Web stabilizer | Voith

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$elm.on('new.source.responsiveImage', function() { objectFitImages(); }); })"> <!-- CCE --> <img image-source="cce" class="picture__fallbackImage img-responsive" src=",0,152-S640-FWEBP" title="" alt=""> <span data-src=",0,152-S320-FWEBP"></span> <span data-src=",0,152-S640-FWEBP" data-min-width="320"></span> <span data-src=",0,152-S960-FWEBP" data-min-width="640"></span> <span data-src=",0,152-S1200-FWEBP" data-min-width="960"></span> <span data-src=",0,152-S2400-FWEBP" data-min-width="1200"></span> </span> </figure> <div class="component freetext copy"> With Voith web stabilizers, wrinkles, sheet fluttering, edge lifting, frequent breaks or a long down time due to tail threading problems are a thing of the past. </div> <div class="component"> <style type="text/css"> .btn.fluorGreen { border-color:#00e500; color: #00e500; } </style> <a class='btn btn--primary ' href='#107721' target='_self'> Your contact for web stabilizer </a> </div> </div> <div class="component textcontainer textcontainer--cyan "> <div class="component h3"> <h3>Voith web stabilizers ensure</h3> </div> <div class="component freetext copy"> <p><ul> <li>stable web pickup from the dryer</li> <li>the best sheet stabilizing</li> <li>safe and fast ropeless tail threading</li> <li>good pocket ventilation</li> </ul></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="section " data-anchor-id="107770" data-pagination-title=""> <!-- ###TemplateName: 1 Column 100%### --> <section cmsId="107770" > <div class="row row--reducedWidth"> <div class="col"> <div class="component h2 h2--anchor" data-anchor-id="107775"> <h2> Product range</h2> <div class="h2__anchorContainer"> <span class="h2__anchorHeadlineIcon"></span> <span class="h2__anchorHeadlineIconPulse"></span> <ul class="h2__anchorContent"></ul> </div> </div> <div class="component table table--striped" > <table style="border-width:1px; width:100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td style="text-align:center">Press section</td> <td style="text-align:center">Dryer section&nbsp;<br /> single-tier</td> <td style="text-align:center">Dryer section<br /> double-tier B&amp;P grades</td> <td style="text-align:center">Dryer section<br /> double-tier graphic grades</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="#107756">Bubble Sucker</a></td> <td style="text-align:center">x</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="#107754">TransferFoil</a></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td style="text-align:center">x</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="#107755">DuoTransferFoil</a></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td style="text-align:center">x</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="#113757">ProRelease HighEnd</a></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td style="text-align:center">x</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="#107747">ProRelease<sup>+</sup></a></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td style="text-align:center">x</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="#107745">DuoStabilizer</a></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td style="text-align:center">x</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="#116337">DuoFoil</a></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td style="text-align:center">x</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="#107744">S-Stabilizer</a></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td style="text-align:center">x</td> <td style="text-align:center">x</td> <td style="text-align:center">x</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="#107736">VentiPipe</a></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td style="text-align:center">x</td> <td style="text-align:center">x</td> <td style="text-align:center">x</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="#107735">VentiBox</a></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td style="text-align:center">x</td> <td style="text-align:center">&nbsp;</td> <td style="text-align:center">x</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="section section--colorTheme1 opt_reducedMarginTop" data-anchor-id="107752" data-pagination-title=""> <!-- ###TemplateName: 1 Column 100%### --> <section cmsId="107752" > <div class="row row--reducedWidth"> <div class="col"> <div class="component h2 h2--anchor" data-anchor-id="107757"> <h2> Stabilizers – stainless steel</h2> <div class="h2__anchorContainer"> <span class="h2__anchorHeadlineIcon"></span> <span class="h2__anchorHeadlineIconPulse"></span> <ul class="h2__anchorContent"></ul> </div> </div> <div id="107753" class="component accordion" data-auto-close="true"> <div class="accordion__panel " data-anchor-id="107756" > <h3 class="accordion__title"> <a href="#" class="accordion__titleLink"> Bubble Sucker <span class="accordion__icon icon-add"></span> </a> </h3> <div class="accordion__content"> <div class="component textcontainer textcontainer--float textcontainer--float-50 "> <figure class="component image"> <span class="picture picture--zoomable" data-container="figure" data-alt="" data-title="" data-class="img-responsive" data-resources="[{paths: ['js/vendor/ofi.browser.js'] }]" data-init="(function($elm) { objectFitImages(); $elm.on('new.source.responsiveImage', function() { objectFitImages(); }); })"> <!