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We are united by our drive to transform global healthcare. If you desire to see your work make a meaningful difference for others, consider joining us. You can expect to work alongside colleagues who are caring, inspiring, and lean on each other's expertise. People are accepted and included for exactly who they are. This is where you can belong. Where your purpose accelerates our mission.“ <strong>Mike Demirjian, Global Head — Talent Acquisition</strong></p> </blockquote> </section> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section45 section45a"> <div class="partial-wrapper content-max-container fs-container fs-center"> <div class="partial1"> <div class="wysiwyg-content section45-title"> <h2 style="text-align: center;" class="wysiwyg-heading2">Respect</h2> </div> <div class="wysiwyg-content section45-content"> <p class="wysiwyg-body-copy2">At Baxter, respect is at the core of our culture. The same respect we have for each other and our business partners, we have for you. Our goal is for you to feel valued at every step of the application process.</p> </div> </div> <div class="partial2"> <div class="wysiwyg-content section45-title"> <h2 style="text-align: center;" class="wysiwyg-heading2">Transparency</h2> </div> <div class="wysiwyg-content section45-content"> <p class="wysiwyg-body-copy2">We’ve designed our hiring approach to be as transparent as possible. You can expect to be informed and involved throughout the whole process. Our recruiters will guide you through next steps, when to expect feedback, and more.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section45 section45b"> <div class="partial-wrapper content-max-container fs-container fs-center"> <div class="partial1"> <div class="wysiwyg-content section45-title"> <h2 style="text-align: center;" class="wysiwyg-heading2">Equality</h2> </div> <div class="wysiwyg-content section45-content"> <p class="wysiwyg-body-copy2">Every open position at Baxter has clearly defined expectations, responsibilities, and necessary qualifications. This enables us to evaluate every candidate by the same measurements, thus ensuring a fair and unbiased hiring decision.</p> </div> </div> <div class="partial2"> <div class="wysiwyg-content section45-title"> <h2 style="text-align: center;" class="wysiwyg-heading2">Communication</h2> </div> <div class="wysiwyg-content section45-content"> <p class="wysiwyg-body-copy2">We value the time you spend applying for a role at Baxter. In return, you can expect your application to be reviewed carefully. Regardless of outcome, you will receive a courtesy response to your application. If you are invited for an interview, you will receive all the information you need in advance so you can be well prepared.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section45 section45a"> <div class="partial-wrapper content-max-container fs-container fs-center"> <div class="partial1"> <div class="wysiwyg-content section45-title"> <h2 style="text-align: center;" class="wysiwyg-heading2">Accountability</h2> </div> <div class="wysiwyg-content section45-content"> <p class="wysiwyg-body-copy2">Baxter Talent Acquisition is your partner and will accompany you throughout the hiring process. For any questions regarding your application, the interview, timelines, or the offer package, please reach out to our Talent Acquisition team. We are happy to help.</p> </div> </div> <div class="partial2"> <div class="wysiwyg-content section45-title"> <h2 style="text-align: center;" class="wysiwyg-heading2">Professionalism</h2> </div> <div class="wysiwyg-content section45-content"> <p class="wysiwyg-body-copy2">At Baxter, our experienced, professional recruiters take accountability and pride in a well-structured recruitment process. You can expect courteous, timely, and informative communication regarding the role, the interview process, and local benefits.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="content-max-container section36 section36g section-spacer" data-section-id="71336" data-layout-item-id="31067"> <div class="media-module section36-img-headline"> <img class="section36-img-headline__img" alt="" src="//" loading="lazy" /> <h2 class="section36-img-headline__hl">Frequently Asked Questions</h2> </div> <div class="tablist" data-scroll> <ul class="tablist__list"> <li><a class="tablist__tab" href="#scroll-list-0">Applying to Baxter</a></li> <li><a class="tablist__tab" href="#scroll-list-1">About the Process</a></li> <li><a class="tablist__tab" href="#scroll-list-2">General Questions</a></li> </ul> <div class="tablist__panel" id="scroll-list-0"> <div class="tablist__content"> <div class="section36-content content-disclosure tracking-faq-panel-0"> <button class='disclosure--btn'>How often do you post new roles?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>At Baxter, we always have new career opportunities available around the globe. Our Talent Acquisition country teams are posting job listings regularly. We strongly recommend that you create a job alert on the site by selecting a job category and location. Be sure to save our career site as a favorite in your internet browser and visit often.</p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>Can I mail my application or bring my CV/resume in person instead of applying online?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>Whenever possible, we prefer that you apply online. This makes our application process more efficient and helps us respond to all candidates more quickly. Our online application process also ensures your data is stored securely.