Author: Scharon Harding - Ars Technica

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1.9l-2.6-.9-3.1-6.2c1-1 2.2-1.9 3.4-2.5m-4.8 4.2 2.5 4.9-4.9 2.5c0-2.7.9-5.3 2.4-7.4m.2 15.4 5.4-.9.9 5.4c-2.5-.9-4.7-2.5-6.3-4.5m5.7-2.9L8.4 26c-.6-1.2-1.1-2.6-1.3-4.1l6.2-3.1 2.6.9v.3c0 1 .4 2 1 2.7l-1.6 2.2Zm7 8c-.7.1-1.4.2-2.1.2s-1.4 0-2.1-.2l-1.1-6.8 1.6-2.2c.5.2 1 .3 1.6.3s1.1-.1 1.6-.3l1.6 2.2zm2.1-.5.9-5.4 5.4.9c-1.6 2.1-3.7 3.7-6.3 4.5m7.4-6.4-6.8-1.1-1.6-2.2c.6-.7 1-1.7 1-2.7v-.3l2.6-.9 6.2 3.1c-.2 1.4-.7 2.8-1.3 4.1m-3.4-8.7 2.5-4.9c1.5 2.1 2.4 4.6 2.4 7.4z"/></g></g></svg> Cars </a> </li> <li> <a class="group flex flex-row items-center px-5 py-2 text-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-green-400 focus:bg-gray-700 focus:text-green-400" href=""> <svg class="mr-2 inline-block h-5 w-5 text-gray-100 group-hover:text-green-400 group-focus:text-green-400" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 40 40"><defs><clipPath id="section-culture_svg__a"><path fill="none" d="M0 0h40v40H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="section-culture_svg__b"><path fill="none" d="M0 0h40v40H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g 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1.3.7 1.9 1.1 1.3.7 2.7 1.3 4.3 1.3.4 1.9.5 1.1.3 2.3.4 3.4.5h2c1.2 0 2.3-.2 3.4-.5.6-.1 1.3-.3 1.9-.5 1.5-.5 2.9-1.1 4.3-1.8.7-.3 1.3-.7 1.9-1.1C37.1 23.3 40 20 40 20s-2.9-3.3-7.5-6.1M20 28c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8s3.6-8 8-8 8 3.6 8 8-3.6 8-8 8"/><path d="M25 20c0 2.8-2.2 5-5 5s-5-2.2-5-5 2.2-5 5-5 5 2.2 5 5"/></g></g></svg> Culture </a> </li> <li> <a class="group flex flex-row items-center px-5 py-2 text-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-green-400 focus:bg-gray-700 focus:text-green-400" href=""> <svg class="mr-2 inline-block h-5 w-5 text-gray-100 group-hover:text-green-400 group-focus:text-green-400" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 40 40"><defs><clipPath id="section-gaming_svg__a"><path fill="none" d="M0 0h40v40H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="section-gaming_svg__b"><path fill="none" d="M0 0h40v40H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#section-gaming_svg__a)"><g fill="none" clip-path="url(#section-gaming_svg__b)"><path fill="currentColor" d="M30.7 39.7c-.7-1.1-1.7-1.8-2.5-2.8-.9-1.2 0-2 .8-3 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class="mx-auto mb-5 mt-8 max-w-md px-5 sm:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-6xl xl:px-0"> <div class="items-start gap-5 sm:flex"> <div class="relative mb-2 aspect-square h-20 w-20 shrink-0 overflow-hidden rounded-full border-4 border-green-400 sm:h-48 sm:w-48 md:mb-10 lg:h-64 lg:w-64"> <img class="absolute min-h-full min-w-full object-cover" src="" alt="Scharon Harding"> </div> <div class=""> <h1 class="font-impact text-2xl font-semibold uppercase md:text-3xl"> Scharon Harding </h1> <div class="font-impact -mt-1 text-base font-semibold uppercase text-gray-400 md:text-lg"> Senior Product Reviewer </div> <a class="font-impact -mt-1 block text-lg font-semibold" href=""> </a> <div class="mb-9 mt-4 max-w-2xl text-lg leading-tight text-gray-400"> Scharon is Ars Technica’s Senior Product Reviewer writing news, reviews, and analysis on consumer technology, including laptops, mechanical keyboards, and monitors. Before joining Ars Technica, she managed computer peripherals coverage and reviewed laptops and gadgets for Tom’s Hardware. Previous roles also include covering news and writing research reports about the IT channel with bylines at Channelnomics and CRN UK. </div> </div> </div> <div class="bg-gray-250 mb-9 h-[4px] dark:bg-gray-700"></div> <div class="font-impact dark:text-gray-250 mb-4 text-xl font-semibold uppercase text-gray-400 sm:text-2xl lg:text-3xl"> <span class="font-bold text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400">Recent stories by </span> <span>Scharon Harding</span> </div> </div> <div class="mx-auto my-5 px-[15px] sm:px-5 sm:px-5 lg:grid lg:max-w-6xl lg:grid-cols-3 lg:gap-8 xl:px-0"> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-5 lg:col-span-2"> <article id="card-2063870" data-id="2063870" class="relative group card-list-square post-2063870 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-gadgets tag-smart-home"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="Picture of the Snoo" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Smart gadgets’ failure to commit to software support could be illegal, FTC warns</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> "When we don’t own what we buy, everything becomes disposable..." </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-11-27T12:24:41-05:00" datetime="2024-11-27T12:24:41-05:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-11-27T12:24:41-05:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 11/27/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="71 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 71 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2063246" data-id="2063246" class="relative group card-list-square post-2063246 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-apple category-gadgets tag-amazon-2 tag-apple tag-google-2 tag-monitors tag-smart-home"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="Amazon&#039;s Echo Show 21 with a remote." loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 300w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">The good, the bad, and the ugly behind the push for more smart displays</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Opinion: Apple could really change the game here. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-11-22T17:40:26-05:00" datetime="2024-11-22T17:40:26-05:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-11-22T17:40:26-05:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 11/22/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="178 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 178 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2063128" data-id="2063128" class="relative group card-list-square post-2063128 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-gadgets tag-ads tag-software tag-sonos tag-tvs"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="Someone watching a TV that has hands coming out of it which are holding a sign that says &quot;BUY.