagree with any of these API Terms, Scite does not grant You a license to use the Scite API.</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">These API Terms may be supplemented by one or more written agreements between Scite and You establishing pricing and other terms governing your use of the Scite API (each, a “Statement of Work” or “SOW”). Further, these API Terms supplement the Scite Terms of Service and Scite Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Scite Policies”), as published under the domain <a class="Link__link___plGt2 Link__blueLink___BhE5_" href="" tabindex="0" role="link"></a> (the “Scite Main Website”) and as amended from time to time. The terms and conditions of the Scite Policies shall fully apply to these API Terms, save for the exceptions that are explicitly stated in these API Terms. To the extent of any conflict between the API Terms and any applicable SOW, the applicable SOW shall control. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined in these API Terms have the definitions set forth in the Scite Policies.</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">You should monitor the Scite Developer Website to ensure You are aware of any changes in the API Terms, the Scite Policies, or any other applicable legal documents. In the event You cannot agree to any changes in any applicable legal document, You will immediately cease any and all use of the Scite API and, where applicable, any and all use of the Scite Service.</p><h4 class="Header__h4___DEzov">Accounts and Account Codes</h4><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">To access and use the Scite API, You must create an account. You may create only one (1) account and You must complete the registration process by providing current, complete and accurate information (including Your email address) when prompted. If Your contact information changes, You agree that You will promptly update Your account information to reflect those changes. You will be issued one or more unique passwords, security codes, or tokens (each, a “Security Code”) for accessing the Scite API and managing Your account. You may only access Your account with the Security Codes provided to You by Scite. You may not sell, transfer, sublicense or otherwise disclose Your account or Security Codes to any other party. Maintaining account security is very important to the integrity and security of the Scite API and the Scite Service; You acknowledge that any failure to maintain the security of your account in accordance with these API Terms shall be a material breach of these API Terms. You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Your account and Security Codes. You agree to notify Scite immediately if You believe that Your account or Security Codes have been compromised. You are fully responsible for all activities that occur using Your account and Security Codes, regardless of whether such activities are undertaken by You or a third party.</p><h4 class="Header__h4___DEzov">Licensed Uses and Restrictions</h4><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">As an exception to Section 4 of the Scite Terms of Service, and subject to Your compliance with these API Terms and all other terms of the Scite Policies, Scite grants to You a limited, non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, non-transferable right to use the Scite API for the sole purpose of developing software applications that can interface and communicate with the Scite Service for the purpose of displaying and transmitting Transmitted Content via the Scite Service, as made available on or through such software applications (e.g., for enabling users of such software applications that displays a scientific scholarly work to view statistics regarding the frequency with which such work is cited in other scientific scholarly works).</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">As used herein, the term “Transmitted Content” means metadata arising from the Scite Service regarding the citation history of individual scientific scholarly works or otherwise permitting users to analyze the veracity of scientific scholarly works. Transmitted Content does not include the text of, or any text “snippets” excerpted from, any scientific scholarly works. Transmitted Content may be provided pursuant to agreements between Scite and certain third-party licensors of Scite, including, without limitation, CrossRef (collectively, “Transmitted Content Providers”).</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">Through Your use of the Scite API, You agree that You will not, directly or indirectly, violate any applicable laws, the rights of others, or the operational and security mechanisms of the Scite Service. Examples of such prohibited behavior include, but are not limited to, directly or indirectly:</p><ul><li>Using the Scite API for any application that promotes, conducts, or contributes to fraudulent, obscene, pornographic and/or illegal activities, including deceptive impersonation or activities involving the exploitation of children.</li><li>Using the Scite API to display or imply any kind of political endorsement, whether by Scite or any Transmitted Content Provider.</li><li>Using the Scite API for any application to violate anyone&#x27;s privacy rights (e.g. distributing unwanted commercial solicitations, such as, but not limited, to spyware and adware), to infringe on intellectual property rights (including copyrights and trademark rights), to sponsor or operate any contest, sweepstakes or other promotion, to harass or defame others, or to promote hatred towards any group of people.