</p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>What can I expect following my application?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>Shortly after submitting your job application, you'll receive an email acknowledgment that your application has been submitted successfully. Our recruiters will then carefully review your application and will contact you to discuss any possible next steps. </p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>How long will it take before I hear the outcome of my application?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>You should receive an email acknowledgment within the hour after submitting your application. Our recruiters will review your documents carefully and you should hear back within a week of submitting your application.</p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>How will I be contacted by Baxter?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>This can vary depending on each vacancy, so please make sure you keep an eye on your phone and check your e-mail inbox. Some roles require a video interview. In this case, you will receive an e-mail from our video interviewing platform, HireVue. Please check your spam folder as well to make sure you do not miss it. If the role does not require a video interview, the Talent Acquisition team will connect with you via phone.</p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>What can I do to protect myself against recruitment fraud?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>You can take several precautionary measures to protect yourself from recruitment fraud, including verifying the sender’s email address and shared URLs. Do not send money or provide credit card information to be considered for a job, and do not share personal or financial data in response to an email request. Be cautious of unsolicited offers of employment. Please check our <a href='/en/recruitmentfraud'>recruitment fraud notice</a> for more details about how to protect yourself.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tablist__panel" id="scroll-list-1"> <div class="tablist__content"> <div class="section36-content content-disclosure tracking-faq-panel-1"> <button class='disclosure--btn'>How many interviews can I expect?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>For most roles, you will have an introductory conversation with the Talent Acquisition Partner, followed by at least one interview with the Hiring Manager. Depending on the responsibilities of the role and the stakeholders who are involved in this process, there may be more interviews. While we are assessing if the role matches your skill set and experience, we will also ensure you have enough information and insights to decide if Baxter is the right employer for you.</p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>What is HireVue and what do you use it for?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>HireVue is a video interview platform, which can be used for live or OnDemand video interviews. We use HireVue OnDemand to get to know you better and understand your skills and experiences beyond your resume. Its flexibility enables us to speed up the recruitment process. All you need is a mobile device with a camera, or a computer with a webcam, to interview at a time and place of your choosing. To prepare yourself, you can complete some practice questions, make yourself comfortable and check your lighting. For more detailed information, visit <a href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Interviewing Resources & Downloads for Candidates | HireVue <span class='visually-hidden'>Link opens in a new window</span></a></p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>What should I wear to the interview?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>Dress appropriately for the role you are applying for as well as for comfort. If you would like to better understand the acceptable attire for the site you are visiting, check with your TA Partner.</p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>What do I need to prepare for an interview?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>After receiving an invitation, confirm the date, time, and location of your interview. Reviewing the job description and doing research on our company is always recommended. Be mindful of time; it is better to be early than late. We encourage you to bring a list of questions for your interviewer(s), along with a pen and paper to take notes. For more advice, please scroll down and browse our <a href='#tips-advice'>Tips and Advice</a> section.</p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>Who do I contact when I have any questions?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>The Talent Acquisition team is your partner throughout the hiring process. At some locations, you have only one point of contact, in others you might be in touch with a Recruiting Coordinator and a Talent Acquisition Partner. The RC organizes the interview and is happy to help you with questions regarding the structure or the timeline. The TAP communicates with the Hiring Manager and helps you with regards to feedback or questions about the offer package.</p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>How long will it take before I hear the outcome from my interview?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>The timing will vary. Our aim is to share feedback within a few days of your interview. Feel free to check with your Talent Acquisition Partner throughout the process.