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Discover how you can set up win-back offers (a new way to re-engage previous subscribers) and generate offer codes for Mac apps. And find out how to test offers in...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10074/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get started with Dynamic Type" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10074/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get started with Dynamic Type</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Dynamic Type lets people choose their preferred text size across the system and all of their apps. To help you get started supporting Dynamic Type, we'll cover the fundamentals: How it works, how to find issues with scaling text in your app, and how to take practical steps using SwiftUI and UIKit...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">font,font scaling,font sizes,text accessibility,text styles WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10203/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet AccessorySetupKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10203/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet AccessorySetupKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Elevate your accessory setup experience with AccessorySetupKit. Display a beautiful pairing dialog with an image of your Bluetooth or Wi-Fi accessory — no trip to the Settings app required. Discover how to improve privacy by pairing only your app with an accessory. And learn how you can migrate...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10105/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in Quick Look for visionOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10105/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in Quick Look for visionOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore how Quick Look in visionOS can elevate file preview and editing experiences in your app. We'll cover the integration of in-app and windowed Quick Look, as well as a brand-new API that customizes the windowed Quick Look experience in your app. We'll also share the latest enhancements to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">quick look,reality,reality composer pro,spatial computing,spatial tracking,usdz WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10177/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Use HDR for dynamic image experiences in your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:29</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10177/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Use HDR for dynamic image experiences in your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to read and write HDR images and process HDR content in your app. Explore the new supported HDR image formats and advanced methods for displaying HDR images. Find out how HDR content can coexist with your user interface — and what to watch out for when adding HDR image support to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">adaptive,camera,hdr,photokit,photos WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10173/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Analyze heap memory" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:03</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10173/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Analyze heap memory</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Dive into the basis for your app's dynamic memory: the heap! Explore how to use Instruments and Xcode to measure, analyze, and fix common heap issues. We'll also cover some techniques and best practices for diagnosing transient growth, persistent growth, and leaks in your app.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10108/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in Wallet and Apple Pay" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:28</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10108/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in Wallet and Apple Pay</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Take passes and payments to the next level with new enhancements to Wallet and Apple Pay. Make your event tickets shine with rich pass designs in Wallet, and bring great Apple Pay experiences to even more people with third-party browser support. We'll also look at how to disburse funds with Apple...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10217/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore Swift performance" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:36</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10217/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore Swift performance</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how Swift balances abstraction and performance. Learn what elements of performance to consider and how the Swift optimizer affects them. Explore the different features of Swift and how they're implemented to further understand the tradeoffs available that can impact performance.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10200/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Extend your Xcode Cloud workflows" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:10</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10200/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Extend your Xcode Cloud workflows</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how Xcode Cloud can adapt to your development needs. We'll show you how to streamline your workflows, automate testing and distribution with start conditions, custom aliases, custom scripts, webhooks, and the App Store Connect API.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10106/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in USD and MaterialX" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10106/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in USD and MaterialX</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore updates to Universal Scene Description and MaterialX support on Apple platforms. Discover how these technologies provide a foundation for 3D content creation and delivery, and learn how they can help streamline your workflows for creating great spatial experiences. Learn about USD and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10088/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Capture HDR content with ScreenCaptureKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:29</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10088/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Capture HDR content with ScreenCaptureKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to capture high dynamic colors using ScreenCaptureKit, and explore new features like HDR support, microphone capture, and straight-to-file recording.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">hdr,microphone,mp4,screencapturekit WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10201/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Customize spatial Persona templates in SharePlay" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">36:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10201/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Customize spatial Persona templates in SharePlay</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to use custom spatial Persona templates in your visionOS SharePlay experience to fine-tune the placement of Personas relative to your app. We'll show you how to adopt custom spatial Persona templates in a sample app with SharePlay, move participants between seats, and test your changes...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10075/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Track model changes with SwiftData history" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10075/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Track model changes with SwiftData history</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Reveal the history of your model's changes with SwiftData! Use the history API to understand when data store changes occurred, and learn how to use this information to build features like remote server sync and out-of-process change handing in your app. We'll also cover how you can build support...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">historydescriptor,historyproviding,history tracking,model changes,nspersistenthistorytrackingkey,persistent history,transactions WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10140/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Add personality to your app through UX writing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10140/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Add personality to your app through UX writing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Every app has a personality that comes across in what you say — and how you say it. Learn how to define your app's voice and modulate your tone for every situation, from celebratory notifications to error messages. We'll help you get specific about your app's purpose and audience and practice...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10170/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Consume noncopyable types in Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10170/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Consume noncopyable types in Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Get started with noncopyable types in Swift. Discover what copying means in Swift, when you might want to use a noncopyable type, and how value ownership lets you state your intentions clearly.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10121/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet the Contact Access Button" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10121/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet the Contact Access Button</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the new Contacts authorization modes and how to improve Contacts access in your app. Discover how to integrate the Contact Access Button into your app to share additional contacts on demand and provide an easier path to Contacts authorization. We'll also cover Contacts security...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10164/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in DockKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10164/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in DockKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how intelligent tracking in DockKit allows for smoother transitions between subjects. We will cover what intelligent tracking is, how it uses an ML model to select and track subjects, and how you can use it in your app.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">camera,dock,intelligence,machine learning,object detection WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10160/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Train your machine learning and AI models on Apple GPUs" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10160/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Train your machine learning and AI models on Apple GPUs</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to train your models on Apple Silicon with Metal for PyTorch, JAX and TensorFlow. Take advantage of new attention operations and quantization support for improved transformer model performance on your devices.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ai,gpu,machine learning,metal,pytorch WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10122/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Use CloudKit Console to monitor and optimize database activity" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10122/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Use CloudKit Console to monitor and optimize database activity</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the new observability features in CloudKit Console. Learn how to use Telemetry and Logging to troubleshoot and optimize your app. Find out how to set up alerts to monitor your application's behavior and notifications to stay on top of the container events that are most important to you...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10063/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in App Store Connect" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:03</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10063/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in App Store Connect</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore new features for discovery, testing, and marketing. Find out how to nominate your apps for featuring on the App Store, share exciting moments (like a version launch) with marketing assets generated for you, deep link to specific content in your app from custom product pages, use the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10151/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create custom visual effects with SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10151/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create custom visual effects with SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to create stunning visual effects in SwiftUI. Learn to build unique scroll effects, rich color treatments, and custom transitions. We'll also explore advanced graphic effects using Metal shaders and custom text rendering.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10218/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Accelerate machine learning with Metal" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10218/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Accelerate machine learning with Metal</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to accelerate your machine learning transformer models with new features in Metal Performance Shaders Graph. We'll also cover how to improve your model's compute bandwidth and quality, and visualize it in the all new MPSGraph viewer.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">machine learning,metal,metal compute WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10143/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in device management" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10143/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in device management</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the latest management capabilities for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and visionOS, then discover the latest changes to Apple Business Manager and Apple School Manager. We'll also share updates to Activation Lock, SoftwareUpdate, and Safari management.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10097/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Unlock the power of places with MapKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:39</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10097/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Unlock the power of places with MapKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover powerful new ways to integrate maps into your apps and websites with MapKit and MapKit JS. Learn how to save and reference unique places using Place ID. Check out improvements to search that make it more efficient to find relevant places. Get introduced to the new Place Card API that...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10146/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Demystify SwiftUI containers" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10146/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Demystify SwiftUI containers</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the capabilities of SwiftUI container views and build a mental model for how subviews are managed by their containers. Leverage new APIs to build your own custom containers, create modifiers to customize container content, and give your containers that extra polish that helps your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10096/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design interactive experiences for visionOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10096/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design interactive experiences for visionOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can design a compelling interactive narrative experience for Apple Vision Pro from the designers of Encounter Dinosaurs. Discover how these types of experiences differ from existing apps, media, and games, and explore how to design narratives that bring audiences into new worlds...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10216/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore the Swift on Server ecosystem" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10216/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore the Swift on Server ecosystem</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Swift is a great language for writing your server applications, and powers critical services across Apple's cloud products. We'll explore tooling, delve into the Swift server package ecosystem, and demonstrate how to interact with databases and add observability to applications.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10066/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build immersive web experiences with WebXR" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10066/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build immersive web experiences with WebXR</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how WebXR empowers you to add fully immersive experiences to your website in visionOS. Find out how to build WebXR experiences that take full advantage of the input capabilities of visionOS, and learn how you can use Simulator to test WebXR experiences on macOS.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10148/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Tailor macOS windows with SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10148/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Tailor macOS windows with SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Make your windows feel tailor-made for macOS. Fine-tune your app's windows for focused purposes, ease of use, and to express functionality. Use SwiftUI to style window toolbars and backgrounds. Arrange your windows with precision, and make smart decisions about restoration and minimization.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">1984,borderless,close,floating,minimize,toolbar,window,windows,zoom WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10172/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Break into the RealityKit debugger" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:10</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10172/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Break into the RealityKit debugger</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Meet the RealityKit debugger and discover how this new tool lets you inspect the entity hierarchy of spatial apps, debug rogue transformations, find missing entities, and detect which parts of your code are causing problems for your systems.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10093/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring your iOS or iPadOS game to visionOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:42</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10093/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring your iOS or iPadOS game to visionOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to transform your iOS or iPadOS game into a uniquely visionOS experience. Increase the immersion (and fun factor!) with a 3D frame or an immersive background. And invite players further into your world by adding depth to the window with stereoscopy or head tracking.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">arkit,compositorservices,games,games on visionos,ios games,ipad games,metal,spatial computing WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10117/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet the Translation API" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10117/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet the Translation API</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can translate text across different languages in your app using the new Translation framework. We'll show you how to quickly display translations in the system UI, and how to translate larger batches of text for your app's UI.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">language,language detection,machine learning,text analysis WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10107/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover area mode for Object Capture" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10107/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover area mode for Object Capture</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how area mode for Object Capture enables new 3D capture possibilities on iOS by extending the functionality of Object Capture to support capture and reconstruction of an area. Learn how to optimize the quality of iOS captures using the new macOS sample app for reconstruction, and find...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10188/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in SF Symbols 6" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:19</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10188/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in SF Symbols 6</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the latest updates to SF Symbols, Apple's library of iconography designed to integrate seamlessly with San Francisco, the system font for all Apple platforms. Learn how the new Wiggle, Rotate, and Breathe animation presets can bring vitality to your interface. To get the most out of this...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10162/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Keep colors consistent across captures" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10162/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Keep colors consistent across captures</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Meet the Constant Color API and find out how it can help people use your app to determine precise colors. You'll learn how to adopt the API, explore its scientific and marketing potential, and discover best practices for making the most of the technology.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">camera,color,colorspace,machine learning,photos WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10198/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Run, Break, Inspect: Explore effective debugging in LLDB" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10198/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Run, Break, Inspect: Explore effective debugging in LLDB</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to use LLDB to explore and debug codebases. We'll show you how to make the most of crashlogs and backtraces, and how to supercharge breakpoints with actions and complex stop conditions. We'll also explore how the “p” command and the latest features in Swift 6 can enhance your debugging...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10185/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build multilingual-ready apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10185/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build multilingual-ready apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Ensure your app works properly and effectively for multilingual users. Learn best practices for text input, display, search, and formatting. Get details on typing in multiple languages without switching between keyboards. And find out how the latest advances in the String Catalog can make...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,automatic grammar agreement,formatter,hindi,i10n,keyboard layout guide,l18n,nstextview,sf symbols,stringsdict,textkit,uitextview WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10163/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover Swift enhancements in the Vision framework" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10163/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover Swift enhancements in the Vision framework</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Vision Framework API has been redesigned to leverage modern Swift features like concurrency, making it easier and faster to integrate a wide array of Vision algorithms into your app. We'll tour the updated API and share sample code, along with best practices, to help you get the benefits of...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">machine learning amp vision WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10204/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build a great Lock Screen camera capture experience" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10204/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build a great Lock Screen camera capture experience</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how the LockedCameraCapture API can help you bring your capture application's most useful information directly to the Lock Screen. Examine the API's features and functionality, learn how to get started creating a capture extension, and find out how that extension behaves when the device...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">camera,lock screen,machine learning WWDC24 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10062/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore App Store server APIs for In-App Purchase" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">32:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10062/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore App Store server APIs for In-App Purchase</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to leverage your server to build great In-App Purchase experiences with the latest updates to the App Store Server API, App Store Server Notifications, and the open source App Store Server Library. After a recap of current APIs, we'll introduce updated endpoint functionality, new...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10070/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Customize feature discovery with TipKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:45</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10070/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Customize feature discovery with TipKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Focused on feature discovery, the TipKit framework makes it easy to display tips in your app. Now you can group tips so features are discovered in the ideal order, make tips reusable with custom tip identifiers, match the look and feel to your app, and sync tips using CloudKit. Learn how you can...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10176/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design App Intents for system experiences" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:19</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10176/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design App Intents for system experiences</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">App Intents power system experiences in controls, Spotlight, Siri, and more. Find out how to identify the functionality that's best for App Intents, and how to use parameters to make these intents flexible. Learn how to use App Intents to allow people to take action outside your app, and see...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10083/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get started with HealthKit in visionOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:29</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10083/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get started with HealthKit in visionOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to use HealthKit to create experiences that take full advantage of the spatial canvas. Learn the capabilities of HealthKit on the platform, find out how to bring an existing iPadOS app to visionOS, and explore the special considerations governing HealthKit during a Guest User...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10123/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in privacy" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10123/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in privacy</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">At Apple, we believe privacy is a fundamental human right. Learn about new and improved permission flows and other features that manage data in a privacy-preserving way, so that you can focus on creating great app experiences.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10171/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Demystify explicitly built modules" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:28</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10171/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Demystify explicitly built modules</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore how builds are changing in Xcode 16 with explicitly built modules. Discover how modules are used to build your code, how explicitly built modules improve transparency in compilation tasks, and how you can optimize your build by sharing modules across targets.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10069/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Broadcast updates to your Live Activities" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10069/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Broadcast updates to your Live Activities</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">With broadcast push notifications, your app can send updates to thousands of Live Activities with a single request. We'll discover how broadcast push notifications work between an app, a server, and the Apple Push Notification service, then we'll walk through best practices for this capability...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apns WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10152/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create custom hover effects in visionOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10152/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create custom hover effects in visionOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to develop custom hover effects that update views when people look at them. Find out how to build an expanding button effect that combines opacity, scale, and clip effects. Discover best practices for creating effects that are comfortable and respect people's accessibility needs.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10113/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover media performance metrics in AVFoundation" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10113/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover media performance metrics in AVFoundation</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can monitor, analyze, and improve user experience with the new media performance APIs. Explore how to monitor AVPlayer performance for HLS assets using different AVMetricEvents, and learn how to use these metrics to understand and triage player performance issues.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10209/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Enhanced suggestions for your journaling app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10209/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Enhanced suggestions for your journaling app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how your journaling app can display journaling suggestions with richer content from the system. Explore new types of available content like state of mind data, reflection prompts, and support for third-party media content and motion-based activities. </p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10131/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Support semantic search with Core Spotlight" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10131/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Support semantic search with Core Spotlight</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to provide semantic search results in your app using Core Spotlight. Understand how to make your app's content available in the user's private, on-device index so people can search for items using natural language. We'll also share how to optimize your app's performance by scheduling...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,cssearchableindex,cssearchableitem,cssearchableitemattributeset,csuserquery WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10212/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in location authorization" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10212/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in location authorization</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Location authorization is turning 2.0. Learn about new recommendations and techniques to get the authorization you need, and a new system of diagnostics that can let you know when an authorization goal can't be met.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10186/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimize your 3D assets for spatial computing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10186/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimize your 3D assets for spatial computing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Dive into an end-to-end workflow for optimized 3D asset creation. Discover best practices for optimizing meshes, materials, and textures in your digital content creation tool. Learn how to harness shader graph, baking, and material instances to enhance your 3D scene while optimizing performance...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">3d,bump map,dcc,digital content creation,materials,normal map,optimization,polygon count,rcp,reality composer pro,realitykit,shadergraph,skydome,usd,usda,usdc,usdz WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10181/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Xcode essentials" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">36:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10181/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Xcode essentials</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Edit, debug, commit, repeat. Explore the suite of tools in Xcode that help you iterate quickly when developing apps. Discover tips and tricks to help optimize and boost your development workflow.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10091/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet TabletopKit for visionOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:39</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10091/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet TabletopKit for visionOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Build a board game for visionOS from scratch using TabletopKit. We'll show you how to set up your game, add powerful rendering using RealityKit, and enable multiplayer using spatial Personas in FaceTime with only a few extra lines of code.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">arkit,facetime,games,shareplay,spatial personas,tabletopkit,visionos games WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10134/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in App Intents" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10134/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in App Intents</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about improvements and all-new features with App Intents, and discover how this framework can help you expose your app's functionality to Siri, Spotlight, Shortcuts, and more. We'll show you how to make your entities more meaningful to the platform with the Transferable API, File...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app intents,machine learning WWDC24 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10184/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="A Swift Tour: Explore Swift’s features and design" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:36</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10184/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">A Swift Tour: Explore Swift’s features and design</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn the essential features and design philosophy of the Swift programming language. We'll explore how to model data, handle errors, use protocols, write concurrent code, and more while building up a Swift package that has a library, an HTTP server, and a command line client. Whether you're just...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10207/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Migrate your TVML app to SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10207/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Migrate your TVML app to SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">SwiftUI helps you build great apps on all Apple platforms and is the preferred toolkit for bringing your content into the living room with tvOS 18. Learn how to use SwiftUI to create familiar layouts and controls from TVMLKit, and get tips and best practices.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10094/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore game input in visionOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10094/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore game input in visionOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to design and implement great input for your game in visionOS. Learn how system gestures let you provide frictionless ways for players to interact with your games. And explore best practices for supporting custom gestures and game controllers. </p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple vision pro,avp,gestures,mixed reality,spatial,spatial design,virtual reality WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10183/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in Create ML" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10183/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in Create ML</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore updates to Create ML, including interactive data source previews and a new template for building object tracking models for visionOS apps. We'll also cover important framework improvements, including new time-series forecasting and classification APIs.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">create ml,create ml framework,machine learning WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10092/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Render Metal with passthrough in visionOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10092/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Render Metal with passthrough in visionOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Get ready to extend your Metal experiences for visionOS. Learn best practices for integrating your rendered content with people's physical environments with passthrough. Find out how to position rendered content to match the physical world, reduce latency with trackable anchor prediction, and more.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">compositorservices,metal,mixed immersion,mixed reality,visionos WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10073/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Catch up on accessibility in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:19</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10073/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Catch up on accessibility in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">SwiftUI makes it easy to build amazing experiences that are accessible to everyone. We'll discover how assistive technologies understand and navigate your app through the rich accessibility elements provided by SwiftUI. We'll also discuss how you can further customize these experiences by...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accessibilityactions,accessibilityelements,accessibilitylabel WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10138/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create a custom data store with SwiftData" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10138/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create a custom data store with SwiftData</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Combine the power of SwiftData's expressive, declarative modeling API with your own persistence backend. Learn how to build a custom data store and explore how to progressively add persistence features in your app. To get the most out of this session, watch “Meet SwiftData” and “Model your schema...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">datastore,datastoreconfiguration,datastoresnapshot WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10065/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimize for the spatial web" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10065/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimize for the spatial web</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to make the most of visionOS capabilities on the web. Explore recent updates like improvements to selection highlighting, and the ability to present spatial photos and panorama images in fullscreen. Learn to take advantage of existing web standards for dictation and text-to-speech...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10087/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create custom environments for your immersive apps in visionOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10087/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create custom environments for your immersive apps in visionOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to create visually rich and performant customized app environments for Apple Vision Pro. Learn design guidelines, get expert recommendations, and explore techniques you can use in any digital content creation tool to begin building your immersive environment.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10104/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build a spatial drawing app with RealityKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">32:25</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10104/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build a spatial drawing app with RealityKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Harness the power of RealityKit through the process of building a spatial drawing app. As you create an eye-catching spatial experience that integrates RealityKit with ARKit and SwiftUI, you'll explore how resources work in RealityKit and how to use features like low-level mesh and texture APIs...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">3d text,anchor entity,anti aliasing,audio,blend modes,cross platform,gpu,hand tracking,ios,low level mesh,low level texture,macos,mesh extrusion,metal,reality composer pro,realitykit,rendering,spatial tracking,visionos WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10060/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet AdAttributionKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10060/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet AdAttributionKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Introducing AdAttributionKit, a new iOS framework for privacy-preserving ad attribution. Learn how AdAttributionKit supports re-engagement, click-through attribution (including support for custom creative), JWS formatted impressions and postbacks, and more. We'll provide insight into testing your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10220/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring expression to your app with Genmoji" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10220/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring expression to your app with Genmoji</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to bring Genmoji to life in your app. We'll go over how to render, store, and communicate text that includes Genmoji. If your app features a custom text engine, we'll also cover techniques for adding support for Genmoji.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,animoji,emoji,memoji,nsadaptiveimageglyph,nstextview,stickers,textkit,uitextview,wkwebview WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10132/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Evolve your document launch experience" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:08</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10132/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Evolve your document launch experience</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Make your document-based app stand out, and bring its unique identity into focus with the new document launch experience. Learn how to leverage the new API to customize the first screen people see when they launch your app. Utilize the new system-provided design, and amend it with custom actions,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">alien flower,documentbased,fashion shirt,julia,yael WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10214/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Squeeze the most out of Apple Pencil" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:58</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10214/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Squeeze the most out of Apple Pencil</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">New in iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and visionOS 2, the PencilKit tool picker gains the ability to have completely custom tools, with custom attributes. Learn how to express your custom drawing experience in the tool picker using the same great tool picking experience available across the system. Discover...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">barrel roll,draw,finger,haptics,hover,pencil kit,roll WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10149/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Work with windows in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10149/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Work with windows in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to create great single and multi-window apps in visionOS, macOS, and iPadOS. Discover tools that let you programmatically open and close windows, adjust position and size, and even replace one window with another. We'll also explore design principles for windows that help people use...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10115/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Enhance the immersion of media viewing in custom environments" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10115/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Enhance the immersion of media viewing in custom environments</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Extend your media viewing experience using Reality Composer Pro components like Docking Region, Reverb, and Virtual Environment Probe. Find out how to further enhance immersion using Reflections, Tint Surroundings Effect, SharePlay, and the Immersive Environment Picker.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">brightness,custom environments,diffuse,docking region component,group session,immersive environment picker,light spill,media playback,reality composer pro,realitykit,reflections,reverb,shareplay,specular,tint,virtual environment probe WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10125/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Streamline sign-in with passkey upgrades and credential managers" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10125/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Streamline sign-in with passkey upgrades and credential managers</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to automatically upgrade existing, password-based accounts to use passkeys. We'll share why and how to improve account security and ease of sign-in, information about new features available for credential manager apps, and how to make your app information shine in the new Passwords app.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">automatic passkey,automatic passkeys,passkey,passkeys,password,password app,passwords,verification codes WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10145/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Enhance your UI animations and transitions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:14</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10145/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Enhance your UI animations and transitions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore how to adopt the zoom transition in navigation and presentations to increase the sense of continuity in your app, and learn how to animate UIKit views with SwiftUI animations to make it easier to build animations that feel continuous.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">bracelets,friendship WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10161/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Deploy machine learning and AI models on-device with Core ML" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10161/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Deploy machine learning and AI models on-device with Core ML</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn new ways to optimize speed and memory performance when you convert and run machine learning and AI models through Core ML. We'll cover new options for model representations, performance insights, execution, and model stitching which can be used together to create compelling and private...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ai,coreml,coreml editor,machine learning WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10197/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Go small with Embedded Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10197/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Go small with Embedded Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Embedded Swift brings the safety and expressivity of Swift to constrained environments. Explore how Embedded Swift runs on a variety of microcontrollers through a demonstration using an off-the-shelf Matter device. Learn how the Embedded Swift subset packs the benefits of Swift into a tiny...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10084/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build custom swimming workouts with WorkoutKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10084/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build custom swimming workouts with WorkoutKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Check out the latest in creating, customizing, and scheduling workouts using WorkoutKit. Sprint through the latest in pace and power alerts and expanded support for distance goals. And keep the momentum going with the benefits of custom step names.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10168/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get started with Writing Tools" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10168/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get started with Writing Tools</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how Writing Tools help users proofread, rewrite, and transform text in your app. Get the details on how Writing Tools interact with your app so users can refine what they have written in any text view. Understand how text is retrieved and processed, and how to support Writing Tools in...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">nsservices,nstextview,textkit,uitextview,wkwebview WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10098/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design Live Activities for Apple Watch" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10098/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design Live Activities for Apple Watch</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Starting in watchOS 11, Live Activities from your iOS app will automatically appear in the Smart Stack on a connected Apple Watch. Learn how to optimize the layout of your Live Activity for the wrist, and provide the right level of information and interactivity at the right time.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10211/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Support real-time ML inference on the CPU" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:03</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10211/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Support real-time ML inference on the CPU</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use BNNSGraph to accelerate the execution of your machine learning model on the CPU. We will show you how to use BNNSGraph to compile and execute a machine learning model on the CPU and share how it provides real-time guarantees such as no runtime memory allocation and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">bnns,machine learning WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10195/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Go further with Swift Testing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10195/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Go further with Swift Testing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to write a sweet set of (test) suites using Swift Testing's baked-in features. Discover how to take the building blocks further and use them to help expand tests to cover more scenarios, organize your tests across different suites, and optimize your tests to run in parallel.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10157/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Extend your app’s controls across the system" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10157/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Extend your app’s controls across the system</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Bring your app's controls to Control Center, the Lock Screen, and beyond. Learn how you can use WidgetKit to extend your app's controls to the system experience. We'll cover how you can to build a control, tailor its appearance, and make it configurable.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">controlwidget,controlwidgetbutton,controlwidgettoggle,widgetkit WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10109/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore wellbeing APIs in HealthKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:20</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10109/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore wellbeing APIs in HealthKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to incorporate mental health and wellbeing into your app using HealthKit. There are new APIs for State of Mind, as well as for Depression Risk and Anxiety Risk. We'll dive into principles of emotion science to cover how reflecting on feelings can be beneficial, and how State of Mind can...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/111977/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Platforms State of the Union 5-Minute Recap" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">5:00</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/111977/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Platforms State of the Union 5-Minute Recap</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Watch a quick recap of the newest advancements on Apple platforms.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">recap WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10153/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Dive deep into volumes and immersive spaces" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">32:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10153/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Dive deep into volumes and immersive spaces</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover powerful new ways to customize volumes and immersive spaces in visionOS. Learn to fine-tune how volumes resize and respond to people moving around them. Make volumes and immersive spaces interact through the power of coordinate conversions. Find out how to make your app react when people...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/2023/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet FinanceKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:45</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/2023/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet FinanceKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how FinanceKit lets your financial management apps seamlessly and securely share on-device data from Apple Cash, Apple Card, and more, with user consent and control. Find out how to request one-time and ongoing access to accounts, transactions, and balances — and how to build great...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10061/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in StoreKit and In-App Purchase" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:00</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10061/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in StoreKit and In-App Purchase</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to build and deliver even better purchase experiences using the App Store In-App Purchase system. We'll demo new StoreKit views control styles and new APIs to improve your subscription customization, discuss new fields for transaction-level information, and explore new testability in...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10116/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore multiview video playback in visionOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10116/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore multiview video playback in visionOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how AVExperienceController can enable playback of multiple videos on Apple Vision Pro. Review best practices for adoption and explore great use cases, like viewing a sports broadcast from different angles or watching multiple games simultaneously. And discover how to design a compelling and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10101/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore object tracking for visionOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10101/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore object tracking for visionOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how you can use object tracking to turn real-world objects into virtual anchors in your visionOS app. Learn how you can build spatial experiences with object tracking from start to finish. Find out how to create a reference object using machine learning in Create ML and attach content...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10155/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Swift Charts: Vectorized and function plots" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:29</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10155/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Swift Charts: Vectorized and function plots</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The plot thickens! Learn how to render beautiful charts representing math functions and extensive datasets using function and vectorized plots in your app. Whether you're looking to display functions common in aerodynamics, magnetism, and higher order field theory, or create large interactive...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10067/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring context to today’s weather" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10067/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring context to today’s weather</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Harness the power of WeatherKit to get detailed weather forecast data such as precipitation amounts by type, cloud cover by altitude, or maximum wind speed. Find out how you can summarize weather by different parts of the day and highlight significant upcoming changes to temperature or...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10114/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Enhance ad experiences with HLS interstitials" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10114/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Enhance ad experiences with HLS interstitials</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore how HLS Interstitials can help you seamlessly insert advertisements into your HLS content. We'll also show you how to use integrated timeline to tune your UI experience and build SharePlay for interstitials.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10210/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring your app’s core features to users with App Intents" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10210/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring your app’s core features to users with App Intents</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn the principles of the App Intents framework, like intents, entities, and queries, and how you can harness them to expose your app's most important functionality right where people need it most. Find out how to build deep integration between your app and the many system features built on top...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app intents,machine learning WWDC24 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10150/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="SwiftUI essentials" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10150/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">SwiftUI essentials</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Join us on a tour of SwiftUI, Apple's declarative user interface framework. Learn essential concepts for building apps in SwiftUI, like views, state variables, and layout. Discover the breadth of APIs for building fully featured experiences and crafting unique custom components. Whether you're...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10124/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in AppKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10124/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in AppKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest advances in Mac app development. Get an overview of the new features in macOS Sequoia, and how to adopt them in your app. Explore new ways to integrate your existing code with SwiftUI. Learn about the improvements made to numerous AppKit controls, like toolbars, menus, text...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">breathe,genmoji,image playground,symbols WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10179/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Swift Testing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:58</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10179/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Swift Testing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Introducing Swift Testing: a new package for testing your code using Swift. Explore the building blocks of its powerful new API, discover how it can be applied in common testing workflows, and learn how it relates to XCTest and open source Swift.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10169/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Migrate your app to Swift 6" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">41:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10169/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Migrate your app to Swift 6</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Experience Swift 6 migration in action as we update an existing sample app. Learn how to migrate incrementally, module by module, and how the compiler helps you identify code that's at risk of data races. Discover different techniques for ensuring clear isolation boundaries and eliminating...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10085/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design advanced games for Apple platforms" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10085/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design advanced games for Apple platforms</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to adapt your high-end game so it feels at home on Mac, iPad, and iPhone. We'll go over how to make your game look stunning on different displays, tailor your input and controls to be intuitive on each device, and take advantage of Apple technologies that deliver great player experiences.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">game controllers,game design,games,ios games,ipad games,mac games,virtual controllers WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10205/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in watchOS 11" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10205/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in watchOS 11</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore new opportunities on Apple Watch, including bringing Double Tap support to your watchOS app, making your Smart Stack widgets even more relevant and interactive, and displaying your iOS Live Activities in the Smart Stack.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10112/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Say hello to the next generation of CarPlay design system" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:25</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10112/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Say hello to the next generation of CarPlay design system</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the design system at the heart of the next generation of CarPlay that allows each automaker to express their vehicle's character and brand. Learn how gauges, layouts, dynamic content, and more are deeply customizable and adaptable, allowing you to express your own design philosophy and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,car,instrument cluster WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10086/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design great visionOS apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:03</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10086/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design great visionOS apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how to create compelling spatial computing apps by embracing immersion, designing for eyes and hands, and taking advantage of depth, scale, and space. We'll share several examples of great visionOS apps and explore how their designers approached creating new experiences for the platform.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10223/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore machine learning on Apple platforms" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:33</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10223/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore machine learning on Apple platforms</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Get started with an overview of machine learning frameworks on Apple platforms. Whether you're implementing your first ML model, or an ML expert, we'll offer guidance to help you select the right framework for your app's needs. </p> <span class="hidden keywords">ai,bnns,machine learning amp vision,metal,mps,mps graph,pytorch WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10100/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create enhanced spatial computing experiences with ARKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10100/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create enhanced spatial computing experiences with ARKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to create captivating immersive experiences with ARKit's latest features. Explore ways to use room tracking and object tracking to further engage with your surroundings. We'll also share how your app can react to changes in your environment's lighting on this platform. Discover...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">arkit,immersive apps,spatial computing WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10136/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">30:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10136/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Join us for an update on Swift. We'll briefly go through a history of Swift over the past decade, and show you how the community has grown through workgroups, expanded the package ecosystem, and increased platform support. We'll introduce you to a new language mode that achieves data-race safety...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10068/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring your Live Activity to Apple Watch" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10068/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring your Live Activity to Apple Watch</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Bring Live Activities into the Smart Stack on Apple Watch with iOS 18 and watchOS 11. We'll cover how Live Activities are presented on Apple Watch, as well as how you can enhance their presentation for the Smart Stack. We'll also explore additional considerations to ensure Live Activities on...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">activityattributes,activitykit,supplementalactivityfamilies WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10103/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover RealityKit APIs for iOS, macOS, and visionOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">31:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10103/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover RealityKit APIs for iOS, macOS, and visionOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how new cross-platform APIs in RealityKit can help you build immersive apps for iOS, macOS, and visionOS. Check out the new hover effects, lights and shadows, and portal crossing features, and view them in action through real examples.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">arview,audio,cross platform,directional light,dynamic lights,environment lighting,force effects,hand tracking,hover effects,ios,macos,physics,physics joints,point light,portal,portal crossing,reality composer pro,realitykit,realityview,shadergraph,shadows,spatial tracking,spot light,visionos WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10135/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in Xcode 16" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:14</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10135/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in Xcode 16</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest productivity and performance improvements in Xcode 16. Learn about enhancements to code completion, diagnostics, and Xcode Previews. Find out more about updates in builds and explore improvements in debugging and Instruments.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10111/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet the next generation of CarPlay architecture" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10111/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet the next generation of CarPlay architecture</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Dive into the architecture for the next generation of CarPlay. Learn how your vehicle system works with iPhone to create a single cohesive experience that showcases the best of your car and iPhone. Learn how UI is rendered and composited, and explore ways to configure and customize a special...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,car,instrument cluster WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10133/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring your app to Siri" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10133/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring your app to Siri</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to use SiriKit and App Intents to expose your app's functionality to Siri and Apple Intelligence. Discover which intents are already available for your use, and how to adopt App Intent domains to integrate actions from your app into the system. Find out what metadata to provide, how to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ai,app intents,machine learning,siri,siri intents editor WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10159/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring your machine learning and AI models to Apple silicon" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">30:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10159/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring your machine learning and AI models to Apple silicon</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to optimize your machine learning and AI models to leverage the power of Apple silicon. Review model conversion workflows to prepare your models for on-device deployment. Understand model compression techniques that are compatible with Apple silicon, and at what stages in your model...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ai,compression,machine learning,metal,mps graph,optimization,silicon WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/111976/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="18 things from WWDC24" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">2:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/111976/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">18 things from WWDC24</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Here's your guide to the big announcements from this year's Worldwide Developers Conference.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">recap WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10147/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Elevate your tab and sidebar experience in iPadOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10147/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Elevate your tab and sidebar experience in iPadOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">iPadOS 18 introduces a new navigation system that gives people the flexibility to choose between using a tab bar or sidebar. The newly redesigned tab bar provides more space for content and other functionality. Learn how to use SwiftUI and UIKit to enable customization features – like adding,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">design,side bar,tab bar,tabs,zoom WWDC24 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10144/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10144/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can use SwiftUI to build great apps for any Apple platform. Explore a fresh new look and feel for tabs and documents on iPadOS. Improve your window management with new windowing APIs, and gain more control over immersive spaces and volumes in your visionOS apps. We'll also take you...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10102/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Compose interactive 3D content in Reality Composer Pro" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:36</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10102/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Compose interactive 3D content in Reality Composer Pro</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how the Timeline view in Reality Composer Pro can bring your 3D content to life. Learn how to create an animated story in which characters and objects interact with each other and the world around them using inverse kinematics, blend shapes, and skeletal poses. We'll also show you how to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">animation,blend shapes,content creation,cross platform,inverse kinematics,ios,macos,rcp,reality composer pro,realitykit,skeletal poses,timelines,visionos,vision pro WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/111801/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Enhance your spatial computing app with RealityKit audio" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:20</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/111801/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Enhance your spatial computing app with RealityKit audio</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Elevate your spatial computing experience using RealityKit audio. Discover how spatial audio can make your 3D immersive experiences come to life. From ambient audio, reverb, to real-time procedural audio that can add character to your 3D content, learn how RealityKit audio APIs can help make your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">attenuation,audio,audio mix groups,collision,collision sounds,entity,gain,immersive music,music,play audio,reality composer pro,realitykit,realitykit audio,reverb,reverbcomponent,rolloff WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10089/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Port advanced games to Apple platforms" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10089/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Port advanced games to Apple platforms</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how simple it can be to reach players on Apple platforms worldwide. We'll show you how to evaluate your Windows executable on Apple silicon, start your game port with code samples, convert your shader code to Metal, and bring your game to Mac, iPhone, and iPad. Explore enhanced Metal...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">game porting toolkit,game porting toolkit 2,gptk2,ios games,ipad games,mac games,metal,metalcpp,metalfx,metal shader converter,metal shading language WWDC24 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10139/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing enterprise APIs for visionOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10139/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing enterprise APIs for visionOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how you can use new enterprise APIs for visionOS to create spatial experiences that enhance employee and customer productivity on Apple Vision Pro.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10166/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build compelling spatial photo and video experiences" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10166/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build compelling spatial photo and video experiences</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to adopt spatial photos and videos in your apps. Explore the different types of stereoscopic media and find out how to capture spatial videos in your iOS app on iPhone 15 Pro. Discover the various ways to detect and present spatial media, including the new QuickLook Preview Application...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">audio amp video,camera,machine learning,photokit,spatial photos and videos WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10118/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in UIKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:10</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10118/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in UIKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore everything new in UIKit, including tab and document launch experiences, transitions, and text and input changes. We'll also discuss better-than-ever interoperability between UIKit and SwiftUI animations and gestures, as well as general improvements throughout UIKit.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">symbols,traits,uiupdatelink WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10137/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in SwiftData" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/10137/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in SwiftData</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">SwiftData makes it easy to add persistence to your app with its expressive, declarative API. Learn about refinements to SwiftData, including compound uniqueness constraints, faster queries with #Index, queries in Xcode previews, and rich predicate expressions. Join us to explore how you can use...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">datastore,expression,index,preservevalueondeletion,unique WWDC24 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/102/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Platforms State of the Union" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">66:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/102/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Platforms State of the Union</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the newest advancements on Apple platforms.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">sotu,sotu 2024 WWDC24 English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Spanish</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/112/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Platforms State of the Union (ASL)" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">66:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/112/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Platforms State of the Union (ASL)</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the newest advancements on Apple platforms.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">asl,sotu,sotu 2024 WWDC24 English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Spanish</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/101/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Keynote" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">104:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/101/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Keynote</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Don't miss the exciting reveal of the latest Apple software and technologies.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC24 English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Spanish</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/111/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Keynote (ASL)" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">104:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2024/111/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Keynote (ASL)</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC24</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Don't miss the exciting reveal of the latest Apple software and technologies.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">asl WWDC24 English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Spanish</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="collection-focus-group " id="wwdc23" data-scroll-index="1"> <!-- track --> <section class="sticky"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-12 small-12 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <span class="focus-group-link" data-scroll-nav="1"><span class="font-bold">WWDC23</span></span> </section> </section> </section> </section> <!-- video overview --> <ul class="collection-items"> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10281/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Keep up with the keyboard" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:37</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10281/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Keep up with the keyboard</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Each year, the keyboard evolves to support an increasing range of languages, sizes, and features. Discover how you can design your app to keep up with the keyboard, regardless of how it appears on a device. We'll show you how to create frictionless text entry and share important architectural...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">inline predictions,keyboard layout guide WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10142/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore testing in-app purchases" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:37</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10142/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore testing in-app purchases</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can test in-app purchases throughout development with StoreKit Testing in Xcode, App Store sandbox, and TestFlight. Explore how each tool functions and how you can combine them to build the right workflow for testing your apps and games. We'll also share a sneak preview of how you...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10089/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover Metal for immersive apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10089/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover Metal for immersive apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how you can use Metal to render fully immersive experiences for visionOS. We'll show you how to set up a rendering session on the platform and create a basic render loop, and share how you can make your experience interactive by incorporating spatial input.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">compositor,compositorservices WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10107/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Embed the Photos Picker in your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10107/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Embed the Photos Picker in your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can simply, safely, and securely access the Photos Library in your app. Learn how to get started with the embedded picker and explore the options menu and HDR still image support. We'll also show you how to take advantage of UI customization options to help the picker blend into...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10119/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in Safari extensions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10119/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in Safari extensions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the latest improvements to Safari extensions. We'll take you through new APIs, explore per-site permissions for Safari app extensions, and share how you can make sure your extensions work great in both Private Browsing and Profiles. </p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10162/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="The SwiftUI cookbook for focus" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10162/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">The SwiftUI cookbook for focus</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The SwiftUI team is back in the coding "kitchen" with powerful tools to shape your app's focus experience. Join us and learn about the staple ingredients that support focus-driven interactions in your app. Discover focus interactions for custom views, find out about key-press handlers for...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10241/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Share files with SharePlay" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:39</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10241/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Share files with SharePlay</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to work with files and attachments in a SharePlay activity. We'll explain how to use the GroupSessionJournal API to sync large amounts of data faster and show you how to adopt it in a demo of the sample app DrawTogether.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">group activities WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10086/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore the USD ecosystem" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10086/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore the USD ecosystem</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest updates to Universal Scene Description (USD) on Apple platforms and learn how you can deliver great 3D content for your apps, games, and websites. Get to know USD for visionOS, explore MaterialX shaders and color management, and find out about some of the other improvements to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10179/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in Core Motion" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10179/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in Core Motion</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can use the latest Core Motion updates to expand how your app uses motion data. Discover how to stream higher-frequency sensor data when recording a HealthKit workout on Apple Watch. We'll show you how you can get submersion data — including water depth and temperature — during...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10101/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Customize on-device speech recognition" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">7:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10101/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Customize on-device speech recognition</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how you can improve on-device speech recognition in your app by customizing the underlying model with additional vocabulary. We'll share how speech recognition works on device and show you how to boost specific words and phrases for more predictable transcription. Learn how you can...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10158/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Animate with springs" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10158/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Animate with springs</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can bring life to your app with animation! We'll show you how to create amazing animations when you take advantage of springs and help you learn how to use them in your app.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10039/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet device management for Apple Watch" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10039/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet device management for Apple Watch</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Organizations can now deploy and configure Apple Watch in addition to other Apple devices. Learn how to implement device management for watchOS to help organizations improve productivity, support wellness, and provide additional support for their employees.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10275/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore AirPlay with interstitials" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10275/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore AirPlay with interstitials</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can use HLS Interstitials with AirPlay to create seamless transitions for your video content between advertisements. We'll share best practices and tips for creating a great experience when sharing content from Apple devices to popular smart TVs.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10171/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Swift OpenAPI Generator" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10171/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Swift OpenAPI Generator</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how Swift OpenAPI Generator can help you work with HTTP server APIs whether you're extending an iOS app or writing a server in Swift. We'll show you how this package plugin can streamline your workflow and simplify your codebase by generating code from an OpenAPI document.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,,,,,,, WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10078/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design considerations for vision and motion" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:10</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10078/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design considerations for vision and motion</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to design engaging immersive experiences for visionOS that respect the limitations of human vision and motion perception. We'll show you how you can use depth cues, contrast, focus, and motion to keep people comfortable as they enjoy your apps and games.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10180/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover streamlined location updates" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:23</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10180/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover streamlined location updates</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Move into the future with Core Location! Meet the CLLocationUpdate class, designed for modern Swift concurrency, and learn how it simplifies getting location updates. We'll show you how this class works with your apps when they run in the foreground or background and share some best practices.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10032/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Assistive Access" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10032/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Assistive Access</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how Assistive Access can help people with cognitive disabilities more easily use iPhone and iPad. Discover the design principles that guide Assistive Access and find out how the system experience adapts to lighten cognitive load. We'll show you how Assistive Access works and what you can do...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10110/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Elevate your windowed app for spatial computing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10110/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Elevate your windowed app for spatial computing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can bring your multiplatform SwiftUI app to visionOS and the Shared Space. We'll show you how to add the visionOS destination to an existing app and view your app in the Simulator. Explore how your SwiftUI code automatically adapts to support the unique context and presentation...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10196/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Dive deeper into SwiftData" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:35</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10196/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Dive deeper into SwiftData</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can harness the power of SwiftData in your app. Find out how ModelContext and ModelContainer work together to persist your app's data. We'll show you how to track and make your changes manually and use SwiftData at scale with FetchDescriptor, SortDescriptor, and enumerate. To get...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">attribute,coredata,core data,data,data model,enumerate,enumeration,fetchdescriptor,macros,model,model,modelcontainer,modelcontext,persistence,predicate,predicate,relationship,sortdescriptor,swift,swiftdata WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10118/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in Web Inspector" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10118/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in Web Inspector</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Web Inspector provides a powerful set of tools to debug and inspect web pages, web extensions, and WKWebViews on macOS, iOS and iPadOS. We'll share the latest updates, including improved typography inspection, editing tools for variable fonts, controls to emulate people's preferences, element...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">breakpoint,css,font WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10136/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in ScreenCaptureKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10136/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in ScreenCaptureKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Level up your screen sharing experience with the latest features in ScreenCaptureKit. Explore the built-in system picker, Presenter Overlay, and screenshot capabilities, and learn how to incorporate these features into your existing ScreenCaptureKit app or game.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10058/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new with text and text interactions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:45</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10058/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new with text and text interactions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Text is an absolutely critical component of every app. Discover the latest features and enhancements for creating rich text experiences on Apple platforms. We'll show you how to take advantage of common text elements and create entirely custom interactions for your app. Learn about updates to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10127/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimize GPU renderers with Metal" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:57</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10127/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimize GPU renderers with Metal</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to optimize your GPU renderer using the latest Metal features and best practices. We'll show you how to use function specialization and parallel shader compilation to maintain responsive authoring workflows and the fastest rendering speeds, and help you tune your compute shaders for...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10250/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Prototype with Xcode Playgrounds" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10250/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Prototype with Xcode Playgrounds</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Speed up feature development by prototyping new code with Xcode Playgrounds, eliminating the need to keep rebuilding and relaunching your project to verify your changes. We'll show you how using a playground in your project or package can help you try out your code in various scenarios and take a...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">, WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10095/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore rendering for spatial computing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:59</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10095/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore rendering for spatial computing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how you can take control of RealityKit rendering to improve the look and feel of your apps and games on visionOS. Discover how you can customize lighting, add grounding shadows, and control tone mapping for your content. We'll also go over best practices for two key treatments on the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10049/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Improve Core ML integration with async prediction" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10049/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Improve Core ML integration with async prediction</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to speed up machine learning features in your app with the latest Core ML execution engine improvements and find out how aggressive asset caching can help with inference and faster model loads. We'll show you some of the latest options for async prediction and discuss considerations for...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10278/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create practical workflows in Xcode Cloud" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:36</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10278/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create practical workflows in Xcode Cloud</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how Xcode Cloud can help teams of all shapes and sizes in their development process. We'll share different ways to configure actions to help you create simple yet powerful workflows, and show you how to extend Xcode Cloud when you integrate with additional tools.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10070/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create a great spatial playback experience" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:57</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10070/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create a great spatial playback experience</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Get ready to support video in your visionOS app! Take a tour of the frameworks and APIs that power video playback and learn how you can update your app to play 3D content. We'll also share tips for customizing playback to create a more immersive watching experience.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10254/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Do more with Managed Apple IDs" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:42</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10254/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Do more with Managed Apple IDs</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the latest updates to Managed Apple IDs and learn how you can use them in your organization. Take advantage of additional apps and services available to Managed Apple IDs, discover the Account-Driven Device Enrollment flow, and find out how to use access management controls to limit the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10114/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in Wallet and Apple Pay" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10114/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in Wallet and Apple Pay</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest updates to Wallet and Apple Pay. Learn how to take advantage of preauthorized payments, funds transfer, and Apple Pay Later merchandising to create great Apple Pay experiences in your app or for the web. Explore improved support for Mail, Messages, Safari, and third-party apps...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10274/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create 3D models for Quick Look spatial experiences " loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:05</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10274/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create 3D models for Quick Look spatial experiences </h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover best practices when creating 3D content for Quick Look on visionOS. We'll explore a few different ways to prepare your models for Quick Look, cover important considerations for 3D quality and performance, and show you how to use Reality Composer Pro and Reality Trace to inspect and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10170/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Beyond the basics of structured concurrency" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10170/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Beyond the basics of structured concurrency</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">It's all about the task tree: Find out how structured concurrency can help your apps manage automatic task cancellation, task priority propagation, and useful task-local value patterns. Learn how to manage resources in your app with useful patterns and the latest task group APIs. We'll show you...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10106/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Support external cameras in your iPadOS app " loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">32:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10106/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Support external cameras in your iPadOS app </h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can discover and connect to external cameras in your iPadOS app using the AVFoundation capture classes. We'll show you how to rotate video from both external and built-in cameras, support external microphones with USB-C, and perform audio routing. Explore telephony support, tunings...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10304/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Integrate with motorized iPhone stands using DockKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:35</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10304/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Integrate with motorized iPhone stands using DockKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can create incredible photo and video experiences in your camera app when integrating with DockKit-compatible motorized stands. We'll show how your app can automatically track subjects in live video across a 360-degree field of view, take direct control of the stand to customize...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10111/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Go beyond the window with SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10111/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Go beyond the window with SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Get ready to launch into space — a new SwiftUI scene type that can help you make great immersive experiences for visionOS. We'll show you how to create a new scene with ImmersiveSpace, place 3D content, and integrate RealityView. Explore how you can use the immersionStyle scene modifier to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10160/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Demystify SwiftUI performance" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10160/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Demystify SwiftUI performance</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can build a mental model for performance in SwiftUI and write faster, more efficient code. We'll share some of the common causes behind performance issues and help you triage hangs and hitches in SwiftUI to create more responsive views in your app.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10143/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet the App Store Server Library " loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10143/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet the App Store Server Library </h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the App Store Server Library and learn how you can take advantage of resources and configurations for your apps. We'll show you how to set up the library, call the App Store Server API, verify App Store Server Notifications, and use app receipts. Explore insights and best practices for...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10047/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Use Core ML Tools for machine learning model compression" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10047/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Use Core ML Tools for machine learning model compression</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to reduce the footprint of machine learning models in your app with Core ML Tools. Learn how to use techniques like palettization, pruning, and quantization to dramatically reduce model size while still achieving great accuracy. Explore comparisons between compression during the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10147/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Core Location Monitor" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10147/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Core Location Monitor</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how Core Location Monitor can help you better understand location and beacon events in your app. Learn how to use Core Location Conditions to describe and track the state of events in your app, and find out how you can better respond to transitions in your apps through Swift semantics...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10050/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimize machine learning for Metal apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10050/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimize machine learning for Metal apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest enhancements to accelerated ML training in Metal. Find out about updates to PyTorch and TensorFlow, and learn about Metal acceleration for JAX. We'll show you how MPS Graph can support faster ML inference when you use both the GPU and Apple Neural Engine, and share how the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10194/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design dynamic Live Activities " loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:00</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10194/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design dynamic Live Activities </h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Live Activities allow your app to display live information in key system locations on iOS and iPadOS. Learn the best way to create graphically rich layouts that update seamlessly on the Lock Screen, in StandBy, and in the Dynamic Island. Incorporate interactivity and animation to help people stay...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10193/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design Shortcuts for Spotlight" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:39</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10193/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design Shortcuts for Spotlight</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the latest updates to the visual language of App Shortcuts and find out how to design your shortcut to appear as a top hit in Spotlight. We'll share how shortcuts can appear on iOS or iPadOS, and show you how to customize the visual appearance of a shortcut, personalize its order,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10004/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Reduce network delays with L4S" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:05</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10004/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Reduce network delays with L4S</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Streaming video, multiplayer games, and other real-time experiences depend on responsive, low latency networking. Learn how Low Latency, Low Loss, Scalable throughput (L4S) can reduce network delays and improve the overall experience in your app. We'll show you how to set up and test your app,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10185/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Update Live Activities with push notifications" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:20</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10185/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Update Live Activities with push notifications</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can remotely update Live Activities in your app when you push content through Apple Push Notification service (APNs). We'll show you how to configure your first Live Activity push locally so you can quickly iterate on your implementation. Learn best practices for determining your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">activities,activity,activitykit,dynamic,dynamic island,island,live,live activities,live notification,live notifications,lock,lock screen,notification,notifications,screen,standby WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10023/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build a multi-device workout app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10023/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build a multi-device workout app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can get iPhone involved in your Apple Watch-based workout apps with HealthKit. We'll show you how to mirror workouts between devices and take a ride with cycling data types. Plus, get to know HealthKit for iPad.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10108/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in Background Assets" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:59</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10108/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in Background Assets</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Waiting is no fun! Discover how Background Assets can help your app download content before it even launches. We'll show you how to integrate Background Assets into an existing app, explore when to use essential or non-essential assets, and learn how to make debugging your extension a breeze.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10122/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore media formats for the web" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:58</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10122/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore media formats for the web</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the latest image formats and video technologies supported in Safari 17. Discover how you can use JPEG XL, AVIF, and HEIC in your websites and experiences and learn how they differ from previous formats. We'll also show you how the Managed Media Source API draws less power than Media...