</li><li>Using the Scite API to use, distribute or transmit the Transmitted Content in any manner not authorized under the Scite Policies or these API Terms.</li><li>Using the Transmitted Content in any manner other than in conjunction with the Scite Service or the Scite Main Website.</li><li>Using the Scite API for any application that has not been approved in writing by Scite (whether as part of an SOW or otherwise) and that causes increased demand on the servers operating the Scite Service (i.e., more demand than a single person could produce by normal use of the Scite Service without Your application or Your use of the Scite API).</li><li>Using the Scite API in any manner that advocates, encourages, condones, promotes or facilitates the infringement of any third-party intellectual property rights, including, without limitation, trademark rights, copyright rights, patent rights and/or trade secrets.</li><li>Altering, modifying, deleting, or otherwise interfering with or in any manner compromising any services and/or features contained on or through the Scite Service, including, without limitation, any functionality of the Scite Service enabling its users to analyze the veracity of scientific scholarly works, in each case except as expressly permitted by the Scite Policies.</li><li>Using the Scite API in a manner that disrupts, circumvents, or interferes with any part of the Scite Service; or forges or modifies any data processed or distributed by the Scite Service, such as, but not limited to spyware, adware or stealware.</li><li>Using the Scite API for any application that adversely impacts the behavior of other applications using the Scite API.</li><li>Using the Scite API for any application that constitutes, promotes or is used in connection with or installs spyware, adware, or other malicious programs or code.</li><li>Using the Scite API for any application that constitutes, promotes or is used in connection with or installs any type of bot, virus, worm, Trojan-horse routing, trap door, time bomb or any other codes or instructions that are designed to monitor, distort, delete, damage or disassemble the Scite Service (or its ability to communicate and function with other computers running the Scite Service), or any user’s computer.</li><li>Selling, leasing, or sublicensing the Scite API or access thereto.</li><li>Attempting to redistribute information about a user of the Scite Service without express permission of the user.</li><li>Sending messages to or communicating with (or attempting to do the foregoing) other users of the Scite Service unless specifically directed to do so by the user.</li><li>Attempting to modify the Scite Service user interface in any way not otherwise permitted by Scite.</li><li>Attempting to modify other software, the operating systems or configuration settings of the user or others directly or through manipulating the Scite Service without the express and informed permission of the user.</li><li>Attempting to modify other software, the operating systems or configuration settings of other services directly or through manipulating the Scite Service without a party’s express and informed permission.</li></ul><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">Further, You agree that:</p><ul><li>Your application will at all times display and promote the ability of users of your Scite API-enabled application to use the Scite Service and provide a link to the Scite Main Website.</li><li>You will comply with the requirements and specifications related to application design and the use and presentation of the User Interface stated in “Attribution” below.</li><li>You will not distribute any application online through one or more website(s) that is/are in any way similar to the Scite Main Website or use any Scite trademarks, or words confusingly similar or describing Scite’s products or services, as the registered URL for Your website(s), except as expressly approved in writing by Scite.</li><li>You will not knowingly harm, misuse or bring into disrepute the Scite Service, the Scite API or Scite’s and/or Transmitted Content Providers’ brands, logos or names, but, on the contrary, will use Your best efforts to maintain the value and reputation thereof.</li><li>You will not use the Scite API in any application that is actually or potentially fraudulent or inappropriate or contrary to the Scite Policies or these API Terms.</li><li>Your Scite API-enabled application will not collect, use, store or disclose any user’s personal information or data in any manner that violates applicable laws, rules or regulations. If Scite, in its sole discretion but in good faith, determines that You are collecting personal information or data through any Scite API-enabled application in any misleading, unauthorized or unfair way, then Scite shall have the right to immediately terminate these API Terms.</li><li>You will adopt and publish a privacy policy that is easily accessible to users, that complies with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and that clearly and concisely discloses how You collect, use, store, and disclose data collected from users through the Scite API. You will only collect the personal information or other data or information of a user which is necessary for the function of Your application and only as expressly described in Your privacy policy.