&quot;" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 300w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">An ad giant wants to run your next TV’s operating system</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Sonos is rumored to be building a streaming box running The Trade Desk's OS. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-11-21T13:57:09-05:00" datetime="2024-11-21T13:57:09-05:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-11-21T13:57:09-05:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 11/21/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="290 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 290 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2062706" data-id="2062706" class="relative group card-list-square post-2062706 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-apple category-gadgets tag-apple tag-apple-tv-plus tag-streaming"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="Gary Oldman in a scene from Slow Horses." loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 300w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Apple TV+ spent $20B on original content. If only people actually watched.</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Reportedly high budget has brought Apple TV+ a lot of prestige, but not a lot of viewers. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-11-19T14:14:31-05:00" datetime="2024-11-19T14:14:31-05:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-11-19T14:14:31-05:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 11/19/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="420 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 420 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2058292" data-id="2058292" class="relative group card-list-square post-2058292 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-reviews category-gadgets tag-laptops tag-monitors tag-reviews"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="Dual-screen portable monitor" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 300w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">After working with a dual-screen portable monitor for a month, I’m a believer</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> More pixels and versatility, but without the sacrifices of dual-screen PCs. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-11-14T08:00:45-05:00" datetime="2024-11-14T08:00:45-05:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-11-14T08:00:45-05:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 11/14/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="72 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 72 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2062180" data-id="2062180" class="relative group card-list-square post-2062180 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-gadgets tag-ads tag-amazon-2 tag-amazon-prime-video tag-streaming"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 300w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Amazon ends free ad-supported streaming service after Prime Video with ads debuts</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Selling subscriptions to Prime Video with ads is more lucrative for Amazon. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-11-13T15:56:40-05:00" datetime="2024-11-13T15:56:40-05:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-11-13T15:56:40-05:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 11/13/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="102 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 102 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2061202" data-id="2061202" class="relative group card-list-square post-2061202 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-information-technology tag-broadcom tag-vmware-2"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="VMware logo on a glass building" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">New SMB-friendly subscription tier may be too late to stop VMware migrations</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Broadcom acquisition was a "wake-up call" for VMware-dependent SMBs. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-11-08T16:59:21-05:00" datetime="2024-11-08T16:59:21-05:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-11-08T16:59:21-05:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 11/8/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="84 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 84 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2060975" data-id="2060975" class="relative group card-list-square post-2060975 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized tag-ads tag-max tag-streaming tag-warner-bros-discovery"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Max needs higher prices, more ads to help support WBD’s flailing businesses</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> WBD chief hopeful that Trump administration could enable more streaming M&As. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-11-07T16:36:55-05:00" datetime="2024-11-07T16:36:55-05:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-11-07T16:36:55-05:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 11/7/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="158 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 158 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="hidden justify-self-end bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-50 lg:block"> <div class="component-most-read font-impact flex h-full min-h-[300px] flex-col flex-nowrap gap-5 pb-5 uppercase text-white"> <div> <header class="flex flex-row flex-nowrap items-center justify-center gap-2 bg-gray-600 px-5 py-2"> <svg class="h-[20px] w-[30px] text-gray-100" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 40 26"><defs><clipPath id="most-read_svg__a"><path fill="none" d="M0 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done yet</a> </span> </div> </li> <li class="group relative"> <div class="relative px-[15px] py-4 sm:px-5"> <div class="most-read-divider absolute left-5 top-0 h-[1px] w-1/4 bg-gray-400"> </div> <span class="flex flex-row flex-nowrap items-start gap-4 font-serif text-xl font-bold normal-case leading-tight"> <span class="shrink-0 text-green-400">2.