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cursor: pointer; } .header-moblie-box { display: block !important; } .header-main-menu .header-main-menu-item li ul li { padding: 0; } .header-main-menu .header-main-menu-item ul li ul { position: sticky; margin-top: 0px; } .header-main-menu .header-main-menu-item li:hover a.child-sub-menu, .header-main-menu .header-main-menu-item li:focus a.child-sub-menu { background: transparent; } .main-header .logo a { margin-left: 24px !important; } .header-main-menu .header-main-menu-item ul li ul { min-height: auto; } /* For Second header css end */ /* For language dropdown css */ .login-wrap-box .lang-dropdown a { text-align: left; } .login-wrap-box .lang-dropdown { top: -225px; margin-top: 0; padding-top: 0; } .login-wrap-box .lang-btn p svg { -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); -ms-transform: rotate(180deg); transform: rotate(180deg); } .login-wrap-box p svg { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); -ms-transform: rotate(0deg); transform: rotate(0deg); } /* For language dropdown css end*/ } @media 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23.2724H73.8526V8.57702H72.0571V23.2724ZM91.1679 8.57702H94.2147V23.2729H92.3126V10.6139H92.2059L88.3801 20.8402H86.0503L82.2686 10.6139H82.162V23.2729H80.2814V8.57702H83.4769L87.2478 18.7848H87.355L91.1679 8.57702ZM102.944 12.1459H104.761L99.739 26.8418H97.88L99.1411 23.3565L95.4645 12.1459H97.3672L100.081 20.8169H100.167L102.944 12.1459ZM109.584 11.9358C106.785 11.9358 105.289 13.9092 105.289 16.8907V18.5281C105.289 21.5932 106.785 23.4825 109.584 23.4825C111.828 23.4825 113.153 22.2648 113.601 20.1866H111.764C111.443 21.4673 110.717 21.9293 109.584 21.9293C108.046 21.9293 107.105 21.0683 107.105 18.4233V18.2762H113.665V16.8907C113.665 13.9092 112.384 11.9358 109.584 11.9358ZM109.584 13.4896C111.038 13.4896 111.826 14.3305 111.847 16.8907H107.108C107.133 14.3305 108.067 13.4896 109.584 13.4896ZM120.321 12.1459H120.876V13.8674H120.428C118.633 13.8674 117.458 14.7491 117.458 17.0802V23.2729H115.663V12.1459H117.458V14.1405H117.543C117.863 13.1334 118.697 12.1459 120.321 12.1459ZM129.938 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Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren&#39;t words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department. From optimizing a production line to the latest breakthroughs in cell therapy, this is work that transforms the lives of patients, and the careers of those who do it. You&#39;ll get the chance to grow and thrive through opportunities uncommon in scale and scope, alongside high-achieving teams rich in diversity. Take your career farther than you thought possible. Bristol Myers Squibb recognizes the importance of balance and flexibility in our work environment. We offer a wide variety of competitive benefits, services and programs that provide our employees with the resources to pursue their goals, both at work and in their personal lives. Read more: Supports local/SEA country submission for new registrations, product renewals, variations and clinical trials, and helps ensure regulatory compliance to relevant internal and external requirements (including Singapore Health Products Act and Health Sciences Authority guidance, BMS SOPs and required maintenance of regulatory systems and databases). If you come across a role that intrigues you but doesn&#39;t perfectly line up with your resume, we encourage you to apply anyway. You could be one step away from work that will transform your life and career. Uniquely Interesting Work, Life-changing Careers With a single vision as inspiring as \u201cTransforming patients&#39; lives through science\u2122 \u201d, every BMS employee plays an integral role in work that goes far beyond ordinary. Each of us is empowered to apply our individual talents and unique perspectives in an inclusive culture, promoting diversity in clinical trials, while our shared values of passion, innovation, urgency, accountability, inclusion and integrity bring out the highest potential of each of our colleagues. On-site Protocol BMS has a diverse occupancy structure that determines where an employee is required to conduct their work. This structure includes site-essential, site-by-design, field-based and remote-by-design jobs. The occupancy type that you are assigned is determined by the nature and responsibilities of your role: Site-essential roles require 100% of shifts onsite at your assigned facility. Site-by-design roles may be eligible for a hybrid work model with at least 50% onsite at your assigned facility. For these roles, onsite presence is considered an essential job function and is critical to collaboration, innovation, productivity, and a positive Company culture. For field-based and remote-by-design roles the ability to physically travel to visit customers, patients or business partners and to attend meetings on behalf of BMS as directed is an essential job function. BMS is dedicated to ensuring that people with disabilities can excel through a transparent recruitment process, reasonable workplace accommodations/adjustments and ongoing support in their roles. Applicants can request a reasonable workplace accommodation/adjustment prior to accepting a job offer. If you require reasonable accommodations/adjustments in completing this application, or in any part of the recruitment process, direct your inquiries to Visit to access our complete Equal Employment Opportunity statement. BMS cares about your well-being and the well-being of our staff, customers, patients, and communities. As a result, the Company strongly recommends that all employees be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 and keep up to date with Covid-19 boosters. BMS will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records, pursuant to applicable laws in your area. If you live in or expect to work from Los Angeles County if hired for this position, please visit this page for important additional information: Any data processed in connection with role applications will be treated in accordance with applicable data privacy policies and regulations.