</li><li>You will never collect the Scite password used by users to log in to their Scite account (each, a “Scite Password“). If users need a separate password to use Your application, You will either (i) automatically generate a unique password and communicate it to the user, or (ii) actively encourage users to use a password different from their Scite Password.</li></ul><h4 class="Header__h4___DEzov">Limitations on Usage</h4><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">Scite may limit the number of network calls that Your applications may make with the Scite API, and/or the maximum Transmitted Content that may be accessed, or anything else about the Scite API and the Transmitted Content, all of which shall be done at Scite’s sole discretion except as provided in an applicable SOW. Scite may change such usage limits at any time and without notice except as otherwise provided in an applicable SOW. Without limiting any of its rights under the Scite Policies, these API Terms or otherwise, Scite may use technical means to prevent overusage and/or stop usage of the Scite API if an application exceeds usage limitations.</p><h4 class="Header__h4___DEzov">Monitoring Your Use of the Scite API</h4><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">You agree to provide Scite and the Transmitted Content Providers with access to Your Application and/or other materials related to Your use of the Scite API as requested by Scite or the Transmitted Content Providers to verify Your compliance with these API Terms. You agree that Scite and the Transmitted Content Providers may monitor the applications You develop (including, but not limiting to, crawling such applications) solely for purposes of ensuring your compliance with these API Terms and You agree not to block or interfere with such efforts by Scite or the Transmitted Content Providers.</p><h4 class="Header__h4___DEzov">Your Use of Transmitted Content</h4><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">Except as otherwise provided in an SOW, You agree to make Transmitted Content available to users of Your application in accordance with your ordinary pricing models and shall not charge users of Your application an additional fee for use of a “premium” version (or similarly named version) of Your application that, when compared to the “standard” version (or similarly named version) of Your application, is materially different solely in that it makes Transmitted Content available to the user. You must clearly and conspicuously identify the source of all Transmitted Content as received from Scite. You may not modify, obscure or otherwise disable the functioning of links to Scite or Transmitted Content Providers’ applications or websites provided within Transmitted Content except with Scite’s prior written consent. You shall not omit, modify or obscure any aspect of the Transmitted Content except with Scite’s prior written consent. Any use by You that either Scite or any Transmitted Content Provider determines is unacceptable for any reason shall be deemed a violation of these API Terms and Scite may, at its discretion, immediately terminate the licenses granted herein or discontinue Your access to the Scite API.</p><h4 class="Header__h4___DEzov">Termination</h4><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">Your license to the Scite API under these API Terms continues until it is terminated by either party. You may terminate the license by discontinuing use of the Scite API. Scite may terminate the license at any time for any reason. Scite may also disable or remove from the Scite Service or otherwise any application developed by You under the Scite API at any time for any reason. Without limiting the foregoing, Your rights to use the Scite API terminate automatically if (i) You violate the letter or spirit of any of these API Terms or the Scite Policies, (ii) Scite publicly posts a general written notice of termination of these API Terms on the Scite Developer Website, (iii) Scite sends a written notice of termination to You, or (iv) Scite disables Your access to the Scite API or disables or removes from the Scite Service any application developed by You under the Scite API.</p><h4 class="Header__h4___DEzov">Removal of Data</h4><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">Within forty-eight (48) hours following any termination of these API Terms, You shall delete from Your application and data retention systems all data derived from the Scite API, including all Transmitted Content. Further, You shall delete all data specific to any end user or their session utilizing Your Scite API-enabled application within twenty-four (24) hours of the expiration of such session.</p><h4 class="Header__h4___DEzov">User Ratings and Comments</h4><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">Scite may, but shall not be required to, provide a user rating system or evaluation method on the Scite Developer Website for registered users to post positive or negative comments and ratings about the applications developed by You using the Scite API. This system will allow users to view any comments about a particular application or application developer which have been posted by other users who have downloaded and installed their applications. Users may choose to make decisions on whether to download and install applications developed by You based on other users’ ratings and comments. Please note that Scite does not intend to censor nor check for accuracy the opinions or comments of its registered users as posted on other users’ rating histories, nor is Scite legally responsible for the nature of the opinions or comments posted (whether they are libelous, defamatory or otherwise). You will not hold Scite responsible for any user’s actions or inactions, including things they post.