</span> <a class="most-read-title text-gray-100 visited:text-gray-400 hover:text-orange-400" href="">After Russian ship docks to space station, astronauts report a foul smell</a> </span> </div> </li> <li class="group relative"> <div class="relative px-[15px] py-4 sm:px-5"> <div class="most-read-divider absolute left-5 top-0 h-[1px] w-1/4 bg-gray-400"> </div> <span class="flex flex-row flex-nowrap items-start gap-4 font-serif text-xl font-bold normal-case leading-tight"> <span class="shrink-0 text-green-400">3.</span> <a class="most-read-title text-gray-100 visited:text-gray-400 hover:text-orange-400" href="">Nvidia’s new AI audio model can synthesize sounds that have never existed</a> </span> </div> </li> <li class="group relative"> <div class="relative px-[15px] py-4 sm:px-5"> <div class="most-read-divider absolute left-5 top-0 h-[1px] w-1/4 bg-gray-400"> </div> <span class="flex flex-row flex-nowrap items-start gap-4 font-serif text-xl font-bold normal-case leading-tight"> <span class="shrink-0 text-green-400">4.</span> <a class="most-read-title text-gray-100 visited:text-gray-400 hover:text-orange-400" href="">Found in the wild: The world’s first unkillable UEFI bootkit for Linux</a> </span> </div> </li> <li class="group relative"> <div class="relative px-[15px] py-4 sm:px-5"> <div class="most-read-divider absolute left-5 top-0 h-[1px] w-1/4 bg-gray-400"> </div> <span class="flex flex-row flex-nowrap items-start gap-4 font-serif text-xl font-bold normal-case leading-tight"> <span class="shrink-0 text-green-400">5.</span> <a class="most-read-title text-gray-100 visited:text-gray-400 hover:text-orange-400" href="">Workers demand more transparency after Intel secures $8B CHIPS funding</a> </span> </div> </li> </ol> </div> <div class="most-read-customize text-center"> <button class="btn-customize font-impact mt-5 inline-flex flex-row flex-nowrap items-center justify-center gap-2 font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-100" aria-label="Customize view settings" x-data x-on:click="$dispatch('view-settings-bar-open');"> <svg class="h-5 w-5" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 39.8 40"><defs><clipPath id="settings_svg__a"><path fill="none" d="M0 0h39.8v40H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="settings_svg__b"><path fill="none" d="M0 0h39.8v40H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#settings_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#settings_svg__b)"><path d="M17.4 3c-.8-1.8-2.5-3-4.5-3S9.1 1.2 8.3 3H0v4h8.3c.8 1.8 2.5 3 4.6 3s3.8-1.2 4.6-3h22.4V3H17.5Zm-4.6 4.5c-1.4 0-2.5-1.1-2.5-2.5s1.1-2.5 2.5-2.5 2.5 1.1 2.5 2.5-1.1 2.5-2.5 2.5M27 15c-2 0-3.8 1.2-4.6 3H0v4h22.4c.8 1.8 2.5 3 4.6 3s3.8-1.2 4.6-3h8.3v-4h-8.3c-.8-1.8-2.5-3-4.6-3m0 7.5c-1.4 0-2.5-1.1-2.5-2.5s1.1-2.5 2.5-2.5 2.5 1.1 2.5 2.5-1.1 2.5-2.5 2.5M12.9 30c-2 0-3.8 1.2-4.6 3H0v4h8.3c.8 1.8 2.5 3 4.6 3s3.8-1.2 4.6-3h22.4v-4H17.5c-.8-1.8-2.5-3-4.6-3m0 7.5c-1.4 0-2.5-1.1-2.5-2.5s1.1-2.5 2.5-2.5 2.5 1.1 2.5 2.5-1.1 2.5-2.5 2.5"/></g></g></svg> <span>Customize</span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ad-wrapper with-label is-fullwidth"> <div class="ad-wrapper-inner"> <div class="ad ad--mid-content"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mx-auto my-5 px-[15px] sm:px-5 sm:px-5 lg:grid lg:max-w-6xl lg:grid-cols-3 lg:gap-8 xl:px-0"> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-5 lg:col-span-2"> <article id="card-2060488" data-id="2060488" class="relative group card-list-square post-2060488 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-tech-policy tag-grindr tag-nlrb tag-return-to-office tag-unions"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="A person&#039;s finger hovering over a Grindr app icon on a phone screen" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">RTO mandate was attempt at thwarting Grindr workers unionizing: US labor board</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> 80 out of 120 workers trying to unionize reportedly quit due to RTO mandate. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-11-05T17:33:47-05:00" datetime="2024-11-05T17:33:47-05:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-11-05T17:33:47-05:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 11/5/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="32 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 32 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2059828" data-id="2059828" class="relative group card-list-square post-2059828 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-ai category-gadgets tag-ai tag-recall tag-wearables"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="Someone wearing and pressing a Humane AI Pin" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Charger recall spells more bad news for Humane’s maligned AI Pin</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Humane first reported overheating problems with the portable charger in June. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-11-01T13:33:44-04:00" datetime="2024-11-01T13:33:44-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-11-01T13:33:44-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 11/1/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="50 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 50 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2059550" data-id="2059550" class="relative group card-list-square post-2059550 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-tech-policy category-gadgets tag-amazon-2 tag-return-to-office"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="An Amazon corporate office building in Sunnyvale, California." loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Over 500 Amazon workers decry “non-data-driven” logic for 5-day RTO policy</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> “I used to be proud of my work and excited about my future here. I don't feel that anymore." </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-10-31T13:16:04-04:00" datetime="2024-10-31T13:16:04-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-10-31T13:16:04-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 10/31/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="203 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 203 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2051532" data-id="2051532" class="relative group card-list-square post-2051532 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-information-technology category-features tag-acquisition tag-broadcom tag-vmware-2"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="An emergency VMWare eject box in case of Broadcom" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">300 percent price hikes push disgruntled VMware customers toward Broadcom rivals</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Ars speaks with users and partners unhappy with Broadcom's changes. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-10-31T07:00:27-04:00" datetime="2024-10-31T07:00:27-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-10-31T07:00:27-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 10/31/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="171 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 171 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2059283" data-id="2059283" class="relative group card-list-square post-2059283 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-gadgets tag-ads tag-ai tag-google-2 tag-reddit tag-social-media"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="In this photo illustration the American social news" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Amid controversial changes, Reddit is getting more popular—and profitable</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> With Reddit finally making money, the Reddit of yesteryear isn't coming back. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-10-30T14:13:15-04:00" datetime="2024-10-30T14:13:15-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-10-30T14:13:15-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 10/30/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="121 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 121 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2058416" data-id="2058416" class="relative group card-list-square post-2058416 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-ai category-google category-gadgets tag-ai-overview tag-google-2 tag-reddit tag-social-media"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="Leicester Square, LONDON,ENGLAND - September 2023:Angus Steakhouse store sign External Store Sign London, England." loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Annoyed Redditors tanking Google Search results illustrates perils of AI scrapers</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> "Spreading misinformation suddenly becomes a noble goal," Redditor says. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-10-25T14:29:10-04:00" datetime="2024-10-25T14:29:10-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-10-25T14:29:10-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 10/25/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="209 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 209 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2057935" data-id="2057935" class="relative group card-list-square post-2057935 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-gadgets tag-california tag-floppy-disks tag-san-francisco tag-trains"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="A 5.25-inch black floppy disk on a white background" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">San Francisco to pay $212 million to end reliance on 5.25-inch floppy disks</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Muni Metro also plans to ditch super-slow loop cable communication system. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-10-23T13:36:31-04:00" datetime="2024-10-23T13:36:31-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-10-23T13:36:31-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 10/23/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="272 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 272 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="hidden justify-self-end bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-50 lg:block"> <div class="ad-wrapper is-sticky is-rail"> <div class="ad-wrapper-inner"> <div class="ad ad--rail"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ad-wrapper with-label is-fullwidth"> <div class="ad-wrapper-inner"> <div class="ad ad--mid-content"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mx-auto my-5 px-[15px] sm:px-5 sm:px-5 lg:grid lg:max-w-6xl lg:grid-cols-3 lg:gap-8 xl:px-0"> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-5 lg:col-span-2"> <article id="card-2057718" data-id="2057718" class="relative group card-list-square post-2057718 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-culture category-gadgets tag-netflix-2 tag-streaming"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="oman holding a TV remote control gestures in frustrated irritation at something she has seen - or not seen - on the screen" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Streaming subscription fees have been rising while content quality is dropping</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Surveys show decline in customer satisfaction with what is available to stream. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-10-22T18:10:24-04:00" datetime="2024-10-22T18:10:24-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-10-22T18:10:24-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 10/22/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="219 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 219 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2057245" data-id="2057245" class="relative group card-list-square post-2057245 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-tech-policy tag-amazon-2 tag-aws tag-return-to-office"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="The Amazon logo seen at Amazon campus in Palo Alto, California." loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Amazon exec tells employees to work elsewhere if they dislike RTO policy</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Using RTO to push quitting could result in an "array of legal consequences." </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-10-18T14:30:56-04:00" datetime="2024-10-18T14:30:56-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-10-18T14:30:56-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 10/18/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="389 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 389 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2056978" data-id="2056978" class="relative group card-list-square post-2056978 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-gadgets tag-dvd tag-privacy tag-redbox"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Redbox easily reverse-engineered to reveal customers’ names, zip codes, rentals</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> The bankrupt company may not see any consequences. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-10-17T17:38:39-04:00" datetime="2024-10-17T17:38:39-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-10-17T17:38:39-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 10/17/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="51 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 51 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2056235" data-id="2056235" class="relative group card-list-square post-2056235 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-gadgets tag-smart-home"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="A marketing image for the AeroGarden Bounty." loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Smart gardening firm’s shutdown a reminder of Internet of Things’ fickle nature</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Company closing "due to a number of challenges with this business." </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-10-14T14:39:31-04:00" datetime="2024-10-14T14:39:31-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-10-14T14:39:31-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 10/14/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="60 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 60 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2055072" data-id="2055072" class="relative group card-list-square post-2055072 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-gadgets tag-foldable tag-foldable-phone tag-samsung-2 tag-samsung-galaxy tag-smartphones tag-software"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="Pictures of the Galaxy Fold 2." loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Samsung quits updating Galaxy Z Fold 2 that came out in 2020 for $2,000</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Newer Samsung Galaxy phones are promised seven years of updates. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-10-08T15:31:37-04:00" datetime="2024-10-08T15:31:37-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-10-08T15:31:37-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 10/8/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="56 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 56 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2054514" data-id="2054514" class="relative group card-list-square post-2054514 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-tech-policy category-gadgets tag-ads tag-fcc tag-ftc tag-generative-ai tag-streaming tag-tvs"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="A person&#039;s hand holding a TV remote control with a Netflix button." loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Smart TVs are like “a digital Trojan Horse” in people’s homes</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> 48-page report urges FTC, FCC to investigate connected TV industry data harvesting. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-10-07T13:55:58-04:00" datetime="2024-10-07T13:55:58-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-10-07T13:55:58-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 10/7/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="168 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 168 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2054359" data-id="2054359" class="relative group card-list-square post-2054359 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-gadgets tag-samsung-2 tag-samsung-galaxy tag-smartphones tag-software"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="The display on the Samsung Galaxy S10e." loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Faulty Samsung update leaves owners of bricked Galaxy phones with few options</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> "I just really, really want my photos." </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-10-04T10:56:59-04:00" datetime="2024-10-04T10:56:59-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-10-04T10:56:59-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 10/4/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="127 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 127 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="hidden justify-self-end bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-50 lg:block"> <div class="ad-wrapper is-sticky is-rail"> <div class="ad-wrapper-inner"> <div class="ad ad--rail"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ad-wrapper with-label is-fullwidth"> <div class="ad-wrapper-inner"> <div class="ad ad--mid-content"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mx-auto my-5 px-[15px] sm:px-5 sm:px-5 lg:grid lg:max-w-6xl lg:grid-cols-3 lg:gap-8 xl:px-0"> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-5 lg:col-span-2"> <article id="card-2054008" data-id="2054008" class="relative group card-list-square post-2054008 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-gadgets tag-ads tag-amazon-2 tag-amazon-prime-video tag-streaming"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="poster art detail" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Amazon will “ramp up” Prime Video ads in 2025</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Subscribers tolerated the current ad load, so Amazon is adding more commercials. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-10-02T18:28:14-04:00" datetime="2024-10-02T18:28:14-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-10-02T18:28:14-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 10/2/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="291 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 291 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2053878" data-id="2053878" class="relative group card-list-square post-2053878 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-gadgets tag-audio tag-software tag-sonos"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="Sonos app on a smartphone" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">“Obviously a failure”: Sonos execs not getting bonuses due to app fiasco</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Sonos extends hardware warranties by a year as act of contrition. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-10-02T13:14:20-04:00" datetime="2024-10-02T13:14:20-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-10-02T13:14:20-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 10/2/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="82 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 82 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2053645" data-id="2053645" class="relative group card-list-square post-2053645 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-information-technology tag-att tag-broadcom tag-vmware-2"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="The logo of American cloud computing and virtualization technology company VMware is seen at the Mobile World Congress (MWC), the telecom industry&#039;s biggest annual gathering, in Barcelona on March 2, 2023." loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">“Extreme” Broadcom-proposed price hike would up VMware costs 1,050%, AT&#038;T says</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Broadcom "preventing some vendors from selling products to us," AT&T alleges. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-10-01T14:22:47-04:00" datetime="2024-10-01T14:22:47-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-10-01T14:22:47-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 10/1/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="117 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 117 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2053478" data-id="2053478" class="relative group card-list-square post-2053478 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-tech-policy tag-reddit tag-social-media"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="The Reddit application can be seen on the display of a smartphone." loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">In fear of more user protests, Reddit announces controversial policy change</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Moderators now need Reddit's permission to turn subreddits private, NSFW. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-09-30T17:05:51-04:00" datetime="2024-09-30T17:05:51-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-09-30T17:05:51-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 9/30/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="170 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 170 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2053372" data-id="2053372" class="relative group card-list-square post-2053372 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-gaming tag-ads tag-playstation tag-playstation-5 tag-ps5 tag-sony-2"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="PlayStation 5" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">“So aggravating”: Outdated ads start appearing on PS5 home screen</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Players are annoyed as new home screen needs work. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-09-30T14:54:52-04:00" datetime="2024-09-30T14:54:52-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-09-30T14:54:52-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 9/30/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="79 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 79 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2053090" data-id="2053090" class="relative group card-list-square post-2053090 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-tech-policy tag-dell tag-return-to-office"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="The exterior of a Dell Technologies office building is seen on January 04, 2023 in Round Rock, Texas. (" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Dell sales team told to return to office 5 days a week, starting Monday</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> "... sales teams are more productive when onsite." </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-09-27T13:37:57-04:00" datetime="2024-09-27T13:37:57-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-09-27T13:37:57-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 9/27/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="158 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 158 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2052751" data-id="2052751" class="relative group card-list-square post-2052751 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-gadgets tag-hp tag-printers"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="Someone touching a piece of paper that&#039;s sitting in a printer" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">In rare move from printing industry, HP actually has a decent idea</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Opinion: Printers have gotten boring and untrustworthy. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-09-26T16:09:44-04:00" datetime="2024-09-26T16:09:44-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-09-26T16:09:44-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 9/26/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="258 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 258 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="hidden justify-self-end bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-50 lg:block"> <div class="ad-wrapper is-sticky is-rail"> <div class="ad-wrapper-inner"> <div class="ad ad--rail"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ad-wrapper with-label is-fullwidth"> <div class="ad-wrapper-inner"> <div class="ad ad--mid-content"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mx-auto my-5 px-[15px] sm:px-5 sm:px-5 lg:grid lg:max-w-6xl lg:grid-cols-3 lg:gap-8 xl:px-0"> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-5 lg:col-span-2"> <article id="card-2052484" data-id="2052484" class="relative group card-list-square post-2052484 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-tech-policy tag-amazon-2 tag-return-to-office"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy" decoding="async" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Most Amazon workers considering job hunting due to 5-day in-office policy: Poll</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> “My morale for this job is gone..." </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-09-25T18:15:38-04:00" datetime="2024-09-25T18:15:38-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-09-25T18:15:38-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 9/25/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="193 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 193 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2052278" data-id="2052278" class="relative group card-list-square post-2052278 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-gadgets tag-ads tag-lg-2 tag-tvs"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">LG TVs start showing ads on screensavers</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> LG's TV business is heightening focus on selling ads and tracking. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-09-25T14:01:22-04:00" datetime="2024-09-25T14:01:22-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-09-25T14:01:22-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 9/25/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="314 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 314 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2052026" data-id="2052026" class="relative group card-list-square post-2052026 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-information-technology tag-att tag-broadcom tag-vmware-2"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="Wooden gavel on table in a courtroom" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Broadcom responds to AT&#038;T’s VMware support lawsuit: AT&#038;T has “other options”</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Broadcom defends against renewal, citing "End of Availability" provision. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-09-24T12:34:10-04:00" datetime="2024-09-24T12:34:10-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-09-24T12:34:10-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 9/24/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="101 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 101 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2051728" data-id="2051728" class="relative group card-list-square post-2051728 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-gadgets tag-audio tag-software tag-sonos"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="sonos-redesigned-app" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Sonos workers shed light on why the app update went so horribly</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Meetings with "yelling," "screaming" preceded app's release, Bloomberg reports. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-09-23T14:39:36-04:00" datetime="2024-09-23T14:39:36-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-09-23T14:39:36-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 9/23/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="200 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 200 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2041081" data-id="2041081" class="relative group card-list-square post-2041081 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-features category-gadgets tag-apple tag-dell tag-evergreen tag-ipads tag-laptops tag-lg-2 tag-monitors tag-oled tag-tvs"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Tandem OLED is OLED’s latest weapon in holding off MicroLED, QDEL</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Brighter and tougher, Tandem RGB stacks may help OLED keep its display reign. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-09-23T07:00:38-04:00" datetime="2024-09-23T07:00:38-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-09-23T07:00:38-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 9/23/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="101 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 101 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2051402" data-id="2051402" class="relative group card-list-square post-2051402 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-gadgets tag-anker tag-iphone-2 tag-recall"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 300w, 640w, 768w, 500w, 1000w, 980w, 1440w, 1506w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">Anker warns people to stop using some of its iPhone power banks, issues recall</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> "Manufacturing defect": Anker is recalling all units “out of an abundance of caution.” </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-09-20T13:52:58-04:00" datetime="2024-09-20T13:52:58-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-09-20T13:52:58-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 9/20/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="43 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 43 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="card-2051341" data-id="2051341" class="relative group card-list-square post-2051341 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-gadgets tag-software tag-streaming tag-tvs tag-united-kindgom"> <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-sm"> <div