oremus Bible Browser
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<h1 align="center" id="h1screen"> <span class="obb" style="font-size: 65px; color: #D00"> Bible Browser</span> </h1> <div align="center" class="bibleform dmtog"> <p> <form method="POST" action="/" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return PassageSubmit(this);" autocomplete="off"><label for="passage">Enter a bible reference: </label> <br /> <input id="passage" type="text" name="passage" size="25" maxlength="1024" list="bookchoicelist" autofocus="autofocus" placeholder='Enter passage, e.g. Mark 1.1-11'><datalist id="bookchoicelist"> <option>Genesis </option> <option>Exodus </option> <option>Leviticus </option> <option>Numbers </option> <option>Deuteronomy </option> <option>Joshua </option> <option>Judges </option> <option>Ruth </option> <option>1 Samuel </option> <option>First Samuel </option> <option>I Samuel </option> <option>II Samuel </option> <option>Second Samuel </option> <option>2 Samuel </option> <option>First Kings </option> <option>I Kings </option> <option>1 Kings </option> <option>Second Kings </option> <option>II Kings </option> <option>2 Kings </option> <option>I Chronicles </option> <option>First Chronicles </option> <option>1 Chronicles </option> <option>2 Chronicles </option> <option>Second Chronicles </option> <option>II Chronicles </option> <option>Ezra </option> <option>Nehemiah </option> <option>Esther </option> <option>Job </option> <option>Psalms </option> <option>Proverbs </option> <option>Ecclesiastes </option> <option>Song of Solomon </option> <option>Song of Songs </option> <option>Isaiah </option> <option>Jeremiah </option> <option>Lamentations of Jeremiah </option> <option>Ezekiel </option> <option>Daniel </option> <option>Hosea </option> <option>Joel </option> <option>Amos </option> <option>Obadiah </option> <option>Jonah </option> <option>Micah </option> <option>Nahum </option> <option>Habakkuk </option> <option>Zephaniah </option> <option>Haggai </option> <option>Zechariah </option> <option>Malachi </option> <option>Tobit </option> <option>Judith </option> <option>Additions to Esther </option> <option>Greek Esther </option> <option>Wisdom of Solomon </option> <option>Sirach </option> <option>Ecclus </option> <option>Ecclesiasticus </option> <option>Baruch </option> <option>Letter of Jeremiah </option> <option>Azariah and Song </option> <option>Song of the Three Jews </option> <option>Prayer of Azariah </option> <option>Azariah and the Three Jews </option> <option>Susannah </option> <option>Bel and the dragon </option> <option>First Maccabees </option> <option>I Maccabees </option> <option>1 Maccabees </option> <option>2 Maccabees </option> <option>Second Maccabees </option> <option>II Maccabees </option> <option>First Esdras </option> <option>I Esdras </option> <option>1 Esdras </option> <option>Prayer of Manasses </option> <option>Manasses </option> <option>Prayer of Manasseh </option> <option>Manasseh </option> <option>3 Maccabees </option> <option>III Maccabees </option> <option>Third Maccabees </option> <option>Second Esdras </option> <option>II Esdras </option> <option>2 Esdras </option> <option>IV Maccabees </option> <option>IIII Maccabees </option> <option>Fourth Maccabees </option> <option>4 Maccabees </option> <option>Matthew </option> <option>Mark </option> <option>Luke </option> <option>John </option> <option>Acts of the Apostles </option> <option>Romans </option> <option>First Corinthians </option> <option>I Corinthians </option> <option>1 Corinthians </option> <option>2 Corinthians </option> <option>II Corinthians </option> <option>Second Corinthians </option> <option>Galatians </option> <option>Ephesians </option> <option>Philippians </option> <option>Colossians </option> <option>First Thessalonians </option> <option>I Thessalonians </option> <option>1 Thessalonians </option> <option>Second Thessalonians </option> <option>2 Thessalonians </option> <option>II Thessalonians </option> <option>First Timothy </option> <option>1 Timothy </option> <option>I Timothy </option> <option>Second Timothy </option> <option>II Timothy </option> <option>2 Timothy </option> <option>Titus </option> <option>Philemon </option> <option>Hebrews </option> <option>James </option> <option>I Peter </option> <option>First Peter </option> <option>1 Peter </option> <option>2 Peter </option> <option>Second Peter </option> <option>II Peter </option> <option>1 John </option> <option>I John </option> <option>First John </option> <option>2 John </option> <option>II John </option> <option>Second John </option> <option>3 John </option> <option>III John </option> <option>Third John </option> <option>Jude </option> <option>Revelation </option> <option>Apocalypse </option> </datalist> </p> <p> <input type="submit" name="show passage_button" value="show passage" onclick="return PassageClick(this.form);" /> <input type="reset" name=".reset" value="clear" onclick="return PassageReset(this.form);" /> <input type="submit" name="make_quicklink" value="make Quicklink" onclick="return PassageClick(this.form);" onmouseout="return nd();" onmouseover="return overlib('Create a saved query and get an oBB Quicklink to it', 0, FIXX,-1, CAPTION,'', FGCOLOR,'#FFFCFC', BGCOLOR,'#CC3300', TEXTCOLOR,'#000000', OFFSETX,50, OFFSETY,-25, TEXTSIZE,-1, TIMEOUT,2500);" /> </p> <p> <input type="submit" name="list_books" value="list books" /> </p> <label for="omithidden">Use this version: </label><select name="version" id="version"> <option selected="selected" value="nrsvae">New Revised Standard Version (Anglicized Edition)</option> <option value="nrsv">New Revised Standard Version</option> <option value="av">Authorized Version (the King James Version)</option> <option value="cw">Common Worship psalter</option> <option value="lp">ASB psalter (The Liturgical Psalter)</option> <option value="bcp">BCP psalter (Coverdale/1662)</option> </select><br /> <nobr><label><input type="checkbox" name="vnum" value="no" checked="checked" id="vnum" onclick="" /></label><label for="vnum">Omit verse numbers;</label></nobr> <nobr><label><input type="checkbox" name="fnote" value="no" checked="checked" id="fnote" onclick="" /></label><label for="fnote">Omit footnotes</label></nobr> <br /> <nobr><label><input type="checkbox" name="headings" value="yes" checked="checked" id="headings" onclick="" /></label><label for="headings">Show section headings;</label></nobr> <nobr><label><input type="checkbox" name="show_ref" value="no" id="ref" onclick="" /></label><label for="ref">Omit passage reference</label></nobr> <br /> <nobr><label><input type="checkbox" name="show_adj" value="no" id="adj" onclick="" /></label><label for="adj">Omit adjacent passage references</label></nobr> <br /> <label><input type="checkbox" name="semico" value="yes" id="semico" /></label><label for="semico">Use semi-colons to indicate new chapter</label> <br /> <label><input type="checkbox" name="omithidden" value="yes" id="omithidden" /></label><label for="omithidden">Really omit hidden text</label> </p> <hr /> <p> <label for="passages">Or enter several passages, one per line: </label> <br /> <em>(use the buttons above to select the version and other options)</em><br> <textarea name="passages" rows="5" cols="22" id="passages" placeholder='Enter one or more passages, e.g. Mark 1.1-11, one per line'></textarea> </p> <p> <input type="submit" name="show passages_button" value="show passages" onclick="return PassagesClick(this.form);" /> <input type="reset" name=".reset" value="clear" onclick="return PassagesReset(this.form);" /> <input type="submit" name="make_quicklink" value="make Quicklink" onclick="return PassagesClick(this.form);" onmouseout="return nd();" onmouseover="return overlib('Create a saved query and get an oBB Quicklink to it', 0, FIXX,-1, CAPTION,'', FGCOLOR,'#FFFCFC', BGCOLOR,'#CC3300', TEXTCOLOR,'#000000', OFFSETX,50, OFFSETY,-25, TEXTSIZE,-1, TIMEOUT,2500);" /> </p> <div><input type="hidden" name=".cgifields" value="fnote" /><input type="hidden" name=".cgifields" value="headings" /><input type="hidden" name=".cgifields" value="omithidden" /><input type="hidden" name=".cgifields" value="semico" /><input type="hidden" name=".cgifields" value="show_adj" /><input type="hidden" name=".cgifields" value="show_ref" /><input type="hidden" name=".cgifields" value="vnum" /></div> </form> <hr /> <form method="post" action="/" enctype="multipart/form-data"><p> <label for="searchversion">Or enter a word or phrase to search for: </label> <br /> <input type="text" name="search" size="30" maxlength="1024" id="search" placeholder='Enter search text, e.g. in the