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10033/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Extend Speech Synthesis with personal and custom voices" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10033/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Extend Speech Synthesis with personal and custom voices</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Bring the latest advancements in Speech Synthesis to your apps. Learn how you can integrate your custom speech synthesizer and voices into iOS and macOS. We'll show you how SSML is used to generate expressive speech synthesis, and explore how Personal Voice can enable your augmentative and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10258/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Animate symbols in your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10258/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Animate symbols in your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Bring delight to your app with animated symbols. Explore the new Symbols framework, which features a unified API to create and configure symbol effects. Learn how SwiftUI, AppKit, and UIKit make it easy to animate symbols in user interfaces. Discover tips and tricks to seamlessly integrate the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10056/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build better document-based apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10056/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build better document-based apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use the latest features in iPadOS to improve your document-based apps. We'll show you how to take advantage of UIDocument as well as existing desktop-class iPad and document-based APIs to add new features in your app. Find out how to convert data models to UIDocument, present...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10037/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore pie charts and interactivity in Swift Charts" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:14</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10037/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore pie charts and interactivity in Swift Charts</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Swift Charts has come full circle: Get ready to bake up pie and donut charts in your app with the latest improvements to the framework. Learn how to make your charts scrollable, explore the chart selection API for revealing additional details in your data, and find out how enabling additional...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10248/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Analyze hangs with Instruments" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">42:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10248/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Analyze hangs with Instruments</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">User interface elements often mimic real-world interactions, including real-time responses. Apps with a noticeable delay in user interaction — a hang — can break that illusion and create frustration. We'll show you how to use Instruments to analyze, understand, and fix hangs in your apps on all...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10189/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Migrate to SwiftData" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10189/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Migrate to SwiftData</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can start using SwiftData in your apps. We'll show you how to use Xcode to generate model classes from your existing Core Data object models, use SwiftData alongside your previous implementation, or even completely replace your existing solution. Before watching this session,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">attribute,coredata,core data,data,data model,macros,migration,model,model,presistence,refactor,relationship,swift,swiftdata,upgrade WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10186/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in Core Data" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:23</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10186/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in Core Data</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Elevate your app's data persistence with improvements in Core Data. Learn how you can use composite attributes to create more intuitive data models. We'll also show you how to migrate your schema through disruptive changes, when to defer intense migrations, and how to avoid overhead on a person's...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">coredata,core data,custom,custom migration,data,data model,defer,deferred,deferred migration,lightweight,lightweight migration,migration,model,persistence,swift,swift data WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10015/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in App Store pre-orders" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">7:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10015/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in App Store pre-orders</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest enhancements to App Store pre-orders, including regional publishing. We'll show you how to use App Store Connect to set up pre-orders to simultaneously soft launch your app and offer it in different regions.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10006/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build robust and resumable file transfers" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:39</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10006/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build robust and resumable file transfers</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how URLSession can help your apps transfer large files and recover from network interruptions. Learn how to pause and resume HTTP file transfers and support resumable uploads, and explore best practices for using URLSession to transfer files even when your app is suspended in the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10266/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Protect your Mac app with environment constraints" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10266/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Protect your Mac app with environment constraints</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to improve the security of your Mac app by adopting environment constraints. We'll show you how to set limits on how processes are launched, make sure your Launch Agents and Launch Daemons aren't tampered with, and prevent unwanted code from running in your address space.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">code signing,consent,control,gatekeeper,launch agent,launchd,sandbox,secure boot,transparency,xpc,xprotect WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10085/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover Quick Look for spatial computing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10085/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover Quick Look for spatial computing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to use Quick Look on visionOS to add powerful previews for 3D content, spatial images and videos, and much more. We'll show you the different ways that the system presents these experiences, demonstrate how someone can drag and drop Quick Look content from an app or website to create a...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10087/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build spatial SharePlay experiences" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10087/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build spatial SharePlay experiences</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use the GroupActivities framework to build unique sharing and collaboration experiences for visionOS. We'll introduce you to SharePlay on this platform, learn how to create experiences that make people feel present as if they were in the same space, and explore how immersive...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">group activities WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10117/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in App Store Connect" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10117/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in App Store Connect</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest updates to App Store Connect, the suite of tools used to manage and submit apps to the App Store. Explore how you can use the latest features to test, price, promote, and automate the management of your app more easily. We'll also share enhancements to tools like TestFlight...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10042/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore Natural Language multilingual models" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:25</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10042/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore Natural Language multilingual models</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to create custom Natural Language models for text classification and word tagging using multilingual, transformer-based embeddings. We'll show you how to train with less data and support up to 27 different languages across three scripts. Find out how to use these embeddings to fine-tune...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10054/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in AppKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10054/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in AppKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest advances in Mac app development. We'll share improvements to controls and menus and explore the tools that can help you break free from your (view) bounds. Learn how to add motion to your user interface, take advantage of improvements to text input, and integrate your existing...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10195/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Model your schema with SwiftData" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:25</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10195/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Model your schema with SwiftData</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to use schema macros and migration plans with SwiftData to build more complex features for your app. We'll show you how to fine-tune your persistence with @Attribute and @Relationship options. Learn how to exclude properties from your data model with @Transient and migrate from one...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">attribute,coredata,core data,data,fetchdescriptor,macro,macros,model,model,models,persistence,predicate,predicate,relationship,sortdescriptor,swift,swiftdata WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10156/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore SwiftUI animation" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">30:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10156/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore SwiftUI animation</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore SwiftUI's powerful animation capabilities and find out how these features work together to produce impressive visual effects. Learn how SwiftUI refreshes the rendering of a view, determines what to animate, interpolates values over time, and propagates context for the current transaction.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10271/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore immersive sound design" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:33</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10271/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore immersive sound design</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use sound to enhance the experience of your visionOS apps and games. Learn how Apple designers select sounds and build soundscapes to create textural, immersive experiences. We'll share how you can enrich basic interactions in your app with sound when you place audio cues...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10252/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build programmatic UI with Xcode Previews" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10252/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build programmatic UI with Xcode Previews</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can use the #Preview macro on Xcode 15 to quickly iterate on your UI code written in SwiftUI, UIKit, or AppKit. Explore a collage of unique workflows for interacting with views right in the canvas, find out how to view multiple variations of UI simultaneously, and discover how you...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10036/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build accessible apps with SwiftUI and UIKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:39</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10036/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build accessible apps with SwiftUI and UIKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how advancements in UI frameworks make it easier to build rich, accessible experiences. Find out how technologies like VoiceOver can better interact with your app's interface through accessibility traits and actions. We'll share the latest updates to SwiftUI that help you refine your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10088/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create immersive Unity apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10088/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create immersive Unity apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore how you can use Unity to create engaging and immersive experiences for visionOS. We'll share how Unity integrates seamlessly with Apple frameworks, take you through the tools you can use to build natively for the platform, and show you how volume cameras can bring your existing scenes...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10262/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Rediscover Safari developer features" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10262/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Rediscover Safari developer features</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Get ready to explore Safari's rich set of tools for web developers and designers. Learn how you can inspect web content, find out about Responsive Design Mode and WebDriver, and get started with simulators and devices. We'll also show you how to pair with Vision Pro, make content inspectable in...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10268/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet mergeable libraries" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10268/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet mergeable libraries</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how mergeable libraries combine the best parts of static and dynamic libraries to help improve your app's productivity and runtime performance. Learn how you can enable faster development while shipping the smallest app. We'll show you how to adopt mergeable libraries in Xcode 15 and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10224/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Simplify distribution in Xcode and Xcode Cloud" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10224/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Simplify distribution in Xcode and Xcode Cloud</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to share your app using Xcode's streamlined distribution, which allows you to submit your app to TestFlight or the App Store with one click. We'll also show you how to use Xcode Cloud to simplify your distribution process by automatically including notes for testers in TestFlight,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10175/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Fix failures faster with Xcode test reports" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10175/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Fix failures faster with Xcode test reports</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can find, debug, and fix test failures faster with the test report in Xcode and Xcode Cloud. Learn how Xcode identifies failure patterns to help you find the right place to start investigating. We'll also show you how to use the UI automation explorer and video recordings to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10052/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover Calendar and EventKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10052/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover Calendar and EventKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can bring Calendar into your app and help people better manage their time. Find out how to create new events from your app, fetch events, and implement a virtual conference extension. We'll also take you through some of the changes to calendar access levels that help your app...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10256/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover Continuity Camera for tvOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10256/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover Continuity Camera for tvOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can bring AVFoundation, AVFAudio, and AudioToolbox to your apps on tvOS and create camera and microphone experiences for the living room. Find out how to support tvOS in your existing iOS camera experience with the Device Discovery API, build apps that use iPhone as a webcam or...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10099/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet RealityKit Trace" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:57</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10099/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet RealityKit Trace</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use RealityKit Trace to improve the performance of your spatial computing apps. Explore performance profiling guidelines for this platform and learn how the RealityKit Trace template can help you optimize rendering for your apps. We'll also provide guidance on profiling...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10053/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in privacy" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">32:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10053/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in privacy</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">At Apple, we believe that privacy is a fundamental human right. Learn about new technologies on Apple platforms that make it easier for you to implement essential privacy patterns that build customer trust in your app. Discover privacy improvements for Apple's platforms, as well as a study of how...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10115/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design with SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10115/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design with SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how SwiftUI can help you quickly iterate and explore design ideas. Learn from Apple designers as they share how working with SwiftUI influenced the design of the Maps app in watchOS 10 and other elements of their work, and find out how you can incorporate these workflows in your own...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">prototyping WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10154/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build an app with SwiftData" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10154/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build an app with SwiftData</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how SwiftData can help you persist data in your app. Code along with us as we bring SwiftData to a multi-platform SwiftUI app. Learn how to convert existing model classes into SwiftData models, set up the environment, reflect model layer changes in UI, and build document-based...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10071/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Deliver video content for spatial experiences" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10071/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Deliver video content for spatial experiences</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to prepare and deliver video content for visionOS using HTTP Live Streaming (HLS). Discover the current HLS delivery process for media and explore how you can expand your delivery pipeline to support 3D content. Get up to speed with tips and techniques for spatial media streaming and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10273/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Work with Reality Composer Pro content in Xcode" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10273/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Work with Reality Composer Pro content in Xcode</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to bring content from Reality Composer Pro to life in Xcode. We'll show you how to load 3D scenes into Xcode, integrate your content with your code, and add interactivity to your app. We'll also share best practices and tips for using these tools together in your development workflow...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10235/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in voice processing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10235/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in voice processing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to use the Apple voice processing APIs to achieve the best possible audio experience in your VoIP apps. We'll show you how to detect when someone is talking while muted, adjust ducking behavior of other audio, and more.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10150/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimize CarPlay for vehicle systems" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10150/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimize CarPlay for vehicle systems</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can integrate CarPlay into modern vehicle systems. We'll show you how to adjust CarPlay for any high-resolution display — regardless of configuration or size. Learn how you can use CarPlay-supplied metadata and video streams to show information on additional displays, and find...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,airplay,car,ev charging,hevc WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10172/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Mix Swift and C++" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:45</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10172/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Mix Swift and C++</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can use Swift in your C++ and Objective-C++ projects to make your code safer, faster, and easier to develop. We'll show you how to use C++ and Swift APIs to incrementally incorporate Swift into your app. </p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10257/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create animated symbols" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10257/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create animated symbols</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover animation presets and learn how to use them with SF Symbols and custom symbols. We'll show you how to experiment with different options and configurations to find the perfect animation for your app. Learn how to update custom symbols for animation using annotation features, find out how...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10025/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Push Notifications Console" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10025/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Push Notifications Console</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Push Notifications Console is the best way to quickly test user notifications in your app. Learn how you can iterate on new ideas quickly by sending notifications directly from the console and analyze delivery logs to learn more about your pushes. We'll also show you how to generate and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">alert,apns,apple push notification service,backend,notification,notifications,notify,push,server,service WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10146/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Core Location for spatial computing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10146/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Core Location for spatial computing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how Core Location helps your app find its place in the world — literally. We'll share how you can build a spatial computing app that uses a person's location while respecting their privacy. You'll also learn how your app can request location access and how Core Location adapts requests...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10159/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Beyond scroll views" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10159/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Beyond scroll views</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how you can take your scroll views to the next level with the latest APIs in SwiftUI. We'll show you how to customize scroll views like never before. Explore the relationship between safe areas and a scroll view's margins, learn how to interact with the content offset of a scroll view,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10041/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore advances in declarative device management " loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">36:36</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10041/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore advances in declarative device management </h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can help IT administrators get the tools they need to manage their organization's devices. Discover the latest changes to declarative device management, including software update management, additional asset types, status reporting for FileVault, and more.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10014/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in App Store pricing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10014/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in App Store pricing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest updates to App Store pricing capabilities and tools. Learn how you can manage pricing for your apps and in-app purchases within App Store Connect and the App Store Connect API, how to set pricing by region, and more.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10093/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring your Unity VR app to a fully immersive space" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:10</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10093/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring your Unity VR app to a fully immersive space</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can bring your existing Unity VR apps and games to visionOS. We'll explore workflows that can help you get started and show you how to build for eyes and hands in your apps and games with the Unity Input System. Learn about Unity's XR Interaction Toolkit, tips for foveated...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10081/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Enhance your spatial computing app with RealityKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10081/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Enhance your spatial computing app with RealityKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Go beyond the window and learn how you can bring engaging and immersive 3D content to your apps with RealityKit. Discover how SwiftUI scenes work in tandem with RealityView and how you can embed your content into an entity hierarchy. We'll also explore how you can blend virtual content and the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10202/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore materials in Reality Composer Pro" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:14</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10202/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore materials in Reality Composer Pro</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how Reality Composer Pro can help you alter the appearance of your 3D objects using RealityKit materials. We'll introduce you to MaterialX and physically-based (PBR) shaders, show you how to design dynamic materials using the shader graph editor, and explore adding custom inputs to a...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10113/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Take SwiftUI to the next dimension" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10113/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Take SwiftUI to the next dimension</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Get ready to add depth and dimension to your visionOS apps. Find out how to bring three-dimensional objects to your app using volumes, get to know the Model 3D API, and learn how to position and animate content. We'll also show you how to use UI attachments in RealityView and support gestures in...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10028/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring widgets to life" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:47</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10028/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring widgets to life</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to make animated and interactive widgets for your apps and games. We'll show you how to tweak animations for entry transitions and add interactivity using SwiftUI Button and Toggle so that you can create powerful moments right from the Home Screen and Lock Screen.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10031/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Update your app for watchOS 10" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:35</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10031/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Update your app for watchOS 10</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Join us as we update an Apple Watch app to take advantage of the latest features in watchOS 10. In this code-along, we'll show you how to use the latest SwiftUI APIs to maximize glanceability and reorient app navigation around the Digital Crown.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10309/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design widgets for the Smart Stack on Apple Watch" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10309/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design widgets for the Smart Stack on Apple Watch</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Bring your widgets to watchOS with the new Smart Stack. We'll show you how to use standard design layouts, color and iconography, and signal-based relevancy to ensure your app's widgets are glanceable, distinctive and smart. When you're ready to make your own, watch this code-along: "Build...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10007/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create seamless experiences with Virtualization" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:58</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10007/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create seamless experiences with Virtualization</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest updates to the Virtualization framework. We'll show you how to configure a virtual machine (VM) to automatically resize its display, take you through saving and restoring a running VM, and explore storage and performance options for Virtualization apps running on the desktop...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10141/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in App Store server APIs" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10141/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in App Store server APIs</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest updates to the App Store Server API and App Store Server Notifications. Explore the current API offerings and learn how to track subscription status with notifications, work with transactions on your server, and efficiently recover missed notifications. We'll also show you how...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10178/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in App Clips" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">6:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10178/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in App Clips</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the latest updates to App Clips. We'll show you how to build App Clips more easily using default App Clip links. Learn how you can take advantage of the increased App Clip size limit to build richer and more engaging experiences, and find out how you can launch App Clips directly from...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app,app clip,app clip code,clip,download,experience,in app,inapp,install,launch,launch app clip,lightweight,preview,qr code WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10263/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Deploy passkeys at work" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:23</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10263/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Deploy passkeys at work</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can take advantage of passkeys in managed environments at work. We'll explore how passkeys can work well in enterprise environments through Managed Apple ID support for iCloud Keychain. We'll also share how administrators can manage passkeys for specific devices using Access...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">2fa,attestation,password,phishing WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10061/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Verify app dependencies with digital signatures" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:05</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10061/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Verify app dependencies with digital signatures</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can help secure your app's dependencies. We'll show you how Xcode can automatically verify any signed XCFrameworks you include within a project. Learn how code signatures work, the benefits they provide to help protect your software supply chain, and how SDK developers can sign...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10161/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Inspectors in SwiftUI: Discover the details" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:03</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10161/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Inspectors in SwiftUI: Discover the details</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Meet Inspectors — a structural API that can help bring a new level of detail to your apps. We'll take you through the fundamentals of the API and show you how to adopt it. Learn about the latest updates to sheet presentation customizations and find out how you can combine the two to create...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10100/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimize app power and performance for spatial computing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10100/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimize app power and performance for spatial computing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can create powerful apps and games for visionOS by optimizing for performance and efficiency. We'll cover the unique power characteristics of the platform, explore building a performance plan, and share some of the tools and strategies to test and optimize your apps.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10105/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create a more responsive camera experience" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:57</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10105/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create a more responsive camera experience</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how AVCapture and PhotoKit can help you create more responsive and delightful apps. Learn about the camera capture process and find out how deferred photo processing can help create the best quality photo. We'll show you how zero shutter lag uses time travel to capture the perfect action...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/111241/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore 3D body pose and person segmentation in Vision" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/111241/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore 3D body pose and person segmentation in Vision</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to build person-centric features with Vision. Learn how to detect human body poses and measure individual joint locations in 3D space. We'll also show you how to take advantage of person segmentation APIs to distinguish and segment up to four individuals in an image. To learn more...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10091/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Evolve your ARKit app for spatial experiences" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10091/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Evolve your ARKit app for spatial experiences</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can bring your app's AR experience to visionOS. Learn how ARKit and RealityKit have evolved for spatial computing: We'll highlight conceptual and API changes for those coming from iPadOS and iOS and guide you to sessions with more details to help you bring your AR experience to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10103/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore enhancements to App Intents" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10103/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore enhancements to App Intents</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Bring your widgets to life with App Intents! Explore the latest updates and learn how you can take advantage of dynamic options and user interactivity to build better experiences for your App Shortcuts. We'll share how you can integrate with Apple Pay, structure your code more efficiently, and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10060/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get started with privacy manifests" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10060/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get started with privacy manifests</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Meet privacy manifests: a new tool that helps you accurately identify the privacy practices of your app's dependencies. Find out how third-party SDK developers can use these manifests to share privacy practices for their frameworks. We'll also share how Xcode can produce a full privacy report to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app tracking transparency,att,nutrition label,privacy nutrition label WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10121/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in CSS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">35:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10121/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in CSS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the latest advancements in CSS. Learn techniques and best practices for working with wide-gamut color, creating gorgeous typography, and writing simple and robust code. We'll also peer into the future and preview upcoming layout and typography features.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10191/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Object Capture for iOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:05</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10191/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Object Capture for iOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can offer an end-to-end Object Capture experience directly in your iOS apps to help people turn their objects into ready-to-use 3D models. Learn how you can create a fully automated Object Capture scan flow with our sample app and how you can assist people in automatically...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10029/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build widgets for the Smart Stack on Apple Watch" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:08</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10029/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build widgets for the Smart Stack on Apple Watch</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Follow along as we build a widget for the Smart Stack on watchOS 10 using the latest SwiftUI and WidgetKit APIs. Learn tips, techniques, and best practices for creating widgets that show relevant information on Apple Watch.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">watchos,watchos 10 WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10128/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Your guide to Metal ray tracing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">31:58</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10128/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Your guide to Metal ray tracing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can enhance the visual quality of your games and apps with Metal ray tracing. We'll take you through the fundamentals of the Metal ray tracing API. Explore the latest enhancements and techniques that will enable you to create larger and more complex scenes, reduce memory usage...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10109/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet SwiftUI for spatial computing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:59</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10109/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet SwiftUI for spatial computing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Take a tour of the solar system with us and explore SwiftUI for visionOS! Discover how you can build an entirely new universe of apps with windows, volumes, and spaces. We'll show you how to get started with SwiftUI on this platform as we build an astronomy app, add 3D content, and create a fully...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10148/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10148/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can use SwiftUI to build great apps for all Apple platforms. Explore the latest updates to SwiftUI and discover new scene types for visionOS. Simplify your data models with the latest data flow options and learn about the Inspector view. We'll also take you through enhanced...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10120/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in web apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10120/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in web apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover web apps for Mac — a powerful way to experience your website from the Dock. Learn how you can customize your web app to give people the best experience when they add your site. We'll also share how to take advantage of push notifications and badging for web apps for Mac and Home Screen...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10045/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Detect animal poses in Vision" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:47</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10045/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Detect animal poses in Vision</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Go beyond detecting cats and dogs in images. We'll show you how to use Vision to detect the individual joints and poses of these animals as well — all in real time — and share how you can enable exciting features like animal tracking for a camera app, creative embellishment on an animal photo,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10165/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in Xcode 15" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10165/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in Xcode 15</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest productivity and performance improvements in Xcode 15. Explore enhancements to code completion and Xcode Previews, learn about the test navigator and test report, and find out more about the streamlined distribution process. We'll also highlight improved navigation, source...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10012/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore App Store Connect for spatial computing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10012/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore App Store Connect for spatial computing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">App Store Connect provides the tools you need to test, submit, and manage your visionOS apps on the App Store. Explore basics and best practices for deploying your first spatial computing app, adding support for visionOS to an existing app, and managing compatibility. We'll also show you how...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10233/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Enhance your app’s audio experience with AirPods" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:59</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10233/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Enhance your app’s audio experience with AirPods</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can create transformative audio experiences in your app using AirPods. Learn how to incorporate AirPods Automatic Switching, use AVAudioApplication to support Mute Control, and take advantage of Spatial Audio to create immersive soundscapes in your app or game.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10094/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Enhance your iPad and iPhone apps for the Shared Space" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:03</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10094/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Enhance your iPad and iPhone apps for the Shared Space</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Get ready to enhance your iPad and iPhone apps for the Shared Space! We'll show you how to optimize your experience to make it feel great on visionOS and explore Designed for iPad app interaction, visual treatments, and media.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10138/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design and build apps for watchOS 10" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:20</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10138/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design and build apps for watchOS 10</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Dive into the details of watchOS design principles and learn how to apply them in your app using SwiftUI. We'll show you how to build an app for the redesigned user interface to surface timely information, communicate focused content at a glance, and make navigation consistent and predictable.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10184/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet ActivityKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10184/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet ActivityKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Live Activities are a glanceable way for someone to keep track of the progress of a task within your app. We'll teach you how you can create helpful experiences for the Lock Screen, the Dynamic Island, and StandBy. Learn how to update your app's Live Activities, monitor activity state, and take...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">activities,activity,activitykit,dynamic,dynamic island,island,live,live activities,live notification,live notifications,lock,lock screen,notification,notifications,screen,standby WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10080/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build spatial experiences with RealityKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10080/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build spatial experiences with RealityKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how RealityKit can bring your apps into a new dimension. Get started with RealityKit entities, components, and systems, and learn how you can add 3D models and effects to your app on visionOS. We'll also take you through the RealityView API and demonstrate how to add 3D objects to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10167/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Expand on Swift macros" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">39:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10167/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Expand on Swift macros</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how Swift macros can help you reduce boilerplate in your codebase and adopt complex features more easily. Learn how macros can analyze code, emit rich compiler errors to guide developers towards correct usage, and generate new code that is automatically incorporated back into your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10090/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Run your iPad and iPhone apps in the Shared Space" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10090/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Run your iPad and iPhone apps in the Shared Space</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can run your existing iPad and iPhone apps on Vision Pro. Learn how iPadOS and iOS apps operate on this platform, find out about the Designed for iPad experience, and explore the paths available for enhancing your app experience on visionOS.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10057/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Unleash the UIKit trait system" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:50</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10057/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Unleash the UIKit trait system</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover powerful enhancements to the trait system in UIKit. Learn how you can define custom traits to add your own data to UITraitCollection, modify the data propagated to view controllers and views with trait override APIs, and adopt APIs to improve flexibility and performance. We'll also show...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10123/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring your game to Mac, Part 1: Make a game plan" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10123/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring your game to Mac, Part 1: Make a game plan</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Bring modern, high-end games to Mac and iPad with the powerful features of Metal and Apple silicon. Discover the game porting toolkit and learn how it can help you evaluate your existing Windows game for graphics feature compatibility and performance. We'll share best practices and technical...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10176/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Lift subjects from images in your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10176/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Lift subjects from images in your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can easily pull the subject of an image from its background in your apps. Learn how to lift the primary subject or to access the subject at a given point with VisionKit. We'll also share how you can lift subjects using Vision and combine that with lower-level frameworks like Core...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10048/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in VisionKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10048/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in VisionKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how VisionKit can help people quickly lift subjects from images in your app and learn more about the content of an image with Visual Look Up. We'll also take a tour of the latest updates to VisionKit for Live Text interaction, data scanning, and expanded support for macOS apps. For more...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10187/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet SwiftData" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10187/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet SwiftData</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">SwiftData is a powerful and expressive persistence framework built for Swift. We'll show you how you can model your data directly from Swift code, use SwiftData to work with your models, and integrate with SwiftUI.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">attribute,coredata,core data,data,fetchdescriptor,macro,macros,model,model,models,observation,persistence,predicate,predicate,relationship,sortdescriptor,swift,swiftdata WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10035/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Perform accessibility audits for your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10035/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Perform accessibility audits for your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can test your app for accessibility with every build. Learn how to perform automated audits for accessibility using XCTest and find out how to interpret the results. We'll also share enhancements to the accessibility API that can help you improve UI test coverage.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10279/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Safari for spatial computing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:19</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10279/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Safari for spatial computing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the web for visionOS and learn how people can experience your web content in a whole new way. Explore the unique input model powering this platform and learn how you can optimize your website for spatial computing. We'll also share how emerging standards are helping shape 3D experiences...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10034/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create accessible spatial experiences" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10034/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create accessible spatial experiences</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can make spatial computing apps that work well for everyone. Like all Apple platforms, visionOS is designed for accessibility: We'll share how we've reimagined assistive technologies like VoiceOver and Pointer Control and designed features like Dwell Control to help people interact...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10055/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in UIKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">31:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10055/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in UIKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore enhancements and updates to UIKit and learn how to build better iOS, iPadOS, and Mac Catalyst apps. We'll show you the latest features and improvements in UIKit and share API refinements, performance improvements, and much more.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">, WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10043/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet MapKit for SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10043/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet MapKit for SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how expanded SwiftUI support for MapKit has made it easier than ever for you to integrate Maps into your app. We'll show you how to use SwiftUI to add annotations and overlays to a map, control the camera, and more.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10124/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring your game to Mac, Part 2: Compile your shaders" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:57</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10124/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring your game to Mac, Part 2: Compile your shaders</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how the Metal shader converter streamlines the process of bringing your HLSL shaders to Metal as we continue our three-part series on bringing your game to Mac. Find out how to build a fast, end-to-end shader pipeline from DXIL that supports all shader stages and allows you to leverage...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10072/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Principles of spatial design" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:35</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10072/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Principles of spatial design</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the fundamentals of spatial design. Learn how to design with depth, scale, windows, and immersion, and apply best practices for creating comfortable, human-centered experiences that transform reality. Find out how you can use these spatial design principles to extend your existing app or...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ar,mixed reality,mr,ux,virtual reality,vr WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10164/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">43:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10164/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Join us for an update on Swift. We'll show you how APIs are becoming more extensible and expressive with features like parameter packs and macros. We'll also take you through improvements to interoperability and share how we're expanding Swift's performance and safety benefits everywhere from...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10260/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get started with building apps for spatial computing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">31:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10260/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get started with building apps for spatial computing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Get ready to develop apps and games for visionOS! Discover the fundamental building blocks that make up spatial computing — windows, volumes, and spaces — and find out how you can use these elements to build engaging and immersive experiences.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/111215/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet UIKit for spatial computing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:39</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/111215/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet UIKit for spatial computing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to bring your UIKit app to visionOS. We'll show you how to build for a new destination, explore APIs and best practices for spatial computing, and take your content into the third dimension when you use SwiftUI with UIKit in visionOS.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10040/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in managing Apple devices" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10040/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in managing Apple devices</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the latest management capabilities for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. Discover how you can streamline the setup experience with enhancements to automated device enrollment and a new return-to-service option for iOS and iPadOS devices. We'll share how to use your identity provider in even...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10181/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Support HDR images in your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:58</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10181/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Support HDR images in your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to identify, load, display, and create High Dynamic Range (HDR) still images in your app. Explore common HDR concepts and find out about the latest updates to the ISO specification. Learn how to identify and display HDR images with SwiftUI and UIKit, create them from ProRAW and RAW...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English, Korean</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10229/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Make features discoverable with TipKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:45</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10229/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Make features discoverable with TipKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Teach people how to use your app with TipKit! Learn how you can create effective educational moments through tips. We'll share how you can build eligibility rules to reach the ideal audience, control tip frequency, and strategies for testing to ensure successful interactions.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">coaching,discover,discovery,education,feature,features,hint,hints,inapp,instructional,teach,teaching,tip,tipkit,tips WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10244/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create rich documentation with Swift-DocC" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10244/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create rich documentation with Swift-DocC</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can take advantage of the latest features in Swift-DocC to create rich and detailed documentation for your app or framework. We'll show you how to use the Xcode 15 Documentation Preview editor to efficiently iterate on your existing project's documentation, and explore expanded...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">, WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10013/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet StoreKit for SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">36:59</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10013/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet StoreKit for SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use App Store product metadata and Xcode Previews to add in-app purchases to your app with just a few lines of code. Explore a new collection of UI components in StoreKit and learn how you can easily merchandise your products, present subscriptions in a way that helps users...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10102/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Spotlight your app with App Shortcuts" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10102/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Spotlight your app with App Shortcuts</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to use App Shortcuts to surface frequently used features from your app in Spotlight or through Siri. Find out how to configure search results for your app and learn best practices for creating great App Shortcuts. We'll also show you how to build great visual and voice experiences...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10149/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover Observation in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10149/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover Observation in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Simplify your SwiftUI data models with Observation. We'll share how the Observable macro can help you simplify models and improve your app's performance. Get to know Observation, learn the fundamentals of the macro, and find out how to migrate from ObservableObject to Observable. </p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10016/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build custom workouts with WorkoutKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10016/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build custom workouts with WorkoutKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">WorkoutKit makes it easy to create, preview, and schedule planned workouts for the Workout app on Apple Watch. Learn how to build custom intervals, create alerts, and use the built-in preview UI to send your own workout routines to Apple Watch.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10076/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design for spatial user interfaces" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10076/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design for spatial user interfaces</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to design great interfaces for spatial computing apps. We'll share how your existing screen-based knowledge easily translates into creating great experiences for visionOS. Explore guidelines for UI components, materials, and typography and find out how you can design experiences that...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10153/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Unlock the power of grammatical agreement" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10153/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Unlock the power of grammatical agreement</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use automatic grammatical agreement in your apps and games to create inclusive and more natural-sounding expressions. We'll share best practices for working with Foundation, showcase examples in multiple languages, and demonstrate how to use these APIs to enhance the user...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">agreewithargument,i18n,inflect,internationalization,l10n,localization WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10226/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Debug with structured logging" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:42</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10226/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Debug with structured logging</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the debug console in Xcode 15 and learn how you can improve your diagnostic experience through logging. Explore how you can navigate your logs easily and efficiently using advanced filtering and improved visualization. We'll also show you how to use the dwim-print command to evaluate...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10140/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in StoreKit 2 and StoreKit Testing in Xcode" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:25</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10140/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in StoreKit 2 and StoreKit Testing in Xcode</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Get to know the latest enhancements to StoreKit 2 and StoreKit Testing in Xcode. Discover API updates for promoted in-app purchases, StoreKit messages, the Transaction model, the RenewalInfo model, and the App Store sheet for managing subscriptions. Learn how to upgrade to SHA-256 for on-device...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10157/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Wind your way through advanced animations in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:11</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10157/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Wind your way through advanced animations in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can take animation to the next level with the latest updates to SwiftUI. Join us as we wind our way through animation and build out multiple steps, use keyframes to add coordinated multi-track animated effects, and combine APIs in unique ways to make your app spring to life.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10155/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover String Catalogs" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">31:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10155/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover String Catalogs</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how Xcode 15 makes it easy to localize your app by managing all of your strings in one place. We'll show you how to extract, edit, export, and build strings in your project using String Catalogs. We'll also share how you can adopt String Catalogs in existing projects at your own pace by...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">i10n,internationalization,l18n,localization,localizedstringresource,nslocalizedstring,stringsdict,xcstring,xliff WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10125/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring your game to Mac, Part 3: Render with Metal" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:45</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10125/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring your game to Mac, Part 3: Render with Metal</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can support Metal in your rendering code as we close out our three-part series on bringing your game to Mac. Once you've evaluated your existing Windows binary with the game porting toolkit and brought your HLSL shaders over to Metal, learn how you can optimally implement the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10082/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet ARKit for spatial computing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:11</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10082/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet ARKit for spatial computing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use ARKit's tracking and scene understanding features to develop a whole new universe of immersive apps and games. Learn how visionOS and ARKit work together to help you create apps that understand a person's surroundings — all while preserving privacy. Explore the latest...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10137/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Support Cinematic mode videos in your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10137/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Support Cinematic mode videos in your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how the Cinematic Camera API helps your app work with Cinematic mode videos captured in the Camera app. We'll share the fundamentals — including Decision layers — that make up Cinematic mode video, show you how to access and update Decisions in your app, and help you save and load those...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10192/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore enhancements to RoomPlan" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10192/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore enhancements to RoomPlan</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Join us for an exciting update to RoomPlan as we explore MultiRoom support and enhancements to room representations. Learn how you can scan areas with more detail, capture multiple rooms, and merge individual scans into one larger structure. We'll also share workflows and best practices when...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10238/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Tune up your AirPlay audio experience" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:33</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10238/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Tune up your AirPlay audio experience</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can upgrade your app's AirPlay audio experience to be more robust and responsive. We'll show you how to adopt enhanced audio buffering with AVQueuePlayer, explore alternatives when building a custom player in your app, and share best practices.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10239/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Add SharePlay to your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:37</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10239/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Add SharePlay to your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how your app can take advantage of SharePlay to turn any activity into a shareable experience with friends! We'll share the latest updates to SharePlay, explore the benefits of creating shared activities, dive into some exciting use cases, and take you through best practices to create...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">group activities WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10096/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build great games for spatial computing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10096/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build great games for spatial computing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how you can develop great gaming experiences for visionOS. We'll share some of the key building blocks that help you create games for this platform, explore how your experiences can fluidly move between levels of immersion, and provide a roadmap for exploring ARKit, RealityKit, Reality...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10075/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design spatial SharePlay experiences" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10075/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design spatial SharePlay experiences</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the types of shared activities you can create in your visionOS apps and find out how your apps can use Spatial Persona templates to support meaningful interactions between people. Discover how to design your UI around a shared context, handle immersive content in a shared activity, and more.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">group activities WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10027/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring widgets to new places" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">7:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10027/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring widgets to new places</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The widget ecosystem is expanding: Discover how you can use the latest WidgetKit APIs to make your widget look great everywhere. We'll show you how to identify your widget's background, adjust layout dynamically, and prepare colors for vibrant rendering so that your widget can sit seamlessly in...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10083/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Reality Composer Pro" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10083/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Reality Composer Pro</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to easily compose, edit, and preview 3D content with Reality Composer Pro. Follow along as we explore this developer tool by setting up a new project, composing scenes, adding particle emitters and audio, and even previewing content on device. Once you're familiar with the basics of...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10197/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in SF Symbols 5" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10197/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in SF Symbols 5</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the latest updates to SF Symbols, Apple's library of iconography designed to integrate seamlessly with San Francisco, the system font for Apple platforms. Learn about symbol animations: a collection of expressive, configurable animations that can make your interface feel more lively and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10104/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Integrate your media app with HomePod" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10104/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Integrate your media app with HomePod</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how people can interact with your media app directly from HomePod. We'll show you how to add a media intent to your iPhone or iPad app and help people stream your content to a HomePod speaker over AirPlay simply by using their voice. Explore implementation details and get tips and best...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10168/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Generalize APIs with parameter packs" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10168/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Generalize APIs with parameter packs</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Swift parameter packs are a powerful tool to expand what is possible in your generic code while also enabling you to simplify common generic patterns. We'll show you how to abstract over types as well as the number of arguments in generic code and simplify common generic patterns to avoid...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10188/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Sync to iCloud with CKSyncEngine" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10188/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Sync to iCloud with CKSyncEngine</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how CKSyncEngine can help you sync people's CloudKit data to iCloud. Learn how you can reduce the amount of code in your app when you let the system handle scheduling for your sync operations. We'll share how you can automatically benefit from enhanced performance as CloudKit evolves,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app,backend,cksyncengine,cloud,cloudkit,database,engine,icloud,model,object,orm,persistence,relational,share,sharing,storage,sync,sync engine,syncing WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10203/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Develop your first immersive app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">31:08</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10203/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Develop your first immersive app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how you can build immersive apps for visionOS using Xcode and Reality Composer Pro. We'll show you how to get started with a new visionOS project, use Xcode Previews for your SwiftUI development, and take advantage of RealityKit and RealityView to render 3D content. </p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10026/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet watchOS 10" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10026/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet watchOS 10</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover some of the most significant changes to Apple Watch since its introduction as we tour the redesigned user interface and the new Smart Stack. Learn how Apple designers approached the design of watchOS 10 as we explore layout, navigation, and visual style, and find out how you can apply...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">watchos WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10044/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover machine learning enhancements in Create ML" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:50</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10044/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover machine learning enhancements in Create ML</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how Create ML can help you do even more with machine learning models. Learn about the latest updates to image understanding and text-based tasks with multilingual BERT embeddings. Discover how easy it is to train models that can understand the content of images using multi-label...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10051/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create a great ShazamKit experience" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:58</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10051/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create a great ShazamKit experience</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how your app can offer a great audio matching experience with the latest updates to ShazamKit. We'll take you through matching features, updates to audio recognition, and interactions with the Shazam library. Learn tips and best practices for using ShazamKit in your audio apps. For more...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10166/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Write Swift macros" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:58</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10166/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Write Swift macros</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use Swift macros to make your codebase more expressive and easier to read. Code along as we explore how macros can help you avoid writing repetitive code and find out how to use them in your app. We'll share the building blocks of a macro, show you how to test it, and take...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10073/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design for spatial input" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10073/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design for spatial input</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to design great interactions for eyes and hands. We'll share the design principles for spatial input, explore best practices around input methods, and help you create spatial experiences that are comfortable, intuitive, and satisfying.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,,ar,mixed reality,mr,spatial computing,ux,virtual reality,vr WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10002/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Ready, set, relay: Protect app traffic with network relays" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:19</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/10002/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Ready, set, relay: Protect app traffic with network relays</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how relays can make your app's network traffic more private and secure without the overhead of a VPN. We'll show you how to integrate relay servers in your own app and explore how enterprise networks can use relays to securely access internal resources.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/111488/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What Apple developers need to know at WWDC23" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">1:11</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/111488/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What Apple developers need to know at WWDC23</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">There's never been a better time to create for Apple platforms — including iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and all-new visionOS. Get insights from Apple engineers and designers with over 175 brand-new instructional video sessions covering the latest in hardware and software. All to help bring your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">recap WWDC23 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/112/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Platforms State of the Union (ASL)" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">89:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/112/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Platforms State of the Union (ASL)</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the latest tools, technologies, and advancements to help you create even better apps across Apple platforms, including the all-new visionOS.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">asl,sotu,sotu 2023 WWDC23 English, French, German, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Spanish</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/102/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Platforms State of the Union" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">89:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/102/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Platforms State of the Union</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the latest tools, technologies, and advancements to help you create even better apps across Apple platforms, including the all-new visionOS.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">sotu,sotu 2023 WWDC23 English, French, German, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Spanish</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/111486/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="17 big & little things at WWDC23" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">2:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/111486/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">17 big & little things at WWDC23</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Here's your guide to some of the big (and little) things announced on the first day of WWDC.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">recap WWDC23 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/101/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Keynote" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">126:10</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/101/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Keynote</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off with exciting news, inspiration, and new opportunities. Join the worldwide developer community for an in-depth look at the future of Apple platforms, directly from Apple Park.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Spanish</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/111/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Keynote (ASL)" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">126:10</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2023/111/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Keynote (ASL)</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC23</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off with exciting news, inspiration, and new opportunities. Join the worldwide developer community for an in-depth look at the future of Apple platforms, directly from Apple Park.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC23 English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Spanish</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="collection-focus-group " id="wwdc22" data-scroll-index="2"> <!-- track --> <section class="sticky"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-12 small-12 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <span class="focus-group-link" data-scroll-nav="2"><span class="font-bold">WWDC22</span></span> </section> </section> </section> </section> <!-- video overview --> <ul class="collection-items"> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110933/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="WWDC22 Day 5 recap" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">1:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110933/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">WWDC22 Day 5 recap</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">It's time to close out Day 5 of WWDC with one last report.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">recap WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10061/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring multiple windows to your SwiftUI app " loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10061/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring multiple windows to your SwiftUI app </h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest SwiftUI APIs to help you present windows within your app's scenes. We'll explore how scene types like MenuBarExtra can help you easily build more kinds of apps using SwiftUI. We'll also show you how to use modifiers that customize the presentation and behavior of your app...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apps,auxiliary scene,book club,codable,commandsremoved,context menu,customize windows,defaultposition,defaultsize,documentgroup,filedocument,hashable,identifiable,keyboardshortcut,menu,menubarextra,menu bar extra,newdocument,openwindow,presented value,referencefiledocument,scene,settings,single window,state restoration,topleading,toptrailing,views,window,window customization,windowgroup WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110336/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in Screen Time API" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110336/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in Screen Time API</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how you can build apps that help people manage their relationship with their device — all while putting privacy first. We'll take you through the Screen Time API and share how you can use features like core restrictions and device activity reports to create great experiences while...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10089/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in PDFKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10089/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in PDFKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover PDFKit — a full-featured framework that helps your app view, edit, and save PDF documents. We'll take you through the latest features in PDFKit, including support for live text and forms, creating PDFs from images, building interactive overlays, and saving annotations.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">pencilkit,pencil kit WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10152/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create accessible Single App Mode experiences" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:08</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10152/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create accessible Single App Mode experiences</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can provide more control and accessibility to people using your apps in Single App Mode. We'll share how you can use the UIAccessibility and Automatic Assessment Configuration frameworks to apply these restrictions when needed and enable these accessibility features without ever...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10106/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Profile and optimize your game's memory" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">38:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10106/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Profile and optimize your game's memory</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how Apple platforms calculate and allocate memory for your game. We'll show you how to use Instruments and the Game Memory template to profile your game, take a memory graph to monitor current memory use, and analyze it using Xcode Memory Debugger and command line tools. We'll also explore...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">game dev,game developer,games,instruments,memory,memory graph,metal 3,profile guided optimization,xcode WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110338/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore media metadata publishing and playback interactions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110338/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore media metadata publishing and playback interactions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can highlight your app's Now Playing information on every platform. We'll take you through an overview of media metadata, learn how it gets represented in areas like the Lock Screen and Control Center, and show you how to write and publish effective media metadata for your content...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110360/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Use Xcode for server-side development" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:35</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110360/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Use Xcode for server-side development</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can create, build, and deploy a Swift server app alongside your pre-existing Xcode projects within the same workspace. We'll show you how to create your own local app and test endpoints using Xcode, and explore how you can structure and share code between server and client apps...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10079/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Improve DNS security for apps and servers" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:23</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10079/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Improve DNS security for apps and servers</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest ways to ensure that DNS — the foundation of internet addressing — is secure within your app. Learn how to authenticate DNS responses in your app with DNSSEC and enable DNS encryption automatically with Discovery of Designated Resolvers (DDR).</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10044/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover Benchmarks in App Analytics" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10044/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover Benchmarks in App Analytics</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how App Store App Analytics can provide unique insights and help you measure your app's performance on the App Store. We'll show you how to use the new App Benchmarks tool to rank your app's performance beside similar products in a privacy-preserving way. We'll also share how you can use...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">conversion,metrics,monetization WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10143/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover Managed Device Attestation" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10143/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover Managed Device Attestation</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to use Managed Device Attestation to ensure only legitimate devices can connect to your servers while attackers are thwarted. We'll take you through an overview of how attestations provide strong evidence about managed devices. We'll also explore how to use attestations and private keys...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">acme,attestation,certificates,cryptography,device identity,device management,idp,mdm,security,zero trust,zero trust architecture,zero trust network architecture,zta,ztna WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110341/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore SMS message filters" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:37</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110341/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore SMS message filters</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">SMS message filter extensions can help people manage Messages by filtering SMS messages from unknown senders. Discover how to create apps with message filter extensions that automatically categorize SMS messages into folders and sub-folders based on message contents and other heuristics.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">junk,promotions,transactions WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10142/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Efficiency awaits: Background tasks in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10142/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Efficiency awaits: Background tasks in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Background Tasks help apps respond to system events and keep time-sensitive data up to date. Learn how you can use the SwiftUI Background Tasks API to handle tasks succinctly. We'll show you how to use Swift Concurrency to handle network responses, background refresh, and more — all while...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apprefresh,app refresh task,async,async await,background runtime,backgroundtask,background task,concurrency,downloadtask,foreground runtime,notification,stormy,suspend application,suspended app,swift concurrency,task,url background task,urlsession,urlsessionconfiguration,wake app,withtaskcancellationhandler WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10063/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Accelerate machine learning with Metal" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10063/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Accelerate machine learning with Metal</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use Metal to accelerate your PyTorch model training on macOS. We'll take you through updates to TensorFlow training support, explore the latest features and operations of MPS Graph, and share best practices to help you achieve great performance for all your machine learning...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110361/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Author fast and reliable tests for Xcode Cloud" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110361/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Author fast and reliable tests for Xcode Cloud</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can create effective testing plans for Xcode Cloud, Apple's continuous integration and continuous delivery service. We'll show you how testing can be an essential tool to consistently verify your code works correctly. Learn how you can author fast, reliable, and efficient tests...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10017/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore the machine learning development experience" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:19</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10017/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore the machine learning development experience</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to bring great machine learning (ML) based experiences to your app. We'll take you through model discovery, conversion, and training and provide tips and best practices for ML. We'll share considerations to take into account as you begin your ML journey, demonstrate techniques for...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110339/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build device-to-device interactions with Network Framework" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110339/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build device-to-device interactions with Network Framework</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can create integrated content experiences across multiple devices. We'll introduce you to DeviceDiscoveryUI, which makes it easy to set up communication pathways and connect Apple TV with other devices like iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. We'll also explore common scenarios and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">network framework WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10028/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create custom catalogs at scale with ShazamKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:44</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10028/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create custom catalogs at scale with ShazamKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how ShazamKit can help you build custom catalogs and support exact matching of any audio source within your app — all on-device. Find out how you can easily generate audio signatures and build catalogs at scale through the new ShazamKit CLI. We'll also show you how you can quickly update...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10049/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in WKWebView" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:45</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10049/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in WKWebView</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the latest updates to WKWebView, our framework for incorporating web content into your app's interface. We'll show you how to use the JavaScript fullscreen API, explore CSS viewport units, and learn more about find interactions. We'll also take you through refinements to content blocking...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110401/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create Swift Package plugins" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110401/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create Swift Package plugins</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Tailor your development workflow and learn how to write your own package plugins in Swift. We'll show you how you can extend Xcode's functionality by using the PackagePlugin API to generate source code or automate release tasks and share best practices for creating great plugins.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10159/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Scale compute workloads across Apple GPUs" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:57</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10159/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Scale compute workloads across Apple GPUs</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can create compute workloads that scale efficiently across Apple GPUs. Learn how to saturate the GPU by improving your work distribution, minimize GPU timeline gaps with effective pipelining and concurrent dispatches, and use atomic operations effectively. We'll also take you...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">compilation,compiler,metal,metal 3,metal compute,metal shading language,metal tools,performance,xcode WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110404/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Implement proactive in-app purchase restore" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:25</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110404/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Implement proactive in-app purchase restore</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can restore someone's in-app purchases access proactively when they first open your app. We'll show you how you can deliver instant access to existing subscriptions using StoreKit or StoreKit 2 and cover best practices for both your client and server implementations. Find out more...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">storekit WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10083/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Power down: Improve battery consumption" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:57</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10083/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Power down: Improve battery consumption</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can limit your power usage and help people get even more out of your app. We'll show you how you can reduce battery drain from your app by making four key changes to your code. Learn how to add Dark Mode to your app and benefit from OLED displays, audit frame rates from secondary...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110932/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="WWDC22 Day 4 recap" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">1:20</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110932/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">WWDC22 Day 4 recap</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">It's time to review Day 4. Check out the Thursday highlights and tune in for a quick preview of the last day of WWDC22.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">recap WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10107/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get it right (to left)" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10107/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get it right (to left)</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to develop your app so that it can be localized into "right-to-left" languages such as Arabic and Hebrew. We'll take you through important considerations for these languages, share solutions to challenges, and provide best practices for delivering a great right-to-left experience in...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">alignment,arabic,hebrew,i10n,internationalization,l18n,localization,ltr,pseudolanguage,rtl,sf symbols,writing direction WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10082/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Track down hangs with Xcode and on-device detection" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10082/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Track down hangs with Xcode and on-device detection</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can increase responsiveness and eliminate hangs in your app and make even better experiences. Hang out with the Performance Tools team as we explore how you can track down these issues — and even stop them from occurring in the first place. We'll take you through the latest...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10024/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in Vision" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10024/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in Vision</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the latest updates to Vision APIs that help your apps recognize text, detect faces and face landmarks, and implement optical flow. We'll take you through the capabilities of optical flow for video-based apps, show you how to update your apps with revisions to the machine learning...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10100/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create Safari Web Inspector Extensions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10100/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create Safari Web Inspector Extensions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to add your own tools directly into Web Inspector using the latest Web Extensions APIs. We'll show you how to create your own tab in Web Inspector, evaluate JavaScript in the inspected page, and use the result to help you troubleshoot and identify potential problems.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10022/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create camera extensions with Core Media IO" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">32:08</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10022/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create camera extensions with Core Media IO</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use Core Media IO to easily create macOS system extensions for software cameras, hardware cameras, and creative cameras. We'll introduce you to our modern replacement for legacy DAL plug-ins — these extensions are secure, fast, and fully-compatible with any app that uses a...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10101/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Go bindless with Metal 3" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:14</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10101/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Go bindless with Metal 3</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can unleash powerful rendering techniques like ray tracing when you go bindless with Metal 3. We'll show you how to make your app's bindless journey a joy by simplifying argument buffers, allocating acceleration structures from heaps, and benefitting from the improvements to the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">3d graphics,bindless,game,game dev,game developer,metal,metal shading language,metal tools,proapps,raytracing WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10166/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore App Tracking Transparency" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:42</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10166/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore App Tracking Transparency</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn more about App Tracking Transparency and how it helps people using your app have choice and control over tracking. App Store Policy now requires that all apps receive permission through the AppTrackingTransparency framework in order to track people's data. We'll explain how this policy...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app tracking transparency,nutrion label,privacy,tracking WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110353/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design protocol interfaces in Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110353/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design protocol interfaces in Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can use Swift 5.7 to design advanced abstractions using protocols. We'll show you how to use existential types, explore how you can separate implementation from interface with opaque result types, and share the same-type requirements that can help you identify and guarantee...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10051/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Go further with Complications in WidgetKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10051/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Go further with Complications in WidgetKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use WidgetKit to create beautiful complications on watch faces. We'll introduce you to the watchOS-specific features found in WidgetKit, and help you migrate from existing ClockKit complications. For more on WidgetKit, watch “Complications and Widgets: Reloaded” from WWDC22.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accessory circular family,accessory corner,accessory inline,accessory inline family,accessory rectangular,accessorywidgetbackground,auxiliary content,circular complication,clkcomplicationintentmigrationconfiguration,clkcomplicationwidgetmigrator,clockkit,coffeetracker,coffee tracker,complication,complication data source,configuration,corner complication,entries,extra large watch face,intentbased,migration,rich complications,showswidgetlabel,shows widget label,static,swiftui,templates,timelines,views,watch faces,watch specific family,widget extension,widgetkit,widgetlabel,widget label WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10126/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover ARKit 6" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10126/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover ARKit 6</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can build more refined and powerful augmented reality apps with ARKit 6. We'll explore how you can create AR experiences rendered in 4K HDR and take you through camera settings customizations for your app. We'll also share how you can export high-resolution still images from an...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ar,arkit,augmented reality WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110367/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Simplify C++ templates with concepts" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110367/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Simplify C++ templates with concepts</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how C++20 features can take your C++ code to the next level. We'll introduce concepts and explore how you can use it to find errors faster in your generic C++ code. We'll also discuss the latest enhancements to the constexpr feature and show how you can leverage it to improve your app's...