</p><h4 class="Header__h4___DEzov">Attribution</h4><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">You may only use the following references to Scite, the Scite API and the Scite Service in connection with Your application:</p><ul><li>“works with scite™”</li><li>“uses scite™”</li><li>“data from scite™”</li><li>“powered by scite™”</li></ul><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">You should not design or name Your application, or any website that hosts Your application, in a manner that suggests that Scite has endorsed, certified or otherwise approved the application or website. Specifically, You acknowledge that Your application must prominently display the following statement in the help text or about text:</p><ul><li>“This product uses the Scite API but is not endorsed, certified or otherwise approved in any way by Scite™.”</li></ul><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">You further acknowledge and agree that you will not use the word “Scite”, or any confusingly similar word designed to sound or look like “Scite”, in any domain name associated with You, Your website, or Your application.</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">Scite™ and the Scite logo are registered trademarks of Scite, Inc. and all other proprietary trademarks, service marks, trade names, slogans, logos, and other indicia of origin that appear on or in connection with the Scite Service are the property of Scite, Inc. Except as provided above, You may not use any Scite logos, trademarks, service marks, or other proprietary information without the prior express written consent of Scite. Additionally, except to the extent appearing in any Transmitted Content, You may not use any Transmitted Content Provider logos, trademarks, service marks, or other proprietary information without the prior express written consent of such Transmitted Content Provider. Unauthorized references or use of such items shall be considered a material breach of the API Terms as well as the Scite Policies and any other agreement You may have entered into with Scite and shall result in immediate termination thereof. Such termination shall be without limitation to Scite’s right to claim damages, seek injunctive or other equitable relief and obtain other remedies from You.</p><h4 class="Header__h4___DEzov">Ownership and Relationship of Parties</h4><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">The Scite API is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, international treaties, and/or other proprietary rights and laws of the U.S. and other countries. Scite’s rights apply to the Scite API and all output and executables of the Scite API, excluding any software components developed by You which do not themselves incorporate the Scite API or any output or executables of the Scite API. You agree to abide by all applicable proprietary rights laws and other laws, as well as any additional copyright notices or restrictions contained in these API Terms. Scite owns all rights, title, and interest in and to the Scite API. These terms grant You no right, title, or interest in any intellectual property owned or licensed by Scite, including (but not limited to) the Scite API and Scite trademarks, and any Transmitted Content.</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">You acknowledge and agree that Scite and other Scite API users may independently develop other applications through their use of the Scite API or otherwise which are identical or similar to Your application in function, code or other characteristics. You agree that You will have no ownership or intellectual property rights in such applications. You further acknowledge and agree that any application developed by Scite and using the Scite API which may be identical or similar to Your application in function, code or other characteristics will not be deemed to violate in any manner any of Your rights in Your application, and that any such characteristics are coincidental in nature. In this regard, You expressly agree not to bring claims against Scite for copyright infringement or otherwise based on the sole fact that an application developed by Scite and using the Scite API is identical or similar to Your application utilizing the Scite API in function, code or other characteristics. By submitting or otherwise making available an application that uses the Scite API, You acknowledge and agree that Your application and/or its functionality is not exclusive to Scite, the Scite Service and/or to third parties, and may be replicated, imitated or otherwise duplicative with other applications or functionality developed by Scite or third parties.</p><h4 class="Header__h4___DEzov">License to Scite</h4><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">You hereby grant Scite a limited, non-exclusive license to perform, display and make available any application developed by You using the Scite API on the Scite Main Website and through the Scite Service.