Privacy Policy - Chartable
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</div> <div class='dib v-mid pt1'> <a class="link underline-hover f5 dib blue" href="/sign_in">Log in</a> </div> </div> </nav> </div> </div> <div class='mw8 center pv3 ph2 ph0-ns'> <div class='f2 mb3 dark-blue'>Privacy Policy</div> <div class='f4'>Last Updated and Effective as of: January 1, 2023</div> <ol class='mt3'> <li class='mb1'> <a class='link blue' href='#1'>About this Policy</a> </li> <li class='mb1'> <a class='link blue' href='#2'>Your Personal Data Rights and Controls</a> </li> <li class='mb1'> <a class='link blue' href='#3'>Personal Data We Collect About You</a> </li> <li class='mb1'> <a class='link blue' href='#4'>Purposes of Processing</a> </li> <li class='mb1'> <a class='link blue' href='#5'>Sharing of Information</a> </li> <li class='mb1'> <a class='link blue' href='#6'>Cookies</a> </li> <li class='mb1'> <a class='link blue' href='#7'>Opt-Outs.</a> </li> <li class='mb1'> <a class='link blue' href='#8'>Data Security</a> </li> <li class='mb1'> <a class='link blue' href='#9'>Data Retention and Deletion</a> </li> <li class='mb1'> <a class='link blue' href='#10'>International Transfers</a> </li> <li class='mb1'> <a class='link blue' href='#11'>Changes to this Policy</a> </li> <li class='mb1'> <a class='link blue' href='#12'>Contact Us</a> </li> </ol> <p class='lh-copy'>Chartable Holding, LLC, an affiliate of Spotify (“Chartable,” “we,” or “us”) is committed to treating the personal data we process with respect and sensitivity. We want to transparently explain how and why we gather, store, share and use your personal data - as well as outline the controls and choices you have around when and how you choose to share your personal data. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) aims to explain what we mean in further detail below.</p> <p class='lh-copy f4'> <a name='1'>1. About this Policy</a> </p> <p class='lh-copy'> <p class="lh-copy"> This Policy sets out the essential details relating to our collection, use, and disclosure of personal data you use the website, Chartable’s platform (the “<strong>Platform</strong>”), and any other products and services that link to this Policy (collectively, the "<strong>Services</strong>"). </p> </p> <p class='lh-copy'>In this policy we describe our personal data processing activities for the following types of data subjects:</p> <ul class='lh-copy'> <li>Individuals at content publishers who use the Platform to use our analytics services (“<strong>Platform Users</strong>”)</li> <li>Consumers who visit websites owned and operated by us (“<strong>Website visitors</strong>”)</li> <li>Listeners of the podcasts produced by content publishers who work with us to measure the effectiveness of advertising in their podcasts (“<strong>Listeners</strong>”)</li> </ul> <p class='lh-copy'>From time to time, we may develop new or offer additional services. Unless stated otherwise when we introduce these new or additional services, they will be subject to this Policy.</p> <p class='lh-copy'>This policy is not…</p> <ul class='lh-copy'> <li>the Chartable <a class="link blue" rel="nofollow" href="/terms">Terms of Service</a>, which is a separate document. The <a class="link blue" rel="nofollow" href="/terms">Terms of Service</a> outline the legal contract between you and Chartable for using the Chartable Platform.</li> <li>About your use of other services offered by Chartable affiliates which have their own privacy policy, such as the Spotify service, Anchor, Megaphone, Podsights, Soundtrap, and Spotify Live.</li> </ul> <p class='lh-copy f4'> <a name='2'>2. Your Personal Data Rights and Controls</a> </p> <p class='lh-copy'><u>Rights</u></p> <p class='lh-copy'>As provided by applicable privacy laws, you may have certain rights as individuals in relation to their personal data. As available and except as limited under applicable law, the rights afforded to individuals are detailed in the table below:</p> <table class='ba b--light-silver mb3'> <thead> <tr> <th class='pa3 bg-light-silver white' colspan='1'></th> <th class='pa3 bg-light-silver white' colspan='1'> It’s your right to... </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2 b w-33'> Be informed </td> <td class='pa2'> <strong>Be informed of the personal data we process about you and how we process it.</strong> </td> </tr> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2 b w-33'> Access </td> <td class='pa2'> <strong>Request access to the personal data we process about you.</strong </td> </tr> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2 b w-33'> Rectification </td> <td class='pa2'> <strong>Request that we amend or update your personal data where it’s inaccurate or incomplete.