&#34;, &#34;stars&#34;: 0.0, &#34;medallionProgram&#34;: null, &#34;location_flexibility&#34;: null, &#34;work_location_option&#34;: &#34;onsite&#34;, &#34;canonicalPositionUrl&#34;: &#34;;, &#34;isPrivate&#34;: false, &#34;custom_data&#34;: {&#34;location&#34;: &#34;Singapore - SG&#34;, &#34;RequisitionID&#34;: &#34;R1588795&#34;, &#34;canonical_title&#34;: &#34;Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist&#34;, &#34;straight_line_distance&#34;: null}}, {&#34;id&#34;: 137465003976, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Technical Director, WM/Logistics Solutions Architecture&#34;, &#34;location&#34;: &#34;New Brunswick - NJ - US&#34;, &#34;locations&#34;: [&#34;New Brunswick - NJ - US&#34;, &#34;Princeton - NJ - US&#34;, &#34;Dublin - IE&#34;], &#34;hot&#34;: 1, &#34;department&#34;: &#34;Not Applicable&#34;, &#34;business_unit&#34;: &#34;Information Technology&#34;, &#34;t_update&#34;: 1738616289, &#34;t_create&#34;: 1731456000, &#34;ats_job_id&#34;: &#34;R1587401&#34;, &#34;display_job_id&#34;: &#34;R1587401&#34;, &#34;type&#34;: &#34;ATS&#34;, &#34;id_locale&#34;: &#34;R1587401-uk&#34;, &#34;job_description&#34;: &#34;Design, implement, and operate warehouse management, transportation management, and logistic solutions and strategies utilizing SAP, SAP eWM, etc. that align with the company&#39;s supply chain goals/needs. Lead and collaborate with cross-functional teams to architect, design, build, manage, and operate solutions delivering business value. Lead and collaborate with cross-functional teams to gather, understand, and share requirements as necessary to architect, design, and implement solutions. Develop and maintain solution architecture documentation, including diagrams, specifications, and other technical documentation. Provide technical guidance and support to development teams during the implementation of warehouse management, transportation management, and/or logistic solutions. Ensure that solutions are scalable, reliable, and maintainable while adhering to applicable policies and procedures. Stay current with emerging technologies, industry trends, and best practices in the warehouse management, transportation management, and/or logistic solution space. Recommend complementary and/or new solutions as appropriate. Required: 10+ years of experience in an information technology related field delivering and supporting warehouse management, transportation management, and/or logistics, with at least 5 years focused on solution architecture and implementation. Strong understanding of warehouse management, transportation management, and/or logistics processes. Demonstrated success in designing, delivering, and supporting integrated warehouse management, transportation management, and/or logistics solutions using disparate technologies. Demonstrated success designing, delivering, and supporting experience in third-party logistics integration. Exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to identify and resolve complex technical issues. Excellent project management and organizational skills. Excellent communication, leadership, and interpersonal skills. Experience working internationally with a globally dispersed team including management of offshore technical development team(s). Demonstrated subject matter expertise in SAP S/4 and/or SAP eWM. Prior experience working in a global life sciences supply chain planning environment.&#34;, &#34;stars&#34;: 0.0, &#34;medallionProgram&#34;: null, &#34;location_flexibility&#34;: null, &#34;work_location_option&#34;: &#34;hybrid&#34;, &#34;canonicalPositionUrl&#34;: &#34;;, &#34;isPrivate&#34;: false, &#34;custom_data&#34;: {&#34;location&#34;: &#34;New Brunswick - NJ - US&#34;, &#34;RequisitionID&#34;: &#34;R1587401&#34;, &#34;canonical_title&#34;: &#34;Solutions Director&#34;, &#34;straight_line_distance&#34;: null}}, {&#34;id&#34;: 137466293660, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Manager - IT Site Shared Services&#34;, &#34;location&#34;: &#34;Leiden \u2013 NL&#34;, &#34;locations&#34;: [&#34;Leiden \u2013 NL&#34;], &#34;hot&#34;: 0, &#34;department&#34;: &#34;Cell Therapy&#34;, &#34;business_unit&#34;: &#34;Information Technology&#34;, &#34;t_update&#34;: 1740130916, &#34;t_create&#34;: 1740096000, &#34;ats_job_id&#34;: &#34;R1589577&#34;, &#34;display_job_id&#34;: &#34;R1589577&#34;, &#34;type&#34;: &#34;ATS&#34;, &#34;id_locale&#34;: &#34;R1589577-uk&#34;, &#34;job_description&#34;: &#34;Manager Site IT Shared Services - Cell Therapy Manufacturing Site Leiden, the Netherlands Manage the IT shared landscape across the Cell Therapy site IT systems like IT Architecture and IT Infrastructure including Network, Servers, HMIs, Printers, Scanners, Switches, Firewall rules, Domains, etc. Responsible for the IT Life Cycle Management (LCM) program as well as the roadmap for all the above listed IT Infrastructure. Be the CTF IT Cybersecurity Point Of Contact (POC) and own the system patching effort for various local IT systems. Monitor, track and reduce ServiceNow tickets related to IT Infrastructure. Manage spares and inventory for IT Infrastructure. Own the Disaster Recovery of local computerized systems and be the main POC during P1 and P2 ServiceNow tickets. Accountable for uninterrupted 24/7 operation of manufacturing systems for CAR-T manufacturing. 10 + years of experience as an Infrastructure Engineer and Manager role. Knowledge of process automation system is beneficial Core competencies include, communication skills, problem-solving, flexibility to react to changing business needs, ability to meet deadlines and a commitment to self-development Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work in a team environment Ability to work independently and within cross functional teams Installation and maintenance of the Hardware like label Printers, Scanners, and IT peripherals Knowledge of Basic Network, Desktop installation and support. Knowledge of ServiceNow, CMDB.