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110370/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Debug Swift debugging with LLDB" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110370/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Debug Swift debugging with LLDB</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can set up complex Swift projects for debugging. We'll take you on a deep dive into the internals of LLDB and debug info. We'll also share best practices for complex scenarios such as debugging code built on build servers or code from custom build systems.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110335/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore Apple Business Essentials" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110335/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore Apple Business Essentials</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn more about Apple Business Essentials — a complete solution that brings together device management, 24/7 support, and cloud storage for your small business. We'll explore how you can use features like Collections to manage apps and settings for every iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV in your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple business manager,device management,mdm,small business,smb WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110364/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Demystify parallelization in Xcode builds" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110364/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Demystify parallelization in Xcode builds</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how the Xcode build system extracts maximum parallelism from your builds. We'll explore how you can structure your project to improve build efficiency, take you through the process for resolving relationships between targets' build phases in Xcode, and share how you can take full advantage...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110441/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design for Arabic · صمّم بالعربي" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110441/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design for Arabic · صمّم بالعربي</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">تعرّف على المبادئ الأساسية لتصميم الواجهات الرقمية باللغة العربية. سواء كنت تود تصميم تطبيق أو لعبة خصيصًا للاستخدام العربي، أو تود ترجمة تطبيق من لغة أخرى إلى العربية، سنقدم لك أفضل الطرق للوصول إلى تصميم مثالي يخدم المحتوى العربي. تعلم أيضا تأثير اتجاه اللغة على اتجاه القوالب والأيقونات، وسمات...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">rtl WWDC22 Arabic, English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10075/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Use SwiftUI with AppKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10075/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Use SwiftUI with AppKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how the Shortcuts app uses both SwiftUI and AppKit to create a top-tier experience on macOS. Follow along with the Shortcuts team as we explore how you can host SwiftUI views in AppKit code, handle layout and sizing, participate in the responder chain, enable navigational focus, and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110343/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="SwiftUI on iPad: Add toolbars, titles, and more" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110343/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">SwiftUI on iPad: Add toolbars, titles, and more</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Get ready to tune up your iPad app's toolbars with SwiftUI. We'll show you how you can structure toolbars to take advantage of the space available on iPad and help people maximize their productivity. We'll also take you through customization, explore the latest ways you can represent documents,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">area,center,controlgroup,control group,customizable toolbars,customization,customization popover,document,editable titles,id,label,leading,leading aligned navigation,menu,more menu,navigation titles,overflow menu,placement,primaryaction,primary action,primary action placement,renamebutton,secondaryaction,secondary action,title menu,title menu header,toolbar,toolbar customization,toolbar item,trailing WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10037/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Writing for interfaces" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10037/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Writing for interfaces</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The words and phrases you choose for your app matter. Whether you're writing an alert, building an onboarding experience, or describing an image for accessibility, learn how you can design through the lens of language and help people get the most from your app. We'll show you how to create clear,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">copy,description,editorial design,label,message,text,title,ui copy WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110375/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Deep dive into Xcode Cloud for teams" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110375/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Deep dive into Xcode Cloud for teams</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can use Apple's continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) service with development teams of any size to help you deliver high-quality apps. We'll show you how to integrate Xcode Cloud into your team's existing app development process and efficiently use Xcode Cloud in...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10001/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore navigation design for iOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:33</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10001/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore navigation design for iOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Familiar navigation patterns can help people easily explore the information within your app — and save them from unnecessary confusion. We'll show you how to take advantage of existing navigation structures to simplify complex interactions in your app without compromising its personality. Learn...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">hierarchical navigation,information architecture,modality,modal presentations,navigation,navigation best practices,navigation design,tab bars WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10053/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover Sign in with Apple at Work & School" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:25</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10053/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover Sign in with Apple at Work & School</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can support Sign In with Apple for Managed Apple IDs in organizational settings. We'll introduce you to Sign In with Apple at Work & School and explore how education apps can harness the power of this REST API to streamline the import process for student and class information. We'll...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10090/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in TextKit and text views" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10090/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in TextKit and text views</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest updates to TextKit and text views in UI frameworks. Explore layout refinements and API enhancements, learn how you can maintain compatibility across multiple OS versions, and find out how to modernize your app with TextKit 2. To get the most out of this session, watch “Meet...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10145/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in HLS Interstitials" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10145/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in HLS Interstitials</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">HLS Interstitials can help you create seamless transitions in video content between advertisements, other interstitials, and your HLS streams. Learn how you can optimize your ad inventory, fine-tune interstitial presentation with SNAP-IN/OUT when using HLS, and more.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ad cueing,ads,avfoundation,cue,interstitials,mid rolls,pre rolls,snap WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10114/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Display EDR content with Core Image, Metal, and SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10114/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Display EDR content with Core Image, Metal, and SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can add support for rendering in Extended Dynamic Range (EDR) from a Core Image based multi-platform SwiftUI application. We'll outline best practices for displaying CIImages to a MTKView using ViewRepresentable. We'll also share the simple steps to enable EDR rendering and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10078/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Reduce networking delays for a more responsive app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:42</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10078/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Reduce networking delays for a more responsive app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how network latency can affect your apps when trying to get full benefit out of modern network throughput rates. Learn about changes you can make in your app and on your server to boost responsiveness, and prepare your app for improvements coming to the Internet that will offer even...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10147/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create a great video playback experience" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10147/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create a great video playback experience</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how you can use the latest iOS and iPadOS system media players to build amazing media apps. We'll share how we designed the updated player and give you best practices and tips to help you design media experiences of your own. We'll also explore Live Text for video and show you how to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10059/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="The craft of SwiftUI API design: Progressive disclosure" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10059/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">The craft of SwiftUI API design: Progressive disclosure</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore progressive disclosure — one of SwiftUI's core principles — and learn how it influences the design of our APIs. We'll show you how we use progressive disclosure, discuss how it can support quick iteration and exploration, and help you take advantage of it in your own code.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10023/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in the Photos picker" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10023/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in the Photos picker</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">PHPicker provides simple and secure integration between your app and the system Photos library. Learn how SwiftUI and Transferable can help you offer integration across iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and watchOS. We'll also show you how you can use AppKit and NSOpenPanel to bring the Photos picker on Mac...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10132/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover PhotoKit change history" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:00</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10132/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover PhotoKit change history</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">PhotoKit can help you build rich, photo-centric features. Learn how you can easily track changes to image assets with the latest APIs in PhotoKit. We'll introduce you to the PHPhotoLibrary change history API and demonstrate how you can persist change tokens across launches to help your app...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10162/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Transform your geometry with Metal mesh shaders" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:44</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10162/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Transform your geometry with Metal mesh shaders</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Meet Metal mesh shaders — a modern and flexible pipeline in Metal for GPU-driven geometry creation and processing. We'll explore how this API can improve and add flexibility to your render pipeline, and share some of the opportunities that GPU-driven work can create. Discover how you can create...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">3d graphics,game dev,game developer,mesh shaders,metal,metal 3,metal shading language,metal tools,proapps,procedural geometry WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10035/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in MapKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">41:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10035/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in MapKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Come along with us as MapKit enters a new dimension. We'll show you how you can upgrade your app to use the latest map and support the highly-detailed 3D City Experience. Learn how you can visualize data using overlays while ensuring they integrate smoothly into the 3D map. We'll also cover how...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10064/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Reach new players with Game Center dashboard" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10064/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Reach new players with Game Center dashboard</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Meet the Game Center activity dashboard and discover how it can help your game reach new players. We'll introduce you to the dashboard and profiles and explore how they can track player achievements, high scores, and leaderboard changes for your game. We'll also show you how to add Game Center to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">game center,game dev,game developer,gamekit,game kit WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10015/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design for Collaboration with Messages" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:29</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10015/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design for Collaboration with Messages</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can design great collaboration experiences using Apple platforms. We'll show you how to combine the Share Sheet, live editing notifications, Messages, FaceTime, and your app's existing collaboration features to help people connect and collaborate effortlessly. (Note: API will be...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">activity view,uiactivityview WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110363/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Improve app size and runtime performance" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:28</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110363/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Improve app size and runtime performance</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how we've optimized the Swift and Objective-C runtimes to help you make your app smaller, quicker, and launch faster. Discover how you can get access to efficient protocol checks, smaller message send calls, and optimized ARC simply when you build your app with Xcode 14 and update your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10105/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Maximize your Metal ray tracing performance" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">31:23</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10105/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Maximize your Metal ray tracing performance</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to simplify your ray tracing code and increase performance with the power of Metal 3. We'll explore the GPU debugging and profiling tools that can help you tune your ray tracing applications. We'll also show you how you can speed up intersection tests and reduce shader code memory...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">game dev,game developer,metal,metal 3,metal shading language,metal tools,optimization,proapps,raytracing,ray tracing WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10034/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design for Arabic" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10034/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design for Arabic</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how to design or optimize your app or game for Arabic. Whether you're planning a first release or improving an existing app or game, we'll help you learn best practices and tips for UI design for Arabic speakers. Learn how to create beautiful Right to Left layouts with UI components and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10043/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in App Store Connect" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10043/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in App Store Connect</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest updates to App Store Connect, your suite of tools to create, manage, and submit apps on the App Store. Learn about enhancements to the submission experience — including the ability to manage submissions in App Store Connect on iOS and iPadOS — as well as the newest updates to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10122/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Enhance your Sign in with Apple experience" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:23</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10122/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Enhance your Sign in with Apple experience</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can provide safe and fast authentication in your app using Sign in with Apple. We'll show you how you can upgrade password-based accounts into secure, single-tap login credentials, and explore how you can seamlessly handle changes to user sessions in your app. We'll also help you...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10153/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in web accessibility" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10153/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in web accessibility</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover techniques for building rich, accessible web apps with custom controls, SSML, and the dialog element. We'll discuss different assistive technologies and help you learn how to use them when testing the accessibility of your web apps.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110565/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Display HDR video in EDR with AVFoundation and Metal" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110565/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Display HDR video in EDR with AVFoundation and Metal</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can take advantage of AVFoundation and Metal to build an efficient EDR pipeline. Follow along as we demonstrate how you can use AVPlayer to display HDR video as EDR, add playback into an app view, render it with Metal, and use Core Image or custom Metal shaders to add video effects...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110359/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Swift Package plugins" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110359/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Swift Package plugins</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can perform actions on Swift packages and Xcode projects with Swift package plugins. We'll go over how these plugins work and explore how you can use them to generate source code and automate your development workflow.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10058/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="SwiftUI on iPad: Organize your interface" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:20</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10058/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">SwiftUI on iPad: Organize your interface</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">It's time to supercharge the interface of your iPad app with SwiftUI lists and tables. We'll show how you can add selection interactions and context menus and help people who use your app be more productive. We'll also give you best practices on structuring your navigation and explore how you can...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">balanced,column builder,comparator,contextmenu,context menu,desktop class,edit mode,foreach,identifier,keyboard,keypathcomparator,list,lists,menu,modality,multicolumn,multicolumn,multiple selection,multi select context menu,navigation,navigation split view,prominentdetail,section,selection,selection state,sidebar,slide over,split view,state,supplementary,supplementary column,table,tables,tag,three column layout,trackpad,two column layout WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10039/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in StoreKit testing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10039/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in StoreKit testing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest tools to help you test your in-app purchases and subscriptions. We'll show you how to bring your products from App Store Connect into StoreKit Testing in Xcode, learn about improvements to the transaction manager, and explore your in-app purchase flow in Xcode Previews. We'll...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10120/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Evolve your Core Data schema" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10120/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Evolve your Core Data schema</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can cleanly migrate Core Data schemas after updating your app, and breeze through data model changes. We'll show you how you can take advantage of built-in migration tools to keep your data storage up to date, and let Core Data analyze your schema to infer data model migrations...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10072/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Use SwiftUI with UIKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10072/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Use SwiftUI with UIKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to take advantage of the power of SwiftUI in your UIKit app. Build custom UICollectionView and UITableView cells seamlessly with SwiftUI using UIHostingConfiguration. We'll also show you how to manage data flow between UIKit and SwiftUI components within your app. To get the most out...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10139/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Make a great SharePlay experience" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10139/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Make a great SharePlay experience</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can design and build a great SharePlay experience. We'll show you how to identify activities in your app that can help bring everyone together — even while they're apart. Learn best practices to help you design for group activities, create intuitive interactions, and build...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">facetime,group activities,share,shareplay WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110931/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="WWDC22 Day 3 recap" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">1:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110931/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">WWDC22 Day 3 recap</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Your Day 3 status report is here. Catch up on the latest from WWDC22 and discover what's coming to a Thursday near you.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">recap WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10115/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in CloudKit Console" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">7:10</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10115/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in CloudKit Console</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">We'll take you through the latest updates to CloudKit Console and discover how you can explore and debug your containers on the web like never before. Learn more about Act as iCloud, which helps you query records and view data from the perspective of another account. Discover how to share zones...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10076/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring your iOS app to the Mac" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:37</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10076/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring your iOS app to the Mac</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover all the different ways you can transform your iOS app into a great macOS experience. We'll explore best practices for bringing your app to the Mac, whether you ship an iPad app for M1 Macs or build something for all Macs using Mac Catalyst. Learn about the latest tools, options, and APIs...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10077/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Replace CAPTCHAs with Private Access Tokens" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10077/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Replace CAPTCHAs with Private Access Tokens</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Don't be captured by CAPTCHAs! Private Access Tokens are a powerful alternative that help you identify HTTP requests from legitimate devices and people without compromising their identity or personal information. We'll show you how your app and server can take advantage of this tool to add...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10027/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimize your Core ML usage" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10027/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimize your Core ML usage</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how Core ML works with the CPU, GPU, and Neural Engine to power on-device, privacy-preserving machine learning experiences for your apps. We'll explore the latest tools for understanding and maximizing the performance of your models. We'll also show you how to generate reports to easily...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10137/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Swift Charts: Raise the bar " loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:47</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10137/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Swift Charts: Raise the bar </h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Dive deep into data visualizations: Learn how Swift Charts and SwiftUI can help your apps represent complex datasets through a wide variety of chart options. We'll show you how to plot different kinds of data and compose marks to create more elaborate charts. We'll also take you through Swift...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10020/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Compose advanced models with Create ML Components" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:25</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10020/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Compose advanced models with Create ML Components</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Take your custom machine learning models to the next level with Create ML Components. We'll show you how to work with temporal data like video or audio and compose models that can count repetitive human actions or provide advanced sound classification. We'll also share best practices on using...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10093/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Integrate your custom collaboration app with Messages" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:29</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10093/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Integrate your custom collaboration app with Messages</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how the SharedWithYou framework can augment your app's collaboration infrastructure. We'll show you how to send secure invitations to collaborative content and synchronize participant changes. We'll also cover displaying content updates within the relevant conversation. For an...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110362/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Link fast: Improve build and launch times" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">31:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110362/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Link fast: Improve build and launch times</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to improve your app's build and runtime linking performance. We'll take you behind the scenes to learn more about linking, your options, and the latest updates that improve the link performance of your app.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10133/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build a productivity app for Apple Watch" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10133/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build a productivity app for Apple Watch</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Your wrist has never been more productive. Discover how you can use SwiftUI and system features to build a great productivity app for Apple Watch. We'll show you how you can design great work experiences for the wrist, and explore how you can get text input, display a basic chart, and share...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10099/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in Safari Web Extensions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10099/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in Safari Web Extensions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can use the latest improvements to Safari Web Extensions to create even better experiences for people browsing the web. We'll show you how to upgrade to manifest version 3, adopt the latest APIs for Web Extensions, and sync extensions across devices.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10119/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimize your use of Core Data and CloudKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10119/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimize your use of Core Data and CloudKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Join us as we explore the three parts of the development cycle that can help you optimize your Core Data and CloudKit implementation. We'll show you how you can analyze your app's architecture and feature set to verify assumptions, explore changes in behavior after ingesting large data sets, and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10096/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in privacy" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:23</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10096/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in privacy</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">At Apple, we believe that privacy is a fundamental human right, and protecting people's privacy is at the center of everything we do. Discover how our engineering teams build privacy into all of our products and developer frameworks, and learn about the technologies and patterns you can adopt in...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110352/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Embrace Swift generics" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:29</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110352/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Embrace Swift generics</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Generics are a fundamental tool for writing abstract code in Swift. Learn how you can identify opportunities for abstraction as your code evolves, evaluate strategies for writing one piece of code with many behaviors, and discover language features in Swift 5.7 that can help you make generic code...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110349/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create engaging content for Swift Playgrounds" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110349/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create engaging content for Swift Playgrounds</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can build guided instructional content designed for Swift Playgrounds. Follow along with us as we explore how you can add a guide to a completed sample code project. We'll demonstrate how to add tasks to your learning center to show off relevant code and optional experiment tasks...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">swift playgrounds WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10041/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in Wallet and Apple Pay" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">36:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10041/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in Wallet and Apple Pay</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest updates to Wallet & Apple Pay. We'll show you how to support Orders in Wallet for your apps and websites and securely validate someone's age and identity with the Identity Verification API. We'll also explore PassKit support for SwiftUI, and discuss how you how you can improve...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10108/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Streamline local authorization flows" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10108/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Streamline local authorization flows</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use the latest authorization-focused APIs in LocalAuthentication to protect the privacy and security of people's data. We'll show you how LocalAuthentication can authorize access to secrets, keys, and other sensitive resources in your app, all while reducing complexity and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">acl,biometric,lacontext,laright,lock,secure enclave,unlock WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10009/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in iPad app design" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:08</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10009/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in iPad app design</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest updates in iPad app design. We'll take you through improvements to search, navigation bars, edit menus, multi-selection, and more. Learn how you can make your app both more powerful and easier to use when you incorporate customizable toolbars, multi-column tables, and find and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">customization,productivity,screen size,search,sidebar,split view,toolbar WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10038/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new with SKAdNetwork" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10038/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new with SKAdNetwork</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">SKAdNetwork helps advertisers measure the success of ad campaigns while maintaining user privacy. We'll explore the latest updates to ad attributions including hierarchical source IDs, hierarchical conversion values, multiple conversions, and SKAdNetwork attributions for web ads. We'll also take...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">advertise,catalyst WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10102/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Target and optimize GPU binaries with Metal 3" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10102/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Target and optimize GPU binaries with Metal 3</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can reduce in-app stutters, first launch times, and new level load times when you generate your GPU binaries entirely at project build time with offline compilation. We'll also show you how to improve total compile time and binary size for larger GPU programs using the "Optimize...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">compilation,compiler,metal,metal shading language,metal tools,performance,xcode WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10155/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Take ScreenCaptureKit to the next level" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">37:19</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10155/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Take ScreenCaptureKit to the next level</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can support complex screen capture experiences for people using your app with ScreenCaptureKit. We'll explore many of the advanced options you can incorporate including fine tuning content filters, frame metadata interpretation, window pickers, and more. We'll also show you how...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">audio capture,screen capture,screencapturekit,streaming,video capture WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10141/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore USD tools and rendering" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10141/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore USD tools and rendering</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest advancements in tooling to help you generate, inspect, and convert Universal Scene Description (USD) assets. We'll learn about updates to these tools and help you integrate them into your content creation pipeline. We'll also explore the power of USD Hydra rendering, and show...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ar,arkit,augmented reality WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10167/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create your Privacy Nutrition Label " loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:14</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10167/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create your Privacy Nutrition Label </h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Privacy Nutrition Labels help people understand your app's privacy practices. Discover how you can take inventory of your current data habits and learn best practices for creating your app's Privacy Nutrition Label on your App Store product page.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10169/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design App Shortcuts" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10169/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design App Shortcuts</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can surface great features from your app directly in Siri, Spotlight, and the Shortcuts app. We'll introduce you to App Shortcuts, provide best practices to help you evaluate features in your app that would work well as App Shortcuts, and take you through the process of creating one...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10110/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build global apps: Localization by example" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10110/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build global apps: Localization by example</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can run your apps on devices around the world and help everyone have a great experience — regardless of the language they speak. We'll explore how Apple APIs can provide a solid foundation when creating apps for diverse audiences, and we'll share examples, challenges, and best...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,formatters,i10n,international,internationalization,l18n,stringsdict,swift packages,swiftui,translation WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110369/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Improve the discoverability of your Swift-DocC content" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110369/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Improve the discoverability of your Swift-DocC content</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the navigation experience for Swift-DocC on the web. We'll show you how you can organize and optimize your content to help guide developers through documentation about your frameworks and applications. We'll also share enhanced techniques to help readers browse your documentation with ease.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10026/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Add Live Text interaction to your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10026/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Add Live Text interaction to your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can bring Live Text support for still photos or paused video frames to your app. We'll share how you can easily enable text interactions, translation, data detection, and QR code scanning within any image view on iOS, iPadOS, or macOS. We'll also go over how to control interaction...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110380/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Display ads and interstitials in SharePlay" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:10</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110380/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Display ads and interstitials in SharePlay</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how you can deliver a coordinated playback experience in SharePlay when your app delivers different ad schedules to each participant. We'll explore how to build playback experiences with stitched-in ads and scheduled HLS interstitials, and share tips and best practices.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110403/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Background Assets" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110403/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Background Assets</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use the Background Assets framework to download large files directly from your CDN and improve the initial launch experience of your apps and games. We'll show you how to schedule background downloads during initial app install, app updates, and periodically as someone uses...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10046/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Adopt declarative device management" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">31:47</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10046/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Adopt declarative device management</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can simplify development of your device management solution with the declarative approach. We'll take you through the latest updates to platform support and explore protocol enhancements for status and predicates.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">business,declarative,device management,education,enterprise,mdm WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10148/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Apple Music API and MusicKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10148/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Apple Music API and MusicKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the Apple Music API and MusicKit client frameworks. Learn how you can integrate Apple Music features into your web service or Android app, make requests to the Apple Music API to discover and fetch content, and personalize the experience for subscribers.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10070/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build a desktop-class iPad app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10070/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build a desktop-class iPad app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can create iPad apps that take advantage of desktop class features. Join Mohammed from the UIKit team as we explore the latest navigation, collection view, menu, and editing APIs and learn best practices for building powerful iPad apps. Code along with this session in real time...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110358/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Swift Regex: Beyond the basics" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110358/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Swift Regex: Beyond the basics</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Go beyond the basics of string processing with Swift Regex. We'll share an overview of Regex and how it works, explore Foundation's rich data parsers and discover how to integrate your own, and delve into captures. We'll also provide best practices for matching strings and wielding Regex-powered...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110368/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in Swift-DocC" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110368/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in Swift-DocC</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Join us for an exciting update on Swift-DocC and learn how you can write and share documentation for your own projects. We'll explore improvements to Swift-DocC navigation and share how you can compile documentation for application targets and Objective-C code. We'll also show you how to publish...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110340/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design an effective chart" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110340/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design an effective chart</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to design focused, approachable, and accessible charts. We'll show you how to design great charts with clear marks, axes, descriptions, interaction, and color and help you create useful experiences for everyone.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110351/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Eliminate data races using Swift Concurrency" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110351/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Eliminate data races using Swift Concurrency</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Join us as we explore one of the core concepts in Swift concurrency: isolation of tasks and actors. We'll take you through Swift's approach to eliminating data races and its effect on app architecture. We'll also discuss the importance of atomicity in your code, share the nuances of Sendable...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110381/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet the expanded San Francisco font family" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:29</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110381/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet the expanded San Francisco font family</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest additions to San Francisco – the system font for Apple platforms – and find out how they can provide more control and versatility when designing interfaces. In addition to weights and optical sizes, San Francisco now supports three new width styles: Condensed, Compressed, and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">new york,san francisco,type,typeface,typography WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110342/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design app experiences with charts" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110342/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design app experiences with charts</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can enhance your app with charts to communicate data with more clarity and appeal. We'll show you when to use charts, how to use them and how they work together in a chart design system.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10149/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in AVQT" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10149/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in AVQT</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest updates and improvements to the Advanced Video Quality Tool (AVQT). We'll take you through the interactive reports feature and help you learn how to identify video quality-related issues. We'll also explore extended support for raw formats, show you how to evaluate specific...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">avqt,linux,video quality WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10156/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet ScreenCaptureKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:28</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10156/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet ScreenCaptureKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how ScreenCaptureKit can deliver high-performance screen capture for your macOS screen sharing applications, video conferencing apps, game streaming services, and more. We'll explore the building blocks of this API, learn how to configure streams to capture on-screen video and audio...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">audio capture,screen capture,screencapturekit,streaming,video capture WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10116/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet CKTool JS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:44</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10116/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet CKTool JS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can manage and automate your iCloud containers using CKTool JS. We'll show you how to configure CKTool JS to manage your containers' schemas, modify records with ease, and manipulate data on the fly. We'll also explore how you can integrate CKTool JS into your automation and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10040/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore in-app purchase integration and migration" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">40:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10040/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore in-app purchase integration and migration</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can migrate to the latest App Store Server APIs and incorporate App Store Server Notifications. We'll help you get started with these tools and provide best practices to make the most of managing in-app purchases on your server. Discover how you can sign JSON Web Tokens, verify...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">storekit WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110429/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover advancements in iOS camera capture: Depth, focus, and multitasking" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110429/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover advancements in iOS camera capture: Depth, focus, and multitasking</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can take advantage of advanced camera capture features in your app. We'll show you how to use the LiDAR scanner to create photo and video effects and perform accurate depth measurement. Learn how your app can use the camera for picture-in-picture or multitasking, control...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110356/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet distributed actors in Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110356/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet distributed actors in Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover distributed actors — an extension of Swift's actor model that simplifies development of distributed systems. We'll explore how distributed actor isolation and location transparency can help you avoid the accidental complexity of networking, serialization, and other transport concerns...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110384/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Support multiple users in tvOS apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:36</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110384/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Support multiple users in tvOS apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can create personalized, individual experiences in your tvOS app. We'll show you how you can offer a single checkbox to store profile data, game save states, and more, providing each person with the same level of data separation they'd have on a personal device like iPhone. We'll...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">appletv,apple tv,apple tv 4k,content,content first,keychain,login,log in,multiuser,multi user,password,persona,personalizable,personalization,personalize,profile,profiles,runs as current user,signin,sign in,tv,tv app,tv apps,tv dev,tv developer,tvos,user,user independent,user management,users WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110345/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in Endpoint Security" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:14</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110345/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in Endpoint Security</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can build reliable endpoint security products like anti-virus software, endpoint detection and response, and data leakage prevention solutions for macOS. We'll take you through the latest enhancements to Endpoint Security APIs: Learn how you can support more security events and use...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">authentication,eslogger,gatekeeper,kauth,kernel,login,logout,malware,openbsm,xprotect WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10094/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Add Shared with You to your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:29</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10094/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Add Shared with You to your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Shared with You helps people easily find content in your app that someone has shared with them in Messages. Learn how you can support Shared with You in your app and continue the messaging experience right with the content. We'll show you how pinning can give implicit Shared with You permission...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10056/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Compose custom layouts with SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10056/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Compose custom layouts with SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">SwiftUI now offers powerful tools to level up your layouts and arrange views for your app's interface. We'll introduce you to the Grid container, which helps you create highly customizable, two-dimensional layouts, and show you how you can use the Layout protocol to build your own containers with...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">anylayout,apply different layouts,arrange buttons,bounds,button,cache inout void,cat,columns,dog,equalwidthhstack,equatable,frame,geometry reader,goldfish,grid,gridcolumnalignment,gridrow,identifiable,layout,layout protocol,layout tools,lazy grid,lazyhgrid,leading edge,origin,placesubviews,rows,sizethatfits,trailing edge,view,view modifier,view spacing,viewthatfits,vstack WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10129/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Understand USD fundamentals" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10129/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Understand USD fundamentals</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the fundamentals of Pixar's Universal Scene Description (USD) and learn how it can help you build great 3D assets and workflows. We'll introduce you to the core concepts behind USD and explore how you can integrate the format into your content creation pipeline. We'll also show you how...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ar,arkit,augmented reality WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110371/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Use Xcode to develop a multiplatform app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:03</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110371/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Use Xcode to develop a multiplatform app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can build apps for multiple Apple platforms using Xcode 14. We'll show you how to streamline app targets, maintain a common codebase, and share settings by default. We'll also explore how you can customize your app for each platform through conditionalizing your settings and code.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10005/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in HealthKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:25</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10005/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in HealthKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Bring the latest HealthKit features to your health & fitness app. We'll show you how to capture more detailed sleep data through sleep stages, track swim-bike-run and interval workouts with the enhanced Workout API, and save vision prescriptions — including an image of the physical prescription —...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10113/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore EDR on iOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:36</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10113/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore EDR on iOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">EDR is Apple's High Dynamic Range representation and rendering pipeline. Explore how you can render HDR content using EDR in your app and unleash the dynamic range capabilities of HDR displays on iPhone and iPad. We'll show how you can take advantage of the native EDR APIs on iOS, provide best...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10062/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Transferable" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10062/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Transferable</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Meet Transferable: a model-layer protocol that allows for effortless support for sharing, drag and drop, copy/paste, and other features in your app. We'll explore how you can use the API for common use cases, and take advantage of advanced features to customize the behavior. We'll also share how...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10103/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Boost performance with MetalFX Upscaling" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:11</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10103/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Boost performance with MetalFX Upscaling</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover MetalFX, a new API that provides platform optimized graphics effects for Metal applications. With MetalFX Upscaling, your application can now render frames at a lower resolution, reducing rendering time, without compromising rendering quality. We'll also show you how and when to use its...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">game dev,game developer,games,metal,metal 3,metalfx,metalfx upscaling,metal tools,performance WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110930/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="WWDC22 Day 2 recap" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">1:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110930/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">WWDC22 Day 2 recap</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Ready for your Day 2 briefing? Catch up on all the great sessions from Tuesday and get a sneak peek at the day ahead.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">recap WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10052/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:45</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10052/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">It's a SwiftUI party — and you're invited! Join us as we share the latest updates and a glimpse into the future of UI framework design. Discover deep levels of customization, advanced techniques for layout, elegant strategies for sharing, and rock-solid structural approaches for designing an app...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10069/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet desktop-class iPad" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:11</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10069/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet desktop-class iPad</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can bring desktop-class features to your iPad app. Explore updates to UINavigationBar that bring more discoverability and customizability to your app's features. Find out how the latest updates to UIKit can help make it easier and faster for people to explore content in your app...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10054/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="The SwiftUI cookbook for navigation" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10054/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">The SwiftUI cookbook for navigation</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The recipe for a great app begins with a clear and robust navigation structure. Join the SwiftUI team in our proverbial coding kitchen and learn how you can cook up a great experience for your app. We'll introduce you to SwiftUI's navigation stack and split view features, show you how you can...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110379/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create a more responsive media app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110379/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create a more responsive media app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use AVFoundation to keep people focused on your media app's content — not your loading spinner. We'll show you how to support a responsive and fluid interface in your app, all while you create rich audiovisual compositions, load audiovisual assets, and prepare media...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">async load,avasset,avassetresourceloader,avasynchronouskeyvalueloading,avcomposition,latency,thumbnail WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10066/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover Metal 3" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:44</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10066/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover Metal 3</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Harness the full potential of Apple silicon in your app with Metal 3. We'll introduce you to the latest features, improvements, and tooling. We'll also explore how you can use advanced features and compiler tools to load resources faster, compile shader binaries at build time, process complex...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">game dev,game developer,metal,metal 3,metal compute,metal shading language,metal tools,proapps,raytracing,ray tracing WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10092/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet passkeys" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10092/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet passkeys</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">It's time for a security upgrade: Learn how to add support for passkeys to create a quick and easy sign in experience for people, all while offering a radical increase to account security. Passkeys are simple and strong credentials built to eliminate phishing attacks. We'll share how passkeys are...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10151/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Add accessibility to your Unity games" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:08</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10151/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Add accessibility to your Unity games</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can make your Unity games accessible on Apple platforms using our open source Accessibility plug-in. Follow along as we add support for assistive technologies like VoiceOver and Switch Control to a sample Unity game project. We'll show you how you can automatically scale text with...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10131/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Qualities of great AR experiences" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:20</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10131/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Qualities of great AR experiences</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover best practices and techniques to help craft magical AR experiences for iPhone and iPad. We'll provide guidance to help you determine if AR is a good fit for your experience, explore examples of great AR apps, and take you through key considerations when designing for augmented reality.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ar,arkit,augmented reality,design,mr WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10097/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in App Clips" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:44</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10097/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in App Clips</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the latest updates to App Clips! Discover how we've made your App Clip even easier to build with improvements to the size limit as well as CloudKit and keychain usage. We'll also show you how to use our validation tool to verify your App Clip and automate workflows for your advanced App...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">15 mb,advanced app clip,api,app clip code,app clip experience,app clip testing,app group container,app store connect,associated domain,attributes,banner,cloudkit,developer settings,diagnostics,included,keychain,keychain migration,local keychain,migration,physical code,public database,qr code,relationships,resource id,size limit,smart banner,transferred from app clip to app,universal link WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10045/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in managing Apple devices" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">38:23</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10045/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in managing Apple devices</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore enhancements to device management across Apple platforms. Improve device deployment workflows using the latest version of Apple Configurator for iPhone. Learn about identity technologies and MDM protocol updates for macOS, iOS and iPadOS. We'll also share an exciting change in how we...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">configuration,configurator,dns,education,enrollment,enterprise,esim,identity,idp,management,mdm,networking,oauth,privacy,profile,profiles,security,shared ipad,software update WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110427/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in Xcode" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110427/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in Xcode</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest productivity and performance advancements in Xcode 14. We'll introduce you to the fully redesigned SwiftUI canvas experience, explore enhancements to code completion and navigation, and take you through performance improvements we've made throughout the entire development...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10007/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new with in-app purchase" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">47:35</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10007/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new with in-app purchase</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can make your in-app purchase experience even better on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch. We'll take you through enhancements to StoreKit 2 and App Store Server API, and explore improvements to App Store Server Notifications. Discover how you can verify app purchases with App...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">storekit WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110344/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get to know Developer Mode" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">5:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110344/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get to know Developer Mode</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Meet Developer Mode — required on iOS 16, iPadOS 16, and watchOS 9 to install, run, and debug your apps during development. We'll show you how you to opt in to Developer Mode on your devices, and how to enable Developer Mode in your automation workflows.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">devmodectl,distribution,provisioning profiles,xcode WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10144/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Deliver reliable streams with HLS Content Steering" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10144/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Deliver reliable streams with HLS Content Steering</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">HLS Content Steering dynamically steers clients to different servers based on load and redundancy. We'll take you through the latest updates to this framework and explore how you can introduce dynamically spawned CDNs to existing HLS clients with Pathway Cloning. We'll also share how you can...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">adaptive playback,cdn switching,error fallback,load balance,traffic steering,video streaming WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10006/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Apple Maps Server APIs" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10006/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Apple Maps Server APIs</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Simplify your app's mapping architecture by implementing the Apple Maps stack across MapKit, MapKit JS, and Apple Maps Server APIs. Learn how these APIs can reduce network calls and increase power efficiency, which can help improve the overall performance of your app. We'll show you how to use...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10136/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Hello Swift Charts" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10136/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Hello Swift Charts</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Say hello to Swift Charts — a flexible framework that helps you create charts entirely in SwiftUI that look and feel right at home on all Apple platforms. Discover how you can use compositional syntax to make informative, delightful, and accessible charts with less code. We'll share the building...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accessibility,animation,area,array of structs,audio graphs,bar,bar chart,bar marks,charts,collection,composition,custom marks,data,declarative,declarative syntax,food truck,foreground style,identifable,labels,line,line chart,linemark,line style,mark properties,marks,multiplatform,ostensible,pancakes,picker,point,pointmark,preview,rectangle,rule,sonification,swiftui,symbol,symbols,symbol size,variants,visual elements,voice over,x axis,x position,y axis,y position WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10098/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Web Push for Safari" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:00</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10098/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Web Push for Safari</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Bring better notifications to your websites and web apps in Safari on macOS with Web Push. We'll show you how you can remotely send notifications to people through the web standards-based combination of Push API, Notifications API, and Service Workers.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10050/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Complications and widgets: Reloaded" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:35</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10050/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Complications and widgets: Reloaded</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Our widgets code-along returns as we adventure onto the watchOS and iOS Lock Screen. Learn about the latest improvements to WidgetKit that help power complex complications on watchOS and can help you create Lock Screen widgets for iPhone. We'll show you how to incorporate the latest SwiftUI views...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10140/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in SharePlay" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10140/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in SharePlay</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Join us as we share the latest updates to SharePlay. We'll show you how you can start SharePlay sessions right from your app, take you through improvements to APIs to create richer experiences, and check out enhancements to GroupSessionMessenger. We'll also explore best practices for adding...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10065/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Plug-in and play: Add Apple frameworks to your Unity game projects" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10065/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Plug-in and play: Add Apple frameworks to your Unity game projects</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Help make your Unity app or game an even better experience on Apple platforms. Learn how you can add Apple technologies directly to your projects with six plug-ins: Apple.Core, Game Center, Game Controller, Accessibility, Core Haptics, and PHASE. We'll show you how you can add new gameplay...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">game center,game controller,game controllers,game dev,game developer,haptic,haptics,phase,plugin,plugin,plugins,unity,unity plugins WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10104/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Load resources faster with Metal 3" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10104/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Load resources faster with Metal 3</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use fast resource streaming in Metal 3 to quickly load assets. We'll show you how to use an asynchronous set-it-and-forget-it workflow in your app to take advantage of the speed of SSD storage and the throughput of Apple silicon's unified memory architecture. We'll also...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">3d graphics,game,game dev,game developer,metal,metal 3,metal tools,raytracing WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110347/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore more content with MusicKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110347/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore more content with MusicKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can enhance and personalize your app using MusicKit. We'll take you through the latest additions to the MusicKit framework and explore how you can bring music content to your app through requests, metadata, and more.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple music,music,musickit,music library,playlists,songs,swift WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10019/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get to know Create ML Components" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10019/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get to know Create ML Components</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Create ML makes it easy to build custom machine learning models for image classification, object detection, sound classification, hand pose classification, action classification, tabular data regression, and more. And with the Create ML Components framework, you can further customize underlying...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10158/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Adopt Variable Color in SF Symbols" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10158/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Adopt Variable Color in SF Symbols</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore how you can use Variable Color to make SF Symbols even more expressive. We'll show you how system-provided symbols use variable color and provide best practices and guidance for using it effectively. We'll also help you learn how to incorporate variable color into custom symbols using the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">color,glyph,icon,symbol WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10128/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring your world into augmented reality" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:00</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10128/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring your world into augmented reality</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Follow along as we demonstrate how you can use Object Capture and RealityKit to bring real-world objects into an augmented reality game. We'll show you how to capture detailed items using the Object Capture framework, add them to a RealityKit project in Xcode, apply stylized shaders and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ar,arkit,augmented reality WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10117/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Enhance voice communication with Push to Talk" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10117/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Enhance voice communication with Push to Talk</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">We're coming in loud and clear to help you bring walkie-talkie communication to your app — over! Discover how you can add prominent system UI to your Push to Talk app, enabling rapid communication with the tap of a button. We'll introduce you to the PushToTalk framework and show you how to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110348/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build your first app in Swift Playgrounds" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110348/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build your first app in Swift Playgrounds</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can easily prototype and build apps with Swift Playgrounds. We'll show you how to create an app from a blank project, build its interface with SwiftUI, and use Swift Package Manager to add extra functionality from an open source package. We'll also explore how you can debug issues...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10127/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create parametric 3D room scans with RoomPlan" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:29</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10127/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create parametric 3D room scans with RoomPlan</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">RoomPlan can help your app quickly create simplified parametric 3D scans of a room. Learn how you can use this API to easily add a room scanning experience. We'll show you how to adopt this API, explore the 3D parametric output, and share best practices to help your app get great results with...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ar,arkit,augmented reality WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10121/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Focus filters" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10121/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Focus filters</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can customize app behaviors based on someone's currently enabled Focus. We'll show you how to use App Intents to define your app's Focus filters, act on changes from the system, and present your app's views in different ways. We'll also explore how you can filter notifications...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10032/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Dive into App Intents" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">30:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10032/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Dive into App Intents</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can make your app more discoverable and increase app engagement when you use the App Intents framework. We'll take you through the powerful capabilities of this Swift framework, explore the differences between App Intents and SiriKit Intents, and show you how you can expose your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110354/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">38:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110354/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Join us for an update on Swift. We'll take you through performance improvements, explore more secure and extensible Swift packages, and share advancements in Swift concurrency. We'll also introduce you to Swift Regex, better generics, and other tools built into the language to help you write more...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10095/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Enhance collaboration experiences with Messages" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10095/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Enhance collaboration experiences with Messages</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can help improve communication and collaboration in your app with Collaboration in Messages. Learn how to tie a document to Messages conversations for simple sharing and discussion. Explore how you can keep everyone in the conversation up to date on the latest activity in the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10068/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in UIKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:14</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10068/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in UIKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest updates and improvements to UIKit and learn how to build better iPadOS, iOS, and Mac Catalyst apps. We'll take you through UI refinements, productivity updates, API enhancements, and more. We'll also help you explore improvements to performance, security, and privacy.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10003/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet WeatherKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10003/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet WeatherKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">WeatherKit offers valuable weather data for your apps and services to help people stay up to date on the latest conditions. Learn how to use Swift and REST APIs to access information about the current weather, 10-day hourly forecasts for temperature, expected precipitation, wind reports, the UV...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">api,browser,rest,weather,web WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10008/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in Nearby Interaction" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10008/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in Nearby Interaction</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how the Nearby Interaction framework can help you easily integrate Ultra Wideband (UWB) into your apps and hardware accessories. Learn how you can combine the visual-spatial power of ARKit with the radio sensitivity of the U1 chip to locate nearby stationary objects with precision. We'll...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10135/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get timely alerts from Bluetooth devices on watchOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10135/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get timely alerts from Bluetooth devices on watchOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how Bluetooth devices can send timely and relevant alerts to Apple Watch. We'll show you how to take advantage of periodic data in complications, explore background peripheral discovery, and help you learn how to use characteristic monitoring in watchOS. We'll also share best practices...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10016/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get more mileage out of your app with CarPlay" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10016/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get more mileage out of your app with CarPlay</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">CarPlay is a smarter, safer way to use your iPhone while you drive. Learn about the latest app types for CarPlay and discover how the CarPlay Simulator can help you develop and test apps without leaving your desk. We'll also explore how navigation apps can connect with digital instrument clusters...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,audio,car,communication,driving task,ev charging,fueling,navigation,parking,quick food ordering WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10071/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Adopt desktop-class editing interactions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:59</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10071/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Adopt desktop-class editing interactions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover advanced desktop-class editing features that can help people accelerate their productivity in your app. Learn how you can provide more interactions inline with your UI to help people quickly access editing features and make your iPadOS app feel right at home on macOS with Mac Catalyst...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110374/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get the most out of Xcode Cloud" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:33</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110374/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get the most out of Xcode Cloud</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can get the most out of Xcode Cloud, Apple's continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) service. We'll take you through an overview of Xcode Cloud and how it connects with Xcode and App Store Connect. We'll also explore the Xcode Cloud Usage Dashboard in App Store...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110355/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Swift Async Algorithms" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110355/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Swift Async Algorithms</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest open source Swift package from Apple: Swift Async Algorithms. We'll explore algorithms from this package that you can use with AsyncSequence, including zip, merge, and throttle. Follow along with us as we use these algorithms to build a great messaging app. We'll also share...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10025/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Capture machine-readable codes and text with VisionKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:11</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10025/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Capture machine-readable codes and text with VisionKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Meet the Data Scanner in VisionKit: This framework combines AVCapture and Vision to enable live capture of machine-readable codes and text through a simple Swift API. We'll show you how to control the types of content your app can capture by specifying barcode symbologies and language selection...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10074/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in AppKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10074/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in AppKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest advances in Mac app development using AppKit. We'll take you through the latest updates to SF Symbols, show you how you can elevate your interface with enhanced controls, and help you learn to coordinate your windows with Stage Manager. We'll also explore the latest sharing...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10157/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in SF Symbols 4" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10157/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in SF Symbols 4</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the latest updates to SF Symbols, Apple's extensive library of iconography designed to integrate seamlessly with San Francisco, the system font for all Apple platforms. Discover the latest additions to the SF Symbols library and new categories in the app. Learn about the new Automatic...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">categories,glyph,icon,template WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10002/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create macOS or Linux virtual machines" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:00</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10002/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create macOS or Linux virtual machines</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can use the Virtualization framework to quickly create virtual machines on your Mac. We'll show you how to create a virtual Mac and quickly test changes to your app in an isolated environment. We'll also explore how you can install and run full Linux distributions on Apple silicon,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10109/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in notarization for Mac apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10109/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in notarization for Mac apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Notarization works in tandem with macOS to help people safely download software for their Mac outside of the App Store. Learn about the required transition from altool to notarytool and how the Xcode GUI can help you achieve better overall performance when notarizing your app. We'll also share...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">malware,notarizing,notary,webhook WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10170/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Implement App Shortcuts with App Intents" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:23</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10170/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Implement App Shortcuts with App Intents</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can create Shortcuts in your app with zero user setup. We'll show you how App Intents can help you present custom Shortcuts views, and explore how you can add support for parameterized phrases to allow people to quickly express their intent. We'll also share how you can make your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110332/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in Create ML" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110332/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in Create ML</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest updates to Create ML. We'll share improvements to Create ML's evaluation tools that can help you understand how your custom models will perform on real-world data. Learn how you can check model performance on each type of image in your test data and identify problems within...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110357/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Swift Regex" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:58</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110357/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Swift Regex</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can process strings more effectively when you take advantage of Swift Regex. Come for concise literals but stay for Regex builders — a new, declarative approach to string processing. We'll also explore the Unicode models in String and share how Swift Regex can make Unicode-correct...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110350/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Visualize and optimize Swift concurrency" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110350/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Visualize and optimize Swift concurrency</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can optimize your app with the Swift Concurrency template in Instruments. We'll discuss common performance issues and show you how to use Instruments to find and resolve these problems. Learn how you can keep your UI responsive, maximize parallel performance, and analyze Swift...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">swift,swift concurrency WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110373/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring your driver to iPad with DriverKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110373/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring your driver to iPad with DriverKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can easily connect Thunderbolt and USB accessories to iPad with DriverKit. We'll show you how to convert your existing Mac drivers without any code changes, learn how to add real-time audio support with AudioDriverKit, and provide best practices and tips for developing drivers...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10160/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Program Metal in C++ with metal-cpp" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:58</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10160/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Program Metal in C++ with metal-cpp</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Your C++ games and apps can now tap into the power of Metal. We'll show you how metal-cpp helps you bridge your C++ code to Metal, explore how each manages object lifecycles, and demonstrate utilities that can help these language cooperate in your app. We'll also share best practices for...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">c,game dev,game developer,metal 3,metalcpp WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10048/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in Safari and WebKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">31:39</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10048/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in Safari and WebKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the latest features in Safari and WebKit and learn how you can make better and more powerful websites. We'll take you on a tour through the latest updates to HTML, CSS enhancements, Web Inspector tooling, Web APIs, and more.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10018/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring Continuity Camera to your macOS app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/10018/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring Continuity Camera to your macOS app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use iPhone as an external camera in any Mac app with Continuity Camera. Whether you're building video conferencing software or an experience that makes creative use of cameras, we'll show you how you can enhance your app with automatic camera switching. We'll also explore how...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110929/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="WWDC22 Day 1 recap" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">3:00</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/110929/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">WWDC22 Day 1 recap</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">It's time for your Day 1 report from Apple HQ. Check out all the exciting announcements and new technologies unveiled at WWDC22 — and learn more about what's coming tomorrow.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">recap WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/112/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Platforms State of the Union (ASL)" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">70:10</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/112/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Platforms State of the Union (ASL)</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Take a deeper dive into the latest tools, technologies, and advances across Apple platforms to help you create even better apps.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">asl,sotu,sotu 2022 WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/102/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Platforms State of the Union" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">70:10</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/102/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Platforms State of the Union</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Take a deeper dive into the latest tools, technologies, and advances across Apple platforms to help you create even better apps.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">sotu,sotu 2022 WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/113/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Apple Design Awards (ASL)" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:37</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/113/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Apple Design Awards (ASL)</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Apple Design Awards honors excellence in innovation, ingenuity, and technical achievement in app and game design. Watch along as we reveal and celebrate the 2022 winners.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/103/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Apple Design Awards" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:37</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/103/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Apple Design Awards</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Apple Design Awards honors excellence in innovation, ingenuity, and technical achievement in app and game design. Watch along as we reveal and celebrate the 2022 winners.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/101/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Keynote" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">108:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/101/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Keynote</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off with exciting reveals, inspiration, and new opportunities. Join the worldwide developer community for an in-depth look at the future of Apple platforms, directly from Apple Park.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Spanish</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/111/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Keynote (ASL)" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">108:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2022/111/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Keynote (ASL)</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC22</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off with exciting reveals, inspiration, and new opportunities. Join the worldwide developer community for an in-depth look at the future of Apple platforms, directly from Apple Park.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC22 English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Spanish</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="collection-focus-group " id="wwdc21" data-scroll-index="3"> <!-- track --> <section class="sticky"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-12 small-12 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <span class="focus-group-link" data-scroll-nav="3"><span class="font-bold">WWDC21</span></span> </section> </section> </section> </section> <!-- video overview --> <ul class="collection-items"> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10325/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Friday@WWDC21" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">1:14</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10325/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Friday@WWDC21</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">It's time to say adieu to the week, and what a week it was! Tune in as we recap Friday and close out WWDC21.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">daily recap,friday,recap,wwdc21 WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10318/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Developer spotlight: Accessibility" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">6:20</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10318/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Developer spotlight: Accessibility</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">How do you approach creating apps for everyone? Learn from developers who are blind or deaf themselves as they discuss the process of making technology accessible. Discover how their unique perspectives have sparked innovation at their companies and helped make their apps even more inclusive.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accessibility,panel,wwdc21 WWDC21 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10117/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet CloudKit Console" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">7:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10117/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet CloudKit Console</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how CloudKit Console can help you better interact with your containers. We'll show you how to put the database app to work and define, modify, and deploy schema changes with confidence. You'll learn how to craft queries in the query builder and filter your records with ease. And we'll...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">cloud,database,encrypted,encryption,fields,just in time,privacy,query,record,schema,security,storage WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10077/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create 3D workflows with USD" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10077/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create 3D workflows with USD</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the flexibility, versatility and power of Pixar's Universal Scene Description (USD) for your 3D workflows. Learn how you can use the USD file format in your professional workflows for macOS: Scan 3D models of your real-world objects using Object Capture, utilize the potential of...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">3d graphics,ar,arkit,augmented reality,content creation,usd,usdz WWDC21 English, Japanese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10209/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover breakpoint improvements" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10209/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover breakpoint improvements</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Breakpoints can help you debug issues by allowing you to pause and inspect problems in the middle of a process. Discover the latest improvements to breakpoints in Xcode including column and unresolved breakpoints. We'll also go over best practices for general breakpoints and LLDB tips and tricks.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">breakpoint,breakpoints,column breakpoint,debug,lldb,unresolved breakpoint WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10189/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Coordinate media playback in Safari with Group Activities" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10189/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Coordinate media playback in Safari with Group Activities</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Create SharePlay experiences that people can enjoy on the web and in your companion app. Learn how you can use the Group Activities framework in combination with a companion website to bring SharePlay to Safari, letting people connect with each other for enjoyable group interactions — even if...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">facetime,face time,groupactivities,group activities,groupsession,media,safari,shareplay,share play WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10216/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="ARC in Swift: Basics and beyond" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:42</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10216/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">ARC in Swift: Basics and beyond</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the basics of object lifetimes and ARC in Swift. Dive deep into what language features make object lifetimes observable, consequences of relying on observed object lifetimes and some safe techniques to fix them.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">arc,memory,object life cycle,retain,unknown,weak WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10029/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design for Safari 15" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10029/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design for Safari 15</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Meet Safari 15: redesigned and ready to help people explore the web. Discover how you can approach designing websites and apps for Safari, and learn how to incorporate the tab bar in your designs. We'll also take you through features like Live Text and accessibility best practices, explore the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">open source,web inspector,webkit,wkwebview WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10239/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Reduce network delays for your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10239/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Reduce network delays for your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">CPU performance and network throughput rates keep improving, but the speed of light is one limit that isn't going any higher. Learn the APIs and best practices to maximize your app's responsiveness and efficiency by keeping network round-trip times low and minimizing the number of round trips...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10103/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimize for 5G networks" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:39</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10103/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimize for 5G networks</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">5G enables new opportunities for your app or game through better performance for data transfer, higher bandwidth, lower latency, and much more. Discover how you can take advantage of the latest networking technology and Apple hardware to create adaptive experiences for your content that best suit...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">avfoundation,networking,network performance,urlsession WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10282/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build a research and care app, part 3: Visualize progress" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10282/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build a research and care app, part 3: Visualize progress</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how ResearchKit and CareKit can work together to take the tedium out of paper surveys. Join us for the last part of our code along as we put the finishing touches on our care pilot app. Explore how you can use advanced CareKit APIs to customize the appearance and behavior of task cards,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">codealong,open source WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10147/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimize for variable refresh rate displays" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:20</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10147/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimize for variable refresh rate displays</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to achieve smooth screen updates on all Apple platforms that support dynamic display timing. Learn techniques for pacing full-screen game updates on Adaptive Sync displays in macOS, and find out how Low Power Mode and other system states affect frame rate availability on ProMotion...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">display,display p3,game dev,game developer,metal,metal shading language,metal tools,optimization,proapps WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10067/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring Recurring Leaderboards to your game" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10067/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring Recurring Leaderboards to your game</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Recurring leaderboards are a great way to encourage players to keep coming back to your game. Code along with us as we take you through how to set up a recurring leaderboard, both within App Store Connect and in your game itself. For a refresher on the differences between recurring and classic...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">codealong WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10210/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore advanced project configuration in Xcode" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:37</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10210/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore advanced project configuration in Xcode</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Working with more complex Xcode projects? You've come to the right place. Discover how you can configure your project to build for multiple Apple platforms, filter content per-platform, create custom build rules and file dependencies, and more. We'll take you through multi-platform framework...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">build,build phase,build settings,multiplatform,project,scheme,script phase,xcconfig WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10121/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Tailor the VoiceOver experience in your data-rich apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10121/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Tailor the VoiceOver experience in your data-rich apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to present complex data through VoiceOver with the Accessibility Custom Content API. Discover how you can deliver accessibility information in a concise form, and only when someone wants it. We'll show you how you can integrate AXCustomContent and help people who want VoiceOver enabled...