sketch in nLab
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href='#properties'>Properties</a></li> <ul> <li><a href='#RelationToLocallyRepresentableCategories'>Relation to accessible and locally representable categories</a></li> <li><a href='#monoidal_structures_on_the_category_of_sketches'>Monoidal Structures on the Category of Sketches</a></li> </ul> <li><a href='#related_concepts'>Related concepts</a></li> <li><a href='#references'>References</a></li> <ul> <li><a href='#general'>General</a></li> <li><a href='#in_enriched_category_theory'>In enriched category theory</a></li> <li><a href='#generalisations'>Generalisations</a></li> </ul> </ul> </div> <p><h2 id='section_Idea'>Idea</h2></p> <p>The notion of a <em>sketch</em> (<a href="#BastianiEhresmann72">Bastiani & Ehresmann 1972</a>) is one formalisation of the notion of a <em><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/theory">theory</a></em>. It is <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/diagram">diagrammatic</a>, and has the advantage of being very close to <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/category+theory">category theory</a>, allowing it to very naturally express the category theoretic structure which is required to construct a <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/model">model</a> of the theory (<a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/finite+products">finite products</a>, say). On the other hand, it is not a very concise notion: as Example <a class="maruku-ref" href="#ExampleSketchUnitalMagmas"></a> illustrates, writing down the full details of a sketch even in the simplest examples takes time!</p> <p>There is a precise correspondence between categories of models of sketches and <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/accessible+category">accessible categories</a> and <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/locally+presentable+category">locally presentable categories</a>, discussed below.</p> <p>The notion of a sketch generalises that of a <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Lawvere+theory">Lawvere theory</a>. See Example <a class="maruku-ref" href="#ExampleLawvereTheory"></a>.</p> <p><h2 id='section_Details'>Details</h2></p> <p><h3 id='section_Sketches'>Sketches</h3></p> <p> <div class='num_defn'> <h6>Definition</h6> <p>A <em>sketch</em> is a <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/small+category">small</a> <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/category">category</a> <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>T</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">T</annotation></semantics></math> equipped with a set <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>L</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">L</annotation></semantics></math> of <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/cones">cones</a> and a set <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>C</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">C</annotation></semantics></math> of <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/cocones">cocones</a>. Alternatively, it is a <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/directed+graph">directed graph</a> equipped with a set <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>D</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">D</annotation></semantics></math> of <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/diagram">diagrams</a>, a set <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>L</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">L</annotation></semantics></math> of <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/cones">cones</a>, and a set <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>C</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">C</annotation></semantics></math> of <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/cocones">cocones</a>.</p> </div> </p> <p> <div class='num_defn'> <h6>Definition</h6> <p>A <em>realized sketch</em> is one where all the cones in <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>L</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">L</annotation></semantics></math> are <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/limit">limit</a> cones and all the cocones in <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>C</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">C</annotation></semantics></math> are <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/colimit">colimit</a> cocones.</p> </div> </p> <p> <div class='num_defn'> <h6>Definition</h6> <p>A <em>limit sketch</em> is a sketch with <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>C</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>∅</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">C = \emptyset</annotation></semantics></math>.</p> </div> </p> <p> <div class='num_defn'> <h6>Definition</h6> <p>A <em>colimit sketch</em> is a sketch with <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>L</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>∅</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">L = \emptyset</annotation></semantics></math>.</p> </div> </p> <p> <div class='num_defn'> <h6>Definition</h6> <p>A <em>finite product sketch</em> is a limit sketch in which the only cones are those of <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/finite+product">finite product</a> diagrams.</p> </div> </p> <p> <div class='num_defn'> <h6>Definition</h6> <p>A <em>finite limit sketch</em> is a limit sketch in which the only cones are those of <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/finite+limit">finite limit</a> diagrams.</p> </div> </p> <p><h3 id='section_Models_of_sketches'>Models of sketches</h3></p> <p> <div class='num_defn'> <h6>Definition</h6> <p>A <em>model of a sketch</em> in a category <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>𝒞</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">\mathcal{C}</annotation></semantics></math> is a <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/functor">functor</a> <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>T</mi><mo>→</mo><mi>𝒞</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">T\to \mathcal{C}</annotation></semantics></math> taking each cone in <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>L</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">L</annotation></semantics></math> to a limit cone and each cocone in <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>C</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">C</annotation></semantics></math> to a colimit cocone.</p> </div> </p> <p>In particular, <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>T</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">T</annotation></semantics></math> is realized if and only if its identity functor is a model.</p> <p> <div class='num_defn'> <h6>Definition</h6> <p>If one takes the definition of a sketch to be that involving directed graphs, a <em>model of a sketch</em> in a category <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>𝒞</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">\mathcal{C}</annotation></semantics></math> is a morphism of directed graphs from the directed graph of the sketch to the underlying directed graph of <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>𝒞</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">\mathcal{C}</annotation></semantics></math>, so that diagrams are taken to commutative diagrams, cones are taken to limit cones, and co-cones are taken to colimit cones.</p> </div> </p> <p>Frequently the notion of model is restricted to the case <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>𝒞</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>Set</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">\mathcal{C}=Set</annotation></semantics></math>.</p> <p> <div class='num_defn'> <h6>Definition</h6> <p>A <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/category">category</a> is <em>sketchable</em> if it is the category of models (in <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>Set</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">Set</annotation></semantics></math>) of a sketch.</p> </div> </p> <p><h2 id='section_Examples'>Examples</h2></p> <p> <div class='num_remark'> <h6>Example</h6> <p>A sketch, more precisely a finite product sketch, for the theory of pointed sets can be constructed as follows. The directed graph can be taken to be the following.