&#34;, &#34;stars&#34;: 0.0, &#34;medallionProgram&#34;: null, &#34;location_flexibility&#34;: null, &#34;work_location_option&#34;: &#34;onsite&#34;, &#34;canonicalPositionUrl&#34;: &#34;;, &#34;isPrivate&#34;: false, &#34;custom_data&#34;: {&#34;location&#34;: &#34;Leiden \u2013 NL&#34;, &#34;RequisitionID&#34;: &#34;R1589577&#34;, &#34;canonical_title&#34;: &#34;IT Services Manager&#34;, &#34;straight_line_distance&#34;: null}}, {&#34;id&#34;: 137466296429, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Senior Principal Scientist, Translational Development&#34;, &#34;location&#34;: &#34;Princeton - NJ - US&#34;, &#34;locations&#34;: [&#34;Princeton - NJ - US&#34;, &#34;Summit West - NJ - US&#34;, &#34;Cambridge Crossing - MA - US&#34;], &#34;hot&#34;: 0, &#34;department&#34;: &#34;Hematology&#34;, &#34;business_unit&#34;: &#34;Research and Early Development&#34;, &#34;t_update&#34;: 1740152301, &#34;t_create&#34;: 1740096000, &#34;ats_job_id&#34;: &#34;R1589609&#34;, &#34;display_job_id&#34;: &#34;R1589609&#34;, &#34;type&#34;: &#34;ATS&#34;, &#34;id_locale&#34;: &#34;R1589609-uk&#34;, &#34;job_description&#34;: &#34;In-depth understanding of cancer biology/hematology with knowledge of current and evolving clinical landscape and competitive scenarios Strong scientific background with understanding of clinical, translational, and mechanistic data with proven track record of publications Understanding of early or late-stage drug and translational development process; including experience with implementing a biomarker strategy Clinical protocol authoring and review of regulatory documents. Working knowledge of technological platforms covering biomarker measures including but not limited to genomics, gene expression, immune profiling, and flow cytometry. Excellent data analysis and problem solving skills Exceptional verbal and written communication skills with experience in developing written documents such as primary manuscripts/publications/reviews, scientific presentations and regulatory submissions (INDs/NDAs) with ability to synthesize complex scientific concepts into simple communication points Proven scientific/project leadership expertise and experience working in global teams and managing people/projects PhD in Hematology/Oncology or related field with min 6 years in industry and academic setting Track record in drug discovery/development in large or small biotech/pharmaceutical companies, leading translational/biomarker studies or innovative efforts to deploy technologies and assays for enhanced translational capabilities or similar skill sets in academia Experience with translational/biomarker strategies for early or late stage clinical trials or investigator sponsored trials in academia Oversees biomarker execution in clinical trials and supports biomarker sampling and subsequent data analysis Leads the development of asset specific translational goals and objectives for the Hematology Translational Medicine group Represents Translational Medicine on cross-functional strategy and global project teams Supports regulatory submissions, regulatory interactions, writes translational sections for regulatory responses and answers to regulatory queries for the TM group Participate/present data at scientific advisory boards to support drug programs/projects Communicates regularly and prepares and makes presentations within the department and externally as required Responsible for selection and delivery of pharmacodynamic and biomarker assays including assessing the need and applicability for companion/complementary diagnostics for asset programs May perform advisory and mentoring role for junior scientists&#34;, &#34;stars&#34;: 0.0, &#34;medallionProgram&#34;: null, &#34;location_flexibility&#34;: null, &#34;work_location_option&#34;: &#34;onsite&#34;, &#34;canonicalPositionUrl&#34;: &#34;;, &#34;isPrivate&#34;: false, &#34;custom_data&#34;: {&#34;location&#34;: &#34;Princeton - NJ - US&#34;, &#34;RequisitionID&#34;: &#34;R1589609&#34;, &#34;canonical_title&#34;: &#34;Senior Principal Scientist&#34;, &#34;straight_line_distance&#34;: null}}, {&#34;id&#34;: 137466296483, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Manager, Occupational Safety&#34;, &#34;location&#34;: &#34;Manati - PR - US&#34;, &#34;locations&#34;: [&#34;Manati - PR - US&#34;], &#34;hot&#34;: 0, &#34;department&#34;: &#34;Not Applicable&#34;, &#34;business_unit&#34;: &#34;Global Product Development &amp; Supply&#34;, &#34;t_update&#34;: 1740153083, &#34;t_create&#34;: 1740096000, &#34;ats_job_id&#34;: &#34;R1589584&#34;, &#34;display_job_id&#34;: &#34;R1589584&#34;, &#34;type&#34;: &#34;ATS&#34;, &#34;id_locale&#34;: &#34;R1589584-uk&#34;, &#34;job_description&#34;: &#34;1. Provides technical and regulatory guidance on occupational safety, focusing on recognizing, evaluating, and controlling physical, chemical, and environmental hazards. 2. Development of proper procedures, work practices, and equipment to use to ensure compliance with all BMS Standards, legal requirements, and regulations in these fields. 3. Conduct EHS self-assessment programs, policies, and procedures to ensure compliance with applicable local and federal regulations and company directives. 4. Review capital renovations and new construction projects to ensure environmental, industrial hygiene, and safety issues have been included since the design. 5. Participates in legal and regulatory agencies site and corporate audits and inspections. 6. Responsible for leading the implementation of Occupational Safety and Projects Support programs for the site, which include the following duties: Participates in process hazard reviews of new and existing equipment to ensure environmental and occupational safety criteria are included since design. Support and lead the occupational incident investigations program to determine root causes, develop an action plan to avoid recurrence, and follow up to ensure improvements are implemented. Supports the department in complying with the budget to ensure controlled expenses within established goals and supports the department management in administrative areas such as budget, capital appropriation, change control, and company representation. 18. Bachelor&#39;s degree in engineering, or related science field. PE preferred. At least five (5) years of experience working at Environmental, Health and Safety. Pharmaceutical industry preferred. Fully cognizant of applicable Federal and Commonwealth rules and regulations Demonstrated leadership skills. Strong negotiation and influencing skills. Excellent verbal and written communication skills Capable of working with minimal direct supervision. Good interpersonal skills Excellent Problem-Solving Skills Computer knowledge Bilingual (Spanish and English).