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accessibility,accessibilitycustomcontent,accessibility custom content,accessibilitycustomcontentkey,axcustomcontent,axcustomcontentprovider,custom content api,importance property,more content available,more content rotor,screen reader,verbosity,voiceover,voice over,voiceover rotor,woof woof WWDC21 English, Japanese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10094/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Accelerate networking with HTTP/3 and QUIC" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10094/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Accelerate networking with HTTP/3 and QUIC</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The web is changing, and the next major version of HTTP is here. Learn how HTTP/3 reduces latency and improves reliability for your app and discover how its underlying transport, QUIC, unlocks new innovations in your own custom protocols using new transport functionality and multi-streaming...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10152/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Accelerate machine learning with Metal Performance Shaders Graph" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10152/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Accelerate machine learning with Metal Performance Shaders Graph</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Metal Performance Shaders Graph is a compute engine that helps you build, compile, and execute customized multidimensional graphs for linear algebra, machine learning, computer vision, and image processing. Discover how MPSGraph can accelerate the popular TensorFlow platform through a Metal...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">machine learning,metal,metal shading language,optimization,performance WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10015/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build apps that share data through CloudKit and Core Data " loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:35</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10015/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build apps that share data through CloudKit and Core Data </h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to easily build apps that share data between multiple iCloud users with NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. Discover how to create informative experiences around shared data and learn about the CloudKit technologies that support these features in Core Data. To get the most out of this...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">allowscloudencryption,allows cloud encryption,candeleterecord,canmodifymanagedobjects,canupdaterecord,ckdatabase,ckrecord,ckshare,cksharedrecord,cksharemetadata,cloud encryption,cloudkit,coredata,core data,decorate shared objects,encrypted record values,encryptedvalues,encryption,encrypt sensitive data,fetchshares,initializeschema,isshared,nspersistentcloudkitcontainer,owners and participants,persistent cloudkit container,persistent store,private,private database,record,record sharing,share,shared,shared database,shared objects,sharing architecture,sharing data,sharing information,sharingprovider,testing,user keychain WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10202/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Detect bugs early with the static analyzer" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10202/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Detect bugs early with the static analyzer</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how Xcode can automatically track down infinite loops, unused code, and other issues before you even run your app. Learn how, with a single click, Xcode can analyze your project to discover security issues, logical bugs, and other hard-to-spot errors in Objective-C, C, and C++. We'll...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10221/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Streamline your localized strings" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10221/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Streamline your localized strings</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">When you localize the text within your app, you can help make your app more accessible to a worldwide audience. Discover best practices for building your localization workflow, including how to write and format strings accurately, and learn how to prepare strings for localization in different...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,formatter,i18n,internationalization,stringsdict,swiftui,translation,xcloc WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10069/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build a research and care app, part 2: Schedule tasks" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10069/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build a research and care app, part 2: Schedule tasks</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how ResearchKit and CareKit can work together to take the tedium out of paper surveys. Continue coding along with us and explore how you can make it easier than ever to schedule surveys for your study participants. You'll also learn advanced techniques for crafting evolving regiments in...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">codealong,open source WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10233/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Use Accelerate to improve performance and incorporate encrypted archives" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10233/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Use Accelerate to improve performance and incorporate encrypted archives</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Accelerate framework helps you make large-scale mathematical computations and image calculations that are optimized for high-performance, low-energy consumption. Explore the latest updates to Accelerate and its Basic Neural Network Subroutines library, including additional layers, activation...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accelerate,apple archive,archives,bnns,encryption,numerics,performance,simd,vector,vectorization WWDC21 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10062/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="SwiftUI on the Mac: Build the fundamentals" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:29</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10062/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">SwiftUI on the Mac: Build the fundamentals</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Code along with us as we use SwiftUI to build a Mac app from start to finish. Discover four principles all great Mac apps have in common, and learn how to apply those principles in practice using SwiftUI. We'll show you how to create a powerful, flexible sidebar experience and transform lists to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">button,codealong,codealong,command group,computed properties,custom command,design principles,disclosure group,expansion,expansive,familiar,fixed width,flatten,flexible,focus,focusedscenevalue,garden patch,great mac app,help menu,identifiable,label,list,main menu,manage complexity,menu,multiple window,navigationview,observable object,outline view,part 1,picker,precise,resolutions,restore,scenestorage,screen sizes,search,segmented control,selection,separate window,sidebar,source of truth,state,state restoration,store data,swift ui,table,toolbar,window group,windows WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10244/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Mitigate fraud with App Attest and DeviceCheck" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10244/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Mitigate fraud with App Attest and DeviceCheck</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to use App Attest and DeviceCheck, Apple's powerful anti-fraud tools, created to safeguard your apps and content. Unlock the secrets of deploying App Attest by incorporating it into your app to block unauthorized modifications of your app and content. We'll also show you how to use...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">abuse,aggregator,appattest,app clip,artificial,assertion,boost,cheat,compromised,devicecheck,fake,fraud,free trial,genuine,islikelyrealuser,legitimate,modified,premium content,promotion,protect,receipt verification,risk assessment,safeguard,safety,scraping,secure,sign in with apple,trust,trust amp safety,verified,verify WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10110/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Safeguard your accounts, promotions, and content" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10110/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Safeguard your accounts, promotions, and content</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to keep your accounts, apps, and content protected. We'll explore the tools Apple has built to help developers keep their apps and systems safe and secure, and show you how to safeguard against attackers, bad actors and nefarious activity to help protect your ecosystem.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">abuse,aggregator,appattest,compromised,devicecheck,fraud,islikelyrealuser,modified,premium content,promotion,receipt verification,scraping,secure,sign in with apple,trust amp safety,verify WWDC21 English, Japanese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10278/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Practice audio haptic design" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:00</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10278/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Practice audio haptic design</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can deliver rich app experiences that include animation, sound, and haptics on iPhone. Learn key concepts for designing multimodal experiences within the Core Haptics framework. We'll take you through our sample HapticRicochet app — where haptic and sound feedback is designed in...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10038/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Tune your Core ML models" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10038/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Tune your Core ML models</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Bring the power of machine learning directly to your apps with Core ML. Discover how you can take advantage of the CPU, GPU, and Neural Engine to provide maximum performance while remaining on device and protecting privacy. Explore MLShapedArray, which makes it easy to work with multi-dimensional...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ai,core ml,core ml converters,core ml tools,machine learning,neural network,neural networks,python WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10068/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build a research and care app, part 1: Setup onboarding" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:19</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10068/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build a research and care app, part 1: Setup onboarding</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how ResearchKit and CareKit can work together to take the tedium out of paper surveys. Code along with us and build a working care pilot app. Explore best practices for onboarding and consent with ResearchKit, and find out how your app can require participants to sign consent documents by...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">codealong,open source WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10289/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="SwiftUI on the Mac: The finishing touches" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:28</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10289/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">SwiftUI on the Mac: The finishing touches</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Join us for part two of our Code-Along series as we use SwiftUI to build a Mac app from start to finish. The journey continues as we explore how our sample gardening app can adapt to a person's preferences and specific workflows. Learn how SwiftUI apps can automatically react to system settings,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accent color,alternative workflow,appstorage,codealong,codealong,commandgroup,continuity,continuity camera,customization,customization support,customize button,design principles,drag and drop,dragondrop,drop down,export,export database,fileexporter,file handling,flexible experience,form,garden patch,great mac app,highlight color,import,itemprovider,item providers,main menu item,oninsert,part 2,persist value,picker,row builder,selection persist,settings,settings scene,table,tabview,user default system,window scene WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10253/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Write a DSL in Swift using result builders" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">46:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10253/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Write a DSL in Swift using result builders</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Some problems are easier to solve by creating a customized programming language, or “domain-specific language.” While creating a DSL traditionally requires writing your own compiler, you can instead use result builders with Swift 5.4 to make your code both easier to read and maintain. We'll take...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">compiler,domain specific language,dsl,modifiers,property wrappers,result builders,trailing closure WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10324/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Thursday@WWDC21" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">1:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10324/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Thursday@WWDC21</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Where did the WWDC week go? We'll tell you: Check out everything you missed on Thursday and tune in for a quick preview of our final day at Dub Dub.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,daily recap,recap,thursday,wwdc21 WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/103/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="WWDC21 Apple Design Awards" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/103/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">WWDC21 Apple Design Awards</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Apple Design Awards honors excellence in innovation, ingenuity, and technical achievement in app and game design. Watch along as we reveal and celebrate the 2021 winners.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/113/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="WWDC21 Apple Design Awards (ASL)" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/113/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">WWDC21 Apple Design Awards (ASL)</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Apple Design Awards honors excellence in innovation, ingenuity, and technical achievement in app and game design. Watch along as we reveal and celebrate the 2021 winners. This version includes American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10316/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meditation for fidgety skeptics" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10316/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meditation for fidgety skeptics</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Dan Harris is an Emmy Award-winning journalist and the co-anchor of ABC's weekend editions of Good Morning America. After having a nationally-televised panic attack in 2004, he found himself on a long and often bizarre journey that ended with him discovering mindfulness meditation. Dan will share...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">guest,wwdc21 WWDC21 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10208/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore Digital Crown, Trackpad, and iPad pointer automation" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10208/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore Digital Crown, Trackpad, and iPad pointer automation</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can interact with devices in UI Tests in Xcode 13. Discover newly-automatable input methods including iPadOS pointer, watchOS Digital Crown, and enhanced macOS trackpad scrolling APIs.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">digital crown,interaction,interaction tests,pointer,pointer events,scroll,testing,trackpad,ui testing,xcuitest WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10187/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build custom experiences with Group Activities" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10187/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build custom experiences with Group Activities</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Go beyond basic streaming and interaction and discover how you can build advanced SharePlay experiences using the full power of the Group Activities framework. We'll show you how to adapt a simple drawing app into a real-time shared canvas, explore APIs like GroupSessionMessenger — which helps...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">draw,draw together,facetime,face time,groupactivities,group activities,groupsession,shareplay,share play WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10129/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Manage software updates in your organization" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10129/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Manage software updates in your organization</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">In a managed device environment, you often need to control the pace of software updates while you test the latest operating systems within your company or education institution. Discover the tools you have at your disposal to defer, deploy, and enforce software updates.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10120/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Support Full Keyboard Access in your iOS app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:50</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10120/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Support Full Keyboard Access in your iOS app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">iPhone and iPad support numerous input modes for those with motor impairments, including touch interaction modification, Switch Control, and Full Keyboard Access. We'll explore how people can interact with their devices solely through keyboard input, working through a real-life example to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accessibility element,accessibilitylabel,accessibility label,accessibility path,accessibiltypath,accessible input,alternative input,assistive technology,assistivetouch,custom action,custom keyboard shortcut,focus,focus engine,full keyboard access,gestures,interaction commands,interaction via keyboard,isaccessibilityelement,keyboard,keyboard as input,keyboard shortcut,motor accessibility,motor impairment,navigation commands,switch control,tab z,uiaccessibility,uiaccessibilitycustomaction,uikeycommand,uimenu,user input label,voice control,voice over WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10180/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Detect and diagnose memory issues" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10180/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Detect and diagnose memory issues</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can understand and diagnose memory performance problems with Xcode. We'll take you through the latest updates to Xcode's tools, explore Metrics, check out the memgraph collection feature in XCTest, and learn how to catch regressions using a Performance XCTest. </p> <span class="hidden keywords">memory,performance,xcode WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10017/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring Core Data concurrency to Swift and SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10017/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring Core Data concurrency to Swift and SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how Core Data is adopting the new concurrency capabilities of Swift 5.5, leading to more concise, efficient, and safe asynchronous code. We'll show you how to update Core Data in your apps to work with concurrency, and detail the many other improvements throughout the framework that make...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">async,await,batch insert request,binary,core data,data persistence,dictionary,dynamic configuration,earthquakes app,enqueued,fetch request,inmemory,lazy entity resolution,managed object,managed object context,nsattributedescription,nsattributedescriptionattributetype,nsmanagedobjectcontext,nspersistentcontainer,nspersistentstorecoordinator,perform,performandwait,perform and wait,performenqueued,persist data,persistence,persistent store,predicates,routing errors,sectioned fetching,sectionedfetchrequest,sectionidentifier,shared data,sort descriptors,sort order,sqlite,swift,swift concurrency,swiftui,try await,xml WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10182/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Sync files to the cloud with FileProvider on macOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10182/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Sync files to the cloud with FileProvider on macOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how you can use the FileProvider framework to build a comprehensive cloud sync solution. We'll show you how to approach building a file provider extension, and explore how you can effortlessly integrate your extension with file system features such as safe save, disk space management,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10191/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Deliver a great playback experience on tvOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:35</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10191/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Deliver a great playback experience on tvOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how you can use Apple TV's redesigned playback interface to build great media experiences in your apps. Learn how the latest interface helps people access relevant controls and information while maintaining focus on content. We'll show you how you can adopt AVPlayerViewController and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">avplayerviewcontroller,content tabs,contextual actions,title view,transport bar,transport bar controls,tvuikit WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10073/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore ARKit 5" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:28</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10073/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore ARKit 5</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Build the next generation of augmented reality apps with ARKit 5. Explore how you can use Location Anchors in additional regions and more easily onboard people into your location-based AR experience. Learn more about Face Tracking and Motion Capture. And discover best practices for placing your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app clip codes,ar,arkit,augmented reality,body tracking,depth map,face tracking,lidar,location anchor,realitykit,scene reconstruction WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10148/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimize high-end games for Apple GPUs" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">32:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10148/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimize high-end games for Apple GPUs</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Optimize your high-end games for Apple GPUs: We'll show you how you can use our rendering and debugging tools to eliminate performance issues and make your games great on Apple platforms. Learn from our experiences working with developers at Larian Studios and 4A Games as we help them optimize...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10115/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in App Analytics" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:25</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10115/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in App Analytics</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">App Analytics helps you maximize your opportunity on the App Store by providing privacy-friendly insights about your app. Learn about four new ways to grow your business, including information about custom product pages, in-app events, product page optimization, and new metrics about transactions...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">crash logs,downloads,storekit,views WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10245/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design for spatial interaction" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:25</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10245/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design for spatial interaction</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the principles for creating intuitive physical interactions between two or more devices, as demonstrated by Apple designers who worked on features for iPhone, HomePod mini, and AirTag. Explore how you can apply these patterns to your own app when designing features for Apple platforms,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">airtag,homepod mini,nearby interaction,proximity,share sheet,u1 WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10003/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="There and back again: Data transfer on Apple Watch" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">31:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10003/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">There and back again: Data transfer on Apple Watch</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Advances in Apple Watch give you more ways to communicate to and from your app, and new audiences to consider. Learn what strategies are available for data communication and how to choose the right tool for the job. Compare and contrast the benefits of using technologies such as iCloud Keychain,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,background app refresh,cloudkit,core data,family setup,icloud,keychain,oauth2token,password autofill,sockets,urlsession,watch connectivity,wcsession WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10175/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Support customers and handle refunds" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10175/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Support customers and handle refunds</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Great customer support is critical to running a successful business on the App Store. Discover how you can provide a frictionless support experience to customers who make in-app purchases, including APIs that make it easy for customers to manage or cancel their auto-renewable subscription, or...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">server,storekit WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10030/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Develop advanced web content" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">36:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10030/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Develop advanced web content</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Develop in JavaScript, WebGL, or WebAssembly? Learn how the latest updates to Safari and WebKit — including language changes to class syntax — can help simplify your development process, enhance performance, and improve security. We'll explore several web APIs that can help provide better...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">open source,web inspector,wkwebview WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10153/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create image processing apps powered by Apple silicon" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10153/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create image processing apps powered by Apple silicon</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to optimize your image processing app for Apple silicon. Explore how to take advantage of Metal render command encoders, tile shading, unified memory architecture, and memoryless attachments. We'll show you how to use Apple's unique tile based deferred renderer architecture to create...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple silicon,cuda,metal,metal shading language,metal tools,opencl,performance,proapps,tips and tricks,video,video effects WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10041/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Extract document data using Vision" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10041/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Extract document data using Vision</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how Vision can provide expert image recognition and analysis in your app to extract information from documents, recognize text in multiple languages, and identify barcodes. We'll explore the latest updates to Text Recognition and Barcode Detection, show you how to bring all these tools...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">barcode,barcode detection,computer vision,core ml,machine learning,ocr,text recognition,vision WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10031/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover Web Inspector improvements" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10031/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover Web Inspector improvements</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Web Inspector provides the tools for you to understand and debug your web pages on macOS, iOS, and iPadOS. We'll take you through the latest features and improvements to Web Inspector, including a new overlay for inspecting CSS Grid containers on your pages, even more configurable breakpoints to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">open source,safari,webkit WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10204/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Distribute apps in Xcode with cloud signing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:50</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10204/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Distribute apps in Xcode with cloud signing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to distribute your apps directly to App Store Connect and all the distribution methods supported in Xcode. Explore how to automate distribution for your apps, and learn about improvements to the distribution workflow like cloud signing, app record creation, and build number management.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app record,app store connect,archive build,build number,cloud signing,distribution,organizer,testflight WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10257/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet ClassKit for file-based apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:10</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10257/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet ClassKit for file-based apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The ClassKit framework can help surface educational activities within your app to teachers using the Schoolwork app. Discover how you can provide teachers with greater insights into student learning by adopting the latest file-based API to report student progress data within your app. We'll also...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">document,school WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10235/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build interactive tutorials using DocC" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10235/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build interactive tutorials using DocC</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can author immersive tutorials from scratch with DocC. We'll demonstrate how you can bring together rich instructions, example code, and images through the DocC syntax to showcase your Swift framework in action. And we'll go over how to create progressive training that can...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">docc,documentation,documentation catalog,documentation compiler,tutorials WWDC21 English, Japanese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10168/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build Mail app extensions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10168/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build Mail app extensions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Meet MailKit: the best way to build amazing experiences on top of Mail. MailKit enables apps to easily and securely interact with the Mail app for macOS. We'll deep dive into the MailKit API, and show you how to create extensions for composing messages, message actions, secure email, and content...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">blocking,compose,content,content blocking,decrypt,encrypt,extensions,mail extensions,mail plugins,mail rules,message routing,plugins,routing,signature,spam filter WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10296/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Diagnose unreliable code with test repetitions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10296/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Diagnose unreliable code with test repetitions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Test repetitions can help you debug even the most unreliable code. Discover how you can use the maximum repetitions, until failure, and retry on failure testing modes within test plans, Xcode, and xcodebuild to track down bugs and crashers and make your app more stable for everyone. To get the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ci,failure,test repetition,xcode,xctest WWDC21 English, Japanese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10254/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Swift concurrency: Behind the scenes" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">39:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10254/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Swift concurrency: Behind the scenes</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Dive into the details of Swift concurrency and discover how Swift provides greater safety from data races and thread explosion while simultaneously improving performance. We'll explore how Swift tasks differ from Grand Central Dispatch, how the new cooperative threading model works, and how to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">actors,async,await,continuation,dispatchqueue,feed,gcd,heap,hopping,newsfeed,pool,queue,reader,stack,threads WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10197/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover and curate Swift Packages using Collections" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10197/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover and curate Swift Packages using Collections</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Whether you're curating packages for your team, for education purposes, or to share with other developers, Swift Package Collections can help you discover, explore and import new packages into your project. Discover improvements in the Swift Package workflow using Collections, and learn how you...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">collection,collections,dependency,dependency management,spm,swift package collection,swift packages,xcode WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10247/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Capture high-quality photos using video formats" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:39</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10247/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Capture high-quality photos using video formats</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Your app can take full advantage of the powerful camera systems on iPhone by using the AVCapture APIs. Learn how to choose the most appropriate photo or video formats for your use cases while balancing the trade-offs between photo quality and delivery speed. Discover some powerful new algorithms...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">avcapture,camera,photography,video WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10118/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Automate CloudKit tests with cktool and declarative schema" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10118/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Automate CloudKit tests with cktool and declarative schema</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">It's never been easier to test your CloudKit containers. We'll introduce you to cktool, a command-line utility that makes quick work of CloudKit configuration, and learn about the new schema language that allows you to rapidly prototype and evolve containers. We'll also show you how to combine...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">cd,ci,cloud,command line,database,developer tool,mock data,mocking,schema,terminal,tool,xcode WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10023/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Direct and reflect focus in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:10</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10023/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Direct and reflect focus in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">With device input — as with all things in life — where you put focus matters. Discover how you can move focus in your app with SwiftUI, programmatically dismiss the keyboard, and build large navigation targets from small views. Together, these APIs can help you simplify your app's interface and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">adjacency,attention,detect focus,direct attention,focus,focused,focusedfield,focussection,focus section,focusstate,focusstate,focus state,input,move focus,navigation targets,platform convention,programmatically move focus,swiftui WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10207/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Embrace Expected Failures in XCTest" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10207/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Embrace Expected Failures in XCTest</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Testing is a crucial part of building a great app: Great tests can help you track down important issues before release, improve your workflow, and provide a quality experience upon release. For issues that can't be immediately resolved, however, XCTest can help provide better context around those...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">expected failure,test failure,xctest,xctexpectfailure WWDC21 English, Japanese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10220/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Localize your SwiftUI app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:36</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10220/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Localize your SwiftUI app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to localize your SwiftUI app and make it available to a global audience. Explore how you can localize strings in SwiftUI, including those with styles and formatting. We'll demonstrate how you can save time by having SwiftUI automatically handle tasks such as layout and keyboard...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,i18n,keyboard shortcuts,localizedstringkey,markdown,stringsdict WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10258/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Understand and eliminate hangs from your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10258/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Understand and eliminate hangs from your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can track down hangs and delays in your app. We'll show you tools and methods to discover hangs and their causes, learn about anti-patterns that can lead to hangs, explore best practices for eliminating hangs like GCD, and provide guidance on when you should consider asynchronous...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10161/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore HDR rendering with EDR" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10161/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore HDR rendering with EDR</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">EDR is Apple's High Dynamic Range representation and rendering pipeline. Explore how you can render HDR content using EDR in your app and unleash the dynamic range capabilities of your HDR display including Apple's internal displays and Pro Display XDR. We'll show you how game and pro app...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">display,display p3,edr,hdr,metal,metal shading language WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10046/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Improve access to Photos in your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:58</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10046/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Improve access to Photos in your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">PHPicker is the simplest and most secure way to integrate the Photos library into your app — and it's getting even better. Learn how to handle ordered selection of images in your app, as well as pre-selecting assets any time the picker is shown. And for apps that need to integrate more deeply...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">limited library,limited photos library,photokit,photos,photos api,photos library,picker WWDC21 English, Japanese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10298/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Add support for Matter in your smart home app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:42</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10298/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Add support for Matter in your smart home app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The enhanced and new APIs in HomeKit enable smart home developers to integrate with the new Matter protocol in the most convenient way. Tour the Matter protocol, and discover how to set up and manage Matter accessories on our platforms and within your smart home apps.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">chip,home automation,homekit,matter WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10033/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet privacy-preserving ad attribution" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10033/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet privacy-preserving ad attribution</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can measure your ad campaigns in apps and on the web without compromising privacy. We'll introduce you to Private Click Measurement and explore SKAdNetwork, which provides you with a more secure, private, and useful way to measure your app installs.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">advertise,advertising,conversion WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10231/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Donate intents and expand your app’s presence" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10231/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Donate intents and expand your app’s presence</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can make key parts of your app available for someone at exactly the right moment — without them ever needing to open it. Learn how to craft and donate intents to the system, helping you surface relevant and contextual information about your app in Siri, Focus, Shortcuts, the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">intelligence,intent,shortcuts,shortcuts app,sirikit,sirikit media intents,suggestions,system intelligence WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10137/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Improve MDM assignment of Apps and Books" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10137/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Improve MDM assignment of Apps and Books</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the Apps and Books Management API and explore how you can assign an organization's owned apps and books to managed users and devices. Learn about the latest API improvements and find out how you can subscribe to and receive notifications around asset counts, assignments, and registered...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10229/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover compilation workflows in Metal" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10229/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover compilation workflows in Metal</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Metal shading language is a powerful C++ based language that allows apps to render stunning effects while maintaining a flexible shader development pipeline. Discover how to more easily build and extend your render pipelines using Dynamic Libraries and Function Pointers. We'll also show you...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">compilation,compiler,metal,metal shading language,metal tools,performance,xcode WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10101/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover rolling clips with ReplayKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10101/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover rolling clips with ReplayKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Never again miss anyone's great moment in your game or app. Learn about ReplayKit's latest update — clips screen recording — which provides your app with a rolling buffer of past video and audio samples. When memorable moments happen, discover how you can record and save it for people, and find...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10048/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Principles of great widgets" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10048/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Principles of great widgets</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the foundations of great widgets by keeping them relevant and customizable. Learn how to keep widgets up to date with timeline entries and TimelineReloadPolicies. Discover how to adapt your widget to different presentation environments and physical location. And lastly, find out how to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">afterdate,atend,budget,cllocationmanager,configurable parameters,customizable,customization,extension,extra large widget,full privacy redaction,intentconfiguration,intenttimelineprovider,isauthorizedforwidgetupdates,keep widget up to date,location changes,never,new ipad widget,notifications,nswidgetuseslocation,partial privacy redaction,presentation,privacysensitive,relevant,reload policy,reloads,staticconfiguration,static configuration,swiftui,systemextralarge,system extra large,timeline,timelineprovider,timelinereloadpolicy,update,widgetcenter,widgetcenter reload api,widget configuration platter,widget kind,widgetkit,widget lock screen,widgets,widget update,xcode previews WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10146/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in AVFoundation" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10146/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in AVFoundation</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest updates to AVFoundation, Apple's framework for inspecting, playing, and authoring audiovisual presentations. We'll explore how you can use AVFoundation to query attributes of audiovisual assets, further customize your custom video compositions with timed metadata, and author...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">asset,authoring,avasset,avfoundation,composition,inspection,media,metadata,video WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10184/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design for Group Activities" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10184/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design for Group Activities</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can design your app to support SharePlay experiences. We'll show you how you can bring people together in your app using the Group Activities framework, and adapt your design to focus on group-first content sharing. And we'll explore ideas and iteration around apps and functions you...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">facetime,face time,groupactivities,group activities,groupsession,shareplay,share play WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10323/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Wednesday@WWDC21" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">1:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10323/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Wednesday@WWDC21</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Well hello, Wednesday! Time to catch up on Day 3 at WWDC and find out what's coming to a Thursday near you.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,daily recap,recap,wednesday,wwdc21 WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/110142/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Accessibility by design: An Apple Watch for everyone (ASL)" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/110142/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Accessibility by design: An Apple Watch for everyone (ASL)</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how Apple creates products that work well for everyone. Learn from a few of the engineers and designers who helped build Apple Watch as they share stories that highlight our approach to accessible design, constant iteration, and community engagement. This version includes American Sign...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10308/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Accessibility by design: An Apple Watch for everyone" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10308/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Accessibility by design: An Apple Watch for everyone</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how Apple creates products that work well for everyone. Learn from a few of the engineers and designers who helped build Apple Watch as they share stories that highlight our approach to accessible design, constant iteration, and community engagement.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10291/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore the catalog with the Apple Music API" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">7:50</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10291/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore the catalog with the Apple Music API</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use the Apple Music API to fetch music catalog metadata for your app. Explore the latest updates to the API as well as some advanced techniques for shaping your requests and highlighting the right metadata for a project. To get the most out of this session, we recommend some...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple music,music,musickit,musickitjs WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10251/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="SF Symbols in UIKit and AppKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10251/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">SF Symbols in UIKit and AppKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can create colorized symbols with SF Symbols 3 and customize them to match the visual design of your app's interface. We'll take you through the latest UIKit and AppKit APIs for integrating colorized symbols, as well as best practices for implementation. To get the most out of this...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10052/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in Mac Catalyst" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:33</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10052/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in Mac Catalyst</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest updates to Mac Catalyst and find out how you can make your app feel even more at home on macOS. Learn about a variety of new and enhanced UIKit APIs that let you customize your Mac Catalyst app to take advantage of behaviors unique to macOS. To get the most out of this...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple silicon,catalyst,ios,ipad,iphone,m1,macos,silicon WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10160/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Capture and process ProRAW images" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10160/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Capture and process ProRAW images</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">When you support ProRAW in your app, you can help photographers easily capture and edit images by combining standard RAW information with Apple's advanced computational photography techniques. We'll take you through an overview of the format, including the look and feel of ProRAW images, quality...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">coreimage,filters,photo effects,photography,photos WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10223/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create accessible experiences for watchOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10223/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create accessible experiences for watchOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can build a top-notch accessibility experience for watchOS when you support features like larger text sizes, VoiceOver, and AssistiveTouch. We'll take you through adding visual and motor accessibility support to a SwiftUI app built for watchOS, including best practices around API...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,accessibility,accessibilityadjustableaction,accessibilityelement,accessibility extra large,accessibilitylabel,accessibility label,accessibilityrespondstouserinteraction,accessible element,assistive technology,assistivetouch,assistivetouch cursor,assistivetouch cursor frame,assitivetouch action menu,bold text,clench,complications,cursor,cursor frame,custom actions,doubleclench,doublepinch,dwell control,dynamic notifications,dynamic type,element grouping,focusable elements,hand gestures,hand motions,large accessibility text,large text sizes,motion pointer,onscreen pointer,pinch,reduce motion,swiftui,system text size,text styles,truncating text,voiceover,watchos,wrap text,wwbubbletea,wwdaisy WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10079/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover geometry-aware audio with the Physical Audio Spatialization Engine (PHASE)" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">37:28</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10079/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover geometry-aware audio with the Physical Audio Spatialization Engine (PHASE)</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore how geometry-aware audio can help you build complex, interactive, and immersive audio scenes for your apps and games. Meet PHASE, Apple's spatial audio API, and learn how the Physical Audio Spatialization Engine (PHASE) keeps the sound aligned with your experience at all times — helping...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10288/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore the SF Symbols 3 app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:47</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10288/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore the SF Symbols 3 app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Tour the latest updates to the SF Symbols app — our interactive library for iconography. Learn how you can use the library to design accessible and inclusive apps that look incredible: We'll take you through changes to the app and symbols search, explore previewing and custom symbol management,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10211/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Symbolication: Beyond the basics" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">37:20</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10211/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Symbolication: Beyond the basics</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can achieve maximum performance and insightful debugging with your app. Symbolication is at the center of tools such as Instruments and LLDB to help bridge the layers between your application's runtime and your source code. Learn how this process works and the steps you can take...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">atos,dsym,dwarf,instruments,lldb,otool,symbolication WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10078/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="AR Quick Look, meet Object Capture " loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10078/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">AR Quick Look, meet Object Capture </h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover simple ways to bring your Object Capture assets to AR Quick Look while optimizing for visual quality and file size. Explore ways you can integrate AR Quick Look and Object Capture to help create entirely new experiences. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">3d model,ar,arkit,augmented reality,object capture,reality composer,realitykit,usdz WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10032/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore WKWebView additions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:44</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10032/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore WKWebView additions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the latest updates to WKWebView. We'll show you how to use APIs to manipulate web content without JavaScript, explore delegates that can help with WebRTC and Downloads, and share how you can easily create a richer web experience within your app.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">dictation,media,safari,web app WWDC21 English, Japanese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10136/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover account-driven User Enrollment" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10136/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover account-driven User Enrollment</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how User Enrollment helps you support “bring your own device” deployments in your business or enterprise environment. We'll explore data separation, enhancements to Managed Apple IDs and how you can use the new account-based onboarding in your organization.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10037/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build dynamic iOS apps with the Create ML framework" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10037/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build dynamic iOS apps with the Create ML framework</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how your app can train Core ML models fully on device with the Create ML framework, enabling adaptive and customized app experiences, all while preserving data privacy. We'll explore the types of models that can be created on-the-fly for image-based tasks like Style Transfer and Image...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ai,core ml,create ml,create ml framework,machine learning,ondevice training WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10194/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Swift concurrency: Update a sample app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">61:00</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10194/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Swift concurrency: Update a sample app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover Swift concurrency in action: Follow along as we update an existing sample app. Get real-world experience with async/await, actors, and continuations. We'll also explore techniques for migrating existing code to Swift concurrency over time. To get the most out of this code-along, we...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">caffeine,codealong,coffeetracker,completionhandler,complication,condition,dispatchqueue,drinklist,handler,healthkit,immutable,mainactor,mutable,nonisolated,observableobject,published,queues,race,thread,uimodel,watch WWDC21 English, Japanese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10091/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Send communication and Time Sensitive notifications" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:59</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10091/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Send communication and Time Sensitive notifications</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn more about the evolution of notifications on Apple platforms. We'll explore how you can help people manage notifications within your app, including how you can craft meaningful moments with interruption levels and Time Sensitive notifications. And we'll introduce you to communication...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apns,focus,intents,interruption,notification service extension,passive,push,pushkit,siri,sirikit,status WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10295/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get ready to optimize your App Store product page" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10295/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get ready to optimize your App Store product page</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover new ways to make your product page more relevant. Learn how you can use custom product pages to highlight different features and content in your app for different users. Explore how you can optimize your product page by comparing the effectiveness of different visual assets to see what...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">games,inapp,test WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10297/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Manage devices with Apple Configurator" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10297/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Manage devices with Apple Configurator</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Apple Configurator is now more capable than ever. Whether you're provisioning iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS devices in your organization or servicing existing macOS devices, learn how Apple Configurator can help with key workflows. And, coming to iPhone in iOS 15, discover how you can bring Automated...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10027/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore Safari Web Extension improvements" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10027/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore Safari Web Extension improvements</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can extend Safari's functionality with Safari Web Extensions. We'll introduce you to the latest WebExtension APIs, explore non-persistent background page support — a particularly relevant topic if you're developing for iOS — and discover how you can use the Declarative Net Request...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">web inspector WWDC21 English, Japanese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10040/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Detect people, faces, and poses using Vision" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:58</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10040/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Detect people, faces, and poses using Vision</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest updates to the Vision framework to help your apps detect people, faces, and poses. Meet the Person Segmentation API, which helps your app separate people in images from their surroundings, and explore the latest contiguous metrics for tracking pitch, yaw, and the roll of the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ai,body pose,computer vision,core ml,face capture quality,face detection,face landmarks,hand pose,machine learning,person segmentation,segmentation,vision WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10196/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build interfaces with style" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10196/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build interfaces with style</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can iterate upon your interfaces even more quickly when building your apps. Learn how you can modernize your UI with the latest button styles and table view cell content configurations, both of which give you greater control directly inside of Interface Builder. We'll show you...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accessibility,button,buttons,button styles,dynamic type,hierarchical,interface builder,sf symbols,tableview,table view,table view cell,tableview cell WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10140/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore dynamic pre-rolls and mid-rolls in HLS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:19</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10140/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore dynamic pre-rolls and mid-rolls in HLS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can create seamless transitions between advertisements and your HLS streams. We'll show you how to incorporate HLS tags and AVFoundation APIs to create media experiences that move easily between your primary content and mid-rolls, and provide best practices for playing these streams...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ads,advertisements,interstitals,interstitial WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10102/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet the Location Button" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10102/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet the Location Button</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Meet CLLocationButton: a secure interface element that provides an easy, low-friction way to grant your app location access only when and where it is needed. Learn how you can add CLLocationButton to new or existing code, how to customize it within interface legibility guidelines, how to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">privacy WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10283/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design great actions for Shortcuts, Siri, and Suggestions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10283/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design great actions for Shortcuts, Siri, and Suggestions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Actions are the building blocks of shortcuts. They allow people to take advantage of your app's functionality even when they're not looking at your app's interface. We'll show you how to design actions that are useful, easy-to-use, and can be incorporated into powerful multi-step shortcuts...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10269/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Customize your advanced Xcode Cloud workflows" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10269/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Customize your advanced Xcode Cloud workflows</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Xcode Cloud integrates with Apple Developer tools and services, all major source control management services, and even social collaboration tools like Slack. If your development process relies on additional tools and external services, however, you can fine-tune your workflows and the behavior of...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">build,ci,continuous integration,scripts,testflight,testing,xcode,xcode cloud WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10119/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="SwiftUI Accessibility: Beyond the basics" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:10</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10119/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">SwiftUI Accessibility: Beyond the basics</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Go beyond the basics to deliver an exceptional accessibility experience. Learn how to use the new SwiftUI Previews in Xcode to explore the latest accessibility APIs and create fantastic, accessible apps for everyone. Find out how you can customize the automatic accessibility built into SwiftUI to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accessibilitychildbehavior,accessibility children,accessibilitycontainer,accessibility container,accessibility element,accessibilityfocus,accessibilityfocusstate,accessibility navigation,accessibility panel,accessibility preview,accessibilityrepresentation,accessibility representation,accessibilitysortpriority,accessibility sort priority,accessible,accessible by default,button,canvas,children,combine,contain,custom controls,custom element,ignore,label,labels,previews,rotors,shapes,swiftui previews,voiceover,voice over WWDC21 English, Japanese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10349/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="SF Symbols in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:57</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10349/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">SF Symbols in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can incorporate SF Symbols into your SwiftUI app. We'll explore basic techniques for presenting symbols, customizing their size, and showing different variants. We'll also take you through the latest updates to symbol colorization and help you pick the right tool for your app's...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10190/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create audio drivers with DriverKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10190/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create audio drivers with DriverKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to use the AudioDriverKit API to consolidate your Audio Server plug-in and DriverKit extension into a single package. Learn how you can simplify audio driver installation with an app instead of an installer package and distribute your driver through the Mac App Store. And we'll take...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10058/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet AsyncSequence" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10058/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet AsyncSequence</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Iterating over a sequence of values over time is now as easy as writing a “for” loop. Find out how the new AsyncSequence protocol enables a natural, simple syntax for iterating over anything from notifications to bytes being streamed from a server. We'll also show you how to adapt existing code...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">asyncstream,await,earthquakes,lines,quakes,urlsession WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10087/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Diagnose Power and Performance regressions in your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10087/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Diagnose Power and Performance regressions in your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Quickly discover how to identify priorities when viewing power and performance regressions. Learn how to track metrics that have regressed with device-and percentile-specific information, so you can focus your efforts on optimization and save valuable development time. We'll also show you how to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10106/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Move beyond passwords" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10106/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Move beyond passwords</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Despite their prevalence, passwords inherently come with challenges that make them poorly suited to securing someone's online accounts. Learn more about the challenges passwords pose to modern security and how to move beyond them. Explore the next frontier in account security with...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">authenticationservices,icloud keychain,keychain,login,log in,logon,log on,passkey,passkeys,password,passwordless,passwords,phishing,privacy,safari,security,webauthn WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10167/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Elevate your DocC documentation in Xcode" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10167/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Elevate your DocC documentation in Xcode</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Great documentation can help people effectively and easily adopt your Swift framework. Discover how you can create rich, conceptual articles to accompany your API. You'll learn best practices for writing articles, including how to structure your documentation, and find out how to create...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">articles,docc,documentation,documentation catalog,documentation compiler,documentation extension WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10063/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Customize and resize sheets in UIKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10063/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Customize and resize sheets in UIKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can create a layered and customized sheet experience in UIKit. We'll explore how you can build a non-modal experience in your app to allow interaction with content both in a sheet and behind the sheet at the same time. We'll also take you through sheet size customization,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">card,presentation WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10092/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in Wallet and Apple Pay" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10092/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in Wallet and Apple Pay</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the redesigned Apple Pay for in-app and web payments and learn how you can incorporate the latest APIs into your app or website. Learn how to add features to your app like coupon codes, improved shipping information, and improvements to the payment detail display screen. And explore...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">nfc,passes,payment,tickets,transit,web WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10203/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Triage TestFlight crashes in Xcode Organizer" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10203/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Triage TestFlight crashes in Xcode Organizer</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how Xcode Organizer makes it easier and faster to triage and fix crashes. We'll explore how you can get access to crash information and feedback from your TestFlight testers just moments after they occur. And we'll show you how to analyze crashes, view metrics, and even share crash...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app store,debugging,metrickit,testing WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10141/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Improve global streaming availability with HLS Content Steering" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10141/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Improve global streaming availability with HLS Content Steering</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use HLS playlist tags and the Steering Manifest format with your content to help dynamically update CDN redundancy policies tuned for each viewer. Learn how to load balance, set failover, and more.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">cdn,content steering,distribution,hls,redundancy WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10098/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Showcase app data in Spotlight" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:33</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10098/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Showcase app data in Spotlight</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how Core Data can surface data from your app in Spotlight with as little as two lines of code. Learn how to make that data discoverable in Spotlight search and to customize how it is presented to people on device. Lastly, we'll show you how to implement full-text search within your app,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app data in spotlight,attributeset,coredata,core data,cssearchableitemattributeset,cssearchqueryobject,define attribute set,forstorewithcoordinator,indexing event loop,index update notifications,nscoredata,nscoredatacorespotlightdelegate,nscoredatacorespotlightdelegateindexdidupdatenotification,nsexpression,query string,search my app in spotlight,search query,spotlight,spotlight display name,spotlightindexer,spotlight search,startspotlightindexing,stopspotlightindexing,tag,tags app WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10145/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Evaluate videos with the Advanced Video Quality Tool" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:35</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10145/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Evaluate videos with the Advanced Video Quality Tool</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how the Advanced Video Quality Tool (AVQT) can help you accurately assess the perceptual quality of your compressed video files. Utilizing the AVFoundation framework, AVQT supports a wide range of video formats, codecs, resolutions and frame-rates in both the SDR and HDR domains, which...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">analysis,avqt,psnr,quality,ssim,video,video quality WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10264/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Adopt Quick Note" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10264/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Adopt Quick Note</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can link your app to Quick Note and help people quickly connect your content to their notes — and their notes to your content. Discover how Quick Note recognizes and links to app content through NSUserActivity, and find out how you can adopt this API in your app. We'll take you...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">quicknote WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10013/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build light and fast App Clips" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:36</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10013/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build light and fast App Clips</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">App Clips give people the power to discover and download a small part of your app at a moment's notice to complete tasks and transactions. Explore tips and best practices to help you create compact App Clips that emphasize modern features and elegant design. Learn how you can build reliable and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">aasa,advanced experience,all compatible device variants,app clip codes,app clip invocation,app clips,app clip size,app thinning,archive build,asset catalogs,associated domain configuration,build settings,bundleid,compression,deep link,domain validation,embedded framwork,encode as url,ephemeral notification,fruta,lazy loading,local experience,location confirmation,managing complexity,maps,meta tag,nfc,physical invocation,qr code,rebuild from bitcode,redirect,sf symbols,shared asset catalog,shared container,siri suggestions,size optimization,size report,swcutil,testing,unique functionality,vector graphics WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10056/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Qualities of great iPad and iPhone apps on Macs with M1" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10056/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Qualities of great iPad and iPhone apps on Macs with M1</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">It's easier than ever to offer your existing iPad and iPhone apps on Macs with M1. We'll show you how to bring your app to macOS, and explore how the system automatically bridges various features of your app to work on the Mac. We'll also provide guidance on best practices in your iPad app,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">alternatives,bridging,catalyst,ios,ipad mac,iphone mac,keyboard,mac app store,ple silicon,uikit WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10053/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Qualities of a great Mac Catalyst app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:20</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10053/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Qualities of a great Mac Catalyst app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover best practices, tools, and techniques to help craft the best possible Mac Catalyst app. We'll take you through key considerations when you bring your iPad app to macOS, explore detailed code examples for refining your interface and experience, and show you how to distribute your Mac app...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">continuity camera,controls,distribution,idiom,responder chain,scenes,sharing,state restoration,toolbar,unscaled,user activity WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10212/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Analyze HTTP traffic in Instruments " loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:57</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10212/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Analyze HTTP traffic in Instruments </h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn to use the Instruments Network template to record and analyze your app's HTTP traffic. We'll show you how to explore and visualize the behavior of sessions, tasks, and individual HTTP requests to ensure data is transmitted efficiently and respects people's privacy.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10061/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet TextKit 2" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">41:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10061/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet TextKit 2</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Meet TextKit 2: Apple's next-generation text engine, redesigned for improved correctness, safety, and performance. Discover how TextKit 2 can help you provide a better text experience for international audiences, create more diverse layouts by mixing text content with visual content, and ensure...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">appkit,banana,bananaphone,edit,nstextview,text,textedit,uikit WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10205/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Review code and collaborate in Xcode " loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10205/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Review code and collaborate in Xcode </h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the latest enhancements to code review and pull requests in Xcode. Learn more about diff display preferences, commit selectors, changes navigator, and pull request workflows. We'll show you how you can collaborate with your team and find regressions by connecting your code review and PR...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">branch,branches,code review,commit,git,pr,pull request,source control WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10252/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Make blazing fast lists and collection views" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10252/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Make blazing fast lists and collection views</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Build consistently smooth scrolling list and collection views: Explore the lifecycle of a cell and learn how to apply that knowledge to eliminate rough scrolling and missed frames. We'll also show you how to improve your overall scrolling experience and avoid costly hitches, with optimized image...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">glitch,hitch,performance,rendering,tableview,table view WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10084/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore UWB-based car keys" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:14</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10084/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore UWB-based car keys</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to create digital car keys that support Ultra Wideband (UWB), allowing people to unlock and start their car while leaving iPhone in their bag or pocket or Apple Watch on their wrist. We'll show you how to integrate UWB, add proximity actions and distance unlock features, and help...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,nfc,u1,ultra wideband WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10225/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Coordinate media experiences with Group Activities" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">37:58</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10225/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Coordinate media experiences with Group Activities</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can help people watch or listen to content all in sync with SharePlay and the Group Activities framework. We'll show you how to adapt a media app into a synchronized, SharePlay-enabled experience for multiple people. Learn how to add Group Activities to your app, explore the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">facetime,face time,groupactivities,group activities,groupsession,shareplay,share play WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10158/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore low-latency video encoding with VideoToolbox" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:57</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10158/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore low-latency video encoding with VideoToolbox</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Supporting low latency encoders has become an important aspect of video application development process. Discover how VideoToolbox supports low-delay H.264 hardware encoding to minimize end-to-end latency and achieve new levels of performance for optimal real-time communication and high-quality...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">acceleration,avfoundation,coremedia,hardware,performance,video,videotoolbox WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10075/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore advanced rendering with RealityKit 2" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10075/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore advanced rendering with RealityKit 2</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Create stunning visuals for your augmented reality experiences with cutting-edge rendering advancements in RealityKit. Learn the art of writing custom shaders, draw real-time dynamic meshes, and explore creative post-processing effects to help you stylize your AR scene.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">3d graphics,ar,arkit,augmented reality,core image,depth map,lidar,metal shading language,realitykit,scenekit WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10157/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover Metal debugging, profiling, and asset creation tools" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">39:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10157/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover Metal debugging, profiling, and asset creation tools</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore how Xcode can help you take your Metal debugging, profiling and asset creation workflows to the next level. Discover the latest tools for ray tracing and GPU profiling, and learn about Metal Debugger workflows. We'll also show you how to use the Texture Converter tool, which supports all...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10126/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discoverable design" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">32:44</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10126/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discoverable design</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can create interactive, memorable experiences to onboard people into your app. We'll take you through discoverable design practices and learn how you can craft explorable, fun interfaces that help people grasp the possibilities of your app at a glance. We'll also show you how to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,discoverability,menus,navigation,onboarding WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10287/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Measure health with motion" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10287/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Measure health with motion</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can take your app's health monitoring to the next level with motion data. Meet Walking Steadiness for iPhone and the six-minute-walk metric for Apple Watch: Walking Steadiness can help your app interpret someone's quality of walking and risk of falling, while the six-minute-walk...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">healthkit,therapy WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10019/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover concurrency in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10019/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover concurrency in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use Swift's concurrency features to build even better SwiftUI apps. We'll show you how concurrent workflows interact with your ObservableObjects, and explore how you can use them directly in your SwiftUI views and models. Find out how to use await to make your app run...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">actor,async,async await,async image,await,codable,concurrency,concurrent,data models,dispatch queues,download photos,fetchphoto,identifiable,issaving,listrowseparator,liststyle,mainactor,main actor,main thread,objectwillchange,observableobject,opacity,placeholder,progress view,pull to refresh,refreshable,refreshable,rest api,run loop,save,snapshot,state change,swift 55,swiftui,task,tick,yield the main actor WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10174/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Manage in-app purchases on your server" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10174/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Manage in-app purchases on your server</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest updates to managing in-app purchases on your server. Explore how you can use servers to track status changes, handle refunds, and manage subscriber status. Learn about App Store server APIs around status and in-app purchase transactions, and find out how App Store server...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">games,storekit WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10022/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Demystify SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">40:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10022/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Demystify SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Peek behind the curtain into the core tenets of SwiftUI philosophy: Identity, Lifetime, and Dependencies. Find out about common patterns, learn the principles that drive the framework, and discover how you can use them to guarantee correctness and performance for your app.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,,,,,,,,action,alert,anyview,bad dog,binding,biscuit,body,body property,branch,cat,confirmationdialog,connecting views,continuity over time,datadriven constructs,declarative,dependencies,dependency graph,different identities,dog,dragon,elements,environment,environmentobject,explicit identifiers,explicit identity,foreach,good dog,graph,grouchy cat,happy cat,how does swiftui update the ui,identifiable,identifiable protocol,identifier map to single view,identifier stability,identifier uniqueness,identity,inert modifier,lifetime,list,magical,onappear,ondisappear,outlinegroup,performance,pretzel,same identity,stable identifiers,stable identity,state,state lifetime,stateobject,structural identity,swiftui,switch,table,theseus,transition between views,tree,unique,value types,view,viewbuilder,view identity,view lifetime,view protocol,view value,view value are ephermal,what does swiftui see WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10047/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in camera capture" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">36:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10047/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in camera capture</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can interact with Video Effects in Control Center including Center Stage, Portrait mode, and Mic modes. We'll show you how to detect when these features have been enabled for your app and explore ways to adopt custom interfaces to make them controllable from within your app...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">avcapture,camera,microphone,photo,photography,video,video effects WWDC21 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10097/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in SF Symbols" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10097/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in SF Symbols</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the latest updates to SF Symbols, Apple's iconography library. Designed to integrate seamlessly with San Francisco — the system font for Apple platforms — SF Symbols can help you create beautiful and consistent iconography for your app while supporting accessibility features like Dynamic...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10250/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create custom symbols" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:47</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10250/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create custom symbols</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can create custom iconography with the latest rendering modes in SF Symbols 3. We'll help you learn how to draw, edit, and annotate symbols, as well as explore more advanced techniques to improve the design process. For a primer on working with custom symbol templates, we...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10256/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet the Swift Algorithms and Collections packages" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">30:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10256/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet the Swift Algorithms and Collections packages</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover two of the latest additions to the list of open-source Swift packages from Apple: Swift Algorithms and Swift Collections. Not only can you use these packages immediately, they also incubate new algorithms and data structures for eventual inclusion in the Swift Standard Library. We'll...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">adjacentpairs,array,arrayslice,buffer,chunked,chunkedby,chunks,compactmap,deque,dictionary,doubleended,ended,filter,flatmap,flattensequence,hashtable,joined,joinedby,joinedsequence,lazycompactmap,lazyflatmap,lazysequence,loops,map,messages,nsorderedset,ordereddictionary,orderedset,prefix,queue,raw,reversedcollection,set,suffix,transcript,windows WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10159/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore Core Image kernel improvements" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:03</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10159/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore Core Image kernel improvements</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can add Core Image kernels written in the Metal Shading Language into your app. We'll explore how you can use Xcode rules and naming conventions for Core Image kernels written in the Metal Shading Language, and help you make sense of Metal's Stitchable functions and dynamic...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">coreimage,filters,hardware,image,image processing,metal,metal shading language,metal tools,photos WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10095/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Use async/await with URLSession" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10095/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Use async/await with URLSession</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can adopt Swift concurrency in URLSession using async/await and AsyncSequence, and how you can apply Swift concurrency concepts to improve your networking code.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10009/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build a workout app for Apple Watch" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">54:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10009/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build a workout app for Apple Watch</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Build a workout app from scratch using SwiftUI and HealthKit during this code along. Learn how to support the Always On state using timelines to update workout metrics. Follow best design practices for workout apps.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,alwayson,codealong,codealong,healthkit,hkworkoutsession,isluminancereduced,metrics,workout WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10105/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Secure login with iCloud Keychain verification codes" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10105/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Secure login with iCloud Keychain verification codes</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can support on-device verification codes in your app or website for a more secure sign-in experience. We'll explore the latest updates to the iCloud Keychain password manager and discover how verification codes, AutoFill, iCloud Keychain sync, and two-tap setup simplify the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">2fa,code,domain,factor,icloud keychain,keychain,login,log in,password,signin,sign in,sms,totp,two,twofactor WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10039/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Classify hand poses and actions with Create ML" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10039/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Classify hand poses and actions with Create ML</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">With Create ML, your app's ability to understand the expressiveness of the human hand has never been easier. Discover how you can build off the support for Hand Pose Detection in Vision and train custom Hand Pose and Hand Action classifiers using the Create ML app and framework. Learn how simple...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ai,body pose,core ml,create ml,fitness,hand action classification,hand pose,hand pose classification,machine learning,vision WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10322/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Tuesday@WWDC21" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">1:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10322/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Tuesday@WWDC21</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The day's almost over, but there's still so much to explore: Catch up on the best of Day 2 at WWDC and check out a few of the great sessions and activities still to come.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,daily recap,recap,tuesday,wwdc21 WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10317/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Out of this world... on to Mars" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10317/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Out of this world... on to Mars</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Fascinated by aerospace engineering and fighter jets from the age of 11, MIT graduate Tiera Fletcher followed her passion. At 22, she landed her dream job working on NASA's Space Launch System, the most powerful rocket created in history. Learn what it's like to design components of a...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">guest,wwdc21 WWDC21 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10143/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore HLS variants in AVFoundation" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:28</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10143/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore HLS variants in AVFoundation</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use AVFoundation APIs to highlight different variants of your content within your app. We'll show you how you can inspect HLS content using these APIs for different video characteristics, including attributes like SDR/HDR, FPS, and the like. And we'll explore the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">4k,hd,hls,sd,variants WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10286/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore bindless rendering in Metal" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10286/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore bindless rendering in Metal</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Unleash the full potential of your shaders and implement modern rendering techniques by adding Argument Buffers to adopt bindless rendering. Learn how to make your entire scene and resources available to the GPU to make the most out of raytracing and rasterization pipelines.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">3d graphics,game,game dev,game developer,metal,metal shading language,metal tools,proapps,raytracing WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10181/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Ultimate application performance survival guide" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:00</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10181/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Ultimate application performance survival guide</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Performance optimization can seem like a daunting task — with many metrics to track and tools to use. Fear not: Our survival guide to app performance is here to help you understand tooling, metrics, and paradigms that can help smooth your development process and contribute to a great experience...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10192/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What‘s new in Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">32:45</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10192/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What‘s new in Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Join us for an update on Swift. Discover the latest language advancements that make your code easier to read and write. Explore the growing number of APIs available as Swift packages. And we'll introduce you to Swift's async/await syntax, structured concurrency, and actors.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">algorithms,arc,argumentparser,asynchronous,automatic reference counting,aws,builds,cgfloat,codable,collections,concurrent,deque,diversity,docc,documentation,double,driver,enum,evolution,fish,flexible,float16,functions,incremental,index,lambda,lifetimes,linux,memory,mentorship,numerics,open source,optimize,ordereddictionary,orderedset,path,property wrappers,result builders,server,static member lookup,swiftui,system,toggle,windows WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10133/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Protect mutable state with Swift actors" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10133/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Protect mutable state with Swift actors</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Data races occur when two separate threads concurrently access the same mutable state. They are trivial to construct, but are notoriously hard to debug. Discover how you can stop these data races in their tracks with Swift actors, which help synchronize access to data in your code. Discover how...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,books,cache,cat,classes,counter,detached,equatable,global,hashable,immutable,isolated,isolation,libraryaccount,nonisolated,sad,sendable,synchronization WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10265/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Immerse your app in Spatial Audio" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10265/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Immerse your app in Spatial Audio</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how spatial audio can help you provide a theater-like experience for media in your apps and on the web. We'll show you how you can easily bring immersive audio to those listening with compatible hardware, and how to automatically deliver different listening experiences depending on...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">atmos,audio,dolby,multichannel,multi channel,spatial,spatial audio WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10268/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore Xcode Cloud workflows" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10268/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore Xcode Cloud workflows</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how Xcode Cloud workflows can help you and your team automate building, analyzing, testing, archiving, and distributing your apps and frameworks. They are flexible, extensible, and can be configured around your team's development and distribution process. Find out the basics of Xcode Cloud...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app store connect,build,ci,continuous integration,distribution,testflight,testing,workflows,xcode,xcode cloud WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10150/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore hybrid rendering with Metal ray tracing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10150/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore hybrid rendering with Metal ray tracing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can combine ray tracing with your rasterization engine to implement simplified graphics techniques and elevate visuals in your app or game. We'll explore how you can use natural algorithms to accurately simulate the interplays of light, and learn how to take advantage of the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">game dev,game developer,metal,metal shading language,metal tools,optimization,proapps WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10259/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Your guide to keyboard layout" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10259/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Your guide to keyboard layout</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use the Keyboard Layout Guide to manage how keyboards work within your iOS or iPadOS app. Learn how you can avoid writing lengthy code blocks when you use UIKeyboardLayoutGuide and UITrackingLayoutGuide to integrate the keyboard into your interface, helping people have a...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">, WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10294/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet MusicKit for Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10294/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet MusicKit for Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">MusicKit makes it easy to integrate Apple Music into your app. Explore the Swift-based framework: We'll take you through the basic process of using MusicKit — including how to find, request, and play content — and show you how you can incorporate music subscription workflows into your app if...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple music,music,musickit,songs,swift WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10142/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Transition media gaplessly with HLS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:33</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10142/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Transition media gaplessly with HLS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can create streaming media content that seamlessly transitions between episodes, songs, scenes, and individual resources. With gapless HLS playback, you can stitch together multiple pieces of content on the fly to create customized workouts, design interactive content, tell...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">gapless,hls,http live streaming,media,transition WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10123/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet the Screen Time API" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10123/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet the Screen Time API</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the Screen Time API and learn how you can build apps that support customized parental controls — all while putting privacy first. Learn how you can use key features like core restrictions and device activity monitoring to create safe, secure experiences in your app while providing...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">guardian,sheild WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10074/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Dive into RealityKit 2" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10074/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Dive into RealityKit 2</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Creating engaging AR experiences has never been easier with RealityKit 2. Explore the latest enhancements to the RealityKit framework and take a deep dive into this underwater sample project. We'll take you through the improved Entity Component System, streamlined animation pipeline, and the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">3d graphics,ar,arkit,augmented reality,lidar,physics,realitykit,scenekit,usdz WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10081/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Tap into virtual and physical game controllers" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:00</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10081/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Tap into virtual and physical game controllers</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">It's time to up your input game: Learn about the latest improvements to virtual and physical game controllers for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV. Meet the virtual on-screen controller, which turns touch input into game controller input, and find out how to add controller sharing features to your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10279/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Simplify sign in for your tvOS apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">7:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10279/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Simplify sign in for your tvOS apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how people can use Face ID or Touch ID on their iOS or iPadOS device to authorize purchases and sign into your tvOS app. Discover how you can simplify sign in for people using your app and help them get to the content they want to enjoy, faster. We'll show you how to set up a simplified...