</p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>What will training and onboarding look like?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>This can vary depending the role. Please check with your Talent Acquisition Partner or with the Hiring Manager during the Interview.</p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>How will I know if I have been engaged as part of an online job-hunting scam?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>There are several warning signs that might suggest you are being engaged as part of an online job-hunting scam. Watch for emails that come from addresses that do not have the official address. Other signs include a generic salutation or multiple typos and grammatical errors. Please check our <a href='#fraud-notice'>recruitment fraud notice</a> for more details about how to detect recruitment fraud.</p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>What should I do if I suspect I have been a victim of recruitment fraud?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>If you suspect you are the victim of an online job-hunting scam by someone posing as a Baxter recruiter, employee, or other agent, complete this <a href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>form <span class='visually-hidden'>Link opens in a new window</span></a> to notify us of the suspected fraud. A Baxter representative will be in touch after assessing the legitimacy of the reported incident. Please check our <a href='#fraud-notice'>recruitment fraud notice</a> for more details.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tablist__panel" id="scroll-list-2"> <div class="tablist__content"> <div class="section36-content content-disclosure tracking-faq-panel-2"> <button class='disclosure--btn'>Does Baxter have a flexible work policy? Is it possible to work from home?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>This varies per location and job type. Some employees will still be fully on site based on job requirements, while some employees may be remote due to unique business needs. While the approaches to flexibility at Baxter will vary by location based on local requirements and laws, and by limitations due to job responsibilities, our philosophy remains the same everywhere to support flexibility and our employees’ needs to successfully manage their work and personal lives. Please check with your Talent Acquisition Partner or Hiring Manager for information specific to your role.</p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>How many employees are working at Baxter?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>Our mission to save and sustain lives motivates and unites 60,000 employees around the globe. Our products, technologies and therapies are available in more than 100 countries. The Americas is Baxter’s largest region, serving healthcare providers and patients. In addition, we have employees within the Asia Pacific region, as well as from Europe, the Middle East and Africa. To learn more about our locations, please visit <a href='/about-us#locations'></a>.</p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>What are your businesses and products?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>This is where our colleagues make an impact across the healthcare spectrum. Our eight businesses are: Advanced Surgery, BioPharma Solutions, Clinical Nutrition, Front Line Care, Medication Delivery & Acute Therapies, Patient Support Systems & Surgical Solutions, Pharmaceuticals and Renal Care. With the acquisition of Hillrom in 2021, we accelerated our shared vision to transform healthcare. We are focused on transformative innovations to deliver smarter and more personalized care for patients and providers. For details about our global product portfolio, please visit our <a href=''>website</a>.</p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>What is the culture like at Baxter?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>If you join Baxter, you’ll feel a sense of pride, knowing your work improves the lives of millions. You’ll feel a sense of confidence provided by our rich history, position in the market, and diverse portfolio of best-in-class products. We share common traits like being reliable, ethical and caring. We live our culture levers: speed, simplicity, courage and collaboration. To hear from our colleagues and get more detailed information, please visit <a href='/life-at-baxter'>What it's like to work at Baxter | Careers at Baxter</a>. </p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>What are the benefits you offer?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>As part of being a best place to work, we provide our employees with comprehensive compensation and benefits packages. Please note that the package can vary depending on the location you are working at. To find out more about our benefits, please visit <a href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Benefits | Baxter <span class='visually-hidden'>Link opens in a new window</span></a>. </p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>How do I stay connected with Baxter? Can I still be considered for other roles if I’ve been unsuccessful in a previous application?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>Yes. Please <a href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>join our talent community <span class='visually-hidden'>Link opens in a new window</span></a> to stay in touch and learn about other roles that might be of interest to you.