beginning' /> </p> <label for="searchversion">between </label><select name="frombook" id="frombook"> <option selected="selected" value="1">Genesis</option> <option value="2">Exodus</option> <option value="3">Leviticus</option> <option value="4">Numbers</option> <option value="5">Deuteronomy</option> <option value="6">Joshua</option> <option value="7">Judges</option> <option value="8">Ruth</option> <option value="9">1 Samuel</option> <option value="10">2 Samuel</option> <option value="11">1 Kings</option> <option value="12">2 Kings</option> <option value="13">1 Chronicles</option> <option value="14">2 Chronicles</option> <option value="15">Ezra</option> <option value="16">Nehemiah</option> <option value="17">Esther</option> <option value="18">Job</option> <option value="19">Psalms</option> <option value="20">Proverbs</option> <option value="21">Ecclesiastes</option> <option value="22">Song of Songs</option> <option value="23">Isaiah</option> <option value="24">Jeremiah</option> <option value="25">Lamentations of Jeremiah</option> <option value="26">Ezekiel</option> <option value="27">Daniel</option> <option value="28">Hosea</option> <option value="29">Joel</option> <option value="30">Amos</option> <option value="31">Obadiah</option> <option value="32">Jonah</option> <option value="33">Micah</option> <option value="34">Nahum</option> <option value="35">Habakkuk</option> <option value="36">Zephaniah</option> <option value="37">Haggai</option> <option value="38">Zechariah</option> <option value="39">Malachi</option> <option value="51">Tobit</option> <option value="52">Judith</option> <option value="53">Additions to Esther</option> <option value="54">Wisdom of Solomon</option> <option value="55">Ecclesiasticus</option> <option value="56">Baruch</option> <option value="57">Letter of Jeremiah</option> <option value="58">Azariah and the Three Jews</option> <option value="59">Susannah</option> <option value="60">Bel and the dragon</option> <option value="61">1 Maccabees</option> <option value="62">2 Maccabees</option> <option value="63">1 Esdras</option> <option value="64">Manasseh</option> <option value="66">3 Maccabees</option> <option value="67">2 Esdras</option> <option value="68">4 Maccabees</option> <option value="101">Matthew</option> <option value="102">Mark</option> <option value="103">Luke</option> <option value="104">John</option> <option value="105">Acts of the Apostles</option> <option value="106">Romans</option> <option value="107">1 Corinthians</option> <option value="108">2 Corinthians</option> <option value="109">Galatians</option> <option value="110">Ephesians</option> <option value="111">Philippians</option> <option value="112">Colossians</option> <option value="113">1 Thessalonians</option> <option value="114">2 Thessalonians</option> <option value="115">1 Timothy</option> <option value="116">2 Timothy</option> <option value="117">Titus</option> <option value="118">Philemon</option> <option value="119">Hebrews</option> <option value="120">James</option> <option value="121">1 Peter</option> <option value="122">2 Peter</option> <option value="123">1 John</option> <option value="124">2 John</option> <option value="125">3 John</option> <option value="126">Jude</option> <option value="127">Revelation</option> </select> <label for="searchversion">and </label><select name="tobook" id="tobook"> <option value="1">Genesis</option> <option value="2">Exodus</option> <option value="3">Leviticus</option> <option value="4">Numbers</option> <option value="5">Deuteronomy</option> <option value="6">Joshua</option> <option value="7">Judges</option> <option value="8">Ruth</option> <option value="9">1 Samuel</option> <option value="10">2 Samuel</option> <option value="11">1 Kings</option> <option value="12">2 Kings</option> <option value="13">1 Chronicles</option> <option value="14">2 Chronicles</option> <option value="15">Ezra</option> <option value="16">Nehemiah</option> <option value="17">Esther</option> <option value="18">Job</option> <option value="19">Psalms</option> <option value="20">Proverbs</option> <option value="21">Ecclesiastes</option> <option value="22">Song of Songs</option> <option value="23">Isaiah</option> <option value="24">Jeremiah</option> <option value="25">Lamentations of Jeremiah</option> <option value="26">Ezekiel</option> <option