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">auth,authentication,keychain,password,signin,sign in with apple,signon,signup,username WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10130/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in managing Apple devices" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10130/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in managing Apple devices</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest advancements in key device management capabilities for your organization or MDM solution. Explore the refreshed device management Settings on iOS and iPadOS, an all-new return to service functionality for macOS, and other updates to device management across Apple platforms.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">configuration,education,enrollment,enterprise,management,mdm,privacy,profile,profiles,security,shared ipad WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10290/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in AVKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:05</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10290/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in AVKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about enhancements to Picture in Picture and full screen improvements on macOS. Explore the new content source API, and learn how AVPictureInPictureController supports AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer, as well as recommended steps for an app to provide a seamless full screen experience on macOS...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">avkit,picture in picture,pip WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10122/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring accessibility to charts in your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10122/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring accessibility to charts in your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Charts are an essential tool for understanding data, and critical to understanding ourselves, our health, our finances, and our world. Find out how you can make charts accessible in your apps to people with vision impairments through audio graphs and sonified data. And we'll show you how to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accessibilitychartdescriptor,accessible chart,audio graph,audio graphs,axcategoricalaxisdescriptor,axchart,axchartdescriptor,axdataseriesdescriptor,axnumbericdataaxisdescriptor,chart details,chartview,chart with sound,colors,contrast ratio,datapoint,haptic chart feedback,high contrast,inclusive charts,inclusive design,low vision,reduce transparency,sonified chart,visual accessibility WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10183/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Group Activities" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:08</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10183/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Group Activities</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn more about the framework powering SharePlay, and discover the different types of shared experiences you can implement for people who use your app. Explore a high-level overview of the framework's architecture and concepts, including how Group Activities and AVFoundation work in tandem, and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">facetime,face time,groupactivities,group activities,groupsession,media,shareplay,share play WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10044/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore ShazamKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10044/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore ShazamKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Take advantage of Shazam's exact audio matching capabilities within your app when you use ShazamKit. Learn how you can harness the immense Shazam catalog to create all sorts of experiences, including quickly recognizing the exact song playing in the background of a video captured by your app,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">audio,music,musickit,shazam,shazamkit WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10149/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Enhance your app with Metal ray tracing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:50</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10149/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Enhance your app with Metal ray tracing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Achieve photorealistic 3D scenes in your apps and games through ray tracing, a core part of the Metal graphics framework and Shading Language. We'll explore the latest improvements in implementing ray tracing and take you through upgrades to the production rendering process. Discover Metal APIs...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">game dev,game developer,metal,metal shading language,metal tools,optimization,proapps,raytracing WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10166/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet DocC documentation in Xcode" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10166/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet DocC documentation in Xcode</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use DocC to build and share documentation for Swift packages and frameworks. We'll show you how to begin generating documentation from your own code — or from third-party code you depend upon — and write and format it using Markdown. And we'll also take you through the export...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">docc,doccarchive,documentation,documentation catalog,documentation compiler,xcode WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10085/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Apple’s privacy pillars in focus" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:50</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10085/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Apple’s privacy pillars in focus</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">At Apple, we believe that privacy is a fundamental human right. Learn about our four pillars of privacy, how we brought these principles together to design iCloud Private Relay, and how you can approach building privacy in your app in line with those fundamentals. Explore how you can build data...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app privacy report,app tracking transparency,apptrackingtransparencyframework,att,createml framework,focus,hide my email,location button,private relay,siri,skadnetwork,tracking,transparency WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10018/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">40:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10018/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">There's never been a better time to develop your apps with SwiftUI. Discover the latest updates to the UI framework — including lists, buttons, and text fields — and learn how these features can help you more fully adopt SwiftUI in your app. Find out how to create beautiful, visually-rich...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accessibility,accessibilitychildren,accessibility modifiers,accessibility preview,accessibilityrotor,access to bindings,add a gesture,alteratesrowbackground,always on display,animation schedule,aod,asyncimage,async images,async sequence,attributedstring,await,background,blending of content,blurred background,button improvement,buttons,canvas,code style,colors,concurrency,confirmationdialog,confirmation dialog,controlgroup,control group,controlprominence,controlsize,core data fetch request,custom refresh,custom shape,custom views,data,destructive,dismiss keyboard,dollar sign operator,dynamic type,editable text,emoji,exportsitemproviders,fetchnewitems,filter,focus,focused,focusstate,foregroundstyle,generate strings,gestures,graphics,grids,hide user sensitive information,hierarchical,keyboard,keyboardbar,keyboard improvement,keyboard navigation,landscape previews,language sensitive attributes,links,list row background,listrowseparator,list row separator,lists,live accessibility information,localization,localize,markdown,markdown support,material,menuindicator,monochrome,multicolor,onsubmit,opacity,outlines,palette,popover,press state,preview orientation,primaryaction,primary actions,privacysensitive,privacy sensitive modifier,prominent button,prominent tint support,pull to refresh,redacted content,refreshable,rotor,safeareainset,safe area inset,schedule,search,searchable,sectionedfetchrequest,selectable text,separator,shortcuts,sidebar,strong emphasis,submitlabel,swipe actions,symbols,symbolvariant,symbol variant,table,tablecolumn,task,textfield,textselection,timelineview,tint separator,toggle,toolbar buttons,update based on environment,update based on state,updated colors,update over time,vibrancy,view,xcode previews WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10114/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet StoreKit 2" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">37:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10114/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet StoreKit 2</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">StoreKit 2 delivers powerful, Swift-native APIs for in-app purchases and auto-renewable subscriptions. Learn how you can easily implement in-app purchases and subscriptions, and discover APIs for retrieving product information, handling transactions, determining product entitlements and customer...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">buy,game,games,refund WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10170/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet TestFlight on Mac" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10170/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet TestFlight on Mac</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">TestFlight has come to Mac. Learn how you can manage builds and testers, collect feedback, and deploy your macOS app. Discover enhancements for internal testing and new features that integrate with Xcode Cloud to make testing even easier on all platforms.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple silicon,beta testing,catalyst,m1 WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10165/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore Nearby Interaction with third-party accessories" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10165/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore Nearby Interaction with third-party accessories</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how your app can interact with Ultra Wideband (UWB) third-party accessories when running on a U1-equipped device. We'll show you how to use the Nearby Interaction framework's standards-based technology to implement precise and directionally-aware experiences with accessories. Learn about...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">u1,uwb WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10109/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in Foundation" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">37:35</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10109/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in Foundation</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how the latest updates to Foundation can help you improve your app's localization and internationalization support. Find out about the new AttributedString, designed specifically for Swift, and learn how you can use Markdown to apply style to your localized strings. Explore the grammar...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10002/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in watchOS 8" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10002/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in watchOS 8</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">watchOS 8 brings all-new opportunities to keep people up to date on their watch face. With new APIs for the Always-On Retina display and updating complications from Bluetooth devices and background delivery of HealthKit data, it's never been easier to keep your app up to date. Learn about...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,altimeter,alwayson,bluetooth,healthkit,isluminancereduced,location button,luminance reduced,respiratory rate,timeline WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10260/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Focus on iPad keyboard navigation" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:23</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10260/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Focus on iPad keyboard navigation</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Improve the keyboard experience in your iPad and Mac Catalyst app. Discover how you can accelerate access to key features with the hardware keyboard, and navigate through your views and view controllers. Learn how to customize which elements are keyboard navigable, as well as how to customize the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">commands,environment,focus,groups,ipad,item,key,keyboard,navigation,productivity,sidebar WWDC21 English, Japanese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10171/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet in-app events on the App Store" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:14</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10171/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet in-app events on the App Store</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can promote timely events happening in your apps and games — like a game competition, a movie premiere, and more — directly on the App Store. We'll show you how in-app events now appear on the App Store and how to create, schedule, and manage them in App Store Connect.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">engage,engagement WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10021/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Add rich graphics to your SwiftUI app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10021/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Add rich graphics to your SwiftUI app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can bring your graphics to life with SwiftUI. We'll begin by working with safe areas, including the keyboard safe area, and learn how to design beautiful, edge-to-edge graphics that won't underlap the on-screen keyboard. We'll also explore the materials and vibrancy you can use in...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accessibility,accessibilityaction,accessibility actions,accessibilitylabel,accessibilityrepresentation,animation,animation,background,background shape,background styles,bezier curve,blend,blendmode,blend mode,blur,blur styles,canvas,cgrect,clip background,colors app,complex particle system,containerview,contextdraw,contextfill,contextresolve,controls,drawing,drawing an image,drawinggroup,emoji,foregroundstyle,foreground styles,geometryreader,gradient,graphics,ignoressafearea,ignoressafeareakeyboard,image,innercontext,interactive,interruptible,ios,ipados,keyboard safe area,macos,materials,model view,opacity,path,performance,primary,quaternary,regularmaterial,resolve image,safe area,safeareainset,safe area inset,schedule,secondary,shading,standard shape,styles,swiftui,tap gesture,tertiary,text styles,thinmaterial,time in seconds,timeline context,timelineview,timeline view,transform,tvos,vibrancy WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10086/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in CloudKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10086/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in CloudKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">CloudKit provides a secure, convenient, and reliable cloud database for your apps — and it's only getting better. Discover how you can unravel your threads with support for async/await and convenience API additions. We'll also show you how to encourage collaboration between people using your app...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">cloud,database,encrypted,encryption,fields,hierarchical,privacy,record,security,share,sharing,storage,zone WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10005/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Connect Bluetooth devices to Apple Watch" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10005/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Connect Bluetooth devices to Apple Watch</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can integrate data from Bluetooth accessories into Apple Watch apps and complications. Bluetooth devices can provide medical data, sports stats, and more to Apple Watch, and help people get more out of your software in the process. We'll show you how to connect to these devices...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10064/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet the UIKit button system" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:08</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10064/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet the UIKit button system</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Every app uses Buttons. With iOS 15, you can adopt updated styles to create gorgeous buttons that fit effortlessly into your interface. We'll explore features that make it easier to create different types of buttons, learn how to provide richer interactions, and discover how you can get great...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">catalyst,menu,popdown,popdown,popup,popup,switch,toggle,uibutton,uibuttonconfiguration,uimenu WWDC21 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10036/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover built-in sound classification in SoundAnalysis" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10036/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover built-in sound classification in SoundAnalysis</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore how you can use the Sound Analysis framework in your app to detect and classify discrete sounds from any audio source — including live sounds from a microphone or from a video or audio file — and identify precisely in a moment where that sound occurs. Learn how the built-in sound...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">audio,core ml,create ml,create ml framework,machine learning,sound,sound analysis WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10059/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in UIKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10059/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in UIKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest updates and improvements to UIKit and learn how to build better iPadOS, iOS, and Mac Catalyst apps. We'll take you through UI refinements, productivity updates, and API enhancements, and help you explore performance improvements and security & privacy features.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">aqua,async,cocoa,collection view,color picker,content size categories,context menus,copy and paste,date picker,drag amp drop,dynamic type,ios,ipados,keyboard navigation,keyboard shortcuts,mac catalyst,multitasking,multiwindow,paste,pasteboard,pointer,privacy,sf symbols,shortcuts,state restoration,symbols,table view,uibutton,uicolor,uicolorpicker,uicontextmenuinteraction,uidatepicker,uiimage,uipasteboard,uiscene,uitabbar,uitoolbar,uiwindowscene WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10134/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore structured concurrency in Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10134/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore structured concurrency in Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">When you have code that needs to run at the same time as other code, it's important to choose the right tool for the job. We'll take you through the different kinds of concurrent tasks you can create in Swift, show you how to create groups of tasks, and find out how to cancel tasks in progress...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">asyncdetached,asynclet,bindings,detached,let,programming,scope,thumbnails,withtaskgroup,withthrowingtaskgroup WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10267/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Xcode Cloud" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10267/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Xcode Cloud</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Get to know Xcode Cloud, Apple's continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) service for building apps and frameworks for all Apple platforms. Find out how Xcode Cloud can improve both the productivity of your team and the quality of your products. We'll show you how to start your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app store connect,build,ci,continuous integration,distribution,testing,xcode,xcode cloud WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10131/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet declarative device management" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10131/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet declarative device management</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The future of device management is here: Learn how you can support mobile device management while allowing individual devices to be autonomous and proactive, bringing both increased performance and scalability. We'll show you how you can incorporate this declarative model in your MDM solution.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10049/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Add intelligence to your widgets" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10049/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Add intelligence to your widgets</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to you can add intelligence to your widgets in Smart Stacks. We'll show you how to use the new Widget Suggestions API in tandem with Smart Rotate to create more valuable widget experiences for people throughout the day. Whether you inform the system of new, timely information or...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">annotating relevance,app donation,behavioral pattern,behavioral relevance,configuration intent,donate,donate new array,donate to the system,duration,glanceable,ininteraction,inrelevanceprovider,inrelevantshortcut,insert new widget into smart stack,insert widget into stack,intelligent widget,intentconfigured widget,intent is eligible for widget,ipad home screen widget,proactive information,relevance signal,scroll to a widget,siri watch face,smart rotate,smart stack,static widget,suggestion ui,timebased relevance,timelineentryrelevance,timely,user behavior,widgetkind,widget suggestion WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10304/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="The process of inclusive design" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">36:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10304/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">The process of inclusive design</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can deliver inclusive apps that can foster amazing experiences for everyone who uses your software. We'll take you through best practices for creating and empowering diverse teams and explore how inclusivity influences every stage of the design and development process.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10089/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore Verifiable Health Records" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10089/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore Verifiable Health Records</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how you can securely request access to someone's verifiable health records and incorporate that data safely into your app. The Health app helps people download, view, and share their health records, including their COVID-19 immunization and test results — and iOS 15 brings support for...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">healthkit,privacy WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10132/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet async/await in Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:39</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10132/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet async/await in Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Swift now supports asynchronous functions — a pattern commonly known as async/await. Discover how the new syntax can make your code easier to read and understand. Learn what happens when a function suspends, and find out how to adapt existing completion handlers to asynchronous functions.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">await,bypreparingthumbnail,completionhandler,continuation,datatask,expectation,preparethumbnail,preparingthumbnail,resume,suspension,testing,urlsession,withcheckedcontinuation,withcheckedthrowingcontinuation,xctestexpectation WWDC21 English, Japanese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10012/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in App Clips" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10012/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in App Clips</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how App Clips can elevate quick and focused experiences for specific tasks, the moment your customer needs them. We'll take you through some of the latest improvements to App Clips, including launching an experience directly from an app, testing your App Clip locally, and creating App...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app clip,app clip card,app clip card in safari,app clip card in safari view controller,app clip code,app clip code generation,app clip code generator,appclipdisplaycard,app clip experience,app clip in svc,app clips,app clips in safari view controller,app store connect,fruta,full sized app clip card,local experience,location association,maps placecard,meta tag,nfc integrated,safari view controller,scan only,siri suggestion widget,smart app clip banner,test,test app clip,testing,url handling,view in safari WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10276/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Use the camera for keyboard input in your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10276/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Use the camera for keyboard input in your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can support Live Text and intelligently pull information from the camera to fill out forms and text fields in your app. We'll show you how to apply content filtering to capture the correct information when someone uses the camera as keyboard input and apply it to a relevant...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">camera,input,keyboard,keyboard as input,ocr,text recognition WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10261/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Faster and simpler notarization for Mac apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">6:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10261/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Faster and simpler notarization for Mac apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Notarization works in tandem with macOS to help people safely download software for their Mac outside of the App Store. Discover how notarytool can help you quickly and easily notarize your Mac app for distribution. We'll show you how you can now notarize your apps with just a single command, and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">altool,malware,notarizing,notary WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10096/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get ready for iCloud Private Relay" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:08</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10096/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get ready for iCloud Private Relay</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">iCloud Private Relay is an iCloud+ service that prevents networks and servers from monitoring a person's activity across the internet. Discover how your app can participate in this transition to a more secure and private internet: We'll show you how to prepare your apps, servers, and networks to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10076/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create 3D models with Object Capture" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10076/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create 3D models with Object Capture</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Object Capture provides a quick and easy way to create lifelike 3D models of real-world objects using just a few images. Learn how you can get started and bring your assets to life with Photogrammetry for macOS. And discover best practices with object selection and image capture to help you...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">3d content creation,3d graphics,ar,arkit,augmented reality,photogrammetry,realitykit,usdz WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10057/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Take your iPad apps to the next level" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">36:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10057/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Take your iPad apps to the next level</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Make even better iPad apps: Learn how you can adopt prominent scenes for uninterrupted, focused interactions. Help people stay engaged and fast with keyboard shortcuts and the keyboard shortcut interface. Explore how the latest in pointer enhancements can help your app boost productivity.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">keyboard,main menu,menu,menu bar,menu system,mouse,pointer,print,responder,scene,shortcut,trackpad,uicommand,uikeycommand,uimenubuilder,uimenu printing,uipointerinteraction,uiwindowscene,window WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10066/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new in Game Center: Widgets, friends, and multiplayer improvements" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10066/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new in Game Center: Widgets, friends, and multiplayer improvements</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Power up your online gaming experience with GameKit and adopt features like multiplayer, leaderboards, and achievements in your game. We'll take you through the latest improvements to Game Center, including player matching and multiplayer APIs, and explore how you can boost discovery of your game.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10176/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Craft search experiences in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:42</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10176/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Craft search experiences in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can help people quickly find specific content within your apps. Learn how to use SwiftUI's .searchable modifier in conjunction with other views to best incorporate search for your app. And we'll show you how to elevate your implementation by providing search suggestions to help...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">collections of data,configured search field,filter,finding data,implement search,issearching,native search,navigationview,navigation view,onsubmit,results,search,searchable,searchable,searchable modifier,search bar,searchcompletion,search completion,search field,search field column,search query,search tab,side bar,suggestions,swiftui,toolbar,two column,weather app WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10236/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Host and automate your DocC documentation" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10236/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Host and automate your DocC documentation</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how you can easily host your Swift package and framework DocC documentation online. We'll take you through configuring your web server to host your generated DocC archives, and help you learn to use the xcodebuild tool to automate documentation generation and keep your web content...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">catalog,docc,documentation,documentation catalog,host,website,xcodebuild WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10045/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create custom audio experiences with ShazamKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10045/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create custom audio experiences with ShazamKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Bring custom audio matching to your app with ShazamKit. Discover how you can use Shazam's exact audio matching to recognize audio against any source when you use custom catalogs on device. Download our starter project and code along with the presenter as we guide you through the process of...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">audio,codealong,music,musickit,shazam,shazamkit,sound WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10275/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="The practice of inclusive design" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10275/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">The practice of inclusive design</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">An inclusive app or game is not only usable by different people, but also welcomes people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Discover how you can design inclusive content for your interface, language, imagery, and marketing materials and support the broadest possible range of people with...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,ableism,content,diversity,dynamic type,gender,inclusion,voiceover WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10054/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in AppKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10054/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in AppKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the latest advancements in Mac app development with AppKit. We'll show how you can enhance your app's design with new control features and SF Symbols 3, build powerful text experiences using TextKit 2, and harness the latest Swift features in your app.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">aqua,cocoa,shortcuts WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10104/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Safari Web Extensions on iOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">38:11</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10104/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Safari Web Extensions on iOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Safari Web Extensions use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to offer people powerful browser customizations — and you can now create them for every device that supports Safari. Learn how to build a Safari Web Extension that works for all devices, and discover how you can convert an existing extension to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">cross platform,web inspector WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10232/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Shortcuts for macOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10232/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Shortcuts for macOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Shortcuts is coming to macOS, and your apps are a key part of that process. Discover how you can elevate the capabilities of your app by exposing those features as Shortcuts actions. We'll show you how to build actions for your macOS apps built with Catalyst or AppKit, deploy actions across...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">applescript,automation,automator,command line automation,intent,shortcuts,shortcuts app,sirikit,suggestions WWDC21 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10321/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Monday@WWDC21" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">2:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/10321/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Monday@WWDC21</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Trying to make sense of all the exciting announcements, new technologies, and Fall previews at WWDC this year? Let's break it down for you. Check out a recap of everything that happened on Day 1 of WWDC — and get a sneak peek at all the great stuff coming tomorrow.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,daily recap,monday,recap,wwdc21 WWDC21 English, Japanese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/112/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Platforms State of the Union (ASL)" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">73:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/112/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Platforms State of the Union (ASL)</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Take a deeper dive into the new tools, technologies, and advances across Apple platforms that will help you create even better apps. This version includes American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">sotu,sotu 2021 WWDC21 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/102/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Platforms State of the Union" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">73:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/102/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Platforms State of the Union</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Take a deeper dive into the new tools, technologies, and advances across Apple platforms that will help you create even better apps.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">sotu,sotu 2021 WWDC21 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/101/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Keynote" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">106:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/101/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Keynote</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off with exciting reveals, inspiration, and new opportunities. Join the worldwide developer community for an in-depth look at the future of Apple platforms, directly from Apple Park.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/111/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Keynote (ASL)" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">106:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2021/111/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Keynote (ASL)</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC21</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off with exciting reveals, inspiration, and new opportunities. Join the worldwide developer community for an in-depth look at the future of Apple platforms, directly from Apple Park. This version includes American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC21 English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="collection-focus-group " id="wwdc20" data-scroll-index="4"> <!-- track --> <section class="sticky"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-12 small-12 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <span class="focus-group-link" data-scroll-nav="4"><span class="font-bold">WWDC20</span></span> </section> </section> </section> </section> <!-- video overview --> <ul class="collection-items"> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/20022/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="The winners of the 2020 Apple Design Awards" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">2:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/20022/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">The winners of the 2020 Apple Design Awards</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Join us as we surprise the 2020 winners of the Apple Design Awards. The Apple Design Awards recognize excellence in design and innovation for apps and games across all of Apple's platforms.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ada,ada20,ada2020,adas,apple,apple design awards,award,celebration,darkroom,design,design best practices,facetime,facetime awards,game awards,game design,games,looom,sayonara wild hearts,shapr3d,sky,sky children of the light,song of bloom,staffpad,ui design,ux design,where cards fall WWDC20 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10655/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover how to download and play HLS offline" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:08</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10655/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover how to download and play HLS offline</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to play HLS audio or video without an internet connection in your app by downloading HLS content for offline consumption using AVFoundation. Explore best practices for working with your HLS content while offline, learn how to use FairPlay Streaming to protect your offline audio and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10040/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Data Essentials in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">36:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10040/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Data Essentials in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Data is a complex part of any app, but SwiftUI makes it easy to ensure a smooth, data-driven experience from prototyping to production. Discover @State and @Binding, two powerful tools that can preserve and seamlessly update your Source of Truth. We'll also show you how ObservableObject lets you...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,appstorage,binding,bindings,body a pure function,data dependency,data model,model,objectwillchange,observableobject,onchange,onreceive,performance,projectedvalue,property wrapper,prototyping,published,publisher,scenes,scenestorage,source of truth,state,state,stateobject,view,willset WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10633/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Capture and stream apps on the Mac with ReplayKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:58</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10633/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Capture and stream apps on the Mac with ReplayKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can integrate ReplayKit into your Mac apps and games to easily share screen recordings or broadcast live audio and visuals online. We'll show you how to capture screen content, audio, and microphone input inside your Mac apps, and even broadcast your video to a live audience. For...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10647/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Become a Simulator expert" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:14</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10647/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Become a Simulator expert</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Simulator runs your iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, or watchOS apps directly on your Mac — no separate device required. We'll give you a tour of the app's latest tools and features and show you how to sharpen your Simulator skills. Discover how to test pointer and trackpad support, adjust Simulator...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10167/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Safely manage pointers in Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10167/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Safely manage pointers in Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Come with us as we delve into unsafe pointer types in Swift. Discover the requirements for each type and how to use it correctly. We'll discuss typed pointers, drop down to raw pointers, and finally circumvent pointer type safety entirely by binding memory. This session is a follow-up to "Unsafe...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10162/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design for location privacy" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">7:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10162/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design for location privacy</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">When someone uses iPhone or iPad, they have control over how their location is shared with the apps they use — including sharing an approximate location rather than precise coordinates. This creates a more private experience across their device, and it impacts all apps that rely on location data...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10074/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Decipher and deal with common Siri errors" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">2:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10074/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Decipher and deal with common Siri errors</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">“Sorry, there was a problem with the app..." Don't let Siri errors get you down: Learn how to debug your Siri intents and create great integrations people can use through voice or the Shortcuts app. We'll look at common intent errors, how to test for them, and the path to a seamless Siri...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">extensions,inapp intent handling,intents,intentsui,shortcuts,siri,sirikit WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10163/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advancements in the Objective-C runtime" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:05</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10163/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advancements in the Objective-C runtime</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Dive into the microscopic world of low-level bits and bytes that underlie every Objective-C and Swift class. Find out how recent changes to internal data structures, method lists, and tagged pointers provide better performance and lower memory usage. We'll demonstrate how to recognize and fix...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10158/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Deliver a better HLS audio experience" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:57</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10158/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Deliver a better HLS audio experience</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover techniques for streaming high-quality audio to bandwidth-limited networks and new audio codec support. We'll share some best practices for supporting the xHE-AAC, FLAC, and Apple Lossless Audio audio codecs, including limited support for multichannel AAC.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10184/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Synchronize health data with HealthKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10184/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Synchronize health data with HealthKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">HealthKit provides you the tools to smartly manage health data anywhere, whether across multiple HealthKit-enabled devices such as iPhone and Apple Watch or with an external server to share data across a care team. In this session, we'll dive into managing data versions via HealthKit's built-in...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">care,fitness WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10098/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in Universal Links" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10098/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in Universal Links</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Universal Links help people access your content, whether or not they have your app installed. Get the details on the latest updates for the Universal Links API, including support for Apple Watch and SwiftUI. Learn how you can reduce the size and complexity of your app-site-association file with...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">handoff,spotlight,universal link,universal links WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10033/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build SwiftUI views for widgets" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10033/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build SwiftUI views for widgets</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Widgets are bite-sized pieces of information from your app that someone can choose to place on their home screen or Today view. Discover the process of building the views for a widget from scratch using SwiftUI. Brush up on the syntax that you'll need for widget-specific construction and learn...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">alignment,canvas,containerrelativeshape,corner radii,corner radius,declarative,dynamic type,family,hstack,lazy shape,leading edge,placeholder,preview,spacer,swiftui,system large,system medium,system small,views,vstack,widgetkit,widgets WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10012/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover ray tracing with Metal" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:05</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10012/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover ray tracing with Metal</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Achieve photorealistic 3D scenes in your apps and games through ray tracing — a core part of the Metal graphics framework and Shading Language. Discover the fundamentals of the Metal ray tracing API and Shading Language extensions for ray tracing, find out how to use them in your graphics apps...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10634/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover search suggestions for Apple TV" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10634/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover search suggestions for Apple TV</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Searching your tvOS app just got even better. Get ready to explore the new simplified search interface and learn how to integrate it into your app with UISearchController. Support your global audience with the addition of new international keyboards and languages. Discover how to add search...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">appletv,apple tv,apple tv 4k,apple tv app,apple tv design,apple tv dev,apple tv developer,apple tv search,search,search suggestions,suggestions,tv,tv app dev,tv app developer,tv dev,tv developer,tvos,tv search,uisearchcontroller,video WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10677/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build customized ML models with the Metal Performance Shaders Graph" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">39:35</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10677/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build customized ML models with the Metal Performance Shaders Graph</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the Metal Performance Shaders (MPS) Graph, which extends Metal's Compute capabilities to multi-dimensional Tensors. MPS Graph builds on the highly tuned library of data parallel primitives that are vital to machine learning and leverages the tremendous power of the GPU. Explore how MPS...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">compute,graph,machine learning,metal,metal shading language,mps,mps graph,neural network,operations,tensors WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10084/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Feature your actions in the Shortcuts app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10084/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Feature your actions in the Shortcuts app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn foolproof ways to surface your app's actions in the Shortcuts app — and help people quickly set up powerful, personalized shortcuts using system intelligence. We'll detail how to configure your intents to appear in the new Automation Suggestions, explore how the system surfaces your app's...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">intents,intentsui,shortcuts,shortcuts app,siri,sirikit WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10083/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Integrate your app with Wind Down" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:59</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10083/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Integrate your app with Wind Down</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can help people get ready for a good night's sleep by surfacing your app's actions for Wind Down Shortcuts, part of the new Sleep experience. Learn more about how Wind Down works. Find out how you can build intents that expose features in your app like guided meditations,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">intents,intentsui,shortcuts,siri,sirikit,sleep,wind down WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10142/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build scalable enterprise app suites" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10142/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build scalable enterprise app suites</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to build focused enterprise apps that work well together. In this session, we'll introduce you to Apple Retail's suite of enterprise apps, which help employees interact with customers, track operations, manage stores, and stay connected. Discover how Apple Retail created a unified set...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">enterprise,swift packages,testing WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10081/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in MetricKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:45</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10081/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in MetricKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Quickly detect power and performance regressions and troubleshoot app issues when you adopt MetricKit. Discover the latest trackable metrics for your app, including CPU instructions, animation hitches, and exit reasons. And learn about diagnostics in MetricKit that can help you troubleshoot...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10149/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Structure your app for SwiftUI previews" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:42</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10149/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Structure your app for SwiftUI previews</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">When you use SwiftUI previews during development, you can quickly create apps that are more flexible and maintainable. Discover ways to improve the preview experience by making small tweaks to your project. Find out how to preview multiple files at once, how to manage data flow for previews, and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10175/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="The details of UI typography" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">30:33</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10175/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">The details of UI typography</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to achieve exceptional typography in your app's user interface that enhances legibility, accessibility, and consistency across Apple platforms. Get up to speed on the latest advancements to the San Francisco font family including the move to variable fonts for accommodating optical...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10646/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in Web Inspector" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10646/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in Web Inspector</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Web Inspector makes introspection and debugging simpler than ever. Discover how you can use debugger stepping, editing cookies, and overriding network loaded resources to provide you with powerful development capabilities and help you create faster, more efficient websites.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ad click attribution,animationname,animations,audio,blackbox,bootstrap script,breakpoints,callbacks,canvas,console,cookies,css,css animations,css transitions,debugger,debugging,dom,dom tree,evaluation,fetch,html,http,indexeddb,inspected,intelligent tracking prevention,interval,itp,javascript,jscontext,json,layers,local override,localstorage,media,microtasks,network tab,page,paints,pretty print,profiling,promise,queryholders,queryinstances,regexp,regular expression,requestanimationframe,resources tab,safari,safari technology preview,setinterval,settimeout,step,storage,timelines,transitionproperty,video,webkit,webpage,website,websocket,wkwebview,xhr,xml WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10656/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Beyond counting steps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:05</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10656/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Beyond counting steps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Move beyond step counting in your app and give people a much richer understanding of their mobility. We'll detail how you can take advantage of mobility metrics in iOS and watchOS to measure movement in more distinct and actionable ways. Learn about the latest HealthKit APIs for accessing...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">motion,motionprocessor,pedometer,stairs,steps WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10076/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Diagnose performance issues with the Xcode Organizer" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10076/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Diagnose performance issues with the Xcode Organizer</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Analyze aggregated power and performance data from multiple versions of your app with just a few clicks. We'll introduce you to the latest version of the Xcode Organizer and its interactive interface, where you can easily compare and contrast app metrics across releases. Explore disk write...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">analytics,diagnostics,metrics,performance,xcode WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10194/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Add configuration and intelligence to your widgets" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10194/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Add configuration and intelligence to your widgets</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Widgets are at their best when they show up on someone's Home screen or in the Today View at the right time and provide actionable, relevant information. We'll show you how to build configurable widgets to let people create a personalized Home screen experience, and that take advantage of system...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">donations,intelligence,intelligent system experience,intents,proactive,shortcuts,stack intelligence,stacks,system intelligence,widget,widgetkit WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10684/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Swan's Quest, Chapter 4: The sequence completes" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:08</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10684/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Swan's Quest, Chapter 4: The sequence completes</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Swift Playgrounds presents "Swan's Quest,” an interactive adventure in four chapters for all ages. It's time for the grand finale: You've honed your skills with tones, but in this chapter our Hero needs to sequence multi-part harmony. Discover how to play pitched instruments with MIDI codes, and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">playground,swans quest,swans quest,swift,swift playgrounds,swift playgrounds challenge WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10156/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Control training in Create ML with Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:39</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10156/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Control training in Create ML with Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">With the Create ML framework you have more power than ever to easily develop models and automate workflows. We'll show you how to explore and interact with your machine learning models while you train them, helping you get a better model quickly. Discover how training control in Create ML can...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">checkpointing,checkpoints,combine,core ml,create ml,iterations,ml job,ml session,playgrounds,swift WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10111/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Boost performance and security with modern networking" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:42</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10111/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Boost performance and security with modern networking</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Speed up your app and make it more nimble, private and secure with modern networking APIs. Learn about networking protocols like IPv6, HTTP/2, TLS 1.3 and Encrypted DNS, and how incorporating these within your app and server can provide faster performance and reduce both your power consumption...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">network performance WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10669/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Handling FHIR without getting burned" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10669/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Handling FHIR without getting burned</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how FHIRModels creates native data models for all FHIR resources, provides data validation to enforce resource integrity, and prevents the creation of structurally invalid resources — across multiple versions of the FHIR specification. Whether you're working with clinical data obtained from...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">fhir,health,health documents,medical records,open source,package,spm WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10160/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Formatters: Make data human-friendly" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10160/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Formatters: Make data human-friendly</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Save yourself time and frustration: When you display data in your app — including dates, times, measurements, names, lists, numbers, or strings — learn how to format it correctly and provide a great experience. We'll walk you through the Formatter APIs as well as how SwiftUI works with...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">internationalization,localization,nsformatter WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10115/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="AutoFill everywhere" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10115/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">AutoFill everywhere</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to implement AutoFill in your app and help people enter their information into fields easily, privately, and securely. Learn how to help the system to give better suggestions that tailor to your app's functionality: offer smart location suggestions within a navigation app, for...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">auto,fill,password,text input WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10680/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Refine Objective-C frameworks for Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">42:42</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10680/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Refine Objective-C frameworks for Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Fine-tune your Objective-C headers to work beautifully in Swift. We'll show you how to take an unwieldy Objective-C framework and transform it into an API that feels right at home. Learn about the suite of annotations you can use to provide richer type information, more idiomatic names, and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10601/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="The artist’s AR toolkit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10601/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">The artist’s AR toolkit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Reality Converter and Reality Composer make preparing augmented reality assets for your iOS or iPadOS app easier than ever. Discover how you can convert existing 3D assets into USDZ, bring them into Reality Composer to create AR experiences, and integrate with an existing Xcode project or export...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10017/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Core Data: Sundries and maxims" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10017/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Core Data: Sundries and maxims</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Core Data is the central way to durably and persistently store information from your app — and we're going to show you how to refine that implementation for even faster data ingest and fetching. Discover how you can improve data capture with batch insert, tailor fetch requests to your data needs,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">batch delete,batch ingestion,batch insert,batch insert with dictionary block,batch operations,block ingestion,dictionary block,fetch request,history request,nsbatchdeleterequest,nsbatchinsertrequest,nsmanagedobjectcontext,persistent history,persistent store,remote change notification,remote change notifications,upsert WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10207/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="SF Symbols 2" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10207/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">SF Symbols 2</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">SF Symbols make it easy to adopt high-quality, Apple-designed symbols created to look great with San Francisco, the system font for all Apple platforms. Discover how you can use SF Symbols in AppKit, UIKit, and SwiftUI. Learn how to work with SF Symbols in common design tools and how to use them...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10190/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create quick interactions with Shortcuts on watchOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:36</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10190/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create quick interactions with Shortcuts on watchOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Shortcuts are a natural fit on Apple Watch, allowing people to get things done with just a tap — even from a complication. Bring your app's intents to the wrist: We'll help you optimize your shortcuts performance, understand how intents can be routed from watchOS to iOS, explore the latest...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple watch,complications,extensions,intents,intentsui,shortcuts,shortcuts app,siri,sirikit,watchos WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10138/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover AppleSeed for IT and Managed Software Updates" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10138/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover AppleSeed for IT and Managed Software Updates</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">With AppleSeed for IT, you can help your school or business test pre-release versions of Apple software and provide valuable feedback directly to Apple. We'll guide you through getting started in AppleSeed for IT and provide insight on how to file great feedback collaboratively within your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">enterprise,feedback,mdm,testing WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10073/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Empower your intents" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:19</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10073/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Empower your intents</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">When you create an intent for your app, you can help people accomplish tasks quickly by using it as part of a shortcut or when asking Siri. Learn how to adopt Siri more easily than ever when you use SiriKit's in-app intent handling, and how to improve Siri performance with existing Intents app...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">conversational interaction,extensions,inapp intent handling,intents,intentsui,shortcuts,siri,sirikit,voice WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10100/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Watch Face Sharing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:25</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10100/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Watch Face Sharing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Show off your watchOS app's complications and create a watch face worth sharing. Learn how to share watch faces inside your watchOS and iOS apps or host them on the web for anyone to find and download. We'll also explore best practices for using watch face preview images, and show you how to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,clockkit,complications,watchkit,watchos WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10644/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Use Swift on AWS Lambda with Xcode" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:23</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10644/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Use Swift on AWS Lambda with Xcode</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Serverless functions are increasingly becoming popular for running event-driven or otherwise ad-hoc compute tasks in the cloud, allowing developers to more easily scale and control compute costs. Discover how to use the new Swift AWS Lambda Runtime package to build serverless functions in Swift,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">aws,lambda,serverside,swift,xcode WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10103/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design great widgets" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10103/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design great widgets</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Widgets elevate timely information from your app to primary locations on iPhone, iPad and Mac. Discover the keys to designing glanceable widgets, developing a strong widget idea, and clearly communicating with content, color, sizing, layout, and typography. If you'd like to learn more about the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10077/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Eliminate animation hitches with XCTest" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:45</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10077/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Eliminate animation hitches with XCTest</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Animations can dramatically enhance the user experience of your app, provide a sense of direct manipulation, and help people to better understand the results of their actions. Animation hitches can break that experience. Discover how to use XCTest to detect interruptions to smooth scrolling and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">animate,battery,energy,metrics,performance,scroll,xcode,xctest WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10219/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build localization-friendly layouts using Xcode" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:00</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10219/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build localization-friendly layouts using Xcode</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Localizing your app is a wonderful way to share your work with a worldwide audience and make it relevant to more cultures and languages. We'll show you how you can prepare for localization before ever translating a word by building thoughtful layouts for your app. Learn how to structure your UI...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">autolayout,auto layout,localization,rtl WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10153/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get models on device using Core ML Converters" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">31:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10153/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get models on device using Core ML Converters</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">With Core ML you can bring incredible machine learning models to your app and run them entirely on-device. And when you use Core ML Converters, you can incorporate almost any trained model from TensorFlow or PyTorch and take full advantage of the GPU, CPU, and Neural Engine. Discover everything...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ai,artificial intelligence,converters,core ml,core ml converters,core ml tools,custom operations,deep learning,learning,machine learning,mil,model,natural language,neural network,python,tensorflow,training WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10057/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Identify trends with the Power and Performance API" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10057/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Identify trends with the Power and Performance API</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Track your app's performance metrics in custom team dashboards, bug reporting systems, and other custom workflows with the Power and Performance Metrics and Diagnostics API. Explore how you can access the same data that drives the Power and Performance analysis tools in Xcode to quickly identify...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">analytics,app store connect,automation,diagnostics,insights,json,metrics,web api WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10222/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create custom apps for employees" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:50</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10222/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create custom apps for employees</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Build enterprise apps for your employees to help them solve problems and streamline everyday tasks. See how to build custom apps designed for your workforce. Learn how to identify great mobile use cases, have your employees drive the design process, use key Apple frameworks, and rapidly iterate...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">enterprise,interview,iterations,iterative WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10116/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="VoiceOver efficiency with custom rotors" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10116/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">VoiceOver efficiency with custom rotors</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can integrate custom rotors and help people who use VoiceOver navigate complex situations within your app. Learn how custom rotors can help people explore even the most intricate interfaces, explore how to implement a custom rotor, and find out how rotors can improve navigation...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accessibility,custom rotors,related elements,rotors,text accessibility,uiaccessibilitycustomrotor,voiceover,voice over WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10013/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get to know Metal function pointers" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10013/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get to know Metal function pointers</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Metal is a low-level, low-overhead hardware-accelerated graphics framework and shader application programming interface for producing stunning visual effects in applications. Discover how to make your shaders written in Metal Shading Language more programmable and extensible by using function...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10117/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Accessibility design for Mac Catalyst" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10117/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Accessibility design for Mac Catalyst</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Make your Mac Catalyst app accessible to all — and bring those improvements back to your iPad app. Discover how a great accessible iPad app automatically becomes a great accessible Mac app when adding support for Mac Catalyst. Learn how to further augment your experience with support...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accessibility inspector,accessibility tree,accessible,catalyst,grouping,keyboard shortcuts,voiceover,voice over WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10969/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="A conversation with the cast and creators of Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:00</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10969/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">A conversation with the cast and creators of Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Ever wondered which is more fun — filming in a hot tub or filming in a VR suit? The cast and creators of the Apple TV+ hit show Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet answer questions from the Apple developer community. Join Rob McElhenney (executive producer/co-creator and Ian Grimm), Charlotte Nicdao...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple tv,charlotte nicdao,danny pudi,imani khan,mq,mythic,mythic quest,quest,raven,ravens banquet,rob mcelhenney WWDC20 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10173/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get the most out of Sign in with Apple" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">30:47</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10173/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get the most out of Sign in with Apple</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Sign in with Apple makes it easy for people to sign in to your apps and websites with the Apple ID they already have. Fully integrate Sign in with Apple into your app using secure requests, and by handling state changes and server notifications. We'll also introduce new APIs that allow you to let...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">account,account security,sign in,sign in with apple WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10687/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Triage test failures with XCTIssue" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10687/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Triage test failures with XCTIssue</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Put your test failures to work: Learn how to triage and diagnose uncaught issues in your app using the latest testing APIs in Xcode. We'll show you how to help ease your testing workflow and put failures into context to help you deliver the best quality product. For more information on designing...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">test,test failure,testing,xcode,xctest,xctissue WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10671/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Architecting for subscriptions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10671/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Architecting for subscriptions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can build simple entitlement logic to enhance the customer experience. We'll dive deep into key concepts and provide guidance for architecting your systems to accurately entitle service. You'll learn best practices for subscription features and how to craft the best customer...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">api,app store connect,inapp purchase,inapp purchases,inapp purchases,json,notifications,receipt,receipt validation,subscription,subscriptions WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10165/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Embrace Swift type inference" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10165/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Embrace Swift type inference</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Swift uses type inference to help you write clean, concise code without compromising type safety. We'll show you how the compiler seeks out clues in your code to solve the type inference puzzle. Discover what happens when the compiler can't come to a solution, and find out how Xcode 12 integrates...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10643/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build a SwiftUI view in Swift Playgrounds" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:14</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10643/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build a SwiftUI view in Swift Playgrounds</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Easily prototype and play around with SwiftUI views when you use them with Swift Playgrounds. We'll show you how to build a SwiftUI view in a Xcode-compatible playground, and explore tools to help you easily edit and preview your code. For more on Swift Playgrounds, check out our interactive...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ipad,playgrounds,swift,swift playgrounds,swiftui WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10232/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Adapt ad insertion to Low-Latency HLS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:39</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10232/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Adapt ad insertion to Low-Latency HLS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how to integrate advertising into your Low-Latency HLS streams through server-side ad insertion. We'll show you how to segment your ad content, and examine how ad insertion works with LL-HLS features such as Blocking Playlist Reload and Blocking Preload Hints. For more information about...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10019/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="App accessibility for Switch Control" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10019/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">App accessibility for Switch Control</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Switch Control is a powerful accessibility technology for anyone with very limited mobility. The feature is available natively on iOS, and you can create an even better Switch Control experience in your app with tips, tricks, and a few APIs. We'll walk you through how people use Switch Control,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accessibility,assistive technology,custom actions,isswitchcontrolrunning,motor impairment,switch control,switches,uiaccessibilitycustomaction,voiceover,voice over WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10090/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Decode ProRes with AVFoundation and VideoToolbox" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10090/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Decode ProRes with AVFoundation and VideoToolbox</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Make decoding and displaying ProRes content easier in your Mac app: Learn how to implement an optimal graphics pipeline by leveraging AVFoundation and VideoToolbox's decoding capabilities. We'll share best practices and performance considerations for your app, show you how to integrate...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">av foundation,metal,performance,prores,video WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10011/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Author fragmented MPEG-4 content with AVAssetWriter" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:11</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10011/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Author fragmented MPEG-4 content with AVAssetWriter</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Transform your audio and video content into fragmented MPEG-4 files for a faster and smoother HLS streaming experience. Learn how to work with the fragmented MPEG-4 format, generate fragmented content from a movie, and set up AVAssetWriter to create fragments for HLS output.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10031/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Stacks, Grids, and Outlines in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:08</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10031/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Stacks, Grids, and Outlines in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Display detailed data in your SwiftUI apps more quickly and efficiently with improved stacks and new list and outline views. Now available on iOS and iPadOS for the first time, outlines are a new multi-platform tool for expressing hierarchical data that work alongside stacks and lists. Learn how...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">children key path,disclosuregroup,disclosure groups,disclosure triangle,forms,griditem,group,hierarchical data,hstack,isexpanded,label,layout primitives,lazygrid,lazyhgrid,lazyhstack,lazyvgrid,lazyvstack,liststyle,outlinegroup,outline groups,scrolling,selection,sidebar,tree structure data,vstack WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10095/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="The Push Notifications primer" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10095/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">The Push Notifications primer</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Help people get the most out of your app with push notifications for important events and updates — and by delivering up-to-date data in the background, so that it is ready when they open your app. Discover how you can use notifications and alert people to timely and relevant information. Learn...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">alert,background,push WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10188/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover WKWebView enhancements" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">30:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10188/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover WKWebView enhancements</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">WKWebView is the best way to present rich, interactive web content right within your app. Explore new APIs that help you convert apps using WebViews or UIWebViews while adding entirely new capabilities. Learn about better ways to handle JavaScript, fine tune the rendering process, export web...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">allowscontentjavascript,appbound domains,bitmap,browser,callasyncjavascript,console,createpdf,createwebarchivedata,css,evaluatejavascript,findstring,html,intelligent tracking prevention,itp,javascript,javascriptenabled,jscontext,mediastyle,mediatype,messagehandlers,pagezoom,postmessage,printoperationwithprintinfo,promise,safari technology preview,safari view controller,sfsafariviewcontroller,share as pdf,snapshot,takesnapshot,uiwebview,web archive,web content,web inspector,webkit,webpage,website,webview,web views,wkappbounddomains,wkcontentworld,wkpreferences,wkscriptmessagehandler,wkwebpagepreferences WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10657/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Make apps smarter with Natural Language" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">41:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10657/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Make apps smarter with Natural Language</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore how you can leverage the Natural Language framework to better analyze and understand text. Learn how to draw meaning from text using the framework's built-in word and sentence embeddings, and how to create your own custom embeddings for specific needs. We'll show you how to use samples...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">core ml,create ml,custom models,embeddings,machine learning,natural language,nlp,sentence embedding,text analysis,text processing,word embedding,word tagging WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10224/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Audio Workgroups" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10224/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Audio Workgroups</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Fine-tune your audio app or plug-in for Apple silicon Macs: We'll show you how to register your realtime threads using Audio Workgroups and make your app sing. Learn more about the power efficiency of System on a Chip (SoC) and how you can take advantage of new APIs to improve the speed and sound...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10061/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Expand your SiriKit Media Intents to more platforms" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10061/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Expand your SiriKit Media Intents to more platforms</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can enable Siri summoning for your music or audio app using SiriKit Media Intents. We'll walk you through how to add Siri support to your music, podcast, or other audio service on more of our platforms, including HomePod and Apple TV, so people can start listening by just asking...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">audio,audiobooks,conversational interaction,design,intents,intentsui,media,music,podcasts,siri,sirikit,sirikit media intents,siri remote,voice WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10672/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in ClassKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10672/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in ClassKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The ClassKit framework helps you surface educational activities within your app to teachers through the Schoolwork app. Discover how to provide a richer assignment experience for students and teachers through enhanced metadata properties and progress reporting. We'll also show you how the new...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">classroom,education,educators,school,testing WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10613/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in USD" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10613/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in USD</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover proposed schema and structure updates to the Universal Scene Description (USD) standard. Learn how you can use Reality Composer to build AR content with interactive properties like anchoring, physics, behaviors, 3D text, and spatial audio that exports to USDZ. And, discover streamlined...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10217/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore numerical computing in Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10217/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore numerical computing in Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Meet Swift Numerics: a new Swift package for computational mathematics. Take a tour of the protocols and types available in the package and find out how you can use them to write generic code. We'll also show you how and when to use the new Float16 type to improve performance and reduce memory...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10164/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="XCTSkip your tests" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">6:35</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10164/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">XCTSkip your tests</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Get the test results that matter — and skip the ones that don't. Discover how you can implement XCTSkip to conditionally avoid tests at runtime. We'll take you through how to return this new test result and better document tests beyond pass and fail within your test bundle. To get the most out...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">continuous integration,testing,test result,xcode,xct,xctest,xctskip WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10225/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Improve stream authoring with HLS Tools" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10225/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Improve stream authoring with HLS Tools</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Deliver live and on-demand audio and video to iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, PC, and Apple TV with HTTP Live Streaming (HLS). Learn about tools and features to help improve the authoring of your HLS streams and provide low-latency delivery and better audio performance to people watching or...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10216/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in ResearchKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">30:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10216/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in ResearchKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">ResearchKit continues to simplify how developers build research and care apps. Explore how the latest ResearchKit updates expand the boundaries of data researchers can collect. Learn about features like enhanced onboarding, extended options for surveys, and new active tasks. Discover how Apple...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">activities,chart,graph,healthkit,study,task WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10231/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Reduce latency with HLS Blocking Playlist Reload" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10231/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Reduce latency with HLS Blocking Playlist Reload</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Blocking Playlist Reload is a required component of Low-Latency HLS that improves segment discovery time in live streams and addresses the common problem of stale playlists when delivering through an HTTP cache. Learn how to use Blocking Playlist Reload to reduce streaming latency and improve CDN...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10654/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create Swift Playgrounds content for iPad and Mac" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:29</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10654/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create Swift Playgrounds content for iPad and Mac</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to create Swift Playgrounds books that work fluidly across both Mac and iPad and help people of all ages explore the fun of coding in Swift. We'll walk you through how to customize content for each platform while considering platform settings, and help you take advantage of them in your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">education,ipad,mac,playgrounds,swift,swift playgrounds WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10039/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build document-based apps in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10039/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build document-based apps in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to build a document-based app entirely in SwiftUI! We'll walk you through the DocumentGroup API and how it composes with your App and Scenes, allowing you to add out-of-the-box support for document management — such as document browsing and standard commands — no heavy lifting required...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">document,document app,document based app,documentbased apps,documentgroup,exportedas,importedas,imported type identifier,windowgroup WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10603/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimize Metal apps and games with GPU counters" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">32:50</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10603/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimize Metal apps and games with GPU counters</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">GPU counters can help you precisely measure GPU utilization to pinpoint bottlenecks and optimize workloads for your Metal apps and games. We'll walk you through the tools available in the Metal System Trace instrument and Metal Debugger in Xcode 12 to profile your graphics workload, and show you...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10636/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in streaming audio for Apple Watch" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">7:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10636/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in streaming audio for Apple Watch</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Deliver a smooth streaming audio experience straight to the wrist. We'll talk about some of the new things for building great streaming apps unique to Apple Watch. Learn how to integrate more audio formats, deliver streams more efficiently through new codecs, and add encrypted content to expand...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10605/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Gain insights into your Metal app with Xcode 12" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10605/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Gain insights into your Metal app with Xcode 12</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to locate graphics issues in minutes with Metal's debugging and performance optimization tools in Xcode 12. We'll show you how to diagnose problems quickly using Metal Debugger. Discover the new summary view, which suggests ways to improve memory usage, bandwidth, performance, and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10060/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design high quality Siri media interactions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:44</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10060/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design high quality Siri media interactions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Demystify the art of designing Siri experiences for your music and audio apps: We'll show you how to think about crafting great interactions and how you can provide custom vocabulary so that Siri can respond with more accuracy and personality. We'll also explain how you can debug common errors...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">conversational interaction,intents,media,siri,sirikit,sirikit media intents,voice WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10113/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build local push connectivity for restricted networks" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10113/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build local push connectivity for restricted networks</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Leverage local push connectivity and deliver notifications from your application server to devices on networks without an internet connection. Learn how to construct notifications for apps running in restricted network environments, helping people communicate with the same reliability and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10091/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Write tests to fail" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10091/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Write tests to fail</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Plan for failure: Design great tests to help you find and diagnose even the toughest bugs. Learn how to improve your automated tests with XCTest to find hidden issues in even the best code. We'll explain how to prepare your tests for failure to make triaging issues easier, letting you solve...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">testing,xcode,xctest WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10604/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Shop online with AR Quick Look" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10604/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Shop online with AR Quick Look</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">AR Quick Look adds a new dimension to online shopping: We'll show you how to easily showcase your products in augmented reality for a "try before you buy" experience. Discover how to display a product banner in AR Quick Look, integrate Apple Pay, or display custom actions like "add to cart". To...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10099/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore the Action & Vision app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">36:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10099/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore the Action & Vision app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">It's now easy to create an app for fitness or sports coaching that takes advantage of machine learning — and to prove it, we built our own. Learn how we designed the Action & Vision app using Object Detection and Action Classification in Create ML along with the new Body Pose...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">action class,bean bag toss,body pose,camera,contour,core ml,cornhole,create ml,machine learning,object detection,trajectory,vision WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10140/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build location-aware enterprise apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10140/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build location-aware enterprise apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Develop location-aware enterprise apps for your business and personalize your employee's everyday experience. Learn how Apple built the Caffe Macs app for its on-campus cafeterias using iBeacons and Location Services and how you can apply these tools and frameworks to your own apps, while...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">core location,enterprise,ibeacon,internationalization,localization WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10650/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Sync a Core Data store with the CloudKit public database" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10650/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Sync a Core Data store with the CloudKit public database</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how Core Data can help you adopt the CloudKit public database in your app with as little as one line of code. Learn how to easily manage the flow of data through your app and in and out of CloudKit. We'll show you how to combine the complementary power of Core Data and the CloudKit...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">canmodifymanagedobjects,canupdaterecordformanageddata,cdmr,ckfetchrecordzonechangesoperation,ckqueryoperation,deleting objects in the public database,derived objects,import,nspersistentcloudkitcontaineroptions,persistent container,private database,public database,record modify,schema WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10640/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design for the iPadOS pointer" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">41:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10640/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design for the iPadOS pointer</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Bring the power of the pointer to your iPad app: We'll show you how Apple's design team approached designing the iPadOS pointer to complement touch input, and how you can customize and refine pointer interactions in your app to make workflows more efficient and gratifying. Discover how the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10223/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Deploy Apple devices using zero-touch" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10223/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Deploy Apple devices using zero-touch</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how Apple's system administrators remotely deploy Apple devices to their teams, ensuring a zero-touch deployment. Learn how to configure the setup experience, control and manage devices effectively, and discover practices around security and management.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">distribution,enterprise,mdm,security WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10617/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring keyboard and mouse gaming to iPad" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10617/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring keyboard and mouse gaming to iPad</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Level up your iPad games and add in keyboard, mouse, and trackpad controls. Discover how to use the Game Controller framework to augment your existing titles, bring over games from other platforms, or dream up entirely new interaction experiences. Learn how to integrate keyboard and “delta” mouse...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10664/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Getting started with HealthKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">32:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10664/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Getting started with HealthKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">HealthKit helps you build world-class health and fitness apps by centralizing health data from third-party apps, iPhone, Apple Watch, and external health devices. Discover how you can manage authorization and privacy around Health data, read and write data to the shared Health Store, and use...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">diagnostic,permission requests,permissions WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10209/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in Core NFC" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">5:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10209/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in Core NFC</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Core NFC helps you scan and write to NFC tags in your apps, helping people get more from objects like parking meters, scooter rentals, car charging stations, and more. Learn about Core NFC's support for the ISO15693 protocol and new tag capabilities, and find out more about syntax improvements...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">nfc WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10683/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Swan's Quest, Chapter 3: The notable scroll" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">5:59</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10683/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Swan's Quest, Chapter 3: The notable scroll</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Swift Playgrounds presents "Swan's Quest,” an interactive adventure in four chapters for all ages. Calling all musicians! In this chapter, our Hero has found a mysterious scroll of music, and only you can help decode it. (Don't worry if you can't read music, our clever Lizard is standing by to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">playgrounds,swans quest,swans quest,swift,swift playgrounds,swift playgrounds challenge WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10621/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Support performance-intensive apps and games" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">5:42</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10621/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Support performance-intensive apps and games</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">iOS and iPadOS provide powerful capabilities to help developers deliver breakthrough apps and games across all device generations. In certain instances, however, demanding apps with exceptional performance requirements may only be able to provide the best experience on devices with an A12 Bionic...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10616/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Debug GPU-side errors in Metal" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10616/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Debug GPU-side errors in Metal</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Track down even the trickiest GPU-side programming errors with enhanced reporting in Xcode 12. While Metal's API validation layer can catch most problems in a project, GPU errors can cause a host of difficult-to-debug issues. Get an introduction to GPU-side errors and learn how to find and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10004/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Expanding automation with the App Store Connect API" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10004/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Expanding automation with the App Store Connect API</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Make routine tasks in App Store Connect a thing of the past when you automate your workflow with the App Store Connect API. Learn how you can manage more about your presence on the App Store with the App Metadata API, or use the new Power and Performance Metrics and Diagnostics API to access the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app store,automation,json,testflight WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10648/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Unsafe Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:50</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10648/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Unsafe Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">What exactly makes code “unsafe”? Join the Swift team as we take a look at the programming language's safety precautions — and when you might need to reach for unsafe operations. We'll take a look at APIs that can cause unexpected states if not used correctly, and how you can write code more...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10049/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Keep your complications up to date" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:50</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10049/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Keep your complications up to date</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Time is of the essence: Discover how your Apple Watch complications can provide relevant information throughout the day and help people get the information they need, when they need it. Learn best practices for capitalizing on your app's runtime opportunities, incorporating APIs like background...