&#34;, &#34;stars&#34;: 0.0, &#34;medallionProgram&#34;: null, &#34;location_flexibility&#34;: null, &#34;work_location_option&#34;: &#34;onsite&#34;, &#34;canonicalPositionUrl&#34;: &#34;;, &#34;isPrivate&#34;: false, &#34;custom_data&#34;: {&#34;location&#34;: &#34;Manati - PR - US&#34;, &#34;RequisitionID&#34;: &#34;R1589584&#34;, &#34;canonical_title&#34;: &#34;Safety Manager&#34;, &#34;straight_line_distance&#34;: null}}, {&#34;id&#34;: 137466300330, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Director, Commercialization Strategy &amp; Operations&#34;, &#34;location&#34;: &#34;Princeton - NJ - US&#34;, &#34;locations&#34;: [&#34;Princeton - NJ - US&#34;], &#34;hot&#34;: 0, &#34;department&#34;: &#34;Not Applicable&#34;, &#34;business_unit&#34;: &#34;Commercialization&#34;, &#34;t_update&#34;: 1740170384, &#34;t_create&#34;: 1740096000, &#34;ats_job_id&#34;: &#34;R1589618&#34;, &#34;display_job_id&#34;: &#34;R1589618&#34;, &#34;type&#34;: &#34;ATS&#34;, &#34;id_locale&#34;: &#34;R1589618-uk&#34;, &#34;job_description&#34;: &#34;Executing strategic initiatives across Commercialization, such as improving customer focus, commercialization evolution, and others as needed Effectively interfacing with various leadership teams and across the BMS matrix to ensure appropriate understanding of all key initiatives and organizational priorities Representing Commercialization and playing a leadership role in enterprise initiatives, such as process simplification, culture and engagement initiatives, and others as needed Assisting in preparation for major meetings, business development presentations, and external meetings BA, BS, or equivalent required. MBA strongly preferred. Minimum 8 years of pharmaceutical experience in Sales, Marketing or Strategy Strong analytical skills with demonstrated ability to assess complex situations and formulate effective plans, anticipate obstacles, and develop mitigations Proven track record of effectively and efficiently driving performance within a matrix organization Proven project management experience Strong organizational, and communication skills (both oral and written). Self- starter who acts with a sense of accountability and urgency, is highly detailed oriented, and has demonstrated success in multi-tasking and sound decision-making. Clear understanding of the BMS organization, policies, and processes In-depth experience in US or other key markets strongly preferred&#34;, &#34;stars&#34;: 0.0, &#34;medallionProgram&#34;: null, &#34;location_flexibility&#34;: null, &#34;work_location_option&#34;: &#34;onsite&#34;, &#34;canonicalPositionUrl&#34;: &#34;;, &#34;isPrivate&#34;: false, &#34;custom_data&#34;: {&#34;location&#34;: &#34;Princeton - NJ - US&#34;, &#34;RequisitionID&#34;: &#34;R1589618&#34;, &#34;canonical_title&#34;: &#34;Strategy Operations&#34;, &#34;straight_line_distance&#34;: null}}, {&#34;id&#34;: 137466300461, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;District Business Manager, Oncology- East TX-LA&#34;, &#34;location&#34;: &#34;Houston - TX - US&#34;, &#34;locations&#34;: [&#34;Houston - TX - US&#34;, &#34;New Orleans - LA - US&#34;, &#34;Dallas - TX - US&#34;], &#34;hot&#34;: 0, &#34;department&#34;: &#34;Oncology&#34;, &#34;business_unit&#34;: &#34;Commercialization&#34;, &#34;t_update&#34;: 1740172145, &#34;t_create&#34;: 1740096000, &#34;ats_job_id&#34;: &#34;R1589612&#34;, &#34;display_job_id&#34;: &#34;R1589612&#34;, &#34;type&#34;: &#34;ATS&#34;, &#34;id_locale&#34;: &#34;R1589612-uk&#34;, &#34;job_description&#34;: &#34;Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren&#39;t words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department. From optimizing a production line to the latest breakthroughs in cell therapy, this is work that transforms the lives of patients, and the careers of those who do it. You&#39;ll get the chance to grow and thrive through opportunities uncommon in scale and scope, alongside high-achieving teams rich in diversity. Take your career farther than you thought possible. Bristol Myers Squibb recognizes the importance of balance and flexibility in our work environment. We offer a wide variety of competitive benefits, services and programs that provide our employees with the resources to pursue their goals, both at work and in their personal lives. Read more: This geography includes: Houston, TX, Dallas, TX and New Orleans, LA Position Summary The District Business Manager is a critical role in our unique customer model to execute the BMS aspiration to be the BioPharma that delivers the most impactful engagement with Health Care Providers (HCPs), driving adoption of new and existing medicines for appropriate patients. The primary role of the DBM is to be accountable for leading, coaching, and motivating a team of approximately 6- 10 TASs to drive the adoption of BMS assigned Oncology portfolio and generate demand. The DBM is accountable for coaching of TASs on specific learning objectives (selling skills, scientific engagement, and use of digital capabilities) and for ensuring continuous improvement in the core skills of their team. The DBM also plays a leadership role in business and account planning and championing the utilization of new digital capabilities and tools such as Medical on Call and CE^3. We are looking for leaders who can inspire and motivate a team to reach and exceed business goals while maximizing their growth and development potential. The DBM is aligned to accounts and covers all tumor types/products in sleeve. The DBM reports to the Regional Business Director and works collaboratively across matrix of Commercial, Medical, Access organizations, for example Scientific Engagement Partner (SEP), and Field Access Manager (FAM) and other field roles in the new Commercialization model to appropriately address customer needs and ensure that BMS delivers on set sales targets. The DBM role is field-based. A DBM is anticipated to spend 100% of their time in the field with TASs, depending on the geographic area. Key Responsibilities Focused in-role coaching and developing of TASs Coach TASs on specific competencies and learning objectives (e.g., scientific agility, customer/commercial mindset, change agility &amp; teamwork/enterprise mindset). DBMs will conduct selected ride-alongs with TASs for the most important HCPs\u200b as relevant, according to coaching plan. Ownership for TASs learning journey and accountable for ensuring continuous improvement in core skills and behavior (e.g., scientific agility, patient mindset, digital agility, analytical mindset)\u200b Champion adoption of new capabilities (e.g., CE^3 analytics, content personalization) Understand and role model new capabilities and tools\u200b e.g., sharing knowledge, information, insights and experiences with new tools with the TAS team. Effectively coach TASs on how to appropriately leverage CE^3 insights to guide call planning and call preparation. Regularly convene field team to exchange experiences, collect feedback, proactively coach on change leadership, and encourage adoption of capabilities and new ways of working\u200b. Execute strategic planning activities (e.g., promo program planning, budget planning, tumor prioritization at HCP level) Engage with relevant insights to prioritize