CPRC Bookstore - Practical

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width: 73%; border-right-color: #17294b; border-right-style: solid; background-color: #FFFFFF; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: #17294b; float: right;" class="auto-style4"> <!-- #BeginEditable "page_content" --> <h2>Books - Practical</h2> <p class="style104">&nbsp;</p> <ul class="style105" style="height: 75px"> <li class="style29" style="width: 270px"> <img alt="bullet" height="7" src="images/bullet.jpg" width="6" />&nbsp; <a href="#Devotion">Devotionals</a></li> <li class="style29" style="width: 305px"> <img alt="bullet" height="7" src="images/bullet.jpg" width="6" />&nbsp; <a href="#Marriage">Marriage &amp; the Christian Home</a></li> <li class="style29" style="width: 270px"> <img alt="bullet" height="7" src="images/bullet.jpg" width="6" />&nbsp; <a href="#Living">Christian Life</a></li> <li class="style29" style="width: 305px"> <img alt="bullet" height="7" src="images/bullet.jpg" width="6" />&nbsp; <a href="#Education">Christian Education</a></li> </ul> <h3 class="style107"><a name="Ordering"></a></h3> <h3 class="style107">Ordering Information</h3> <p>For more information about a book or to order it, click on its title. Some of the books can be read on-line in English. Some can be read on-line in whole or in part in other languages.</p> <p>Postage on all orders <em> within the UK</em> is only 10% of the total order, unless otherwise stated. For postage costs to addresses <em> outside the UK</em>, please contact Mary Stewart (7 Lislunnan Road, Kells, Ballymena, Co. Antrim, BT42 3NR, Northern Ireland) on 0044 28 25 891851 or by <a href="">e-mail</a>.</p> <p>Make cheques payable to &quot;COVENANT PROTESTANT REFORMED CHURCH" (not just "CPRC&quot;). Sorry, we do not take credit/debit card payments, due to the expense of installing and maintaining these facilities, for ours is only a small, church-based bookstore.</p> <p>If you would like a free copy of one of our books for a review to be published in a magazine or journal, please contact <a href="">Rev. Stewart</a>.</p> <p>The CPRC Bookstore includes books published by the Reformed Free Publishing Association (RFPA) in Michigan, USA. Those from <em>North America</em> are advised to purchase directly from the <a href="">RFPA&#39;s website</a>.</p> <p class="style106"> <img alt="bullet" height="7" src="images/bullet.jpg" width="6" />&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="languages.htm#translators">TRANSLATORS WANTED!<br /> </a><img alt="bullet" height="7" src="images/bullet.jpg" width="6" />&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="bookstore/CPRCbookcatalogue2010.pdf">Book, Pamphlet, and Audio Catalogue in PDF<br /> </a><img alt="bullet" height="7" src="images/bullet.jpg" width="6" />&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="audio/boxsets.htm">CD &amp; DVD Box Sets of Sermon Series</a></p> <hr /> <h3><a name="Devotion"></a> Devotionals</h3> <img src="bookstore/peacetroubledheart.jpg" alt="Peace for the Troubled Heart" class="style115" height="103" longdesc="Peace for the Troubled Heart" style="float: left" width="85" /><p><a href="bookstore/peacetroubledheart.htm"> <strong>Peace for the Troubled Heart</strong></a>&nbsp; <br /> <em>Herman Hoeksema</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (x + 294 pp, Hardback, £15.00)&nbsp;</p> <p> Comprising 37 meditations written by Herman Hoeksema, this book addresses the theme of struggle and suffering in the life of every believer as a pilgrim in this world.</p> <p> On-line translation: <a href="languages/german_walkingindarkness.html"> <span class="style20">German</span></a>.</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/communionwithGod.jpg" alt="Communion With God" class="style82" height="100" longdesc="Communion With God" style="float: left" width="79" /><p> <strong><a href="bookstore/communionwithGod.htm">Communion With God</a></strong> <br /> <em>Herman Hoeksema</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (x + 352 pp, Hardback, £15.00)&nbsp;</p> <p> In this second book in the Reformed Spirituality series, Herman Hoeksema&#39;s 45 meditations speak of the believer's blessed communion with God.