</strong> </td> </tr> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2 b w-33'> Erasure </td> <td class='pa2'> <strong>Request that we erase certain personal data about you.</strong> <br><br> For example, you can ask us to erase personal data: <br><br> <li>that we no longer need for the purpose it was collected for</li> <li>that we process based on the legal basis of consent, and you withdraw your consent</li> <li>when you make a justified objection (see section ‘Object’ below)</li> <br> There are situations where we are unable to delete your data, for example when: <br><br> <li>it’s still necessary to process the data for the purpose we collected it for</li> <li>Chartable’s interest in using the data overrides your interest in having it deleted</li> <li>Chartable has a legal obligation to keep the data, or</li> <li>Chartable needs the data to establish, exercise or defend legal claims</li> </td> </tr> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2 b w-33'> Restriction </td> <td class='pa2'> <strong>Request that we stop processing all or some of your personal data.</strong> <br> <br> You can do this if: <br><br> <li>your personal data is inaccurate</li> <li>our processing is unlawful</li> <li>we do not need your information for a specific purpose, or</li> <li>you object to our processing and we are assessing your objection request. See section ‘Object’ below</li> <br> You can request that we stop this processing temporarily or permanently. </td> </tr> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2 b w-33'> Object </td> <td class='pa2'> <strong>Object to us processing your personal data.</strong> <br><br> You can do this if Spotify is processing your personal data on the legal basis of legitimate interests </td> </tr> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2 b w-33'> Data portability </td> <td class='pa2'> <strong>Request a copy of your personal data in electronic format and the right to transmit that personal data for use in another party’s service.</strong> <br><br> You can request us to transmit your data when we are processing your personal data on the legal basis of consent or performance of contract. However Spotify will try to honour any request to the extent possible. </td> </tr> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2 b w-33'> Not be subject to automated decision making </td> <td class='pa2'> <strong>Request a manual review of a decision based solely on automated decision making</strong> (decisions without human involvement), including profiling, where the decision would have a legal effect on you or produce a similarly significant effect. <br><br> We currently do not use automated decision-making. </td> </tr> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2 b w-33'> Withdrawal of consent </td> <td class='pa2'> <strong>Withdraw your consent to us collecting or using your personal data.</strong> <br><br> You can do this if Spotify is processing your personal data on the legal basis of consent. </td> </tr> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2 b w-33'> Right to lodge a complaint </td> <td class='pa2'> <strong>Contact your local data protection authority about any questions or concerns.</strong> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p class='lh-copy'>You can request to access, remove or update the personal data that you have provided to us in your application by contacting us.</p> <p class='lh-copy'>We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access the information (or to exercise any of your other rights). We may decline requests to exercise these rights where we are unable to authenticate you as the person to whom the data relates. We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your rights.</p> <p class='lh-copy'>You may designate, in writing or through a power of attorney, an authorized agent to make requests on your behalf to exercise your rights. Before accepting such a request from an agent, we will require the agent to provide proof you have authorized it to act on your behalf, and we may need you to verify your identity directly with us.</p> <p class='lh-copy'>If your request is denied you may have the right to appeal the denial in accordance with the instructions provided to you when the denial was made.</p> <p class='lh-copy'><u>Rights request metrics</u></p> <p class='lh-copy'>Between January 1 and December 31, 2021, we have received and honored 2 verifiable requests for access and received and honored 6 deletion requests that we are the controllers of.