accounts and develop strategies for key accounts. Ensure continues customer experience improvement Lead financial and program planning for district Comply with all laws, regulations, and policies that govern the conduct of BMS. Required Qualifications &amp; Experience Bachelor&#39;s degree or equivalent with a minimum of 5 years of pharmaceutical industry experience or other related industry experience. Prior experience as a District Business Manager in Pharmaceutical Sales, or equivalent experience in leading and managing high-performing teams is strongly preferred. Pharma experience is strongly preferred, including an understanding of reimbursement processes, access, and distribution environment. Proven track record of inspiring and leading teams to meet or exceed expectations and goals. Proven successful track record of selecting, developing, and retaining talented individuals. Previous experience that has required the use of analytical skills, selling skills, development of strong business acumen, and working knowledge of the pharmaceutical value chain. As this position requires the operation of a Company-provided vehicle, offers of employment are contingent upon the candidate meeting the requirements of \u201cQualified Driver,\u201d as determined by the Company in its sole discretion, including but not limited to the following: 1) at least 21 years of age; 2) a driver&#39;s license in good standing issued by your state of residence; and 3) a driving risk level deemed acceptable by the Company. Key competencies desired Coaching mindset: Understands TASs learning journey and takes responsibility for ensuring continuous improvement of TASs skills. Ability to coach TASs in core competencies: (e.g., scientific agility, customer experience, patient centricity and mindset, digital agility, analytical mindset). \u200bCustomer/commercial mindset: Demonstrated ability to drive business results. Experience identifying, engaging, and cultivating credibility with customers across the patient care journey. Demonstrated account management skills and problem-solving mentality. Understands the flow of patients through practice and can customize engagement and deliver tailored messages. Demonstrated resourcefulness and ability to connect with customers. \u200bScientific agility: Expertise in TA. Excellent communication and presentation skills to articulate scientific and clinical data in an easy-to-understand manner to help HCPs best serve their patients. \u200b Has a strong learning mindset and passion for science. Prioritizes staying current with the latest data. Change agility: Enthusiasm to adopt and champion new ways of working. Demonstrates a strong sense of learning agility. Seeks out and learns from unfamiliar experiences, and then applies those lessons to achieve better results in subsequent situations. Analytical mindset: Ability to use data insights to inform engagement. Ability to run more focused strategic planning. Digital mindset - adept at using digital tools. Teamwork/Enterprise mindset: Ability to lead across the matrix. Strong business acumen to understand and analyze business and market drivers and develop, execute, and adjust business plans. Track record of balancing individual drive and collaborative attitude. LI-Remote If you come across a role that intrigues you but doesn&#39;t perfectly line up with your resume, we encourage you to apply anyway. You could be one step away from work that will transform your life and career. Uniquely Interesting Work, Life-changing Careers With a single vision as inspiring as \u201cTransforming patients&#39; lives through science\u2122 \u201d, every BMS employee plays an integral role in work that goes far beyond ordinary. Each of us is empowered to apply our individual talents and unique perspectives in an inclusive culture, promoting diversity in clinical trials, while our shared values of passion, innovation, urgency, accountability, inclusion and integrity bring out the highest potential of each of our colleagues. On-site Protocol BMS has a diverse occupancy structure that determines where an employee is required to conduct their work. This structure includes site-essential, site-by-design, field-based and remote-by-design jobs. The occupancy type that you are assigned is determined by the nature and responsibilities of your role: Site-essential roles require 100% of shifts onsite at your assigned facility. Site-by-design roles may be eligible for a hybrid work model with at least 50% onsite at your assigned facility. For these roles, onsite presence is considered an essential job function and is critical to collaboration, innovation, productivity, and a positive Company culture. For field-based and remote-by-design roles the ability to physically travel to visit customers, patients or business partners and to attend meetings on behalf of BMS as directed is an essential job function. BMS is dedicated to ensuring that people with disabilities can excel through a transparent recruitment process, reasonable workplace accommodations/adjustments and ongoing support in their roles. Applicants can request a reasonable workplace accommodation/adjustment prior to accepting a job offer. If you require reasonable accommodations/adjustments in completing this application, or in any part of the recruitment process, direct your inquiries to Visit to access our complete Equal Employment Opportunity statement. BMS cares about your well-being and the well-being of our staff, customers, patients, and communities. As a result, the Company strongly recommends that all employees be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 and keep up to date with Covid-19 boosters. BMS will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records, pursuant to applicable laws in your area. If you live in or expect to work from Los Angeles County if hired for this position, please visit this page for important additional information: Any data processed in connection with role applications will be treated in accordance with applicable data privacy policies and regulations.