</p> <div style="text-align: center"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="103.234" height="18.711" viewBox="0 0 103.234 18.711"> <defs> <g> <g id="USmTuxw3JbTfscMc7jEFo7U3nwY=-glyph-0-0"> </g> <g id="USmTuxw3JbTfscMc7jEFo7U3nwY=-glyph-0-1"> <path d="M 5.46875 -4.46875 C 5.46875 -5.21875 5.078125 -5.265625 4.984375 -5.265625 C 4.703125 -5.265625 4.4375 -4.984375 4.4375 -4.75 C 4.4375 -4.609375 4.515625 -4.515625 4.5625 -4.46875 C 4.6875 -4.359375 5 -4.046875 5 -3.421875 C 5 -2.921875 4.28125 -0.125 2.84375 -0.125 C 2.109375 -0.125 1.96875 -0.734375 1.96875 -1.171875 C 1.96875 -1.765625 2.25 -2.609375 2.5625 -3.46875 C 2.765625 -3.953125 2.8125 -4.078125 2.8125 -4.3125 C 2.8125 -4.8125 2.453125 -5.265625 1.859375 -5.265625 C 0.765625 -5.265625 0.328125 -3.53125 0.328125 -3.4375 C 0.328125 -3.390625 0.375 -3.328125 0.453125 -3.328125 C 0.5625 -3.328125 0.578125 -3.375 0.625 -3.546875 C 0.90625 -4.578125 1.375 -5.03125 1.828125 -5.03125 C 1.9375 -5.03125 2.140625 -5.03125 2.140625 -4.640625 C 2.140625 -4.328125 2.015625 -3.984375 1.828125 -3.53125 C 1.25 -2 1.25 -1.625 1.25 -1.34375 C 1.25 -1.078125 1.296875 -0.578125 1.65625 -0.25 C 2.09375 0.125 2.6875 0.125 2.796875 0.125 C 4.78125 0.125 5.46875 -3.796875 5.46875 -4.46875 Z M 5.46875 -4.46875 "></path> </g> <g id="USmTuxw3JbTfscMc7jEFo7U3nwY=-glyph-1-0"> </g> <g id="USmTuxw3JbTfscMc7jEFo7U3nwY=-glyph-1-1"> <path d="M 2.5 -5.078125 C 2.5 -5.296875 2.484375 -5.296875 2.265625 -5.296875 C 1.9375 -4.984375 1.515625 -4.796875 0.765625 -4.796875 L 0.765625 -4.53125 C 0.984375 -4.53125 1.40625 -4.53125 1.875 -4.734375 L 1.875 -0.65625 C 1.875 -0.359375 1.84375 -0.265625 1.09375 -0.265625 L 0.8125 -0.265625 L 0.8125 0 C 1.140625 -0.03125 1.828125 -0.03125 2.1875 -0.03125 C 2.546875 -0.03125 3.234375 -0.03125 3.5625 0 L 3.5625 -0.265625 L 3.28125 -0.265625 C 2.53125 -0.265625 2.5 -0.359375 2.5 -0.65625 Z M 2.5 -5.078125 "></path> </g> <g id="USmTuxw3JbTfscMc7jEFo7U3nwY=-glyph-1-2"> <path d="M 2.25 -1.625 C 2.375 -1.75 2.703125 -2.015625 2.84375 -2.125 C 3.328125 -2.578125 3.796875 -3.015625 3.796875 -3.734375 C 3.796875 -4.6875 3 -5.296875 2.015625 -5.296875 C 1.046875 -5.296875 0.421875 -4.578125 0.421875 -3.859375 C 0.421875 -3.46875 0.734375 -3.421875 0.84375 -3.421875 C 1.015625 -3.421875 1.265625 -3.53125 1.265625 -3.84375 C 1.265625 -4.25 0.859375 -4.25 0.765625 -4.25 C 1 -4.84375 1.53125 -5.03125 1.921875 -5.03125 C 2.65625 -5.03125 3.046875 -4.40625 3.046875 -3.734375 C 3.046875 -2.90625 2.46875 -2.296875 1.515625 -1.34375 L 0.515625 -0.296875 C 0.421875 -0.21875 0.421875 -0.203125 0.421875 0 L 3.5625 0 L 3.796875 -1.421875 L 3.546875 -1.421875 C 3.53125 -1.265625 3.46875 -0.875 3.375 -0.71875 C 3.328125 -0.65625 2.71875 -0.65625 2.59375 -0.65625 L 1.171875 -0.65625 Z M 2.25 -1.625 "></path> </g> </g> </defs> <path fill-rule="nonzero" fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1" d="M 11.933594 2.835938 C 11.933594 1.269531 10.664062 0 9.097656 0 C 7.53125 0 6.261719 1.269531 6.261719 2.835938 C 6.261719 4.402344 7.53125 5.667969 9.097656 5.667969 C 10.664062 5.667969 11.933594 4.402344 11.933594 2.835938 Z M 11.933594 2.835938 "></path> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#USmTuxw3JbTfscMc7jEFo7U3nwY=-glyph-0-1" x="3.902" y="13.016"></use> </g> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#USmTuxw3JbTfscMc7jEFo7U3nwY=-glyph-1-1" x="9.561" y="14.809"></use> </g> <path fill-rule="nonzero" fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1" d="M 96.972656 2.835938 C 96.972656 1.269531 95.703125 0 94.136719 0 C 92.570312 0 91.300781 1.269531 91.300781 2.835938 C 91.300781 4.402344 92.570312 5.667969 94.136719 5.667969 C 95.703125 5.667969 96.972656 4.402344 96.972656 2.835938 Z M 96.972656 2.835938 "></path> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#USmTuxw3JbTfscMc7jEFo7U3nwY=-glyph-0-1" x="88.941" y="13.016"></use> </g> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#USmTuxw3JbTfscMc7jEFo7U3nwY=-glyph-1-2" x="94.6" y="14.809"></use> </g> <path fill="none" stroke-width="0.3985" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 5.852219 -0.0009375 L 78.727219 -0.0009375 " transform="matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 9.097, 2.835)"></path> <path fill="none" stroke-width="0.31879" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M -1.197174 1.592813 C -1.095611 0.995156 -0.00186125 0.100625 0.29892 -0.0009375 C -0.00186125 -0.0985937 -1.095611 -0.997031 -1.197174 -1.594687 " transform="matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 87.82608, 2.835)"></path> </svg> </div> <p>The set of diagrams can be taken to be empty. The set of cones can be taken to be the set with the single cone given by the vertex <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><msub><mi>v</mi> <mn>1</mn></msub></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">v_{1}</annotation></semantics></math>, i.e. a cone of the empty diagram. The set of co-cones can be taken to be empty.</p> <p>A model of this sketch necessarily sends the vertex <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><msub><mi>v</mi> <mn>1</mn></msub></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">v_{1}</annotation></semantics></math> to a product of the empty diagram, hence to a one element set <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mn>1</mn></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">1</annotation></semantics></math>; sends the vertex <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><msub><mi>v</mi> <mn>2</mn></msub></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">v_{2}</annotation></semantics></math> to any set <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>X</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">X</annotation></semantics></math>; and sends the arrow from <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><msub><mi>v</mi> <mn>1</mn></msub></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">v_{1}</annotation></semantics></math> to <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><msub><mi>v</mi> <mn>2</mn></msub></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">v_{2}</annotation></semantics></math> to an arrow from <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mn>1</mn></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">1</annotation></semantics></math> to <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>X</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">X</annotation></semantics></math>, that is, to an element of <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>X</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">X</annotation></semantics></math>, as required.</p> </div> </p> <p> <div class='num_remark' id='ExampleSketchUnitalMagmas'> <h6>Example</h6> <p>A sketch, more precisely a finite product sketch, for the theory of <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/unital+magmas">unital magmas</a> (<a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/sets">sets</a> equipped with a <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/binary+operation">binary operation</a> which has a two sided <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/neutral+element">neutral element</a>) can be constructed as follows.</p> <p>The directed graph can be taken to be the following:</p> <div style="text-align: center"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="175.748" height="175.748" viewBox="0 0 175.748 175.748"> <defs> <g> <g id="LnLjgvolT8IspwIDQ_K93miXlS8=-glyph-0-0"> </g> <g id="LnLjgvolT8IspwIDQ_K93miXlS8=-glyph-0-1"> <path d="M 2.140625 -2.765625 C 2.46875 -2.765625 3.28125 -2.796875 3.84375 -3.015625 C 4.75 -3.359375 4.84375 -4.046875 4.84375 -4.265625 C 4.84375 -4.796875 4.390625 -5.265625 3.59375 -5.265625 C 2.34375 -5.265625 0.53125 -4.140625 0.53125 -2.015625 C 0.53125 -0.75 1.25 0.125 2.34375 0.125 C 3.96875 0.125 5 -1.140625 5 -1.296875 C 5 -1.375 4.921875 -1.4375 4.875 -1.4375 C 4.84375 -1.4375 4.828125 -1.421875 4.71875 -1.3125 C 3.953125 -0.296875 2.828125 -0.125 2.359375 -0.125 C 1.6875 -0.125 1.328125 -0.65625 1.328125 -1.546875 C 1.328125 -1.703125 1.328125 -2.015625 1.5 -2.765625 Z M 1.5625 -3.015625 C 2.078125 -4.859375 3.21875 -5.03125 3.59375 -5.03125 C 4.125 -5.03125 4.484375 -4.71875 4.484375 -4.265625 C 4.484375 -3.015625 2.5625 -3.015625 2.0625 -3.015625 Z M 1.5625 -3.015625 "></path> </g> <g id="LnLjgvolT8IspwIDQ_K93miXlS8=-glyph-0-2"> <path d="M 0.515625 1.515625 C 0.4375 1.875 0.375 1.96875 -0.109375 1.96875 C -0.25 1.96875 -0.375 1.96875 -0.375 2.203125 C -0.375 2.21875 -0.359375 2.3125 -0.234375 2.3125 C -0.078125 2.3125 0.09375 2.296875 0.25 2.296875 L 0.765625 2.296875 C 1.015625 2.296875 1.625 2.3125 1.875 2.3125 C 1.953125 2.3125 2.09375 2.3125 2.09375 2.109375 C 2.09375 1.96875 2.015625 1.96875 1.8125 1.96875 C 1.25 1.96875 1.21875 1.890625 1.21875 1.796875 C 1.21875 1.65625 1.75 -0.40625 1.828125 -0.6875 C 1.953125 -0.34375 2.28125 0.125 2.90625 0.125 C 4.25 0.125 5.71875 -1.640625 5.71875 -3.390625 C 5.71875 -4.5 5.09375 -5.265625 4.203125 -5.265625 C 3.4375 -5.265625 2.78125 -4.53125 2.65625 -4.359375 C 2.5625 -4.953125 2.09375 -5.265625 1.609375 -5.265625 C 1.265625 -5.265625 0.984375 -5.109375 0.765625 -4.65625 C 0.546875 -4.21875 0.375 -3.484375 0.375 -3.4375 C 0.375 -3.390625 0.4375 -3.328125 0.515625 -3.328125 C 0.609375 -3.328125 0.625 -3.34375 0.6875 -3.625 C 0.875 -4.328125 1.09375 -5.03125 1.578125 -5.03125 C 1.859375 -5.03125 1.953125 -4.84375 1.953125 -4.484375 C 1.953125 -4.203125 1.90625 -4.078125 1.859375 -3.859375 Z M 2.578125 -3.734375 C 2.671875 -4.0625 3 -4.40625 3.1875 -4.578125 C 3.328125 -4.703125 3.71875 -5.03125 4.171875 -5.03125 C 4.703125 -5.03125 4.9375 -4.5 4.9375 -3.890625 C 4.9375 -3.3125 4.609375 -1.953125 4.296875 -1.34375 C 4 -0.6875 3.453125 -0.125 2.90625 -0.125 C 2.09375 -0.125 1.953125 -1.140625 1.953125 -1.1875 C 1.953125 -1.234375 1.984375 -1.328125 2 -1.390625 Z M 2.578125 -3.734375 "></path> </g> <g id="LnLjgvolT8IspwIDQ_K93miXlS8=-glyph-0-3"> <path d="M 2.46875 -3.5 C 2.484375 -3.578125 2.78125 -4.171875 3.234375 -4.546875 C 3.53125 -4.84375 3.9375 -5.03125 4.40625 -5.03125 C 4.890625 -5.03125 5.0625 -4.671875 5.0625 -4.203125 C 5.0625 -4.125 5.0625 -3.890625 4.90625 -3.328125 L 4.609375 -2.09375 C 4.515625 -1.734375 4.296875 -0.84375 4.265625 -0.71875 C 4.21875 -0.53125 4.140625 -0.234375 4.140625 -0.171875 C 4.140625 -0.015625 4.28125 0.125 4.453125 0.125 C 4.8125 0.125 4.875 -0.15625 4.984375 -0.578125 L 5.703125 -3.4375 C 5.71875 -3.53125 6.34375 -5.03125 