value="27">Daniel</option> <option value="28">Hosea</option> <option value="29">Joel</option> <option value="30">Amos</option> <option value="31">Obadiah</option> <option value="32">Jonah</option> <option value="33">Micah</option> <option value="34">Nahum</option> <option value="35">Habakkuk</option> <option value="36">Zephaniah</option> <option value="37">Haggai</option> <option value="38">Zechariah</option> <option value="39">Malachi</option> <option value="51">Tobit</option> <option value="52">Judith</option> <option value="53">Additions to Esther</option> <option value="54">Wisdom of Solomon</option> <option value="55">Ecclesiasticus</option> <option value="56">Baruch</option> <option value="57">Letter of Jeremiah</option> <option value="58">Azariah and the Three Jews</option> <option value="59">Susannah</option> <option value="60">Bel and the dragon</option> <option value="61">1 Maccabees</option> <option value="62">2 Maccabees</option> <option value="63">1 Esdras</option> <option value="64">Manasseh</option> <option value="66">3 Maccabees</option> <option value="67">2 Esdras</option> <option value="68">4 Maccabees</option> <option value="101">Matthew</option> <option value="102">Mark</option> <option value="103">Luke</option> <option value="104">John</option> <option value="105">Acts of the Apostles</option> <option value="106">Romans</option> <option value="107">1 Corinthians</option> <option value="108">2 Corinthians</option> <option value="109">Galatians</option> <option value="110">Ephesians</option> <option value="111">Philippians</option> <option value="112">Colossians</option> <option value="113">1 Thessalonians</option> <option value="114">2 Thessalonians</option> <option value="115">1 Timothy</option> <option value="116">2 Timothy</option> <option value="117">Titus</option> <option value="118">Philemon</option> <option value="119">Hebrews</option> <option value="120">James</option> <option value="121">1 Peter</option> <option value="122">2 Peter</option> <option value="123">1 John</option> <option value="124">2 John</option> <option value="125">3 John</option> <option value="126">Jude</option> <option selected="selected" value="127">Revelation</option> </select> <p> <input type="submit" name="search_button" value="search" onclick="return SearchClick(this.form);" /> <input type="reset" name=".reset" value="clear" onclick="return SearchReset(this.form);" /> <input type="submit" name="make_quicklink" value="make Quicklink" onclick="return SearchClick(this.form);" onmouseout="return nd();" onmouseover="return overlib('Create a saved query and get an oBB Quicklink to it', 0, FIXX,-1, CAPTION,'', FGCOLOR,'#FFFCFC', BGCOLOR,'#CC3300', TEXTCOLOR,'#000000', OFFSETX,50, OFFSETY,-25, TEXTSIZE,-1, TIMEOUT,2500);" /> </p> <label for="searchversion">Use this version: </label><select name="version" id="searchversion"> <option selected="selected" value="nrsvae">New Revised Standard Version (Anglicized Edition)</option> <option value="nrsv">New Revised Standard Version</option> <option value="av">Authorized Version (the King James Version)</option> <option value="cw">Common Worship psalter</option> <option value="lp">ASB psalter (The Liturgical Psalter)</option> <option value="bcp">BCP psalter (Coverdale/1662)</option> </select> </form> <hr /> <form method="post" action="/" enctype="multipart/form-data"><input type="submit" name="help" value="help" /> <input type="submit" name="about" value="about" onmouseout="return nd();" onmouseover="return overlib('oremus Bible Browser v2.9.2<br />30 June 2021<br />copyright &copy; 1998-2021 Simon Kershaw', 0, FIXX,-1, CAPTION,'', FGCOLOR,'#FFFCFC', BGCOLOR,'#CC3300', TEXTCOLOR,'#000000', OFFSETX,50, OFFSETY,-25, TEXTSIZE,-1, TIMEOUT,2500);" /> <input type="submit" name="set_prefs" value="Set preferences" onmouseout="return nd();" onmouseover="return overlib('Set which options oBB selects as the default', 0, FIXX,-1, CAPTION,'', FGCOLOR,'#FFFCFC', BGCOLOR,'#CC3300', TEXTCOLOR,'#000000', OFFSETX,50, OFFSETY,-25, TEXTSIZE,-1, TIMEOUT,2500);" /> </form> </div> <h3 class="dmtog2">Dark Mode</h3> <p> Version 2.4 introduces a new feature: <em>dark mode</em>. Setting <em>dark mode</em> changes the colour scheme, so the background colour is dark – nearly black – and the text is pale. This setting is useful for using