Time - Data Type

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<span itemscope itemprop="itemListElement" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Time" /> <meta itemprop="position" content="2" /> <a href="/Time" itemprop="item" class="core" title="Time">Time</a> </span> <br/> </div> <!-- More Block --> <div> <div id='infobox' style='text-align: right; padding-right: 5px;' role="checkbox" aria-checked="false"> <label for="morecheck"><b><span style="cursor: pointer;">[more...]</span></b></label> </div> <input type='checkbox' checked="checked" style='display: none' id=morecheck><div id='infomsg' style='background-color: #EEEEEE; text-align: left; padding: 0.5em;'> <ul><li> <span class="canonicalUrl">Canonical URL:</span> </li> <!--<li><a href=''>Leave public feedback on this term &#128172;</a></li>--> <li><a href=''>Check for open issues.</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- Description of term --> <div class="description">A point in time recurring on multiple days in the form hh:mm:ss[Z|(+|-)hh:mm] (see <a href="">XML schema for details</a>).</div> </div> <!-- infoblock --> <!-- Show properties (if any) associated with term and its supertypes --> <!-- Properties block for term: Time--> <!-- Identify if this term or one of its supertypes has any associated properties --> <!-- List properties that have this term as an Expected type --> <br/><div id="incoming">Instances of <a href="/Time" class="core" title="Time">Time</a> may appear as a value for the following properties</div> <table class="definition-table"> <thead><tr><th>Property</th><th>On Types</th><th>Description</th></tr></thead> <tr><th class="prop-nam"> <a href="/arrivalTime" class="core" title="arrivalTime">arrivalTime</a></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Trip" class="core" title="Trip">Trip</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The expected arrival time. </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"> <a href="/availabilityEnds" class="core" title="availabilityEnds">availabilityEnds</a></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/ActionAccessSpecification" class="core" title="ActionAccessSpecification">ActionAccessSpecification</a>&nbsp; or <br/> <a href="/Demand" class="core" title="Demand">Demand</a>&nbsp; or <br/> <a href="/Offer" class="core" title="Offer">Offer</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The end of the availability of the product or service included in the offer. </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"> <a href="/availabilityStarts" class="core" title="availabilityStarts">availabilityStarts</a></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/ActionAccessSpecification" class="core" title="ActionAccessSpecification">ActionAccessSpecification</a>&nbsp; or <br/> <a href="/Demand" class="core" title="Demand">Demand</a>&nbsp; or <br/> <a href="/Offer" class="core" title="Offer">Offer</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The beginning of the availability of the product or service included in the offer. </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"> <a href="/checkinTime" class="core" title="checkinTime">checkinTime</a></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/LodgingBusiness" class="core" title="LodgingBusiness">LodgingBusiness</a>&nbsp; or <br/> <a href="/LodgingReservation" class="core" title="LodgingReservation">LodgingReservation</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The earliest someone may check into a lodging establishment. </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"> <a href="/checkoutTime" class="core" title="checkoutTime">checkoutTime</a></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/LodgingBusiness" class="core" title="LodgingBusiness">LodgingBusiness</a>&nbsp; or <br/> <a href="/LodgingReservation" class="core" title="LodgingReservation">LodgingReservation</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The latest someone may check out of a lodging establishment. </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"> <a href="/closes" class="core" title="closes">closes</a></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/OpeningHoursSpecification" class="core" title="OpeningHoursSpecification">OpeningHoursSpecification</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The closing hour of the place or service on the given day(s) of the week. </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"> <a href="/cutoffTime" class="core" title="cutoffTime">cutoffTime</a></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/ServicePeriod" class="ext ext-pending" title="ServicePeriod">ServicePeriod</a>&nbsp; or <br/> <a href="/ShippingDeliveryTime" class="core" title="ShippingDeliveryTime">ShippingDeliveryTime</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">Order cutoff time allows merchants to describe the time after which they will no longer process orders received on that day. For orders processed after cutoff time, one day gets added to the delivery time estimate. This property is expected to be most typically used via the <a