-- CCE --> <img image-source="cce" class="picture__fallbackImage img-responsive" src=",0,34-S640-FWEBP" title="" alt=""> <span data-src=",0,34-S320-FWEBP"></span> <span data-src=",0,34-S640-FWEBP" data-min-width="320"></span> <span data-src=",0,34-S960-FWEBP" data-min-width="640"></span> <span data-src=",0,34-S1200-FWEBP" data-min-width="960"></span> <span data-src=",0,34-S2400-FWEBP" data-min-width="1200"></span> </span> </figure> <div class="component h3"> <h3>Stable and crease-free web run</h3> </div> <div class="component freetext copy"> The Bubble Sucker in the press section provides for a stable web run and reduces or eliminates blistering of the paper web before its entry into the press nip. <p>By means of an ejector effect, the Bubble Sucker generates a vacuum of up to -150 Pa under the press felt in the stabilization zone. This enables a stable and crease-free web run, and the frequency of breaks is noticeably reduced.</p> <p>Creation and maintenance of the vacuum in the entire stabilization zone&nbsp;are achieved by blowing air at high speed in the nozzle geometries at the entry and outlet and by means of side air knives on the Bubble Sucker. The vacuum can be set manually by means of a hand flap in the air supply duct. The design of the Bubble Sucker is easy to maintain.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__panel " data-anchor-id="107755" > <h3 class="accordion__title"> <a href="#" class="accordion__titleLink"> DuoTransferFoil <span class="accordion__icon icon-add"></span> </a> </h3> <div class="accordion__content"> <div class="component h3" data-anchor-id="h3117704"> <h3>Web stabilization between press and dryer section</h3> </div> <div class="component freetext copy c117704"> <p>The DuoTransferFoil with drilled roll stabilizes the web on the dryer fabric. With its use, problems such as edges peeling away, fluttering and the formation of wrinkles on the paper web are eliminated. <p>Web stabilization with the DuoTransferFoil is done by means of a vacuum (up to -350 Pa) that is set via the fan speed. For ropeless threading of the transfer tail, a threading zone can be separated in the system from the entire operating zone. In the threading process, suction is concentrated on the threading zone. The stabilization zone is sealed using lateral air knives and a machine-wide nozzle at the transition to the first dryer cylinder, which are provided with supply air from the DuoTransferFoil.</p> <p>The DuoTransferFoil with a drilled roll is inserted between the DuoCentri NipcoFlex presses and the first dryer cylinder in order to hold the paper web on the dryer fabric. The difference compared to the TransferFoil with dryer fabric suction roll is that the drilled roll does not have an internal box, and its suction mechanism works according to the DuoStabilizer principle. This design without an internal box saves costs and no back-up roll is required.</p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__panel " data-anchor-id="107754" > <h3 class="accordion__title"> <a href="#" class="accordion__titleLink"> TransferFoil <span class="accordion__icon icon-add"></span> </a> </h3> <div class="accordion__content"> <div class="component textcontainer textcontainer--float textcontainer--float-50 "> <figure class="component image"> <span class="picture picture--zoomable" data-container="figure" data-alt="" data-title="" data-class="img-responsive" data-resources="[{paths: ['js/vendor/ofi.browser.js'] }]" data-init="(function($elm) { objectFitImages(); $elm.on('new.source.responsiveImage', function() { objectFitImages(); }); })"> <!-- CCE --> <img image-source="cce" class="picture__fallbackImage img-responsive" src=",0,158-S640-FWEBP" title="" alt=""> <span data-src=",0,158-S320-FWEBP"></span> <span data-src=",0,158-S640-FWEBP" data-min-width="320"></span> <span data-src=",0,158-S960-FWEBP" data-min-width="640"></span> <span data-src=",0,158-S1200-FWEBP" data-min-width="960"></span> <span data-src=",0,158-S2400-FWEBP" data-min-width="1200"></span> </span> </figure> <div class="component h3"> <h3>Stabilization of paper web between press and dryer section</h3> </div> <div class="component freetext copy"> TransferFoil stabilizes the web from the press into the dryer section, eliminating problems such as edge detachment, edge flutter and crease formation. <p>By means of an ejector effect, TransferFoil creates a vacuum (up to -350 Pa) behind the dryer fabric in the stabilization zone. The supply air is connected to the supply air system of the downstream stabilizers’ air knives. Use of TransferFoil after a dryer fabric suction roll facilitates ropeless threading to the nip between the drying cylinder and dryer fabric. No air bubble forms between the dryer fabric and paper web during feed-in. Due to TransferFoil’s multi-part design, an adjustment of the bodies to the fabric deflection can take place by means of the vacuum.</p> <p>TransferFoil is used to hold the web after a dryer fabric suction roll between the press and the first drying cylinder.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="section section--colorTheme1 opt_reducedMarginTop" data-anchor-id="107741" data-pagination-title=""> <!