South Wales

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width: 73%; border-right-color: #17294b; border-right-style: solid; background-color: #FFFFFF; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: #17294b; float: right;" class="auto-style4"> <!-- #BeginEditable "page_content" --> <h2>South Wales Lectures</h2> <h3>&nbsp;</h3> <h3>Next Lecture Topic:&nbsp; The Burnt Offering<br /> Speaker:&nbsp; Rev. Angus Stewart<br /> Date: Thursday, 6 June, 2019 <br /> Time: 7:15 PM <br /> Location: Margam Community Centre, Margam, Port Talbot</h3> <ul> <li class="resourcelists">Margam Community Centre is at Bertha Road, Margam, Port Talbot, SA13 2AP</li> <li class="resourcelists"><a href="swales/directions.htm">Directions from the M4</a></li> <li class="resourcelists"> <a href="swales/margamcomcentremap.PNG">Map</a></li> </ul> <p>Enquiries: Mary Stewart (028 25 891851; A book table (including books, tapes, CDs, DVDs and pamphlets) will be present; tea and coffee are also provided afterwards.</p> <hr /> <h3>Previous Meetings Report:</h3> <p><a href="swales/december12.html">12 December, 2003 (Prof. Herman Hanko)</a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3>Previous Lectures Given in South Wales</h3> <p>(lectures are given by Rev. Stewart unless otherwise indicated; those underlined are mp3 audio files and can be listened to on-line)</p> <p><a href=""> (1) The Sovereignty of God and the Signs of the Times</a> (12 December, 2003) - Prof. Hanko</p> <p><a href=""> (2) The Glory of God</a> (6 February, 2004)</p> <p><a href=""> (3) What is True Faith?</a> (26 March, 2004)</p> <p><a href=""> (4) The 4 Horsemen of Revelation 6</a> (30 April, 2004)&nbsp; <a href=""><img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="style19" /></a></p> <p><a href=""> (5) The Last Days</a> (4 June, 2004)</p> <p><a href=""> (6) Predestination: What the Bible Says</a> (9 July, 2004)</p> <p><a href=""> (7) Does God Desire to Save the Reprobate?</a> (6 August, 2004)</p> <p>(8) A Critical Look at Welsh Revivals (24 September, 2004) - Prof. Hanko</p> <p>(9) The True and the False Church (1 October, 2004) - Prof. Hanko&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>(10) Hyper-Calvinism (15 October, 2004) - Prof. Hanko</p> <p>(11) Irresistible Grace&nbsp;(3 December, 2004)</p> <p><a href=""> (12) The 1,000 Years of Revelation 20</a>&nbsp;(21 January, 2005)</p> <p>(13) The&nbsp;Lord&#39;s Day (14 March, 2005)</p> <p><a href=""> (14) Total Depravity</a> (22 April, 2005)</p> <p><a href=""> (15) Christ Will Build His Church</a>&nbsp;(3 June, 2005)</p> <p>(16) The Day of Small Things (15 July, 2005)</p> <p><a href=""> (17) God&#39;s Doubted Love Demonstrated</a> (16 September, 2005)</p> <p><a href=""> (18) The&nbsp;Apostolicity of the Church</a> (4 November, 2005)</p> <p><a href=""> (19) The&nbsp;Blessed Virgin Mary</a> (16 December, 2005)</p> <p><a href=""> (20) Miracles and the End of the World</a> (3 March, 2006)</p> <p><a href=""> (21) The 7,000 Who Have Not Bowed the Knee to Baal</a> (21 April, 2006)</p> <p><a href=""> (22) The 2 Witnesses of Revelation 11</a> (23 June, 2006)</p> <p>(23) Covenant Baptism (15 September, 2006)</p> <p><a href=""> (24) God&#39;s Unconditional Covenant</a> (17 November, 2006)</p> <p><a href=""> (25) The Baptism with the Holy Spirit: Are the Pentecostals Right?</a> (12 January, 2007)</p> <p><a href=""> (26) Homosexuality: What Does the Bible Teach?</a> (2 March, 2007)</p> <p><a href=""> (27) A Plea for Creeds</a> (20 April, 2007)</p> <p><a href=""> (28) The Psalms Versus Common Grace</a> (8 June, 2007)</p> <p><a href=""> (29) The Perseverance of the Saints</a> (14 September, 2007)</p> <p><a href=""> (30) The Reformation&#39;s Emphasis on Piety</a> (30 November, 2007) - Prof. Hanko</p> <p><a href=""> (31) Lessons from the Reformation for Today</a> (1 February, 2008)</p> <p><a href=""> (32) God&#39;s Magnifying His Word</a> (28 March, 2008)</p> <p><a href=""> (33) The Antichrist</a> (9 May, 2008)</p> <p><a href=""> (34) Prayer and the Sovereignty of God</a> (4 July, 2008)</p> <p><a href=""> (35) Marriage, the Mystery of Christ and the Church</a> (10 October, 2008)</p> <p><a href=""> (36) The Reformation&#39;s Teaching on the Church</a> (12 December, 2008)</p> <p><a href=""> (37) John Calvin&#39;s Battle for the Reformation (1) - His Influence and Early Life</a> (20 March, 2009)&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="style19" /></a></p> <p><a href=""> (38) John Calvin&#39;s Battle for the Reformation (2) - The Geneva Years</a> (7 May, 2009)&nbsp; <a href=""><img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="style19" /></a></p> <p><a href=""> (39) Calvin vs. Darwin: Anniversaries, Origins, and Worldviews</a> (23 July, 2009)&nbsp; <a href=""><img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="style19" /></a></p> <p><a href=""> (40) Calvin on Justification: Considering the Judgment Day with Singular Delight</a> (15 October, 2009)&nbsp; <a href=""><img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="style19" /></a></p> <p>(41) Corporate Responsibility (26 November, 2009) - Prof. Hanko</p> <p><a href=""> (42) Preaching: The Voice of Christ</a> (13 May, 2010)&nbsp; <a href=""><img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="style19" /></a></p> <p><a href=""> (43) What About Israel?