the oremus Bible Browser in a dark setting, for example at a nighttime service in a church or elsewhere. </p> <h3 class="dmtog2">Encrypted/https version of the oremus Bible Browser</h3> <p> From version 2.2.10 (March 2019) the oremus Bible Browser is now available at <a href=""></a> as well as at <a href=""></a>. This means that all data is transferred between your browser and the oBB server fully encrypted. Third parties are unable to see the content of the data being transferred. All users are encouraged to switch to using the secure version. </p> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function showMore( entryID, entryLink, htmlObj ) { extTextDivID = ( 'show' + ( entryID ) ); extLinkDivID = ( 'hide' + ( entryID ) ); if ( document.getElementById ) { if ( document.getElementById( extTextDivID ).style.display ) { if ( entryLink != 0 ) { document.getElementById( extTextDivID ).style.display = "block"; document.getElementById( extLinkDivID ).style.display = "none"; htmlObj.blur(); } else { document.getElementById( extTextDivID ).style.display = "none"; document.getElementById( extLinkDivID ).style.display = "block"; } } else { location.href = entryLink; return true; } } else { location.href = entryLink; return true; } } </script> <h3 class="dmtog2">Donations</h3> <div id="hide800"> <p> The oremus Bible Browser is, and always has been, offered free of any charge. If you would like to make a contribution to costs then donations may be made via PayPal ar Amazon to To use PayPal, simply browse to <a href=""></a>, enter the amount and click or tap the “Next” button. <br /> <a href="#show" onclick="showMore(800,1,this);return false;"><em>(show more details ...)</em></a> </div> <div id="show800" style="display: none;"> <p> The oremus Bible Browser is, and always has been, offered free of any charge. If you would like to make a contribution to costs then donations may be made via PayPal ar Amazon to To use PayPal, simply browse to <a href=""></a>, enter the amount and click or tap the “Next” button. <em>Do select “Sending to a friend or family”: if you select “Paying for an item or service” PayPal will deduct a fee.</em> </p> <p> Or you can log in to your <a href="">Paypal account</a>, and select “pay or send money” and then “Sending to a friend or family”; enter the email address, and specify your donation. <em>PayPal does not charge a fee for this transaction; if you select “Paying for an item or service” they will.</em> </p> <p> Alternatively, Amazon gift vouchers are a convenient method and can be purchased online at <a href="">Amazon</a> and delivered by email to . <em>Please do use and <strong>not</strong> or another Amazon site to buy vouchers. vouchers can only be redeemed or spent at the US (and similarly for other countries).</em> </p> <p> <a href="#hide" onclick="showMore(800,0,this);return false;"><em>(hide details)</em></a> </p> </div> <!-- <p> The oremus Bible Browser is, and always has been, offered free of any charge. If you would like to make a contribution to costs then donations can be accepted via Amazon or PayPal. Amazon gift vouchers can be purchased online at <a href="">Amazon UK</a> for delivery by email to </p> <p> <em>Please use when buying vouchers; if you use then it costs $12.50 to ship each and every book purchased.</em> </p> <p> Alternatively donations can be made through PayPal at <a href=""></a>. Enter the amount and click or tap the “Next” button. Or you can log in to your Paypal account, and select “pay or send money” and then “Send money to friends or family”; enter the email address, and specify your donation. </p> --> <h3 class="dmtog2">An API for the oremus Bible Browser</h3> <p> A frequently-asked question is whether it is possible to interface to the oBB. The answer is that it is, but that the interface has not been publicly documented. That has now been put right, and the web interface is described <a href="api.html">here</a>. </p> <!