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,clockkit,urlsession,watchkit,watchos WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10642/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build Image and Video Style Transfer models in Create ML" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10642/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build Image and Video Style Transfer models in Create ML</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Bring stylized effects to your photos and videos with Style Transfer in Create ML. Discover how you can train models in minutes that make it easy to bring creative visual features to your app. Learn about the training process and the options you have for controlling the results. And we'll explore...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ai,core ml,create ml,neural network,photo,photo effects,style density,style strength,style transfer,video,video effects WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10056/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimize the interface of your Mac Catalyst app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">37:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10056/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimize the interface of your Mac Catalyst app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to tailor your Mac Catalyst app so that it looks and feels even more at home on the Mac by using the new “Optimize Interface for Mac” option in Xcode. Explore new layout and appearance options for Catalyst apps, and learn how they can provide you with graphical performance gains,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">button placement,catalyst,controls,custom artwork,font sizes,gestures,groupbox,idiom chooser,ipad apps on the mac,layouts,mac idiom,navigation bar,optimize,optimize interface for mac,scaled,swiftui,toolbar,uigesturerecognizer WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10970/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="A conversation with Lisa Jackson and former Attorney General Eric Holder" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10970/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">A conversation with Lisa Jackson and former Attorney General Eric Holder</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Eric Holder was the 82nd Attorney General of the United States, having served from 2009 to 2015. The first Black American to hold the position, Holder's six-year tenure also makes him one of the longest-serving occupants of the office. Currently a partner in Covington & Burling, he's served in...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">attorney general,community,converstaion,eric holder,holder,jackson,lisa,lisa jackson,lunchtime session,race WWDC20 English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10046/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create complications for Apple Watch" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:08</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10046/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create complications for Apple Watch</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">When you add complications to a Watch app, people can access glanceable and up to date information directly from their watch face. We'll show you how to create and build complications from the ground up and introduce you to Multiple Complications. Learn how to construct timelines, use families...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,clockkit,watchkit,watchos WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10229/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover HLS Blocking Preload Hints" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10229/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover HLS Blocking Preload Hints</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to implement Blocking Preload Hints for Low-Latency HLS to reduce delivery latency and improve the reliability of your video and audio streams. Discover how to integrate LL-HLS with CMAF Chunk delivery and unify your delivery across streaming formats.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10087/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design for intelligence: Make friends with "The System"" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:36</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10087/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design for intelligence: Make friends with "The System"</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The building blocks of the intelligent system are simple: Define, learn, execute. Discover how you can use intents to define your app's key features, create donations to help the system learn and make predictions about the future, and implement extensibility to ensure your app is ready to execute...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">donations,intelligence,intelligence system experience,intents,intentsui,shortcuts,shortcuts app,siri,sirikit,siri suggestions,suggestions,system intelligence,widgetkit,widgets WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10614/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advancements in Game Controllers" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:59</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10614/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advancements in Game Controllers</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Let's rumble! Discover how you can bring third-party game controllers and custom haptics into your games on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV. We'll show you how to add support for the latest controllers — including Xbox's Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 and Adaptive Controller — and map your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10652/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet the new Photos picker" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:33</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10652/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet the new Photos picker</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Let people select photos and videos to use in your app without requiring full Photo Library access. Discover how the PHPicker API for iOS and Mac Catalyst ensures privacy while providing your app the features you need. PHPicker is the modern replacement for UIImagePickerController. In addition...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">photokit,photo library,photos,photos api,picker,privacy WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10109/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Support hardware keyboards in your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10109/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Support hardware keyboards in your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">When people use hardware keyboards with your app, they're not only getting a more tactile and familiar typing experience — they can quickly navigate or use keyboard shortcuts, too. Discover how you can best support hardware keyboards for your iPadOS and Mac Catalyst apps: We'll demystify the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accelerators,event,magic keyboard,menu,shortcuts,text,uieventtype,uitextinput WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10662/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in Wallet and Apple Pay" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:57</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10662/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in Wallet and Apple Pay</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Apple Pay makes it simple to pay for goods and services in your app and on your website. Discover how you can integrate API updates like context-specific button types, contact data formatting, and cross-platform support to make the service more effective for you and people using it. And, if...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">banking,nfc,pass,ticket,transportation,web WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10619/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Tap into Game Center: Leaderboards, Achievements, and Multiplayer" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10619/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Tap into Game Center: Leaderboards, Achievements, and Multiplayer</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Level up your Game Center integration and enable players to compare scores on leaderboards, earn valuable achievements, and engage with other players. Organize special events like weekly championships, daily showdowns, or 1-hour competitions using recurring leaderboards. Create up to 100 unique...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10052/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build with iOS pickers, menus and actions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10052/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build with iOS pickers, menus and actions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Build iPhone and iPad apps with fluid interfaces and easily-accessible contextual information. We'll show you how to integrate the latest UIKit controls into your app to best take advantage of menus, date pickers, page controls, and segmented controllers. Learn how to adopt Menus throughly your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">uicontrol WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10145/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design for Game Center" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10145/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design for Game Center</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Get your game's interface ready for Game Center. We'll show you how to deliver personalized touches to the GameKit interface that provide a rich experience for players, with features like achievements, leaderboards, and multiplayer gaming. Learn how to customize your game's access point, design...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">access point,achievement,arcade,dashboard,game,game best practices,game center,game center design,game design,game designer,game developer,gamekit,game kit,games,in game,leaderboard,main menu,multiplayer,pause menu,social,social gaming WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10686/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore the new system architecture of Apple silicon Macs" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10686/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore the new system architecture of Apple silicon Macs</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how Macs with Apple silicon will deliver modern advantages using Apple's System-on-Chip (SoC) architecture. Leveraging a unified memory architecture for CPU and GPU tasks, Mac apps will see amazing performance benefits from Apple silicon tuned frameworks such as Metal and Accelerate...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">amp,apple silicon,apple silicon mac,asymmetric multiprocessing,driverkit,macos recovery,mac sharing mode,reduced security,rosetta,secure boot,soc,system recovery WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10205/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design with iOS pickers, menus and actions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10205/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design with iOS pickers, menus and actions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Create iPhone and iPad apps that look great and help people move quickly and directly to the information they need. Discover how you can integrate menus into your app for quick access to actions and settings, and learn where and when you should use them in your app. We'll also walk you through...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10667/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Custom app distribution with Apple Business Manager" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10667/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Custom app distribution with Apple Business Manager</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Apple Business Manager is the best way to manage and deploy business apps to your employees and customers. Whether you're a developer, business owner, or IT administrator, we'll showcase the benefits of Custom apps for each role and provide guidance on each step in the process — from app creation...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">education,enterprise,inhouse,internal,vpp WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10172/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design great App Clips" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10172/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design great App Clips</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">App Clips offer fast, convenient ways for people to perform everyday tasks without needing to download or navigate your full app. We'll show you how to identify key elements from your iOS app that make up a great App Clip, design a smooth flow, work with notifications, and provide messaging...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10661/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s new with in-app purchase" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">45:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10661/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s new with in-app purchase</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Create a great in-app purchase experience for your iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch apps. Discover how to handle refunds, integrate new App Store server notifications, and find out how to use receipts and server notifications to manage subscriber status. We'll also walk you through the latest...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">notifications,receipt,server,storekit,subscription,subscription business model WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10210/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Modernize PCI and SCSI drivers with DriverKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">36:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10210/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Modernize PCI and SCSI drivers with DriverKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Keep code out of the kernel and give your customers a more secure and reliable experience with accessories using DriverKit. Discover how to create low-level drivers that support PCI devices or SCSI controllers. And find out how you can achieve great performance with DriverKit on macOS Big Sur.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">driver,extension,hid,kernel,networking,pci,scsi,serial,usb WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10641/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Handle the Limited Photos Library in your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10641/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Handle the Limited Photos Library in your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Access the photos and videos you need for your app while preserving privacy. With the new Limited Photos Library feature, people can directly control which photos and videos an app can access to protect their private content. We'll explore how this feature may affect your app, and take you...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">photokit,photo library,photos,photos api,picker,privacy WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10168/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore logging in Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:23</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10168/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore logging in Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Meet the latest generation of Swift unified logging APIs. Learn how to log events and errors in your app while preserving privacy. Take advantage of powerful yet readable options for formatting data — all without sacrificing performance. And we'll show you how you can gather and process log...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10009/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Edit and play back HDR video with AVFoundation" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10009/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Edit and play back HDR video with AVFoundation</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how you can support HDR editing and playback in your macOS app, and how you can determine if a specific hardware configuration is eligible for HDR playback. We'll show you how to use AVMutableVideoComposition with the built-in compositor and easily edit HDR content, explain how you can...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">metal,performance,prores,video,videotoolbox WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10034/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Widgets Code-along, part 1: The adventure begins" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:05</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10034/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Widgets Code-along, part 1: The adventure begins</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Take your app on a most wondrous adventure to the home and Today screens of iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Grab the starter project and code along with us! We will guide you through the process of creating a widget for your app from start to finish so that you can provide people with beautiful views and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">codealong,codealong,placeholder,previews,swiftui,timeline,view,widget,widget family,widgetkit,widget target WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10618/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Tap into Game Center: Dashboard, Access Point, and Profile" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10618/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Tap into Game Center: Dashboard, Access Point, and Profile</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Apple's social gaming network is ready to play. We'll walk you through the latest updates to Game Center, starting with its in-game interface and all-new player experience. Learn how to integrate GameKit into your app and authenticate players effectively, and discover the Access Point, which...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10197/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Broaden your reach with Siri Event Suggestions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10197/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Broaden your reach with Siri Event Suggestions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Whether you're hosting event information in your app, on the web, or in an email, Siri Event Suggestions can help people keep track of their commitments — without compromising their privacy. We'll show you how to set up your reservations so that they automatically show up in the Calendar app and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">calendar,donations,email,events,intents,mail,safari,shortcuts,siri event suggestions,travel,web WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10221/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get your test results faster" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10221/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get your test results faster</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Improve your testing suite to speed up your feedback loop and get fixes in faster. Learn more about the latest improvements to testing in Xcode, including how to leverage test plans, Xcodebuild updates, and APIs to eliminate never-ending and badly-behaved tests. We'll explore Test Timeouts and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">continuous integration,testing,test result,xcode WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10159/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build an Endpoint Security app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">41:35</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10159/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build an Endpoint Security app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">System Extensions improve the reliability and security of macOS. Learn about the modern replacement for Kernel Authorization KPIs and discover tips for making a great security product with the Endpoint Security framework.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">kauth,kernel,security WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10615/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build GPU binaries with Metal" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">36:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10615/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build GPU binaries with Metal</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Power up your shader pipeline with enhancements to the Metal shader compilation model — all leading to a dramatic reduction in Pipeline State Object (PSO) loading time, especially upon first launch. Learn about explicit PSO caching and sharing of GPU binaries using Metal binary archives and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10093/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build for the iPadOS pointer" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:50</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10093/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build for the iPadOS pointer</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Help people who use iPad with a Magic Keyboard, mouse, trackpad or other input device get the most out of your app. We'll show you how to add customizations to the pointer on iPad using pointer interaction APIs, create pointer effects for your buttons and custom views, and change the pointer...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">better ipad,cursor,dynamic,keyboard,magic,magic keyboard,mouse,pointer,trackpad,uikit,uitouch WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10035/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Widgets Code-along, part 2: Alternate timelines" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10035/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Widgets Code-along, part 2: Alternate timelines</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Our code-along continues as we help our widget rewrite the future and travel into an alternate timeline. Continue where you left off from Part 1, or traverse time and space and begin with the Part 2 starter project to jump right into the action. Find out how you can integrate system intelligence...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">custom intent,deep linking,dynamically configure widget,inintent,intentconfiguration,intenttimelineprovider,refresh,staticconfiguration,swiftui,systemlarge,system large,systemmedium,system medium,systemsmall,system small,timeline,timelineentryrelevance,timelinereloadpolicy,widget,widgetfamily,widgetkit,widgeturl WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10089/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover Core Image debugging techniques" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">7:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10089/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover Core Image debugging techniques</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find and fix rendering and optimization issues in your Core Image pipeline with Xcode environment variable. Discover how you can set the environment variable for visualizing your Core Image graphs. You'll learn how to generate Core Image graphs and how to interpret them to discover memory, color,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">coreimage,graphics,image processing,metal,performance,video,xcode WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10670/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Face ID and Touch ID for the web" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10670/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Face ID and Touch ID for the web</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Face ID and Touch ID provide a frictionless experience when logging in — and now you can use them on your websites in Safari with the Web Authentication API. Discover how to add this convenient and secure login alternative to your website.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">applestmtformat,aswebauthenticationsession,attestation,authenticator,authenticatorattestationresponse,authenticatorselection,challenge,credential,crypto,cryptographic,cryptography,enroll,isuserverifyingplatformauthenticatoravailable,json,multifactor,navigatorcredentials,phishing,platform authenticator,private key,pubkeycredparams,public key,publickeycredentials,relying party,serverside,sfsafariviewcontroller,signature,webauthn WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10682/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Swan's Quest, Chapter 2: A time for tones" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">5:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10682/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Swan's Quest, Chapter 2: A time for tones</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Swift Playgrounds presents "Swan's Quest,” an interactive adventure in four chapters for all ages. In this chapter, our Hero needs your help decoding the Swan's scroll. Call forth the best of your audio abilities on this one — you're going to need them. Discover how to convert Swift Playgrounds...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">playgrounds,swans quest,swans quest,swift,swift playgrounds,swift playgrounds challenge WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10022/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create a seamless speech experience in your apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:39</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10022/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create a seamless speech experience in your apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Augment your app's accessibility experience with speech synthesis: Discover the best times and places to add speech APIs so that everyone who uses your app can benefit. Learn how to use AVSpeechSynthesizer to complement assistive technologies like VoiceOver, and when to implement alternative...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">aac,alternative and augmentative communication,assistive technology,avspeechsynthesizer,avspeechutterance,speaking rate,speech properties,speech request,spoken content,utterance,voice technology WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10663/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new for web developers" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">36:05</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10663/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new for web developers</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the latest features and improvements for Safari and WebKit. We'll walk you through updated web APIs, CSS and media features, JavaScript syntax, and more to help you build great experiences for people when they use your website, home screen web apps, or embedded WebKit views.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">airplay,animate,appclipbundleid,app clips,appleitunesapp,apple pay,ar quick look,aspect ratio,async clipboard,attribute,bigint,clipboard,constructor,copy,css,css animations,css shadow part,css transitions,custom elements,customevent,dom,dynamicrange,element,emsg,enterkeyhint,eventtarget,exif,extxdaterange,face id,fetch,fmp4,fontfamily,graphics tab,hdr,high dynamic range,html,html banner,imageorientation,instant back,javascript,keyframeeffect,linebreak,logical assignment,metadata,nullish coalescing,observe,operators,optional chaining,paste,pdf,performance,pictureinpicture,pointer events,pseudoselector,public class fields,readtext,remote playback,replaceall,resizeobserver,safari technology preview,security key,service workers,svg,systemui,texttrackcue,touch id,uisansserif,uiserif,usb key,web animations,web api,web assembly,web authentication,webauthn,web component,web inspector,webp,writetext,xhr,yubikey WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10047/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Enable encrypted DNS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10047/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Enable encrypted DNS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">When people access the web within your app, their privacy is paramount. Safeguard that information by leveraging encrypted DNS across our platforms to deliver private and secure connectivity within your app. Discover how you can use system DNS settings to connect to encrypted servers or enable...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">fingerprinting WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10171/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in watchOS design" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10171/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in watchOS design</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Great watchOS apps are simple and direct. Actions should be discoverable, predictable and relevant. This session covers effective strategies for displaying actions in your watchOS app, whether they are primary buttons that begin core tasks, or contextual actions that might be less commonly used...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10036/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Widgets Code-along, part 3: Advancing timelines" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10036/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Widgets Code-along, part 3: Advancing timelines</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Take your widget to the next level as we embark upon the third and final stage of the widgets code-along. Pick up where you left off in Part 2 or start with the Part 3 starter project to go warp speed ahead. We'll explore advanced concepts for widgets, timelines, and configuration. Learn how to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">dynamic configuration,multiple widgets,onbackgroundurlsessionevents,swiftui,url sessions,widget,widgetbundle,widgetkit WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10120/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Streamline your App Clip" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10120/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Streamline your App Clip</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">App Clips are best when they provide an “in the moment” experience for people using them, like ordering your favorite refreshing beverage or paying for parking. We'll share guidelines and best practices for building focused and consistent App Clips, show you how to streamline transaction...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">8 hours notification,asset catalog,aswebauthenticationsession,ephemeral notification,inregion,location confirmation,nsappcliprequestephemeralusernotification,permission requests,request permissions,secure app group,sign in with apple,skoverlay,transaction WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10220/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Handle interruptions and alerts in UI tests" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10220/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Handle interruptions and alerts in UI tests</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to anticipate potential interruptions to your app's interface and build smart tests to identify them. UI interruptions often appear indeterminately, typically during onboarding or first launch, which can make them hard to track down. Learn how to understand interruptions, write stronger...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">alerts,protected resources,testing,ui interruptions,ui testing,xcode WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10230/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimize live streams with HLS Playlist Delta Updates" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">7:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10230/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimize live streams with HLS Playlist Delta Updates</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover Playlist Delta Updates, an HLS feature that optimizes the delivery of live streams with large playback windows and lots of metadata. We'll show you how Playlist Delta Updates can reduce overheard when producing live streams, provide higher-quality variants for people with slower...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10086/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design for intelligence: Apps, evolved" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">7:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10086/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design for intelligence: Apps, evolved</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Intelligence is a core part of building a great modern app. App extensions, Siri suggestions, voice, widgets, App Clips — we've designed all of these features to help make everyday tasks easier for people who use our platforms. Learn about the origins of the intelligent system experience, and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">conversational interaction,design,discoverability,donations,extensions,intelligence,intelligent system experience,intents,intentsui,shortcuts,siri,sirikit,siri suggestions,suggestions,system intelligence,ui,user experience,voice WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10176/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Master Picture in Picture on tvOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:33</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10176/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Master Picture in Picture on tvOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Picture in Picture is coming to Apple TV: With simultaneous video playback and the ability to swap between full screen content and Picture in Picture, you've never had more multitasking flexibility within your tvOS app. Discover how you can add AVPictureInPictureController to your project,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">appletv,apple tv,apple tv 4k,apple tv developer,avpictureinpicturecontroller,picture in picture,pictureinpicture,pip,tv,tv app,tv app dev,tv app developer,tv dev,tv developer,tvos,tvos dev,tvos developer,video WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10632/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimize Metal Performance for Apple silicon Macs" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">45:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10632/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimize Metal Performance for Apple silicon Macs</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Apple silicon Macs are a transformative new platform for graphics-intensive apps — and we're going to show you how to fire up the GPU to create blazingly fast apps and games. Discover how to take advantage of Apple's unique Tile-Based Deferred Rendering (TBDR) GPU architecture within Apple...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10139/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Leverage enterprise identity and authentication" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">35:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10139/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Leverage enterprise identity and authentication</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Empower your organization with the right tools while protecting privacy and security. Discover Apple's identity management tools for enterprise, and how they can help you create a smoother experience for users when signing in to devices, apps and websites. We'll show you how to take advantage of...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">authentication,enterprise,kerberos,mdm,sso,vpn WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10602/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Harness Apple GPUs with Metal" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:23</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10602/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Harness Apple GPUs with Metal</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Create visually stunning, high-performance apps and games when you combine the power of Apple GPUs with Metal, the modern foundation for GPU-accelerated graphics on Apple platforms. Discover the architecture and capabilities of the Apple GPU and how Metal harnesses its tile-based deferred...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10088/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design for intelligence: Discover new opportunities" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">5:11</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10088/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design for intelligence: Discover new opportunities</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how extensibility is key to surfacing the most important features of your app into new entry points of the operating system. And discover how — by breaking out of the constraints of a monolithic container — your app can see increased engagement through suggestions on the lock screen, in...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">donations,intelligence,intelligent system experience,intents,intentsui,shortcuts,shortcuts app,siri event suggestions,sirikit,siri suggestions,suggestions,system intelligence,voice WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10105/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build for iPad" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10105/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build for iPad</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to improve iPad apps to leverage the increased screen size and additional features of iPadOS, and help people accomplish more with their devices. Discover how you can build detailed multi-column layouts and integrate lists into your app with little adjustment to your existing code...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10200/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design for intelligence: Meet people where they are" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">5:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10200/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design for intelligence: Meet people where they are</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Understand what motivates people to use your app — and how you can use system intelligence to help them and achieve your own goals as a developer. We'll take a look at a typical person's journey to better understand how an app can become a key part of their routine — and why some apps just don't...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">conversational interaction,extensions,intelligence,intelligence system experience,intents,intentsui,shortcuts,shortcuts app,siri,sirikit,system intelligence,voice,widgetkit,widgets WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10094/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Handle trackpad and mouse input" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:05</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10094/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Handle trackpad and mouse input</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Provide a more versatile experience when you optimize your iPad or Mac Catalyst app for indirect input from trackpads and mice. Discover how to make your app responsive to new events from these devices. Learn how to work with pointer movement, enable pointer locking, handle scroll input and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">catalyst,event,magic keyboard,mouse,trackpad WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10673/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore Computer Vision APIs" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:35</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10673/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore Computer Vision APIs</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to bring Computer Vision intelligence to your app when you combine the power of Core Image, Vision, and Core ML. Go beyond machine learning alone and gain a deeper understanding of images and video. Discover new APIs in Core Image and Vision to bring Computer Vision to your application...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">cifilter,ci filters,ciimage,cikernel,computer vision,contour,core image,core ml,machine learning,optical flow,trajectory,vision,visualization WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10185/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Visually edit SwiftUI views" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">5:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10185/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Visually edit SwiftUI views</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Help your apps be the best versions of themselves: Discover how you can leverage Xcode Previews and SwiftUI to quickly iterate upon and improve your app. Find out how you can use the Previews canvas to build your app from the ground up, and view your interface in different environments like Light...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">canvas,previews,swiftui,xcode WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10010/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Export HDR media in your app with AVFoundation" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10010/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Export HDR media in your app with AVFoundation</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to author and export high dynamic range (HDR) content in your app using AVFoundation. Learn about high dynamic range and how you can take advantage of it in your app. We'll show you how to implement feature sets that allow people to export HDR content, go over supported HDR formats,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10189/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Secure your app: threat modeling and anti-patterns" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">38:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10189/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Secure your app: threat modeling and anti-patterns</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">It's more important than ever to consider vulnerabilities and potential threats and recognize where you should apply safeguards in your app. Understand how to identify potential risks through threat modeling and how to avoid common anti-patterns. Learn coding techniques and how to take advantage...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">data,privacy,protection,security,trust WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10635/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Accelerate your app with CarPlay" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:19</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10635/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Accelerate your app with CarPlay</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">CarPlay is the smarter, safer way for people to use iPhone in the car. We'll show you how to build great apps for the car screen, and introduce you to developing CarPlay apps in categories like EV charging, parking, and quick food ordering. We'll also share how existing audio and communication...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,audio,car,communication,ev charging,navigation,parking,quick food ordering WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10005/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in assessment" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:47</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10005/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in assessment</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">It's now easier than ever to deliver academic tests on the Mac. Learn how education developers can leverage the Automatic Assessment Configuration framework for iPhone, iPad, and Mac to deliver tests and assess students across all devices. And discover how developers can enable restricted...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">assessment,catalyst,curriculum,education,student,testing WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10071/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Evaluate and optimize voice interaction for your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10071/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Evaluate and optimize voice interaction for your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Optimize your app for Siri and give people a more natural way to interact with the features of your app. We'll compare the different Siri technologies and help you identify the right one for you and your needs, show you how to get started with building for conversational interactions, and explore...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">conversational interaction,design,intents,shortcuts,siri,sirikit,voice WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10151/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in CareKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">35:37</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10151/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in CareKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Build feature-rich research and care apps with CareKit: Learn about the latest advancements to our health framework, including new views for its modular architecture, improvements to the data store, and tighter integration with other frameworks on iOS. And discover how the open-source community...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">care,care plan,client server,healthkit,health monitoring,hyperprotect,open source,synchronize WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10118/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create App Clips for other businesses" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10118/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create App Clips for other businesses</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Create App Clips for table reservations, food ordering, and more on behalf of brands, businesses, or services that appear within your app. We'll show you how you can deliver customized experiences for each business, offering them a unique look, invocation card, and icon — all within a single App...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">action,aggregates many businesses,app clip experience,brand identity,catalog,category of business,invocation card,nsuseractivity,promote business,sheet image,targetcontentidentifier,universal links,whitelabel,white label apps WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10037/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="App essentials in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:29</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10037/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">App essentials in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Thanks to the new App protocol, SwiftUI now supports building entire apps! See how Apps, Scenes, and Views fit together. Learn how easy it is to implement the features people expect from a best-in-class product while saving time and reducing complexity. Easily add expected functionality to your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app protocol,apps,body property,commands,commands modifier,custom commands,datadriven app,documentgroup,navigationtitle,scene,scenes,scenestorage,scenestorage property wrapper,settings,settings scene,stateobject,view definition,view modifier,views,windowgroup WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10096/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore Packages and Projects with Xcode Playgrounds" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10096/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore Packages and Projects with Xcode Playgrounds</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Xcode Playgrounds helps developers explore Swift and framework APIs and provides a scratchpad for rapid experimentation. Learn how Xcode Playgrounds utilizes Xcode's modern build system, provides improved support for resources, and integrates into your projects, frameworks, and Swift packages to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">documentation,playgrounds,resources,swift packages,xcode,xcode playgrounds WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10631/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring your Metal app to Apple silicon Macs" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10631/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring your Metal app to Apple silicon Macs</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Meet the Tile Based Deferred Rendering (TBDR) GPU architecture for Apple silicon Macs — the heart of your Metal app or game's graphics performance. Learn how you can translate or port your graphics-intensive app over to Apple silicon, and how to take advantage of TBDR and Metal when building...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10649/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Add custom views and modifiers to the Xcode Library" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:11</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10649/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Add custom views and modifiers to the Xcode Library</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Xcode Library is an easy way for you to discover available SwiftUI views and drag and drop them to the Xcode Previews canvas, enabling rich visual editing of your app. We'll show you how to extend the content of the Xcode Library with your own views and modifiers, optimizing for reusability...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">library,modifiers,swiftui,views,xcode WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10006/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing Car Keys" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10006/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing Car Keys</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">You can now store car keys on iPhone or Apple Watch. You no longer have to bring your key fob to unlock and start your car. And with digital keys, it's easy to share them with family or friends, and manage keys remotely. This session is intended for automakers who want to adopt digital car keys...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,car,nfc,u1,ultra wideband,uwb WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10110/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Support local network privacy in your app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10110/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Support local network privacy in your app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Local network privacy provides added transparency when apps connect to devices on a person's home network. If your app interacts with devices using Bonjour or other local networking protocols, you must add support for local network privacy permissions in iOS 14. Learn more about the new...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">open network,ssid,wifi WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10104/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Adopt the new look of macOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10104/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Adopt the new look of macOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Make over your Mac apps: Discover how you can embrace the new design of macOS Big Sur and adopt its visual hierarchy, design patterns, and behaviors. We'll explore the latest updates to AppKit around structural items and common controls, and show you how you can adapt more customized interfaces...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10043/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build an Action Classifier with Create ML" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10043/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build an Action Classifier with Create ML</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to build Action Classification models in Create ML. With a custom action classifier, your app can recognize and understand body movements in real-time from videos or through a camera. We'll show you how to use samples to easily train a Core ML model to identify human actions like...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">action classification,action classifier,activity classification,ai,body pose,core ml,create ml,fitness,machine learning WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10651/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in App Store Connect" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10651/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in App Store Connect</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest improvements to App Store Connect, your suite of tools to upload, submit, and manage apps on the App Store. Learn about enhancements to the App Store Connect API, in-app purchase and subscriptions, Game Center, and more.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">api,distribution,inapp purchase,inapppurchases,json,metadata,metadata feeds,testflight,test flight,testing,transporter WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10042/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build SwiftUI apps for tvOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10042/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build SwiftUI apps for tvOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Add a new dimension to your tvOS app with SwiftUI. We'll show you how to build layouts powered by SwiftUI and customize your interface with custom buttons, provide more functionality in your app with a context menu, check if views are focused, and manage default focus. To get the most out of...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple tv,apple tv 4k,apple tv app,focus,focus engine,lazy grids,swift,swift developer,swiftui,tv,tv dev,tv developer,tvos,tv swift,tv swiftui WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10148/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Inspect, modify, and construct PencilKit drawings" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10148/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Inspect, modify, and construct PencilKit drawings</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Make Apple Pencil an even more useful tool for drawing and writing within your app. With PencilKit, you can delve into the strokes, inks, paths, and points that comprise a drawing, use these to build features that use recognition, and modify drawings in response to input. Discover how you can...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">calligraphy,cursive,engine,handwriting,stylus WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10119/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introduction to SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">54:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10119/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introduction to SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore the world of declarative-style programming: Discover how to build a fully-functioning SwiftUI app from scratch as we explain the benefits of writing declarative code and how SwiftUI and Xcode can combine forces to help you build great apps, faster.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">animation,aspectratio,canvas,compositional ui,corner radius,dark mode,declarative syntax,declarative ui,dependency management,derived value,horizontal stack,hstack,inspector,leading alignment,library,live mode,localization,model,modifiers,multiplatform app template,navigationview,padding,preview on device,previews,resizable,resume updating preview,sfsymbol,source of truth,spacer,state variable,swift,text,vertical stack,view,views,vstack,xcode library,zoom state WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10147/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Distribute binary frameworks as Swift packages" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">7:47</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10147/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Distribute binary frameworks as Swift packages</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can add third-party frameworks to your app and keep them up to date using Swift packages in Xcode. We'll show you how to author packages that reference frameworks, explain binary targets and how to specify them in your package manifest file, and demonstrate how to compute...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10106/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Scribble for iPad" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10106/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Scribble for iPad</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Scribble offers a lightweight, ergonomic, and enjoyable way of entering text on iPad with Apple Pencil. Discover how people can take advantage of Scribble and handwritten text in apps that use standard text input controls or that implement a custom text editing experience. You'll learn how it...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">cursive,handwriting,recognition WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10659/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing StoreKit Testing in Xcode" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10659/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing StoreKit Testing in Xcode</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover StoreKit Testing in Xcode — a local environment for testing your in-app purchases without needing to connect to App Store servers. We'll show you how to set up a test environment, create a StoreKit configuration file, and prepare to validate receipts locally. We'll also explain how to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">iap,inapp purchase,inapp purchases,sandbox,storekit,xctest WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10174/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore App Clips" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10174/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore App Clips</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Help people experience the right parts of your app at the exact moment they need them. We'll explain how to design and build an App Clip — a small part of your app that focuses on a specific task — and make it easily discoverable. Learn how to focus your App Clip on short and fast interactions...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">active compilation conditions,app clip codes,app clip experience,app clip url,applepay,asauthorizationcontroller,corresponding app,debug app clip,focused userflow,migrate data,ondemand binary,registered experience,shared asset catalog,shared data containers,sign in with apple,skoverlay,swiftui WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10021/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build Metal-based Core Image kernels with Xcode" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">6:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10021/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build Metal-based Core Image kernels with Xcode</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to integrate and load Core Image kernels written in the Metal Shading Language into your application, and discover how you can apply these image filters to create unique effects. Explore how to use Xcode rules and naming conventions for Core Image kernels written in Metal Shading...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">coreimage,graphics,image processing,metal,performance,video,xcode WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10676/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build trust through better privacy" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">36:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10676/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build trust through better privacy</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Privacy is a more important issue than ever. Learn about Apple's privacy pillars, our approach to privacy, and how to adopt the latest features on our platforms that can help you earn customer trust, create more personal experiences, and improve engagement. Explore the transparency iOS provides...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ad network,approximate location,autofill,camera,contacts,data minimazation,dns encryption,idfa,location,mac address,microphone,permissions,photos library,picker,privacy,privacy control,private network,tracking,transparency,trust WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10668/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Nearby Interaction" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10668/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Nearby Interaction</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Nearby Interaction framework streams distance and direction between opted-in Apple devices containing the U1 chip. Discover how this powerful combination of hardware and software allow you to create intuitive spatial interactions based on the relative position of two or more devices. We'll...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">interactive,proximity,sharing WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10152/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Use model deployment and security with Core ML" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:42</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10152/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Use model deployment and security with Core ML</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to deploy Core ML models outside of your app binary, giving you greater flexibility and control when bringing machine learning features to your app. And learn how Core ML Model Deployment enables you to deliver revised models to your app without requiring an app update. We'll also...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ai,artificial intelligence,cloud,cloudkit,core ml,core ml tools,create ml,deep learning,encryption,learning,machine learning,model,model deployment,model encryption,neural network WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10204/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Create great enterprise apps: A chat with Box's Aaron Levie" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">21:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10204/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Create great enterprise apps: A chat with Box's Aaron Levie</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how organizations like Box are adapting to changing conditions in the business world and remote work. Listen to Apple's Vice President of Cloud Services Mike Abbott and Box CEO and co-founder Aaron Levie chat about the modern working environment, how cloud-based apps are helping people...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">architecture,cloud,enterprise WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10028/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet WidgetKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10028/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet WidgetKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Meet WidgetKit: the best way to bring your app's most useful information directly to the home screen. We'll show you what makes a great widget and take a look at WidgetKit's features and functionality. Learn how to get started creating a widget, and find out how WidgetKit leverages the power of...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">duration,extension,glanceable,inintents,intent,intentconfiguration,link api,multiplatform,personalizable,placeholder,placeholder ui,relevance,relevant,reload policy,reloads,reloadtimelines,score,smart stacks,snapshot,stateless ui,staticconfiguration,swiftui,timeline,timelineentryrelevance,widget,widgetkit WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10228/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in Low-Latency HLS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">5:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10228/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in Low-Latency HLS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Apple has added Low-Latency extensions to the HTTP Live Streaming protocol that combine the quality and scalability of HLS with a stream delay of two seconds or less. Learn about the most recent developments in LL-HLS and how it allows you to make your video delivery competitive with broadcast...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10214/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Port your Mac app to Apple silicon" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">40:44</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10214/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Port your Mac app to Apple silicon</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Your porting questions, answered: Learn how to recompile your macOS app for Apple silicon Macs and build universal apps that launch faster, have better performance, and support the future of the platform. We'll show you how Xcode makes it simple to build a universal macOS binary and go through...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10653/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Detect Body and Hand Pose with Vision" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10653/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Detect Body and Hand Pose with Vision</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore how the Vision framework can help your app detect body and hand poses in photos and video. With pose detection, your app can analyze the poses, movements, and gestures of people to offer new video editing possibilities, or to perform action classification when paired with an action...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">action classification,action classifier,bean bag toss,body pose,camera,cornhole,gesture,hand pose,machine learning,photo,pose estimation,ui control,video,vision WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10226/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Record stereo audio with AVAudioSession" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:37</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10226/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Record stereo audio with AVAudioSession</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Stereo recording is a powerful way to deliver immersive sound to listeners, fans, and family — and your app can use the built-in microphones on iPhone or iPad to record it. Discover how AVAudioSession can help you capture stereo audio from a mobile device, address the new special consideration...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10008/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimize the Core Image pipeline for your video app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:37</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10008/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimize the Core Image pipeline for your video app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore how you can harness the processing power of Core Image and optimize video performance within your app. We'll show you how to build your Core Image pipeline for applying effects to your video in your apps: Discover how to reduce your app's memory footprint when using CIContext, and learn...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">coreimage,graphics,image processing,metal,performance,video WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10639/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in managing Apple devices" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10639/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in managing Apple devices</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">We've made significant strides in bringing crucial device management features to macOS. Discover how these features can help you manage your all your devices using the same tools and technologies. Get details on changes coming this year and how they will impact your deployment workflows, as well...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">configuration,configurator,distribution,enterprise,management,mdm,privacy,security WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10146/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Configure and link your App Clips" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:57</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10146/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Configure and link your App Clips</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">App Clips are small parts of an app that offer a streamlined, direct experience and help people get what they need at the right time. Learn how you can invoke an App Clip through real-world experiences like App Clip Codes, NFC, and QR codes, or have them appear digitally through apps like Maps or...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app clip banner,app clip codes,app clip experience,app store connect,maps,messages,nearby suggestions,nfc,nsuseractivity,qr codes,safari,web server WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10660/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in location" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10660/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in location</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Location technologies are core to delivering context-based services within your app. Discover how the latest privacy controls in Core Location add a whole new dimension to determining position and what that means for your app. We'll walk you through best practices for implementing these latest...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">geocode,geofence,geofencing,ibeacon,indoor positioning,privacy,visit monitoring WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10027/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Modern cell configuration" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10027/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Modern cell configuration</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover new techniques for configuring collection view and table view cells to quickly build dynamic interfaces in your app. Explore configuration types you can use to easily populate cells with content and apply common styles. Take advantage of powerful APIs to customize the appearance of cells...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">collectionview,tableview,uicollectionview,uitableview WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10666/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="One-tap account security upgrades" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10666/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">One-tap account security upgrades</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">When you adopt the Account Authentication Modification Extension, you can provide people with fast, easy account security upgrades to use Sign in with Apple and strong passwords in the iCloud Keychain Password Manager. We'll show you how to add these upgrade flows to your app with the Account...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">2fa,account security,app clip,asextensionlocalizedfailurereasonerrorkey,aspasswordcredential,authorizeupgrade,autofill,breached,breaches,changepasswordwithoutuserinteraction,completechangepasswordrequest,factor,inapp,login,prepareinterfacetochangepassword,prepareinterfacetoconvertaccounttosigninwithapple,second,security code,sign in,sms,wellknown WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10041/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:44</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10041/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">SwiftUI can help you build better and more powerful apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV. Learn more about the latest refinements to SwiftUI, including interface improvements like outlines, grids, and toolbars. Take advantage of SwiftUI's enhanced support across Apple frameworks...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app api,apps,body property,commands,commands api,complications,containerrelativeshape,custom accent color,custom commands,custom complication,custom fonts,custom menus,declarative,default focus support,documentgroup,drag and drop,focus,font scaling,gauge,grids,keyboardshortcut,keyboard shortcut,label,launch screen,launch screen info plist key,lazyhstack,lazy loading grid layout,lazy stacks,lazyvstack,link,list,listitemtint,matchedgeometryeffect,multiplatform code,multiple trailing closure,multiple windows,opening url,openurl,outlines,progressview,scaledmetric,scene,settings,settings scene,sign in with apple,swiftui,toolbar,toolbar,uilaunchscreen,uniformtypeidentifiers,universal links,widgets,windowgroup WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10681/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Swan's Quest, Chapter 1: Voices in the dark" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10681/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Swan's Quest, Chapter 1: Voices in the dark</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Swift Playgrounds presents "Swan's Quest,” an interactive adventure in four chapters for all ages. In this chapter, our Hero must navigate a dark cave — and the only way to light the torches is to make them accessible. Learn about VoiceOver and write interesting audio descriptions. You just...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accessibility,swans quest,swans quest,swift playgrounds,swift playgrounds challenge,voiceover WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10114/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="iPad and iPhone apps on Apple silicon Macs" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:29</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10114/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">iPad and iPhone apps on Apple silicon Macs</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Apple silicon Macs can run many iPad and iPhone apps as-is, and these apps will be made available to users on the Mac through the Mac App Store. Discover how iPad and iPhone apps run on Apple silicon Macs, and the factors that make your apps come across better. Learn how to test your app for the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">arm,emulator WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10020/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Make your app visually accessible" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10020/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Make your app visually accessible</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">When you design with accessibility in mind, you empower everyone to use your app. Discover how to create an adaptive interface for your app that takes a thoughtful approach to color, provides readable text, and accommodates other visual settings to maintain a great experience throughout. We've...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accessibility,color,color blind,design,labels,reduce motion WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10026/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Lists in UICollectionView" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10026/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Lists in UICollectionView</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to build lists and sidebars in your app with UICollectionView. Replace table view appearance while taking advantage of the full flexibility of compositional layout. Explore modular layout options and find out how they can unlock more design options for your apps than ever before. Find...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">outline,sidebar,table,uitableview WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10612/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in RealityKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10612/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in RealityKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">RealityKit is Apple's rendering, animation, physics, and audio engine built from the ground up for augmented reality: It reimagines the traditional 3D renderer to make it easy for developers to prototype and produce high-quality AR experiences. Learn how to effectively implement each of the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10170/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">32:19</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10170/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Join us for an update on Swift. Discover the latest advancements in runtime performance, along with improvements to the developer experience that make your code faster to read, edit, and debug. Find out how to take advantage of new language features like multiple trailing closures. Learn about...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10611/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore ARKit 4" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10611/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore ARKit 4</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">ARKit 4 enables you to build the next generation of augmented reality apps to transform how people connect with the world around them. We'll walk you through the latest improvements to Apple's augmented reality platform, including how to use Location Anchors to connect virtual objects with a...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10169/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Swift packages: Resources and localization" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10169/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Swift packages: Resources and localization</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Bring your resources along for the ride when you organize and share code using Swift packages. Discover how to include assets like images and storyboards in a package and how to access them from code. And learn how to add localized strings to make your code accessible to people around the world...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10645/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Support multiple users in your tvOS app" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10645/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Support multiple users in your tvOS app</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Share your living room — not your Apple TV apps. When you support profiles within your app, you can customize your experience for each person who uses Apple TV within the same house. Discover how the “Runs as Current User” feature lets someone interact with your app, download local content,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple tv,apple tv 4k,apple tv app,game developer,games,mulituser,personalizable,personalization,personalize,profile,profiles,runs as current user,tv,tv app,tv apps,tv dev,tv developer,tvos,video WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10045/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advances in diffable data sources" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10045/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advances in diffable data sources</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Diffable data sources dramatically simplify the work involved in managing and updating collection and table views to create dynamic and responsive experiences in your apps. Discover how you can use section snapshots to efficiently build lists and outline collection views for iOS and iPadOS and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">uicollectionview,uitableview WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10665/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Safari Web Extensions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:47</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10665/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Safari Web Extensions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">When you create a Safari Web Extension, you can help people get common online tasks done more quickly and efficiently. We'll show you how to build a new Safari Web Extension and host it on the App Store, as well as how to use the safari-web-extension-converter tool to migrate existing extensions...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">activetab,app store,background page,browser,compatible,content script,css,html,javascript,json,manifest,nativemessaging,nsextensioncontext,nsxpcconnection,safariwebextensionconverter,safariwebextensionhandler,sendnativemessage,sfsafariapplication,user privacy WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10143/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in Mac Catalyst" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10143/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in Mac Catalyst</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest updates to Mac Catalyst and find out how you can bring your iPadOS app to the Mac. Explore enhancements to the application lifecycle, integrate new extensions into your apps, and learn how the new look and feel of macOS impacts Mac Catalyst apps. Get a taste of the new...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accent color,app lifecycle,color picker,color well,drag reordering,extensions,focus engine,ipad apps on mac,nscursor,optimized for mac,photo editing extensions,separator,sfsymbol,sf symbols,sidebar,toolbar,uidatepicker,uikit on mac,uisplitviewcontroller,uititlebartoolbarstyles,universal purchase WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10048/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build complications in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10048/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build complications in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Spice up your graphic complications on Apple Watch using SwiftUI. We'll teach you how to use custom SwiftUI views in complications on watch faces like Meridian and Infograph, look at some best practices when creating your complications, and show you how to preview your work in Xcode 12. To get...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,clockkit,watchkit,watchos WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10068/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in SiriKit and Shortcuts" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10068/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in SiriKit and Shortcuts</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Get a quick overview of everything new in Siri and Shortcuts to help people get more out of your app: We'll demonstrate how you can design visually rich conversations, feel at home with the operating system by designing for the new compact Siri UI, and provide an overview of all the ways we've...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">automation,extensions,inapp intent handling,intents,intentsui,shortcuts,shortcuts app,siri,sirikit,voice,watchos,watchos design WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10658/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in education" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10658/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in education</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">For over 40 years, Apple has been working with educators to create technologies for students, teachers, and school administrators and help them share in a rich and meaningful learning experience. Explore the breadth of Apple's education technologies, including classroom management apps and tools...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">asm,assessment,classkit,classroom,configurator,schoolwork,student,testing WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10182/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in HealthKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">6:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10182/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in HealthKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">HealthKit is an essential framework that integrates first- and third-party health and fitness data to help people manage their personal health information. Learn about HealthKit's latest updates, which provide read access to electrocardiograms on Apple Watch and log and track over a dozen new...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ecg,fitness,health,heart,heart rate,nutrition WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10206/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Designed for iPad" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10206/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Designed for iPad</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the building blocks for designing a great iPad app: Learn how to minimize use of modal interfaces and leverage the new sidebar to increase efficiency by streamlining navigation and facilitating powerful drag and drop interactions. See how to take advantage of iPad's versatile interaction...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10107/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new in PencilKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10107/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new in PencilKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">PencilKit helps power creativity, writing, drawing, and animation in your iPad apps. Explore the latest improvements to our drawing and annotation framework, and discover how you can take advantage of APIs like PKToolPicker, PKCanvasView, and PKStroke to support new features in illustration and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">color,engine,handwriting,palette,pallette,pencil,pencilkit,pkstrokes,scribble,strokes WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10097/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advances in UICollectionView" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/10097/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advances in UICollectionView</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about new features of UICollectionView that make it easier to use and unlock powerful new functionality. We'll show you how to use section snapshots with your diffable data source to create outlines that can expand and collapse, and introduce you to building lists with compositional layout...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">cell,collection,layout,table,tableview,uicollectionview,uitableview WWDC20 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/101/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Keynote" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">108:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2020/101/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Keynote</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC20</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off with exciting reveals, inspiration, and new opportunities to continue creating the most innovative apps in the world. Join the worldwide developer community for an in-depth look at the future of Apple platforms, directly from Apple Park.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC20 English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="collection-focus-group " id="wwdc19" data-scroll-index="5"> <!-- track --> <section class="sticky"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-12 small-12 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <span class="focus-group-link" data-scroll-nav="5"><span class="font-bold">WWDC19</span></span> </section> </section> </section> </section> <!-- video overview --> <ul class="collection-items"> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/806/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Designing Great Shortcuts" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/806/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Designing Great Shortcuts</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Shortcuts allow people to access information and actions on the go or in the Shortcuts app. The best shortcuts take careful design planning to hone in on what can help expedite a person's workflow with your app. Gain insights as to what makes a great shortcut and how to design the experience to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,add to siri,donate,donation,inrelevant,intents,inui,parameters,phrase,shortcut,siri,suggestion,voice WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/805/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Building Great Shortcuts" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/805/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Building Great Shortcuts</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Shortcuts enable people to quickly and easily accomplish actions or get things done hands-free using Siri and the Shortcuts app. Join us for a tour of where shortcuts can appear, how you can customize the experience, and how your app's shortcuts can be used with variables and actions from other...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,add to siri,donate,donation,inrelevant,intents,inui,parameters,phrase,shortcut,siri,suggestion,voice WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/423/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimizing App Launch" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">43:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/423/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimizing App Launch</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Slow app launches are frustrating. Learn about the new app launch instrument and discover how to make your app launch fast. Gain insights into what happens during app launch and how to minimize, prioritize, and optimize work at this critical time. Hear tips and tricks from the engineers making...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">dyld,dyld3,fast,instruments,launch,measure,performance,rocket,slow,speed,uikit,xcode WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/243/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Integrating with Siri Event Suggestions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:39</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/243/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Integrating with Siri Event Suggestions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Siri is the intelligence behind displaying what someone needs to know about at just the right moment. In iOS 13, we're extending this capability to allow your apps to let Siri know when a reservation has been made and Siri can elevate checking in at the right time. Siri can also provide...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,add to siri,donate,donation,inrelevant,intents,inui,phrase,shortcut,siri,suggestion,voice WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/422/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Designing for Adverse Network and Temperature Conditions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">36:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/422/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Designing for Adverse Network and Temperature Conditions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">World-class apps deliver a great user experience, even in the most strenuous environments. Learn how to use Xcode to simulate adverse network and temperature conditions. Put your app through its paces and get a firsthand view of how it performs. Hear about best practices that you can adopt to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">conditioner,test,thermal WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/715/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Core NFC Enhancements" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">30:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/715/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Core NFC Enhancements</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how easy it is to add support for NFC in your app and take advantage of the newest capabilities such as NDEF writing and support for widely adopted native tag protocols.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">nfc WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/258/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Architecting Your App for Multiple Windows" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:29</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/258/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Architecting Your App for Multiple Windows</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Dive into the details about what it means to support multitasking in iOS 13. Understand how previous best practices fit together with new ideas. Learn the nuances of structuring your application to support multiple windows, and how to instantiate your UI, handle windows coming and going, and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/246/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Window Management in Your Multitasking App" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/246/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Window Management in Your Multitasking App</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Dive into the details of window management in your Multitasking app, including how to properly handle creating, refreshing, and closing windows. Hear about best practices for when to refresh the content in your window and learn how to ensure your app's visual state is up-to-date in the switcher.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/901/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in Core Bluetooth" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">31:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/901/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in Core Bluetooth</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to adopt privacy-enhancing changes in Core Bluetooth. Discover new possibilities with LE 2Mbps, advertising extensions, BR/EDR, and dual-mode devices. Understand how to debug your Core Bluetooth communication with the improvements to PacketLogger.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accessories,accessory,ancs,ble,bleutooth,bluetooth,bluetooth 5,bluetooth low energy,bredr,bt,btle,cbcentral,cbperipheral,central,characteristic,classic,corebluetooth,core bluetooth,gatt,l2cap,mfi,packetlogger,peripheral,privacy,service,throughput,wireless WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/259/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Targeting Content with Multiple Windows" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:11</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/259/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Targeting Content with Multiple Windows</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to target content for a specific window in your app. Find out how to identify which scene the system should open from a notification, a shortcut item, and other user activities.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/421/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Modeling in Custom Instruments" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">37:42</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/421/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Modeling in Custom Instruments</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Custom instruments make it possible to profile your app your way, telling the story of what your app is doing at runtime. At the center of each custom instrument is a modeler. Find out how to build your own modelers that translate from signpost output to the data you want to show in your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/614/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Metal for Machine Learning" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">41:25</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/614/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Metal for Machine Learning</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Metal Performance Shaders (MPS) includes a highly tuned library of data parallel primitives vital to machine learning and leveraging the tremendous power of the GPU. With iOS 13 and macOS Catalina, MPS improves performance, enables more neural networks, and is now even easier to use. Learn more...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/414/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Developing a Great Profiling Experience" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">39:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/414/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Developing a Great Profiling Experience</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to add useful tracing to your reusable classes, subsystems, or frameworks. By making it easy to trace your code, you provide adopters with valuable insight and confidence. We'll show you best practices for tracing your Swift and Objective-C code, building custom instruments, and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">debugging,frameworks,instruments,performance,profiling,sdk,signposts,tools,xcode WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/241/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Adding Indoor Maps to your App and Website" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">52:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/241/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Adding Indoor Maps to your App and Website</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Indoor Maps Program enables organizations with large public or private spaces to deliver user experiences that provide precise indoor location information and present stunning indoor maps. Discover the overall process in the indoor map enablement workflow then take deep dive into the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/305/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Subscription Offers Best Practices" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">45:03</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/305/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Subscription Offers Best Practices</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Dive into implementation best practices for Subscription Offers using StoreKit and server-side logic. Learn how to generate signatures, determine customer eligibility, and reduce churn, plus gain insights into strategies for distributing offers to your customers and utilizing Subscription Offers...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">inapp purchase,storekit,subscription WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/240/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="SwiftUI On All Devices" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">45:05</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/240/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">SwiftUI On All Devices</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Once you've learned the basics of SwiftUI, you've learned what you need to know to use SwiftUI anywhere. You can use the same SwiftUI skills for making an iOS app as you would for making an app on watchOS, tvOS or macOS. We'll cover the basics, and then dig into more detail about how SwiftUI can...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">better apps faster,canvas,control,declarative,previews,view WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/303/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s New in Managing Apple Devices" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">58:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/303/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s New in Managing Apple Devices</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the latest management enhancements for iOS, macOS, and tvOS and the evolution of management tools over the past year. You'll discover how new MDM features help administrators manage devices more effectively, how new technologies deliver support for centrally managed authorization, and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/803/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Designing Great ML Experiences" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">57:45</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/803/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Designing Great ML Experiences</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Machine learning enables new experiences that understand what we say, suggest things that we may love, and allow us to express ourselves in new, rich ways. Machine learning can make existing experiences better by automating mundane tasks and improving the accuracy and speed of interactions. Learn...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/302/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="In-App Purchases and Using Server-to-Server Notifications" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">50:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/302/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">In-App Purchases and Using Server-to-Server Notifications</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the latest updates in StoreKit and dive deep into best practices for using server-to-server notifications to manage your subscribers.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">inapp purchase,storekit,subscriptions WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/613/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Ray Tracing with Metal" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">58:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/613/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Ray Tracing with Metal</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Metal Performance Shaders (MPS) harness the massive parallelism of the GPU to dramatically accelerate calculations at the heart of modern ray tracing and ray casting techniques. Understand how MPS accelerates calculations for dynamic scenes, and dive into practical examples for implementing soft...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/238/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Accessibility in SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">38:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/238/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Accessibility in SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Making your app accessible is critical, but just as important is designing a fantastic accessibility experience. Learn what makes a great experience and how to make your app understandable, navigable, and interactable. SwiftUI builds accessibility into your app for you! Discover how much you get...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accessibility,assistive,better apps faster,blind,canvas,color,contrast,control,deaf,declarative,disability,over,physical,previews,switch,tree,view,vision,voice,voiceover WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/419/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimizing Storage in Your App" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">37:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/419/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimizing Storage in Your App</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">How you store data in your app affects not only disk footprint, but also the performance of your app and the battery life of the device. Learn techniques for optimizing data serialization, working with images, and syncing to disk. Find out how to take advantage of features in SQLite to improve...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/239/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Great Developer Habits" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/239/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Great Developer Habits</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Successful app development requires mastering a lot of different things. Discover practices you can incorporate into your development workflow to enhance your productivity, and improve your app's performance and stability. Learn how to improve the quality of code you write with Xcode. Gain a...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/714/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Network Extensions for the Modern Mac" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">39:19</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/714/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Network Extensions for the Modern Mac</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about powerful new APIs in macOS that you can use to create apps that extend and customize the networking capabilities of macOS without using kernel extensions.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">extension,kernel,network WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/612/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advances in AR Quick Look" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">43:57</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/612/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advances in AR Quick Look</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">AR Quick Look is a built-in viewer for experiencing high-quality content in 3D and AR. See how integration with Reality Composer enables rich, interactive experiences to be displayed and shared more easily than ever before. Explore rendering improvements and multiple object viewing, then dive...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/418/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Getting the Most Out of Simulator" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">43:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/418/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Getting the Most Out of Simulator</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Join us for a deep dive into the world of Simulator. Find out how Simulator works, discover features you might not know exist, and get a tour of the command-line interface to Simulator for automation. Learn about native GPU acceleration in Simulator via Metal, and how to optimize your Metal code...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/237/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Building Custom Views with SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">40:11</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/237/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Building Custom Views with SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to build custom views and controls in SwiftUI with advanced composition, layout, graphics, and animation. See a demo of a high performance, animatable control and watch it made step by step in code. Gain a deeper understanding of the layout system of SwiftUI.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">bar chart,dynamic WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/713/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advances in Networking, Part 2" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">61:25</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/713/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advances in Networking, Part 2</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Take your networking apps to the next level with advances in Bonjour, custom message framing handlers, and the latest in security. You'll also learn how to understand your networking performance by collecting metrics, and how best to use the modern networking frameworks on Apple platforms.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">network,urlsession WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/235/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Taking iPad Apps for Mac to the Next Level" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">54:08</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/235/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Taking iPad Apps for Mac to the Next Level</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">macOS Catalina provides an easy way to bring your iPad app to the Mac while maintaining your single code-base. Hear about ways in which you can take your app beyond the default behaviors to optimize its interface for the Mac. Get an overview of APIs you can use and macOS design guidelines that...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">catalyst,mac catalyst,project catalyst WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/236/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s New in MapKit and MapKit JS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">51:08</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/236/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s New in MapKit and MapKit JS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">MapKit and MapKit JS bring fully featured Apple Maps to your app and website. See how the latest features give you more control over the base map presentation, finer-grained search and result filtering of points of interest and address information, and integration with standard data formats for...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/611/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bringing OpenGL Apps to Metal" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">57:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/611/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bringing OpenGL Apps to Metal</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Metal is the modern foundation for GPU-accelerated graphics and compute on Apple platforms, superseding OpenGL, OpenGL ES, and OpenCL. Get introduced to the architecture and feature set of Metal and learn a step-by-step approach for transitioning OpenGL-based apps to the Metal API.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/234/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Text Recognition in Vision Framework" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">38:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/234/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Text Recognition in Vision Framework</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Document Camera and Text Recognition features in Vision Framework enable you to extract text data from images. Learn how to leverage this built-in machine learning technology in your app. Gain a deeper understanding of the differences between fast versus accurate processing as well as...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">camera,document camera,images,natural language,photos,recognition,text,vision WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/233/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Mastering Xcode Previews" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">44:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/233/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Mastering Xcode Previews</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Xcode 11 displays previews of your user interface right in the editor, streamlining the edit-debug-run cycle into a seamless workflow. Learn how previews work, how to optimize the structure of your SwiftUI app for previews, and how to add preview support to your existing views and view controllers.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/417/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Improving Battery Life and Performance" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">39:33</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/417/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Improving Battery Life and Performance</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about new ways to find and fix performance issues during daily development, beta testing, and public release on the App Store. Learn how to catch performance issues during daily development by measuring CPU, memory, and more in your XCTests. Discover how to find issues in the field during...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">analytics,battery,beta testing,data,energy,field data,instruments,measure,metrickit,metrics,performance,xcode,xctest,xctmetric WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/301/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in App Store Connect" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">30:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/301/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in App Store Connect</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">App Store Connect continues to improve its role in each step of your app's lifecycle with new features that make your app submission, management, and distribution experience better than ever. Learn about the latest enhancements and discover new ways to ensure each release of your app is better...