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class="col-12 col-lg pt-3"> <div id="results"> <div class="gs-articles-grid row"> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="Boosting Adult Immunizations" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">Boosting Adult Immunizations</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">08/07/2024</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">246</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>Despite effective vaccines, many older adults suffer from preventable diseases. At the 2023 AAFP Family Medicine Experience, experts Jeremy Szeto and Kristen Robillard shared strategies to optimize adult vaccinations and enhance doctor-patient communication.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="Boosting Adult Immunizations" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="Join the MS Awareness Run!" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">Join the MS Awareness Run!</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">10/07/2024</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">890</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>Join Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Run during the Brussels Airport Half Marathon or 7K on November 3rd! Have fun and raise awareness and support for people affected with MS by participating in this event and help improve their lives.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="Join the MS Awareness Run!" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="Maintaining your own health: Avoiding burnout" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">Maintaining your own health: Avoiding burnout</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">10/07/2024</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">496</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>Nurse burnout, prevalent in up to 68% of nurses, not only affects the well-being of nurses but also has significant negative impacts on patients and healthcare organizations. Read how to recognise the signs and how to avoid burning-out.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="Maintaining your own health: Avoiding burnout" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and MS" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and MS</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">10/07/2024</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">757</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>BEHIND-MS and EBV-MS: Two initiatives that delve into the crucial relationship between the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and MS, aiming to uncover new insights and therapeutic strategies, especially that recent discoveries have identified EBV infection as a significant risk factor for developing MS.&nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and MS" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="Pregnancy and multiple sclerosis." data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">Pregnancy and multiple sclerosis.</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">09/07/2024</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">487</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>Get up-to-date on 'How misinformation affects family planning choices of women with MS'; 'Pregnancy clinics and the role of the MS Specialist Nurse' and Transitioning of MS care from adolescence to adulthoud.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="Pregnancy and multiple sclerosis." class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="Digital Skills for nurses caring for PwMS" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">Digital Skills for nurses caring for PwMS</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">12/03/2024</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">911</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>Read this article to gain insights into reliable digital information sources for neuroscience nurses and individuals with MS, along with tips on navigating these sources. Learn digital skills to better support your people with MS.&nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="Digital Skills for nurses caring for PwMS" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="Sign the Petition for Quality Access to Care" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">Sign the Petition for Quality Access to Care</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">12/03/2024</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">471</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>Sign the One Million Minds petition &amp; urge the EU to provide Quality Access to Care for people with MS &amp; neurological conditions. Every voice counts!&nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="Sign the Petition for Quality Access to Care" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="Empower Change: Workload management of nurses caring for people with multiple sclerosis" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">Empower Change: Workload management of nurses caring for people with multiple sclerosis</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">06/02/2024</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">673</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>Our international survey on neuroscience workload was completed by 127 nurses. THANK YOU. We will soon publish the results and advocate for improved conditions for nurses caring for PwMS.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="Empower Change: Workload management of nurses caring for people with multiple sclerosis" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="The role of nutrition and diet in MS" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">The role of nutrition and diet in MS</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">19/12/2023</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">316</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>Unlock your MS health potential! A balanced diet empowers symptom control, emphasizing vital nutrients for resilience and well-being. Find out how you and your patients can improve through diet.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="The role of nutrition and diet in MS" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="Reflecting on the MS Nurse PRO Session at ECTRIMS 2023" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">Reflecting on the MS Nurse PRO Session at ECTRIMS 2023</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">21/12/2023</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">344</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>MS Nurse PRO at ECTRIMS 2023 empowered nurses, addressed challenges in MS care, and sparked collaboration, fostering advancements in patient well-being and knowledge exchange for a transformative impact on the field.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="Reflecting on the MS Nurse PRO Session at ECTRIMS 2023" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="Speech difficulties in MS" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">Speech difficulties in MS</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">30/10/2023</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">422</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>&nbsp;Unlock insights on aiding MS patients' speech challenges, optimizing care with practical tips and strategies for enhanced communication.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="Speech difficulties in MS" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="MS and working life difficulties" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">MS and working life difficulties</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">19/10/2023</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">831</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>Employment issues are common due to cognitive and physical challenges, necessitating support and adaptation. How can we assit our patients?