-- <h3 class="dmtog2">oBB on Mobile Devices</h3> <p> At version 2.2.6 (June 2010) we have made a few minor changes to the formatting of the oremus Bible Browser when displayed on iOS devices (such as the iPhone and iPod touch) as well as on other mobile devices. These changes should make it significantly simpler and easier to use the oremus Bible Browser on such devices. Further improvements are also planned. Whilst it is not possible to implement the oBB as an iOS ‘app’, both for practical and copyright reasons, we do intend to provide an optimized web version for this platform. </p> --> <h3 class="dmtog2">Cookies and your privacy</h3> <p> In normal usage the oremus Bible Browser does not use cookies at all. However, if you choose to customize the default settings of the oBB (through the <em>Set preferences</em> button, then your choices will be saved in a cookie that is saved to your computer and is read whenever you visit the oBB. The cookie only stores information about your default preferences and is not used to track your usage of the site, and no information is passed to third parties. Third party cookies are not used at all. </p> <p> Additionally, setting or unsetting <em>dark mode</em> sets a cookie. This cookie is not used or stored by the oremus server, nor passed to third parties. This cookie is used only to store whether or not <em>dark mode</em> is set, so that it can be used across pages. </p> <!-- <p> 24 May 2012 </p> --> <!-- <h3 class="dmtog2">Pronunciation Guide – your help requested</h3> <p> A suggestion has been made that it might be helpful to compile a pronunciation guide as part of the oremus Bible Browser. I would be interested in hearing from people who might be able to help. For further information, see this <a href="/project/">project page</a>. </p> <p> Simon Kershaw <a href=""><></a><br /> 14 January 2010 </p> --> <!-- <h3 class="dmtog2">Welcome to the oremus Bible Browser, version 2.2</h3> --> <!-- <p> Welcome to version 2.2 of the oremus Bible Browser. </p> --> <!-- <p> Version 2.2 has a new feature which allows you to dynamically toggle the display of verse and chapter numbers, footnote markers, and section headings after you have displayed a bible passage rather than having to decide in advance. <em>These buttons will not remove these text elements if the text is copied from some web browsers into, say, a text editor. To do this click the 'Remove hidden text' button after clicking the required checkboxes, before copying text to the clipboard.</em> </p> <p> The dynamic toggling of footnotes, verse numbers etc continues to be troublesome in some web browsers when copying and pasting to some word processors. Version 2.2.5 provides a checkbox which when ticked means that any ‘hidden’ text (as determined by the other hide/show checkboxes) is never written when displaying the specified passage(s). This may make it easier to copy and paste text from the oremus Bible Browser; but the consequence is that the dynamic toggle buttons do not work in this case. </p> --> <!-- <p> New in version 2.1.5 is an option to show links to the bible passages before and after the passage requested. These links are shown unless the ‘Omit adjacent passage references’ checkbox is ticked. </p> --> <!-- <p> We will be adding more new features in the coming months. Please do write to us at the following address with suggestions for enhancements. </p> --> <p> Simon Kershaw <a href=""><></a><br /> <!-- 24 July 2007 --> 22 April 2019 </p> <!-- <p> The oremus <em>Bible Browser</em> provides a simple interface to the <cite>New Revised Standard Version</cite> of the Bible. Just type in a reference to a passage in the box and press <code>return</code> or the <code>submit</code> button. In addition, the <cite>Authorized Version</cite> (or <cite>King James Version</cite>), and several other versions of the psalms are available. </p> --> <h3>Information about Bible versions</h3> <ul> <li> <a href="/nrsvae/index.html">NRSV</a> </li> <li> <a href="copyright/cw-psalter.html">The <cite>Common Worship</cite> Psalter</a> </li> <li> <a href="lp/">The <cite>ASB</cite> Psalter (The Liturgical Psalter)</a> </li> <li> <a href="/av/">The Authorized Version</a>. </li> </ul> <div align="center" class="credits dmtog"> <hr /> <div class="screencredits"> <p class="dmtog"> <a href="/"> <span class="obb" style="font-size: 68px; color: #D00; line-height: 0.65em;">obb</span><br /> <span class="obb" style="font-size: 18px; color: #D00">bible browser</span> </a><br /> <a href=""></a><br /> v 2.9.2<br /> 30 June 2021 </p> </div> <div class="printcredits"> From the oremus Bible Browser v2.9.2 30 June 2021. </div> </div> </body> </html>