-- ###TemplateName: 1 Column 100%### --> <section cmsId="107741" > <div class="row row--reducedWidth"> <div class="col"> <div class="component h2 h2--anchor" data-anchor-id="107749"> <h2> Stabilizers – painted steel</h2> <div class="h2__anchorContainer"> <span class="h2__anchorHeadlineIcon"></span> <span class="h2__anchorHeadlineIconPulse"></span> <ul class="h2__anchorContent"></ul> </div> </div> <div id="107742" class="component accordion" data-auto-close="true"> <div class="accordion__panel " data-anchor-id="113757" > <h3 class="accordion__title"> <a href="#" class="accordion__titleLink"> ProRelease HighEnd <span class="accordion__icon icon-add"></span> </a> </h3> <div class="accordion__content"> <div class="component textcontainer textcontainer--float textcontainer--float-50 "> <figure class="component image"> <span class="picture picture--zoomable" data-container="figure" data-alt="Web stabilizer ProRelease HighEnd from Voith for high-speed machines that produce paper with low grammages" data-title="" data-class="img-responsive" data-resources="[{paths: ['js/vendor/ofi.browser.js'] }]" data-init="(function($elm) { objectFitImages(); $elm.on('new.source.responsiveImage', function() { objectFitImages(); }); })"> <!-- CCE --> <img image-source="cce" class="picture__fallbackImage img-responsive" src=",164,287-S640-FWEBP" title="" alt="Web stabilizer ProRelease HighEnd from Voith for high-speed machines that produce paper with low grammages"> <span data-src=",164,287-S320-FWEBP"></span> <span data-src=",164,287-S640-FWEBP" data-min-width="320"></span> <span data-src=",164,287-S960-FWEBP" data-min-width="640"></span> <span data-src=",164,287-S1200-FWEBP" data-min-width="960"></span> <span data-src=",164,287-S2400-FWEBP" data-min-width="1200"></span> </span> </figure> <div class="component h3"> <h3>High performance web pickup and sheet stabilization</h3> </div> <div class="component freetext copy"> ProRelease HighEnd is the latest development of the proven ProRelease<sup>+</sup> for high-speed machines that produce low-basis-weight paper. It features separate exhaust systems for the release zone and the stabilizer roll. This enables a completely independent setting for the vacuum in the stabilizer roll and in the release zone. Equipped with MultiSeal Plus for higher release vacuum, ProRelease HighEnd ensures improved web pickup from the dryer surface and a higher draw reduction at the same speed. This reduces the risk of sheet breaks. </div> </div> <div class="component freetext copy c119628"> <p>The MultiSeal Plus seals in cross direction to the machine at the end of the release zone. The shorter release zone allows a higher vacuum during operation. It can be adjusted horizontally to compensate for wear of the sealing strips for a longer life cycle of the strips. In addition, ProRelease HighEnd features backside sealing in cross direction to stabilize the paper sheet when it runs off the stabilizer roll up to the next dryer.<br /> <br /> ProRelease HighEnd includes an automatic cleaning device that cleans the holes of the stabilizer roll with compressed air. This ensures good performance of the stabilizer roll and helps extend the roll service intervals. Due to its mechanical sealing, the ProRelease HighEnd has lower energy consumption compared to competitor products. The arrangement of the exhaust ducts on the drive side ensures optimum visibility of the web run and improved ease of maintenance of the ProRelease HighEnd.<br /> <br /> ProRelease HighEnd is used in the first dryer groups of single-tier dryer sections on high-speed paper machines producing low basis weights.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__panel " data-anchor-id="107747" > <h3 class="accordion__title"> <a href="#" class="accordion__titleLink"> ProRelease<sup>+</sup> <span class="accordion__icon icon-add"></span> </a> </h3> <div class="accordion__content"> <div class="component textcontainer textcontainer--float textcontainer--float-50 "> <figure class="component image"> <span class="picture picture--zoomable" data-container="figure" data-alt="" data-title="" data-class="img-responsive" data-resources="[{paths: ['js/vendor/ofi.browser.js'] }]" data-init="(function($elm) { objectFitImages(); $elm.on('new.source.responsiveImage', function() { objectFitImages(); }); })"> <!-- CCE --> <img image-source="cce" class="picture__fallbackImage img-responsive" src=",0,271-S640-FWEBP" title="" alt=""> <span data-src=",0,271-S320-FWEBP"></span> <span data-src=",0,271-S640-FWEBP" data-min-width="320"></span> <span data-src=",0,271-S960-FWEBP" data-min-width="640"></span> <span data-src=",0,271-S1200-FWEBP" data-min-width="960"></span> <span data-src=",0,271-S2400-FWEBP" data-min-width="1200"></span> </span> </figure> <div class="component h3"> <h3>Stable web pickup and increased speed</h3> </div> <div class="component freetext copy"> ProRelease<sup>+</sup> has an efficient and energy-saving sealing system that ensures stable web pickup in the first dryer groups. A high vacuum in the release zone allows a lower paper draw at same speed. <p>The sealing system consisting of MultiSeal forms the release zone and in a targeted fashion provides for a high vacuum in the area where the paper web is picked up from the cylinder. This reduces the stresses that act on the still relatively wet and sensitive paper web when it is being removed from the cylinder. In addition, runability is improved in the particularly sensitive area of the first dryer groups. Fewer breaks and an increase in speed at the same draw are the results.</p> <p>ProRelease<sup>+</sup> is used in the first dryer groups of single-tier dryer sections and provides for stable web pickup.