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class='text-muted lead mb-0'>❝ Information you don麓t find anywhere else ❞</p> </div> </div> <div class='card'> <div class='card-body text-left'> <div class='mb-2' style='height: 1.5rem;width: 7.75rem;margin:auto'> <svg xmlns='' viewBox='76 397 124 24'><path class='st0' d='M78.1 406.9l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.1 6.4 7 1.2-4.9 4.8 1 7-6.2-3-6.2 3 .8-6.9zm24.9 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9zm25.4 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.1 6.4 7 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.2 3 .8-6.9zm24.6 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9zm25 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9z' fill='#FFD600'/><path class='st1' d='M100 406.3l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8z' fill='#FFD600'/></svg> </div> <p class='text-muted lead mb-0'>❝ I like best … the flexible subscription plans (by module, by month, by year, etc.) ❞</p> </div> </div> <div class='card'> <div class='card-body text-left'> <div class='mb-2' style='height: 1.5rem;width: 7.75rem;margin:auto'> <svg xmlns='' viewBox='76 397 124 24'><path class='st0' d='M78.1 406.9l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.1 6.4 7 1.2-4.9 4.8 1 7-6.2-3-6.2 3 .8-6.9zm24.9 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9zm25.4 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.1 6.4 7 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.2 3 .8-6.9zm24.6 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9zm25 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9z' fill='#FFD600'/><path class='st1' d='M100 406.3l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8z' fill='#FFD600'/></svg> </div> <p class='text-muted lead mb-0'>❝ My overall experience with DPW is very positive. The team is generally supportive and their features are growing over time. ❞</p> </div> </div> <div class='card'> <div class='card-body text-left'> <div class='mb-2' style='height: 1.5rem;width: 7.75rem;margin:auto'> <svg xmlns='' viewBox='76 397 124 24'><path class='st0' d='M78.1 406.9l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.1 6.4 7 1.2-4.9 4.8 1 7-6.2-3-6.2 3 .8-6.9zm24.9 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9zm25.4 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.1 6.4 7 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.2 3 .8-6.9zm24.6 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9zm25 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9z' fill='#FFD600'/><path class='st1' d='M100 406.3l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8z' fill='#FFD600'/></svg> </div> <p class='text-muted lead mb-0'>❝ Quick and easy to understand summaries, along with all the necessary links for further analysis. ❞</p> </div> </div> <div class='card'> <div class='card-body text-left'> <div class='mb-2' style='height: 1.5rem;width: 7.75rem;margin:auto'> <svg xmlns='' viewBox='76 397 124 24'><path class='st0' d='M78.1 406.9l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.1 6.4 7 1.2-4.9 4.8 1 7-6.2-3-6.2 3 .8-6.9zm24.9 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9zm25.4 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.1 6.4 7 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.2 3 .8-6.9zm24.6 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9zm25 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9z' fill='#FFD600'/><path class='st1' d='M100 406.3l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8z' fill='#FFD600'/></svg> </div> <p class='text-muted lead mb-0'>❝ Knowing when drugs are coming off patent and who to contract with has enabled us to stay ahead fo the curve and align ourselves with the proper vendors. ❞</p> </div> </div> <div class='card'> <div class='card-body text-left'> <div class='mb-2' style='height: 1.5rem;width: 7.75rem;margin:auto'> <svg xmlns='' viewBox='76 397 124 24'><path class='st0' d='M78.1 406.9l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.1 6.4 7 1.2-4.9 4.8 1 7-6.2-3-6.2 3 .8-6.9zm24.9 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9zm25.4 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.1 6.4 7 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.2 3 .8-6.9zm24.6 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9zm25 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9z' fill='#FFD600'/><path class='st1' d='M100 406.3l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8z' fill='#FFD600'/></svg> </div> <p class='text-muted lead mb-0'>❝ Drugpatentwatch is an excellent opportunity for LATAM companies to access information on expired and protected patents from the USA and worldwide in a friendly and easy manner. ❞</p> </div> </div> <div class='card'> <div class='card-body text-left'> <div class='mb-2' style='height: 1.5rem;width: 7.75rem;margin:auto'> <svg xmlns='' viewBox='76 397 124 24'><path class='st0' d='M78.1 406.9l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.1 6.4 7 1.2-4.9 4.8 1 7-6.2-3-6.2 3 .8-6.9zm24.9 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9zm25.4 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.1 6.4 7 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.2 3 .8-6.9zm24.6 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9zm25 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9z' fill='#FFD600'/><path class='st1' d='M100 406.3l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8z' fill='#FFD600'/></svg> </div> <p class='text-muted lead mb-0'>❝ This is a great service with lots of insightful information. ❞</p> </div> </div> <div class='card'> <div class='card-body text-left'> <div class='mb-2' style='height: 1.5rem;width: 7.75rem;margin:auto'> <svg xmlns='' viewBox='76 397 124 24'><path class='st0' d='M78.1 406.9l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.1 6.4 7 1.2-4.9 4.8 1 7-6.2-3-6.2 3 .8-6.9zm24.9 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9zm25.4 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.1 6.4 7 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.2 3 .8-6.9zm24.6 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9zm25 0l6.5-1.1 3.4-6.5 3.2 6.4 6.9 1.2-4.9 4.8 1.1 7-6.3-3-6.1 3 .8-6.9z' fill='#FFD600'/><path class='st1' d='M100 406.3l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 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7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8zm37-8.4l-8.3-1.2-3.7-7.5-3.7 7.5-8.3 1.2 6 5.8-1.4 8.3 7.4-3.9 7.4 3.9-1.4-8.3 6-5.8zm-12 8.4l-5.2 2.8 1-5.8-4.2-4.1 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.2 4.1 1 5.8-5.4-2.8z' fill='#FFD600'/></svg> </div> <p class='text-muted lead mb-0'>❝ Found the results very comprehensive. 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