&#34;, &#34;stars&#34;: 0.0, &#34;medallionProgram&#34;: null, &#34;location_flexibility&#34;: null, &#34;work_location_option&#34;: &#34;onsite&#34;, &#34;canonicalPositionUrl&#34;: &#34;;, &#34;isPrivate&#34;: false, &#34;custom_data&#34;: {&#34;location&#34;: &#34;Houston - TX - US&#34;, &#34;RequisitionID&#34;: &#34;R1589612&#34;, &#34;canonical_title&#34;: &#34;Manager Business&#34;, &#34;straight_line_distance&#34;: null}}, {&#34;id&#34;: 137466300462, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Senior Specialist, Supplier and Material Quality&#34;, &#34;location&#34;: &#34;Phoenix - AZ - US&#34;, &#34;locations&#34;: [&#34;Phoenix - AZ - US&#34;], &#34;hot&#34;: 0, &#34;department&#34;: &#34;Not Applicable&#34;, &#34;business_unit&#34;: &#34;Global Product Development &amp; Supply&#34;, &#34;t_update&#34;: 1740172343, &#34;t_create&#34;: 1740096000, &#34;ats_job_id&#34;: &#34;R1589619&#34;, &#34;display_job_id&#34;: &#34;R1589619&#34;, &#34;type&#34;: &#34;ATS&#34;, &#34;id_locale&#34;: &#34;R1589619-uk&#34;, &#34;job_description&#34;: &#34;Supports all processes, documents, and activities related to incoming materials and external suppliers. QA support for the Supply Management, QC Incoming, and Incoming Materials Warehouse departments. QA review and approval of deviations and CAPAs QA review and approval of Change Controls (e.g., DCCs, CCRs) to ensure the proposed changes are justified, supported by data and have been appropriately validated/qualified where applicable QA review and approval of all materials for use in commercial production Supplier Alert management Material review, disposition, and execution of MERs QA review and approval of protocols, documents (specifications), compendial, and Quality Risk Management (QRM) Quality Agreement (QTA) management Periodic review of department processes Provide support for supplier audits and assessment of suppliers Support complaint sample/reserve sample inspection Interfaces with all other quality groups within the company on quality systems issues Adopts and applies QRM principles to make sound quality decisions Works with other departments to ensure compliance with and understanding of cGMPs, SOPs, and policies Provides QA expertise as a resource to identify gaps, facilitate remedial actions, and ensure issues are resolved in a compliant manner Provides guidance to other employees in interpretation of complex data Leads assigned projects/initiatives Recognized Subject Matter Expert within the group Consults management for advice on complex issues; confident in making decisions for minor issues Conducts on-the-job training (OJT) and instructor-led training (ILT) to employees Performs all other tasks as assigned. High school diploma or equivalent required Bachelor&#39;s degree preferred 5 years of relevant work experience required, preferably in quality assurance/quality control An equivalent combination of education, experience and training may substitute. Requires detailed knowledge of cGMP, ICH, JP, USP and EP Ability to multi-task and be flexible Advanced teamwork and facilitation skills Ability to complete more complex tasks with moderate direction; work is self-directed; completes routine tasks with little or no supervision Ability to critically assess project(s) and allocate resources to efficiently achieve goals Advanced critical-reasoning and decision-making skills Able to more fully interpret results and situations and articulate recommendations for resolution Ability to recognize risk and recommend contingency plans Ability to broaden technical and scientific knowledge Basic knowledge of fundamental scientific problems Ability to prove input and build relationships internally within function and with cross-functional teams Able to implement solutions independently Able to write and review reports with clarity and brevity Able to produce data reports with precision Able to prepare written communications and communicate problems to management with clarity and accuracy. Work is generally performed seated but may require standing and walking for up to 20% of the time Work requires satisfactory completion of an eye examination to demonstrate 20/20 correctable vision Work occasionally requires uniform/PPE to work in a manufacturing, warehouse, or laboratory environment&#34;, &#34;stars&#34;: 0.0, &#34;medallionProgram&#34;: null, &#34;location_flexibility&#34;: null, &#34;work_location_option&#34;: &#34;onsite&#34;, &#34;canonicalPositionUrl&#34;: &#34;;, &#34;isPrivate&#34;: false, &#34;custom_data&#34;: {&#34;location&#34;: &#34;Phoenix - AZ - US&#34;, &#34;RequisitionID&#34;: &#34;R1589619&#34;, &#34;canonical_title&#34;: &#34;Quality Specialist&#34;, &#34;straight_line_distance&#34;: null}}, {&#34;id&#34;: 137466301293, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;District Business Manager, Oncology- GA/ AL&#34;, &#34;location&#34;: &#34;Atlanta - GA - US&#34;, &#34;locations&#34;: [&#34;Atlanta - GA - US&#34;, &#34;Athens - GA - US&#34;, &#34;Birmingham - AL - US&#34;, &#34;Huntsville - AL - US&#34;], &#34;hot&#34;: 0, &#34;department&#34;: &#34;Oncology&#34;, &#34;business_unit&#34;: &#34;Commercialization&#34;, &#34;t_update&#34;: 1740173366, &#34;t_create&#34;: 1740096000, &#34;ats_job_id&#34;: &#34;R1589613&#34;, &#34;display_job_id&#34;: &#34;R1589613&#34;, &#34;type&#34;: &#34;ATS&#34;, &#34;id_locale&#34;: &#34;R1589613-uk&#34;, &#34;job_description&#34;: &#34;Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren&#39;t words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department. From optimizing a production line to the latest breakthroughs in cell therapy, this is work that transforms the lives of patients, and the careers of those who do it. You&#39;ll get the chance to grow and thrive through opportunities uncommon in scale and scope, alongside high-achieving teams rich in diversity. Take your career farther than you thought possible. Bristol Myers Squibb recognizes the importance of balance and flexibility in our work environment. We offer a wide variety of competitive benefits, services and programs that provide our employees with the resources to pursue their goals, both at work and in their personal lives. Read more: This geography includes: Atlanta, GA, North, GA, Birmingham, AL and North AL Position Summary The District Business Manager is a critical role in our unique customer model to execute the BMS aspiration to be the BioPharma that delivers the most impactful engagement with Health Care Providers (HCPs), driving adoption of new and existing medicines for appropriate patients. The primary role of the DBM is to be accountable for leading, coaching, and motivating a team of approximately 6- 10 TASs to drive the adoption of BMS assigned Oncology portfolio and generate demand. The DBM is accountable for coaching of TASs on specific learning objectives (selling skills, scientific engagement, and use of digital capabilities) and for ensuring continuous improvement in the core skills of