The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church - Biographical Dictionary - Consistory of September 17, 1593
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October 21, 1521, Nola. His last name is also listed as Sasso and Saxi. Of a noble patrician family. Son of Marco Sasso. Among the members of the family is Fra Gerardo Sassi, founder of the Order of Malta.</P> <P><STRONG>Education</STRONG>. Educated in the city of Naples.</P> <P><STRONG>Early life</STRONG>. Occupied several prefectures in the kingdom of Naples. Went to Rome and became auditor and counselor of Cardinal Girolamo Verallo. Papal prelate and referendary of the Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature of Justice in the pontificate of Pope Julius III. Governor of Fano, February 14, 1561. Lieutenant of the governor of Spoleto, August 29, 1563. Protonotary apostolic. Governor of Ravenna and vice-legate in Romagna, September 1, 1565. Governor of Perugia, February 18, 1568 to March 13, 1570.</P> <P><STRONG>Priesthood</STRONG>. Incardinated in the diocese of Rome (no further information found).</P> <P><STRONG>Episcopate</STRONG>. Elected first bishop of Ripatransone, October 3, 1571. Consecrated, October 7, 1571, Rome (no further information concerning the consecrators found). Resigned the government of the diocese before May 20, 1575. Vicar of the patriarchal Lateran basilica, 1575. Regent of the Apostolic Penitentiary for more than twenty years. Referendary of the Tribunals of the Apostolic Signature, 1581. Datary of His Holiness, 1590-1593.</P> <P><STRONG>Cardinalate</STRONG>. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of September 17, 1593; received the red hat and the title of Ss. Quirico e Giulitta, October 11, 1593. Pro-datary of His Holiness, 1593 until his death.</P> <P><STRONG>Death</STRONG>. February 29 <FONT SIZE=2>(1)</FONT>, 1604. Buried at the right side of the minor nave near the Holy Door in the patriarchal Lateran basilica, Rome <FONT SIZE=2>(2)</FONT>.</P> <P><FONT SIZE=2><STRONG>Bibliography</STRONG>. Cardella, Lorenzo. <STRONG>Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa</STRONG>. 9 vols. Rome : Stamperia Pagliarini, 1793, VI, 1-2; Chacón, Alfonso. <STRONG>Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalvm ab initio nascentis Ecclesiæ vsque Clementem IX P. O. M.</STRONG> 4 vols. Romae : Cura, et Svmp. Philippi, et Ant. De Rvbeis. Svperiorvm Permissv., 1630, II, cols. 1871-1872 ; Eubel, Conradus and Gulik, Guglielmus van. <STRONG>Hierarchia Catholica Medii et Recentioris Aevi</STRONG>, Münich : Sumptibus et Typis Librariae Regensbergianae, 1935; reprint, Padua : Il Messagero di S. Antonio, 1960, III, 285; Gauchat, Patritium. <STRONG>Hierarchia Catholica Medii et Recentioris Aevi</STRONG>, Münich : Sumptibus et Typis Librariae Regensbergianae, 1935; reprint, Padua : Il Messagero di S. Antonio, 1967, IV, 4 and 49.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE=2><STRONG>Webgraphy</STRONG>. <a href=""><strong>His tomb and biography</strong></a>, in Italian, Wikipedia; <A HREF=""><STRONG>his tomb</STRONG></A>, Requiem Datenbank; <a href=""><strong>his engraving, arms and tomb</strong></A>, Araldica Vaticana.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE=2>(1) This is according to his epitaph, linked above, which indicates that he died <I>PRID. KAL. MART CHRI. SAL. MDCIV</I>, the day before March 1, 1604. Since 1604 was a leap year, he must have died on February 29. <STRONG>Hierarchia Catholica Medii et Recentioris Aevi</STRONG>, III, 285, indicates that he died on February 3, 1604.<BR>(2) This is the text of his brief epitaph transcribed by Ferdinando Ughelli in Chacón, Alfonso. <STRONG>Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalvm</STRONG>, II, col. 1872: <STRONG>D. O. M. LVCIVS. SAXVS. EPISCOPVS. SACRÆ. POENITENTIARIÆ. REGENS. A. CLEMENTE. VIII. IN. ORDINE. CARDINALIVM. COOPTATVS. H. S. M.