7.65625 -5.03125 C 8.140625 -5.03125 8.3125 -4.671875 8.3125 -4.203125 C 8.3125 -3.53125 7.84375 -2.21875 7.578125 -1.5 C 7.46875 -1.21875 7.40625 -1.0625 7.40625 -0.84375 C 7.40625 -0.3125 7.78125 0.125 8.359375 0.125 C 9.46875 0.125 9.890625 -1.640625 9.890625 -1.703125 C 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C -0.000110702 -0.101547 -1.097233 -0.996553 -1.196315 -1.592788 " transform="matrix(-0.25879, -0.96593, -0.96593, 0.25879, 4.46829, 92.79961)"></path> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#LnLjgvolT8IspwIDQ_K93miXlS8=-glyph-0-2" x="18.16" y="150.95733"></use> </g> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#LnLjgvolT8IspwIDQ_K93miXlS8=-glyph-1-2" x="24.035" y="152.75033"></use> </g> <path fill="none" stroke-width="0.3985" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 85.04 -79.1885 L 85.04 -6.309594 " transform="matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 2.835, 87.874)"></path> <path fill="none" stroke-width="0.31879" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M -1.193566 1.59417 C -1.09591 0.996514 0.00174625 0.0980763 0.298621 0.00042 C 0.00174625 -0.101142 -1.09591 -0.995674 -1.193566 -1.59333 " transform="matrix(0, -1, -1, 0, 87.87542, 94.18534)"></path> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#LnLjgvolT8IspwIDQ_K93miXlS8=-glyph-0-2" x="91.975" y="131.805"></use> </g> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#LnLjgvolT8IspwIDQ_K93miXlS8=-glyph-1-1" x="97.85" y="133.598"></use> </g> <g clip-path="url(#LnLjgvolT8IspwIDQ_K93miXlS8=-clip-6)"> <path fill="none" stroke-width="0.3985" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 90.692344 -83.525643 C 130.524375 -72.853768 157.891562 -45.482674 168.44625 -6.095955 " transform="matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 2.835, 89.04467)"></path> </g> <path fill="none" stroke-width="0.31879" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M -1.19509 1.593996 C -1.096008 0.997762 0.00212551 0.0989824 0.299409 0.000692683 C -0.00116478 -0.100057 -1.095693 -0.995861 -1.194639 -1.592579 " transform="matrix(0.25879, -0.96593, -0.96593, -0.25879, 171.28256, 95.14095)"></path> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#LnLjgvolT8IspwIDQ_K93miXlS8=-glyph-2-1" x="146.981" y="155.12467"></use> </g> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#LnLjgvolT8IspwIDQ_K93miXlS8=-glyph-0-4" x="156.279" y="155.12467"></use> </g> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#LnLjgvolT8IspwIDQ_K93miXlS8=-glyph-0-1" x="161.527333" y="155.12467"></use> </g> </svg> </div> <p>The set of diagrams can be taken to have six elements, the first consisting of:</p> <div style="text-align: center"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="90.709" height="90.709" viewBox="0 0 90.709 90.709"> <defs> <g> <g id="QX4UPTpILFcwWbPVpLBqp8IGxOU=-glyph-0-0"> </g> <g id="QX4UPTpILFcwWbPVpLBqp8IGxOU=-glyph-0-1"> <path d="M 2.46875 -3.5 C 2.484375 -3.578125 2.78125 -4.171875 3.234375 -4.546875 C 3.53125 -4.84375 3.9375 -5.03125 4.40625 -5.03125 C 4.890625 -5.03125 5.0625 -4.671875 5.0625 -4.203125 C 5.0625 -4.125 5.0625 -3.890625 4.90625 -3.328125 L 4.609375 -2.09375 C 4.515625 -1.734375 4.296875 -0.84375 4.265625 -0.71875 C 4.21875 -0.53125 4.140625 -0.234375 4.140625 -0.171875 C 4.140625 -0.015625 4.28125 0.125 4.453125 0.125 C 4.8125 0.125 4.875 -0.15625 4.984375 -0.578125 L 5.703125 -3.4375 C 5.71875 -3.53125 6.34375 -5.03125 7.65625 -5.03125 C 8.140625 -5.03125 8.3125 -4.671875 8.3125 -4.203125 C 8.3125 -3.53125 7.84375 -2.21875 7.578125 -1.5 C 7.46875 -1.21875 7.40625 -1.0625 7.40625 -0.84375 C 7.40625 -0.3125 7.78125 0.125 8.359375 0.125 C 9.46875 0.125 9.890625 -1.640625 9.890625 -1.703125 C 9.890625 -1.765625 9.84375 -1.8125 9.765625 -1.8125 C 9.65625 -1.8125 9.640625 -1.78125 9.59375 -1.578125 C 9.3125 -0.625 8.875 -0.125 8.390625 -0.125 C 8.265625 -0.125 8.078125 -0.125 8.078125 -0.515625 C 8.078125 -0.828125 8.21875 -1.203125 8.265625 -1.34375 C 8.484375 -1.90625 9.03125 -3.328125 9.03125 -4.015625 C 9.03125 -4.734375 8.609375 -5.265625 7.703125 -5.265625 C 6.890625 -5.265625 6.25 -4.8125 5.765625 -4.109375 C 5.734375 -4.75 5.34375 -5.265625 4.453125 -5.265625 C 3.375 -5.265625 2.828125 -4.515625 2.609375 -4.21875 C 2.5625 -4.90625 2.078125 -5.265625 1.546875 -5.265625 C 1.203125 -5.265625 0.9375 -5.109375 0.703125 -4.65625 C 0.484375 -4.21875 0.328125 -3.484375 0.328125 -3.4375 C 0.328125 -3.390625 0.375 -3.328125 0.453125 -3.328125 C 0.546875 -3.328125 0.5625 -3.34375 0.640625 -3.625 C 0.8125 -4.328125 1.046875 -5.03125 1.515625 -5.03125 C 1.796875 -5.03125 1.890625 -4.84375 1.890625 -4.484375 C 1.890625 -4.21875 1.765625 -3.75 1.6875 -3.375 L 1.34375 -2.09375 C 1.296875 -1.859375 1.171875 -1.328125 1.109375 -1.109375 C 1.03125 -0.796875 0.890625 -0.234375 0.890625 -0.171875 C 0.890625 -0.015625 1.03125 0.125 1.203125 0.125 C 1.34375 0.125 1.515625 0.046875 1.609375 -0.125 C 1.640625 -0.1875 1.75 -0.609375 1.8125 -0.84375 L 2.0625 -1.921875 Z M 2.46875 -3.5 "></path> </g> <g id="QX4UPTpILFcwWbPVpLBqp8IGxOU=-glyph-0-2"> <path d="M 0.515625 1.515625 C 0.4375 1.875 0.375 1.96875 -0.109375 1.96875 C -0.25 1.96875 -0.375 1.96875 -0.375 2.203125 C -0.375 2.21875 -0.359375 2.3125 -0.234375 2.3125 C -0.078125 2.3125 0.09375 2.296875 0.25 2.296875 L 0.765625 2.296875 C 1.015625 2.296875 1.625 2.3125 1.875 2.3125 C 1.953125 2.3125 2.09375 2.3125 2.09375 2.109375 C 2.09375 1.96875 2.015625 1.96875 1.8125 1.96875 C 1.25 1.96875 1.21875 1.890625 1.21875 1.796875 C 1.21875 1.65625 1.75 -0.40625 1.828125 -0.6875 C 1.953125 -0.34375 2.28125 0.125 2.90625 0.125 C 4.25 0.125 5.71875 -1.640625 5.71875 -3.390625 C 5.71875 -4.5 5.09375 -5.265625 4.203125 -5.265625 C 3.4375 -5.265625 2.78125 -4.53125 2.65625 -4.359375 C 2.5625 -4.953125 2.09375 -5.265625 1.609375 -5.265625 C 1.265625 -5.265625 0.984375 -5.109375 0.765625 -4.65625 C 0.546875 -4.21875 0.375 -3.484375 0.375 -3.4375 C 0.375 -3.390625 0.4375 -3.328125 0.515625 -3.328125 C 0.609375 -3.328125 0.625 -3.34375 0.6875 -3.625 C 0.875 -4.328125 1.09375 -5.03125 1.578125 -5.03125 C 1.859375 -5.03125 1.953125 -4.84375 1.953125 -4.484375 C 1.953125 -4.203125 1.90625 -4.078125 1.859375 -3.859375 Z M 2.578125 -3.734375 C 2.671875 -4.0625 3 -4.40625 3.1875 -4.578125 C 3.328125 -4.703125 3.71875 -5.03125 4.171875 -5.03125 C 4.703125 -5.03125 4.9375 -4.5 4.9375 -3.890625 C 4.9375 -3.3125 4.609375 -1.953125 4.296875 -1.34375 C 4 -0.6875 3.453125 -0.125 2.90625 -0.125 C 2.09375 -0.125 1.953125 -1.140625 1.953125 -1.1875 C 1.953125 -1.234375 1.984375 -1.328125 2 -1.390625 Z M 2.578125 -3.734375 "></path> </g> <g id="QX4UPTpILFcwWbPVpLBqp8IGxOU=-glyph-0-3"> <path d="M 2.140625 -2.765625 C 2.46875 -2.765625 3.28125 -2.796875 3.84375 -3.015625 C 4.75 -3.359375 4.84375 -4.046875 4.84375 -4.265625 C 4.84375 -4.796875 4.390625 -5.265625 3.59375 -5.265625 C 2.34375 -5.265625 0.53125 -4.140625 0.53125 -2.015625 C 0.53125 -0.75 1.25 0.125 2.34375 0.125 C 3.96875 0.125 5 -1.140625 5 -1.296875 C 5 -1.375 4.921875 -1.4375 4.875 -1.4375 C 4.84375 -1.4375 4.828125 -1.421875 4.71875 -1.3125 C 3.953125 -0.296875 2.828125 -0.125 2.359375 -0.125 C 1.6875 -0.125 1.328125 -0.65625 1.328125 -1.546875 C 1.328125 -1.703125 1.328125 -2.015625 1.5 -2.765625 Z M 1.5625 -3.015625 C 2.078125 -4.859375 3.21875 -5.03125 3.59375 -5.03125 C 4.125 -5.03125 4.484375 -4.71875 4.484375 -4.265625 C 4.484375 -3.015625 2.5625 -3.015625 2.0625 -3.015625 Z M 1.5625 -3.015625 "></path> </g> <g id="QX4UPTpILFcwWbPVpLBqp8IGxOU=-glyph-0-4"> <path d="M 2.328125 0.046875 C 2.328125 -0.640625 2.109375 -1.15625 1.609375 -1.15625 C 1.234375 -1.15625 1.046875 -0.84375 1.046875 -0.578125 C 1.046875 -0.328125 1.21875 0 1.625 0 C 1.78125 0 1.90625 -0.046875 2.015625 -0.15625 C 2.046875 -0.171875 2.0625 -0.171875 2.0625 -0.171875 C 2.09375 -0.171875 2.09375 -0.015625 2.09375 0.046875 C 2.09375 0.4375 2.015625 1.21875 1.328125 2 C 1.1875 2.140625 1.1875 2.15625 1.1875 2.1875 C 1.1875 2.25 1.25 2.3125 1.3125 2.3125 C 1.40625 2.3125 2.328125 1.421875 2.328125 0.046875 Z M 2.328125 0.046875 "></path> </g> <g id="QX4UPTpILFcwWbPVpLBqp8IGxOU=-glyph-1-0"> </g> <g id="QX4UPTpILFcwWbPVpLBqp8IGxOU=-glyph-1-1"> <path d="M 2.25 -1.625 C 2.375 -1.75 2.703125 -2.015625 2.84375 -2.125 C 3.328125 -2.578125 3.796875 -3.015625 3.796875 -3.734375 C 3.796875 -4.6875 3 -5.296875 2.015625 -5.296875 C 1.046875 -5.296875 0.421875 -4.578125 0.421875 -3.859375 C 0.421875 -3.46875 0.734375 -3.421875 0.84375 -3.421875 C 1.015625 -3.421875 1.265625 -3.53125 1.265625 -3.84375 C 1.265625 -4.25 0.859375 -4.25 0.765625 -4.25 C 1 -4.84375 1.53125 -5.03125 1.921875 -5.03125 C 2.65625 -5.03125 3.046875 -4.40625 3.046875 -3.734375 C 3.046875 -2.90625 2.46875 -2.296875 1.515625 -1.34375 L 0.515625 -0.296875 C 0.421875 -0.21875 0.421875 -0.203125 0.421875 0 L 3.5625 0 L 3.796875 -1.421875 L 3.546875 -1.421875 C 3.53125 -1.265625 3.46875 -0.875 3.375 -0.71875 C 3.328125 -0.65625 2.71875 -0.65625 2.59375 -0.65625 L 1.171875 -0.65625 Z M 2.25 -1.625 "></path> 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fill-opacity="1" d="M 5.671875 87.875 C 5.671875 86.308594 4.402344 85.039062 2.835938 85.039062 C 1.269531 85.039062 0 86.308594 0 87.875 C 0 89.441406 1.269531 90.707031 2.835938 90.707031 C 4.402344 90.707031 5.671875 89.441406 5.671875 87.875 Z M 5.671875 87.875 "></path> </g> <g clip-path="url(#QX4UPTpILFcwWbPVpLBqp8IGxOU=-clip-1)"> <path fill-rule="nonzero" fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1" d="M 90.710938 87.875 C 90.710938 86.308594 89.441406 85.039062 87.875 85.039062 C 86.308594 85.039062 