</p> <p class='lh-copy'><u>No Sales or Sensitive Data</u></p> <p class='lh-copy'>We do not sell personal data and have taken substantial steps to identify and remediate any data sharing arrangements that could constitute us "selling" to third parties under the CCPA following our acquisition by Spotify.</p> <p class='lh-copy'>We also do not process any data that is sensitive or special category data as defined by applicable law.</p> <p class='lh-copy'><u>Questions</u></p> <p class='lh-copy'>If you have any questions about your privacy, your rights or how to exercise them, please see the “How to contact us” section below for information on how to contact us. If you have concerns around our processing of your personal data, we hope you will continue to work with us to resolve them. You can also contact and have the right to lodge a complaint with the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection (Sw. Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten) or your local data protection authority.</p> <p class='lh-copy f4'> <a name='3'>3. Personal Data We Collect About You</a> </p> <p class='lh-copy'>If you are a Platform User, the following table below describe the categories of personal data we collect about you and how we collect it.</p> <table class='ba b--light-silver mb3'> <thead> <tr> <th class='pa3 bg-light-silver white' colspan='1'>Categories of Personal Data</th> <th class='pa3 bg-light-silver white' colspan='1'>Categories under CCPA</th> <th class='pa3 bg-light-silver white' colspan='1'>Description of Category</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2 w-20'>Account Data</td> <td class='pa2 w-20'>Identifiers</td> <td class='pa2'>Personal data that you provide us that we need to create and identify Platform User accounts, including name and email.</td> </tr> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2 w-20'>Usage Data</td> <td class='pa2 w-20'>Internet or other electronic network activity information</td> <td class='pa2'>Personal data collected and processed about you when you’re accessing or using the Platform. Examples include: browsing history, interactions such as clicks, information about devices you use to access the Platform.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p class='lh-copy'>If you are a Website Visitor, the following table below describes the categories of personal data we collect about you and how we collect it.</p> <table class='ba b--light-silver mb3'> <thead> <tr> <th class='pa3 bg-light-silver white' colspan='1'>Categories of Personal Data</th> <th class='pa3 bg-light-silver white' colspan='1'>Categories under CCPA</th> <th class='pa3 bg-light-silver white' colspan='1'>Description of Category</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2 w-20'>Website Data</td> <td class='pa2 w-20'>Internet or other electronic network activity information</td> <td class='pa2'> Personal data that we collect when you visit a website of ours. This may include: <li>Your browser type and operating system</li> <li>Your Internet Protocol (IP) address, which is the number automatically assigned to your computer whenever you access the Internet and that can sometimes be used to derive your general geographic area</li> <li>Other unique identifiers, including mobile device identification numbers</li> <li>Sites you visited before and after visiting the Services</li> <li>Pages you view and links you click on within the Services</li> <li>Information collected through cookies, web beacons, and other technologies</li> <li>Standard Server Log Information</li> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p class='lh-copy'>If you are a Listener, the following table below describes the categories of personal data we collect about you and how we collect it.</p> <table class='ba b--light-silver mb3'> <thead> <tr> <th class='pa3 bg-light-silver white' colspan='1'>Categories of Personal Data</th> <th class='pa3 bg-light-silver white' colspan='1'>Categories under CCPA</th> <th class='pa3 bg-light-silver white' colspan='1'>Description of Category</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2 w-20'>Log Data</td> <td class='pa2 w-20'>Internet or other electronic network activity information</td> <td class='pa2'>Personal data received directly from hosting platforms (including Megaphone) or audio streaming services (including Spotify). This may include: IP address, user agent, which podcast was played and when.</td> </tr> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2 w-20'>Inference Data</td> <td class='pa2 w-20'>Inferences</td> <td class='pa2'>We obtain from third party data partners (like Liveramp and Nielsen) inferences drawn about your interests and preferences based on your online and offline activities. If you do not wish for Liveramp and/or Nielsen to provide us with your personal data, please see the section “Opt-Outs” below.