</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/allglory.png" alt="All Glory to the Only Good God" class="auto-style39" height="103" style="float: left" width="81" /><p> <strong><a href="bookstore/allglory.html">All Glory to the Only Good God</a></strong>&nbsp;<br /> <em>Herman Hoeksema</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (xi + 321 pp, Hardback, £15.00)&nbsp;</p> <p> These 46 meditations by Herman Hoeksema, in the third volume of the Reformed Spirituality series, demonstrate that genuine spirituality rises from and ends in the glory of the only good God.</p> <p class="style107">---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/otasteandsee.jpg" alt="O Taste &amp; See" class="style74" height="86" longdesc="O Taste &amp; See: Meditations from the Psalms" style="float: left" width="54" /><p><a href="bookstore/otasteandsee.htm"> <strong>O Taste &amp; See<br /> </strong></a><em> Gerrit Vos</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (287 pp. Hardback, £8.00)</p> <p> Forty-six comforting meditations on the Psalms.</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/mysterybethlehem.jpg" alt="Mystery of Bethlehem" class="style47" height="89" longdesc="Mystery of Bethlehem" style="float: left" width="56" /><p><a href="bookstore/mysterybethlehem.htm"> <strong>The Mystery of Bethlehem<br /> </strong></a><em> Herman Hoeksema</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (197 pp. Softback, £5.00)</p> <p> This devotional on the wonder of Christ&#39;s birth emphasizes the mystery of the events at Bethlehem.</p> <p> On-line translation: <a href="languages/german_noroom.html"><span class="style20">German</span></a> and <a href="languages/spanish_princeofpeace.html"> <span class="style20">Spanish</span></a>.</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img alt="The Good Shepherd &amp; His Sheep" class="style80" height="83" longdesc="The Good Shepherd &amp; His Sheep" src="bookstore/goodshepherd.jpg" style="float: left" width="51" /><p><a href="bookstore/thegoodshepherd.htm"> <strong>The Good Shepherd &amp; His Sheep<br /> </strong></a><em> Robert Harbach </em>&nbsp; (57 pp. Softback, £1.50)</p> <p> A comforting exposition of John 10.</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <a href="bookstore/unspeakablegifthb.jpg"> <img src="unspeakablegifthb_small1.jpg" alt="The Unspeakable Gift" class="auto-style59" height="78" longdesc="The Unspeakable Gift: Meditations" style="float: left" width="54" /><!-- MSComment="autothumbnail" xthumbnail-orig-image="file:///C:/Users/Mary/Documents/My Web Sites/cprc2011/bookstore/unspeakablegifthb.jpg" --></a><p><a href="bookstore/unspeakablegift.htm"> <strong>The Unspeakable Gift</strong></a><em><br /> Gerrit Vos</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (382 pp. Softback, £9.00)</p> <p> Fifty-four meditations on the birth, death and resurrection of Christ.</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/whenisurvey.gif" alt="When I Survey" class="style81" height="88" longdesc="When I Survey" style="float: left" width="59" /><p><a href="bookstore/whenisurvey.htm"> <strong>When I Survey<br /> </strong></a><em> Herman Hoeksema</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (538 pp. Hardback, £14.00)</p> <p> The believing reader will find his eyes fixed on the cross, in sorrow for sin and in love for the Saviour who died for him there.</p> <p class="auto-style60"> On-line translation: <a href="languages/portuguese.htm#Christsdeath"> <span class="style20">Portuguese</span></a>.</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/moregloriouscovenant.jpg" alt="The More Glorious Covenant" class="style58" height="97" longdesc="The More Glorious Covenant: Meditations on the NT Epistles and Revelation" style="float: left" width="60" /><p><a href="bookstore/gloriouscovenant.htm"> <strong>The More Glorious Covenant<br /> </strong></a><em> Gerrit Vos</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (317 pp. Softback, £6.00)</p> <p> Forty-five meditations on the New Testament Epistles and Revelation.