85.039062 86.308594 85.039062 87.875 C 85.039062 89.441406 86.308594 90.707031 87.875 90.707031 C 89.441406 90.707031 90.710938 89.441406 90.710938 87.875 Z M 90.710938 87.875 "></path> </g> <path fill-rule="nonzero" fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1" d="M 5.671875 2.832031 C 5.671875 1.269531 4.402344 0 2.835938 0 C 1.269531 0 0 1.269531 0 2.832031 C 0 4.398438 1.269531 5.667969 2.835938 5.667969 C 4.402344 5.667969 5.671875 4.398438 5.671875 2.832031 Z M 5.671875 2.832031 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-1.578125 C 9.3125 -0.625 8.875 -0.125 8.390625 -0.125 C 8.265625 -0.125 8.078125 -0.125 8.078125 -0.515625 C 8.078125 -0.828125 8.21875 -1.203125 8.265625 -1.34375 C 8.484375 -1.90625 9.03125 -3.328125 9.03125 -4.015625 C 9.03125 -4.734375 8.609375 -5.265625 7.703125 -5.265625 C 6.890625 -5.265625 6.25 -4.8125 5.765625 -4.109375 C 5.734375 -4.75 5.34375 -5.265625 4.453125 -5.265625 C 3.375 -5.265625 2.828125 -4.515625 2.609375 -4.21875 C 2.5625 -4.90625 2.078125 -5.265625 1.546875 -5.265625 C 1.203125 -5.265625 0.9375 -5.109375 0.703125 -4.65625 C 0.484375 -4.21875 0.328125 -3.484375 0.328125 -3.4375 C 0.328125 -3.390625 0.375 -3.328125 0.453125 -3.328125 C 0.546875 -3.328125 0.5625 -3.34375 0.640625 -3.625 C 0.8125 -4.328125 1.046875 -5.03125 1.515625 -5.03125 C 1.796875 -5.03125 1.890625 -4.84375 1.890625 -4.484375 C 1.890625 -4.21875 1.765625 -3.75 1.6875 -3.375 L 1.34375 -2.09375 C 1.296875 -1.859375 1.171875 -1.328125 1.109375 -1.109375 C 1.03125 -0.796875 0.890625 -0.234375 0.890625 -0.171875 C 0.890625 -0.015625 1.03125 0.125 1.203125 0.125 C 1.34375 0.125 1.515625 0.046875 1.609375 -0.125 C 1.640625 -0.1875 1.75 -0.609375 1.8125 -0.84375 L 2.0625 -1.921875 Z M 2.46875 -3.5 "></path> </g> <g id="4EjGVnOHbLRqcruL72VPBNdM1h0=-glyph-0-2"> <path d="M 0.515625 1.515625 C 0.4375 1.875 0.375 1.96875 -0.109375 1.96875 C -0.25 1.96875 -0.375 1.96875 -0.375 2.203125 C -0.375 2.21875 -0.359375 2.3125 -0.234375 2.3125 C -0.078125 2.3125 0.09375 2.296875 0.25 2.296875 L 0.765625 2.296875 C 1.015625 2.296875 1.625 2.3125 1.875 2.3125 C 1.953125 2.3125 2.09375 2.3125 2.09375 2.109375 C 2.09375 1.96875 2.015625 1.96875 1.8125 1.96875 C 1.25 1.96875 1.21875 1.890625 1.21875 1.796875 C 1.21875 1.65625 1.75 -0.40625 1.828125 -0.6875 C 1.953125 -0.34375 2.28125 0.125 2.90625 0.125 C 4.25 0.125 5.71875 -1.640625 5.71875 -3.390625 C 5.71875 -4.5 5.09375 -5.265625 4.203125 -5.265625 C 3.4375 -5.265625 2.78125 -4.53125 2.65625 -4.359375 C 2.5625 -4.953125 2.09375 -5.265625 1.609375 -5.265625 C 1.265625 -5.265625 0.984375 -5.109375 0.765625 -4.65625 C 0.546875 -4.21875 0.375 -3.484375 0.375 -3.4375 C 0.375 -3.390625 0.4375 -3.328125 0.515625 -3.328125 C 0.609375 -3.328125 0.625 -3.34375 0.6875 -3.625 C 0.875 -4.328125 1.09375 -5.03125 1.578125 -5.03125 C 1.859375 -5.03125 1.953125 -4.84375 1.953125 -4.484375 C 1.953125 -4.203125 1.90625 -4.078125 1.859375 -3.859375 Z M 2.578125 -3.734375 C 2.671875 -4.0625 3 -4.40625 3.1875 -4.578125 C 3.328125 -4.703125 3.71875 -5.03125 4.171875 -5.03125 C 4.703125 -5.03125 4.9375 -4.5 4.9375 -3.890625 C 4.9375 -3.3125 4.609375 -1.953125 4.296875 -1.34375 C 4 -0.6875 3.453125 -0.125 2.90625 -0.125 C 2.09375 -0.125 1.953125 -1.140625 1.953125 -1.1875 C 1.953125 -1.234375 1.984375 -1.328125 2 -1.390625 Z M 2.578125 -3.734375 "></path> </g> <g id="4EjGVnOHbLRqcruL72VPBNdM1h0=-glyph-0-3"> <path d="M 2.328125 0.046875 C 2.328125 -0.640625 2.109375 -1.15625 1.609375 -1.15625 C 1.234375 -1.15625 1.046875 -0.84375 1.046875 -0.578125 C 1.046875 -0.328125 1.21875 0 1.625 0 C 1.78125 0 1.90625 -0.046875 2.015625 -0.15625 C 2.046875 -0.171875 2.0625 -0.171875 2.0625 -0.171875 C 2.09375 -0.171875 2.09375 -0.015625 2.09375 0.046875 C 2.09375 0.4375 2.015625 1.21875 1.328125 2 C 1.1875 2.140625 1.1875 2.15625 1.1875 2.1875 C 1.1875 2.25 1.25 2.3125 1.3125 2.3125 C 1.40625 2.3125 2.328125 1.421875 2.328125 0.046875 Z M 2.328125 0.046875 "></path> </g> <g id="4EjGVnOHbLRqcruL72VPBNdM1h0=-glyph-0-4"> <path d="M 2.140625 -2.765625 C 2.46875 -2.765625 3.28125 -2.796875 3.84375 -3.015625 C 4.75 -3.359375 4.84375 -4.046875 4.84375 -4.265625 C 4.84375 -4.796875 4.390625 -5.265625 3.59375 -5.265625 C 2.34375 -5.265625 0.53125 -4.140625 0.53125 -2.015625 C 0.53125 -0.75 1.25 0.125 2.34375 0.125 C 3.96875 0.125 5 -1.140625 5 -1.296875 C 5 -1.375 4.921875 -1.4375 4.875 -1.4375 C 4.84375 -1.4375 4.828125 -1.421875 4.71875 -1.3125 C 3.953125 -0.296875 2.828125 -0.125 2.359375 -0.125 C 1.6875 -0.125 1.328125 -0.65625 1.328125 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C 1.859375 -5.03125 1.953125 -4.84375 1.953125 -4.484375 C 1.953125 -4.203125 1.90625 -4.078125 1.859375 -3.859375 Z M 2.578125 -3.734375 C 2.671875 -4.0625 3 -4.40625 3.1875 -4.578125 C 3.328125 -4.703125 3.71875 -5.03125 4.171875 -5.03125 C 4.703125 -5.03125 4.9375 -4.5 4.9375 -3.890625 C 4.9375 -3.3125 4.609375 -1.953125 4.296875 -1.34375 C 4 -0.6875 3.453125 -0.125 2.90625 -0.125 C 2.09375 -0.125 1.953125 -1.140625 1.953125 -1.1875 C 1.953125 -1.234375 1.984375 -1.328125 2 -1.390625 Z M 2.578125 -3.734375 "></path> </g> <g id="GtODkAJcfDghO9oHUBBYA017NKE=-glyph-0-3"> <path d="M 2.328125 0.046875 C 2.328125 -0.640625 2.109375 -1.15625 1.609375 -1.15625 C 1.234375 -1.15625 1.046875 -0.84375 1.046875 -0.578125 C 1.046875 -0.328125 1.21875 0 1.625 0 C 1.78125 0 1.90625 -0.046875 2.015625 -0.15625 C 2.046875 -0.171875 2.0625 -0.171875 2.0625 -0.171875 C 2.09375 -0.171875 2.09375 -0.015625 2.09375 0.046875 C 2.09375 0.4375 2.015625 1.21875 1.328125 2 C 1.1875 2.140625 1.1875 2.15625 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4.703125 -5.03125 4.9375 -4.5 4.9375 -3.890625 C 4.9375 -3.3125 4.609375 -1.953125 4.296875 -1.34375 C 4 -0.6875 3.453125 -0.125 2.90625 -0.125 C 2.09375 -0.125 1.953125 -1.140625 1.953125 -1.1875 C 1.953125 -1.234375 1.984375 -1.328125 2 -1.390625 Z M 2.578125 -3.734375 "></path> </g> <g id="yhIUJ-ieF2v3d-A45Up_8JW9L_A=-glyph-0-3"> <path d="M 2.328125 0.046875 C 2.328125 -0.640625 2.109375 -1.15625 1.609375 -1.15625 C 1.234375 -1.15625 1.046875 -0.84375 1.046875 -0.578125 C 1.046875 -0.328125 1.21875 0 1.625 0 C 1.78125 0 1.90625 -0.046875 2.015625 -0.15625 C 2.046875 -0.171875 2.0625 -0.171875 2.0625 -0.171875 C 2.09375 -0.171875 2.09375 -0.015625 2.09375 0.046875 C 2.09375 0.4375 2.015625 1.21875 1.328125 2 C 1.1875 2.140625 1.1875 2.15625 1.1875 2.1875 C 1.1875 2.25 1.25 2.3125 1.3125 2.3125 C 1.40625 2.3125 2.328125 1.421875 2.328125 0.046875 Z M 2.328125 0.046875 "></path> </g> <g id="yhIUJ-ieF2v3d-A45Up_8JW9L_A=-glyph-1-0"> </g> <g id="yhIUJ-ieF2v3d-A45Up_8JW9L_A=-glyph-1-1"> 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-1.196901 1.593511 C -1.097819 0.997276 0.000314382 0.0984972 0.297598 0.000207448 C 0.000797276 -0.0995309 -1.097504 -0.996346 -1.19645 -1.593064 " transform="matrix(0.25879, -0.96593, -0.96593, -0.25879, 171.28256, 36.18595)"></path> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#yhIUJ-ieF2v3d-A45Up_8JW9L_A=-glyph-2-1" x="146.981" y="96.16967"></use> </g> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#yhIUJ-ieF2v3d-A45Up_8JW9L_A=-glyph-0-3" x="156.279" y="96.16967"></use> </g> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#yhIUJ-ieF2v3d-A45Up_8JW9L_A=-glyph-0-1" x="161.527333" y="96.16967"></use> </g> </svg> </div> <p>The set of cones can be taken to have four elements, the first being the leftmost vertex (cone of the empty set), the second consisting of</p> <div style="text-align: center"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="106.484" height="90.709" viewBox="0 0 106.484 90.709"> <defs> <g> <g id="7GSLybxXgvUlUq-Y3WgEdkmwV00=-glyph-0-0"> 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0.6875 -3.625 C 0.875 -4.328125 1.09375 -5.03125 1.578125 -5.03125 C 1.859375 -5.03125 1.953125 -4.84375 1.953125 -4.484375 C 1.953125 -4.203125 1.90625 -4.078125 1.859375 -3.859375 Z M 2.578125 -3.734375 C 2.671875 -4.0625 3 -4.40625 3.1875 -4.578125 C 3.328125 -4.703125 3.71875 -5.03125 4.171875 -5.03125 C 4.703125 -5.03125 4.9375 -4.5 4.9375 -3.890625 C 4.9375 -3.3125 4.609375 -1.953125 4.296875 -1.34375 C 4 -0.6875 3.453125 -0.125 2.90625 -0.125 C 2.09375 -0.125 1.953125 -1.140625 1.953125 -1.1875 C 1.953125 -1.234375 1.984375 -1.328125 2 -1.390625 Z M 2.578125 -3.734375 "></path> </g> <g id="7GSLybxXgvUlUq-Y3WgEdkmwV00=-glyph-1-0"> </g> <g id="7GSLybxXgvUlUq-Y3WgEdkmwV00=-glyph-1-1"> <path d="M 2.5 -5.078125 C 2.5 -5.296875 2.484375 -5.296875 2.265625 -5.296875 C 1.9375 -4.984375 1.515625 -4.796875 0.765625 -4.796875 L 0.765625 -4.53125 C 0.984375 -4.53125 1.40625 -4.53125 1.875 -4.734375 L 1.875 -0.65625 C 1.875 -0.359375 1.84375 -0.265625 1.09375 -0.265625 L 0.8125 -0.265625 L 0.8125 0 C 1.140625 -0.03125 1.828125 -0.03125 2.1875 -0.03125 C 2.546875 -0.03125 3.234375 -0.03125 3.5625 0 L 3.5625 -0.265625 L 3.28125 -0.265625 C 2.53125 -0.265625 2.5 -0.359375 2.5 -0.65625 Z M 2.5 -5.078125 "></path> </g> <g id="7GSLybxXgvUlUq-Y3WgEdkmwV00=-glyph-1-2"> <path d="M 2.25 -1.625 C 2.375 -1.75 2.703125 -2.015625 2.84375 -2.125 C 3.328125 -2.578125 3.796875 -3.015625 3.796875 -3.734375 C 3.796875 -4.6875 3 -5.296875 2.015625 -5.296875 C 1.046875 -5.296875 0.421875 -4.578125 0.421875 -3.859375 C 0.421875 -3.46875 0.734375 -3.421875 0.84375 -3.421875 C 1.015625 -3.421875 1.265625 -3.53125 1.265625 -3.84375 C 1.265625 -4.25 0.859375 -4.25 0.765625 -4.25 C 1 -4.84375 1.53125 -5.03125 1.921875 -5.03125 C 2.65625 -5.03125 3.046875 -4.40625 3.046875 -3.734375 C 3.046875 -2.90625 2.46875 -2.296875 1.515625 -1.34375 L 0.515625 -0.296875 C 0.421875 -0.21875 