</p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>How does Baxter invest in its employees’ career development?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>Baxter supports career development and our approach is tailored to various types of roles throughout our organization. One of our approaches to driving a culture of continuous feedback between managers and employees is through regular, monthly check-ins. The purpose of these meetings is to set goals and talk about career aspirations, interests and development. Additionally, we have different programs and groups supporting personal development, such as an e-learning platform, the reverse mentoring program and the Early Career Professionals group.</p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>How does Baxter support Diversity, Equity & Inclusion?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>Our commitment is simple: advance a culture where every employee is treated fairly, feels respected, valued, seen and heard. Together, we embrace our diversity to enhance our company culture of belonging and embed diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) across all aspects of our business, including for our employees and prospective employees, the communities we support globally through strategic investment, our suppliers, and our customers and patients. <a href='/inclusion-diversity'> Click here</a> to learn more about our approach to DE&I in all we do.</p> </div> <button class='disclosure--btn'>In which way is Hillrom related to Baxter?</button> <div class='disclosure--content'> <p>Baxter acquired Hillrom in 2021, and now we are united as one company. Together, we embark on a new phase in our transformational journey to save and sustain lives worldwide. We are creating new opportunities to accelerate product and digital innovation across care settings, enable efficiencies and improve care outcomes for patients and providers. Our combined portfolio of leading products and solutions will serve even more people worldwide. Learn more about the Baxter and Hillrom integration <a href=''>here</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section15 section15a section-spacer" data-section-id="84746" data-layout-item-id="32186"> <div class="partial-wrapper content-max-container"> <div class="partial1"> <div class="media-module"> <img alt="Woman sitting at desk and smiling" src="//" loading="lazy" /> </div> </div> <div class="partial2"> <section class="wysiwyg-content section15-content"> <h2 class="wysiwyg-heading2-with-underline">Tips and Advice for your Job Search</h2> <p>Navigating a job search can be challenging and nerve-racking. We’ve got you covered with tips and advice, from optimizing your personal brand to leveling up your interview.</p> <p><a class="wysiwyg-arrow-link-responsive" href="/TipsandAdvice" data-custom-event="true" data-custom-category="UserCreatedContent" data-custom-label="Learn More">Learn More</a></p> </section> </div> </div> </div> <div class="content-max-container section7 section-spacer" data-section-id="66925" data-layout-item-id="33450"> <div class="tab-accordion" data-tab-active="1" data-tab-breakpoint="(min-width: 1000px)" data-tab-vertical> <button class="tab-accordion__button"><span>Jobs For You</span></button> <div class="tab-accordion__panel"> <div class="tab-accordion__content"> <div class="section7-job-list job-list" data-selector-name="joblist" data-post-module="true" data-ajax-url="//" data-module-name="Section 7 - Jobs For You" data-module-type="JobList" data-personalized="true"> <ul> </ul> <div class="section7-job-list__all-jobs-wrapper"> <a class="section7-job-list__all-jobs" href="/en/search-jobs">View All of Our Available Opportunities</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <button class="tab-accordion__button"><span>Recently Viewed</span></button> <div class="tab-accordion__panel"> <div class="tab-accordion__content"> <div class="section7-job-list recently-viewed-job-list" data-recently-viewed-jobs="false" data-company-site-id="60864" data-ajax-url="//" data-module-name="Section 7 - Recently Viewed Jobs" data-module-type="RecentlyViewedJobList" data-selector-name="recentlyviewedjoblist" data-content-type="Dynamic"> <div class="empty-message"> <p class="empty-message__text">You have not recently viewed any jobs.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <button class="tab-accordion__button"><span>Saved Jobs</span></button> <div class="tab-accordion__panel"> <div class="tab-accordion__content"> <div class="section7-job-list recently-viewed-job-list saved-jobs-list" data-recently-viewed-jobs="false" data-company-site-id="60864" data-ajax-url="//" data-module-name="Section 7 - Saved Jobs" data-module-type="RecentlyViewedJobList" data-selector-name="recentlyviewedjoblist" data-content-type="UserSelected"> <div class="empty-message"> <p class="empty-message__text">Please browse jobs and click the 'Save Job' button for the jobs you are interested in.</p> <p class="empty-message__text">Then you will be able to see your saved jobs here.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="content-max-container section9" data-section-id="70217" data-layout-item-id="31068"> <div class="media-module"> <img alt="" src="//" loading="lazy" /> </div> <section class="wysiwyg-content section9-content"> <h2 style="text-align: center;" class="wysiwyg-heading2">Join Our Talent Community</h2> <p style="text-align: center;">We're grateful for your interest in a career with Baxter, and would like to get to know you. 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