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p class='lh-copy f4'> <a name='4'>4. Purposes of Processing</a> </p> <p class='lh-copy'>We have set out in the table below the reasons why we process your personal data, the associated legal bases we rely upon to legally permit us to process your personal data, and the categories of personal data (identified in Section 3) used for these purposes:</p> <table class='ba b--light-silver mb3'> <thead> <tr> <th class='pa3 bg-light-silver white' colspan='1'>Purpose for processing your data</th> <th class='pa3 bg-light-silver white' colspan='1'>Legal basis that permits the purpose</th> <th class='pa3 bg-light-silver white' colspan='1'>Categories of personal data used for the purpose</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2'>To provide and personalize the Services.</td> <td class='pa2'> <li>Performance of a contract</li> </td> <td class='pa2'> <li>Account Data</li> <li>Usage Data</li> </td> </tr> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2'>To understand, diagnose, troubleshoot, and fix issues with the Service.</td> <td class='pa2'> <li>Performance of a contract</li> </td> <td class='pa2'> <li>Account Data</li> <li>Usage Data</li> </td> </tr> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2'>To evaluate and develop new features, technologies, and improvements to the Services and our affiliates’ products and services.</td> <td class='pa2'> <li>Legitimate Interest</li> </td> <td class='pa2'> <li>Usage Data</li> <li>Website Data</li> <li>Log Data</li> <li>Inference Data</li> </td> </tr> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2'> To comply with a legal obligation that we are subject to. <br><br> This might be: <li>an obligation under the law of the country / region you are in</li> <li>Swedish law (because of our headquarters in Sweden), or</li> <li>EU law that applies to us</li> </td> <td class='pa2'> <li>Compliance with legal obligations</li> </td> <td class='pa2'> <li>Account Data</li> <li>Usage Data</li> <li>Website Data</li> <li>Log Data</li> <li>Inference Data</li> </td> </tr> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2'> To comply with a request from law enforcement. <br><br> This will only apply when a competent law enforcement authority contacts us. These include the police, the courts or prisons. </td> <td class='pa2'> <li>Compliance with legal obligations</li> <li>Legitimate Interest</li> </td> <td class='pa2'> <li>Account Data</li> <li>Usage Data</li> <li>Website Data</li> <li>Log Data</li> <li>Inference Data</li> </td> </tr> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2'>To establish, exercise, or defend legal claims.</td> <td class='pa2'> <li>Legitimate Interest</li> </td> <td class='pa2'> <li>Account Data</li> <li>Usage Data</li> <li>Website Data</li> <li>Log Data</li> <li>Inference Data</li> </td> </tr> <tr class='striped--near-white'> <td class='pa2'>To conduct business planning, reporting, and forecasting.</td> <td class='pa2'> <li>Legitimate Interest</li> </td> <td class='pa2'> <li>Usage Data</li> <li>Log Data</li> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p class='lh-copy f4'> <a name='5'>5. Sharing of Information</a> </p> <p class='lh-copy'>With respect to personal data we are controllers of, we may share or disclose the data under the following circumstances, or as otherwise described in this Policy:</p> <ul class='lh-copy'> <li><u>Within the Spotify group of companies, including companies that Spotify acquires.</u> To carry out our daily business operations and so we can maintain, improve and provide the Spotify Service and acquired companies’ services to you.</li> <li><u>Service Providers.</u> We may share your information with our agents and service providers that perform certain functions or services on our behalf, such as to host our Services, manage databases, or send communications for us. We have direct relationships with certain advertising, marketing and analytics services (including some of our measurement partners) who also are our service providers that help us collect and analyze personal data.</li> <li><u>In connection with a transfer of assets.</u> If we sell all or part of our business, or make a sale or transfer of assets, or are otherwise involved in a merger or business transfer, or in the event of bankruptcy, we may transfer your personal data to one or more third parties as part of that transaction;</li> <li><u>To comply with legal requirements.