class="flex flex-nowrap items-start"> <a class="relative block aspect-square h-auto w-16 overflow-hidden rounded-sm md:w-24" href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="group-hover:saturate-150 object-cover h-auto min-w-full min-h-full absolute wp-post-image" alt="Sky Glass TV" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 500w, 1000w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-3 sm:pl-5"> <div> <h2 class="-mt-1 font-serif text-xl font-bold leading-none md:text-2xl md:leading-none"> <a class="text-gray-700 visited:text-gray-300 hover:text-orange-400 dark:text-gray-100 dark:visited:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-orange-400" href="">“A total lump of… ”: Customer frustration as ISP’s smart TVs won’t turn on</a> </h2> <p class="leading-tighter dark:text-gray-250 my-1 text-base text-gray-400"> Problems with UK Sky hardware started Thursday, seem partially fixed. </p> <div class="font-impact text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-gray-300"><span>Scharon Harding</span> – <span class="whitespace-nowrap"> <time class="mr-[2px] inline-block cursor-default" title="2024-09-20T13:29:01-04:00" datetime="2024-09-20T13:29:01-04:00" x-data="{ compact: true, open: false, date: new Date('2024-09-20T13:29:01-04:00'), updatedTimestamp: false, format: function() { let dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; let timeFormat = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }; let formatted =, dateFormat) + ' ' +, timeFormat); if (this.compact) { if ( === new Date().toDateString()) { formatted =, timeFormat); if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'at ' + formatted; } } else { formatted =, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); } } if (this.updatedTimestamp) { formatted = 'Updated ' + formatted; } return formatted; } }" x-text="format()"> 9/20/2024 </time> <span class="text-gray-550">|</span> <a class="view-comments text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500" href="" title="65 comments"> <svg class="-mt-1 ml-1 mr-[2px] inline-block h-4 w-4" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 80"><defs><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__a"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="bubble-zero_svg__b"><path fill="none" stroke-width="0" d="M0 0h80v80H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#bubble-zero_svg__b)"><path d="M80 40c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40S0 62.09 0 40 17.91 0 40 0s40 17.91 40 40"/><path d="M40 40 .59 76.58C-.67 77.84.22 80 2.01 80H40z"/></g></g></svg> 65 </a> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="hidden justify-self-end bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-50 lg:block"> <div class="ad-wrapper is-sticky is-rail"> <div class="ad-wrapper-inner"> <div class="ad ad--rail"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mx-auto my-5 max-w-md px-[15px] sm:max-w-3xl sm:px-5 lg:max-w-6xl xl:px-0"> <div class="mx-auto h-[1px] max-w-6xl bg-gray-300 dark:bg-gray-700"></div> <div class="post-navigation py-5"> <div class="flex w-full justify-center"> <div class="nav-more post-navigation-link-wrapper"> <a class="post-navigation-link" href="" title="Load older stories"><span class="post-navigation-link-text">Load more</span><svg class="text-orange-400" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 40 40"><defs><clipPath id="arrow-blocks-right_svg__a"><path fill="none" d="M0 0h40v40H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#arrow-blocks-right_svg__a)"><path d="M32 16h8v8h-8zm-8 8h8v8h-8zm-8 8h8v8h-8zm8-24h8v8h-8zm-8-8h8v8h-8zM0 16h16v8H0z"/></g></svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <div class="ad-wrapper is-fullwidth"> <div class="ad-wrapper-inner"> <div class="ad ad--footer"></div> </div> </div> <footer class="site-footer bg-black"> <div class="mx-auto max-w-6xl px-4 text-gray-300"> <div class="justify-between gap-10 py-8 md:flex"> <div class="site-footer-statement text-center md:w-3/5 md:text-left"> <svg class="mb-6 inline h-10 md:mb-4 md:h-12 lg:h-14" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 436 144.1"><defs><clipPath id="ars-full-mono_svg__a"><path fill="none" d="M0 0h436v144.1H0z"/></clipPath><clipPath id="ars-full-mono_svg__b"><path fill="none" d="M0 0h436v144.1H0z"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#ars-full-mono_svg__a)"><g fill="currentColor" clip-path="url(#ars-full-mono_svg__b)"><path d="M218.8 83.7c-4.4 3.7-8.4 5-12.8 5-7.7 0-12.7-5.3-13.5-14h24.8l.9-5.5h-25.7c.8-8.7 5.7-14.1 12.9-14.1s8.8 1.7 12.9 5.1l1-5.9c-4-2.9-8.8-4.4-13.7-4.3-10.7 0-19.2 7.8-19.2 21.9s8.3 21.9 18.9 21.9c5.2.1 10.2-1.6 14.3-4.8zm-48.7-27.5v36.9h-5.8V56.2h-13.4v-5.3H183l.9 5.3H170Zm74.5 37.6c-11.9 0-19.5-8.8-19.5-21.8s7.8-22 19.6-22c4.3-.1 8.5 1.1 12 3.5l-.9 5.9c-3.2-2.6-7.1-4-11.2-4.1-8.6 0-13.6 6.5-13.6 16.6s5.1 16.6 13.6 16.6c4.3 0 8.5-1.6 11.9-4.2l.9 5.4c-3.7 2.6-8.2 4.1-12.8 4.1M292 93V73.5h-21.4V93h-5.8V50.9h5.8v17.5H292V50.9h5.8V93zm42.9 0-23.2-32.8V93h-5.3V50.9h5.1l22.4 31.5V50.9h5.3V93zm13.4-42.1h5.8V93h-5.8zm32.6 42.9c-11.9 0-19.5-8.8-19.5-21.8s7.8-22 19.6-22c4.3-.1 8.5 1.1 12 3.5l-.9 5.9c-3.2-2.6-7.1-4-11.2-4.1-8.6 0-13.6 6.5-13.6 16.6s5.1 16.6 13.6 16.6c4.3 0 8.5-1.6 11.9-4.2l.9 5.4c-3.7 2.6-8.2 4.1-12.8 4.1m32.9-43.1h5.8l16.3 41.5-5.6 1.2-5-13.1h-17.4L403.1 93h-5.8zm-4 24.6h13.5l-6.8-17.9zM72 0C32.3 0 0 32.3 0 72.1s32.3 72.1 72 72.1 72.1-32.3 72.1-72.1S111.8 0 72 0M53 94h-6.6l-.9-5.9c-4 4.4-9.6 6.8-15.6 6.8-8 0-13-4.8-13-12.3 0-11 9.4-15.4 27.8-17.3v-1.9c0-5.6-3.3-7.5-8.4-7.5S25.8 57.6 21 59.7l-1.1-7.1c5.3-2.1 10.3-3.7 17.1-3.7 10.7 0 15.9 4.3 15.9 14.2v30.8Zm19.2-26v26H64V50h6.6l1.4 9c3.1-5 8.2-9.5 15.5-9.9l1.3 7.9c-7.4.3-13.6 5.2-16.6 11m37.2 26.9c-5.6-.1-11.1-1.6-16.1-4.2l1.2-7.8c4.6 3.2 10 5 15.6 5.1 5.6 0 9-2.1 9-5.8s-2.5-5.6-10.5-7.5C98.2 72.1 94.1 69 94.1 61.1s5.9-12.2 15.6-12.2c5 0 9.9 1 14.5 3l-1.3 7.8c-4.1-2.4-8.7-3.7-13.4-3.8-5 0-7.6 1.9-7.6 5.1s2.2 4.6 9.2 6.4c10.9 2.8 15.8 5.9 15.8 14.3s-6.1 13.2-17.5 13.2"/><path d="M25.2 82.2c0 4.6 2.4 5.9 6.6 5.9s9.4-2.4 13.1-6.2V71.6c-16.3 1.6-19.7 6-19.7 10.6"/></g></g></svg> <p>Ars Technica has been separating the signal from the noise for over 25 years. 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