0.421875 -0.203125 0.421875 0 L 3.5625 0 L 3.796875 -1.421875 L 3.546875 -1.421875 C 3.53125 -1.265625 3.46875 -0.875 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88.197187 -5.465469 C 101.622969 -28.719375 153.497969 -28.719375 167.154219 -5.067031 " transform="matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, -82.205, 37.015)"></path> </g> <path fill="none" stroke-width="0.31879" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M -1.194444 1.594863 C -1.097286 0.997494 -0.00140357 0.0986729 0.299058 0.0018862 C 0.000616606 -0.100961 -1.094522 -0.9978 -1.195045 -1.593805 " transform="matrix(-0.49998, -0.86601, -0.86601, 0.49998, 5.991, 42.4807)"></path> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#VQ3SMExXn_SpZI4uBXpdD_3AwOs=-glyph-0-1" x="40.051" y="67.803"></use> </g> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#VQ3SMExXn_SpZI4uBXpdD_3AwOs=-glyph-1-1" x="45.926" y="69.596"></use> </g> <g clip-path="url(#VQ3SMExXn_SpZI4uBXpdD_3AwOs=-clip-2)"> <path fill="none" stroke-width="0.3985" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 88.197187 5.46692 C 101.622969 28.720826 153.497969 28.720826 167.154219 5.068483 " transform="matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, -82.205, 38.18567)"></path> </g> <path fill="none" stroke-width="0.31879" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M -1.196302 1.59308 C -1.095779 0.997074 -0.000640249 0.100235 0.301184 -0.00065869 C 0.000722588 -0.0974454 -1.09516 -0.996266 -1.195701 -1.595588 " transform="matrix(-0.49998, 0.86601, 0.86601, 0.49998, 5.991, 32.71997)"></path> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#VQ3SMExXn_SpZI4uBXpdD_3AwOs=-glyph-0-1" x="40.051" y="10.21967"></use> </g> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#VQ3SMExXn_SpZI4uBXpdD_3AwOs=-glyph-1-2" x="45.926" y="12.01367"></use> </g> </svg> </div> <p>The set of co-cones can be taken to be empty.</p> <p>In a model of this sketch, the leftmost vertex is sent to a one element set <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mn>1</mn></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">1</annotation></semantics></math>, the middle vertex is sent to an arbitrary set <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>X</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">X</annotation></semantics></math>, the top vertex is sent to the product <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mn>1</mn><mo>×</mo><mi>X</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">1 \times X</annotation></semantics></math>, the bottom vertex is sent to the product <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>X</mi><mo>×</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">X \times 1</annotation></semantics></math>, and the right vertex is sent to the product <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>X</mi><mo>×</mo><mi>X</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">X \times X</annotation></semantics></math>. The arrow <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>e</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">e</annotation></semantics></math> picks out an element <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><msub><mi>e</mi> <mi>X</mi></msub></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">e_{X}</annotation></semantics></math> of <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>X</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">X</annotation></semantics></math>.</p> <p>The arrow <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>e</mi><mo>,</mo><mo lspace="verythinmathspace" rspace="0em">−</mo></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">e,-</annotation></semantics></math> is sent to an arrow <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><msub><mi>e</mi> <mi>X</mi></msub><mo>×</mo><mi>id</mi><mo>:</mo><mn>1</mn><mo>×</mo><mi>X</mi><mo>→</mo><mi>X</mi><mo>×</mo><mi>X</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">e_{X} \times id: 1 \times X \rightarrow X \times X</annotation></semantics></math>, which is forced by the universal property of <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>X</mi><mo>×</mo><mi>X</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">X \times X</annotation></semantics></math> and the fact that the diagrams</p> <div style="text-align: center"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="165.728" height="92.559" viewBox="0 0 165.728 92.559"> <defs> <g> <g id="dWL0wyoEs0hkvLStpYIqzRNpJQI=-glyph-0-0"> </g> <g id="dWL0wyoEs0hkvLStpYIqzRNpJQI=-glyph-0-1"> <path d="M 4.296875 -9.578125 C 4.296875 -9.921875 4.296875 -9.9375 4 -9.9375 C 3.640625 -9.53125 2.890625 -8.984375 1.359375 -8.984375 L 1.359375 -8.546875 C 1.703125 -8.546875 2.453125 -8.546875 3.265625 -8.9375 L 3.265625 -1.15625 C 3.265625 -0.609375 3.21875 -0.4375 1.90625 -0.4375 L 1.453125 -0.4375 L 1.453125 0 C 1.859375 -0.03125 3.296875 -0.03125 3.796875 -0.03125 C 4.28125 -0.03125 5.71875 -0.03125 6.125 0 L 6.125 -0.4375 L 5.65625 -0.4375 C 4.34375 -0.4375 4.296875 -0.609375 4.296875 -1.15625 Z M 4.296875 -9.578125 "></path> </g> <g id="dWL0wyoEs0hkvLStpYIqzRNpJQI=-glyph-1-0"> </g> <g id="dWL0wyoEs0hkvLStpYIqzRNpJQI=-glyph-1-1"> <path d="M 5.8125 -4.15625 L 2.828125 -7.125 C 2.640625 -7.296875 2.609375 -7.328125 2.5 -7.328125 C 2.34375 -7.328125 2.203125 -7.203125 2.203125 -7.03125 C 2.203125 -6.9375 2.21875 -6.90625 2.390625 -6.734375 L 5.375 -3.734375 L 2.390625 -0.734375 C 2.21875 -0.5625 2.203125 -0.53125 2.203125 -0.4375 C 2.203125 -0.265625 2.34375 -0.140625 2.5 -0.140625 C 2.609375 -0.140625 2.640625 -0.171875 2.828125 -0.34375 L 5.796875 -3.3125 L 8.890625 -0.21875 C 8.921875 -0.203125 9.015625 -0.140625 9.109375 -0.140625 C 9.296875 -0.140625 9.40625 -0.265625 9.40625 -0.4375 C 9.40625 -0.46875 9.40625 -0.515625 9.359375 -0.59375 C 9.34375 -0.625 6.96875 -2.96875 6.234375 -3.734375 L 8.96875 -6.46875 C 9.03125 -6.5625 9.265625 -6.75 9.328125 -6.84375 C 9.34375 -6.875 9.40625 -6.9375 9.40625 -7.03125 C 9.40625 -7.203125 9.296875 -7.328125 9.109375 -7.328125 C 9 -7.328125 8.9375 -7.28125 8.765625 -7.109375 Z M 5.8125 -4.15625 "></path> </g> <g id="dWL0wyoEs0hkvLStpYIqzRNpJQI=-glyph-2-0"> </g> <g id="dWL0wyoEs0hkvLStpYIqzRNpJQI=-glyph-2-1"> <path d="M 7.09375 -6.0625 L 5.6875 -9.328125 C 5.890625 -9.6875 6.328125 -9.75 6.515625 -9.765625 C 6.609375 -9.765625 6.765625 -9.78125 6.765625 -10.03125 C 6.765625 -10.203125 6.625 -10.203125 6.546875 -10.203125 C 6.28125 -10.203125 5.984375 -10.171875 5.734375 -10.171875 L 4.875 -10.171875 C 3.953125 -10.171875 3.296875 -10.203125 3.28125 -10.203125 C 3.171875 -10.203125 3.015625 -10.203125 3.015625 -9.921875 C 3.015625 -9.765625 3.15625 -9.765625 3.34375 -9.765625 C 4.21875 -9.765625 4.265625 -9.625 4.421875 -9.265625 L 6.203125 -5.109375 L 2.953125 -1.640625 C 2.421875 -1.0625 1.78125 -0.5 0.671875 -0.4375 C 0.5 -0.421875 0.375 -0.421875 0.375 -0.15625 C 0.375 -0.109375 0.390625 0 0.546875 0 C 0.765625 0 0.984375 -0.03125 1.1875 -0.03125 L 1.890625 -0.03125 C 2.375 -0.03125 2.890625 0 3.359375 0 C 3.46875 0 3.640625 0 3.640625 -0.265625 C 3.640625 -0.421875 3.546875 -0.4375 3.453125 -0.4375 C 3.15625 -0.46875 2.953125 -0.625 2.953125 -0.859375 C 2.953125 -1.125 3.140625 -1.296875 3.5625 -1.75 L 4.90625 -3.203125 C 5.234375 -3.546875 6.015625 -4.40625 6.34375 -4.734375 L 7.921875 -1.0625 C 7.9375 -1.03125 7.984375 -0.875 7.984375 -0.859375 C 7.984375 -0.734375 7.65625 -0.46875 7.1875 -0.4375 C 7.09375 -0.4375 6.9375 -0.421875 6.9375 -0.15625 C 6.9375 0 7.078125 0 7.15625 0 C 7.40625 0 7.703125 -0.03125 7.96875 -0.03125 L 9.609375 -0.03125 C 9.875 -0.03125 10.15625 0 10.40625 0 C 10.515625 0 10.6875 0 10.6875 -0.28125 C 10.6875 -0.4375 10.53125 -0.4375 10.390625 -0.4375 C 9.5 -0.453125 9.46875 -0.515625 9.21875 -1.078125 L 7.25 -5.703125 L 9.140625 -7.734375 C 9.296875 -7.890625 9.640625 -8.265625 9.765625 -8.40625 C 10.40625 -9.078125 11.015625 -9.6875 12.21875 -9.765625 C 12.375 -9.78125 12.515625 -9.78125 12.515625 -10.03125 C 12.515625 -10.203125 12.390625 -10.203125 12.328125 -10.203125 C 12.109375 -10.203125 11.890625 -10.171875 11.6875 -10.171875 L 11 -10.171875 C 10.515625 -10.171875 10 -10.203125 9.53125 -10.203125 C 9.421875 -10.203125 9.25 -10.203125 9.25 -9.9375 C 9.25 -9.78125 9.34375 -9.765625 9.4375 -9.765625 C 9.671875 -9.734375 9.9375 -9.625 9.9375 -9.328125 L 9.921875 -9.3125 C 9.90625 -9.203125 9.875 -9.046875 9.703125 -8.875 Z M 7.09375 -6.0625 "></path> </g> <g id="dWL0wyoEs0hkvLStpYIqzRNpJQI=-glyph-3-0"> </g> <g id="dWL0wyoEs0hkvLStpYIqzRNpJQI=-glyph-3-1"> <path d="M 2 -2.265625 C 2.21875 -2.265625 2.96875 -2.28125 3.5 -2.46875 C 4.359375 -2.765625 4.390625 -3.375 4.390625 -3.515625 C 4.390625 -4.078125 3.875 -4.390625 3.21875 -4.390625 C 2.09375 -4.390625 0.484375 -3.515625 0.484375 -1.75 C 0.484375 -0.734375 1.109375 0.09375 2.203125 0.09375 C 3.765625 0.09375 4.59375 -0.890625 4.59375 -1.03125 C 4.59375 -1.125 4.5 -1.203125 4.4375 -1.203125 C 4.375 -1.203125 4.34375 -1.171875 4.296875 -1.109375 C 3.515625 -0.171875 2.390625 -0.171875 2.21875 -0.171875 C 1.5 -0.171875 1.28125 -0.796875 1.28125 -1.359375 C 1.28125 -1.65625 1.359375 -2.109375 1.40625 -2.265625 Z M 1.484375 -2.546875 C 1.796875 -3.765625 2.71875 -4.109375 3.21875 -4.109375 C 3.625 -4.109375 4 -3.921875 4 -3.515625 C 4 -2.546875 2.359375 -2.546875 1.9375 -2.546875 Z M 1.484375 -2.546875 "></path> </g> <g id="dWL0wyoEs0hkvLStpYIqzRNpJQI=-glyph-3-2"> <path d="M 2.96875 -6.21875 C 2.96875 -6.4375 2.8125 -6.59375 2.578125 -6.59375 C 2.328125 -6.59375 2.03125 -6.359375 2.03125 -6.0625 