</STRONG> His nephew Mario had a black stone place in his tomb with the following inscription, taken from the same source: <STRONG>D. O. M. LVCIO SAXO Neapolitano, tituli Sanctorum Quirici & Iulita S. R. E. Presp. Card. qui viri clarissimi Marii Saxi patris fui quondam Caroli V. Imp. August. in Regno Neapolitano Consiliarii, ab eodemq; ad varias provincias regendas adhibiti, laudem emulatus, cum se Romam contulisset, ob doctrinam, atque prudentiam inter Iustitiæ Referendarios a Iulio Tertio Pont. Max. Gratiæ a Pio Quarto adscriptus, primsq; ad Episcopatum Ripæ Trasonis a Pio V. prouectus, Sacræ inde Pænitentiaria a Gregorio XIII. præpositus per annos fere XX. Vicarius, ab Urbano VIII. Datarius creatus, in eodemq; munere a suobis sequentibus Pontificibus Gregorio XIV. & Innocentiis Nono confirmatum, tandem a Clemente VIII. sola assiduorum pro Apostolica Sede laborum inspectione, prima lectione, una cum illustrisimis nepotibus, nominatuionis prærogativa, in amplissimum ordinem adscritus, non minus ex eo accepit, quam eidem contulit ornamenti. Marius Saxus Fabii filius, hærer, Patruo optime merito, atque honore dignissimo posuit. Vixit Annos LXXXIt. Menses IV. Dies VIII. Obiit pridie Kal. Mertii, Anno Christiana salutis M D C I V</STRONG>.</I></FONT></P> <CENTER><IMG SRC="bar149.gif" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="3" ALT="Cool Archive"></CENTER> <P>(2) 2. <A NAME="Toledo"><STRONG>TOLEDO HERRERA, S.J., Francisco de</STRONG> (1532-1596)</P> <P><STRONG>Birth</STRONG>. October <FONT SIZE=2>(1)</FONT> 4, 1532 <FONT SIZE=2>(2)</FONT>, Córdoba, Spain. Son of Alfonso de Toledo, an actuary of Jewish ancestry, and Isabel de Herrera. He had seven sisters, three of them nuns, and a brother.</P> <P><STRONG>Education</STRONG>. Studied philosophy and arts in Valencia <FONT SIZE=2>(3)</FONT> and theology in Salamanca under Domingo de Soto, noted Spanish theologian and chaplain of Emperor Charles V; professor of arts at the university while studying theology, 1558.</P> <P><STRONG>Priesthood</STRONG>. Ordained, 1556, Salamanca. Entered the Society of Jesus in Salamanca, June 3, 1558; novitiate at Simancas for some months; professed, 1564, Rome. Called to Rome by the superior general of the Society of Jesus, Diego Laínez in 1559. At <I>Collegio Romano</I>, he was named master of novices; professor of philosophy, 1559-1562; Scholastic philosophy and moral theology, 1562-1569; and prefect of studies. Rector of several seminaries, among them <I>Collegio Germanico</I>, in Rome. Named apostolic preacher in 1569, he remained in the post for twenty-four years. In that same year, he was named theologian of the Apostolic Penitentiary and consultor of the Supreme S.C. of the Roman and Universal Inquisition. Member of almost all the congregations of the Roman Curia. In 1570, he intervened in the process against Archbishop Bartolomé Carranza de Miranda, O.P., of Toledo, supporting the archbishop. In 1571, accompanied Cardinal Gianfrancesco Commendone on his mission to Emperor Maximilian and to King Sigismund of Poland. Envoy of several popes to Austria, Poland, Germany, Bavaria, and Flanders. In Louvain, where he had been sent by Pope Gregory XIII, he received the retraction of Michel de Bay (Baïus), professor of the university of that city, whose interpretations of the works of St. Augustine had been condemned by the church. He played an important part in the revision of the Vulgate <FONT SIZE=2>(4)</FONT>. Member of the missions sent by the pope to reconcile King Henri IV of France with the Church.</P> <P><STRONG>Cardinalate</STRONG>. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of September 17, 1593; received the red hat and the title of S. Maria in Traspontina, October 11, 1593. He was the first Jesuit cardinal. In 1594, he wanted to resign the cardinalate in order to be free to retire and die in a Jesuit house; his wish was not fulfilled. Some of his contemporaries considered him one of the most learned men of his age, and even a genius. The topics of his works were mainly philosophical, theological, and exegetical <FONT SIZE=2>(5)</FONT>. He saw himself as a disciple of St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas.</P> <P><STRONG>Death</STRONG>. September 14, 1596. Buried in the patriarchal Liberian basilica, Rome <FONT SIZE=2>(6)</FONT>.</P> <P><FONT SIZE=2><STRONG>Bibliography</STRONG>. Cardella, Lorenzo. <STRONG>Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa</STRONG>. 9 vols. Rome : Stamperia Pagliarini, 1793, VI, 2-7; Cereceda, F. "En el cuarto centenario del P. Francisco Toledo", <STRONG>Estudios Eclesiásticos</STRONG>, XIII (1934), 90-110; Chacón, Alfonso. <STRONG>Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalvm ab initio nascentis Ecclesiæ vsque Clementem IX P. O. M.</STRONG> 4 vols. Romae : Cura, et Svmp. Philippi, et Ant. De Rvbeis. Svperiorvm Permissv., 1630, II, cols. 1872-1874; Echarri, J. "Un influjo español desconocido en la formación del sistema cartesiano. Dos textos paralelos de Toledo y Descartes sobre el espacio", <STRONG>Pensamiento</STRONG> 6 (1950), 291-323; Galdós, R. "Méritos escriturísticos del Cardenal F. de Toledo", <STRONG>Archivo Teológico Granadino</STRONG> 3 (1940), 19-33; Gauchat, Patritium. <STRONG>Hierarchia Catholica Medii et Recentioris Aevi</STRONG>, Münich : Sumptibus et Typis Librariae Regensbergianae, 1935; reprint, Padua : Il Messagero di S. Antonio, 1967, IV, 4 and 45; Gómez Hellín, L. "Toledo lector de filosofía y teología en el Colegio Romano", <STRONG>Archivo Teológico Granadino</STRONG>, 3 (1940), 1-18; Luis, A. "Un testigo excepcional de la devoció;n a la Virgen en el siglo XVI. Mariología de Francisco de Toledo (1534-1596), <STRONG>Scripta de Maria</STRONG> 5 (1982), 315-347; Pérez Goyena, A. "Catedráticos de teología españoles en Roma", <STRONG>Estudios Eclesiásticos</STRONG>, V (1926), 26-43; Santos, Daniel de. "Toledo, Francisco de (Cardenal)." <STRONG>Gran Enciclopedoa Rialp</STRONG>, XXII, p. 537; Súñer, P. "Toledo, Francisco de." <STRONG>Diccionario de Historia Eclesiástica de España</STRONG>, IV, 2572-3574; Stegmüller, Friedrich. "Tolet et Cajétan", <STRONG>Revue Thomiste</STRONG> 39 (1935), 358-370; Tellechea, J. I. "Censura inédita del P. Toledo sobre el Catecismo de Carranza, cotejo con la de Melchor Cano," <STRONG>Revista Española de Teología</STRONG>, XXIX (1969), pp. 3-35.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE=2><STRONG>Webgraphy</STRONG>. <a href=""><strong>Biography</strong></a> by Javier Burrieza Sánchez, in Spanish, DB~e, Diccionario Biográfico Español; <A HREF=""><STRONG>biography</STRONG></A>, by Antonio Pérez Goyena, in English, The Catholic Encyclopedia; <a href=""><strong>engraving, arms, bibliography and biography</strong></a>, in Spanish, Wikipedia; <A HREF=""><STRONG>his engraving and prosopography</STRONG></A>, in German, Requiem Datenbank; <a href=""><strong>his arms, engravings and portrait</strong></a>, Araldica Vaticana; <a href=""><strong>his tomb</strong></a>, Requiem Datenbank; <A HREF=",_cardinal_(1532-1596).jpg/379px-Francisco_de_Toledo,_cardinal_(1532-1596).jpg&imgrefurl=,_cardinal_(1532-1596).jpg&usg=__Gtqicfr6mBjpwqPj-EDwosfdvQg=&h=599&w=379&sz=77&hl=en&start=137&um=1&tbnid=Cx110Vy3anFJCM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=85&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcardinal%26imgtype%3Dface%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D120%26um%3D1"><STRONG>his engraving</STRONG></A>, Source: Gravure tirée du livre 'Galerie illustrée de la Compagnie de Jésus', de Alfred Hamy, 1893; <A HREF=""><STRONG>his tomb</STRONG></A> in the patriarchal Liberian basilica, The Australian National University; <a href=""><strong>Francisci Toleti e Societate Iesu Presbyteri Cardinalis. Commentarij, & annotationes