Another Bite - A Shark Tank Rewatch Podcast

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All the substance of an HBR article, but fun.聽Hosted by Jorie Munroe, Ariel Boswell, and Jon Dick."> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@ChartableDotCom"> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Another Bite - A Shark Tank Rewatch Podcast"> <meta name="twitter:description" content="Each week, Another Bite breaks down the latest and greatest pitches from Shark Tank. It&#39;s practical business advice delivered in a fun way. All the substance of an HBR article, but fun.聽Hosted by Jorie Munroe, Ariel Boswell, and Jon Dick."> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/assets/chartable-favicon-147fa2a780e77ea3bc97719e343e8d733b2e8487f7c8a78b3d496aae5555dd05.png" /> <meta name="csrf-param" content="authenticity_token" /> <meta name="csrf-token" content="v5/lLqNAYQ5CbKbTgbLIYKnyV+YEI9CxsjHk7wBSjNrbuPG3xallDE47ge979T70OSxAtOKquphXLbtXh6xIpQ==" /> <link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="/assets/application-e6e1be4b0c45d8370f449baa0ce082ab5ebb54dca77b6f98a462fff73a0e4037.css" /> <link href='' rel='preconnect'> <script src="/assets/application-e14f81bc94951128bb2d2dc4f233fd48cdc83e337ef2a6de694aeb11401a7c70.js"></script> <link href='//' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <link href='|Open+Sans&amp;display=swap' rel='stylesheet'><link href=';600;700&amp;display=swap' rel='stylesheet'><script src=''></script> </head> <body style='background: #FFFFFF'> <div class='w-100 flex justify-center' style='background: #FFFFFF'> <div class='content-container inline-flex w7' style='gap: 2rem;'> <div> <img class="br4 cover-art" src=";max-w=3000&amp;max-h=3000&amp;fit=crop&amp;auto=format,compress" /> <div class='tc h2 mb2 current-episode-title ph2 mt4 f3 b' style='color: #333333; 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It&#39;s practical business advice delivered in a fun way. All the substance of an HBR article, but fun.聽Hosted by Jorie Munroe, Ariel Boswell, and Jon Dick. </span> <span class='link pointer dn no-underline text-button o-70' style='color: #333333'>Show more</span> <div class='mt5 f6 fw-700 o-80 lh-title tl-ns ttu tracked link-header web' style='color: #333333; font-family: Inter'>Episodes</div> <div class='episode-feed-container web' style='color: #333333'></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='f7 tc w-100 o-70 mt5 out-links pb5' style='color: #333333'> <div class='pb4'> Powered by <a class="link underline" style="color: inherit" href="">Chartable SmartLinks</a> &middot; <a class="link" style="color: inherit" href="">Privacy &amp; Terms</a> </div> </div> <div class='w-100 fixed bottom-0 mobile-player'> <div class='maximized-content' style='display: none;'> <div class='w-100 flex justify-center pt2 pointer minimize-button' style='height: 60px'> <div class='bg-moon-gray w2 br3' style='width: 40px; height: 5px'></div> </div> <div class='h-100 w-100 center tc' style='max-width: 550px'> <img class="w-70 br4" style="max-width: 270px; 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And today's product promises to be the best you've ever had. Will they be able to convince the Sharks that they need a taste? Or will their $10M valuation prove too steep?\n\nHosts Jorie Munroe and Ariel Boswell jump into the tank with their business insights on Shark Tank products. Listen for:\n\nRebranding a staple\n\nMisleading product promises聽\n\nMobilizing untapped social influencers\n\n\nKnow a segment or company we should feature from Shark Tank? Let us know at\n\nAnother Bite is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux. Editing by Robert Hartwig and support from Alfred Schulz.","url":"","published_at":"2024-12-20T14:57:00.000Z"}) !== JSON.stringify({})) { currentEpisode = {"cid":"f7f33679-a4aa-42cb-aa7a-17b6721ed453","id":199357426,"title":"How these founders rebranded this 600 year old product w/ Y'all Sweet Tea","description":"Get the Entrepreneurship Trends Report:\n鈥奍t's time to get the par-tea started. And today's product promises to be the best you've ever had. Will they be able to convince the Sharks that they need a taste? Or will their $10M valuation prove too steep?\n\nHosts Jorie Munroe and Ariel Boswell jump into the tank with their business insights on Shark Tank products. Listen for:\n\nRebranding a staple\n\nMisleading product promises聽\n\nMobilizing untapped social influencers\n\n\nKnow a segment or company we should feature from Shark Tank? Let us know at\n\nAnother Bite is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux. Editing by Robert Hartwig and support from Alfred Schulz.","url":"","published_at":"2024-12-20T14:57:00.000Z"}; } let currentEpisodeTitleLabel = document.querySelector('.current-episode-title'); let currentEpisodeTitleLabel2 = document.querySelector('.current-episode-title-2'); let currentEpisodeTitleLabel3 = document.querySelector('.current-episode-title-3'); let currentEpisodeDescriptionLabel = document.querySelector('.current-episode-description'); let descriptionContainer = document.querySelector('.description-container'); function setEpisode(newEpisode) { if (newEpisode) { currentEpisodeTitleLabel.innerText = newEpisode.title; currentEpisodeTitleLabel2.innerText = newEpisode.title; currentEpisodeTitleLabel3.innerText = newEpisode.title; if (newEpisode.description) { = "block"; currentEpisodeDescriptionLabel.innerText = newEpisode.description; } else { = "none"; } player.src = encodeURI(newEpisode.url); currentEpisode = newEpisode; } } // MARK - Episode feed var loadMoreButton = document.createElement("div"); loadMoreButton.classList = `br2 pa2 f5 ba tc pointer dim mw4 mt4 center ${lightMode ? 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