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This will provide an in-depth analysis of subjects and update the knowledge of the participants from academic/research institutions.</li> </ol><br> <strong>ELIGIBILITY for Collaboration With Scienceplus</strong> <br> It shall be mandatory for every institution to get affiliated form any University/Government/National body <br><br> <p style="text-align:justify;"> <strong>Managing Conference</strong><strong>:</strong> All quality conference and papers deserve the widest possible exposure and recognition. Thus a conference managing and the publishing system is needed with the expertise to help to achieve the goal. We offer capabilities that no other publishing services can match. <br> The <strong><em>Collaboration </em></strong>also supports the conference organizers by designing, maintaining and hosting the conference website; apart from managing the paper submission, reviewing and consolidating the papers. <br> The <strong><em>collaboration </em></strong>provides high-quality, peer-reviewed conference publications in print, CD, digital and online products. Get a quote today itself to publish with us. Our the goal is to make the publishing process as both quality and effortless process as possible for organizers and authors. <br></p> <br> <strong>Association Benefits:</strong> <br> <ul> <li>Design, Maintain, and Host conference website</li> <li>Managing the paper submission process</li> <li>Reviewing and consolidating the papers</li> <li>Maintaining Communication with Authors</li> <li>Arrange Keynote speakers</li> <li>Professional marketing of the conference</li> <li>Editing, Formatting and Typesetting</li> <li>Providing ISBN/ISSN for publication</li> <li>Copyright protection for the research</li> <li>High-quality production and printing</li> <li>Possible Indexing &amp; Abstracting</li> <li>Post-conference Sales &amp; Distribution</li> <li>Possible Special Issue of the Journal</li> <li>Extended Paper Publication in Journals</li> </ul> <br> <p style="font-size: 17px;" ><strong>How to Collaborate with us?</strong> <br> <ul> <li>Step-1 Choose the Date, Topic of The conference, Venue of the Conference.</li> <li>Step-2 Send us the inquiry Form.</li> <li>Step-3 Choose the Model of Conference from the 4 available model with us</li> <li>Step-4 Sign the MOU and send back to us. 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