</p><h4 class="Header__h4___DEzov">Indemnity</h4><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">You agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Scite and its affiliates, parent companies, subsidiaries, officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents, business partners, Transmitted Content Providers and network service providers (collectively, the “Related Parties”) at Your expense, against any and all damages, claims, actions, proceedings, and suits and all related liabilities, damages, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and other dispute resolution expenses) incurred by Scite or any of the Related Parties arising out of or relating to Your (a) violation or breach of any term of these API Terms, the Scite Policies, any applicable Payment Agreement, or any applicable law, regulation, policy or guideline, whether or not referenced herein, (b) use or misuse of the Scite API, or (c) violation of any rights of any third party.</p><h4 class="Header__h4___DEzov">Disclaimer of Warranties</h4><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">THE SCITE API IS PROVIDED &quot;AS IS&quot; AND THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, CLAIMS OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY SCITE, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, WITH RESPECT TO THE SCITE API, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NOR ARE THERE ANY WARRANTIES CREATED BY COURSE OF DEALING, COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, OR TRADE USAGE. SCITE FURTHER DOES NOT REPRESENT OR WARRANT THAT THE SCITE API WILL ALWAYS BE AVAILABLE, ACCESSIBLE, UNINTERRUPTED, TIMELY, SECURE, ACCURATE, COMPLETE, ERROR-FREE, OR WILL OPERATE WITHOUT PACKET LOSS, NOR DOES SCITE WARRANT ANY CONNECTION TO OR TRANSMISSION FROM THE INTERNET, OR ANY QUALITY OF TRANSMISSIONS OF DATA MADE THROUGH THE SCITE API.</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SCITE API REMAINS WITH YOU TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW.</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">As some jurisdictions do not allow some of the exclusions set forth in this section, some of these exclusions may not apply to You.</p><h4 class="Header__h4___DEzov">Limitation of Liability</h4><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">IN NO EVENT SHALL SCITE OR ANY RELATED PARTIES BE LIABLE WHETHER IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE (WHETHER ACTIVE, PASSIVE OR IMPUTED), PRODUCT LIABILITY OR STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER THEORY), FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY LOSS OF DATA, SERVICE INTERRUPTION, COMPUTER FAILURE OR PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SCITE API, INCLUDING ANY DAMAGES RESULTING THEREFROM, EVEN IF SCITE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">YOUR ONLY RIGHT WITH RESPECT TO ANY PROBLEMS OR DISSATISFACTION WITH THE SCITE API IS TO UNINSTALL AND CEASE USE OF THE SCITE API.</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">As some jurisdictions do not allow some of the exclusions set forth in this section, some of these exclusions may not apply to You.</p><h4 class="Header__h4___DEzov">General Provisions</h4><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY"><em>Reservation of Rights; Modification.</em> Scite reserves all rights not expressly granted in these API Terms. Scite may modify these API Terms at any time by providing such revised API Terms to You or posting the revised API Terms on the Scite Developer Website. Your continued use of the Scite API shall constitute Your acceptance to be bound by the terms and conditions of such revised terms.</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY"><em>Third Party Beneficiaries.</em> In addition to these API Terms, Your use of the Scite API and Transmitted Content is subject to the separate API use requirements, if any, of each of the Transmitted Content Providers. You hereby acknowledge and agree that the Transmitted Content Providers are third party beneficiaries with respect to these API Terms with full power and authority to enforce the provisions of these API Terms as if a direct party hereto, including, without limitation, the ability to terminate the licenses granted to You under these API Terms at any time for any reason. The Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability of these API Terms shall apply to the Transmitted Content Providers as if the Transmitted Content Providers directly made such disclaimers and limitations of liability therein.</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY"><em>No Partnership.</em> You agree that no joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between You and Scite as a result of these API Terms or Your use of the Scite Service.</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY"><em>Assignment.</em> Scite may assign these API Terms, in whole or in part, to any person or entity at any time with or without Your consent. You may not assign these API Terms without Scite’s prior written consent, and any unauthorized assignment by You shall be null and void.</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY"><em>Attorneys’ Fees.</em> In the event any litigation is brought by either party in connection with these API Terms, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to recover from the other party all the reasonable costs, attorneys&#x27; fees and other expenses incurred by such prevailing party in the litigation.