</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="MS and working life difficulties" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="Crucial Link: Sleep Disorders and Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">Crucial Link: Sleep Disorders and Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">06/10/2023</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">733</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>Addressing sleep disorders early in individuals with MS is crucial. Insomnia and related conditions heighten fatigue risk, emphasizing the need for timely diagnosis and treatment to mitigate their impact.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="Crucial Link: Sleep Disorders and Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="Spotlight: Trigeminal neuralgia in MS" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">Spotlight: Trigeminal neuralgia in MS</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">28/07/2023</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">590</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>Trigeminal neuralgia, a neuropathic pain syndrome, affects MS patients, causing sudden, paroxysmal pain in the face. While medications offer some relief, surgical intervention may be necessary. A multidisciplinary care approach shows promise in improving patients' quality of life.&nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="Spotlight: Trigeminal neuralgia in MS" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="Palliative care in MS – how is this evolving?" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">Palliative care in MS – how is this evolving?</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">28/07/2023</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">480</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>Palliative care in MS goes far beyond end-of-life assistance, encompassing a holistic approach right from diagnosis. With a multidisciplinary team focused on physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, it empowers patients to lead active lives throughout their journey. Discover the transformative power of early palliative care, enhancing the quality of life for those living with MS.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="Palliative care in MS – how is this evolving?" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="ECTRIMS 2023 Shines Spotlight on MS Nursing Community" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">ECTRIMS 2023 Shines Spotlight on MS Nursing Community</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">28/07/2023</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">865</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>ECTRIMS 2023's standout event is the MS Nurse PRO Session on Oct 11. Exclusive to MS nurses, it addresses pregnancy, childhood MS, and family planning, offering vital insights for improved patient care.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="ECTRIMS 2023 Shines Spotlight on MS Nursing Community" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="MS Nurse PRO Annual Gathering 2023: Empowering Patients with MS to Thrive in the Workplace" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">MS Nurse PRO Annual Gathering 2023: Empowering Patients with MS to Thrive in the Workplace</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">27/07/2023</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">498</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>The MS Nurse PRO Annual Gathering 2023 united nurses from Europe to support patients with MS in work challenges, featuring expert insights from Inger Grethe L&oslash;yning.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="MS Nurse PRO Annual Gathering 2023: Empowering Patients with MS to Thrive in the Workplace" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="WHO Endorses Essential Medicines for Multiple Sclerosis" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">WHO Endorses Essential Medicines for Multiple Sclerosis</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">26/07/2023</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">332</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>WHO has endorsed three essential medicines for MS treatment. This landmark decision opens new avenues for improved care and access to treatment for the approximately 2.8 million people worldwide living with MS.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="WHO Endorses Essential Medicines for Multiple Sclerosis" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="Understanding how research can influence MS nursing practice" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">Understanding how research can influence MS nursing practice</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">09/03/2023</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">742</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>Research is extremly important for MS nurses as it allows for a better understanding about how it is implemented in clinical practice and to improve patient outcomes.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="Understanding how research can influence MS nursing practice" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="MS care after COVID-19: Where are we now?" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">MS care after COVID-19: Where are we now?</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">14/01/2023</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">622</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>The COVID-19 pandemic has indefinitely changed our health system. It has also stimulated MS healthcare professionals to find new solutions to deliver interventions to people with MS. Read exactly how here.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="MS care after COVID-19: Where are we now?" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="Differentiating between MS, NMOSD, and MOGAD" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">Differentiating between MS, NMOSD, and MOGAD</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">20/12/2022</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">1695</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>There are a number of different autoimmune disorders with similarities to MS, such as <a href="">NMOSD</a> and <a href="">MOGAD</a>. It is important for the nursing community to stay alert and know the particularities of each disorder. Read more about it in our educational blog on the topic.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="Differentiating between MS, NMOSD, and MOGAD" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="The role of the MS Nurse: The science and the heart" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">The role of the MS Nurse: The science and the heart</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">05/12/2022</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">858</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>Guest blogpost written by Megan Roberts, MS Nurse. Living with MS is hard- the role of the MS nurse is to make living with MS a little easier for everyone with MS &ndash; not just those on DMTs. MS nursing is part science, part art- and mostly heart.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="The role of the MS Nurse: The science and the heart" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="The successes of Flexible Work-based Learning" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">The successes of Flexible Work-based Learning</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">30/11/2022</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">647</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>Flexible learning opportunities allowing individuals to work and study at the same time are very much welcomed by the nursing community. They bring both career development as well as innovative new responses to practical issues. Read about some fo the MS Nurse PRO experiences.