</u> We will share your personal data when we in good faith believe it is necessary for us to do so in order to comply with a legal obligation under applicable law, or respond to a valid legal process, such as a search warrant, a court order, or a subpoena. We also will also share your personal data where we in good faith believe that it is necessary for the purpose of our own, or a third party’s legitimate interest relating to national security, law enforcement, litigation, criminal investigation, protecting the safety of any person, or to prevent death or imminent bodily harm, provided that we deem that such interest is not overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms requiring the protection of your personal data.</li> <li><u>Other parties with your consent.</u> We may share information about you with third parties when you consent to such sharing.</li> </ul> <p class='lh-copy f4'> <a name='6'>6. Cookies</a> </p> <p class='lh-copy'>We or our third party partners may store some information on your device or device hard drive as a "cookie" or similar type of file (such as clear gifs, web beacons, tags, and similar technologies that work on mobile devices) to collect data related to usage of these services and for the purpose of facilitating and enhancing your communication and interaction with the Website.</p> <p class='lh-copy'>We use the following types of cookies on the Platform:</p> <ul class='lh-copy'> <li>Strictly necessary cookies. These are cookies that are required for the operation of our website or Platform.</li> <li>Analytical/performance cookies. They allow us to recognize and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around our website when they are using it (such as Google Analytics).</li> <li>Functionality cookies. These are used to recognize you when you return to our website (such as cookies dropped by Help Scout).</li> </ul> <p class='lh-copy f4'> <a name='7'>7. Opt-Outs.</a> </p> <p class='lh-copy'><u>Opting out of cookies.</u> If you want to stop or restrict the placement of cookies or flush any cookies that may already be on your computer or device, please refer to and adjust your web browser preferences. Further information on cookies is available at By deleting our cookies or disabling future cookies you may not be able to access certain areas or features of our service or some of its functionality may be affected. Cookies and similar items are not used by us to automatically retrieve personal data from your device without your knowledge.</p> <p class='lh-copy'><u>Opting out of third party data providers.</u> We use data we receive from Nielsen and Liveramp to help us segment podcast listeners. If you want Nielsen to stop providing us with your information, <a class="link blue" rel="nofollow" href="">please use Nielsen’s opt-out function</a>. If you want Liveramp to stop providing us with your information, <a class="link blue" rel="nofollow" href="">please use Liveramp’s opt-out functions</a>.</p> <p class='lh-copy'><u>Promotional Communications.</u> If you are a subscriber to our email newsletter, you may opt out of receiving promotional communications from us by following the instructions in those messages or by contacting us at any time. If you opt out from promotional communications, we may still send you non-promotional emails, such as those about your account or our ongoing business relations.</p> <p class='lh-copy f4'> <a name='8'>8. Data Security</a> </p> <p class='lh-copy'>We are committed to protecting the personal data in our systems. We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to help protect the security of personal data; however, please note that no system is ever completely secure. We have implemented various policies including pseudonymisation, encryption, access, and retention policies to guard against unauthorized access and unnecessary retention of personal data in our systems.</p> <p class='lh-copy'>If you are a Platform User and have an account with us, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account password and for any access to or use of your account using your password, whether or not authorized by you. Please notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other breach of security.</p> <p class='lh-copy f4'> <a name='9'>9. Data Retention and Deletion</a> </p> <p class='lh-copy'>We keep your personal data only as long as necessary to provide you with the Spotify Service and for Spotify’s legitimate and essential business purposes, such as:</p> <ul class='lh-copy'> <li>maintaining the performance of the Spotify Service</li> <li>making data-driven business decisions about new features and offerings</li> <li>complying with our legal obligations</li> <li>resolving disputes</li> </ul> <p class='lh-copy'>When determining the retention period, we take into account various criteria, such as the type of information, the nature and length of our relationship with you, the impact on such relationship if data is deleted, mandatory retention periods provided by law or statute of limitations.