their team. The DBM also plays a leadership role in business and account planning and championing the utilization of new digital capabilities and tools such as Medical on Call and CE^3. We are looking for leaders who can inspire and motivate a team to reach and exceed business goals while maximizing their growth and development potential. The DBM is aligned to accounts and covers all tumor types/products in sleeve. The DBM reports to the Regional Business Director and works collaboratively across matrix of Commercial, Medical, Access organizations, for example Scientific Engagement Partner (SEP), and Field Access Manager (FAM) and other field roles in the new Commercialization model to appropriately address customer needs and ensure that BMS delivers on set sales targets. The DBM role is field-based. A DBM is anticipated to spend 100% of their time in the field with TASs, depending on the geographic area. Key Responsibilities Focused in-role coaching and developing of TASs Coach TASs on specific competencies and learning objectives (e.g., scientific agility, customer/commercial mindset, change agility &amp; teamwork/enterprise mindset). DBMs will conduct selected ride-alongs with TASs for the most important HCPs\u200b as relevant, according to coaching plan. Ownership for TASs learning journey and accountable for ensuring continuous improvement in core skills and behavior (e.g., scientific agility, patient mindset, digital agility, analytical mindset)\u200b Champion adoption of new capabilities (e.g., CE^3 analytics, content personalization) Understand and role model new capabilities and tools\u200b e.g., sharing knowledge, information, insights and experiences with new tools with the TAS team. Effectively coach TASs on how to appropriately leverage CE^3 insights to guide call planning and call preparation. Regularly convene field team to exchange experiences, collect feedback, proactively coach on change leadership, and encourage adoption of capabilities and new ways of working\u200b. Execute strategic planning activities (e.g., promo program planning, budget planning, tumor prioritization at HCP level) Engage with relevant insights to prioritize accounts and develop strategies for key accounts. Ensure continues customer experience improvement Lead financial and program planning for district Comply with all laws, regulations, and policies that govern the conduct of BMS. Required Qualifications &amp; Experience Bachelor&#39;s degree or equivalent with a minimum of 5 years of pharmaceutical industry experience or other related industry experience. Prior experience as a District Business Manager in Pharmaceutical Sales, or equivalent experience in leading and managing high-performing teams is strongly preferred. Pharma experience is strongly preferred, including an understanding of reimbursement processes, access, and distribution environment. Proven track record of inspiring and leading teams to meet or exceed expectations and goals. Proven successful track record of selecting, developing, and retaining talented individuals. Previous experience that has required the use of analytical skills, selling skills, development of strong business acumen, and working knowledge of the pharmaceutical value chain. As this position requires the operation of a Company-provided vehicle, offers of employment are contingent upon the candidate meeting the requirements of \u201cQualified Driver,\u201d as determined by the Company in its sole discretion, including but not limited to the following: 1) at least 21 years of age; 2) a driver&#39;s license in good standing issued by your state of residence; and 3) a driving risk level deemed acceptable by the Company. Key competencies desired Coaching mindset: Understands TASs learning journey and takes responsibility for ensuring continuous improvement of TASs skills. Ability to coach TASs in core competencies: (e.g., scientific agility, customer experience, patient centricity and mindset, digital agility, analytical mindset). \u200bCustomer/commercial mindset: Demonstrated ability to drive business results. Experience identifying, engaging, and cultivating credibility with customers across the patient care journey. Demonstrated account management skills and problem-solving mentality. Understands the flow of patients through practice and can customize engagement and deliver tailored messages. Demonstrated resourcefulness and ability to connect with customers. \u200bScientific agility: Expertise in TA. Excellent communication and presentation skills to articulate scientific and clinical data in an easy-to-understand manner to help HCPs best serve their patients. \u200b Has a strong learning mindset and passion for science. Prioritizes staying current with the latest data. Change agility: Enthusiasm to adopt and champion new ways of working. Demonstrates a strong sense of learning agility. Seeks out and learns from unfamiliar experiences, and then applies those lessons to achieve better results in subsequent situations. Analytical mindset: Ability to use data insights to inform engagement. Ability to run more focused strategic planning. Digital mindset - adept at using digital tools. Teamwork/Enterprise mindset: Ability to lead across the matrix. Strong business acumen to understand and analyze business and market drivers and develop, execute, and adjust business plans. Track record of balancing individual drive and collaborative attitude. LI-Remote If you come across a role that intrigues you but doesn&#39;t perfectly line up with your resume, we encourage you to apply anyway. You could be one step away from work that will transform your life and career. Uniquely Interesting Work, Life-changing Careers With a single vision as inspiring as \u201cTransforming patients&#39; lives through science\u2122 \u201d, every BMS employee plays an integral role in work that goes far beyond ordinary. Each of us is empowered to apply our individual talents and unique perspectives in an inclusive culture, promoting diversity in clinical trials, while our shared values of passion, innovation, urgency, accountability, inclusion and integrity bring out the highest potential of each of our colleagues. On-site Protocol BMS has a diverse occupancy structure that determines where an employee is required to conduct their work. This structure includes site-essential, site-by-design, field-based and remote-by-design jobs. The occupancy type that you are assigned is determined by the nature and responsibilities of your role: Site-essential roles