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class="col col-d-50 col-t-100 col-m-100 news-thumb prel flex bckgImg news-img op_0"> <div class="overlay grey"></div> <div class="col col-d-50 col-t-50 col-m-100 news-content c_w prel"> <div class="date plr bx anim_t_1 op_0" title="2024/11/15"> <time datetime="2024-11-15T02:21"> <div class="title b day pb0 bold">15</div> <div class="text t month op_03">November, 2024</div> </time> </div> <h6 class="title t plr c_w anim_t_2 op_0">Adapting to Rapid Digital Changes: A CMO's Guide </h6> <p class="text m left plr op_05 anim_t_3 op_0">As a CMO, you need to be aware of several digital advancements. This article offers insights to help your team embrace digital advertising and ensure your organization remains competitive amidst evolving trends.聽</p> </div> <div class="col col-d-50 col-t-50 col-m-100 prel bckg-box"> <div class="bckg-i bckgImg" style="background-image:url("></div> </div> </a> <a href="/blog/3-davey-awards" class="col col-d-25 mobile-offset col-t-50 col-m-100 news-thumb news-content op_0 "> <div class="date plr bx" title="2024/11/07"> <time datetime="2024-11-07T10:00"> <div class="title b day pb0 bold"> <span class="op_02">07</span> </div> <div class="text t month op_03">November, 2024</div> </time> </div> <h6 class="title t plr">Celebrating Triple Gold : eDesign Wins 3 Davey Awards</h6> <p class="text m left plr op_05"> Winning three Gold Davey Awards is a great honor for us, but it also reflects the partnerships we build with our clients. We don鈥檛 just design websites鈥攚e collaborate to understand our clients' needs, challenges, and goals. We approach each project with fresh ideas, creative solutions, and a passion for helping our clients succeed.聽 </p> </a> <a href="/blog/edelmans-website" class="col col-d-25 mobile-offset col-t-50 col-m-100 news-thumb news-content op_0 "> <div class="date plr bx" title="2024/10/18"> <time datetime="2024-10-18T09:00"> <div class="title b day pb0 bold"> <span class="op_02">18</span> </div> <div class="text t month op_03">October, 2024</div> </time> </div> <h6 class="title t plr">A Website Design That Drives Results </h6> <p class="text m left plr op_05"> Our philosophy at eDesign Interactive is that a website is an evolving platform that should work in tandem with broader marketing efforts. While Edelman鈥檚 site is eye-catching, the real magic happens behind the scenes.聽 </p> </a> <a href="/blog/rank-in-ai-search" class="col col-d-25 mobile-offset col-t-50 col-m-100 news-thumb news-content op_0 "> <div class="date plr bx" title="2024/10/07"> <time datetime="2024-10-07T09:00"> <div class="title b day pb0 bold"> <span class="op_02">07</span> </div> <div class="text t month op_03">October, 2024</div> </time> </div> <h6 class="title t plr">From SEO to GEO : How to Rank in the Age of AI Search </h6> <p class="text m left plr op_05"> Search queries are becoming more complex and direct, demanding a shift in SEO strategies. Traditional keyword-focused approaches are no longer sufficient. AI-powered search engines now prioritize content that accurately addresses users' specific needs and intent. </p> </a> <a href="/blog/Five_NJ_Awards" class="col col-d-25 mobile-offset col-t-50 col-m-100 news-thumb news-content op_0 "> <div class="date plr bx" title="2024/09/23"> <time datetime="2024-09-23T10:00"> <div class="title b day pb0 bold"> <span class="op_02">23</span> </div> <div class="text t month op_03">September, 2024</div> </time> </div> <h6 class="title t plr">eDesign Wins Five Awards at the 56th Annual Jersey Awards</h6> <p class="text m left plr op_05"> eDesign was awarded 'Best of Digital Media' at the 56th Annual Jersey Awards. We are excited, delighted, and humbled by this recognition. Well done, team! </p> </a> <a href="/blog/demand-gen-lead-gen" class="col col-d-25 mobile-offset col-t-50 col-m-100 news-thumb news-content op_0 "> <div class="date plr bx" title="2024/09/04"> <time datetime="2024-09-04T09:00"> <div class="title b day pb0 bold"> <span class="op_02">04</span> </div> <div class="text t month op_03">September, 2024</div> </time> </div> <h6 class="title t plr">Choosing the Right Marketing Strategy : Demand Gen vs Lead Gen</h6> <p class="text m left plr op_05"> By understanding your specific goals, we can create a modern marketing program that integrates the best of demand and lead gen, ensuring that your business attracts and converts customers efficiently. </p> </a> <a href="/blog/inc-5000-ranking-edesign" class="col col-d-25 mobile-offset col-t-50 col-m-100 news-thumb news-content op_0 "> <div class="date plr bx" title="2024/08/13"> <time datetime="2024-08-13T09:00"> <div class="title b day pb0 bold"> <span class="op_02">13</span> </div> <div class="text t month op_03">August, 2024</div> </time> </div> <h6 