</p> </div> </div> <div class="component textcontainer textcontainer--float textcontainer--float-50 "> <figure class="component videoplayer" data-video-id="4792998765001" data-autoplay="false" data-loop="false" data-muted="false" data-hide-controls="false"> <div class="videoplayer__wrapper"> <div class="videoplayer__playButton"></div> </div> <figcaption> <span class="videoplayer__captionContent">ProRelease<sup>+</sup> upgrade for optimized high vacuum conditions</span> </figcaption> </figure> <div class="component freetext copy"> <h4>Upgrade for ProRelease<sup>+</sup></h4> <p>The upgrade for ProRelease<sup>+</sup> consists of the new sealing strip holder MultiSeal Plus, which is installed with a sliding device. This allows the adjustment of the holder’s position according to the best operating position. With MultiSeal Plus, the high vacuum conditions can be optimized and constantly maintained over a longer period or the production speed can be increased. Another benefit is that the lifetime of the strips can be extended to more than a year. For the perfect fit, we recommend the installation of SkySeal Plus or SkySeal Flex sealing strips.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__panel " data-anchor-id="107745" > <h3 class="accordion__title"> <a href="#" class="accordion__titleLink"> DuoStabilizer <span class="accordion__icon icon-add"></span> </a> </h3> <div class="accordion__content"> <div class="component textcontainer textcontainer--float textcontainer--float-50 "> <figure class="component image"> <span class="picture picture--zoomable" data-container="figure" data-alt="" data-title="" data-class="img-responsive" data-resources="[{paths: ['js/vendor/ofi.browser.js'] }]" data-init="(function($elm) { objectFitImages(); $elm.on('new.source.responsiveImage', function() { objectFitImages(); }); })"> <!-- CCE --> <img image-source="cce" class="picture__fallbackImage img-responsive" src=",0,17-S640-FWEBP" title="" alt=""> <span data-src=",0,17-S320-FWEBP"></span> <span data-src=",0,17-S640-FWEBP" data-min-width="320"></span> <span data-src=",0,17-S960-FWEBP" data-min-width="640"></span> <span data-src=",0,17-S1200-FWEBP" data-min-width="960"></span> <span data-src=",0,17-S2400-FWEBP" data-min-width="1200"></span> </span> </figure> <div class="component h3"> <h3>Increased runability due to web stabilization</h3> </div> <div class="component freetext copy"> The DuoStabilizer provides web stabilization in the single-tier dryer section. Due to the ropeless and wrinkle-free web run, the runability of the paper machine is increased. <p>With web stabilization, the stabilizer roll is suctioned via the DuoStabilizer, and the stabilization zone is placed under pressure with a vacuum via the bypass of the roll. Sealing of the zone is done with a cost-effective and energy-saving sealing concept called MultiSeal, comprised of lateral air knives and a Teflon seal toward the roll. The MultiSeal is a mechanical seal that prevents the boundary air layer carried along with the dryer fabric from getting into the stabilization zone. For ropeless threading of the transfer tail, a threading zone can be separated in the system from the entire operating zone.</p> </div> </div> <div class="component freetext copy c119640"> <p>Separation is carried out with a securely installed separation disk in the roll, an additional air knife in the stabilization zone, and a flap that separates the suction area of the operating zone from the threading zone. In the threading process, suction is concentrated on the threading zone. The additional air knife is fed with supply air, and the operating zone is switched off. After threading, the air knife is depressurized, and the operating zone is activated. The negative pressure of the DuoStabilizer is set with the fan speed. Manual alignment of the individual DuoStabilizers can be done with a manual flap in the suction line. <p>The DuoStabilizer allows a stable and wrinkle-free web run in the dryer section from dryer cylinder to dryer cylinder. Web tension and shrinkage are thus reduced; in addition, the speed can be increased.</p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__panel " data-anchor-id="116337" > <h3 class="accordion__title"> <a href="#" class="accordion__titleLink"> DuoFoil <span class="accordion__icon icon-add"></span> </a> </h3> <div class="accordion__content"> <div class="component h3" data-anchor-id="h3116340"> <h3>Web stabilization in the single-tier dryer section</h3> </div> <div class="component freetext copy c116340"> <p>In the scope of rebuilds to paper machines with a single-tier dryer that use suctioned rolls (known as dryer fabric suction rolls, DFSR), the DuoFoil can be installed over the DFSR in order to stabilize the web. With stabilization zones, the DuoFoil supports wrinkle-free sheet edges from dryer cylinder to dryer cylinder. The negative pressure in the stabilization zone is created via the "pre-suction" zone in the DFSR. This increases the runability of the paper machine. <p>The web is stabilized by means of negative pressure (-100 to -200 Pa) in the stabilization zone. The DuoFoil does not have its own connection to the vacuum system, but rather is supplied through the vacuum of the DFSR. The negative pressure of the DuoFoil therefore depends on the vacuum setting of the DFSR. The stabilization zone is sealed off by the MultiSeal and the lateral air knives. The MultiSeal is a mechanical sealing system that ensures high negative pressures with low energy requirements. With this system the seal strips can be replaced quickly and easily (including parts set behind the framing). Air knives are used for sealing on the sides in order to compensate for the deflection of the dryer fabrics and to prevent wear of the dryer fabric. There is also a seal (Teflon plate) to the roll provided.