C 2.03125 -5.84375 2.1875 -5.6875 2.421875 -5.6875 C 2.6875 -5.6875 2.96875 -5.921875 2.96875 -6.21875 Z M 1.515625 -2.5625 L 0.984375 -1.1875 C 0.921875 -1.03125 0.875 -0.921875 0.875 -0.75 C 0.875 -0.265625 1.25 0.09375 1.78125 0.09375 C 2.75 0.09375 3.15625 -1.296875 3.15625 -1.421875 C 3.15625 -1.53125 3.078125 -1.5625 3.015625 -1.5625 C 2.890625 -1.5625 2.875 -1.484375 2.84375 -1.390625 C 2.609375 -0.59375 2.203125 -0.171875 1.796875 -0.171875 C 1.6875 -0.171875 1.5625 -0.234375 1.5625 -0.5 C 1.5625 -0.734375 1.640625 -0.921875 1.765625 -1.21875 C 1.859375 -1.5 1.96875 -1.765625 2.078125 -2.03125 L 2.375 -2.84375 C 2.46875 -3.078125 2.59375 -3.375 2.59375 -3.546875 C 2.59375 -4.046875 2.1875 -4.390625 1.6875 -4.390625 C 0.71875 -4.390625 0.296875 -3 0.296875 -2.875 C 0.296875 -2.78125 0.375 -2.734375 0.453125 -2.734375 C 0.578125 -2.734375 0.59375 -2.796875 0.625 -2.90625 C 0.890625 -3.84375 1.359375 -4.109375 1.65625 -4.109375 C 1.796875 -4.109375 1.890625 -4.0625 1.890625 -3.78125 C 1.890625 -3.6875 1.890625 -3.546875 1.78125 -3.25 Z M 1.515625 -2.5625 "></path> </g> <g id="dWL0wyoEs0hkvLStpYIqzRNpJQI=-glyph-3-3"> <path d="M 5.359375 -6.625 C 5.375 -6.640625 5.40625 -6.765625 5.40625 -6.78125 C 5.40625 -6.828125 5.359375 -6.921875 5.25 -6.921875 C 5.203125 -6.921875 4.890625 -6.890625 4.671875 -6.875 L 4.109375 -6.828125 C 3.890625 -6.8125 3.78125 -6.796875 3.78125 -6.625 C 3.78125 -6.484375 3.921875 -6.484375 4.046875 -6.484375 C 4.53125 -6.484375 4.53125 -6.421875 4.53125 -6.328125 C 4.53125 -6.265625 4.453125 -5.9375 4.390625 -5.734375 L 3.90625 -3.796875 C 3.8125 -3.96875 3.53125 -4.390625 2.921875 -4.390625 C 1.734375 -4.390625 0.421875 -3.015625 0.421875 -1.53125 C 0.421875 -0.5 1.09375 0.09375 1.859375 0.09375 C 2.5 0.09375 3.046875 -0.40625 3.234375 -0.609375 C 3.40625 0.078125 4.09375 0.09375 4.203125 0.09375 C 4.671875 0.09375 4.890625 -0.28125 4.96875 -0.453125 C 5.171875 -0.8125 5.3125 -1.390625 5.3125 -1.421875 C 5.3125 -1.484375 5.28125 -1.5625 5.15625 -1.5625 C 5.03125 -1.5625 5.015625 -1.5 4.953125 -1.25 C 4.8125 -0.703125 4.625 -0.171875 4.234375 -0.171875 C 4 -0.171875 3.921875 -0.375 3.921875 -0.640625 C 3.921875 -0.84375 3.953125 -0.953125 3.984375 -1.078125 Z M 3.234375 -1.078125 C 2.734375 -0.390625 2.21875 -0.171875 1.890625 -0.171875 C 1.4375 -0.171875 1.203125 -0.59375 1.203125 -1.109375 C 1.203125 -1.578125 1.46875 -2.65625 1.6875 -3.09375 C 1.984375 -3.703125 2.46875 -4.109375 2.9375 -4.109375 C 3.578125 -4.109375 3.765625 -3.390625 3.765625 -3.265625 C 3.765625 -3.234375 3.515625 -2.25 3.453125 -2 C 3.328125 -1.53125 3.328125 -1.5 3.234375 -1.078125 Z M 3.234375 -1.078125 "></path> </g> <g id="dWL0wyoEs0hkvLStpYIqzRNpJQI=-glyph-3-4"> <path d="M 0.515625 1.203125 C 0.4375 1.53125 0.421875 1.609375 0.015625 1.609375 C -0.125 1.609375 -0.234375 1.609375 -0.234375 1.796875 C -0.234375 1.890625 -0.15625 1.9375 -0.09375 1.9375 C 0 1.9375 0.046875 1.90625 0.78125 1.90625 C 1.5 1.90625 1.703125 1.9375 1.78125 1.9375 C 1.8125 1.9375 1.96875 1.9375 1.96875 1.75 C 1.96875 1.609375 1.828125 1.609375 1.703125 1.609375 C 1.21875 1.609375 1.21875 1.546875 1.21875 1.453125 C 1.21875 1.390625 1.40625 0.671875 1.703125 -0.484375 C 1.828125 -0.265625 2.140625 0.09375 2.6875 0.09375 C 3.90625 0.09375 5.1875 -1.3125 5.1875 -2.765625 C 5.1875 -3.75 4.546875 -4.390625 3.75 -4.390625 C 3.15625 -4.390625 2.671875 -3.984375 2.375 -3.6875 C 2.171875 -4.390625 1.5 -4.390625 1.40625 -4.390625 C 1.046875 -4.390625 0.796875 -4.171875 0.640625 -3.859375 C 0.40625 -3.40625 0.296875 -2.90625 0.296875 -2.875 C 0.296875 -2.78125 0.375 -2.734375 0.453125 -2.734375 C 0.578125 -2.734375 0.59375 -2.78125 0.65625 -3.046875 C 0.78125 -3.546875 0.96875 -4.109375 1.375 -4.109375 C 1.625 -4.109375 1.6875 -3.890625 1.6875 -3.65625 C 1.6875 -3.546875 1.65625 -3.3125 1.640625 -3.234375 Z M 2.359375 -3.078125 C 2.40625 -3.234375 2.40625 -3.265625 2.546875 -3.4375 C 2.9375 -3.890625 3.359375 -4.109375 3.71875 -4.109375 C 4.21875 -4.109375 4.40625 -3.625 4.40625 -3.1875 C 4.40625 -2.8125 4.1875 -1.75 3.890625 -1.15625 C 3.625 -0.625 3.15625 -0.171875 2.6875 -0.171875 C 2 -0.171875 1.84375 -0.953125 1.84375 -1.03125 C 1.84375 -1.046875 1.859375 -1.15625 1.875 -1.1875 Z M 2.359375 -3.078125 "></path> </g> <g id="dWL0wyoEs0hkvLStpYIqzRNpJQI=-glyph-4-0"> </g> <g id="dWL0wyoEs0hkvLStpYIqzRNpJQI=-glyph-4-1"> <path d="M 4.453125 -2.75 C 4.453125 -2.75 4.421875 -2.828125 4.421875 -2.84375 C 4.421875 -2.84375 4.421875 -2.859375 4.578125 -3 L 5.796875 -4.171875 C 5.984375 -4.34375 6.234375 -4.515625 6.3125 -4.5625 C 6.609375 -4.734375 6.859375 -4.78125 7.125 -4.796875 C 7.234375 -4.8125 7.328125 -4.8125 7.328125 -4.984375 C 7.328125 -5.03125 7.28125 -5.09375 7.203125 -5.09375 C 6.984375 -5.09375 6.703125 -5.078125 6.46875 -5.078125 L 6.03125 -5.078125 C 5.890625 -5.078125 5.734375 -5.09375 5.59375 -5.09375 C 5.53125 -5.09375 5.421875 -5.09375 5.421875 -4.921875 C 5.421875 -4.8125 5.515625 -4.796875 5.546875 -4.796875 C 5.640625 -4.796875 5.78125 -4.765625 5.78125 -4.625 C 5.78125 -4.53125 5.71875 -4.453125 5.484375 -4.234375 L 4.890625 -3.671875 C 4.828125 -3.609375 4.375 -3.171875 4.28125 -3.09375 L 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-9.625 4.421875 -9.265625 L 6.203125 -5.109375 L 2.953125 -1.640625 C 2.421875 -1.0625 1.78125 -0.5 0.671875 -0.4375 C 0.5 -0.421875 0.375 -0.421875 0.375 -0.15625 C 0.375 -0.109375 0.390625 0 0.546875 0 C 0.765625 0 0.984375 -0.03125 1.1875 -0.03125 L 1.890625 -0.03125 C 2.375 -0.03125 2.890625 0 3.359375 0 C 3.46875 0 3.640625 0 3.640625 -0.265625 C 3.640625 -0.421875 3.546875 -0.4375 3.453125 -0.4375 C 3.15625 -0.46875 2.953125 -0.625 2.953125 -0.859375 C 2.953125 -1.125 3.140625 -1.296875 3.5625 -1.75 L 4.90625 -3.203125 C 5.234375 -3.546875 6.015625 -4.40625 6.34375 -4.734375 L 7.921875 -1.0625 C 7.9375 -1.03125 7.984375 -0.875 7.984375 -0.859375 C 7.984375 -0.734375 7.65625 -0.46875 7.1875 -0.4375 C 7.09375 -0.4375 6.9375 -0.421875 6.9375 -0.15625 C 6.9375 0 7.078125 0 7.15625 0 C 7.40625 0 7.703125 -0.03125 7.96875 -0.03125 L 9.609375 -0.03125 C 9.875 -0.03125 10.15625 0 10.40625 0 C 10.515625 0 10.6875 0 10.6875 -0.28125 C 10.6875 -0.4375 10.53125 -0.4375 10.390625 -0.4375 C 9.5 -0.453125 9.46875 -0.515625 9.21875 -1.078125 L 7.25 -5.703125 L 9.140625 -7.734375 C 9.296875 -7.890625 9.640625 -8.265625 9.765625 -8.40625 C 10.40625 -9.078125 11.015625 -9.6875 12.21875 -9.765625 C 12.375 -9.78125 12.515625 -9.78125 12.515625 -10.03125 C 12.515625 -10.203125 12.390625 -10.203125 12.328125 -10.203125 C 12.109375 -10.203125 11.890625 -10.171875 11.6875 -10.171875 L 11 -10.171875 C 10.515625 -10.171875 10 -10.203125 9.53125 -10.203125 C 9.421875 -10.203125 9.25 -10.203125 9.25 -9.9375 C 9.25 -9.78125 9.34375 -9.765625 9.4375 -9.765625 C 9.671875 -9.734375 9.9375 -9.625 9.9375 -9.328125 L 9.921875 -9.3125 C 9.90625 -9.203125 9.875 -9.046875 9.703125 -8.875 Z M 7.09375 -6.0625 "></path> </g> <g id="CTDP5phQOceq7ytOTtc1o2cvZfA=-glyph-3-0"> </g> <g id="CTDP5phQOceq7ytOTtc1o2cvZfA=-glyph-3-1"> <path d="M 2 -2.265625 C 2.21875 -2.265625 2.96875 -2.28125 3.5 -2.46875 C 4.359375 -2.765625 4.390625 -3.375 4.390625 -3.515625 C 4.390625 -4.078125 3.875 -4.390625 3.21875 -4.390625 C 2.09375 -4.390625 0.484375 -3.515625 0.484375 -1.75 C 0.484375 -0.734375 1.109375 0.09375 2.203125 0.09375 C 3.765625 0.09375 4.59375 -0.890625 4.59375 -1.03125 C 4.59375 -1.125 4.5 -1.203125 4.4375 -1.203125 C 4.375 -1.203125 4.34375 -1.171875 4.296875 -1.109375 C 3.515625 -0.171875 2.390625 -0.171875 2.21875 -0.171875 C 1.5 -0.171875 1.28125 -0.796875 1.28125 -1.359375 C 1.28125 -1.65625 1.359375 -2.109375 1.40625 -2.265625 Z M 1.484375 -2.546875 C 1.796875 -3.765625 2.71875 -4.109375 3.21875 -4.109375 C 3.625 -4.109375 4 -3.921875 4 -3.515625 C 4 -2.546875 2.359375 -2.546875 1.9375 -2.546875 Z M 1.484375 -2.546875 "></path> </g> <g id="CTDP5phQOceq7ytOTtc1o2cvZfA=-glyph-3-2"> <path d="M 2.96875 -6.21875 C 2.96875 -6.4375 2.8125 -6.59375 2.578125 -6.59375 C 2.328125 -6.59375 2.03125 -6.359375 2.03125 -6.0625 C 2.03125 -5.84375 2.1875 -5.6875 2.421875 -5.6875 C 2.6875 -5.6875 2.96875 -5.921875 2.96875 -6.21875 Z M 1.515625 -2.5625 L 0.984375 -1.1875 C 0.921875 -1.03125 0.875 -0.921875 0.875 -0.75 C 0.875 -0.265625 1.25 0.09375 1.78125 0.09375 C 2.75 0.09375 3.15625 -1.296875 3.15625 -1.421875 C 3.15625 -1.53125 3.078125 -1.5625 3.015625 -1.5625 C 2.890625 -1.5625 2.875 -1.484375 2.84375 -1.390625 C 2.609375 -0.59375 2.203125 -0.171875 1.796875 -0.171875 C 1.6875 -0.171875 1.5625 -0.234375 1.5625 -0.5 C 1.5625 -0.734375 1.640625 -0.921875 1.765625 -1.21875 C 1.859375 -1.5 1.96875 -1.765625 2.078125 -2.03125 L 2.375 -2.84375 C 2.46875 -3.078125 2.59375 -3.375 2.59375 -3.546875 C 2.59375 -4.046875 2.1875 -4.390625 1.6875 -4.390625 C 0.71875 -4.390625 0.296875 -3 0.296875 -2.875 C 0.296875 -2.78125 0.375 -2.734375 0.453125 -2.734375 C 0.578125 -2.734375 0.59375 -2.796875 0.625 -2.90625 C 0.890625 -3.84375 1.359375 -4.109375 1.65625 -4.109375 C 1.796875 -4.109375 1.890625 -4.0625 1.890625 -3.78125 C 1.890625 -3.6875 1.890625 -3.546875 1.78125 -3.25 Z M 1.515625 -2.5625 "></path> </g> <g id="CTDP5phQOceq7ytOTtc1o2cvZfA=-glyph-3-3"> <path d="M 5.359375 -6.625 C 5.375 -6.640625 5.40625 -6.765625 5.40625 -6.78125 C 5.40625 -6.828125 5.359375 -6.921875 5.25 -6.921875 C 5.203125 -6.921875 4.890625 -6.890625 4.671875 -6.875 L 4.109375 -6.828125 C 3.890625 -6.8125 3.78125 -6.796875 3.78125 -6.625 C 3.78125 -6.484375 3.921875 -6.484375 4.046875 -6.484375 C 4.53125 -6.484375 4.53125 -6.421875 4.53125 -6.328125 C 4.53125 -6.265625 4.453125 -5.9375 