</p> <p> On-line translation: <a href="languages/italian_moregloriouscovenant.htm"> <span class="style20">Italian</span></a>.</p> <p class="style24"><a href="#top">top</a>&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3><a name="Living"></a> Christian Life</h3> <a href="bookstore/beyeholy.png"> <img alt="Be Ye Holy" class="auto-style41" height="94" src="beyeholy_small1.png" style="float: left" width="62" /><!-- MSComment="autothumbnail" xthumbnail-orig-image="file:///C:/Users/Mary/Documents/My Web Sites/cprc2011/bookstore/beyeholy.png" --></a><p> <a href="bookstore/beyeholy.html"><strong>Be Ye Holy</strong></a> <em><br /> David Engelsma and Herman Hanko</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (156 pp. Softback, £5.00, <a href="bookstore/BYHfinal.pdf">Read On-line</a>)</p> <p> What is sanctification? How is it related to justification? What is the error of antinomianism? What is the role of the law in sanctification? This book covers all this and much more, and exhorts us all to holiness!</p> <p> On-line translation: <a href="languages.htm#russian_beyeholy"> <span class="style20">Russian</span></a></p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/whenyoupray.jpg" alt="When You Pray" class="auto-style40" height="99" longdesc="When You Pray" style="float: left" width="66" /><p><a href="bookstore/whenyoupray.htm"> <strong>When You Pray<br /> </strong></a><em> Herman Hanko</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (192 pp. Hardback, £13.00)</p> <p> A book which will give you renewed desire to fellowship with your heavenly Father in prayer.</p> <p> <a href=";feature=plcp"> Author interview video</a></p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/inthesanctuary.jpg" alt="In the Sanctuary" class="style67" height="98" longdesc="In the Sanctuary" style="float: left" width="66" /><p><a href="bookstore/inthesanctuary.htm"> <strong>In the Sanctuary<br /> </strong></a><em> Herman Hoeksema&nbsp; </em> (116 pp. Softback, £5.00)</p> <p> This book discusses true prayer using the Lord&#39;s Prayer as the perfect model of intercession and fellowship with the Father.</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/fruitofspirit.png" alt="The Fruit of the Spirit of Jesus" class="style119" height="87" style="float: left" width="66" /><p> <strong><a href="bookstore/fruitofspirit.html">The Fruit of the Spirit of Jesus Christ</a></strong>&nbsp;<em><br /> Richard J. Smit&nbsp;</em>&nbsp; (155 pp. Softback, £5.00)</p> <p> A delightful little book on the Spirit&#39;s covenantal fruit with its heavenly and spiritual sweetness and goodness.</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/yearemywitnesses.jpg" alt="Ye Are My Witnesses" class="auto-style9" height="90" longdesc="Ye Are My Witnesses" style="float: left" width="62" /><p> <a href="bookstore/yearemywitnesses.html"> <strong>Ye Are My Witnesses</strong></a><br /> <em> David Engelsma &amp; Herman Hanko</em>&nbsp; (140 pp. Softback, price £5.00, <a href="bookstore/yearemywitnessesbook.pdf">Read on-line</a>)</p> <p> Powerful book on the calling, content and manner of our witness, both of the official witness of the church and the personal witness of the believer by word and life.&nbsp;<br /> </p> <p class="style24"><a href="#top">top</a></p> <hr /> <h3><a name="Marriage"></a> Marriage and the Christian Home</h3> <img src="bookstore/marriagethemystery.jpg" alt="Marriage, the Mystery of Christ &amp; the Church" class="style84" height="97" longdesc="Marriage, the Mystery of Christ &amp; the Church" style="float: left" width="78" /><p><a href="bookstore/themysteryofchrist.htm"> <strong>Marriage, the Mystery of Christ &amp; the Church<br /> </strong></a><em> David Engelsma&nbsp;</em>&nbsp; (239 pp. Hardback, £16.00)</p> <p> Develops marriage as a symbol of God&#39;s covenant. Includes the history of the church&#39;s thought on divorce and remarriage.