</a> (2 July, 2010)</p> <p><a href="">(44) Charismaticism</a> (15 October, 2010) </p> <p><a href=""> (45) Scripture Alone</a> (21 January, 2011)&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p><a href="">(46) God is Love</a> (24 February, 2011) - Rev. Martyn McGeown </p> <p><a href=""> (47) The Election of God&#39;s Church</a> (24 March, 2011) </p> <p> <a href="">(48) What Does It Mean to Be Born Again</a> (28 April, 2011) - Rev. Martyn McGeown </p> <p><a href="">(49) For Whom Did Christ Die?</a> (2 June, 2011)</p> <p> <a href="">(50) What Happened on the Cross</a> (8 July, 2011) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p> <a href="">(51) Friendship With God</a> (1 September, 2011) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p><a href="">(52) The Unchangeable God</a> (6 October, 2011) </p> <p> <a href="">(53) Freewill and Predestination</a> (3 November, 2011) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p><a href="">(54) Christ Alone!</a> (1 December, 2011)&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p> <a href="">(55) Peter, the Papacy and the Keys</a> (23 February, 2012) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p><a href="">(56) God&#39;s Sovereignty and Man&#39;s Responsibility</a> (12 April, 2012) </p> <p>(57) Dead in Sin (17 May, 2012) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p><a href="">(58) The New Testament&#39;s Teaching on the Last Days</a> (19 July, 2012)</p> <p>(59) The Perseverance of the Saints (13 September, 2012) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p><a href="">(60) Martin &amp; Katie Luther: The Reformation of Marriage</a> (25 October, 2012)&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p> <a href="">(61) Justification by Faith Alone</a> (22 February, 2013) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p><a href="">(62) The Spirit of the Age and the Church</a> (18 April, 2013)&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p> <a href="">(63) Love Your Enemies</a> (23 May, 2013) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p>(64) Rest for the People of God (19 June, 2013)</p> <p> <a href="">(65) God&#39;s Sovereignty in Our Afflictions</a> (12 September, 2013) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p><a href="">(66) Original Sin</a> (7 November, 2013)</p> <p> <a href="">(67) Eternal Life in Heaven</a> (12 December, 2013) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p> <a href="">(68) The Signs of Christ's Coming</a> (30 January, 2014) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p> <a href="">(69) John Knox and Predestination</a> (6 March, 2014)&nbsp; <a href=";amp;list=UU81p0M6pJzsmtCG8yYate0A&amp;amp;feature=c4-overview"> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p> <a href="">(70) The Christian as Prophet, Priest and King</a> (15 April, 2014) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p> <a href="" moz-do-not-send="true">(71) Free Will</a> (6 May, 2014) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p> <a href="" moz-do-not-send="true">(72) The Perfections of Holy Scripture</a> (7 May, 2014) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p><a href="">(73) Gottschalk: Medieval Confessor of God's Absolute Sovereignty</a> (6 November, 2014)&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p>(74) The Wonder of the Incarnation (18 December, 2014) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p><a href="">(75) The New Life Within Us</a> (19 March, 2015)</p> <p>(76) Christian Comfort (23 April, 2015) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p><a href="">(77) What Is a Protestant?</a> (11 June, 2015)</p> <p> <a href="">(78) The Holy Spirit</a> (2 July, 2015) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p><a href="">(79) Jan Hus: His Martyrdom and Ecclesiology</a> (8 October, 2015)&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p> <a href="">(80) Spiritual Gifts</a> (19 November, 2015) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p> <a href="">(81) Our Identity in Christ</a> (28 January, 2016)&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p> <a href="">(82) The Love of the World</a> (25 February, 2016) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p> <a href="">(83) Who Is in the Image of God?