class="title t plr">eDesign Interactive Receives Prestigious Inc. 5000 Ranking for Third Consecutive Year</h6> <p class="text m left plr op_05"> eDesign Interactive has been included in the Inc. 5000 list for the third consecutive year, recognizing the team as one of the fastest-growing private companies in America. </p> </a> <a href="/blog/cookieless-world" class="col col-d-25 mobile-offset col-t-50 col-m-100 news-thumb news-content op_0 "> <div class="date plr bx" title="2024/08/07"> <time datetime="2024-08-07T09:00"> <div class="title b day pb0 bold"> <span class="op_02">07</span> </div> <div class="text t month op_03">August, 2024</div> </time> </div> <h6 class="title t plr"> First-Party Data Strategy for 2024</h6> <p class="text m left plr op_05"> Embracing a cookieless future is a pivotal opportunity to transform your brand and build more meaningful customer relationships. With third-party cookies on the verge of crumbling into obsolescence, adopting first-party data as the cornerstone of marketing is crucial for staying ahead in this evolving landscape. </p> </a> <a href="/blog/tackling-uncertainty" class="col col-d-25 mobile-offset col-t-50 col-m-100 news-thumb news-content op_0 "> <div class="date plr bx" title="2024/07/23"> <time datetime="2024-07-23T09:00"> <div class="title b day pb0 bold"> <span class="op_02">23</span> </div> <div class="text t month op_03">July, 2024</div> </time> </div> <h6 class="title t plr">Tackling Uncertainty Together </h6> <p class="text m left plr op_05"> In any website design, marketing campaign, or product launch, there are countless variables at play. To successfully navigate these unknowns we build our project scopes with an allowance for uncertainties. </p> </a> <a href="/blog/long-term-marketing-growth" class="col col-d-25 mobile-offset col-t-50 col-m-100 news-thumb news-content op_0 "> <div class="date plr bx" title="2024/07/08"> <time datetime="2024-07-08T07:00"> <div class="title b day pb0 bold"> <span class="op_02">08</span> </div> <div class="text t month op_03">July, 2024</div> </time> </div> <h6 class="title t plr">Prioritizing Long-Term Marketing Growth Over Short-Term Wins</h6> <p class="text m left plr op_05"> To build a foundation for sustainable growth, customer loyalty, and industry leadership, we advocate for investing in brand storytelling and ensuring consistency across all channels. </p> </a> <a href="/blog/your-website-is-live-now-what" class="col col-d-25 mobile-offset col-t-50 col-m-100 news-thumb news-content important op_0 "> <div class="date plr bx" title="2024/06/18"> <time datetime="2024-06-18T09:00"> <div class="title b day pb0 bold"> <span class="op_02">18</span> <div class="important"><i>*</i></div> </div> <div class="text t month op_03">June, 2024</div> </time> </div> <h6 class="title t plr">Your New Website Is Live. Now What? </h6> <p class="text m left plr op_05"> eDesign鈥檚 director of user experience emphasizes the importance of seeing your site launch as the starting point for maximizing your digital presence.聽 </p> </a> <a href="/blog/web-design-excellence" class="col col-d-25 mobile-offset col-t-50 col-m-100 news-thumb news-content op_0 "> <div class="date plr bx" title="2024/06/03"> <time datetime="2024-06-03T09:00"> <div class="title b day pb0 bold"> <span class="op_02">03</span> </div> <div class="text t month op_03">June, 2024</div> </time> </div> <h6 class="title t plr">Combining Web Design Excellence with Dynamic Marketing Strategies </h6> <p class="text m left plr op_05"> By incorporating marketing strategies into your website, we ensure that your brand delivers consistent and impactful interactions at every touchpoint. Here's how our team navigates this convergence. </p> </a> </div> <div id="pinContainer" class="op_0 anim-load-more load-more col col-d-100 col-m-100 col-t-100 flex "> <div class="col col-d-25 col-t-100 col-m-100"> <div class="text m c_g plr bx"> <strong class="c_r">*</strong> <i>you shouldn鈥檛 miss</i> </div> </div> <div class="col col-d-25 col-t-100 col-m-100"></div> </div> </div><!-- /.section-content --> </div><!-- /.section-offset --> </div><!-- /.section-wrap --> </section><!-- /.inner-blog-section --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script src="/js/main.js?v=20240815v2"></script> <script> App.Lottie.initPrelaoder(); App.init(); </script> <script> (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) { i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () { (i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments) }, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o), m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m) })(window, document, 'script', '//', 'ga'); ga('create', 'UA-66869522-1', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> </body> </html>