</p> <p> On-line translations: <a href="languages/italian_forbiddingdivorce.htm"> <span class="style20">Italian</span></a>, <a href="languages.htm#portuguese_remarriage"><span class="style20">Portuguese</span></a> and <a href=""> <span class="style20">Slovakian</span></a>.</p> <p> <a href=";feature=plcp">Author interview video</a></p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/bettertomarry.jpg" alt="Better to Marry" class="style68" height="86" longdesc="Better to Marry" style="float: left" width="58" /><p><a href="bookstore/bettertomarry.htm"> <strong>Better to Marry</strong></a><em><br /> David Engelsma&nbsp;</em>&nbsp; (150 pp. Softback, £8.00)</p> <p> Down-to-earth teaching on sex, marriage, divorce and single life from I Corinthians 6-7.</p> <p> <a href=";feature=plcp">Author interview video</a></p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/leavingfatherandmother.jpg" alt="Leaving Father &amp; Mother" class="style85" height="81" longdesc="Leaving Father &amp; Mother" style="float: left" width="51" /><p><a href="bookstore/leavingfatherandmother.htm"> <strong>Leaving Father &amp; Mother<br /> </strong></a><em> Cornelius Hanko</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (56 pp. Softback, £3.00)</p> <p> Treats courtship and preparation for marriage.</p> <p class="style22"> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img alt="The Family: Foundations Are Shaking" class="style86" height="86" longdesc="The Family: Foundations Are Shaking" src="bookstore/familyfoundations.jpg" style="float: left" width="55" /><p><a href="bookstore/familyfoundations.htm"> <strong>The Family: Foundations Are Shaking<br /> </strong></a><em> Barry Gritters&nbsp;</em>&nbsp; (60 pp. Softback, £1.50)</p> <p> A comprehensive look at marriage. Chapters include &quot;Sexual Purity for Christ&#39;s Sake,&quot; &quot;Parental Love&quot; and &quot;Family Worship.&quot;</p> <p> On-line translations: <a href="languages/german_childrenheritage.htm"> <span class="style20">German</span></a>, <a href="languages/hungarian_sexualpurity.html"><span class="style20"> Hungarian</span></a>, <a href="languages.htm#italian_marriagedivorce"> <span class="style20">Italian</span></a> and <a href="languages.htm#portuguese_remarriage"> <span class="style20">Portuguese</span></a>.</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/faraboverubies.gif" alt="Far Above Rubies" class="style87" height="104" longdesc="Far Above Rubies" style="float: left" width="74" /><p><a href="bookstore/faraboverubies.htm"> <strong>Far Above Rubies</strong></a><em><br /> edited by Herman Hanko</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (195 pp. Softback, £8.00)</p> <p> Short essays setting forth the important place of women in the body of Christ. Includes &quot;The Calling of the Truly Liberated Woman.&quot;</p> <p> On-line translations: <a href="languages.htm#afrikaans_churchoffices"> <span class="style20">Afrikaans</span></a>.</p> <p class="style24"><a href="#top">top</a></p> <hr /> <h3><a name="Education"></a> Christian Education</h3> <img src="bookstore/reformededucation.jpg" alt="Reformed Education" class="style88" height="109" longdesc="Reformed Education" style="float: left" width="79" /><p><a href="bookstore/reformededucation.htm"> <strong>Reformed Education</strong></a><em><br /> David Engelsma</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (101 pp. Softback, £6.00)</p> <p> Subtitled <em>The Christian School as Demand of the Covenant</em>, this fine book&nbsp; explains the need for schools teaching the Reformed world-and-life-view, and organised and maintained by believing parents.</p> <p> On-line translation: <a href="languages/spanish_scriptureinschools.htm"> <span class="style20">Spanish</span></a>.