4.390625 -5.734375 L 3.90625 -3.796875 C 3.8125 -3.96875 3.53125 -4.390625 2.921875 -4.390625 C 1.734375 -4.390625 0.421875 -3.015625 0.421875 -1.53125 C 0.421875 -0.5 1.09375 0.09375 1.859375 0.09375 C 2.5 0.09375 3.046875 -0.40625 3.234375 -0.609375 C 3.40625 0.078125 4.09375 0.09375 4.203125 0.09375 C 4.671875 0.09375 4.890625 -0.28125 4.96875 -0.453125 C 5.171875 -0.8125 5.3125 -1.390625 5.3125 -1.421875 C 5.3125 -1.484375 5.28125 -1.5625 5.15625 -1.5625 C 5.03125 -1.5625 5.015625 -1.5 4.953125 -1.25 C 4.8125 -0.703125 4.625 -0.171875 4.234375 -0.171875 C 4 -0.171875 3.921875 -0.375 3.921875 -0.640625 C 3.921875 -0.84375 3.953125 -0.953125 3.984375 -1.078125 Z M 3.234375 -1.078125 C 2.734375 -0.390625 2.21875 -0.171875 1.890625 -0.171875 C 1.4375 -0.171875 1.203125 -0.59375 1.203125 -1.109375 C 1.203125 -1.578125 1.46875 -2.65625 1.6875 -3.09375 C 1.984375 -3.703125 2.46875 -4.109375 2.9375 -4.109375 C 3.578125 -4.109375 3.765625 -3.390625 3.765625 -3.265625 C 3.765625 -3.234375 3.515625 -2.25 3.453125 -2 C 3.328125 -1.53125 3.328125 -1.5 3.234375 -1.078125 Z M 3.234375 -1.078125 "></path> </g> <g id="CTDP5phQOceq7ytOTtc1o2cvZfA=-glyph-3-4"> <path d="M 0.515625 1.203125 C 0.4375 1.53125 0.421875 1.609375 0.015625 1.609375 C -0.125 1.609375 -0.234375 1.609375 -0.234375 1.796875 C -0.234375 1.890625 -0.15625 1.9375 -0.09375 1.9375 C 0 1.9375 0.046875 1.90625 0.78125 1.90625 C 1.5 1.90625 1.703125 1.9375 1.78125 1.9375 C 1.8125 1.9375 1.96875 1.9375 1.96875 1.75 C 1.96875 1.609375 1.828125 1.609375 1.703125 1.609375 C 1.21875 1.609375 1.21875 1.546875 1.21875 1.453125 C 1.21875 1.390625 1.40625 0.671875 1.703125 -0.484375 C 1.828125 -0.265625 2.140625 0.09375 2.6875 0.09375 C 3.90625 0.09375 5.1875 -1.3125 5.1875 -2.765625 C 5.1875 -3.75 4.546875 -4.390625 3.75 -4.390625 C 3.15625 -4.390625 2.671875 -3.984375 2.375 -3.6875 C 2.171875 -4.390625 1.5 -4.390625 1.40625 -4.390625 C 1.046875 -4.390625 0.796875 -4.171875 0.640625 -3.859375 C 0.40625 -3.40625 0.296875 -2.90625 0.296875 -2.875 C 0.296875 -2.78125 0.375 -2.734375 0.453125 -2.734375 C 0.578125 -2.734375 0.59375 -2.78125 0.65625 -3.046875 C 0.78125 -3.546875 0.96875 -4.109375 1.375 -4.109375 C 1.625 -4.109375 1.6875 -3.890625 1.6875 -3.65625 C 1.6875 -3.546875 1.65625 -3.3125 1.640625 -3.234375 Z M 2.359375 -3.078125 C 2.40625 -3.234375 2.40625 -3.265625 2.546875 -3.4375 C 2.9375 -3.890625 3.359375 -4.109375 3.71875 -4.109375 C 4.21875 -4.109375 4.40625 -3.625 4.40625 -3.1875 C 4.40625 -2.8125 4.1875 -1.75 3.890625 -1.15625 C 3.625 -0.625 3.15625 -0.171875 2.6875 -0.171875 C 2 -0.171875 1.84375 -0.953125 1.84375 -1.03125 C 1.84375 -1.046875 1.859375 -1.15625 1.875 -1.1875 Z M 2.359375 -3.078125 "></path> </g> <g id="CTDP5phQOceq7ytOTtc1o2cvZfA=-glyph-4-0"> </g> <g id="CTDP5phQOceq7ytOTtc1o2cvZfA=-glyph-4-1"> <path d="M 4.453125 -2.75 C 4.453125 -2.75 4.421875 -2.828125 4.421875 -2.84375 C 4.421875 -2.84375 4.421875 -2.859375 4.578125 -3 L 5.796875 -4.171875 C 5.984375 -4.34375 6.234375 -4.515625 6.3125 -4.5625 C 6.609375 -4.734375 6.859375 -4.78125 7.125 -4.796875 C 7.234375 -4.8125 7.328125 -4.8125 7.328125 -4.984375 C 7.328125 -5.03125 7.28125 -5.09375 7.203125 -5.09375 C 6.984375 -5.09375 6.703125 -5.078125 6.46875 -5.078125 L 6.03125 -5.078125 C 5.890625 -5.078125 5.734375 -5.09375 5.59375 -5.09375 C 5.53125 -5.09375 5.421875 -5.09375 5.421875 -4.921875 C 5.421875 -4.8125 5.515625 -4.796875 5.546875 -4.796875 C 5.640625 -4.796875 5.78125 -4.765625 5.78125 -4.625 C 5.78125 -4.53125 5.71875 -4.453125 5.484375 -4.234375 L 4.890625 -3.671875 C 4.828125 -3.609375 4.375 -3.171875 4.28125 -3.09375 L 3.484375 -4.546875 C 3.484375 -4.5625 3.4375 -4.625 3.4375 -4.640625 C 3.4375 -4.6875 3.59375 -4.78125 3.828125 -4.796875 C 3.890625 -4.796875 4 -4.8125 4 -4.984375 C 4 -5.015625 3.984375 -5.09375 3.875 -5.09375 C 3.71875 -5.09375 3.53125 -5.078125 3.375 -5.078125 C 3.375 -5.078125 2.859375 -5.078125 2.859375 -5.078125 C 2.71875 -5.078125 2.5625 -5.078125 2.421875 -5.078125 C 2.265625 -5.078125 2.109375 -5.09375 1.96875 -5.09375 C 1.875 -5.09375 1.796875 -5.0625 1.796875 -4.921875 C 1.796875 -4.796875 1.890625 -4.796875 2.03125 -4.796875 C 2.484375 -4.796875 2.53125 -4.734375 2.59375 -4.59375 L 3.71875 -2.546875 C 3.546875 -2.40625 3.1875 -2.0625 2.921875 -1.8125 C 1.6875 -0.609375 1.390625 -0.328125 0.6875 -0.296875 C 0.578125 -0.296875 0.484375 -0.296875 0.484375 -0.109375 C 0.484375 -0.0625 0.53125 0 0.59375 0 C 0.8125 0 1.09375 -0.03125 1.328125 -0.03125 C 1.53125 -0.03125 2.03125 0 2.21875 0 C 2.265625 0 2.390625 0 2.390625 -0.1875 C 2.390625 -0.296875 2.296875 -0.296875 2.25 -0.296875 C 2.15625 -0.3125 2.015625 -0.34375 2.015625 -0.46875 C 2.015625 -0.515625 2.03125 -0.546875 2.09375 -0.65625 C 2.109375 -0.65625 2.125 -0.6875 2.140625 -0.703125 L 3.84375 -2.3125 L 4.796875 -0.5625 C 4.828125 -0.5 4.84375 -0.484375 4.84375 -0.46875 C 4.84375 -0.421875 4.703125 -0.3125 4.453125 -0.296875 C 4.40625 -0.296875 4.28125 -0.296875 4.28125 -0.109375 C 4.28125 -0.09375 4.296875 0 4.421875 0 C 4.578125 0 4.75 -0.015625 4.921875 -0.015625 C 4.921875 -0.015625 5.4375 -0.03125 5.4375 -0.03125 C 5.578125 -0.03125 5.71875 -0.015625 5.875 -0.015625 C 6.015625 -0.015625 6.1875 0 6.328125 0 C 6.421875 0 6.484375 -0.046875 6.484375 -0.1875 C 6.484375 -0.296875 6.375 -0.296875 6.28125 -0.296875 C 5.8125 -0.296875 5.765625 -0.359375 5.703125 -0.5 Z M 4.453125 -2.75 "></path> </g> <g id="CTDP5phQOceq7ytOTtc1o2cvZfA=-glyph-5-0"> </g> <g id="CTDP5phQOceq7ytOTtc1o2cvZfA=-glyph-5-1"> <path d="M 6.53125 -4.578125 C 6.65625 -4.703125 6.671875 -4.75 6.671875 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of the arrows <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><msub><mi>e</mi> <mi>X</mi></msub></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">e_{X}</annotation></semantics></math> and <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>id</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">id</annotation></semantics></math>. Similarly, the arrow <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mo lspace="verythinmathspace" rspace="0em">−</mo><mo>,</mo><mi>e</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">-,e</annotation></semantics></math> is sent to an arrow <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>id</mi><mo>×</mo><msub><mi>e</mi> <mi>X</mi></msub><mo>:</mo><mi>X</mi><mo>×</mo><mn>1</mn><mo>→</mo><mi>X</mi><mo>×</mo><mi>X</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">id \times e_{X}: X \times 1 \rightarrow X \times X</annotation></semantics></math>, which is forced by the fact that the diagrams</p> <div style="text-align: center"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="165.728" height="89.068" viewBox="0 0 165.728 89.068"> <defs> <g> <g id="C5wMajoAzLm6AIEgcC5xIXBXZio=-glyph-0-0"> </g> <g id="C5wMajoAzLm6AIEgcC5xIXBXZio=-glyph-0-1"> <path d="M 7.09375 -6.0625 L 5.6875 -9.328125 C 5.890625 -9.6875 6.328125 -9.75 6.515625 -9.765625 C 6.609375 -9.765625 6.765625 -9.78125 6.765625 -10.03125 C 6.765625 -10.203125 6.625 -10.203125 6.546875 -10.203125 C 6.28125 -10.203125 5.984375 -10.171875 5.734375 -10.171875 L 4.875 -10.171875 C 3.953125 -10.171875 3.296875 -10.203125 3.28125 -10.203125 C 3.171875 -10.203125 3.015625 -10.203125 3.015625 -9.921875 C 3.015625 -9.765625 3.15625 -9.765625 3.34375 -9.765625 C 4.21875 -9.765625 4.265625 -9.625 4.421875 -9.265625 L 6.203125 -5.109375 L 2.953125 -1.640625 C 2.421875 -1.0625 1.78125 -0.5 0.671875 -0.4375 C 0.5 -0.421875 0.375 -0.421875 0.375 -0.15625 C 0.375 -0.109375 0.390625 0 0.546875 0 C 0.765625 0 0.984375 -0.03125 1.1875 -0.03125 L 1.890625 -0.03125 C 2.375 -0.03125 2.890625 0 3.359375 0 C 3.46875 0 3.640625 0 3.640625 -0.265625 C 3.640625 -0.421875 3.546875 -0.4375 3.453125 -0.4375 C 3.15625 -0.46875 2.953125 -0.625 2.953125 -0.859375 C 2.953125 -1.125 3.140625 -1.296875 3.5625 -1.75 L 4.90625 -3.203125 C 5.234375 -3.546875 6.015625 -4.40625 6.34375 -4.734375 L 7.921875 -1.0625 C 7.9375 -1.03125 7.984375 -0.875 7.984375 -0.859375 C 7.984375 -0.734375 7.65625 -0.46875 7.1875 -0.4375 C 7.09375 -0.4375 6.9375 -0.421875 6.9375 -0.15625 C 6.9375 0 7.078125 0 7.15625 0 C 7.40625 0 7.703125 -0.03125 7.96875 -0.03125 L 9.609375 -0.03125 C 9.875 -0.03125 10.15625 0 10.40625 0 C 10.515625 0 10.6875 0 10.6875 -0.28125 C 10.6875 -0.4375 10.53125 -0.4375 10.390625 -0.4375 C 9.5 -0.453125 9.46875 -0.515625 9.21875 -1.078125 L 7.25 -5.703125 L 9.140625 -7.734375 C 9.296875 -7.890625 9.640625 -8.265625 9.765625 -8.40625 C 10.40625 -9.078125 11.015625 -9.6875 12.21875 -9.765625 C 12.375 -9.78125 12.515625 -9.78125 12.515625 -10.03125 C 12.515625 -10.203125 12.390625 -10.203125 12.328125 -10.203125 C 12.109375 -10.203125 11.890625 -10.171875 11.6875 -10.171875 L 11 -10.171875 C 10.515625 -10.171875 10 -10.203125 9.53125 -10.203125 C 9.421875 -10.203125 9.25 -10.203125 9.25 -9.9375 C 9.25 -9.78125 9.34375 -9.765625 9.4375 -9.765625 C 9.671875 -9.734375 9.9375 -9.625 9.9375 -9.328125 L 9.921875 -9.3125 C 9.90625 -9.203125 9.875 -9.046875 9.703125 -8.875 Z M 7.09375 -6.0625 "></path> </g> <g id="C5wMajoAzLm6AIEgcC5xIXBXZio=-glyph-1-0"> </g> <g id="C5wMajoAzLm6AIEgcC5xIXBXZio=-glyph-1-1"> <path d="M 5.8125 -4.15625 L 2.828125 -7.125 C 2.640625 -7.296875 2.609375 -7.328125 2.5 -7.328125 C 2.34375 -7.328125 2.203125 -7.203125 2.203125 -7.03125 C 2.203125 -6.9375 2.21875 -6.90625 2.390625 -6.734375 L 5.375 -3.734375 L 2.390625 -0.734375 C 2.21875 -0.5625 2.203125 -0.53125 2.203125 -0.4375 C 2.203125 -0.265625 2.34375 -0.140625 2.5 -0.140625 C 2.609375 -0.140625 2.640625 -0.171875 2.828125 -0.34375 L 