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The alerts can be received via email or as an RSS feed. You can set up and manage your alerts on <a target="_blank" href="/myidc/alerts/edit.jsp">Edit Alerts page</a> but you can create alerts from various places on </p> <div class="accordion" data-focused-width="1024"> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="accordion-heading"> <h2 class="accordion-label">Setting up Alerts from a search</h2> </div> <div class="accordion-content"> <p> First, you need to be logged in to be able to set up your Alerts. On your search results page, you'll notice a "Create New Alert" button. </p> <img style="display: block" src="" alt=""> <p> When you have refined the search to your satisfaction, click on the "Create New Alert" button. A popup window will ask you to select your preferred notification – email, RSS or both. You must also give your alert a name so you can identify it later. Once you have completed the requested information, click on the Save button. </p> <img style="display: block" src="" alt=""> <p> If you have only created an Email Alert, you will next see a confirmation Window. Simply click Close to complete the process. </p> <p> If you have selected RSS Notifications, you will see an additional window to pick the RSS reader you prefer. </p> <img style="display: block" src="" alt=""> <p> If the RSS reader you prefer is listed, simply click on the reader name and you will be transferred to that interface to complete setting up your RSS feed. If you use a different RSS Reader, you can copy the URL listed and paste that into your reader of preference. Or you can set up the RSS feed later from your <a target="_blank" href="/myidc/alerts/edit.jsp">Edit Alerts page</a>. </p> <p> Alerts set up from a Search are "inclusive". This means it is based on a combination of AND and OR Boolean queries. So, for example, if your alert is for keyword = "cloud" and specifies analysts Frank Gens and Raymond Boggs, you will get documents that are authored by EITHER Frank Gens OR Raymond Boggs, AND contain the word "cloud". </p> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="accordion-heading"> <h2 class="accordion-label">Setting up Alerts from a specific document</h2> </div> <div class="accordion-content"> <p> If you find a specific document that is particularly interesting and you wish to be notified when similar documents are published, click the Create New Alert button from the overview of that document. </p> <img style="display: block" src="" alt=""> <p> A popup window will ask you to select your preferred notification – email, RSS or both. You should also select the specific attributes you are interested in, for example, the authors, regions covered, Topical Categories, Subscription Services or all. (Your Alert will return an exact match for whichever attributes you select). You must also give your Alert a name so you can identify it later. Once you have completed the requested information, click on the Save button. </p> <img style="display: block" src="" alt=""> <p> If you have only created an Email Alert, you will next see a confirmation Window. Simply click Close to complete the process. </p> <p> If you have selected RSS Notifications, you will see an additional window to pick the RSS reader you prefer. </p> <img style="display: block" src="" alt=""> <p> If the RSS reader you prefer is listed, simply click on the Reader name and you will be transferred to that interface to complete setting up your RSS feed. If you use a different RSS Reader, you can copy the URL listed and paste that into your Reader of preference. Or you can set up the RSS feed later from your <a target="_blank" href="/myidc/alerts/edit.jsp">Edit Alerts page</a>. </p> <p> Alerts set up from a Document are "exclusive". This means it is based on an exact match. So, for example, if the original document was written by Frank Gens and Raymond Boggs, and you specify Analysts in your match criteria, you will get documents that are authored by BOTH Frank Gens AND Raymond Boggs. </p> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="accordion-heading"> <h2 class="accordion-label">Setting up Alerts from an analyst profile</h2> </div> <div class="accordion-content"> <p> In case you are interested in research done by a particular analyst you can set up an Alert from the analyst profile page. Click on "Create new Alert". A popup window will ask you to select your preferred notification – email, RSS or both. You must also give your Alert a name so you can identify it later. Once you have completed the requested information, click on the Save button. </p> <p> If you have only created an Email Alert, you will next see a confirmation Window. Simply click Close to complete the process. </p> <p> If you have selected RSS Notifications, you will see an additional window to pick the RSS reader you prefer. </p> <p> If the RSS reader you prefer is listed, simply click on the Reader name and you will be transferred