</p> <p>For the ropeless threading of the transfer tail, a threading zone can be separated in the system. This separation is created using flaps that are activated automatically during the threading. As a result, the transfer tails are held securely on the dryer fabric with negative pressure in the threading zone during the ropeless threading. This increases the reliability of the machine and reduces the threading time.</p></p> </div> <article class="component teaser teaser--offgrid " data-teaser-align="left" > </article> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__panel " data-anchor-id="107744" > <h3 class="accordion__title"> <a href="#" class="accordion__titleLink"> S-Stabilizer <span class="accordion__icon icon-add"></span> </a> </h3> <div class="accordion__content"> <div class="component textcontainer textcontainer--float textcontainer--float-50 "> <figure class="component image"> <span class="picture picture--zoomable" data-container="figure" data-alt="" data-title="" data-class="img-responsive" data-resources="[{paths: ['js/vendor/ofi.browser.js'] }]" data-init="(function($elm) { objectFitImages(); $elm.on('new.source.responsiveImage', function() { objectFitImages(); }); })"> <!-- CCE --> <img image-source="cce" class="picture__fallbackImage img-responsive" src=",0,61-S640-FWEBP" title="" alt=""> <span data-src=",0,61-S320-FWEBP"></span> <span data-src=",0,61-S640-FWEBP" data-min-width="320"></span> <span data-src=",0,61-S960-FWEBP" data-min-width="640"></span> <span data-src=",0,61-S1200-FWEBP" data-min-width="960"></span> <span data-src=",0,61-S2400-FWEBP" data-min-width="1200"></span> </span> </figure> <div class="component h3"> <h3>Stabilization with unsteady web run or web flutter</h3> </div> <div class="component freetext copy"> The S-Stabilizer stabilizes the web if there is a turbulent web run or edge flutter in the two-tier dryer section. In addition, the frequency of breaks is reduced due to the supported web run. <p>The S-Stabilizer stabilizes the paper web in the area of the dryer fabric. The dryer fabric guide roll is moved asymmetrically until it dips into the paper web. The number of breaks can therefore be reduced and machine availability increased. The paper web is stabilized through the use of a vacuum. It is created by means of an ejector effect behind the dryer fabric in the stabilization zone. The vacuum can be set manually through a hand flap in the air supply duct. The MultiSeal mechanical seal prevents the boundary air layer carried along with the dryer fabric from getting into the stabilization zone. Air knives seal on the sides to compensate for the deflection of the dryer fabric. In addition, there is a seal toward the roll.</p> <p>The S-Stabilizer is used in two-tier dryer sections and allows an increase in speed due to stabilization of the web run.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="section section--colorTheme1 opt_reducedMarginTop" data-anchor-id="107722" data-pagination-title=""> <!-- ###TemplateName: 1 Column 100%### --> <section cmsId="107722" > <div class="row row--reducedWidth"> <div class="col"> <div class="component h2 h2--anchor" data-anchor-id="107740"> <h2> Hood air supply</h2> <div class="h2__anchorContainer"> <span class="h2__anchorHeadlineIcon"></span> <span class="h2__anchorHeadlineIconPulse"></span> <ul class="h2__anchorContent"></ul> </div> </div> <div id="107723" class="component accordion" data-auto-close="true"> <div class="accordion__panel " data-anchor-id="107736" > <h3 class="accordion__title"> <a href="#" class="accordion__titleLink"> VentiPipe <span class="accordion__icon icon-add"></span> </a> </h3> <div class="accordion__content"> <div class="component h3" data-anchor-id="h3117705"> <h3>Improved removal of air moisture</h3> </div> <div class="component freetext copy c117705"> <p>The VentiPipe hot air blow pipe improves ventilation in the fabric loops of the dryer group and removes moisture more efficiently. Hydrolysis on the dryer fabrics is prevented. <p>VentiPipe is connected to the air supply system of the dryer section. Hot, dry air is brought into the dryer group via exhaust openings. More air is blown out in the center of the machine; a transverse flow thus arises from the center of the machine to the edges. The hot, dry air absorbs the water vapor and removes it. The number of VentiPipes used depends on the number of drying cylinders in a dryer group and the hood balance. Taken as a whole, VentiPipe contributes to improved conditioning of the dryer fabric, since less dirt remains due to continuous drying.</p> <p>The VentiPipe hot air blow pipe is placed in single-tier dryer groups in the upper fabric loop above the drying cylinders.</p></p> </div> <div class="gallery component" > <div class="owl__item " data-caption='Installation VentiPipe' > <figure class="component image"> <span class="picture " data-container="figure" data-alt="" data-title="" data-class="img-responsive" data-resources="[{paths: ['js/vendor/ofi.browser.js'] }]" data-init="(function($elm) { objectFitImages(); $elm.on('new.source.responsiveImage', function() { objectFitImages(); }); })"> <!-- CCE --> <img image-source="cce" class="picture__fallbackImage img-responsive" src=",0,0-S640-FWEBP" title="" alt=""><!