</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY"><em>No Waiver.</em> Scite’s failure to enforce any provision of these API Terms shall in no way be construed to be a present or future waiver of such provision, nor in any way affect the right of any party to enforce each and every such provision thereafter. The express waiver by Scite of any provision, condition or requirement of these API Terms shall not constitute a waiver of any future obligation to comply with such provision, condition or requirement.</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY"><em>Notices.</em> All notices given by You or required under these API Terms shall be in writing and addressed to: Scite, Inc., 2 North 6th Place #31A, Brooklyn, NY 11249, Attention: CEO.</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY"><em>Equitable Remedies.</em> You hereby agree that Scite would be irreparably damaged if the terms of these API Terms were not specifically enforced, and therefore You agree that Scite shall be entitled, without bond, other security, or proof of damages, to appropriate equitable remedies with respect to breaches of these API Terms, in addition to such other remedies as Scite may otherwise have available to Scite under applicable laws.</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY"><em>Entire Agreement.</em> These API Terms, together with any applicable SOW and the Scite Policies, constitutes the entire agreement between You and Scite with respect to the Scite API and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications, whether electronic, oral or written, between You and Scite with respect to the Scite API.</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY"><em>Severability.</em> Should any term or provision of these API Terms be deemed invalid, void or unenforceable either in its entirety or in a particular application, the remainder of these API Terms shall remain in full force and effect.</p><h4 class="Header__h4___DEzov">Release and Waiver</h4><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, effective upon Your consent hereto, and reaffirmed upon every occasion You use the Scite API or distribute software that uses the Scite API, You release, and waive all claims against Scite, and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, licensors, co-branders or other partners, and employees from any and all liability for claims, damages (actual and/or consequential), costs and expenses (including litigation costs and attorneys’ fees) of every kind and nature, arising from or in any way related to Your use of the Scite API. You understand that any fact relating to any matter covered by this release may be later found to be untrue even though it is now believed to be true, and You accept and assume the risk of such possible differences in fact. In addition, You expressly waive and relinquish any and all rights and benefits which You may have under any other state or federal statute or common law principle of similar effect, to the fullest extent permitted by law.</p><h4 class="Header__h4___DEzov">Dispute Resolution</h4><ol type="a"><li><em>Negotiations.</em> Before initiating any arbitration or court proceeding, You and Scite agree to first attempt to negotiate any dispute, controversy or claim related to these API Terms (“Claim”) (except those Claims expressly provided in clause (f) below) informally for at least thirty (30) days. Negotiations will begin upon written notice. Scite will send its notice to Your billing or other physical address (if on file with Scite) and email You a copy to the email address You have provided. You will send Your notice to Scite, Inc., 10624 S. Eastern Ave., Ste. A-614, Henderson, NV 89052, USA, Attention: CEO.</li><li><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY"><em>Binding Arbitration.</em> If the parties fail to resolve a Claim through negotiations, within such thirty (30)-day period, either You or Scite may elect to have the Claim (except as otherwise provided in clause (f)) finally and exclusively resolved by binding arbitration by sending a written notice requesting arbitration to the other party. Any election to arbitrate by one party shall be final and binding on the other. The arbitration will be conducted under the Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures of JAMS that are in effect at the time the arbitration is initiated (the “JAMS Rules”) and under the terms set forth in these API Terms. In the event of a conflict between the terms set forth in this clause (b) and the JAMS Rules, the terms in this clause (b) will control and prevail.</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">Except as otherwise set forth in clause (f) below, You may seek any remedies available to You under federal, state or local laws in an arbitration action. As part of the arbitration, both You and Scite will have the opportunity for discovery of non-privileged information that is relevant to the Claim. The arbitrator will provide a written statement of the arbitrator’s decision regarding the Claim, the award given and the arbitrator’s findings and conclusions on which the arbitrator’s decision is based. The determination of whether a Claim is subject to arbitration shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act and determined by a court rather than an arbitrator. Except as otherwise provided in these API Terms, (i) You and Scite may litigate in court to compel arbitration, stay proceedings pending arbitration, or confirm, modify, vacate or enter judgment on the award entered by the arbitrator; and (ii) the arbitrator’s decision is final, binding on all parties and enforceable in any court that has jurisdiction, provided that any award may be challenged if the arbitrator fails to follow applicable law.