in Epistolam Beati Pauli apostoli ad Romanos. Quibus accesserunt eiusdem cardinalis Sermones quindecim in Psalmum primum & tricesimum: ac duo in eiusdem Epistolae loca tractatus</strong></a>. Ad Ill.mvm ac Rev.mvm D. Card. Bonvisivm. Romæ, Sumptibus Paulini Arnolphini Lucensis. Apud Carolum Vulliettum. M. D. CII. Superiorvm Permissv,</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE=2>(1) This is according to his biography in English in <STRONG>The Catholic Encyclopedia</STRONG>, linked above. His prosopography, also linked above, indicates that he was born on November 4, 1532. The first date is more plausible because October 4 is the feast of St. Francis of Assisi and his baptismal name is Francisco.<BR> (2) <STRONG>Diccionario de Historia Eclesiástica de España</STRONG>, IV, 2572, indicates that he was born c. 1534.<BR> (3) This is according to his biography in English linked above; his biography in French, also linked above, indicates that he studied philosophy in Zaragoza.<BR> (4) Member of the commission appointed by Pope Sixtus V in 1585, under the direction of Cardinal Antonio Carafa, to complete this work; the result was finally published in a precipitated way in 1590, after the pope himself took over the final drafting, without holding account of the recommendations made by Father Toledo. Pope Sixtus V died in the same year, and his successor Pope Gregory XIV set up a new commission, on the recommendation of Father Roberto Bellarmino, S.J., and placed it under the direction of Cardinal Marco Antonio Colonna, and with Father Toledo as one of the advisers. After the untimely deaths of Pope Gregory XIV and his successor Pope Innocent IX, Pope Clement VIII took in hand the project of the revision of the Vulgate and entrusted the final drafting to Father Toledo. The final version, known by the name of Sixto-Clementine edition, was finally made public on November 9, 1592 by the bull <STRONG>Cum sacrorum Bibliorum</STRONG>. <br>(5) Among his works are:</br> Philosophical:<br> -"Introductio in dialecticam Aristotelis" (Rome, 1561), thirteen editions, apparently the first work of a Jesuit to be printed in Mexico;<br> -"Commentaria una cum quæstionibus in universam Aristotelis logicam" (Rome, 1572), seventeen editions;<br> -"Commentaria de physica auscultatione" (Venice, 1573), fifteen editions;<br> -"De generatione et corruptione" (Venice, 1575), seven editions;<br> -"De anima" (Venice, 1574), twenty editions;<br> -"Opera omnia. Opera philosophica" (Lyons, 1586–92), only one volume issued;<br> Theological:<br> -"In Summam theologiæ S. Thomæ Aquinatis enarratio" (4 vols., Rome, 1869), published by Father José Paría, S.J.;<br> -"Summa casuum sive instructio sacerdotum" (Lyons, 1599), forty-six editions (Spanish tr., Juan de Salas; Italian, Andreo Verna; French, Goffar; summaries in Latin, Spanish, French, and Italian);<br> Exegetical:<br> -"In sacrosanctum Joannis Evangelium commentarium" (Rome, 1592), nine editions;<br> -"In prima XII capita Sacrosancti Jesu Christi D. N. Evangelium secundum Lucam" (Rome, 1600), printing supervised by Father Miguel Vázquez, S.J.;<br> -"In Epistolam B. Pauli Apostoli ad Romanos" (Rome, 1602), Aramaic tr., Father Luis de Azevedo;<br> Manuscripts:<br> -"Emmendationes in Sacra Biblia vulgata", corrected by direction of Clement VIII;<br> -"Regulæ hebraicæ pro lingua sancta intelligenda";<br> Sermons:<br> -"Motivós y advertencias de casas dignas de refomación cerca del Breviario".