require 100% of shifts onsite at your assigned facility. Site-by-design roles may be eligible for a hybrid work model with at least 50% onsite at your assigned facility. For these roles, onsite presence is considered an essential job function and is critical to collaboration, innovation, productivity, and a positive Company culture. For field-based and remote-by-design roles the ability to physically travel to visit customers, patients or business partners and to attend meetings on behalf of BMS as directed is an essential job function. BMS is dedicated to ensuring that people with disabilities can excel through a transparent recruitment process, reasonable workplace accommodations/adjustments and ongoing support in their roles. Applicants can request a reasonable workplace accommodation/adjustment prior to accepting a job offer. If you require reasonable accommodations/adjustments in completing this application, or in any part of the recruitment process, direct your inquiries to Visit to access our complete Equal Employment Opportunity statement. BMS cares about your well-being and the well-being of our staff, customers, patients, and communities. As a result, the Company strongly recommends that all employees be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 and keep up to date with Covid-19 boosters. BMS will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records, pursuant to applicable laws in your area. If you live in or expect to work from Los Angeles County if hired for this position, please visit this page for important additional information: Any data processed in connection with role applications will be treated in accordance with applicable data privacy policies and regulations.&#34;, &#34;stars&#34;: 0.0, &#34;medallionProgram&#34;: null, &#34;location_flexibility&#34;: null, &#34;work_location_option&#34;: &#34;onsite&#34;, &#34;canonicalPositionUrl&#34;: &#34;;, &#34;isPrivate&#34;: false, &#34;custom_data&#34;: {&#34;location&#34;: &#34;Atlanta - GA - US&#34;, &#34;RequisitionID&#34;: &#34;R1589613&#34;, &#34;canonical_title&#34;: &#34;Manager Business&#34;, &#34;straight_line_distance&#34;: null}}, {&#34;id&#34;: 137466301335, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Senior Associate Scientist, Non-Viral Gene Editing Platforms&#34;, &#34;location&#34;: &#34;Seattle - WA - US&#34;, &#34;locations&#34;: [&#34;Seattle - WA - US&#34;], &#34;hot&#34;: 0, &#34;department&#34;: &#34;Cell Therapy&#34;, &#34;business_unit&#34;: &#34;Research and Early Development&#34;, &#34;t_update&#34;: 1740174889, &#34;t_create&#34;: 1740096000, &#34;ats_job_id&#34;: &#34;R1589614&#34;, &#34;display_job_id&#34;: &#34;R1589614&#34;, &#34;type&#34;: &#34;ATS&#34;, &#34;id_locale&#34;: &#34;R1589614-uk&#34;, &#34;job_description&#34;: &#34;Spends a majority of the time working in the lab independently executing experiments and recording detailed ELN entries Proactively communicates and coordinates activities with other team members to achieve results Works diligently within the team to develop and optimize non-viral gene editing platform protocols and reagents Routinely generates CAR-T cells including non-viral gene editing, expansion, and cryopreservation of engineered cells Analyses and interprets experimental data Thoroughly characterizes engineered CAR-T cells including phenotypic analysis via flow cytometry, in vitro cytotoxicity assays (e.g., Incucyte), and genomic DNA extraction for downstream molecular analysis Leverages their knowledge of molecular biology for in silico design of DNA sequences of large and complex engineered cargo in coordination with the molecular engineering team Actively troubleshoots routine problems and initiatives related to continuous improvement or development of new approaches / technologies Makes decisions that require choosing between limited alternatives to resolve problems of varying levels of complexity Bachelor&#39;s Degree 4+ years of academic and / or industry experience Experience culturing T cells including aseptic technique, T cell activation, and maintenance of primary cell cultures Experience with multi-color flow cytometry including complex panel design and multi-parameter data analysis (FlowJo) Hands-on experience with gene editing technologies (CRISPR/Cas9 preferred) Strong knowledge of molecular biology and prior experience with DNA design tools such as Benchling, SnapGene, etc. Ability to effectively multi-task, independently organize time, and can develop timelines and deliver results accordingly Demonstrated ability to work within a team and thrive in a fast-paced and ever-changing environment Detail oriented with excellent verbal and written communication skills and careful documentation (prior ELN experience a plus) Work-life programs include paid national holidays and optional holidays, Global Shutdown days between Christmas and New Year&#39;s holiday, up to 120 hours of paid vacation, up to two (2) paid days to volunteer, sick time off, and summer hours flexibility.&#34;, &#34;stars&#34;: 0.0, &#34;medallionProgram&#34;: null, &#34;location_flexibility&#34;: null, &#34;work_location_option&#34;: &#34;onsite&#34;, &#34;canonicalPositionUrl&#34;: &#34;;, &#34;isPrivate&#34;: false, &#34;custom_data&#34;: {&#34;location&#34;: &#34;Seattle - WA - US&#34;, &#34;RequisitionID&#34;: &#34;R1589614&#34;, &#34;canonical_title&#34;: &#34;Senior Associate Scientist&#34;, 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functions&#34;: 102, &#34;global product development &amp; supply&#34;: 78, &#34;research and development&#34;: 103}, &#34;locations&#34;: {&#34;\u0412\u0456\u0434\u0434\u0430\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0430 \u0440\u043e\u0431\u043e\u0442\u0430&#34;: 999999, &#34;Princeton, NJ, United States&#34;: 80, &#34;United States&#34;: 62, &#34;Hyderabad, TS, India&#34;: 61, &#34;MA, United States&#34;: 35, &#34;Tokyo, Japan&#34;: 28, &#34;Summit, NJ, United States&#34;: 22, &#34;Boudry, NE, Switzerland&#34;: 22, &#34;New Brunswick, NJ, United States&#34;: 20, &#34;Madison, NJ, United States&#34;: 16, &#34;Tampa, FL, United States&#34;: 14, &#34;Seattle, WA, United States&#34;: 13, &#34;Manat\u00ed, Puerto Rico&#34;: 12, &#34;Uxbridge, England, United Kingdom&#34;: 11, &#34;IN, United States&#34;: 8, &#34;San Diego, CA, United States&#34;: 8, &#34;Leiden, ZH, Netherlands&#34;: 7, &#34;Chester, England, United Kingdom&#34;: 7, &#34;Cambridge, MA, United States&#34;: 7, &#34;CA, United States&#34;: 6, 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