-- --> <span data-src=",0,0-S320-FWEBP"></span> <span data-src=",0,0-S640-FWEBP" data-min-width="320"></span> <span data-src=",0,0-S960-FWEBP" data-min-width="640"></span> <span data-src=",0,0-S1200-FWEBP" data-min-width="960"></span> <span data-src=",0,0-S2400-FWEBP" data-min-width="1200"></span> </span> </figure> </div> <div class="owl__item " data-caption='Function principle VentiPipe' > <figure class="component image"> <span class="picture " data-container="figure" data-alt="" data-title="" data-class="img-responsive" data-resources="[{paths: ['js/vendor/ofi.browser.js'] }]" data-init="(function($elm) { objectFitImages(); $elm.on('new.source.responsiveImage', function() { objectFitImages(); }); })"> <!-- CCE --> <img image-source="cce" class="picture__fallbackImage img-responsive" src=",0,0-S640-FWEBP" title="" alt=""><!-- --> <span data-src=",0,0-S320-FWEBP"></span> <span data-src=",0,0-S640-FWEBP" data-min-width="320"></span> <span data-src=",0,0-S960-FWEBP" data-min-width="640"></span> <span data-src=",0,0-S1200-FWEBP" data-min-width="960"></span> <span data-src=",0,0-S2400-FWEBP" data-min-width="1200"></span> </span> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__panel " data-anchor-id="107735" > <h3 class="accordion__title"> <a href="#" class="accordion__titleLink"> VentiBox <span class="accordion__icon icon-add"></span> </a> </h3> <div class="accordion__content"> <div class="component textcontainer textcontainer--float textcontainer--float-50 "> <figure class="component image"> <span class="picture picture--zoomable" data-container="figure" data-alt="" data-title="" data-class="img-responsive" data-resources="[{paths: ['js/vendor/ofi.browser.js'] }]" data-init="(function($elm) { objectFitImages(); $elm.on('new.source.responsiveImage', function() { objectFitImages(); }); })"> <!-- CCE --> <img image-source="cce" class="picture__fallbackImage img-responsive" src=",0,156-S640-FWEBP" title="" alt=""> <span data-src=",0,156-S320-FWEBP"></span> <span data-src=",0,156-S640-FWEBP" data-min-width="320"></span> <span data-src=",0,156-S960-FWEBP" data-min-width="640"></span> <span data-src=",0,156-S1200-FWEBP" data-min-width="960"></span> <span data-src=",0,156-S2400-FWEBP" data-min-width="1200"></span> </span> </figure> <div class="component h3"> <h3>Improved removal of air moisture</h3> </div> <div class="component freetext copy"> The VentiBox hot air blow box is used for ventilating one- and two-tier dryer sections. It prevents the edge of the paper web from turning up and provides for better conditioning of the dryer fabric. <p>The VentiBox hot air blow box is connected to the air supply system within the machine frame or with a two-sided dryer section, also from the drive side. Via exhaust openings, hot, dry air is brought into the dryer fabric and the pocket that absorbs the water vapor and reduces the air moisture. The air supply is increased in the center of the VentiBox, and the moist air is transported from the center of the machine to the edges. This transverse flow prevents the edges of the paper web from turning up. Condensation and hydrolysis are also prevented by the VentiBox.</p> <p>The VentiBox hot air blow box is used in&nbsp;single-tier and double-tier dryer groups.</p> </div> </div> <div class="gallery component" > <div class="owl__item " data-caption='Installation VentiBox' > <figure class="component image"> <span class="picture " data-container="figure" data-alt="" data-title="" data-class="img-responsive" data-resources="[{paths: ['js/vendor/ofi.browser.js'] }]" data-init="(function($elm) { objectFitImages(); $elm.on('new.source.responsiveImage', function() { objectFitImages(); }); })"> <!-- CCE --> <img image-source="cce" class="picture__fallbackImage img-responsive" src=",154,89-S640-FWEBP" title="" alt=""><!-- --> <span data-src=",154,89-S320-FWEBP"></span> <span data-src=",154,89-S640-FWEBP" data-min-width="320"></span> <span data-src=",154,89-S960-FWEBP" data-min-width="640"></span> <span data-src=",154,89-S1200-FWEBP" data-min-width="960"></span> <span data-src=",154,89-S2400-FWEBP" data-min-width="1200"></span> </span> </figure> </div> <div class="owl__item " data-caption='Function principle VentiBox' > <figure class="component image"> <span class="picture " data-container="figure" data-alt="" data-title="" data-class="img-responsive" data-resources="[{paths: ['js/vendor/ofi.browser.js'] }]" data-init="(function($elm) { objectFitImages(); $elm.on('new.source.responsiveImage', function() { objectFitImages(); }); })"> <!-- CCE --> <img image-source="cce" class="picture__fallbackImage img-responsive" src=",188,92-S640-FWEBP" title="" alt=""><!-- --> <span data-src=",188,92-S320-FWEBP"></span> <span data-src=",188,92-S640-FWEBP" data-min-width="320"></span> <span data-src=",188,92-S960-FWEBP" data-min-width="640"></span> <span data-src=",188,92-S1200-FWEBP" data-min-width="960"></span> <span data-src=",188,92-S2400-FWEBP" data-min-width="1200"></span> </span> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="section " data-anchor-id="107719" data-pagination-title=""> <!-- ###TemplateName: 1 Column 100%### --> <section cmsId="107719" > <div class="row row--reducedWidth"> <div class="col"> <div class="component h2 h2--anchor" data-anchor-id="107721"> <h2> Your contact – How can we help you?</h2> <div class="h2__anchorContainer"> <span class="h2__anchorHeadlineIcon"></span> <span class="h2__anchorHeadlineIconPulse"></span> <ul class="h2__anchorContent"></ul> </div> </div> <div class="component contact" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="contact__data"> <p class="contact__name" itemprop="name">Andreas Ziegelwanger </p> <p class="contact__position" itemprop="jobTitle">Global Product Manager </p> <p class="contact__address" itemprop="address"> </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="contact__phone" itemprop="telephone">t +49 7321 37 3482</p> <a class="contact__email" itemprop="email" href="/corp-en/contact.html?cid=107720&pid=107518&nid=">Send an email</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="section " data-anchor-id="107717" data-pagination-title=""> <!