<br> (6) This is the text of his epitaph given by Ferdinando Ughelli in Alfonso Chacón, <STRONG>Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalvm</STRONG>, II col. 1874: <STRONG>D.O.M. FRANCISCO TOLETO Cordubensi, S.R.E. Presbytero Cardinali, summo Theologo, Verbi Dei praedicatori eximio, in rebus magnis agendis consilio & prudentia singulari, qui ob excellentem virtutem, & merita, praeclaro Clementis VIII. Pontificis Maximi iudicio primus in Societatem IESV amplissimam dignitatem intulit. Vixit An. LXIII. Menses XI. Dies X. Obiit Anno MDXCVI. Die XIV. Sept. Sancta Dei Genitrice haerede instituta, Presbyteris, qui ad eius Altare Missas celebrans, censum, perpetuum attribuit, iussit, Benedictus Iustinianus, Petrus Aldobrandinus Cardinales executeres testamentarii, Collegæ optimo, et Capitulum, & Canonici husus Basilicæ viro amplissimo, & optime de se merito posuerunt.</STRONG></FONT></P> <CENTER><IMG SRC="bar149.gif" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="3" ALT="Cool Archive"></CENTER> <P>(3) 3. <A NAME="Aldobrandini"><STRONG>ALDOBRANDINI, Pietro </STRONG> (1571-1621)</P> <P><STRONG>Birth</STRONG>. March 31, 1571, Rome. Eldest of the two children of Pietro Aldobrandini, consistorial lawyer, and Flaminia Ferracci, of humble condition. The other sibling was Olimpia, who married Gianfrancesco Aldobrandini. Nephew of Pope <A HREF="bios1585-ii.htm#Aldobrandini"><STRONG>Clement VIII</STRONG></A> on his father's side. Cousin of Cardinal <A HREF="bios1593.htm#Passeri"><STRONG>Cinzio Passeri Aldobrandini</STRONG></A> (1593). Uncle of Cardinals <A HREF="bios1603.htm#Aldobrandini"><STRONG>Silvestro Aldobrandini</STRONG></A>, O.S.Io.Hier. (1603), and <A HREF="bios1621-ii.htm#Aldobrandini"><STRONG>Ippolito Aldobrandini</STRONG></A>, <I>iuniore</I> (1621). Other cardinals of the family were <A HREF="bios1652.htm#Aldobrandini"><STRONG>Baccio Aldobrandini</STRONG></A> (1652); and <A HREF="bios1730-iii.htm#Aldobrandini"><STRONG>Alessandro Aldobrandini</STRONG></A> (1730). His last name is also listed as Aldovrandini.</P> <P><STRONG>Education</STRONG>. Educated by the priests of the Congregation of the Oratory of S. Maria in Vallicella, Rome; and then by Filippo Neri, future saint, who still lived there, and predicted that he would be elevated to the cardinalate. Obtained a doctorate in <I>utroque iure</I>, both canon and civil law.</P> <P><STRONG>Early life</STRONG>. Protonotary apostolic. Consistorial lawyer. Prefect of Castle Sant'Angelo, 1592. Abbot <I>commendatario</I> of Ss. Vincenzo ed Anastasio alle Tre Fonatane alle Acque Salvie.</P> <P><STRONG>Sacred orders</STRONG>. (No information found).</P> <P><STRONG>Cardinalate</STRONG>. Created cardinal deacon in the consistory of September 17, 1593; received the red hat and the deaconry of S. Nicola in Carcere, November 3, 1593. Together with Cardinal Cinzio Aldobrandini, named cardinal <I>nipote</I> or secretary of State; gradually, he took over the affairs of the papal court. Governor of Fermo, January 27, 1595 until December 14, 1605. Abbot <I>commendatario</I> of Fossanova, 1595. Governor of Ferrara, January 28, 1598 until July 1605; he had negotiated joining of the city to the Papal States. Legate <I>a latere</I> of the papal army in Ferrara. Accompanied the queen of Spain on her voyage from Ferrara to Milan.</P> <P><STRONG>Priesthood</STRONG>. Ordained (no date found), on his return from that voyage by Pope Clement VIII in Loreto, together with Cardinal Bartolomeo Cesi. Named camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church, <I>ad vitam</I>, December 20, 1599 until his death. Governor of Civita Castellana, February 28, 1600; prorogated for another triennium, February 20, 1603. He negotiated the rehabilitation of King Henri IV of France and the addition of Ferrara to the Papal States. Legate <I>a latere</I> to bless the marriage of King Henri IV of France and Caterina de' Medici in Florence, September 25, 1600. At the same time, he was named legate before King Henri IV of France and all the other kings and princes that would participate in the termination of the war started between France and the duke of Savoy for the marquisate of Saluzzo; the legation ended successfully on March 26, 1601. Grand penitentiary, 1602 until May 1605. Prefect of the Tribunal of the Apostolic Siganture (?). Opted for the order of cardinal priests and the title of S. Pancrazio, June 14, 1604. Poet Torquato Tasso dedicated the work <STRONG>Discorsi del poema eroico</STRONG> to him.