</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/SufferChildren2Textbook.gif" alt="Suffer Little Children Textbook 2" class="style89" height="73" longdesc="Suffer Little Children Textbook, Grade 2" style="float: left" width="55" /><p><a href="bookstore/sufferlittlechildren.htm"> <strong>Suffer Little Children<br /> </strong></a><em>Gertrude Hoeksema</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (5 Softbacks, £34.00/set)</p> <p> A series of three teacher manuals on Bible history for young primary school children, with student workbooks to accompany books 2 and 3.</p> <p><strong> <img src="bookstore/SufferChildren2Workbook.gif" alt="Suffer Little Children Workbook" class="style55" height="73" longdesc="Suffer Little Children Workbook" style="float: left" width="56" />Book 1 - Genesis through I Samuel</strong> (347 pp. Softback, £14.00)<strong><br /> Book 2 - II Samuel through Malachi </strong>(195 pp. Softback, £8.00)<strong><br /> Book 3 - Intertestamentary Period through Acts</strong> (204 pp. Softback, £8.00)<strong><br /> Workbooks</strong> (<strong>2</strong> - 57 pp., <strong>3</strong> - 56 pp. Softback, £4.00 each)</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/showmethyways.gif" alt="Show Me Thy Ways" class="style90" height="83" longdesc="Show Me Thy Ways" style="float: left" width="57" /><p><a href="bookstore/showmethyways.htm"> <strong>Show Me Thy Ways<br /> </strong></a><em>Gertrude Hoeksema</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (3 Hardbacks &amp; 3 Softbacks, £50.00/set)</p> <p> Teacher/student textbooks and student workbooks for older primary school children. This material is on a more advanced level than <em>Suffer Little Children.</em></p> <p><strong> Grade 4 textbook - Genesis through I Samuel</strong> (372 pp. Hardback, £14.00)<strong><br /> Grade 5 textbook - II Samuel through Malachi</strong> (372 pp. Hardback, £14.00)<strong><br /> Grade 6 textbook - Intertestamentary Period through Acts</strong> (338 pp. Hardback, £14.00)<strong><br /> Workbooks</strong> (<strong>4</strong> - 71 pp., <strong>5</strong> - 75 pp., <strong>6</strong> - 74 pp. Softback, £4.50 each)</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/beholdthebeauty.jpg" alt="Behold the Beauty" class="style54" height="92" longdesc="bookstore/beholdbeauty.htm" style="float: left" width="61" /><p><a href="bookstore/beholdbeauty.htm"> <strong>Behold the Beauty, Vol. 1</strong></a><em><br /> Connie Meyer</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (179 pp. Softback, £18.00)</p> <p> A teacher&#39;s manual for art education from a Reformed viewpoint. The lessons, for children ages 4-6, teach the elements of art: line, shape, texture, colour, value and form.</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/beholdbeauty2.png" alt="Behold the Beauty" class="style123" height="102" longdesc="bookstore/beholdbeauty.htm" style="float: left" width="79" /><p> <strong><a href="bookstore/beholdbeauty2.html">Behold the Beauty, Vol. 2</a></strong><em><br /> Connie Meyer</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (179 pp. Softback, £18.00)</p> <p> A teacher&#39;s manual for art education from a Reformed viewpoint. The lessons, for children ages 7-8, are set at a higher level than vol. 1 of this series.</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/beholdbeauty3.png" alt="Behold the Beauty" class="style123" height="95" longdesc="bookstore/beholdbeauty.htm" style="float: left" width="74" /><p> <strong><a href="bookstore/beholdbeauty3.html">Behold the Beauty, Vol. 3</a></strong> <em><br /> Connie Meyer</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (280 pp. Softback, £18.00)</p> <p> As the third in the series of teacher&#39;s manuals for art education, these clear, easy-to-use lessons are for children ages 9-11.</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p> <a href="bookstore/praisehismajesty.png"> <img alt="Praise His Majesty" class="auto-style37" height="86" src="praisehismajesty_small.png" style="float: left" width="68" /><!-- MSComment="autothumbnail" xthumbnail-orig-image="file:///C:/Users/Mary/Documents/My Web Sites/cprc2011/bookstore/praisehismajesty.png" --></a><strong><a href="bookstore/praisehismajesty.html">Praise His Majesty</a></strong> <em><br /> Marilyn DeVries</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (180 pp. Softback, £12.00)</p> <p> A music book of psalter tunes for beginning pianists.