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/416/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Binary Frameworks in Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">40:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/416/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Binary Frameworks in Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Xcode 11 now fully supports using and creating binary frameworks in Swift. Find out how to simultaneously support devices and Simulator with the new XCFramework bundle type, how Swift module interfaces work, and how to manage changes to your framework over time.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/230/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Making Apps with Core Data" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:11</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/230/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Making Apps with Core Data</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Core Data helps manage the flow of data throughout your app. Hear about new features in Core Data that make your code simpler and more powerful, including derived attributes, history tracking, change notifications and batch operations. Learn more about using these facilities and the new diffing...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">batch operations,change notifications,concurrency,core,core data,data,derived attributes,history tracking,model layer objects,nskeyedarchiver,object graph,object life cycle,performance,persistence,persistent history,sqlite,testing WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/231/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Integrating SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">38:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/231/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Integrating SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">SwiftUI is designed to integrate with your existing code base on any of Apple's platforms. Learn how to adopt SwiftUI on any Apple platform by adding SwiftUI views into your app's hierarchy, leveraging your existing data model and more.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/232/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advances in Natural Language Framework" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">39:19</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/232/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advances in Natural Language Framework</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Natural Language is a framework designed to provide high-performance, on-device APIs for natural language processing tasks across all Apple platforms. Learn about the addition of Sentiment Analysis and Text Catalog support in the framework. Gain a deeper understanding of transfer learning for...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">classifier,core ml,language,machine learning,natural language,nlp,sentiment,text analysis,text catalog,transfer learning,word embeddings WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/427/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Training Recommendation Models in Create ML" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/427/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Training Recommendation Models in Create ML</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Recommendation models for Core ML can enable a very personal experience for the customers using your app. They power suggestions for what music to play or what movie to see in the apps you use every day. Learn how you can easily create a custom Recommendation model from all sorts of data sources...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ai,artificial intelligence,classifier,core ml,create ml,machine learning,object detection,personalization,recommendation,recommender,table,text,training WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/610/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Building Collaborative AR Experiences" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">35:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/610/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Building Collaborative AR Experiences</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">With iOS 13, ARKit and RealityKit enable apps to establish shared AR experiences faster and easier than ever. Understand how collaborative sessions allow multiple devices to build a combined world map and share AR anchors and updates in real-time. Learn how to incorporate collaborative sessions...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/428/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Training Text Classifiers in Create ML" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:05</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/428/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Training Text Classifiers in Create ML</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Create ML now enables you to create models for Natural Language that are built on state-of-the-art techniques. Learn how these models can be easily trained and tested with the Create ML app. Gain insight into the powerful new options for transfer learning, word embeddings, and text catalogs.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ai,artificial intelligence,classifier,core ml,create ml,gazetteer,machine learning,natural language,nlp,text,text catalog,training,word embeddings WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/721/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Combine in Practice" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/721/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Combine in Practice</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Expand your knowledge of Combine, Apple's new unified, declarative framework for processing values over time. Learn about how to correctly handle errors, schedule work and integrate Combine into your app today.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/426/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Building Activity Classification Models in Create ML" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/426/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Building Activity Classification Models in Create ML</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Your iPhone and Apple Watch are loaded with a number of powerful sensors including an accelerometer and gyroscope. Activity Classifiers can be trained on data from these sensors to bring some magic to your app, such as knowing when someone is running or swinging a bat. Learn how the Create ML app...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accelerometer,activity,ai,artificial intelligence,classifier,core ml,core motion,create ml,gyroscope,machine learning,motion,training WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/415/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Modern Swift API Design" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">41:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/415/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Modern Swift API Design</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Every programming language has a set of conventions that people come to expect. Learn about the patterns that are common to Swift API design, with examples from new APIs like SwiftUI, Combine, and RealityKit. Whether you're developing an app as part of a team, or you're publishing a library for...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/518/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New for Web Developers" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:28</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/518/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New for Web Developers</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">WebKit provides a rich set of classes designed to load, display, and manage web content in your app. Discover how to integrate your web content into powerful platform features including Dark Mode, new presentation features in Share Sheet, JavaScript payment APIs for Apple Pay, and more.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/515/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in Safari" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/515/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in Safari</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The latest version of Safari on macOS and iOS is packed with new capabilities that both web developers and their customers will love. Discover how to take advantage of new features including powerful new Safari Extensions APIs for window, tab, and popover management, content blocking...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/712/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advances in Networking, Part 1" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">56:58</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/712/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advances in Networking, Part 1</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Keep up with new and evolving networking protocols and standards by leveraging the modern networking frameworks on all Apple platforms and following best practices for efficiency and performance. In this session, learn about Low Data Mode, Combine in URLSession, WebSocket, and improvements to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">bonjour,combine,network,urlsession,websocket WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/516/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in Authentication" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/516/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in Authentication</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Secure sign-in and authentication is a key feature of a secure account-based app design. Learn how you can improve your app's login experiences through an overview of the available authentications services and details on specific technologies such as Sign In with Apple ID, Password AutoFill for...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/413/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Testing in Xcode" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">53:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/413/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Testing in Xcode</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Unit testing is an essential tool to consistently verify your code works correctly. Learn about the built-in testing features in Xcode, using XCTest. Find out how to organize your tests and run them under different configurations using test plans, new in Xcode 11. Discover how to automate testing...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/609/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Building AR Experiences with Reality Composer" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">59:05</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/609/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Building AR Experiences with Reality Composer</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Reality Composer is a tool that lets anyone quickly prototype and build AR scenes ready to integrate into apps or experience with AR Quick Look. Walk through the powerful and intuitive capabilities of Reality Composer and discover hundreds of ready-to-use virtual objects in its built-in AR...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/722/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing Combine" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/722/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing Combine</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Combine is a unified declarative framework for processing values over time. Learn how it can simplify asynchronous code like networking, key value observing, notifications and callbacks.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/503/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Delivering Intuitive Media Playback with AVKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">40:05</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/503/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Delivering Intuitive Media Playback with AVKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">AVKit is a high-level framework for building media user interfaces, complete with playback controls, chapter navigation, Picture-in-Picture, audio routing, support for subtitles and closed captioning, Siri and Now Playing integration, and support for keyboard, Touch Bar, and remote control. Learn...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">airplay,avfoundation,avkit,avplayer,avplayerviewcontroller,content,controls,externalmetadata,media,metadata,picture in picture,pip,player WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/412/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Debugging in Xcode 11" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">37:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/412/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Debugging in Xcode 11</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Xcode 11 introduces new features for finding and fixing bugs fast. Discover how to simulate network conditions and thermal states, and how to override your app's runtime environment while debugging. See how the debugging features work with Xcode previews to identify issues before Build & Run...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/723/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advances in Foundation" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/723/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advances in Foundation</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Foundation framework provides a base layer of functionality for apps and frameworks that's used throughout the macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS SDKs. Hear about valuable enhancements to Foundation collections, performance, internationalization features, and Swift integration.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/228/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Creating Great Apps Using Core ML and ARKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/228/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Creating Great Apps Using Core ML and ARKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Take a journey through the creation of an educational game that brings together Core ML, ARKit, and other app frameworks. Discover opportunities for magical interactions in your app through the power of machine learning. Gain a deeper understanding of approaches to solving challenging computer...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,arkit,core ml,create ml,drawing classification,machine learning,object detection,pencil kit,speech recognition WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/411/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Getting Started with Instruments" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/411/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Getting Started with Instruments</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Instruments app in Xcode provides a rich set of tools and templates for profiling your app performance. Learn all about Instruments and gain strategies for identifying bottlenecks in your code. See just how to leverage the power of time profiling and points of interest tracking to make...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">debugging,instruments,performance,profiling,signposts,tools,xcode WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/227/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Font Management and Text Scaling" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">39:45</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/227/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Font Management and Text Scaling</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Starting with iOS 13, your iOS app can contribute fonts for systemwide use. Understand how fonts are managed on iOS, and learn how to install and access fonts. Get details on the font picker interface that allows users to choose fonts, and the System UI fonts that are now available for use in...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">nsattributedstring,rounded,serif WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/226/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Data Flow Through SwiftUI" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">37:20</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/226/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Data Flow Through SwiftUI</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">SwiftUI was built from the ground up to let you write beautiful and correct user interfaces free of inconsistencies. Learn how to connect your data as dependencies while keeping the UI fully predictable and error free. Familiarize yourself with SwiftUI's powerful data flow tools and understand...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/410/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Creating Swift Packages" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">31:05</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/410/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Creating Swift Packages</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Whether you want to publish code to share with the community, or you just want a convenient way to organize the code in your apps, Swift packages are here to help. Learn how to create local packages for your own development, how to customize your package via the manifest file, and how to go about...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/225/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advances in Camera Capture & Photo Segmentation" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">60:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/225/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advances in Camera Capture & Photo Segmentation</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Powerful new features in the AVCapture API let you capture photos and video from multiple cameras simultaneously. Photos now benefit from semantic segmentation that allows you to isolate hair, skin, and teeth in a photo. Learn how these advances enable you to create great camera apps and easily...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">avcapture,avfoundation,camera,core image,hair,images,microphone,multi camera,photos,portrait effects,segmentation,skin,spatial audio,teeth,video WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/608/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Metal for Pro Apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">58:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/608/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Metal for Pro Apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Metal is the platform-optimized graphics and compute framework at the heart of GPU acceleration on Apple platforms. Learn key aspects of the Metal architecture that support the techniques for modern high-performance pro applications and workflows. Learn how to leverage Metal capabilities to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/224/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Modernizing Your UI for iOS 13" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">50:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/224/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Modernizing Your UI for iOS 13</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">iOS 13 combines powerful new multitasking and productivity technologies with a refreshed look and feel for all applications. Familiarize yourself with new requirements to keep your app ready for upcoming versions of iOS. Discover improvements to search fields and a totally new way to present UI...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">borderless bars,card,cardui,presentation,sheet,uitextinteraction WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/260/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing Photo Segmentation Mattes" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:33</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/260/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing Photo Segmentation Mattes</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Photos captured in Portrait Mode on iOS 12 contain an embedded person segmentation matte that made it easy to create creative visual effects like background replacement. iOS 13 leverages on-device machine learning to provide new segmentation mattes for any captured photo. Learn about the new...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">avcapture,camera,core image,hair,images,matte,photos,portrait effects,segmentation,skin,teeth WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/249/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing Multi-Camera Capture for iOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">44:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/249/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing Multi-Camera Capture for iOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">In AVCapture on iOS 13 it is now possible to simultaneously capture photos and video from multiple cameras on iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR, and the latest iPad Pro. It is also possible to configure the multiple microphones on the device to shape the sound that is captured. Learn how to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">avcapture,avfoundation,capture,core image,depth,disparity,hair,microphone,multi camera,parallax,photo effects,photography,photos,photos api,portrait mode,segmentation,skin,spatial audio,teeth WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/810/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Designing Audio-Haptic Experiences" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/810/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Designing Audio-Haptic Experiences</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn essential sound and haptic design principles and concepts for creating meaningful and delightful experiences that engage a wider range of human senses. Discover how to combine audio and haptics, using the Taptic Engine, to add a new level of realism and improve feedback in your app or game.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">3d touch WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/520/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing Core Haptics" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:03</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/520/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing Core Haptics</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Core Haptics lets you design fully customized haptic patterns with synchronized audio. See examples of how haptics and audio enables you to create a greater sense of immersion in your app or game. Learn how to create, play back, and share content, and where Core Haptics fits in with other audio...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/223/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Expanding the Sensory Experience with Core Haptics" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">56:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/223/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Expanding the Sensory Experience with Core Haptics</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Core Haptics lets you design your own haptics with synchronized audio on iPhone. In this two part session, learn essential sound and haptic design principles and concepts for creating meaningful and delightful experiences that engage a wider range of human senses. Discover how to combine visuals,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/710/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in Apple File Systems" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/710/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in Apple File Systems</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about what's new in file system technology, including changes to file system layout and imaging technologies. If you are affected by the new Read Only System Volume, this is a session you will not want to miss.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apfs,file,hfs WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/607/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bringing People into AR" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">39:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/607/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bringing People into AR</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">ARKit 3 enables a revolutionary capability for robust integration of real people into AR scenes. Learn how apps can use live motion capture to animate virtual characters or be applied to 2D and 3D simulation. See how People Occlusion enables even more immersive AR experiences by enabling virtual...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/409/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in Clang and LLVM" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">41:03</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/409/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in Clang and LLVM</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Keep up with the latest enhancements to C, Objective-C, and C++ made possible by advancements in the Clang compiler and LLVM. Find out about new static analyzer features and how to use them to improve your code. Learn how to take advantage of new optimizations for code size.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/802/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Designing Award Winning Apps and Games" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">46:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/802/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Designing Award Winning Apps and Games</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Through stories, interviews, and artifacts we will uncover valuable design processes, techniques, and best practices of Apple Design Award winning apps and games.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accessibility,ada,ada games,adas,aesthetics,app design,apple design,apple design awards,apple design awards 2019,apple designers,color,consistency,design,design best practices,designer,designing games,design themes,design winners,discoverability,discovery,ease of use,easy,ergonomics,feedback,form,games,iconography,intent,intentionality,ios design,macos design,meaningfulness,metaphors,mobile games,mobile game ui,mobile gaming,narrative,object model,onboarding,platform conventions,story,style,texture,thoughtfulness,tone,typography,ui design,user experience,user experience best practices,ux design,watchos design WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/709/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Cryptography and Your Apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">38:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/709/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Cryptography and Your Apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">System frameworks encrypt both data at rest and data in transit in a transparent way for you. This functionality is available by simply setting an attribute. However you may want to do more to protect your users' data. CryptoKit is a new Swift framework that makes it easier and safer than ever to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">cryptography,cryptokit,security WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/408/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Adopting Swift Packages in Xcode" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/408/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Adopting Swift Packages in Xcode</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Swift packages are a great way to organize and share code, and are now supported while building apps for all Apple platforms in Xcode 11. Find out how to use community-developed packages in your project, how Swift packages are structured, and how package versioning and dependencies work.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/221/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing PencilKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/221/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing PencilKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Meet PencilKit, Apple's feature-rich drawing and annotation framework. With just a few lines of code, you can add a full drawing experience to your app — with access to a canvas, responsive inks, rich tool palette and drawing model. Hear the technical details that make a great Apple Pencil...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">pencil,stylus,tablet WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/304/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="App Distribution – From Ad-hoc to Enterprise" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/304/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">App Distribution – From Ad-hoc to Enterprise</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Whether you want to share your app with a few colleagues, deliver it to employees within an organization, or release it to the world, there's a distribution mechanism designed to fit your needs. Familiarize yourself with each app deployment model, learn how to choose the one that's best for you,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/219/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="SwiftUI on watchOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">30:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/219/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">SwiftUI on watchOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">SwiftUI allows a whole new world of possibilities when developing watchOS apps and notifications. From custom animations to providing an intuitive feel with Digital Crown haptics, SwiftUI helps you build exciting and immersive experiences for Apple Watch. See how easy it is to create custom...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,apple watch,canvas,clkcomplication,clockkit,complications,declarative,digital crown,dynamic notifications,extended runtime,independence,independent,interactive notifications,preview,watch,watchkit,watchos,wkinterface WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/218/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Exploring New Data Representations in HealthKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/218/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Exploring New Data Representations in HealthKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how HealthKit is enriching and expanding the health data types available to the users of your app. Learn about modern storage for high-frequency health data types, accessing beat-to-beat heart rate data, and how to bring an entire new dimension of health to your users with new support...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/220/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advances in UI Data Sources" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">36:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/220/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advances in UI Data Sources</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Use UI Data Sources to simplify updating your table view and collection view items using automatic diffing. High fidelity, quality animations of set changes are automatic and require no extra code! This improved data source mechanism completely avoids synchronization bugs, exceptions, and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">diffable WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/708/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Designing for Privacy" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">38:19</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/708/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Designing for Privacy</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Privacy is a more important issue than ever for your users. Learn about new features and privacy engineering techniques that can help you earn customer trust, create more personal experiences, and improve user engagement.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/216/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="SwiftUI Essentials" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">58:28</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/216/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">SwiftUI Essentials</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Take your first deep-dive into building an app with SwiftUI. Learn about Views and how they work. From basic controls to sophisticated containers like lists and navigation stacks, SwiftUI enables the creation of great user interfaces, faster and more easily. See how basic controls like Button are...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">avocado toast,better apps faster,canvas,compose,compositional,control,declarative,previews,view WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/606/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Delivering Optimized Metal Apps and Games" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">49:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/606/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Delivering Optimized Metal Apps and Games</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Optimizing performance, memory, and bandwidth are important considerations for resource-intensive Metal apps and games. Learn key best practices to streamline your rendering and attain high frame rates. Understand powerful tools that can help you pinpoint expensive or unexpected GPU work. Dive...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/215/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advances in Collection View Layout" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">50:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/215/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advances in Collection View Layout</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Collection View Layouts make it easy to build rich interactive collections. Learn how to make dynamic and responsive layouts that range in complexity from basic lists to an advanced, multi-dimensional browsing experience.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app store,browse,custom layouts,layouts WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/217/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="ResearchKit and CareKit Reimagined" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">50:39</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/217/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">ResearchKit and CareKit Reimagined</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The ResearchKit and CareKit frameworks are the fastest route to delivering powerful native iOS apps for the research and patient care field. Learn about the newest audio and speech active-tasks, a completely redesigned user experience, and modular architecture designed to make it a breeze to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/214/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Implementing Dark Mode on iOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">38:58</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/214/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Implementing Dark Mode on iOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Hear from the UIKit engineering team about the principles and concepts that anchor Dark Mode on iOS. Get introduced to the principles of enhancing your app with this new appearance using dynamic colors and images, and add an experience that people are sure to love.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/222/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Understanding Images in Vision Framework" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">39:50</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/222/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Understanding Images in Vision Framework</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn all about the many advances in the Vision Framework including effortless image classification, image saliency, determining image similarity, and improvements in facial feature detection, and face capture quality scoring. This packed session will show you how easy it is to bring powerful...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">camera,core ml,face capture quality,face detection,face landmarks,image classification,images,image similarity,machine learning,photos,saliency,vision WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/605/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Building Apps with RealityKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">39:47</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/605/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Building Apps with RealityKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Gain a practical understanding of RealityKit capabilities by developing a game using its easy-to-learn API. Learn the recommended approach for loading assets, building a scene, applying animations, and handling game input. See how entities and components express the powerful elements of...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/707/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advances in App Background Execution" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">39:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/707/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advances in App Background Execution</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Background execution is a powerful tool your app can leverage to provide a great user experience. Learn about best practices to follow when running in the background, especially if you use VoIP or silent pushes, and an all-new scheduling API that enables long running processing and maintenance...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">background,battery,performance,power WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/705/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in Core Location" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">35:45</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/705/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in Core Location</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Location technologies are core to delivering context-based services within your app. Discover how the latest features in the Core Location Framework lay the groundwork for advanced ranging capabilities and delivers more options for you to clearly communicate your location needs to your users, and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/706/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing Sign In with Apple" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">35:19</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/706/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing Sign In with Apple</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Sign In with Apple is the fast, easy way for people to sign in to apps using the Apple IDs they already have. Learn how easy it is to add a Sign In with Apple button to your app or website to acquire new customers and benefit from the built-in security, antifraud, and privacy that Sign In with...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple id,sign in WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/213/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing Parameters for Shortcuts" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">31:59</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/213/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing Parameters for Shortcuts</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Parameters take Siri Shortcuts to the next level, enabling an interactive voice experience in Siri with follow-up questions, and allowing people to customize shortcuts in the Shortcuts app, now built into iOS. Walk through setting up your shortcuts to take advantage of parameters and learn how...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,add to siri,donate,donation,inrelevant,intents,inui,parameters,phrase,shortcut,siri,suggestion,voice WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/424/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Training Object Detection Models in Create ML" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/424/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Training Object Detection Models in Create ML</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Custom Core ML models for Object Detection offer you an opportunity to add some real magic to your app. Learn how the Create ML app in Xcode makes it easy to train and evaluate these models. See how you can test the model performance directly within the app by taking advantage of Continuity...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ai,artificial intelligence,camera,classifier,core ml,core motion,create ml,images,machine learning,object detection,photos,training,vision WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/425/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Training Sound Classification Models in Create ML" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:11</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/425/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Training Sound Classification Models in Create ML</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to quickly and easily create Core ML models capable of classifying the sounds heard in audio files and live audio streams. In addition to providing you the ability to train and evaluate these models, the Create ML app allows you to test the model performance in real-time using the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ai,artificial intelligence,audio,classifier,core ml,create ml,machine learning,sound,training WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/429/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="LLDB: Beyond "po"" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:44</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/429/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">LLDB: Beyond "po"</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">LLDB is a powerful tool for exploring and debugging your app at runtime. Discover the various ways to display values in your app, how to format custom data types, and how to extend LLDB using your own Python 3 scripts.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/245/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing the Indoor Maps Program" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/245/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing the Indoor Maps Program</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Indoor Maps Program enables organizations with large public or private spaces to deliver user experiences that leverage precise location information and present stunning indoor maps. Learn the entire enablement workflow including, creation of a standards-based map definition, map validation,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/720/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in Safari Extensions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/720/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in Safari Extensions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Safari Extensions surface your app's unique capabilities within Safari. Discover how the latest features such as content blocking notifications and user interface management and control innovations for pages, tabs, and popovers make your Safari App Extensions and Content Blockers even more...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/262/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Embedding and Sharing Visually Rich Links" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">6:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/262/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Embedding and Sharing Visually Rich Links</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The new Link Presentation framework enables app developers to easily present URLs in a rich, beautiful, and consistent way. Learn how to use Link Presentation to retrieve metadata from a URL, present the rich link content inside your app, and provide link metadata to the new share sheet...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/510/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in AVAudioEngine" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/510/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in AVAudioEngine</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">AVAudioEngine enables the realtime capture, processing, and playback of audio. Learn how to take advantage of enhancements to this powerful API, such as support for voice processing and spatial rendering mode selection, in your own audio app.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/717/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in Universal Links" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/717/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in Universal Links</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Universal Links allow your users to intelligently follow links to content inside your app or to your website. Learn how the latest enhancements in Universal Links give your users the most integrated mobile and desktop experience, even when your app isn't installed on their device.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/508/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Modernizing Your Audio App" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">1:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/508/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Modernizing Your Audio App</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Apple platforms provide a comprehensive set of audio frameworks and technologies that are essential to creating a rich app experience. Learn about which frameworks and APIs are recommended to ensure that your app is well positioned for the future.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/506/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="HEVC Video with Alpha" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:50</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/506/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">HEVC Video with Alpha</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">With the addition of alpha channel support for HEVC video, you can now composite video over custom backgrounds in both your apps and on the web. Learn how to author compatible media, and the best practices for playback.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/718/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing Accelerate for Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:59</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/718/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing Accelerate for Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Accelerate framework provides hundreds of computational functions that are highly optimized to the system architecture your device is running on. Learn how to access all of these powerful functions directly in Swift. Understand how the power of vector programming can deliver incredible...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accelerate,blas,computation,dft,fft,image processing,lapack,linear algebra,neural network,noise,numerics,performance,quaternions,realtime video,simd,slerp,sparse solver,spline,swift,vdsp,vector,vforce,vimage WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/513/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Understanding CPU Usage with Web Inspector" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:23</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/513/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Understanding CPU Usage with Web Inspector</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">As a developer of web content, you play an important role in fulfilling customer expectations for a high performance web experience while minimizing power use across all their devices. Discover new insights on how you can improve the power efficiency of your webpages in Safari, or embedded web...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/261/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Large Content Viewer - Ensuring Readability for Everyone" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:08</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/261/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Large Content Viewer - Ensuring Readability for Everyone</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Tab Bars can't grow with dynamic text, but the Large Content Viewer helps them to be seen by people with low vision. iOS 13 brings this feature to custom tab bars. Learn how to enable Large Content Viewer on your custom tab bars and ensure the right vector image is featured in the heads-up display.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/616/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Supporting New Game Controllers" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:00</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/616/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Supporting New Game Controllers</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">With iOS 13, macOS Catalina, and tvOS 13, the Game Controller framework adds support for several well-known console game controllers. Get briefed about the newly-added controllers and understand how their inputs are delivered. Learn recommended best practices for handling optional buttons, and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/511/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Supporting Dark Mode in Your Web Content" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:39</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/511/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Supporting Dark Mode in Your Web Content</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">With system-wide Dark Mode support in iOS and macOS, you'll want to make sure your web content is appropriately styled to reflect your users' preference. Learn techniques to ensure your content looks its best when presented in Safari, embedded in other apps such as Mail, or when used in your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/509/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="AUv3 Extensions User Presets" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">5:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/509/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">AUv3 Extensions User Presets</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Audio Unit app extensions gives users a convenient way to create or modify audio in any iOS or macOS app that uses sound, including music production apps such as GarageBand or Logic Pro X. And now, with iOS 13, you can store user presets for your extensions that are accessible across applications.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/250/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Making Apps More Accessible With Custom Actions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:25</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/250/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Making Apps More Accessible With Custom Actions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Custom Actions simplify the experience for people using assistive technologies with your app and they can help you reduce the number of swipes and taps that are required to navigate through your interface and perform interactions. Learn how to leverage custom actions for use in VoiceOver and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/719/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s New in File Management and Quick Look" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/719/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s New in File Management and Quick Look</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Your iOS app can now access files stored on external devices via USB and SMB. Understand best practices for creating a document-based app that reads, writes, and manages files on physical media or networked storage. Learn about enhancements to Quick Look on iOS and macOS that help you access and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apfs,exfat,fat,hfs,qlpreviewcontroller,qlthumbnailgenerator,uidocumentbrowserviewcontroller,uidocumentpickerviewcontroller WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/247/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s New in ClassKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/247/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s New in ClassKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The ClassKit framework helps you surface your app's valuable educational content for inclusion in a teacher's classroom curriculum. Get an overview of the ClassKit integration workflow, debugging instructor and student roles with the Schoolwork app, and new features designed to make publishing to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/716/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Streaming Audio on watchOS 6" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/716/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Streaming Audio on watchOS 6</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Streaming audio on Apple Watch allows customers to enjoy your content wherever they go without their iPhone. Learn about the streaming APIs brought over from iOS to allow watchOS apps to create independent audio consumption experiences. Find out how to set up your audio session for streaming and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,apple watch,audio,avfoundation,avplayer,avqueueplayer,backgraound,background,coremedia,core media,digital crown,network,networking,streaming,watch,watchkit,watchos,wkinterface WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/248/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Creating an Accessible Reading Experience" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:47</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/248/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Creating an Accessible Reading Experience</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The styling and layout of text is a hallmark feature of an outstanding reading experience. Technologies such as CoreText and TextKit give you the tools you need to create a great text layout. Learn how to make an equally great accessible experience for VoiceOver by adopting the accessibility...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/257/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Accessibility Inspector" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:14</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/257/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Accessibility Inspector</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Accessibility Inspector enables you to identify parts of your app that are not accessible. It provides feedback on how you can make them accessible, as well as simulating voice-over to help you identify what a Voice Over user would experience. Watch a live-demo of an app being fully debugged...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/253/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Exploring Tinted Graphic Complications" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">7:08</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/253/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Exploring Tinted Graphic Complications</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Many Watch faces in watchOS 6 allow for customizing the tint color of content, allowing for even more personalization of Apple's most personal device. Discover how you can use ClockKit data providers to offer full color and tint-ready options for each complication family type. This gives...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,apple watch,clkcomplication,clockkit,complications,digital crown,watch,watchkit,watchos,wkinterface WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/615/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Game Center Player Identifiers" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/615/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Game Center Player Identifiers</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Game Center now supports persistent player identifiers scoped to individual games or to a developer team ID. Understand how scoped identifiers enhance player privacy and see how to transition your apps and games onto the recommended API.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/254/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Writing Great Accessibility Labels" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:23</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/254/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Writing Great Accessibility Labels</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Great accessibility labels are the difference between someone using and loving your app or someone deleting your app. Experience VoiceOver as demonstrated by an Apple Accessibility engineer as she navigates complex UI and demonstrates how descriptive labels are an easy way to ensure your app is...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/514/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Auditing Web Content with Web Inspector" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/514/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Auditing Web Content with Web Inspector</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover a new way to ensure your web content meets team coding standards and that you can deliver better code even without reliance on automated test systems. Find out how to use the Audit tool in Web Inspector to quickly and easily audit your web content during development so important...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/244/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Visual Design and Accessibility" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/244/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Visual Design and Accessibility</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the importance of supporting Large Text. Hear about Differentiate Without Color, a new API on iOS which can enable people with vision disorders such as color-blindness to easily use your app. Learn how to use it and how it can bring inclusivity to your app. Find out how to enable new...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/252/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advances in CarPlay Systems" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:00</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/252/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advances in CarPlay Systems</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">CarPlay is a smarter, safer way to use your iPhone in the car. Learn how to update your vehicle system to take advantage of new features in iOS 13. Add support for dynamically changing screen sizes, second screens such as instrument clusters, and even irregularly shaped displays. Learn how to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,automotive,car,map WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/808/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in iOS Design" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:28</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/808/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in iOS Design</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to update your app's interface for Dark Mode to create beautiful and accessible apps. And learn how refinements to modal sheets and the new contextual menu UI can help improve usability and lead to more powerful and efficient workflows.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">borderless bars,dark mode,sf symbols WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/809/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Designing iPad Apps for Mac" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">30:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/809/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Designing iPad Apps for Mac</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can create a great Mac experience with your iPad app. Learn about essential techniques for adapting your iPad app's layout and architecture for Mac, considerations for type and color, and how you can take advantage of macOS interfaces such as the menu bar, sidebar and window...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">catalyst,mac catalyst,project catalyst WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/604/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing ARKit 3" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">51:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/604/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing ARKit 3</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">ARKit is the groundbreaking augmented reality (AR) platform for iOS that can transform how people connect with the world around them. Explore the state-of-the-art capabilities of ARKit 3 and discover the innovative foundation it provides for RealityKit. Learn how ARKit makes AR even more...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/212/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing Multiple Windows on iPad" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">42:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/212/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing Multiple Windows on iPad</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Multitasking is an exciting way to add power to your iPad app. It is easy to enable your app to run two instances of your interface side-by-side, and your customers will love it. Learn how to take your existing features like drag and drop and use them to easily create a second window. Find out...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">multiple,multitasking,multiwindow,restoration,scenes,state,uiscene,uiwindowscene,windows WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/211/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Mastering the Living Room With tvOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">48:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/211/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Mastering the Living Room With tvOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">tvOS apps can deliver amazing experiences with stunning picture quality through 4K resolution, Dolby Vision and HDR10, and immersive sound through Dolby Atmos. Discover how to design beautiful, engaging, content-first experiences for your media applications. Learn about the new Top Shelf...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,actions carousel,apple tv,apple tv 4k,carousel,content,content first,living room,mastering,new,new api,preview,remote,top shelf,top shelf new,trailers,tv app,tv design,tvos,tvos13,tvos 13,tv remote,tv room WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/507/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="HLS Authoring for AirPlay 2 Video" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">6:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/507/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">HLS Authoring for AirPlay 2 Video</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">AirPlay 2 Video lets you share video from Apple devices to popular smart TVs. Learn about the special considerations for seamless delivery of high quality video to these TVs, and how to utilize the validation tools to ensure your content is ready for primetime.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/210/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s New in AppKit for macOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">37:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/210/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s New in AppKit for macOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the latest APIs in AppKit and associated frameworks. Get an overview of the enhancements coming in macOS Catalina to help you save time, take advantage of the latest hardware, and add polish to your application.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/704/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Core ML 3 Framework" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">40:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/704/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Core ML 3 Framework</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Core ML 3 now enables support for advanced model types that were never before available in on-device machine learning. Learn how model personalization brings amazing personalization opportunities to your app. Gain a deeper understanding of strategies for linking models and improvements to Core ML...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ai,artificial intelligence,core ml,core ml tools,create ml,deep learning,learning,machine learning,model,natural language,neural network,sound,speech,training,vision WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/603/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing RealityKit and Reality Composer" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">37:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/603/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing RealityKit and Reality Composer</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Architected for AR, RealityKit provides developers access to world-class capabilities for rendering, animation, physics, and spatial audio. See how RealityKit reimagines the traditional 3D engine to make AR development faster and easier for developers than ever before. Understand the building...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/405/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Swift Playgrounds 3" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">41:19</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/405/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Swift Playgrounds 3</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Introducing Swift Playgrounds 3: the latest iteration of the revolutionary app for iPad that makes coding in Swift interactive and fun. Discover how you can use your own playgrounds to rapidly iterate on code that uses device features. Find out how the new modules feature both helps organize your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/206/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing SF Symbols" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">39:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/206/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing SF Symbols</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">SF Symbols introduces a comprehensive library of vector-based symbols that you can incorporate into your app to simplify the layout of user interface elements through automatic alignment with surrounding text, and support for multiple weights and sizes. Learn how easy it is to adapt to different...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">baseline,font,san francisco,scale,sf hello,uiimage,weight WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/208/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Creating Independent Watch Apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:03</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/208/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Creating Independent Watch Apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">watchOS 6 enables a whole new level of watchOS experiences by allowing fully independent apps and apps built just for Apple Watch, and by bringing the App Store to Apple Watch. Discover how to leverage the power of many iOS frameworks and technologies, now on watchOS, to create fully independent...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,apple watch,clkcomplication,clockkit,cloudkit,complications,digital crown,dynamic notifications,extended runtime,independence,independent,interactive notifications,notifications,sign in with apple,unnotification,watch,watchkit,watchos,wkinterface WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/430/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing the Create ML App" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/430/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing the Create ML App</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Bringing the power of Core ML to your app begins with one challenge. How do you create your model? The new Create ML app provides an intuitive workflow for model creation. See how to train, evaluate, test, and preview your models quickly in this easy-to-use tool. Get started with one of the many...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">activity,ai,artificial intelligence,classifier,core ml,create ml,detection,image classification,learning,machine learning,model,motion,natural language,recommender,sound,tools,training,vision,xcode WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/209/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in Machine Learning" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/209/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in Machine Learning</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Core ML 3 has been greatly expanded to enable even more amazing, on-device machine learning capabilities in your app. Learn about the new Create ML app which makes it easy to build Core ML models for many tasks. Get an overview of model personalization; exciting updates in Vision, Natural...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">convertors,core ml,core ml tools,create ml,model personalization,models,natural language,neural networks,nlp,ondevice training,sound,speech,vision WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/703/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="All About Notarization" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/703/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">All About Notarization</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Notarization is all about identifying and blocking malicious Mac software prior to distribution, without requiring App Review or the Mac App Store. Introduced last year and already widely adopted by Mac app developers, this is your opportunity to take an in depth tour of Notarization workflows...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">gatekeeper,notarization WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/602/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Working with USD" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">31:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/602/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Working with USD</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Universal Scene Description (USD) enables the robust description of 3D scenes and empowers engineers and artists to seamlessly collaborate across the creative workflow. Get introduced to the powerful capabilities of USD and explore its incredible scalability. Gain a deeper understanding of how...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/205/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing iPad Apps for Mac" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">41:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/205/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing iPad Apps for Mac</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">iPad Apps for Mac is an easy way to bring your iPad app to the Mac while maintaining your single code-base. Learn about common Mac features that are automatically implemented for you. Find out how to work with iOS-only frameworks and what using them could mean for your app. Hear about some common...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">catalyst,checkbox,ipad app,mac catalyst,project catalyst,uikit WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/207/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing SiriKit Media Intents" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/207/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing SiriKit Media Intents</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">iOS 13 enhances SiriKit by bringing all new support for audio content playback. See how to provide an excellent, hands-free experience for playing your music, audiobooks, podcasts, radio, and more. Dive into best practices for handling search terms, discover how to provide a complete experience...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,add to siri,audio,audiobooks,donate,donation,inrelevant,intents,inui,parameters,phrase,podcasts,radio,shortcut,siri,sirikit,streaming,suggestion,voice WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/502/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing Low-Latency HLS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">42:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/502/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing Low-Latency HLS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Since its introduction in 2009, HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) has enabled the delivery of countless live and on‐demand audio and video streams globally. With the introduction of a new Low-Latency mode, latencies of less than two seconds are now achievable over public networks at scale, while still...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/601/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Modern Rendering with Metal" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">55:28</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/601/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Modern Rendering with Metal</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Metal is the GPU-accelerated graphics and compute framework that helps developers build everything from pro apps to console-style games. Learn how to apply Metal features to implement modern graphics techniques including deferred and tiled-forward rendering. See how GPU-driven capabilities enable...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/404/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Getting Started with Xcode" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">54:25</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/404/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Getting Started with Xcode</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Xcode is the development environment for creating great apps for Apple platforms. Find out how to take advantage of Xcode features to go all the way from a new project to App Store distribution. Along the way, you'll learn how to navigate the Xcode user interface, how to take advantage of the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/204/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing SwiftUI: Building Your First App" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">54:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/204/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing SwiftUI: Building Your First App</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">See SwiftUI in action! Watch as engineers from the SwiftUI team build a fully-functioning app from scratch. Understand the philosophy driving this new framework and learn about the benefits of declarative-style programming. Take a look under the hood to understand how SwiftUI operates and learn...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">better apps faster,canvas,control,declarative,previews,view WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/203/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing Desktop-class Browsing on iPad" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">49:44</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/203/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing Desktop-class Browsing on iPad</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">iOS 13 brings desktop-class browsing to iPad. With blazing-fast performance, industry-leading security, and modern desktop features, Safari on iPad supports the latest web standards designed and automatically adapts desktop sites and web apps to touch in order to deliver a rich browsing...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/402/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in Swift" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">36:44</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/402/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in Swift</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Swift is now the language of choice for a number of major frameworks across all of Apple's platforms, including SwiftUI, RealityKit and Create ML. Join us for a review of Swift 5.0 and an exploration of Swift 5.1, new in Xcode 11. Find out about the latest advancements in performance and safety...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/202/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Using Core Data With CloudKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">31:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/202/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Using Core Data With CloudKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">CloudKit offers powerful, cloud-syncing technology while Core Data provides extensive data modeling and persistence APIs. Learn about combining these complementary technologies to easily build cloud-backed applications. See how new Core Data APIs make it easy to manage the flow of data through...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">backup,batch operations,change notifications,cloud,cloudkit,concurrency,core,core data,data,derived attributes,documents,history tracking,icloud,model layer objects,nskeyedarchiver,object graph,object life cycle,performance,persistence,persistent history,record,records,server,sharing,sqlite,testing,zone WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/403/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Creating Great Localized Experiences with Xcode 11" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:58</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/403/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Creating Great Localized Experiences with Xcode 11</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how your app can support per-app language settings in iOS 13. Get the details on localizing assets with asset catalogs and simplifying your localization workflow with Xcode 11. Understand how to generate screenshots in multiple languages for localization and testing.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,i18n,localization,world WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/702/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="System Extensions and DriverKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">37:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/702/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">System Extensions and DriverKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">One of the next steps in modernizing and improving the security and reliability of macOS is to provide a better architecture for kernel extensions and drivers. Learn how to make this transition with System Extensions and DriverKit.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">driver,extension,kernel WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/256/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advances in Speech Recognition" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">6:10</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/256/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advances in Speech Recognition</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Speech Recognizer can now be used locally on iOS or macOS devices with no network connection. Learn how you can bring text-to-speech support to your app while maintaining privacy and eliminating the limitations of server-based processing. Speech recognition API has also been enhanced to provide...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">machine learning,natural language,speech,speech recognition,speechtotext,voice,voice analysis WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/401/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in Xcode 11" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/401/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in Xcode 11</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Start the week with a tour of new features in Xcode 11, designed to help you get from idea to product faster than ever. Discover new ways to edit and organize your source code, new capabilities for designing and previewing user interfaces, and great improvements for debugging and testing. Get an...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/701/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advances in macOS Security" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">40:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/701/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advances in macOS Security</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">We are on a journey to continuously improve macOS security, with a particular focus on preventing malware and protecting user data. Join us on the next step and learn more about what's new in Gatekeeper—for keeping malware out of macOS—as well as new protections that help keep users' data and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">data protection,gatekeeper WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/501/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Reaching the Big Screen with AirPlay 2" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">35:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/501/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Reaching the Big Screen with AirPlay 2</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">AirPlay lets you share videos, photos, music, and more from Apple devices to your Apple TV, favorite speakers, and popular smart TVs. Learn how to deliver the best possible experience for AirPlay video, including automatic route selection for long form content, remote control, now playing...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/104/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Apple Design Awards" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">49:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/104/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Apple Design Awards</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Join us for an unforgettable award ceremony celebrating developers and their outstanding work. The 2019 Apple Design Awards recognize state of the art iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps that reflect excellence in design and innovation.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/103/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Platforms State of the Union" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">117:19</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/103/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Platforms State of the Union</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">WWDC 2019 Platforms State of the Union</p> <span class="hidden keywords">sotu,sotu 2019 WWDC19 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/101/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Keynote" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">137:33</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2019/101/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Keynote</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC19</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">WWDC 2019 Keynote</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC19 English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Spanish</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="collection-focus-group " id="wwdc18" data-scroll-index="6"> <!-- track --> <section class="sticky"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-12 small-12 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <span class="focus-group-link" data-scroll-nav="6"><span class="font-bold">WWDC18</span></span> </section> </section> </section> </section> <!-- video overview --> <ul class="collection-items"> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/417/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Testing Tips & Tricks" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">37:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/417/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Testing Tips & Tricks</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC18</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Testing is an essential tool to consistently verify your code works correctly, but often your code has dependencies that are out of your control. Discover techniques for making hard-to-test code testable on Apple platforms using XCTest. Learn a variety of tips for writing higher-quality tests...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">asynchronous,automation,delayed,delegate,dependency,dispatchqueue,expectation,injection,mocking,network,notificationcenter,nsnotificationcenter,nspredicate,nstimer,nsurlprotocol,nsurlrequest,nsurlsession,observers,performance,predicate,protocol,pyramid,scheduledtimer,speed,stub,swift,timers,ui testing,unit test,urlprotocol,urlrequest,urlsession,xcuitest WWDC18 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/416/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="iOS Memory Deep Dive" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">51:28</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/416/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">iOS Memory Deep Dive</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC18</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how memory graphs can be used to get a close up look at what is contributing to an app's memory footprint. Understand the true memory cost of an image. Learn some tips and tricks for reducing the memory footprint of an app.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">footprint,image,memory,size WWDC18 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/414/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Understanding Crashes and Crash Logs" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">57:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/414/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Understanding Crashes and Crash Logs</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC18</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Sudden app crashes are a source of bad user experience and app review rejections. Learn how crash logs can be analyzed, what information they contain and how to diagnose the causes of crashes, including hard-to-reproduce memory corruptions and multithreading issues.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,0x8badf00d,address,assertion,caseiterable,destroyer,disassemble,disassembly,dispatchqueue,free,gcd,grand central dispatch,isa,ivar,lldb,malloc,objcmsgsend,organizer,pointers,precondition,race,rotated,sanitizers,stack,testflight,thread,trace,unrecognized selector,use after free,zombies WWDC18 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/612/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Metal Game Performance Optimization" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:35</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/612/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Metal Game Performance Optimization</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC18</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Realize the full potential of your Metal-based games by tackling common issues that cause frame rate slowdowns, stutters, and stalls. Discover how to clear up jitter and maintain a silky-smooth frame rate with simple changes in frame pacing. Get introduced to new tools for analyzing rendering...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC18 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/230/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Deliver an Exceptional Accessibility Experience" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">40:30</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/230/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Deliver an Exceptional Accessibility Experience</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC18</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Go beyond the basics and create apps with an exceptional accessibility experience. Learn how to design elements that appear in your app for maximum clarity and accessibility. Discover how to enhance the way users interact with your app even when presenting custom views, or drawing complex UI.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">assistive,blind,color,contrast,deaf,disability,physical,vision,voiceover WWDC18 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/412/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advanced Debugging with Xcode and LLDB" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">53:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/412/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advanced Debugging with Xcode and LLDB</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC18</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover advanced techniques, and tips and tricks for enhancing your Xcode debugging workflows. Learn how to take advantage of LLDB and custom breakpoints for more powerful debugging. Get the most out of Xcode's view debugging tools to solve UI issues in your app more efficiently.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,,astronaut,catransaction,debugger,expression,flush,frame,gravity,jump,nudge,objc,objectivec,objectivec,poc,popover,swift,symbolic,thread,uiview,variable,view debugger WWDC18 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/227/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimizing App Assets" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">46:45</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/227/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimizing App Assets</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC18</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to use assets to bring visually compelling and data efficient artwork to your apps, leveraging new features in iOS 12. Gain insight into organizing, optimizing, and authoring artwork assets by using asset catalogs to their fullest. Learn techniques to better streamline workflows between...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">1x,2x,3x,app thinning,asset catalog,asset catalogue,catalog,catalogs,catalogue,compression,heif,heiff,thinning WWDC18 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/411/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Getting to Know Swift Package Manager" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">36:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/411/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Getting to Know Swift Package Manager</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC18</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Swift Package Manager makes it possible to easily develop and distribute source code in the Swift ecosystem. Learn about its goals, design, unique features, and the opportunities it has for continued evolution.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,,dependencies,evolution,llbuild,packageresolved,semantic,spm,swiftpm,versioning WWDC18 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/608/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Metal Shader Debugging and Profiling" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">38:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/608/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Metal Shader Debugging and Profiling</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC18</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Metal provides powerful tools for analyzing shader behavior and optimizing performance. Dive into troubleshooting vertex-stage problems with new geometry viewing capabilities in Xcode. Use the shader debugger to step through vertex, fragment, and compute shader execution line-by-line. Get details...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC18 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/410/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Creating Custom Instruments" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">55:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/410/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Creating Custom Instruments</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC18</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Understand how custom instruments are useful and when they should be used. Get an in-depth view of the architecture of custom instruments and how to create them. Understand the attributes of a good instrument. Dive into advanced modeling and how to use the CLIPS language.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">instrument,instruments,ossignpost,ossignposts,signpost,signposts WWDC18 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/715/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing Network.framework: A modern alternative to Sockets" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">61:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/715/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing Network.framework: A modern alternative to Sockets</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC18</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The new Network.framework API gives you direct access to the same high-performance user-space networking stack used by URLSession. If you're considering using Berkeley Sockets in your app or library, learn what better options are available to you.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC18 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/408/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Building Faster in Xcode" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">39:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/408/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Building Faster in Xcode</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC18</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Build your apps faster in Xcode 10. Learn how to structure your projects and tweak your code to take full advantage of all processor cores. Whether you've made a few small code changes you want to give a try, or you're building your full app for release, these techniques will cut the time it...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">anyobject,batch,bridging header,categories,codegen,cycle,dependencies,dependency,explicit,file list,implicit,incremental,inference,objc,objectivec,objectivec,parallelized,private,serialized,swift,whole module optimization,wmo,xcfilelist WWDC18 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/803/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Designing Fluid Interfaces" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">64:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/803/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Designing Fluid Interfaces</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC18</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the techniques used to create the fluid gestural interface of iPhone X. Learn how to design with gestures and motion that feel intuitive and natural, making your app a delight to use.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">animation,behavior,design,fluid,gesture,iphone x,motion,physics,smooth WWDC18 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/802/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Intentional Design" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">40:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/802/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Intentional Design</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC18</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Great app experiences leap off the screen. They are dynamic, immersive, personal, and, above all else, the result of a strong and clear intent. Learn key techniques for being intentional with your design by choosing appropriate metaphors, making extreme choices, and making every interaction feel...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">behavior,dad jokes,design,editorial,experience,interaction,ui,ux,visual WWDC18 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/405/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Measuring Performance Using Logging" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">35:25</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/405/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Measuring Performance Using Logging</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC18</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to use signposts and logging to measure performance. Understand how the Points of Interest instrument can be used to examine logged data. Get an introduction into creating and using custom instruments.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">instrument,instruments,ossignpost,ossignposts,signpost,signposts WWDC18 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/801/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="The Qualities of Great Design" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">53:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/801/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">The Qualities of Great Design</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC18</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Great Design isn't magic, it is crafted with care by real people. Explore the characteristics of great design through the voices of designers from Apple and our developer community. Learn how they take inspiration from everyday life, conceive and refine ideas, and push themselves to design apps...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,,animation,apple design,apple designers,audio,care,caroline,cas,communiction,copy,craft,d,design,design best practices,designer,doug,editorial,elaine,emoji,gary,great,great design,haptics,hugo,interaction,interview,interviews,jessie,khan,khan academy,lauren,lauren grimm,lauren strehlow,layers,loic,loc,mike,nando,nicole,people,podcast,q,qualities,quality,sound,strehlow,travis,typography,ui,visual,where cards fall WWDC18 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/213/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="CarPlay Audio and Navigation Apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">38:33</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/213/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">CarPlay Audio and Navigation Apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC18</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to update your audio or navigation app to support CarPlay. Apps in CarPlay are optimized for use in the car, and automatically adapt to available vehicle screens and input controls. Audio apps can deliver music, news, podcasts, and more. With the new CarPlay framework, Navigation apps...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,car,map WWDC18 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/211/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introduction to Siri Shortcuts" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">48:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2018/211/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introduction to Siri Shortcuts</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC18</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Siri Shortcuts are a powerful new feature in iOS 12 that allow your app to expose its functionality to Siri. This enables Siri to suggest your shortcut at relevant times based on various context. Shortcuts can also be added to Siri to run with a voice phrase on iOS, HomePod and watchOS. Learn how...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,donate,donation,inrelevant,intents,inui,phrase,shortcut,siri,suggestion,voice WWDC18 English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="collection-focus-group " id="wwdc17" data-scroll-index="7"> <!-- track --> <section class="sticky"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-12 small-12 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <span class="focus-group-link" data-scroll-nav="7"><span class="font-bold">WWDC17</span></span> </section> </section> </section> </section> <!-- video overview --> <ul class="collection-items"> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/716/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="iOS Configuration and APIs for Kiosk and Assessment Apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">35:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/716/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">iOS Configuration and APIs for Kiosk and Assessment Apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">iOS provides several techniques for keeping your app front and center. Whether you're building a kiosk, hospitality check-in, or educational assessment app, choosing the right app-lock technique is critical. From Guided Access to Automatic Assessment Configuration you'll learn which approach...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/609/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Going Beyond 2D with SpriteKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">32:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/609/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Going Beyond 2D with SpriteKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">SpriteKit makes it easy to create high-performance, power-efficient 2D games and more. See how to take SpriteKit objects into Augmented Reality through seamless integration with ARKit. Learn about mixing 2D and 3D content and applying realistic transformations. Take direct control over SpriteKit...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">2d,action,animation,arkit,audio,camera,collision,collisions,constraint,gpu,graphics,inverse kinematics,lighting,metal,opengl,physics,platformer,puzzle,render,shaders,shading,skaction,skaudionode,skcameranode,sknode,skreferencenode,spatial,sprite WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/605/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="SceneKit in Swift Playgrounds" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">40:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/605/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">SceneKit in Swift Playgrounds</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover tips and tricks gleaned by the Swift Playgrounds Content team for working more effectively with SceneKit on a visually rich app. Learn how to integrate animation, optimize rendering performance, design for accessibility, add visual polish, and understand strategies for creating an...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">3d,collada,dae,graph,graphics,inverse kinematics,opengl,opensubdiv,pbr,physically based renderer,physics,playground,renderer,rendering,scene,scnlayer,scnnode,scnview,swift,usd WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/507/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Capturing Depth in iPhone Photography" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">58:39</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/507/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Capturing Depth in iPhone Photography</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Portrait mode on iPhone 7 Plus showcases the power of depth in photography. In iOS 11, the depth data that drives this feature is now available to your apps. Learn how to use depth to open up new possibilities for creative imaging. Gain a broader understanding of high-level depth concepts and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">capture,depth,disparity,parallax,photo effects,photography,photos,photos api,portrait mode WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/803/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Designing Sound" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/803/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Designing Sound</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Design is not just about what people see, it's also about what they hear. Learn about how sound design can help you create a more immersive, usable and meaningful user experience in your app or game, and get a glimpse of how the sounds in Apple products are created.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,,,,,,,,,,apple design,apple designers,design,design best practices,design demo,ios design,sound design WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/802/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Essential Design Principles" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">59:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/802/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Essential Design Principles</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Design principles are the key to understanding how design serves human needs for safety, meaning, achievement and beauty. Learn what these principles are and how they can help you design more welcoming, understandable, empowering and gratifying user experiences.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,,,,,,,apple design,apple designers,cross platform,design,design best practices,design principles,global design,hi,hig,human interface,ios,ios design,mac design WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/706/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Modernizing Grand Central Dispatch Usage" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">54:37</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/706/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Modernizing Grand Central Dispatch Usage</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">macOS 10.13 and iOS 11 have reinvented how Grand Central Dispatch and the Darwin kernel collaborate, enabling your applications to run concurrent workloads more efficiently. Learn how to modernize your code to take advantage of these improvements and make optimal use of hardware resources.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">gcd,runtime,thread WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/604/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="SceneKit: What's New" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">53:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/604/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">SceneKit: What's New</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">SceneKit is a fast and fully featured high-level 3D graphics framework that enables your apps and games to create immersive scenes and effects. See the latest advances in camera control and effects for simulating real camera optics including bokeh and motion blur. Learn about surface subdivision...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">3d,camera,collada,dae,france,french,graph,graphics,inverse kinematics,opengl,opensubdiv,pbr,physically based renderer,physics,renderer,rendering,scene,scnlayer,scnnode,scnview WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/504/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advances in HTTP Live Streaming" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">54:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/504/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advances in HTTP Live Streaming</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">HTTP Live Streaming allows you to stream live and on-demand content to global audiences. Learn about great new features and enhancements to HTTP Live Streaming. Highlights include support for HEVC, playlist metavariables, IMSC1 subtitles, and synchronized playback of multiple streams. Discover...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">cmaf,hevc,hls,http live streaming,imsc1,playback,playlists,streaming,video WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/250/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Extend Your App’s Presence with Deep Linking" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">3:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/250/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Extend Your App’s Presence with Deep Linking</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about deep linking and how universal links can be used to make your app's content and functionality accessible throughout iOS.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/717/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Developing Wireless CarPlay Systems" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:37</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/717/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Developing Wireless CarPlay Systems</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Wireless CarPlay is perfect for any trip. Get in your car without taking your iPhone out of your bag or pocket, and start experiencing CarPlay effortlessly. Learn how to design your CarPlay system to connect wirelessly to iPhone. Understand hardware requirements, best practices for a great user...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,automotive,bluetooth,car,pair,wifi WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/718/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing Core NFC" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/718/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing Core NFC</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Core NFC is an exciting new framework that enables you to read NFC tags in your apps on iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Learn how to integrate Core NFC into your apps, key requirements for using this feature, and start thinking about the new kinds of apps that are enabled with NFC capabilities.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">nfc WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/247/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Extend Your App's Presence With Sharing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">4:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/247/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Extend Your App's Presence With Sharing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Help your users share the great content in your app by using the built-in iOS sharing functionality. Learn how timing, placement and context of sharing can drive engagement and acquire new users.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/819/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Designing for a Global Audience" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/819/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Designing for a Global Audience</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The worldwide reach of the App Store means that your app can be enjoyed by people from around the globe. Explore ways to make your app useful and appealing to as many people as possible. And pick up simple techniques for avoiding common issues when reaching a global audience.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">audience,design,design best practices,designing,design studio,design studio shorts,global,global audience,global design,internationalization,short,shorts WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/248/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Localization Best Practices on tvOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:57</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/248/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Localization Best Practices on tvOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Expand the reach of your apps by building them for a worldwide audience. Learn how to create localized tvOS apps that perform seamlessly regardless of country and language. Gain insights into such topics as handling server-side content, matching preferred languages, and localizing images and text...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">international,internationalization,locale,right to left,righttoleft WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/810/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What’s New in iOS 11" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:47</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/810/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What’s New in iOS 11</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">See how the updates to UIKit controls and text styles in iOS 11 can help you design an app with a stronger visual hierarchy, clearer navigation, and a simpler interface that's easier to use.