</P> <P><STRONG>Episcopate</STRONG>. Elected archbishop of Ravenna, September 13, 1604. Consecrated, October 17, 1604, patriarchal Lateran basilica, Rome, by Pope Clement VIII, assisted by Cardinal Francesco Tarugi, Cardinal Alessandro de' Medici, and by Cardinal Ottavio Bandini. Participated in the first <A HREF="conclave-xvii.htm#1605"><STRONG>conclave of 1605</STRONG></A>, which elected Pope Leo XI. Participated in the second <A HREF="conclave-xvii.htm#1605A"><STRONG>conclave of 1605</STRONG></A>, which elected Pope Paul V. Opted for the title of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo, June 1, 1605. Abbot <I>commendatario</I> of Rosazzo, 1610. Camerlengo of the Sacred College of Cardinals, January 10, 1611 to January 9, 1612. Opted for the title of S. Maria in Trastevere, June 4, 1612. Opted for the order of cardinal bishops and the suburbicarian see of Sabina, retaining the archdiocese of Ravenna, August 31, 1620. Participated in the <A HREF="conclave-xvii.htm#1621"><STRONG>conclave of 1621</STRONG></A>, which elected Pope Gregory XV; died the day after its closing. Protector and supporter of writers and painters.</P> <P><STRONG>Death</STRONG>. February 10, 1621, in the palace where he resided in Rome. Buried in the church of S. Maria sopra Minerva, Rome <FONT SIZE=2>(1)</FONT>. The funeral oration was delivered by Father Angelo Galluccio, S.J.</P> <P><FONT SIZE=2><STRONG>Bibliography</STRONG>. Cardella, Lorenzo. <STRONG>Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa</STRONG>. 9 vols. Rome : Stamperia Pagliarini, 1793, VI, 7-11; Chacón, Alfonso. <STRONG>Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalvm ab initio nascentis Ecclesiæ vsque Clementem IX P. O. M.</STRONG> 4 vols. Romae : Cura, et Svmp. Philippi, et Ant. De Rvbeis. Svperiorvm Permissv., 1630, II, cols. 1875-1877; Gauchat, Patritium. <STRONG>Hierarchia Catholica Medii et Recentioris Aevi</STRONG>, Münich : Sumptibus et Typis Librariae Regensbergianae, 1935; reprint, Padua : Il Messagero di S. Antonio, 1967, IV, 4, 38, 43, 46, 47, 54 and 292; Weber, Christoph. <STRONG>Legati e governatori dello Stato Pontificio : 1550-1809</STRONG>. Roma : Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali, Ufficio centrale per i beni archivistici, 1994. (Pubblicazioni degli archivi di Stato. Sussidi; 7) pp. 212, 243-244, 249, and 450.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE=2><STRONG>Webgraphy</STRONG>. <A HREF=""><STRONG>Biography</STRONG></A> by Elena Fasano Guarini, in Italian, Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 2 (1960), Treccani; <A HREF=""><STRONG>his genealogy</STRONG></A>, A1 B4 D7 H4 K1, Libro d'Oro della Nobilità Mediterranea; <A HREF=""><STRONG>his portrait</STRONG></A> by Scipione Pulzone, bottega romana, secolo XVII (1600-1610), regione ecclesiastica Lazio, diocesi Civitavecchia-Tarquinia, Beni Ecclesiastici in Web (BeWeB); <a href=""><strong>engravings, arms and portraits</strong></a>, Araldica Vaticana; <a href=""><strong>his tomb</strong></a>, Requiem Datenbank; <a href=""><strong>portrait, engraving, arms and prosopography</strong></a>, Requiem Datenbank;.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE=2>(1) This is the text of his epitaph transcribed by Andrea Vittorelli in Chacón, Alfonso. <STRONG>Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalvm</STRONG>, II, col. 1877: <STRONG>PETRO. SABINENSI. EPISCOPO. CARDINALI. ALDOBRANDINO. SANCT. TOM. ECCL. CAMERARIO. ARCHIEPISCOPO. RAVENNATI.MAGNA. APVD. PRINCIPES. GRATIA. ET. AVTHORITATE. PERPETVA. ANIMI. ÆQVITATE. ET CONSTANTIA. DOMI. FOR. ISQ. CLARISSIMO. QVARTVM. LEGATO. SEMPER. PIO. LIBERALI. MAGNIFICO. PRINCIPI. OPTIMO. ALDOBRANDINA. FAMILIA. SOLLEMNE. FVNVS. PVBLICVM. AMORIS. DOLORISQ. ARGVMENTVM. SOLVIT. IV. KAL. IVNII. MDCXXI.