</a> (7 April, 2016) </p> <p> <a href=""> (84) Christian Wisdom</a> (12 May, 2016) - Rev. Martyn McGeown&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p> <a href="">(85) Are Unbelievers in God's Image?</a> (30 September, 2016)&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p> <a href="">(86) John Owen and the Death of Christ</a> (8 December, 2016)&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p> (87) Christian Contentment (12 January, 2017) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p> <a href="">(88) The New Calvinism and the Reformation Compared</a> (2 March, 2017)&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p> (89) Why the Trinity? (6 April, 2017) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p> <a href="">(90) N. T. Wright, Justification and the Reformation</a> (8 June, 2017)&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p> (91) Christian Humility (6 July, 2017) - Rev. Martyn McGeown&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p><a href=""> (92) Martin Luther and God's Saving Righteousness</a> (28 September, 2017)&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p>(93) The Reformation's Recovery of Right Worship (23 November, 2017) - Rev. Martyn McGeown&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p><a href="">(94) God's Saving Will in the New Testament</a> (25 January, 2018)&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p>(95) The Covenant of God (2 February, 2018) - Rev. Martyn McGeown&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p><a href=""> (96) Angels as Messengers of the Lord</a> (12 April, 2018)&nbsp; <a href=";list=UU81p0M6pJzsmtCG8yYate0A"> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p>(97) The Development of God's Covenant (1): Adam (24 May, 2018) - Rev. Martyn McGeown&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p>(98) The Development of God's Covenant (2): Noah (28 June, 2018) - Rev. Martyn McGeown&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p><a href=""> (99) Christ Our Sacrifice in Isaiah 53</a> (31 August, 2018)&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p><a href=""> (100) The Development of God's Covenant (3): Abraham</a> (27 September, 2018) - Rev. Martyn McGeown</p> <p><a href=""> (101) Two Men From Trier: Karl Marx (and Communism) and Caspar Olevianus (and the Heidelberg Catechism)</a>&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a> (22 November, 2018)</p> <p>(102) The Development of God's Covenant (4): Abraham and Isaac (24 January, 2019) - Rev. Martyn McGeown&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p>(103) The <em>Canons of Dordt</em>: The Original Five Points of Calvinism (21 March, 2019)&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <p>(104) The Development of God's Covenant (5): Jacob (I) (25 April, 2019) - Rev. Martyn McGeown&nbsp; <a href=""> <img alt="YouTube Button" height="16" src="images/youtubebutton.jpg" width="56" class="auto-style5" /></a></p> <!-- #EndEditable --> </div> <div id="footer"> <a href="#top"><span class="style9"><strong>Top</strong></span></a><span class="style9"><strong> | </strong> </span><a href=""><span class="style9"> <strong>Home</strong></span></a><span class="style11"><strong><span class="style10"> | </span><a href=""> <span class="style10">Directions</span></a><span class="style10"> | </span><span class="style10"><a href="">Contact</a></span></strong></span><br /> <br class="style18" /> <span class="style13"><a href=""> <span class="style16">Faith</span></a><span class="style15"> | </span> </span> <a href=""><span class="style17">Audio</span></a><span class="style17"> | </span><a href=""> <span class="style17">CR News</span></a><span class="style17"> | </span> <a href=""><span class="style17"> Articles</span></a><span class="style17"> | </span> <a href=""><span class="style17"> Pamphlets</span></a><span class="style17"> | </span> <a href=""><span class="style17">Books</span></a><span class="style17"> | </span><a href=""> <span class="style17">Quotes</span></a><span class="style17"> | </span> <a href=""><span class="style17"> Resources</span></a><span class="style17"> | </span> <a href=""><span class="style17"> Limerick</span></a><span class="style17"> | </span> <a href=""><span class="style17">S. 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