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">design,design best practices,design studio,design studio shorts,ios,ios 11,ios design,short,shorts,uikit,whats new WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/249/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Filtering Unwanted Messages with Identity Lookup" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/249/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Filtering Unwanted Messages with Identity Lookup</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Unwanted SMS and MMS messages are a persistent, frustrating nuisance. Identity Lookup is a new framework that allows you to participate in the process of filtering incoming messages. Get the details of how to identify and prevent these unsolicited messages. Understand the options for on-device...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">carrier,cellular,china,extension,identitylookup,junk,messagefilter,spam WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/823/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Designing Glyphs" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/823/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Designing Glyphs</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Glyphs are a powerful communication tool and a fundamental element of your app's design language. Learn about important considerations when conceptualizing glyphs and key design principles of crafting effective glyph sets for spaces inside and outside of your app.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">design,design best practices,designing glyphs,design studio,design studio shorts,glyphs,icon,icon design,iconography,icons,search glyph,short,shorts,tab bar WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/822/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="App Icon Design" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/822/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">App Icon Design</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">An app icon is the face of your app on the home screen. Learn key design principles for creating simple, unique, meaningful and beautiful app icons. Gain simple but effective techniques for testing your app icon for clarity and immediate recognizability.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app,app icon,app icons,design,design best practices,designing,design studio,design studio shorts,icon,icon design,short,shorts WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/818/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="60-Second Prototyping" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/818/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">60-Second Prototyping</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to quickly build interactive prototypes! See how you can test new ideas and improve upon existing ones with minimal time investment and using tools you are already familiar with.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">60 seconds,design,design best practices,design studio,design studio shorts,interactive,interactive prototype,prototype,prototyping,short,shorts WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/246/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Deep Linking on tvOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">7:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/246/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Deep Linking on tvOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Design features such as the tvOS Top Shelf and Universal Links help customers immerse themselves in your content more quickly and easily. Learn how to create seamless app launch experiences when deep linking into content of UIKit or TVMLKit apps.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">tv app,universal link WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/513/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="High Efficiency Image File Format" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:05</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/513/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">High Efficiency Image File Format</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn the essential details of the new High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF) and discover which capabilities are used by Apple platforms. Gain deep insights into the container structure, the types of media and metadata it can handle, and the many other advantages that this new standard affords.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/514/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Error Handling Best Practices for HTTP Live Streaming" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/514/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Error Handling Best Practices for HTTP Live Streaming</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) reliably delivers media content across a variety of network and bandwidth conditions. However, there are many factors that can impact stream delivery, such as server or encoder failures, caching issues, or network dropouts. Learn the best-practice behaviors that your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/811/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Design Tips for Great Games" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/811/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Design Tips for Great Games</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Great games transport us into another world where we can reign over a kingdom, fight epic battles, or become a pinball wizard. Learn on-boarding and UI design best practices that will enable everyone to lose themselves in your game and have fun.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">design,design best practices,design studio,design studio shorts,game,game best practices,game design,games,game ui,game user experience,game user interface,mobile game ui,mobile gaming,short,shorts,studio WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/719/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Enabling Your App for CarPlay" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:33</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/719/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Enabling Your App for CarPlay</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Understand how to enable your audio, messaging, VoIP calling or automaker app for CarPlay. Audio, messaging and VoIP calling apps use a consistent design that's optimized for use in the car. Automaker apps provide vehicle specific controls and displays to keep drivers connected without leaving...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,,automotive,callkit,car,mediaplayer,mediaplayer framework,notifications,sirikit WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/817/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Rich Notifications" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/817/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Rich Notifications</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the keys to creating informative, useful and beautiful rich notifications in iOS. Get practical and detailed guidance about how to design short looks, long looks, and quick actions that will make your app's notifications something people look forward to receiving.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">design,design best practices,design studio,design studio shorts,notifications,rich notifications,short,shorts WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/812/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Size Classes and Core Components" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/812/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Size Classes and Core Components</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Designing for multiple screen sizes can seem complicated, difficult, and time-consuming. Learn how size classes, dynamic type, and UIKit elements help your app to scale elegantly, save you time, and make your app look amazing on whatever device people are using.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">core components,design,design best practices,design studio,short,shorts,size classes,studio shorts WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/821/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get Started with Display P3" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/821/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get Started with Display P3</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Wide color displays allow your app to display richer, more vibrant and lifelike colors than ever before. Get a primer on color management, the Display P3 color space, and practical workflow techniques for producing more colorful images and icons.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">color,color management,colorspace,design,design best practices,design shorts,design studio,design studio shorts,display p3,icons,images,short WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/251/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Now Playing and Remote Commands on tvOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/251/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Now Playing and Remote Commands on tvOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Consistent and intuitive control of media playback is key to many apps on tvOS, and proper use and configuration of MPNowPlayingInfoCenter and MPRemoteCommandCenter are critical to delivering a great user experience. Dive deeper into these frameworks and learn how to ensure a seamless experience...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/820/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Express Yourself!" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:37</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/820/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Express Yourself!</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">iMessage Apps help people easily create and share content, play games, and collaborate with friends without needing to leave the conversation. Explore how you can design iMessage apps and sticker packs that are perfectly suited for a deeply social context.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">design,design best practices,design short,design studio,design studio shorts,short,shorts,sticker,sticker pack,stickers WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/515/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="HLS Authoring Update" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/515/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">HLS Authoring Update</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) reliably delivers video to audiences around the world. Key to this reliability is a comprehensive set of tools to help you author, deliver, and validate the HLS streams you create. See what's new in these tools, learn the latest authoring recommendations, and how they...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/815/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="How to Pick a Custom Font" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:50</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/815/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">How to Pick a Custom Font</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Choosing a custom font for your app can be a daunting task involving both functional and stylistic decisions. Gain a solid understanding of fundamental font design characteristics such as proportion and contrast. Learn how to apply this knowledge when deciding which font is right for your app.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">custom font,custom fonts,design best practices,design studio,design studio shorts,font,fonts,short,shorts,typography WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/813/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Writing Great Alerts" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/813/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Writing Great Alerts</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to create clear, informative, and helpful alerts that will make your app easy and enjoyable to use. Get valuable insights about the proper role for alerts, actionable guidance about writing effective alerts, and techniques for avoiding common pitfalls.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">alert,alerts,design,design best practices,design studio,design studio shorts,dialogue,prompt,short,shorts,writing,writing alerts WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/809/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Communication Between Designers and Engineers" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:52</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/809/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Communication Between Designers and Engineers</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Good communication between designers and engineers is the key to building great products. Discover how production and specification techniques can improve communication, build trust, and help design and development teams work together to build better apps.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">communication,design,design best practices,designers,design studio shorts,organization,short,shorts,studio shorts,teamwork WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/816/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Love at First Launch" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2017/816/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Love at First Launch</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC17</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Engage people from the first moment they open your app, and keep them coming back for more. Learn tips on how to make a compelling first impression, methods for teaching new users about your app, and best practices when asking users for more information.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">design,design best practices,design short,design studio,design studio shorts,first impression,first launch,first time user experience,onboarding,on boarding,short,shorts,teaching WWDC17 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="collection-focus-group " id="wwdc16" data-scroll-index="8"> <!-- track --> <section class="sticky"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-12 small-12 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <span class="focus-group-link" data-scroll-nav="8"><span class="font-bold">WWDC16</span></span> </section> </section> </section> </section> <!-- video overview --> <ul class="collection-items"> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/419/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Protocol and Value Oriented Programming in UIKit Apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">39:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/419/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Protocol and Value Oriented Programming in UIKit Apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC16</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Building on last year's Protocol-Oriented Programming and Building Better Apps with Value Types sessions, this year's session will highlight tips and tricks for building better Swift apps. See how you can incorporate these design approaches into a real MVC-based Cocoa Touch app, especially in the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,swift in practice WWDC16 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/720/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Concurrent Programming With GCD in Swift 3" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">35:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/720/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Concurrent Programming With GCD in Swift 3</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC16</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Swift 3 provides new interfaces that make it easier than ever to write applications with Grand Central Dispatch. Learn the basics of GCD and best practices on how to use it to architect your Swift application. You'll also hear about new APIs and other GCD improvements.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">dispatch,gcd,qos,queue,runloop,thread WWDC16 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/416/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Understanding Swift Performance" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">58:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/416/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Understanding Swift Performance</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC16</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">In this advanced session, find out how structs, classes, protocols, and generics are implemented in Swift. Learn about their relative costs in different dimensions of performance. See how to apply this information to speed up your code.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC16 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/805/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Iterative UI Design" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">41:35</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/805/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Iterative UI Design</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC16</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">You're familiar with Keynote for making presentations, but it's also a powerful tool for exploring, iterating and refining user interface layouts and workflows. Learn techniques and best practices for using Keynote to quickly and persuasively express your product ideas by building realistic and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">demo,demo design,design,design best practices,design comps,design demo,iterative,keynote,learn to design,rapid,ui,ui design,user flows,user interface,user interface design,workflows WWDC16 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/219/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in UICollectionView in iOS 10" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">35:42</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/219/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in UICollectionView in iOS 10</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC16</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">UICollectionView is a powerful class allowing your app to manage and customize the layout of views. iOS 10 brings enhancements for better performance, easier layout and brings features you've been looking for. Learn how to make your apps richer and faster by using new features in UICollectionView...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">collection,ios,performance,scrolling,table,uicollectionview,uikit,uitableview WWDC16 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/411/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="System Trace in Depth" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">37:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/411/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">System Trace in Depth</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC16</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Join engineers from the Instruments team for another focused look at the System Trace Instruments profiling template and how to get the most out of it. Discover how threads, virtual memory, and locking interact to affect performance. Dive deep for a practical look at how you can improve your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">debug,instruments,lock,locking,locks,memory,performance,profile,profiling,system,template,thread,threads,trace,virtual memory WWDC16 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/606/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advanced Metal Shader Optimization" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">41:15</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/606/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advanced Metal Shader Optimization</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC16</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Metal shading language is an easy-to-use programming language for writing graphics and compute functions which execute on the GPU. Dive deeper into understanding the design patterns, memory access models, and detailed shader coding best practices which reduce bottlenecks and hide latency...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">3d,3d graphics,compiler,compute,gpgpu,gpu,metl,mtl,mtldevice,opengl,opengl es,renderer,shader,simd WWDC16 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/501/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advances in iOS Photography" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">59:42</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/501/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advances in iOS Photography</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC16</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">People love to take pictures with iPhone. In fact, it's the most popular camera in the world, and photography apps empower this experience. Explore new AVFoundation Capture APIs which allow for the capture of Live Photos, RAW image data from the camera, and wide color photos.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">camera,capture,editing,image,jpg,live photo,photo,raw WWDC16 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/509/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Speech Recognition API" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:37</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/509/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Speech Recognition API</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC16</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">iOS 10 brings a brand new Speech Recognition API that allows you to perform rapid and contextually informed speech recognition in both file-based and realtime scenarios. In this video, you will learn all about the new API and how to bring advanced speech recognition services into your apps.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">audio stream,cloud,icloud,realtime,recognition,siri,speech WWDC16 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/722/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Developing CarPlay Systems, Part 1" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">30:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/722/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Developing CarPlay Systems, Part 1</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC16</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">CarPlay is a smarter, safer way to use your iPhone in the car. Learn how CarPlay works and how to design your car's infotainment system to work seamlessly with iPhone. Understand best practices for a great user experience that integrates CarPlay with the car's native system.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC16 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/241/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Public Transit in Apple Maps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:19</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/241/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Public Transit in Apple Maps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC16</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Launched last year with iOS 9 and macOS El Capitan, the new Transit feature in Apple Maps is customized for each city where it's available. Hear about how the Apple Maps team ensures a great customer experience through a combination of transit agency data, field survey, and close attention to the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC16 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/723/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Developing CarPlay Systems, Part 2" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:13</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/723/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Developing CarPlay Systems, Part 2</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC16</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how CarPlay integrates with your car's infotainment system. Understand how CarPlay is designed to work with your car's resources including the display, speakers, microphone, user inputs, steering wheel controls, instrument cluster and sensors.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC16 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/725/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Deploying AirPrint in Enterprise" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:02</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/725/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Deploying AirPrint in Enterprise</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC16</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">AirPrint works everywhere, including Enterprise environments. Learn how to deploy AirPrint in the Enterprise, how to set up an AirPrint Bluetooth Beacon which is new in iOS 10, and how to make sure your users take full advantage of AirPrint features.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC16 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/511/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="AVCapturePhotoOutput - Beyond the Basics" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:44</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/511/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">AVCapturePhotoOutput - Beyond the Basics</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC16</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Continue your learning from Session 501: Advances in iOS Photography, with some additional details on scene monitoring and resource management in AVFoundation's powerful new AVCapturePhotoOutput API.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">camera,capture,editing,image,jpg,live photo,photo,raw WWDC16 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/724/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in the Apple Push Notification Service" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:45</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/724/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in the Apple Push Notification Service</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC16</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Starting with a review of the HTTP/2 based provider API, you will learn about an important new feature: Token Based Authentication. Learn to connect to APNs using authentication tokens for sending pushes via the HTTP/2 API, relieving you of the overhead associated with maintaining valid...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> WWDC16 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/510/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Validating HTTP Live Streams" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2016/510/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Validating HTTP Live Streams</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC16</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">HTTP Live Streaming enables the reliable delivery of media content over a wide variety of network conditions. Learn best practices in HLS authoring, see how to verify your streams using the HTTP Live Streaming tools, and apply the results to improve the performance of your streams.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">hls,hlsreport,http live streaming,mediastreamvalidator,validation WWDC16 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="collection-focus-group " id="wwdc15" data-scroll-index="9"> <!-- track --> <section class="sticky"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-12 small-12 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <span class="focus-group-link" data-scroll-nav="9"><span class="font-bold">WWDC15</span></span> </section> </section> </section> </section> <!-- video overview --> <ul class="collection-items"> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/805/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Apple Watch Design Tips and Tricks" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">51:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/805/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Apple Watch Design Tips and Tricks</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC15</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Get essential design guidance for creating Apple Watch apps that support quick and efficient interaction, make accessing features and information more convenient, and compliment their companion iOS apps. Learn key tips about information architecture, layout, typography, color and app icon design...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,design,digital crown,experience,icon,interface,layout,typography,ui,watchkit,wkinterface WWDC15 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/719/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Your App and Next Generation Networks" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">52:41</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/719/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Your App and Next Generation Networks</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC15</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">IPv6 is growing exponentially and carriers worldwide are moving to pure IPv6 APNs. Learn about new tools to test your apps for compatibility and get expert advice on making sure your apps work in all network environments. iOS 9 and OS X 10.11 now support the latest TCP standards. Hear from the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ipv6,tcp WWDC15 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/802/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Designing for Apple Watch" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">54:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/802/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Designing for Apple Watch</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC15</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Apple Watch represents a new chapter in the way people relate to technology. It's the most personal device Apple has ever designed, and it enables new ways to receive information and to interact with apps. Learn about the foundations on which Apple Watch was designed and how they lead to Apple...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,clockkit,complication,digital crown,experience,foreground,haptic,interface,layout,persistent,picker,taptic,ui,watchkit,wkinterface WWDC15 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/506/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Editing Movies in AV Foundation" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">35:51</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/506/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Editing Movies in AV Foundation</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC15</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to use the new AVMutableMovie class to modify media files and simplify your editing workflows. See how to support segment-based editing and discover the power of sample reference movies.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">av foundation,avmovie,moov,mov,quicktime,video WWDC15 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/404/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="App Thinning in Xcode" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">40:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/404/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">App Thinning in Xcode</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC15</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The app distribution pipeline is becoming more powerful and flexible. Learn to create full featured apps that are delivered to users devices with new App Thinning features such as slicing and ODR. See how to integrate these new features into your continuous integration and testing processes, and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app store,distribution,odr,ondemand resources,slicing,slimming,xcode,xcodebuild,xcode server WWDC15 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/206/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in MapKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">34:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/206/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in MapKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC15</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">See what's new in MapKit. Learn about improvements to existing APIs and new ways of incorporating transit ETAs and Flyover map views in your app.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">annotation,current location,direction,flyover,geo,hybrid,imagery,location,map,mapkit,mapview,mk,overlay,pin,route,satellite,search,standard,tile,transit WWDC15 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/705/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in Core Motion" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">39:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/705/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in Core Motion</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC15</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">See what's new in Core Motion. Learn how your application can take advantage of the motion sensors on iOS devices. Walk through new features of the pedometer and learn how to use the altimeter to take your app to the next level. Get personal with motion APIs and sensor data on the Apple Watch...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">accelerometer,altimeter,cmmotion,coremotion,cycling,driving,fitness,floors,gyroscope,m7,m8,motion,pedometer,step,steps,walking,watchkit WWDC15 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/703/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Privacy and Your App" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">41:20</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/703/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Privacy and Your App</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC15</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about new developments in Privacy in iOS, OS X, and watchOS that impact your apps. Hear about best practices for delivering great features and respecting your customers' privacy.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">consent,privacy,security WWDC15 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/602/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Managing 3D Assets with Model I/O" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">42:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/602/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Managing 3D Assets with Model I/O</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC15</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Model I/O provides a seamless infrastructure for accessing and managing 3D models. Its high-performance architecture supports reading and writing popular mesh and model formats, textures, and materials. Get introduced to the Model I/O framework and learn key details about its integration with...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">abc,ambient,camera,dome,light,mesh,mkasset,modelio,modelkit,obj,occlusion,opensubdiv,sky,skybox,stl,subdivide,texture WWDC15 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/402/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in LLDB" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">38:37</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/402/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in LLDB</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC15</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Enhancements to LLDB simplify life for Swift and Objective-C developers alike. Experienced developers will find new powers within the debugging console, and learn more about the connection between the debugger and Swift REPL. Newcomers will get insight into the range of possibilities hidden...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">breakpoints,clang,debugging,expressions,llvm,runtime,swift WWDC15 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/504/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing Safari View Controller" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">31:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/504/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing Safari View Controller</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC15</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The new SFSafariViewController class enables you to deliver interactive web content in your app just like Safari, including the key Safari UI elements already familiar to your users. See how to easily bring Safari features like Reader and AutoFill into your app, and provide a great web viewing...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">autofill,css,javascript,passwords,reader,safari,web WWDC15 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/401/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Swift and Objective-C Interoperability" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">35:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2015/401/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Swift and Objective-C Interoperability</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC15</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover new features that make it easier than ever to craft Objective-C APIs that work beautifully in Swift, as well as new Swift language features that provide even better interoperability. Apple engineers will also discuss enhancements to Apple's SDKs that improve the Swift experience.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">enums,frameworks,function pointers,generics,kindof,lightweight generics,macros,modernizations,nullability,objc,objc,objectivec,sdk,typed collections WWDC15 English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="collection-focus-group " id="wwdc14" data-scroll-index="10"> <!-- track --> <section class="sticky"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-12 small-12 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <span class="focus-group-link" data-scroll-nav="10"><span class="font-bold">WWDC14</span></span> </section> </section> </section> </section> <!-- video overview --> <ul class="collection-items"> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2014/513/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Direct Access to Video Encoding and Decoding" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">52:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2014/513/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Direct Access to Video Encoding and Decoding</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC14</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to use AV Foundation and Video Toolbox to access hardware accelerated encoding and decoding services. Gain best practices for when it is appropriate to use a high-level or low-level API for encoding or decoding. Learn about multi-pass export for improved H.264 encoding and see how...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">core graphics,core video,iosurface WWDC14 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2014/223/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Prototyping: Fake It Till You Make It" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">57:50</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2014/223/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Prototyping: Fake It Till You Make It</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC14</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Make better apps by trying things out first, before you write any code. Get a glimpse of Apple's prototyping process and the range of tools and techniques we use, some of which might surprise you.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">design,keynote WWDC14 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2014/219/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Adopting Handoff on iOS and OS X" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">51:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2014/219/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Adopting Handoff on iOS and OS X</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC14</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Handoff allows people to seamlessly move activities between devices and pick up right where they left off. Learn how to save, transfer, and restore user activities in apps of all architectures. See how easy it is to add Handoff support to your iOS and OS X apps to make your user experience even...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">appkit,continue,nsuseractivity,streams,uikit WWDC14 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2014/605/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Working with Metal: Advanced" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">53:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2014/605/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Working with Metal: Advanced</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC14</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Building on the fundamentals, learn how to create advanced games and graphics applications with Metal. See how to construct your rendering pipeline, understand how to use compute and graphics together, and discover how to optimize your Metal-based app.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">3d,3d graphics,accelerate,compute,frame debugger,gpgpu,gpu,metal tools,metl,mtl,opengl,opengl es,renderer,shader,simd,xcode WWDC14 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2014/604/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Working with Metal: Fundamentals" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">53:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2014/604/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Working with Metal: Fundamentals</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC14</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Start learning how to code with Metal in this step-by-step walkthrough of basic scene rendering. See the code you need to get your first Metal-based application up and running. Explore how to create graphics and compute shaders and efficiently animate scenes.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">3d,3d graphics,accelerate,compute,gpgpu,gpu,metl,mtl,opengl,opengl es,renderer,shader,simd WWDC14 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2014/603/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Working with Metal: Overview" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">46:23</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2014/603/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Working with Metal: Overview</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC14</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Metal provides extremely efficient access to the graphics and compute power of the A7 chip. Get introduced to the essential concepts behind Metal, its low-overhead architecture, streamlined API, and unified shading language. See how Metal lets you take your iOS game or app to the next level of...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">3d,3d graphics,accelerate,compute,gpgpu,gpu,metl,mtl,opengl,opengl es,renderer,shader,simd WWDC14 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2014/602/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Ingredients of Great Games" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">56:33</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/wwdc2014/602/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Ingredients of Great Games</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">WWDC14</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Kick off the game development sessions of WWDC 2014 by gaining insight into the key ingredients needed to create a great game for iOS. Understand the importance of harnessing the full capabilities of the platform to create a richer gameplay experience. Get practical guidance about game production...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">2d,3d,engagement,friction,game,graphics,metal,nsurlsession,opengl,scenekit,spritekit WWDC14 </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="collection-focus-group " id="tech-talks" data-scroll-index="11"> <!-- track --> <section class="sticky"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-12 small-12 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <span class="focus-group-link" data-scroll-nav="11"><span class="font-bold">Tech Talks</span></span> </section> </section> </section> </section> <!-- video overview --> <ul class="collection-items"> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111386/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Improve your subscriber retention with App Store features" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">31:58</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111386/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Improve your subscriber retention with App Store features</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to minimize churn and win back subscribers on the App Store. Explore App Store data, review different types of subscriber churn, discover tools you can use to enhance your retention efforts, and learn implementation best practices.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111378/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Adapt to changing network conditions" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111378/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Adapt to changing network conditions</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Apple devices can connect to multiple networks at the same time. Learn how your app can automatically select the best one for an optimal experience. Explore the different types of networks and review their characteristics. And discover how to use URLSession and Network framework to best describe...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111381/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get started with Apple Pay on the Web" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111381/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get started with Apple Pay on the Web</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Adding Apple Pay to your website elevates your customer experience. Learn how to present Apple Pay as a payment option, validate your merchant session, and authenticate and process payments. You'll also find out how to configure your environment, set up transactions using the Apple Pay demo site,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111369/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Connect your project to Xcode Cloud" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111369/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Connect your project to Xcode Cloud</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Unlock the benefits of continuous integration and delivery in Xcode Cloud with source code management tools. Learn how to set up Xcode Cloud with a self-hosted source control management provider like GitHub Enterprise, troubleshoot common issues, and explore key project maintenance tips.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111384/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover the Journaling Suggestions API" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">14:05</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111384/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover the Journaling Suggestions API</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Find out how the new Journaling Suggestions API can help people reflect on the small moments and big events in their lives though your app — all while protecting their privacy. Learn how to leverage the API to retrieve assets and metadata for journaling suggestions, invoke a picker on top of the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111377/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Manage Game Center with the App Store Connect API" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111377/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Manage Game Center with the App Store Connect API</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use the App Store Connect API to automate your Game Center configurations outside of App Store Connect on the web. Find out how the API can help you create achievements and leaderboards and share them between related games using groups. And learn how to enable and configure...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111373/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Learn performance best practices for Metal shaders" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">26:00</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111373/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Learn performance best practices for Metal shaders</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can improve Metal shader performance using some of the latest advancements in Apple GPUs. Learn to reduce a shader's execution time by configuring function constants, and investigate ways to increase compiler optimization with function groups. Find out how to save run time by...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111375/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore GPU advancements in M3 and A17 Pro" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111375/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore GPU advancements in M3 and A17 Pro</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how Dynamic Caching, the next-generation shader core, hardware-accelerated ray tracing, and hardware-accelerated mesh shading of Apple family 9 GPUs can improve the performance of your Metal apps and games. </p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111372/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring your high-end game to iPhone 15 Pro" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:57</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111372/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring your high-end game to iPhone 15 Pro</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how the power of A17 Pro can help you maximize your game on iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max. We'll share best practices and technical resources, and explore ways to optimize game performance, input, and asset management.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111374/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover new Metal profiling tools for M3 and A17 Pro" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">33:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111374/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover new Metal profiling tools for M3 and A17 Pro</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how the new profiling tools in Xcode 15 can help you achieve the best Metal performance on Apple family 9 GPUs. Discover how to use shader cost graphs, performance heat maps, and shader execution history tools to profile and optimize your Metal code. Find out how to use new GPU counters to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111376/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet rule-based matchmaking in Game Center" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:06</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/111376/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet rule-based matchmaking in Game Center</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to incorporate the new rule-based matchmaking feature into your real-time multiplayer games. Discover how you can provide customized and flexible matchmaking to improve the quality of player matches and create a more fun and engaging experience for all players. </p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110365/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Measure and improve acquisition with App Analytics" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:11</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110365/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Measure and improve acquisition with App Analytics</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how App Analytics can help you better understand user acquisition, so you can make data‑informed decisions. Explore ways to find out where your users are coming from and review definitions of key metrics. We'll also discuss how peer group benchmarks and other features can help improve your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110366/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Use Game Center to boost discovery and engagement" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">20:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110366/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Use Game Center to boost discovery and engagement</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore how Game Center, Apple's social gaming network, helps players discover and engage with your game. Learn about Game Center and App Store features that can help you connect with new players and keep them coming back, as well as Apple technologies designed to deliver powerful gameplay...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110364/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore App Store pricing upgrades" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110364/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore App Store pricing upgrades</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the newest pricing capabilities available on the App Store. We'll walk through enhanced global pricing, new tools to manage pricing by storefront, additional price points, and global equalization. We'll also share configuration examples.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110361/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Make the most of custom product pages" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110361/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Make the most of custom product pages</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can maximize the effectiveness of your custom product pages on the App Store. We'll cover best practices, provide data-based recommendations, and share success stories from developers who have used custom product pages to reach specific audiences.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110358/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get started with app discovery and marketing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:23</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110358/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get started with app discovery and marketing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can improve the discovery of your app on the App Store. We'll explore the different ways people find apps on the App Store and show you how to make your own app more discoverable. Discover the elements of a great product page, the role of search, referral traffic, and promotional...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110349/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Make the most of product page optimization" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:46</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110349/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Make the most of product page optimization</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to get more from your product page optimization tests. We'll explore best practices, provide data-based recommendations, and share success stories from developers who have used product page optimization to make their App Store product pages even more relevant and effective.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110356/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's new for enterprise developers" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">35:11</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110356/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's new for enterprise developers</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can build compelling apps for your business on iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and watchOS. We'll take you through a curated overview of the latest updates to Apple platforms and explore relevant features that you can use to create engaging enterprise apps to transform workflows, inform...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10168/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Migrate custom intents to App Intents" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:20</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10168/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Migrate custom intents to App Intents</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can easily convert your existing custom intents to App Intents. We'll take you through the conversion of your intents to Swift and discuss how you can improve discoverability of your app features when you create App Shortcuts. To learn more about App Intents, watch "Implement App...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110339/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover Metal Performance HUD" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">6:44</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110339/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover Metal Performance HUD</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Get to know the new heads-up display panel built to help you analyze graphics performance in real time. Metal Performance HUD displays key graphics statistics so you can monitor, log, and identify tough-to-spot performance problems.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110336/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Implement Apple Pay and order management" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110336/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Implement Apple Pay and order management</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Apple Pay provides an easy and secure way for people to make payments in your iOS, iPadOS, and watchOS apps as well as on the web. We'll take you through the entire Apple Pay implementation workflow – including how you can signal support for Apple Pay, request payment and handling updates, and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110338/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Add SharePlay to your multiplayer game with Game Center" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">4:37</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110338/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Add SharePlay to your multiplayer game with Game Center</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to let your players jump into games with friends they're on FaceTime calls with, using SharePlay. We'll show you how easy it is to turn on SharePlay support if you are already using the Game Center multiplayer UI. And if you've built a custom interface, we'll give you the few lines of...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110347/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get started with in-app events" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:05</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110347/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get started with in-app events</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can highlight your app or game's content on the App Store. We'll take you through the in-app events feature and provide recommendations, tips, and best practices for helping people discover content and events within your app.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110343/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get started with TestFlight" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:00</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110343/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get started with TestFlight</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use TestFlight to improve your app experience and ready it for release on the App Store. We'll take you through an overview of TestFlight, including how to invite testers and provide information to them about testing. We'll also provide best practices for receiving feedback...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110152/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Write clear purpose strings" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:37</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110152/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Write clear purpose strings</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to write clear and succinct purpose strings to help people understand why your app needs access to protected resources like their camera, location, and health data. We'll take you through best practices to help craft concise purpose strings and show you how you can improve wording in...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110353/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet high-performance MapKit JS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:03</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110353/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet high-performance MapKit JS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">MapKit JS provides a JavaScript API to embed interactive Apple Maps directly into your webpages or apps across different platforms and operating systems, including iOS and Android. Learn about the latest features to help improve load performance and make your web and native apps more responsive...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110352/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Do more with less data" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:40</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110352/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Do more with less data</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Great apps do more for people while collecting less data. Learn how three simple tips from the App Review team can help you build great experiences while minimizing data collection.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110345/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore Family Sharing for In-App Purchases" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">22:04</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110345/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore Family Sharing for In-App Purchases</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Family Sharing for In-App Purchases lets people share their auto-renewable subscriptions and non-consumables with up to five additional family members, helping you attract new subscribers, increase user engagement, and improve retention. We'll review how you can enable this feature in App Store...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110350/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Manage auto-renewable subscription pricing in App Store Connect" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:17</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110350/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Manage auto-renewable subscription pricing in App Store Connect</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use App Store Connect to manage prices for your auto-renewable subscriptions. We'll provide guidance to help you plan subscription price increases and decreases, show you how to remove preserved pricing, and explore how to edit upcoming price changes.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110337/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover Reference Mode" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:50</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110337/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover Reference Mode</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can match color requirements in demanding pro workflows using Reference Mode on the 12.9-inch iPad Pro with Liquid Retina XDR display. We'll show you how Reference Mode enables you to represent color accurately and provide consistent image representation in workflows like review and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10067/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bring desktop class sync to iOS with FileProvider" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10067/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bring desktop class sync to iOS with FileProvider</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can sync files faster and more efficiently within your iPhone and iPad apps when you create a File Provider extension. Sync up with the File Provider team and learn how to build a modern File Provider for iOS. We'll show you how to architect your app to support seamless file...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">cloud,download,fileprovider,file provider,files,filesystem,file system,sync,synchronization,synchronize,upload Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110151/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Optimize subscriptions for success: acquisition " loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110151/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Optimize subscriptions for success: acquisition </h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can acquire subscribers and grow your business using App Store features. We'll explore subscriber acquisition strategies, share implementation best practices, and show you how to integrate these processes into your app for success.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110150/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get started with custom offer codes" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">17:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110150/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get started with custom offer codes</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can complement existing offer codes campaigns with custom, repeatable codes to provide even more flexibility to acquire and retain subscribers. We'll take you through the latest enhancements to offer codes, provide engineering guidance, explore best practices, and show you how to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10892/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore unlisted app distribution" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10892/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore unlisted app distribution</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover a new way you can distribute apps to limited audiences on the App Store. We'll take you through the differences between using unlisted distribution and standard distribution on the App Store, show you how to share apps with a direct link, and more.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">distribution,education,enrollment,enterprise,unlisted Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10890/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Deploy iOS 15 in your organization" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10890/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Deploy iOS 15 in your organization</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest platform changes for deploying iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 in your business or education organization. Learn about deploying both organization-owned and personally-owned iPhone and iPad devices. Explore fundamentals and new updates for deployment workflows including enrollment,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">deployment,device management,enterprise,ios 15 Tech Talks English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110148/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Build and deploy Safari Extensions for iOS" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:57</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110148/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Build and deploy Safari Extensions for iOS</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Safari web extensions for iOS use standard web technologies to provide powerful browser customizations. Learn how you can build an extension that works for iPhone and iPad, and discover how you can publish your extension on the App Store.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10891/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Prepare your organization for macOS Monterey" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">32:00</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10891/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Prepare your organization for macOS Monterey</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest platform changes for deploying macOS Monterey in your business or education organization. Learn about changes to initial enrollment, ongoing management, and return to service including managing software updates and the new Erase All Content and Settings feature for macOS.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">deployment,device management,enterprise,macos monterey Tech Talks English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10888/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get started with product page optimization" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:10</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10888/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get started with product page optimization</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Help make your App Store product page even more relevant and effective with product page optimization. We'll explore details of the feature, take you through the setup process in App Store Connect including how to test different app icons, screenshots and app previews, and share testing...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10886/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get started with custom product pages" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:43</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10886/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get started with custom product pages</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how you can create additional versions of your App Store product page and showcase different features or content within your app. We'll explore how you can create pages for a specific aspect of your app or a specific audience, show you how to set it up in App Store Connect, and highlight...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110147/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Tune CPU job scheduling for Apple silicon games" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">35:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/110147/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Tune CPU job scheduling for Apple silicon games</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Graphically-intensive games can be very demanding on hardware resources, requiring hundreds or even thousands of CPU jobs to be processed every frame. We'll show you how you can organize those jobs to maximize CPU efficiency and performance on the M1, M1 Pro, and M1 Max chips. Learn how you can...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10100/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore and manipulate data in Swift with TabularData" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10100/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore and manipulate data in Swift with TabularData</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use the TabularData framework to load, explore, and manipulate unstructured data in Swift — whether you need to pre-process data for a machine learning task or digest data on-the-fly in your app. Learn how this framework can help you handle large datasets, join multiple...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10887/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Support customers with StoreKit 2 and App Store Server API" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">40:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10887/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Support customers with StoreKit 2 and App Store Server API</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can use StoreKit 2, App Store Server API, and App Store Server Notifications to create great in-app purchase experiences for your customers and offer support and refunds. We'll explore implementation approaches, provide best practices and take you through customer management and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">app store server api,storekit,storekit 2 Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10580/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Metal Compute on MacBook Pro" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:44</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10580/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Metal Compute on MacBook Pro</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can take advantage of Metal compute on the latest MacBook Pro. Learn the fundamental principles of high-performance Metal compute and find out how you can take advantage of the framework to create better workflows for your development process and even better apps for creative pros.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple silicon,cuda,metal,metal shading language,metal tools,opencl,performance,proapps,tips and tricks Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10874/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Get the most out of CloudKit Sharing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10874/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Get the most out of CloudKit Sharing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how apps can use CloudKit to share records with others. We'll show you how to encourage collaboration between people using your app and support those interactions with Apple frameworks. Learn how to create and manage shares, explore sharing options like public permissions, and find out...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ckshare,cloudkit sharing,hierarchical,sharing,sharing sample app,zone Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10885/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Tips for preventing common review issues" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10885/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Tips for preventing common review issues</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Prepare your app for review with these tips from the App Review team. Learn how to prevent the most common issues and discover best practices for an easy and straightforward review experience. </p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10884/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Meet Apple Watch Series 7" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:11</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10884/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Meet Apple Watch Series 7</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Apple Watch Series 7 introduces new device sizes and a display that features a subtle wraparound effect. Learn how you can adapt your watchOS app design to look great on all screen sizes: We'll show you how to take advantage of a larger content area, create clearer hierarchy using color and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,alwayson,scenepadding,watchos 8 Tech Talks English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10876/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover advances in Metal for A15 Bionic " loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">23:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10876/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover advances in Metal for A15 Bionic </h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how you can elevate your apps and games with Metal and the A15 Bionic. We'll help you take advantage of Apple GPU family 8 with the latest Metal features: Learn how to save memory with Lossy Compression, dive into complex shadow mapping techniques with Sparse Depth and Stencil Textures,...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">2d graphics,3d graphics,games,image processing,metal,metal compute,metal shading language,rendering techniques,simd Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10870/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Deploy macOS Big Sur in your organization" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">40:25</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10870/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Deploy macOS Big Sur in your organization</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover the latest on the platform changes in macOS Big Sur and Mac computers with the Apple M1 chip, including features available in macOS Big Sur 11.3. Learn about macOS Big Sur management capabilities and strategies for deploying in business and education. Hear about changes to deployment...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">enterprise Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10868/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Subscription offer codes" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">29:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10868/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Subscription offer codes</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Subscription offer codes can help you acquire, retain, and win back subscribers as you grow your business. Learn about configuration options, creating a great experience, and measuring redemptions. We'll explore how to set up customer eligibility, territory, price, and expiration in App Store...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">inapp purchases,subscription,subscription business model,subscription marketing Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10154/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Convert PyTorch models to Core ML" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">25:18</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10154/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Convert PyTorch models to Core ML</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Bring your PyTorch models to Core ML and discover how you can leverage on-device machine learning in your apps. The PyTorch machine learning framework can help you create and train complex neural networks. After you build these models, you can convert them to Core ML and run them entirely...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ai,artificial intelligence,core ml,core ml tools,deep learning,learning,machine learning,model,natural language,neural network,python,pytorch,training Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10155/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Improve Object Detection models in Create ML" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10155/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Improve Object Detection models in Create ML</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">When you train custom Core ML models for object detection in Create ML, you can bring image understanding to your app. Discover how transfer learning allows you to build smaller models with less training data. We'll also take you through some of the advanced parameters in Create ML that help you...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ai,computer vision,core ml,create ml,machine learning,object detection,vision Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10857/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Demystify and eliminate hitches in the render phase" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">19:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10857/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Demystify and eliminate hitches in the render phase</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">When you implement complex view hierarchies in your app, you may run into animation hitches. Demystify how your views are turned into pixels during the render phase, and learn how to use Instruments to uncover issues in this part of the render loop. Discover how to eliminate offscreen passes and...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">animation hitches,hitches,render phase,xcode Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10855/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore UI animation hitches and the render loop" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:54</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10855/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore UI animation hitches and the render loop</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore how you can improve the performance of your app's user interface by identifying scrolling and animation hitches in your app. We'll take you through how hitches happen in the render loop, and explain how to measure hitch time ratio and fix the issues that most impact people using your app.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">ui animation hitches,xcode Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10856/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Find and fix hitches in the commit phase" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10856/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Find and fix hitches in the commit phase</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Discover how to render smoother animations in your app by troubleshooting the commit phase of your render loop. Dive into the mechanics of this phase, and learn how to use Instruments to uncover the source of hitches in your app, eliminate them, and avoid them outright.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">animation hitches,commit phase,hitches,xcode Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10023/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Support Apple Pro Display XDR in your apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">27:24</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10023/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Support Apple Pro Display XDR in your apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Apple Pro Display XDR is a high grade reference monitor designed for professional workflows such as video editing, photography, 3D animation and game development. Discover how you can use underlying technology and framework-level support to improve your professional workflows for content...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">display,display p3 Tech Talks English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10696/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Uniform Type Identifiers — a reintroduction" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">24:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10696/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Uniform Type Identifiers — a reintroduction</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Ever wonder how the system decides what app should open a given file? Explore the Uniform Type Identifiers framework, which helps you simplify the process for supporting standard or proprietary file formats in your app. You'll learn how to use the new framework and Xcode to declare the types your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10865/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What can you do on an Apple silicon Mac?" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">2:34</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10865/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What can you do on an Apple silicon Mac?</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how developers updated their apps for Apple silicon Macs and began taking advantage of the advanced capabilities of the Apple M1 chip.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10858/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Discover Metal enhancements for A14 Bionic" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">28:57</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10858/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Discover Metal enhancements for A14 Bionic</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Explore how Metal is bringing sophisticated rendering and powerful compute features to A14 Bionic. We'll take you through the Metal capabilities delivered in the Apple GPU Family 7 feature set, including new texture addressing modes, fast SIMD reduction and matrix multiplication operations, and a...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10854/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Integrate SiriKit Media Intents with HomePod" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">39:29</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10854/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Integrate SiriKit Media Intents with HomePod</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Bring your music service to HomePod and help users enjoy your content hands-free throughout their home. Discover how to build a great integration from start to finish. We'll take you through how Media Intents work, configuring your app as a preferred music service on HomePod and integrating...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">homepod,siri,sirikit,sirikit media intents Tech Talks </span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10001/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Explore Live GPU Profiling with Metal Counters" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/10001/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Explore Live GPU Profiling with Metal Counters</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Take advantage of the Metal Counters API for GPU profiling in macOS Big Sur and iOS 14. This API provides access at runtime to low-level GPU profiling information, which was previously available only through offline tools in Xcode and Instruments. Metal Counters accelerate the optimization...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/609/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Advanced Scene Understanding in AR" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:23</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/609/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Advanced Scene Understanding in AR</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">ARKit 3.5 and RealityKit provide new capabilities that take full advantage of the LiDAR Scanner on the new iPad Pro. Check out ARKit 3.5 and learn about Scene Geometry, enhanced raycasting, instantaneous virtual object placement, and more. See how RealityKit takes advantage of these features to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/210/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in Sharing" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">6:35</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/210/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in Sharing</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The Share Sheet provides a convenient way to share information from your current context with other apps, people, and services. Discover the details on using the Link Presentation framework to present shared URLs in a rich and consistent way, how to create a Share Extension configured to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/301/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introducing Extensible Enterprise SSO" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">18:33</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/301/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introducing Extensible Enterprise SSO</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Single Sign-on ensures your enterprise can implement modern authentication methods without sacrificing ease of use. Learn how to use the Authentication Services framework to expose your redirect and credential SSO services in Safari and native apps on macOS Catalina, iPadOS 13, and iOS 13...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/608/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Metal Enhancements for A13 Bionic" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">35:48</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/608/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Metal Enhancements for A13 Bionic</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Metal brings powerful API features and GPU-driven capabilities to A13 Bionic including sparse textures, vertex amplification, Tier 2 argument buffers, ASTC HDR, and more. Understand the architectural improvements of the Apple-designed A13 Bionic and learn how the latest Metal enhancements advance...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/508/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Apple TV App and Universal Search Video Integration - Part 1" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">15:21</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/508/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Apple TV App and Universal Search Video Integration - Part 1</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">This video provides a feature overview of the Apple TV App and Universal Search services, and introduces how 3rd party video services integrate with them through metadata feeds. Requirements for providing metadata about your movies, tv shows, and sporting events are detailed — in addition how to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple tv,apple tv app,metadata feeds,tv,tv app,tv provider,universal search,universal services,video integration Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/509/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Apple TV App and Universal Search Video Integration - Part 2" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">5:55</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/509/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Apple TV App and Universal Search Video Integration - Part 2</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Get an overview of the client-side integration required for 3rd party applications that are participating with the Apple TV App. Learn about onboarding and testing. See how to register subscriptions for your customers, report playback data as content is watched in your applications, and support...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple tv,apple tv app,metadata feeds,tv,tv app,tv provider,universal search,universal services,video integration Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/507/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Apple TV VSA Framework" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">2:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/507/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Apple TV VSA Framework</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the VideoSubscriberAccount framework, what it does, and how to integrate this framework with your app. Learn how this framework fits into the development for the Apple TV Distribution Program.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple tv,apple tv app,apple tv distribution program,apple tv set top box,authentication,authentication context,set top box,set top box api,set top box apis,set top box authentication overview,single sign on,sso,stb,stb api,tv,tv,video subscriber account,video subscriber account framework,vsa,zero sign on,zso Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/506/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Apple TV Set Top Box APIs" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">3:07</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/506/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Apple TV Set Top Box APIs</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the Set Top Box APIs, what they do, and how they help make the Apple TV setup easier for your customers. Learn how this framework fits into the development for the Apple TV Distribution Program.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple tv,apple tv app,apple tv distribution program,apple tv set top box,authentication,authentication context,set top box,set top box api,set top box apis,set top box authentication overview,single sign on,sso,stb,stb api,tv,tv,video subscriber account,video subscriber account framework,vsa,zero sign on,zso Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/505/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Apple TV Authentication Context" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">5:27</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/505/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Apple TV Authentication Context</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the Apple TV authentication context, what it does, and how to start building this web service. Learn how the authentication context fits into the development for the Apple TV Distribution Program.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple tv,apple tv app,apple tv distribution program,apple tv set top box,authentication,authentication context,set top box,set top box api,set top box apis,set top box authentication overview,single sign on,sso,stb,stb api,tv,tv,video subscriber account,video subscriber account framework,vsa,zero sign on,zso Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/504/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Apple TV Distribution Program Overview" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">4:09</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/504/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Apple TV Distribution Program Overview</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn about the Apple TV Distribution Program and the engineering requirements and business benefits that come with enrollment. Familiarize yourself with the authentication context, VideoSubscriberAccount framework, and the Set Top Box APIs.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">apple tv,apple tv app,apple tv distribution program,apple tv set top box,authentication,authentication context,set top box,set top box api,set top box apis,set top box authentication overview,single sign on,sso,stb,stb api,tv,tv,video subscriber account,video subscriber account framework,vsa,zero sign on,zso Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/209/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Bringing Your Apps to the New iPad Pro" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:47</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/209/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Bringing Your Apps to the New iPad Pro</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Take advantage of the all-screen design of the new iPad Pro by building your app with the iOS 12.1 SDK and making sure it appears correctly with the display's rounded corners and home indicator. Learn about the new common inset compatibility mode and what it means for apps running in multitasking...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/208/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Developing Complications for Apple Watch Series 4" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">11:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/208/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Developing Complications for Apple Watch Series 4</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Complications allow people to quickly glance and stay connected with your app on the watch face throughout their day. The new Infograph and Infograph Modular watch faces on Apple Watch Series 4 allow all new ways to create engaging, full-color complications. Learn about the new complication...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,50,bezel,circular,clock kit,rectangular,timeline Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/803/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Designing for Subscription Success" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/803/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Designing for Subscription Success</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Providing a great subscription experience within your app makes it easier to acquire new subscribers. Learn how to more clearly communicate the value of your subscriptions, streamline your sign up flow, and make subscriptions appealing and effortless.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">design,design best practices,design patterns,sampling,subscription,subscriptions Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/703/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="GDPR & CloudKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:32</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/703/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">GDPR & CloudKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union regulation that requires developers to give users visibility and control over the personal data you store on their behalf. Learn how to use new and existing CloudKit APIs to build privacy into your apps and make sure customers can...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/702/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="What's New in Core NFC" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">6:12</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/702/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">What's New in Core NFC</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Background reading of NFC tags is a new feature for iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR. Learn how to associate your app with an NFC tag to make it even easier for people to benefit from the NFC capabilities of new iPhones.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">nfc Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/207/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Building Apps for iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/207/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Building Apps for iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">If your app has already adopted safe area insets, there's not much you will need to do to update your app for iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR. Learn how to set a collection view's section inset reference to the safe area with no code changes. Hear about an API change unique to iPhone XS...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/802/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Designing for Apple Watch Series 4" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:26</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/802/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Designing for Apple Watch Series 4</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Apple Watch Series 4 provides new opportunities for designers and developers to do more with their apps. Series 4 watches have new displays with larger dimensions, and other enhancements that allow developers to deliver richer and more immersive experiences.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/205/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Ensuring Beautiful Rich Links" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">5:31</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/205/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Ensuring Beautiful Rich Links</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Website links received in Messages can be made vastly more inviting than a simple text URL. By providing small amounts of metadata in your web pages, links to your website can include rich content such as icons, images and even video. Learn how visitors to your website can share links that look...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/206/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="QR Code Recognition on iOS 11" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/206/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">QR Code Recognition on iOS 11</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">iOS 11 provides built-in support to detect and handle QR codes. Discover the supported QR code types, how each type is handled by built-in Camera and Safari apps, and how Universal Links can seamlessly send users to your app when scanning your QR codes.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/402/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Using Web Inspector with tvOS Apps" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">4:01</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/402/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Using Web Inspector with tvOS Apps</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">With Web Inspector, you can debug web content on several Apple platforms, including tvOS. This video introduces you to Web Inspector's powerful debugging capabilities, and takes you through the features designed to accelerate debugging of TVML content in your tvOS app.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/401/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Web Inspector Walkthrough" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">5:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/401/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Web Inspector Walkthrough</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Web Inspector is packed with features designed to make inspection, debugging and delivery of your web content a breeze. Get an overview of the latest features including major layouts, tabs, buttons, and other capabilities that make Web Inspector a powerful web development tool.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/503/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Introduction to AVDisplayManager" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">6:20</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/503/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Introduction to AVDisplayManager</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Starting with tvOS 11.2, Apple TV 4K can automatically switch video display modes to match the native frame rate and dynamic range of video content. With tvOS 11.3, Apple TV (4th generation) can also automatically switch video display modes to match native frame rate. Learn how to make sure your...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/502/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="An Introduction to HDR Video" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">6:38</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/502/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">An Introduction to HDR Video</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Dolby Vision and HDR10 enable amazing new video viewing experiences with a wider color gamut and deeper contrast. Learn how this new technology works, and what the differences are between Dolby Vision and HDR10.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/601/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Face Tracking with ARKit" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">7:25</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/601/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Face Tracking with ARKit</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">ARKit and iPhone X enable a revolutionary capability for robust face tracking in AR apps. See how your app can detect the position, topology, and expression of the user's face, all with high accuracy and in real time. Learn about applying live selfie effects and see how to use facial expressions...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/501/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Authoring 4K and HDR HLS Streams" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">3:45</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/501/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Authoring 4K and HDR HLS Streams</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS, tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">4K and HDR technologies enable the creation of amazing cinematic video experiences and stunning picture quality. Learn about how to support these new formats, and how to properly author your playlists to enable playback of these types of streams.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/604/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Metal 2 on A11 - Tile Shading" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">9:44</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/604/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Metal 2 on A11 - Tile Shading</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Tile shading is a new Metal 2 pipeline stage allowing apps to combine rendering and compute operations into a single render pass while sharing imageblock data and threadgroup memory. Understand how to create a tile shading pipeline, and see how it leverages the high-bandwidth tile memory of the...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/201/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Building Apps for iPhone X" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:35</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/201/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Building Apps for iPhone X</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">iPhone X has a beautiful new screen that will make your app look great. You may need to make some changes in your app to accommodate the new screen's size and rounded corners. Learn about some common pitfalls and see how you can take advantage of iOS 11's Safe Area and layout guides to make sure...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/602/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Metal 2 on A11 - Overview" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">16:10</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/602/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Metal 2 on A11 - Overview</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">The seamless integration of Metal 2 with the A11 Bionic chip lets your apps and games realize entirely new levels of performance and capability. Get introduced to powerful new API features and GPU-driven capabilities of Metal 2 on A11, including imageblocks, tile shading, enhancements to raster...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/605/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Metal 2 on A11 - Raster Order Groups" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:56</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/605/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Metal 2 on A11 - Raster Order Groups</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Raster order groups allow Metal 2 apps to precisely control the order of parallel fragment shader threads accessing the same pixel coordinates. Learn how A11 extends raster order groups with support for multiple groups and adds new capabilities for accessing threadgroup memory. See how you can...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/606/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Metal 2 on A11 - Imageblock Sample Coverage Control" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">13:16</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/606/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Metal 2 on A11 - Imageblock Sample Coverage Control</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Imageblock sample coverage control provides access to multisample tracking data within a tile shader, enabling development of custom MSAA resolve algorithms and more. Understand how the A11 GPU tracks unique samples, then explore an example that optimizes rendering of dense geometry through...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/603/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Metal 2 on A11 - Imageblocks" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">10:28</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/603/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Metal 2 on A11 - Imageblocks</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Imageblocks enable Metal 2 apps to define and manipulate custom per-pixel data structures in the high-bandwidth tile memory of the A11 GPU. Learn how imageblocks can pass data between the fragment and tile stages of a render pass and unlock sophisticated rendering techniques such as approximate...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/202/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Updating Your App for Apple TV 4K" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">2:49</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/202/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Updating Your App for Apple TV 4K</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">tvOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn how to update your app for Apple TV 4K, including how to take advantage of new capabilities such as retina image support, HDR video, and the new motion capabilities of the Siri Remote.</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/801/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Designing for iPhone X" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:50</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/801/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Designing for iPhone X</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">iPhone X features an all-screen Super Retina display, providing more space to display content and create deeply immersive experiences. Learn how to design your app or game to look and feel great on iPhone X, and all iOS devices.</p> <span class="hidden keywords">design,ios,ios 11,layout,ui,uikit,user experience,user interface,visual design Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/203/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="Updating for Apple Watch Series 3" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">12:22</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/203/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">Updating for Apple Watch Series 3</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">watchOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Apple Watch Series 3 makes it easier to stay connected, even when away from your phone. Learn how to keep your app responsive over cellular connections using URLSession. Find out how to optimize your Watch app networking code to ensure that your app is always up to date and ready for use...</p> <span class="hidden keywords">,,cmaltimeter Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> <li class="collection-item " data-released="true"> <section class="grid"> <section class="row"> <section class="column large-4 small-4 no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/204/" class="video-image-link"> <img class="video-image medium-scale" width="250" src="" data-hires="false" alt="iOS Storage Best Practices" loading="lazy"> <span class="video-duration">8:53</span> </a> </section> <section class="column large-8 small-8 padding-top-small padding-bottom-small gutter no-padding-top no-padding-bottom"> <a href="/videos/play/tech-talks/204/"> <h4 class="no-margin-bottom video-title">iOS Storage Best Practices</h4> </a> <ul class="video-tags"> <li class="video-tag event"><span class="smaller">Tech Talks</span></li> <li class="video-tag focus"><span class="smaller">iOS, iPadOS</span></li> </ul> <p class="description">Learn tips for keeping your app's on-disk storage as organized and optimized as possible. See how to enable direct access to documents in your app using the new Files app in iOS 11. Gain insights into how to take inventory of your app's files and make the most of the storage capacity available to...</p> <span class="hidden keywords"> Tech Talks English, Simplified Chinese</span> </section> </section> </section> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <div class="row no-margin-top padding-top-small"> <div class="column large-12 text-center"> <h4 class="search-notice hidden">No video found.</h4> </div> </div> </section> </main> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/styles/footer.dist.css?17182448067"> <footer id="footer" class="footer" role="contentinfo" aria-labelledby="footer-label"> <div class="footer-content"> <h2 class="footer-label" id="footer-label">Developer Footer</h2> <developer-breadcrumbs> <li class="footer-breadcrumbs-item"><a href="/videos/">Videos</a></li> <li class="footer-breadcrumbs-item">All Videos</li> </developer-breadcrumbs> <nav class="footer-directory" aria-label="Apple Developer Directory" role="navigation"> <!--googleoff: all--> <div 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