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="The successes of Flexible Work-based Learning" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="The need of social support for young people" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">The need of social support for young people</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">20/10/2022</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">628</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>The coping behavior of patients living with MS has been highly connected to the social support they received, especially support by family, friends, or other patients with MS. The Young People's Network started by EMSP offers just that!</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="The need of social support for young people" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="New Course on Research in MS Nursing Practice" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">New Course on Research in MS Nursing Practice</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">02/09/2022</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">1260</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>It's official, we are adding a new course to our Catalogue! Starting in Octobert, MS Nurse PRO, supported by ECTRIMS is launching an advanced module on 'Research in MS Nursing Practice'.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="New Course on Research in MS Nursing Practice" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="Impact of alcohol on MS" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">Impact of alcohol on MS</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">17/08/2022</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">1079</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>'How will drinking alcohol affect my MS?' is probably a question our nursing community has heard many times. We have collected a number of facts, research, and tips for you to bare in mind during your next appointment.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="Impact of alcohol on MS" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="MS Nurse PRO is now available in Hungarian" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">MS Nurse PRO is now available in Hungarian</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">28/06/2022</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">1269</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>A huge welcome to our Hungarian-speaking community members. We are looking forward to hearing and learning from you.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="MS Nurse PRO is now available in Hungarian" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="The 2022 MS Nurse PRO Annual MS Nursing Community Gathering" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">The 2022 MS Nurse PRO Annual MS Nursing Community Gathering</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">01/04/2022</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">2141</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>MS Nurse PRO hosted it's Annual MS Nursing Community Gathering on April 29 in English, Dutch, German, Spanish or Romanian! The participants had the opportunity to hear about DMT and connect with other nurses around Europe.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="The 2022 MS Nurse PRO Annual MS Nursing Community Gathering" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="Bladder problems in Multiple Sclerosis - an underestimated problem" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">Bladder problems in Multiple Sclerosis - an underestimated problem</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">24/03/2022</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">1803</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>Guest blogpost written by Anika Biel, specialist in urology, med. tumor therapy, sexual medicine, medical quality management. Bladder dysfunction is very common among people with MS. The challenges are varied and can affect up to 95% of patients with MS. Find out more about the link between MS and bladder function, consequences of non-treatment and diagnostic options.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="Bladder problems in Multiple Sclerosis - an underestimated problem" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center mb-4 "> <div class="card me-auto ms-auto shadow h-100 w-100" style="max-width: 400px;"> <div class="mb-3 gs-img-rsp"> <img src="" alt="Recent advances in the treatment of MS" data-auto-dimensions="true"> </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-title h5">Recent advances in the treatment of MS</div> <div class="row small"> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-start"> <svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">21/02/2022</span> </div> <div class="col-6 align-items-center d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="15" preserveAspectRatio fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z" /></svg> <span class="ms-1">510</span></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <p>Currently there is no cure for MS. Yet, there are more and more treatments that help patients manage it better. Find our more about the recent treatments.</p> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <a rel="noopener" href="" title="Recent advances in the treatment of MS" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary stretched-link"> READ MORE </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="gs-articles-pagination"> <nav> <ul class="pagination"> <li class="page-item"> <a class="page-link" href="" rel="prev" aria-label="&laquo; Previous">&lsaquo;</a> </li> <li class="page-item"><a class="page-link" href="">1</a></li> <li class="page-item active" aria-current="page"><span class="page-link">2</span></li> <li class="page-item"><a class="page-link" href="">3</a></li> <li class="page-item"> <a class="page-link" href="" rel="next" aria-label="Next &raquo;">&rsaquo;</a> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="mt-5"> <div class="footer-grad gradient-bg"></div> <div class="footer-inner innerpage row"> <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 mt-3"> <div class="gs-logo"> <a href=""><img alt="ms nurse pro logo" src=""/></a> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 mt-3"> <div class="h5 text-capitalize">Resources</div> <div class="d-flex flex-column"> <a alt="Blog" rel="noopener" class="-item active" href="" > Blog </a> <a alt="Learn" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > Learn </a> <a alt="FAQ" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > FAQ </a> <a alt="MSPEDIA" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > MSPEDIA </a> <a alt="Endorsements" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > Endorsements </a> <a alt="Accreditations" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > Accreditations </a> <a alt="Supporters" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > Supporters </a> <a alt="Promotional Materials" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > Promotional Materials </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 mt-3"> <div class="h5 text-capitalize">Legal</div> <div class="d-flex flex-column"> <a alt="Log-in" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > Log-in </a> <a alt="Register" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > Register </a> <a alt="Privacy" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > Privacy </a> <a alt="Terms" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > Terms </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 mt-3"> <div id="subscribe" class="h5">Subscribe to newsletter</div> <div class="text-center mb-4"> <div class="mt-2 mb-2"> <a href="" class="google-login-btn"> <img src="/images/google-icon.svg" width="20" height="20">Subscribe with Google</a> </div> <div class="mt-2 mb-2"> <a rel="noopener" href="" class="microsoft-btn"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 448 512" preserveAspectRatio="" fill="currentColor"><path d="M0 32h214.6v214.6H0V32zm233.4 0H448v214.6H233.4V32zM0 265.4h214.6V480H0V265.4zm233.4 0H448V480H233.4V265.4z"></path></svg> <div>Subscribe with Microsoft</div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <section class="mt-3 mb-5"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 d-flex d-md-flex justify-content-center justify-content-md-start"> <div style="color: #cdcdcd; 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