</p><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">BY AGREEING TO THIS ARBITRATION PROVISION, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOU AND SCITE ARE WAIVING THE RIGHT TO SUE IN COURT AND HAVE A JURY TRIAL.</p></li><li><em>Arbitration Fees.</em> If You initiate arbitration for a Claim, You will only need to pay an arbitration initiation fee of $250 and Scite will pay all other costs charged by JAMS for initiating the arbitration. If Scite is initiating arbitration for a Claim, Scite will pay all costs charged by JAMS for initiating the arbitration. All other fees and costs of the arbitration will be charged pursuant to the JAMS Rules. Notwithstanding anything in the clause titled “Attorneys’ Fees” above to the contrary, You will not be required to pay Scite’s attorneys’ fees or other costs if You do not prevail in the arbitration.</li><li><em>Location.</em> The arbitration will take place in New York, New York, unless the parties mutually agree to video, phone and/or Internet connection appearances. Any Claim not subject to arbitration (other than claims proceeding in any small claims court), or where no election to arbitrate has been made, shall be decided exclusively by a court of competent jurisdiction in New York, New York, United States of America, and You and Scite agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of that court.</li><li><em>Limitations.</em> You and Scite agree that any arbitration shall be limited to the Claim between Scite and You individually. YOU AND SCITE AGREE THAT (A) THERE IS NO RIGHT OR AUTHORITY FOR ANY DISPUTE TO BE ARBITRATED ON A CLASS-ACTION BASIS OR TO UTILIZE CLASS ACTION PROCEDURES; (B) THERE IS NO RIGHT OR AUTHORITY FOR ANY DISPUTE TO BE BROUGHT IN A PURPORTED REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY; AND (C) NO ARBITRATION SHALL BE JOINED WITH ANY OTHER.</li><li><em>Exceptions to Negotiations and Arbitration.</em> You and Scite agree that the following Claims are not subject to the above provisions concerning negotiations and binding arbitration: (i) any Claims seeking to enforce or protect, or concerning the validity of, any of Your or Scite’s intellectual property rights; (ii) any Claim related to, or arising from, allegations of theft, piracy, invasion of privacy or unauthorized use; and (iii) any claim for equitable relief. In addition to the foregoing, either party may assert an individual action in small claims court for Claims that are within the scope of such courts’ jurisdiction in lieu of arbitration. As some jurisdictions do not allow for some of the dispute resolution provisions set forth in these API Terms, some of these provisions may not apply to You.</li><li><em>Governing Law.</em> Except as otherwise provided in API Terms, these API Terms shall be is governed by, and will be construed under, the laws of the United States of America and the laws of the State of New York, without regard to choice of law principles.</li><li><em>Severability.</em> You and Scite agree that if any portion this “Dispute Resolution” section is found illegal or unenforceable (except any portion of clause (f)), that portion shall be severed and the remainder of this section shall be given full force and effect. If clause (f) is found to be illegal or unenforceable then neither You nor Scite will elect to arbitrate any Claim falling within that portion of clause (f) found to be illegal or unenforceable and such Claim shall be exclusively decided by a court of competent jurisdiction within New York, New York, United States of America, and You and Scite agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of that court.</li></ol><h4 class="Header__h4___DEzov">Express Agreement</h4><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THESE API TERMS AND UNDERSTAND THE RIGHTS, OBLIGATIONS, TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH HEREIN. BY ACCESSING AND CONTINUING TO USE THE SCITE API, YOU EXPRESSLY CONSENT TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND GRANT TO SCITE THE RIGHTS SET FORTH HEREIN.</p></div></div><div class="Footer__layout___jrAhC"><div class="Footer__mainLayout___MVOfi"><div class="Footer__aboutContainer___TwE0S"><img width="128px" height="41px" alt="scite logo" src=""/><p class="Paragraph__body____m5FY">scite is a Brooklyn-based organization that helps researchers better discover and understand research articles through Smart Citations–citations that display the context of the citation and describe whether the article provides supporting or contrasting evidence. scite is used by students and researchers from around the world and is funded in part by the National Science Foundation and the National Institute on Drug Abuse of the National Institutes of Health.</p><div class="Footer__contact___DGc_M"><h6 class="Header__h6___QzBvp">Contact Info</h6><div><p class="Footer__address___VMUTY Paragraph__body____m5FY"></p><p class="Footer__address___VMUTY Paragraph__body____m5FY">10624 S. 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