class="localLink" href="/ShippingRateSettings">ShippingRateSettings</a> publication pattern. The time is indicated using the ISO-8601 Time format, e.g. "23:30:00-05:00" would represent 6:30 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) which is 5 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"> <a href="/departureTime" class="core" title="departureTime">departureTime</a></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Trip" class="core" title="Trip">Trip</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The expected departure time. </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"> <a href="/doorTime" class="core" title="doorTime">doorTime</a></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Event" class="core" title="Event">Event</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The time admission will commence. </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"> <a href="/endTime" class="core" title="endTime">endTime</a></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Action" class="core" title="Action">Action</a>&nbsp; or <br/> <a href="/FoodEstablishmentReservation" class="core" title="FoodEstablishmentReservation">FoodEstablishmentReservation</a>&nbsp; or <br/> <a href="/InteractionCounter" class="core" title="InteractionCounter">InteractionCounter</a>&nbsp; or <br/> <a href="/MediaObject" class="core" title="MediaObject">MediaObject</a>&nbsp; or <br/> <a href="/Schedule" class="ext ext-pending" title="Schedule">Schedule</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The endTime of something. For a reserved event or service (e.g. FoodEstablishmentReservation), the time that it is expected to end. For actions that span a period of time, when the action was performed. E.g. John wrote a book from January to <em>December</em>. For media, including audio and video, it's the time offset of the end of a clip within a larger file.<br/><br/> Note that Event uses startDate/endDate instead of startTime/endTime, even when describing dates with times. This situation may be clarified in future revisions. </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"> <a href="/opens" class="core" title="opens">opens</a></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/OpeningHoursSpecification" class="core" title="OpeningHoursSpecification">OpeningHoursSpecification</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The opening hour of the place or service on the given day(s) of the week. </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"> <a href="/startTime" class="core" title="startTime">startTime</a></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Action" class="core" title="Action">Action</a>&nbsp; or <br/> <a href="/FoodEstablishmentReservation" class="core" title="FoodEstablishmentReservation">FoodEstablishmentReservation</a>&nbsp; or <br/> <a href="/InteractionCounter" class="core" title="InteractionCounter">InteractionCounter</a>&nbsp; or <br/> <a href="/MediaObject" class="core" title="MediaObject">MediaObject</a>&nbsp; or <br/> <a href="/Schedule" class="ext ext-pending" title="Schedule">Schedule</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The startTime of something. For a reserved event or service (e.g. FoodEstablishmentReservation), the time that it is expected to start. For actions that span a period of time, when the action was performed. E.g. John wrote a book from <em>January</em> to December. For media, including audio and video, it's the time offset of the start of a clip within a larger file.<br/><br/> Note that Event uses startDate/endDate instead of startTime/endTime, even when describing dates with times. This situation may be clarified in future revisions. </tr> </table> <!-- List subtypes/subproperties --> <!-- List subs (Subtypes/subproperties/enumeration members/etc.) for Term --> <!-- list supersedes and superseded references --> <!-- list source references and acknowledgements --> <!-- list examples --> <!-- Examples block for term: Time--> </div> <!-- mainContent --> <!-- Footer start from PageFooter.j2 --> <div id="footer"> <p><a href="/docs/terms.html">Terms and conditions</a></p> <div id="versioninfo"> <span class="sep">•</span> <span class="sep">•</span> V29.0 <span class="sep">|</span> 2025-03-24 </div> </div> <script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-52672119-1', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> <!-- Footer end from PageFooter.j2 --> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": { "brick": "", "csvw": "", "dc": "", "dcam": "", "dcat": "", "dcmitype": "", "dcterms": "", "doap": "", "foaf": "", "odrl": "", "org": "", "owl": "", "prof": "", "prov": "", "qb": "", "rdf": "", "rdfs": "", "schema": "", "sh": "", "skos": "", "sosa": "", "ssn": "", "time": "", "vann": "", "void": "", "xsd": "" }, "@id": "schema:Time", "@type": [ "rdfs:Class", "schema:DataType" ], "rdfs:comment": "A point in time recurring on multiple days in the form hh:mm:ss[Z|(+|-)hh:mm] (see [XML schema for details](", "rdfs:label": "Time" } </script> </body> </html>

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