</STRONG></FONT></P> <CENTER><IMG SRC="bar149.gif" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="3" ALT="Cool Archive"></CENTER> <A NAME="Passeri"> <P><CENTER><IMG SRC="tn_passeri_jpg.jpg" border="0" alt="passeri.jpg" width="108" height="150"></td></CENTER></P> <P><CENTER>(4) 4. <STRONG>PASSERI ALDOBRANDINI, Cinzio</STRONG><BR> (1551-1610)</CENTER></P> <P><STRONG>Birth</STRONG>. 1551 <FONT SIZE=2>(1)</FONT>, Senigallia. Of a family that originated in Ca' Passeri, near Bergamo. Son of Aurelio Personeni and Giulia Aldobrandini <FONT SIZE=2>(2)</FONT>. His last name is also listed as Aldobrandini Passeri; and as Aldovrandini. Given the last name Aldobrandini by his maternal uncle Cardinal <A HREF="bios1585-ii.htm#Aldobrandini"><STRONG>Ippolito Aldobrandini</STRONG></A>, <I>seniore</I> (1585), before he became Pope Clement VIII. Cousin of Cardinal <A HREF="bios1593.htm#Aldobrandini"><STRONG>Pietro Aldobrandini</STRONG></A> (1593). Uncle of Cardinals <A HREF="bios1603.htm#Aldobrandini"><STRONG>Silvestro Aldobrandini</STRONG></A>, O.S.Io.Hier. (1603) and <A HREF="bios1621-ii.htm#Aldobrandini"><STRONG>Ippolito Aldobrandini</STRONG></A>, <I>iuniore</I> (1621).</P> <P><STRONG>Education</STRONG>. Sent to Rome in 1565 to be educated in letters and customs by his maternal uncle. <I>Collegio Germanico</I>, Rome; University of Perugia, Perugia (law); University of Padua, Padua (doctorate in law).</P> <P><STRONG>Early life</STRONG>. Accompanied Cardinal Ippolito Aldobrandini, <I>seniore</I> in his legation to establish the peace between Poland and Germany, 1588; sent back to Rome to bring Pope Sixtus V the news of the success of the mission. Referendary of the Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature of Justice, 1592.</P> <P><STRONG>Cardinalate</STRONG>. Created cardinal deacon in the consistory of September 17, 1593, with dispensation for having a cousin in the Sacred College of Cardinals; received the red hat on September 23, 1593; and the deaconry of S. Giorgio in Velabro on October 11, 1593. Together with Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini, named cardinal <I>nipote</I> or secretary of State; gradually, the affairs of the papal court were taken over by Cardinal Pietro. Governor of Spoleto, February 4, 1595 to February 21, 1607. Prefect of the Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature of Justice, December 23, 1599 until his death. Legate in Avignon, 1601-1607. Participated in the first <A HREF="conclave-xvii.htm#1605"><STRONG>conclave of 1605</STRONG></A>, which elected Pope Leo XI. Named grand penitentiary by Pope Leo XI in 1605 but could not yet occupy the post because he had not yet been ordained a priest. Participated in the second <A HREF="conclave-xvii.htm#1605A"><STRONG>conclave of 1605</STRONG></A>, which elected Pope Paul V.</P> <P><STRONG>Priesthood</STRONG>. Ordained, April 13, 1605 by Pope Leo X in the pope’s private chapel. Grand penitentiary, May 1605 until his death. Opted for the order of cardinal priests and the title of S. Pietro in Vincoli, June 1, 1605. Distinguished himself for his generosity to the poor and as protector and supporter of the arts and letters; he founded in his own house an academy that counted among its members Francesco Patrizio, Giambattista Raimondi, Scipione Pasquale, bishop of Casale; Pietro Nores, gentleman from Cyprus; and poet Torquato Tasso, who dedicated to him his famous poem <STRONG>Gerusalemme liberata</STRONG>.</P> <P><STRONG>Death</STRONG>. January 1, 1610, Rome. Buried in his title <FONT SIZE=2>(3)</FONT>.</P> <P><FONT SIZE=2><STRONG>Bibliography</STRONG>. Beltrami, Giuseppe. <STRONG>Notizie su prefetti e referendari della Segnatura Apostolica desunte dai brevi di nomina</STRONG>. Città del Vaticano, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1972, p. 6; Cardella, Lorenzo. <STRONG>Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa</STRONG>. 