</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/comeyechildren.jpg" height="97" width="72" alt="Come Ye Children" class="style91" longdesc="Come Ye Children Bible Story Book" style="float: left" /><p><a href="bookstore/comeyechildren.htm"> <strong>Come Ye Children<br /> </strong></a><em> Gertrude Hoeksema</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (600 pp. Hardback, £27.00)</p> <p> Illustrated Bible storybook for young children.</p> <p> On-line translation: <a href="languages/portuguese_samuelborn.htm"> <span class="style20">Portuguese</span></a>.</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p> <img alt="T Is for Tree" class="auto-style57" height="102" src="bookstore/tfortree_small.png" style="float: left" width="88" /><strong><a href="bookstore/tisfortree.html">T Is for Tree</a><em>&nbsp;&nbsp; <span class="style109"><span class="auto-style58">NEW</span></span></em><span class="style109">!</span></strong><em><br /> Connie Meyer&nbsp;</em>&nbsp; (32 pp. Hardback, £10.00)</p> <p> A delightful alphabet book which uses a collection of Bible passages, short rhymes and detailed illustrations to teach young children.</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p> <a href="bookstore/mercyendureth.png"> <img alt="His Mercy Endureth Forever" class="auto-style66" height="91" src="mercyendureth_small.png" style="float: left" width="78" /><!-- MSComment="autothumbnail" xthumbnail-orig-image="file:///C:/Users/Mary/Documents/My Web Sites/cprc2011/bookstore/mercyendureth.png" --></a><strong><a href="bookstore/mercyendureth.html">His Mercy Endureth Forever</a><em>&nbsp;&nbsp; <span class="style109"><span class="auto-style58">NEW</span></span></em><span class="style109">!</span></strong><em><br /> Kathleen DeJong&nbsp;</em>&nbsp; (36 pp. Hardback, £8.00)</p> <p> Fitting and lovely pictures for young children illustrating the Bible history and worship of Psalm 136 with its great refrain: "for his mercy endureth forever."</p> <p class="style22"> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <img src="bookstore/farbers.gif" alt="The Farbers" class="style55" height="78" longdesc="The Farbers: Children's Story Book" style="float: left" width="59" /><p><a href="bookstore/farbers.htm"> <strong>The Farbers</strong></a><em><br /> Gertrude Hoeksema</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; (203 pp. Hardback, Out of Stock)</p> <p> Illustrated short stories about a Christian family.</p> <p class="style24"><a href="#top">top</a></p> <!-- #EndEditable --> </div> <div id="footer"> <a href="#top"><span class="style9"><strong>Top</strong></span></a><span class="style9"><strong> | </strong> </span><a href=""><span class="style9"> <strong>Home</strong></span></a><span class="style11"><strong><span class="style10"> | </span><a href=""> <span class="style10">Directions</span></a><span class="style10"> | </span><span class="style10"><a href="">Contact</a></span></strong></span><br /> <br class="style18" /> <span class="style13"><a href=""> <span class="style16">Faith</span></a><span class="style15"> | </span> </span> <a href=""><span class="style17">Audio</span></a><span class="style17"> | </span><a href=""> <span class="style17">CR News</span></a><span class="style17"> | </span> <a href=""><span class="style17"> Articles</span></a><span class="style17"> | </span> <a href=""><span class="style17"> Pamphlets</span></a><span class="style17"> | </span> <a href=""><span class="style17">Books</span></a><span class="style17"> | </span><a href=""> <span class="style17">Quotes</span></a><span class="style17"> | </span> <a href=""><span class="style17"> Resources</span></a><span class="style17"> | </span> <a href=""><span class="style17"> Limerick</span></a><span class="style17"> | </span> <a href=""><span class="style17">S. 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