-- ###TemplateName: 1 Column 100%### --> <section cmsId="107717" > <div class="row row--reducedWidth"> <div class="col"> <div class="component h2 h2--anchor" data-anchor-id="108678"> <h2> Engineered for success</h2> <div class="h2__anchorContainer"> <span class="h2__anchorHeadlineIcon"></span> <span class="h2__anchorHeadlineIconPulse"></span> <ul class="h2__anchorContent"></ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="section " data-pagination-title="" data-anchor-id="98711"> <!-- ###TemplateName: 2 Columns 50% 50%### --> <section cmsId="98711" > <div class="row row--reducedWidth"> <div class="col col--medium-6"> <figure class="component videoplayer i108679" data-anchor-id="108679" data-playlist-id="4790326086001" data-playsinline="true"> <div class="videoplayer__wrapper"> <div class="videoplayer__playButton"></div> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="col col--medium-6"> <div class="component h3" data-anchor-id="h398713"> <h3>Rebuild&nbsp;of Jass Schwarza PM 1</h3> </div> <div class="component introtext copy c98713"> <p>Production increase thanks to web stabilization and "Clean Design"</p> </div> <div class="component freetext copy c98713"> <p>In September 2015, Voith rebuilt the dryer section of PM 1 at the Adolf Jass paper mill in Schwarza, Rudolstadt. The aim of the rebuild was to increase the maximum production speed for&nbsp;low grammages from 1,400 to 1,500 m/min and at the same time maintain the already excellent machine efficiency.</p> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="section " data-anchor-id="113777" data-pagination-title=""> <!-- ###TemplateName: 1 Column 100%### --> <section cmsId="113777" > <div class="row row--reducedWidth"> <div class="col"> <div class="component h3" data-anchor-id="h3115630"> <h3>Deep expertise due to many successful installations all over the world</h3> </div> <div class="component heroImage heroImage--full heroImage--figures heroImage--3perrow " data-resources="[{paths: ['ts/jquery.syncHeight.js'] }]" data-init="(function($elm) { $elm.syncHeight({refElementSelector: '.heroImage__image .picture', syncElementSelectors: {'768': '.heroImage__figureCol'}}); })" style="background-image: url(',0,292-S960-FWEBP');"> <div class="heroImage__dimmer"></div> <figure class="heroImage__image"> <span class="picture " data-container="figure" data-alt="" data-title="" data-class="img-responsive" data-resources="[{paths: ['js/vendor/ofi.browser.js'] }]" data-init="(function($elm) { objectFitImages(); $elm.on('new.source.responsiveImage', function() { objectFitImages(); }); })"> <!-- CCE --> <img image-source="cce" class="picture__fallbackImage img-responsive" src=",0,292-S640-FWEBP" title="" alt=""> <span data-src=",0,292-S320-FWEBP"></span> <span data-src=",0,292-S640-FWEBP" data-min-width="320"></span> <span data-src=",0,292-S960-FWEBP" data-min-width="640"></span> <span data-src=",0,292-S1200-FWEBP" data-min-width="960"></span> <span data-src=",0,292-S2400-FWEBP" data-min-width="1200"></span> </span> </figure> <div class="heroImage__figureRow"> <div class="heroImage__figureCol heroImage__figureCol--1percol"> <div class="heroImage__figureColItem"> <!-- START: 113787 Figure --> <div class="component figure figure--fluorBlue " data-resources="[{paths: ['js/vendor/bigtext.js', 'js/vendor/countUp.js', 'ts/jquery.figure.js'] }]" data-init="(function($elm) { $elm.figure({countUpEnabled: true , bigtext: { minfontsize: 25, maxfontsize: 60, breakpointFontsizes: { '768': { minfontsize: 25, maxfontsize: 80 }, '1024': { minfontsize: 25, maxfontsize: 150 } } } , countUp: {duration: '4', decimals: '', options: {separator: ',', decimal: '', prefix: '', suffix: '' }}}); })"> <div class="figure__headlineWrap"> <div class="figure__headline"> <div class="plain">2061</div> 2061 </div> </div> <div class="figure__descriptionWrap"> <div class="figure__description"> S-Stabilizers </div> </div> </div> <!-- END: 113787 Figure --> </div> </div> <div class="heroImage__figureCol heroImage__figureCol--2percol"> <div class="heroImage__figureColItem"> <!-- START: 113788 Figure --> <div class="component figure figure--fluorBlue " data-resources="[{paths: ['js/vendor/bigtext.js', 'js/vendor/countUp.js', 'ts/jquery.figure.js'] }]" data-init="(function($elm) { $elm.figure({countUpEnabled: true , bigtext: { minfontsize: 25, maxfontsize: 60, breakpointFontsizes: { '768': { minfontsize: 25, maxfontsize: 80 }, '1024': { minfontsize: 25, maxfontsize: 150 } } } , countUp: {duration: '4', decimals: '', options: {separator: '', decimal: '', prefix: '', suffix: '' }}}); })"> <div class="figure__headlineWrap"> <div class="figure__headline"> <div class="plain">82</div> 82 </div> </div> <div class="figure__descriptionWrap"> <div class="figure__description"> ProRelease HighEnd </div> </div> </div> <!-- END: 113788 Figure --> </div> <div class="heroImage__figureColItem"> <!