</p> <p class='lh-copy f4'> <a name='10'>10. International Transfers</a> </p> <p class='lh-copy'>Because of the global nature of our business, we share personal data internationally with Spotify group companies, subcontractors and partners when carrying out the activities described in this Policy. They may process your data in countries whose data protection laws are not considered to be as strong as EU laws or the laws which apply where you live. For example, they may not give you the same rights over your data.</p> <p class='lh-copy'>Whenever we transfer personal data internationally, we use tools to:</p> <ul class='lh-copy'> <li>make sure the data transfer complies with applicable law</li> <li>help to give your data the same level of protection as it has in the EU and the laws which apply where you live</li> </ul> <p class='lh-copy f4'> <a name='11'>11. Changes to this Policy</a> </p> <p class='lh-copy'>We may change this Policy from time to time. If we make changes, we will notify you by revising the date at the top of the policy and, in case of material changes, we will provide you with additional notice (such as adding a statement to our homepage or sending you a notification). We encourage you to review the Policy whenever you access the Services or otherwise interact with us to stay informed about our information practices and the choices available to you.</p> <p class='lh-copy f4'> <a name='12'>12. Contact Us</a> </p> <p class='lh-copy'>Thank you for reading our Policy. If you have any questions about this Policy, please contact our Data Protection Officer by emailing <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="304042594651534970535851424451525c551e535f5d">[email protected]</a> or by writing to us at Chartable Holding, LLC, 150 Greenwich Street, Floor 62, New York, NY 10007, USA.</p> </div> </div> <div class='lh-copy fw1 bg-near-white ph2 ph0-ns'> <div class='center f6 footer light-silver mw8 pb5 pt4'> <div class='flex flex-wrap justify-center'> <div class='w-20-ns w-50 pa2 pa0-ns tl'> <div class='fw4 dib p2 gray mb1'>Podcasts</div> <div class='footer-link mb1'><a class="link underline-hover light-silver " href="">Podcast Reviews</a></div> <div class='footer-link mb1'><a class="link underline-hover light-silver " href="">Podcast Charts</a></div> </div> <div class='w-20-ns w-50 pa2 pa0-ns tl'> <div class='fw4 dib p2 gray mb1'>Accounts</div> <div class='footer-link mb1'><a class="link underline-hover light-silver" href="/sign_in">Log in</a></div> <div class='footer-link mb1'> <a class="link underline-hover light-silver " href="">Terms</a> </div> <div class='footer-link mb1'> <a class="link underline-hover light-silver" href="">Privacy Policy</a> </div> </div> <div class='w-20-ns w-50 pa2 pa0-ns tl'> <div class='fw4 dib p2 gray mb1'>Help</div> <div class='footer-link mb1'><a class="link underline-hover light-silver " target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">FAQ</a></div> <div class='footer-link mb1'><a class="link underline-hover light-silver " target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#c7aea9a1a887a4afa6b5b3a6a5aba2e9a4a8aa"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="741d1a121b34171c150600151618115a171b19">[email protected]</span></a></div> <div class='footer-link mb1'><a class="link underline-hover light-silver" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Service status</a></div> </div> <div class='cf'></div> </div> <div class='f6 mt4 light-silver lh-copy'> <div class='flex flex-wrap'> <div class='w-100 w-80-ns'> <div class='mv2'> © 2024 Chartable Holding, LLC </div> </div> <div class='w-100 w-20-ns'> <div class='tl'> <a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""><img class="h3-5" alt="Certified by the IAB Tech Lab" src="/assets/iab-5b91a11e1be82ad7c72691d02ba2cf7f3a3859a1d5c5a5b39122091e43c96f39.png" /></a> <a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""><img class="h3-5" alt="SOC2 Type II Certified" src="/assets/soc2-aaebd39e4fa4fa30809af15e04daac0985035a8ee7864f3921d63517cf84d551.png" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class='cb'></div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class='fixed bottom-0 mw6-ns mw8 center bg-light-green pa2 pa3-ns o-90 mb2 br2' id='cookie-footer'> <div class='lh-copy dib'> <strong class='header-font black dib pr1'>Cookies</strong> <div class='dib'> We use cookies to enhance your experience, analyze site traffic, and serve tailored ads. 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