to that interface to complete setting up your RSS feed. If you use a different RSS Reader, you can copy the URL listed and paste that into your Reader of preference. Or you can set up the RSS feed later from your <a target="_blank" href="/myidc/alerts/edit.jsp">Edit Alerts page</a>. </p> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="accordion-heading"> <h2 class="accordion-label">Setting up Alerts from a fact sheet</h2> </div> <div class="accordion-content"> <p> In case you are interested in research for a specific subscription service, you can create an alert from a factsheet. Go to a factsheet and Click on "Create new Alert". A popup window will ask you to select your preferred notification – email, RSS or both. You must also give your Alert a name so you can identify it later. Once you have completed the requested information, click on the Save button. </p> <p> If you have only created an Email Alert, you will next see a confirmation Window. Simply click Close to complete the process. </p> <p> If you have selected RSS Notifications, you will see an additional window to pick the RSS reader you prefer. </p> <p> If the RSS reader you prefer is listed, simply click on the Reader name and you will be transferred to that interface to complete setting up your RSS feed. If you use a different RSS Reader, you can copy the URL listed and paste that into your Reader of preference. Or you can set up the RSS feed later your <a target="_blank" href="/myidc/alerts/edit.jsp">Edit Alerts page</a>. </p> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="accordion-heading"> <h2 class="accordion-label">Managing Existing Alerts</h2> </div> <div class="accordion-content"> <p> To manage the Alerts you have already created, go to your myIDC, Settings &amp; Alerts, Alerts page. </p> <img style="display: block" src="" alt=""> <p> On this page, you will see a list of the Alerts you have created and the Alert Type you selected, either Email, RSS or both. You can also tell if the Alert was created from a Search, a Document, an analyst profile or a fact sheet. (As described above, they behave slightly differently.) You may remove an Alert by clicking first on this icon <img src="" alt=""> of specific Alert and then on Delete. </p> <p> Clicking on the RSS link for each Alert will load a page showing the most recent documents for that Alert. You will also be able to copy the RSS feed URL and/or select a different RSS Reader. </p> <p> If you wish to change the parameters for your Alert, click the Settings button for that particular Alert. The dropdown will allow you to rename your Alert, delete it, refine it and/or change notification method. </p> <p> To refine your Alert, you can click on Edit Refines. You will be shown a search that corresponds to the alert settings. You can modify the Content types, language, companies covered, analysts, document types, topics, vertical markets and publication source. Once the filter selection corresponds to your needs you can save the modified alert by clicking on "Save Alert". </p> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="accordion-heading"> <h2 class="accordion-label">Email Preferences</h2> </div> <div class="accordion-content"> <p> If you have chosen to receive your Alerts via email, you may choose how often to get the emails and the email format. Make the selections you prefer and click Save. Your selections will apply to all your Alerts. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar column small-12 medium-4"> <div class="big-box"> <a href="/help/helpvideos" class="button secondary" data-gtm-link="Training Videos">Watch Training Videos <i class="icom icom-arrow" style="margin-left: 4px;"></i></a> <a href="/help/helpsupport" class="button secondary" data-gtm-link="Contact Tech Support">Contact Tech Support <i class="icom icom-arrow" style="margin-left: 7px;"></i></a> <h2 class="h4">General Help Topics</h2> <ul class="custom triangle"> <li><a href="/help/helpnav">How To Navigate</a></li> <li><a href="/help/searchhelp">How To Search</a></li> <li><a href="/help/helpplannedresearch">How To Use Planned Research</a></li> <li><a href="/help/helpbrowse">How To Browse</a></li> <li><a href="/help/helppurchase">How To Purchase Online</a></li> <li><a href="/help/helpmyidc">Your myIDC Pages</a></li> <li><a href="/help/helpalerts">How To Set Up And Use Alerts</a></li> <li><a href="/help/helppassword">Change Password</a></li> </ul> <h2 class="h4">Administration Help</h2> <ul class="custom triangle"> <li><a href="/help/helprequirements">Site Requirements</a></li> <li><a href="/help/helpsupport">Technical Support</a></li> <li><a href="/help/idcintranet">IDC Intranet</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="idc-main-footer" data-gtm-root="Footer"> <div class="row"> <div class="column"> <div class="main"> <div> <a href="" data-gtm-link="IDC Logo"> <span class="show-for-sr">Home</span> <img class="logo-img" alt="IDC Logo; 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