-- START: 113789 Figure --> <div class="component figure figure--fluorBlue " data-resources="[{paths: ['js/vendor/bigtext.js', 'js/vendor/countUp.js', 'ts/jquery.figure.js'] }]" data-init="(function($elm) { $elm.figure({countUpEnabled: true , bigtext: { minfontsize: 25, maxfontsize: 60, breakpointFontsizes: { '768': { minfontsize: 25, maxfontsize: 80 }, '1024': { minfontsize: 25, maxfontsize: 150 } } } , countUp: {duration: '4', decimals: '', options: {separator: '', decimal: '', prefix: '', suffix: '' }}}); })"> <div class="figure__headlineWrap"> <div class="figure__headline"> <div class="plain">878</div> 878 </div> </div> <div class="figure__descriptionWrap"> <div class="figure__description"> ProRelease+ </div> </div> </div> <!-- END: 113789 Figure --> </div> </div> <div class="heroImage__figureCol heroImage__figureCol--1percol"> <div class="heroImage__figureColItem"> <!-- START: 113790 Figure --> <div class="component figure figure--fluorBlue " data-resources="[{paths: ['js/vendor/bigtext.js', 'js/vendor/countUp.js', 'ts/jquery.figure.js'] }]" data-init="(function($elm) { $elm.figure({countUpEnabled: true , bigtext: { minfontsize: 25, maxfontsize: 60, breakpointFontsizes: { '768': { minfontsize: 25, maxfontsize: 80 }, '1024': { minfontsize: 25, maxfontsize: 150 } } } , countUp: {duration: '4', decimals: '', options: {separator: ',', decimal: '', prefix: '', suffix: '' }}}); })"> <div class="figure__headlineWrap"> <div class="figure__headline"> <div class="plain">3649</div> 3649 </div> </div> <div class="figure__descriptionWrap"> <div class="figure__description"> DuoStabilizers </div> </div> </div> <!-- END: 113790 Figure --> </div> </div> </div> <div class="HotSpotsContent OnlyDektop"> </div> <div class="HotSpotsContent OnlyMobile"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="section " data-anchor-id="107713" data-pagination-title=""> <!-- ###TemplateName: 1 Column 100%### --> <section cmsId="107713" > <div class="row row--reducedWidth"> <div class="col"> <div class="component h2 h2--anchor" data-anchor-id="107946"> <h2> Our Service – Part of Your Business</h2> <div class="h2__anchorContainer"> <span class="h2__anchorHeadlineIcon"></span> <span class="h2__anchorHeadlineIconPulse"></span> <ul class="h2__anchorContent"></ul> </div> </div> <div class="component h3" data-anchor-id="h3148188"> <h3>WebStabilizer Service</h3> </div> <div class="component introtext copy c148188"> <p>Voith will provide you with a comprehensive service suited to your requirements. Even a refurbishment of our web stabilizers is possible. Our service technician ensure that your production starts up smoothly again and that the web stabilizers are functioning properly.</p> </div> <div class="component snackableNews snackableNews--imageLeft " data-anchor-id="148189"> <div class="snackableNews__imageContainer"> <figure class="snackableNews__image"> <span class="picture " data-container="figure" data-alt="Webstabilizer service" data-title="" data-class="img-responsive" data-resources="[{paths: ['js/vendor/ofi.browser.js'] }]" data-init="(function($elm) { objectFitImages(); $elm.on('new.source.responsiveImage', function() { objectFitImages(); }); })"> <!-- CCE --> <img image-source="cce" class="picture__fallbackImage img-responsive" src=",0,369-S640-FWEBP" title="" alt="Webstabilizer service"><!-- --> <span data-src=",0,369-S320-FWEBP"></span> <span data-src=",0,369-S640-FWEBP" data-min-width="320"></span> <span data-src=",0,369-S960-FWEBP" data-min-width="640"></span> <span data-src=",0,369-S1200-FWEBP" data-min-width="960"></span> <span data-src=",0,369-S2400-FWEBP" data-min-width="1200"></span> </span> </figure> </div> <div class="snackableNews__textContainer"> <div class="snackableNews__headline"> Your benefits with WebStabilizer Service </div> <p class="snackableNews__text"> <ul> <li>Maintain the highest level of web stabilization</li> <li>Increased production due to fewer sheet breaks and fast speed</li> <li>Less fabric deflection, blade wear and better tail threading</li> <li>Less energy consumption</li> <li>Maximum equipment availability, reliability and safety</li> <li>100% professional OEM services and part</li> </ul> </p> </div> </div> <ul class="component downloadWithPicture" litNumbers="vp1564"> <!-- START: Abruf der Detailsinformationen zu einer Druckschrift --> <!-- END: Abruf der Detailsinformationen zu einer Druckschrift --> <li> <div class="downloadWithPicture__linkedWrapper"> <div class="downloadWithPicture__pictureWrapper"> <figure class="component image"> <span class="picture " data-container="figure" data-alt="WebStabilizer service" data-title="WebStabilizer service" data-class="img-responsive" data-resources="[{paths: ['js/vendor/ofi.browser.js'] }]" data-init="(function($elm) { objectFitImages(); $elm.on('new.source.responsiveImage', function() { objectFitImages(); }); })"> <img image-source="publications" class="picture__fallbackImage img-responsive" src="" title="Title for Image" alt="WebStabilizer service"><!-- --> <span data-src=""></span> <span data-src="" data-min-width="320"></span> <span data-src="" data-min-width="640"></span> <span data-src="" data-min-width="960"></span> <span data-src="" data-min-width="1200"></span> </span> </figure> </div> <div class="downloadWithPicture__description"> <h3>WebStabilizer service</h3> <div class="downloadWithPicture__subline">PDF</div> <a class="downloadWithPicture__link" href="" target="_blank"> English </a> <a class="downloadWithPicture__link" href="" target="_blank"> German </a> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="component h3" data-anchor-id="h3148191"> <h3>Check out our complete service portfolio</h3> </div> <div class="component introtext copy c148191"> <p>Our service for the paper industry ranges from individual equipment service to maintenance partnerships. 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