9 vols. Rome : Stamperia Pagliarini, 1793, VI, 11-16; Chacón, Alfonso. <STRONG>Vitæ, et res gestæ Pontificvm Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalvm ab initio nascentis Ecclesiæ vsque Clementem IX P. O. M.</STRONG> 4 vols. Romae : Cura, et Svmp. Philippi, et Ant. De Rvbeis. Svperiorvm Permissv., 1630, II, col. 1877; Gauchat, Patritium. <STRONG>Hierarchia Catholica Medii et Recentioris Aevi</STRONG>, Münich : Sumptibus et Typis Librariae Regensbergianae, 1935; reprint, Padua : Il Messagero di S. Antonio, 1967, IV, 4, 48 and 52;Morera, Trento. <STRONG>I cardinali governatori di Capranica</STRONG>. Roma : Romagrafik, 1983, pp. 61-63; Siena, Ludovico de. <STRONG>Storia della città di Sinigaglia</STRONG>. Bologna : Arnaldo Forni, 1977. (Historiae urbium et regionum Italiae rariores ; 127 : Nuova serie ; 43). Reprint of the 1746 ed. published by Stefano Calvani, Sinigaglia, 1746, pp. 269-271.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE=2><STRONG>Webgraphy</STRONG>. <A HREF=""><STRONG>Engraving and biography</STRONG></A>, in Italian, Wikipedia; brief <A HREF=""><STRONG>biographical entry</STRONG></A>, in Italian, Enciclopedia on line, Treccani; <A HREF=""><STRONG>his genealogy</STRONG></A>, A1 B4 C1 D7 E1 F4 G2, H4 I1 J5 K1, Libro d'Oro della Nobilità Mediterranea; and <A HREF=""><STRONG>his tomb</STRONG></A> in the church of S. Pietro in Vincoli, RomeArtServe, The Australian National University; <A HREF=""><STRONG>his portrait</STRONG></A>, secolo XVI (1590-1599), scuola lombarda, regione ecclesiastica Lombardia, diocesi Bergamo, Beni Ecclesiastici in Web (BeWeB); <a href=""><strong>engravings, portrait and arms</strong></a>, Araldica Vaticana; <a href=""><strong>his prosopography</strong></a>, in German, Requiem Datenbak; <a href=""><strong>his tomb</strong></a>, Requiem Datenbank.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE=2>(1) This is according to his genealogy linked above; his biography in Italian, also linked above, indicates that he was born in 1560.<BR> (2) This is according to the epitaph on the tomb of the Servant of God Francesco di Bergamo in the mortuary chapel of the Capuchins in Rome, and the genealogy of the Aldobrandinis linked above. Cardella, <STRONG>Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa</STRONG>, VI, 11, indicates that the mother's name was not Giulia, as the continuators of Chacón's <STRONG>Vitæ et res getæ Pontificum Romanorum et S.R.E. Cardinalium</STRONG> point out, but Elisabetta as <I>invicibilmente</I> demonstrates Lodovico Siena in his <STRONG>Storia della città di Sinigaglia</STRONG>, p. 269.<BR>(3) This is the text of his epitaph placed on his urn by his relative Prince Giambattista Pamphilj in 1707, taken from Lodovico Siena, <STRONG>Storia della città di Sinigaglia</STRONG>, p. 271: <center><STRONG>CINTHIO. ALDOBRANDINI. S. R. E. CARD.<br> CELEMNTI. VIII. PONT. MAX.<br> SANGUINE. AC. VIRTUTIBUS. CONJUNCTO.<br> LITTERARUM. FAUTORI. BENEFICENTISS.<br> PER. PROSPERA. ET. ADVERS. SEMPER, INVICT.<br> IO. BAPTIST. PAMPHILIUS. ALDOBRANDINUS.<br> MELDULÆ. PRINCEPS. ET. SARSINÆ. DUX.<br> MATERNI. GENERIS. MEMOR.<br> NE DIUTIUS. IN. OBSCURO. PRÆCLARI. CINER.<br> IACERENT.<br> IN. HAC. TEMPLI. LUCEM. TRANSFER. JUSSIT.<br> ANNO. SALUTIS. HUMANÆ. MDCCVII</STRONG></center>.</FONT></P> <CENTER><TABLE BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=2 CELLPADDING=2 ><TR> <TD BGCOLOR=FFCC99><FONT SIZE=2><A HREF="#Top">Top</A></FONT></TD> <TD BGCOLOR=FFCC99><FONT SIZE=2><A HREF="consistories.htm">Consistories</A></FONT></TD> <TD BGCOLOR=FFCC99><FONT SIZE=2><A HREF="catalogs.htm">Catalogs</A></FONT></TD> <TD BGCOLOR=FFCC99><FONT SIZE=2><A HREF="cardinals.htm">Home</A></FONT></TD> </TR></TABLE></CENTER></DIV> <P><FONT SIZE=2>©1998-2022 Salvador Miranda.</FONT> </BODY></HTML>