Elektronikai Technol贸gia Tansz茅k honlapja

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"esemeny_hir" href = "/dijaink/excellent_20240524"><table class = "table_esemeny_hir"><tbody><tr height = "20px"><td rowspan = "2" width = "1px"><div class="thumbnail_wrapper"><img src = "/images/news/isse_2024_lead_2.png" class = "thumbnail"></div></td><td class = "bejegyzes_cim">Excellent Poster Award for Young Scientist</td><td class = "datum" align = "right" width = "150px">2024.05.24.</td></tr><tr><td colspan = "2" class = "szoveg">Tarpataki N贸ra PhD hallgat贸nk d铆ja<br><br></td></tr></tbody></table></a><a class = "esemeny_hir" href = "/dijaink/biosensors_20240214"><table class = "table_esemeny_hir"><tbody><tr height = "20px"><td rowspan = "2" width = "1px"><div class="thumbnail_wrapper"><img src = "/images/news/biosensors_3.jpg" class = "thumbnail"></div></td><td class = "bejegyzes_cim">Biosensors Journal Higly Cited Paper</td><td class = "datum" align = "right" width = "150px">2024.02.14.</td></tr><tr><td colspan = "2" class = "szoveg">Bony谩r Attila, Bor贸k Alexandra 茅s Laboda 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colspan = "2" class = "szoveg">G茅czy Attila foly贸irat b铆r谩l贸i d铆ja<br><br></td></tr></tbody></table></a><a class = "esemeny_hir" href = "/dijaink/ieee_20230515"><table class = "table_esemeny_hir"><tbody><tr height = "20px"><td rowspan = "2" width = "1px"><div class="thumbnail_wrapper"><img src = "/images/news/ISSE_logo_2023_a_small_2.png" class = "thumbnail"></div></td><td class = "bejegyzes_cim">IEEE ISSE 2023 Excellent Poster Award for Young Scientist</td><td class = "datum" align = "right" width = "150px">2023.05.15.</td></tr><tr><td colspan = "2" class = "szoveg">Zbynek Plachy vend茅g PhD hallgat贸nk d铆ja<br><br></td></tr></tbody></table></a><a class = "esemeny_hir" href = "/dijaink/ieee_20230514"><table class = "table_esemeny_hir"><tbody><tr height = "20px"><td rowspan = "2" width = "1px"><div class="thumbnail_wrapper"><img src = "/images/news/ISSE_logo_2023_a_small.png" class = "thumbnail"></div></td><td class = "bejegyzes_cim">IEEE ISSE 2023 Excellent Poster Award for Senior Scientist</td><td class = "datum" align = "right" width = "150px">2023.05.14.</td></tr><tr><td colspan = "2" class = "szoveg">Farkas Csaba adjunktus koll茅g谩nk d铆ja<br><br></td></tr></tbody></table></a><a class = "esemeny_hir" href = "/dijaink/michelberger_20221027"><table class = "table_esemeny_hir"><tbody><tr height = "20px"><td rowspan = "2" width = "1px"><div class="thumbnail_wrapper"><img src = "/images/news/Harsanyi_erme.jpg" class = "thumbnail"></div></td><td class = "bejegyzes_cim">Michelberger Mesterd铆j</td><td class = "datum" align = "right" width = "150px">2022.10.27.</td></tr><tr><td colspan = "2" class = "szoveg">Hars谩nyi G谩bor professzorunk d铆ja<br><br></td></tr></tbody></table></a><a class = "esemeny_hir" href = "/dijaink/isse_20220518"><table class = "table_esemeny_hir"><tbody><tr height = "20px"><td rowspan = "2" width = "1px"><div class="thumbnail_wrapper"><img src = "/images/news/ISSE22_Logo_100a_4.png" class = "thumbnail"></div></td><td class = "bejegyzes_cim">ISSE 2022 Excellent Poster Award for Young Scientist</td><td class = "datum" align = "right" width = "150px">2022.05.18.</td></tr><tr><td colspan = "2" class = "szoveg">Kov谩cs Rebeka MSc hallgat贸nk d铆ja<br><br></td></tr></tbody></table></a><a class = "esemeny_hir" href = "/dijaink/szechenyi-dij_20220317"><table class = "table_esemeny_hir"><tbody><tr height = "20px"><td rowspan = "2" width = "1px"><div class="thumbnail_wrapper"><img src = "/images/news/ikonszechenyi_2.jpg" class = "thumbnail"></div></td><td class = "bejegyzes_cim">Sz茅chenyi-d铆j</td><td class = "datum" align = "right" width = "150px">2022.03.17.</td></tr><tr><td colspan = "2" class = "szoveg">kit眉ntet茅st kapott Dr. Hars谩nyi G谩bor <br><br></td></tr></tbody></table></a><div align = "center" class = "esemeny_hir2">(1 / 10)<br><div style = "display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; position:relative; top:3px; opacity: 0.5;" onclick = ""><img src = "/images/first.png"></div><div style = "display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; 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