5.796875 -3.3125 L 8.890625 -0.21875 C 8.921875 -0.203125 9.015625 -0.140625 9.109375 -0.140625 C 9.296875 -0.140625 9.40625 -0.265625 9.40625 -0.4375 C 9.40625 -0.46875 9.40625 -0.515625 9.359375 -0.59375 C 9.34375 -0.625 6.96875 -2.96875 6.234375 -3.734375 L 8.96875 -6.46875 C 9.03125 -6.5625 9.265625 -6.75 9.328125 -6.84375 C 9.34375 -6.875 9.40625 -6.9375 9.40625 -7.03125 C 9.40625 -7.203125 9.296875 -7.328125 9.109375 -7.328125 C 9 -7.328125 8.9375 -7.28125 8.765625 -7.109375 Z M 5.8125 -4.15625 "></path> </g> <g id="C5wMajoAzLm6AIEgcC5xIXBXZio=-glyph-2-0"> </g> <g id="C5wMajoAzLm6AIEgcC5xIXBXZio=-glyph-2-1"> <path d="M 4.296875 -9.578125 C 4.296875 -9.921875 4.296875 -9.9375 4 -9.9375 C 3.640625 -9.53125 2.890625 -8.984375 1.359375 -8.984375 L 1.359375 -8.546875 C 1.703125 -8.546875 2.453125 -8.546875 3.265625 -8.9375 L 3.265625 -1.15625 C 3.265625 -0.609375 3.21875 -0.4375 1.90625 -0.4375 L 1.453125 -0.4375 L 1.453125 0 C 1.859375 -0.03125 3.296875 -0.03125 3.796875 -0.03125 C 4.28125 -0.03125 5.71875 -0.03125 6.125 0 L 6.125 -0.4375 L 5.65625 -0.4375 C 4.34375 -0.4375 4.296875 -0.609375 4.296875 -1.15625 Z M 4.296875 -9.578125 "></path> </g> <g id="C5wMajoAzLm6AIEgcC5xIXBXZio=-glyph-3-0"> </g> <g id="C5wMajoAzLm6AIEgcC5xIXBXZio=-glyph-3-1"> <path d="M 2.96875 -6.21875 C 2.96875 -6.4375 2.8125 -6.59375 2.578125 -6.59375 C 2.328125 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-4.109375 1.890625 -4.0625 1.890625 -3.78125 C 1.890625 -3.6875 1.890625 -3.546875 1.78125 -3.25 Z M 1.515625 -2.5625 "></path> </g> <g id="C5wMajoAzLm6AIEgcC5xIXBXZio=-glyph-3-2"> <path d="M 5.359375 -6.625 C 5.375 -6.640625 5.40625 -6.765625 5.40625 -6.78125 C 5.40625 -6.828125 5.359375 -6.921875 5.25 -6.921875 C 5.203125 -6.921875 4.890625 -6.890625 4.671875 -6.875 L 4.109375 -6.828125 C 3.890625 -6.8125 3.78125 -6.796875 3.78125 -6.625 C 3.78125 -6.484375 3.921875 -6.484375 4.046875 -6.484375 C 4.53125 -6.484375 4.53125 -6.421875 4.53125 -6.328125 C 4.53125 -6.265625 4.453125 -5.9375 4.390625 -5.734375 L 3.90625 -3.796875 C 3.8125 -3.96875 3.53125 -4.390625 2.921875 -4.390625 C 1.734375 -4.390625 0.421875 -3.015625 0.421875 -1.53125 C 0.421875 -0.5 1.09375 0.09375 1.859375 0.09375 C 2.5 0.09375 3.046875 -0.40625 3.234375 -0.609375 C 3.40625 0.078125 4.09375 0.09375 4.203125 0.09375 C 4.671875 0.09375 4.890625 -0.28125 4.96875 -0.453125 C 5.171875 -0.8125 5.3125 -1.390625 5.3125 -1.421875 C 5.3125 -1.484375 5.28125 -1.5625 5.15625 -1.5625 C 5.03125 -1.5625 5.015625 -1.5 4.953125 -1.25 C 4.8125 -0.703125 4.625 -0.171875 4.234375 -0.171875 C 4 -0.171875 3.921875 -0.375 3.921875 -0.640625 C 3.921875 -0.84375 3.953125 -0.953125 3.984375 -1.078125 Z M 3.234375 -1.078125 C 2.734375 -0.390625 2.21875 -0.171875 1.890625 -0.171875 C 1.4375 -0.171875 1.203125 -0.59375 1.203125 -1.109375 C 1.203125 -1.578125 1.46875 -2.65625 1.6875 -3.09375 C 1.984375 -3.703125 2.46875 -4.109375 2.9375 -4.109375 C 3.578125 -4.109375 3.765625 -3.390625 3.765625 -3.265625 C 3.765625 -3.234375 3.515625 -2.25 3.453125 -2 C 3.328125 -1.53125 3.328125 -1.5 3.234375 -1.078125 Z M 3.234375 -1.078125 "></path> </g> <g id="C5wMajoAzLm6AIEgcC5xIXBXZio=-glyph-3-3"> <path d="M 2 -2.265625 C 2.21875 -2.265625 2.96875 -2.28125 3.5 -2.46875 C 4.359375 -2.765625 4.390625 -3.375 4.390625 -3.515625 C 4.390625 -4.078125 3.875 -4.390625 3.21875 -4.390625 C 2.09375 -4.390625 0.484375 -3.515625 0.484375 -1.75 C 0.484375 -0.734375 1.109375 0.09375 2.203125 0.09375 C 3.765625 0.09375 4.59375 -0.890625 4.59375 -1.03125 C 4.59375 -1.125 4.5 -1.203125 4.4375 -1.203125 C 4.375 -1.203125 4.34375 -1.171875 4.296875 -1.109375 C 3.515625 -0.171875 2.390625 -0.171875 2.21875 -0.171875 C 1.5 -0.171875 1.28125 -0.796875 1.28125 -1.359375 C 1.28125 -1.65625 1.359375 -2.109375 1.40625 -2.265625 Z M 1.484375 -2.546875 C 1.796875 -3.765625 2.71875 -4.109375 3.21875 -4.109375 C 3.625 -4.109375 4 -3.921875 4 -3.515625 C 4 -2.546875 2.359375 -2.546875 1.9375 -2.546875 Z M 1.484375 -2.546875 "></path> </g> <g id="C5wMajoAzLm6AIEgcC5xIXBXZio=-glyph-3-4"> <path d="M 0.515625 1.203125 C 0.4375 1.53125 0.421875 1.609375 0.015625 1.609375 C -0.125 1.609375 -0.234375 1.609375 -0.234375 1.796875 C -0.234375 1.890625 -0.15625 1.9375 -0.09375 1.9375 C 0 1.9375 0.046875 1.90625 0.78125 1.90625 C 1.5 1.90625 1.703125 1.9375 1.78125 1.9375 C 1.8125 1.9375 1.96875 1.9375 1.96875 1.75 C 1.96875 1.609375 1.828125 1.609375 1.703125 1.609375 C 1.21875 1.609375 1.21875 1.546875 1.21875 1.453125 C 1.21875 1.390625 1.40625 0.671875 1.703125 -0.484375 C 1.828125 -0.265625 2.140625 0.09375 2.6875 0.09375 C 3.90625 0.09375 5.1875 -1.3125 5.1875 -2.765625 C 5.1875 -3.75 4.546875 -4.390625 3.75 -4.390625 C 3.15625 -4.390625 2.671875 -3.984375 2.375 -3.6875 C 2.171875 -4.390625 1.5 -4.390625 1.40625 -4.390625 C 1.046875 -4.390625 0.796875 -4.171875 0.640625 -3.859375 C 0.40625 -3.40625 0.296875 -2.90625 0.296875 -2.875 C 0.296875 -2.78125 0.375 -2.734375 0.453125 -2.734375 C 0.578125 -2.734375 0.59375 -2.78125 0.65625 -3.046875 C 0.78125 -3.546875 0.96875 -4.109375 1.375 -4.109375 C 1.625 -4.109375 1.6875 -3.890625 1.6875 -3.65625 C 1.6875 -3.546875 1.65625 -3.3125 1.640625 -3.234375 Z M 2.359375 -3.078125 C 2.40625 -3.234375 2.40625 -3.265625 2.546875 -3.4375 C 2.9375 -3.890625 3.359375 -4.109375 3.71875 -4.109375 C 4.21875 -4.109375 4.40625 -3.625 4.40625 -3.1875 C 4.40625 -2.8125 4.1875 -1.75 3.890625 -1.15625 C 3.625 -0.625 3.15625 -0.171875 2.6875 -0.171875 C 2 -0.171875 1.84375 -0.953125 1.84375 -1.03125 C 1.84375 -1.046875 1.859375 -1.15625 1.875 -1.1875 Z M 2.359375 -3.078125 "></path> </g> <g id="C5wMajoAzLm6AIEgcC5xIXBXZio=-glyph-4-0"> </g> <g id="C5wMajoAzLm6AIEgcC5xIXBXZio=-glyph-4-1"> <path d="M 6.53125 -4.578125 C 6.65625 -4.703125 6.671875 -4.75 6.671875 -4.828125 C 6.671875 -4.9375 6.5625 -5.046875 6.4375 -5.046875 C 6.34375 -5.046875 6.3125 -5.015625 6.203125 -4.90625 L 4.109375 -2.828125 L 2.03125 -4.921875 C 1.90625 -5.03125 1.859375 -5.046875 1.78125 -5.046875 C 1.671875 -5.046875 1.5625 -4.953125 1.5625 -4.828125 C 1.5625 -4.734375 1.59375 -4.6875 1.6875 -4.59375 L 3.78125 -2.5 L 1.703125 -0.40625 C 1.578125 -0.28125 1.5625 -0.234375 1.5625 -0.15625 C 1.5625 -0.03125 1.671875 0.0625 1.78125 0.0625 C 1.875 0.0625 1.90625 0.046875 2.015625 -0.0625 L 4.109375 -2.15625 L 6.28125 0.015625 C 6.328125 0.046875 6.390625 0.0625 6.4375 0.0625 C 6.5625 0.0625 6.671875 -0.046875 6.671875 -0.15625 C 6.671875 -0.234375 6.625 -0.28125 6.625 -0.296875 C 6.578125 -0.34375 4.984375 -1.9375 4.4375 -2.5 Z M 6.53125 -4.578125 "></path> </g> <g id="C5wMajoAzLm6AIEgcC5xIXBXZio=-glyph-5-0"> </g> <g id="C5wMajoAzLm6AIEgcC5xIXBXZio=-glyph-5-1"> <path d="M 4.453125 -2.75 C 4.453125 -2.75 4.421875 -2.828125 4.421875 -2.84375 C 4.421875 -2.84375 4.421875 -2.859375 4.578125 -3 L 5.796875 -4.171875 C 5.984375 -4.34375 6.234375 -4.515625 6.3125 -4.5625 C 6.609375 -4.734375 6.859375 -4.78125 7.125 -4.796875 C 7.234375 -4.8125 7.328125 -4.8125 7.328125 -4.984375 C 7.328125 -5.03125 7.28125 -5.09375 7.203125 -5.09375 C 6.984375 -5.09375 6.703125 -5.078125 6.46875 -5.078125 L 6.03125 -5.078125 C 5.890625 -5.078125 5.734375 -5.09375 5.59375 -5.09375 C 5.53125 -5.09375 5.421875 -5.09375 5.421875 -4.921875 C 5.421875 -4.8125 5.515625 -4.796875 5.546875 -4.796875 C 5.640625 -4.796875 5.78125 -4.765625 5.78125 -4.625 C 5.78125 -4.53125 5.71875 -4.453125 5.484375 -4.234375 L 4.890625 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-4.109375 1.890625 -4.0625 1.890625 -3.78125 C 1.890625 -3.6875 1.890625 -3.546875 1.78125 -3.25 Z M 1.515625 -2.5625 "></path> </g> <g id="zY01G5O-WacgztL6uRrmvki5lo4=-glyph-3-2"> <path d="M 5.359375 -6.625 C 5.375 -6.640625 5.40625 -6.765625 5.40625 -6.78125 C 5.40625 -6.828125 5.359375 -6.921875 5.25 -6.921875 C 5.203125 -6.921875 4.890625 -6.890625 4.671875 -6.875 L 4.109375 -6.828125 C 3.890625 -6.8125 3.78125 -6.796875 3.78125 -6.625 C 3.78125 -6.484375 3.921875 -6.484375 4.046875 -6.484375 C 4.53125 -6.484375 4.53125 -6.421875 4.53125 -6.328125 C 4.53125 -6.265625 4.453125 -5.9375 4.390625 -5.734375 L 3.90625 -3.796875 C 3.8125 -3.96875 3.53125 -4.390625 2.921875 -4.390625 C 1.734375 -4.390625 0.421875 -3.015625 0.421875 -1.53125 C 0.421875 -0.5 1.09375 0.09375 1.859375 0.09375 C 2.5 0.09375 3.046875 -0.40625 3.234375 -0.609375 C 3.40625 0.078125 4.09375 0.09375 4.203125 0.09375 C 4.671875 0.09375 4.890625 -0.28125 4.96875 -0.453125 C 5.171875 -0.8125 5.3125 -1.390625 5.3125 -1.421875 C 5.3125 -1.484375 5.28125 -1.5625 5.15625 -1.5625 C 5.03125 -1.5625 5.015625 -1.5 4.953125 -1.25 C 4.8125 -0.703125 4.625 -0.171875 4.234375 -0.171875 C 4 -0.171875 3.921875 -0.375 3.921875 -0.640625 C 3.921875 -0.84375 3.953125 -0.953125 3.984375 -1.078125 Z M 3.234375 -1.078125 C 2.734375 -0.390625 2.21875 -0.171875 1.890625 -0.171875 C 1.4375 -0.171875 1.203125 -0.59375 1.203125 -1.109375 C 1.203125 -1.578125 1.46875 -2.65625 1.6875 -3.09375 C 1.984375 -3.703125 2.46875 -4.109375 2.9375 -4.109375 C 3.578125 -4.109375 3.765625 -3.390625 3.765625 -3.265625 C 3.765625 -3.234375 3.515625 -2.25 3.453125 -2 C 3.328125 -1.53125 3.328125 -1.5 3.234375 -1.078125 Z M 3.234375 -1.078125 "></path> </g> <g id="zY01G5O-WacgztL6uRrmvki5lo4=-glyph-3-3"> <path d="M 2 -2.265625 C 2.21875 -2.265625 2.96875 -2.28125 3.5 -2.46875 C 4.359375 -2.765625 4.390625 -3.375 4.390625 -3.515625 C 4.390625 -4.078125 3.875 -4.390625 3.21875 -4.390625 C 2.09375 -4.390625 0.484375 -3.515625 0.484375 -1.75 C 0.484375 -0.734375 1.109375 0.09375 2.203125 0.09375 C 3.765625 0.09375 4.59375 -0.890625 4.59375 -1.03125 C 4.59375 -1.125 4.5 -1.203125 4.4375 -1.203125 C 4.375 -1.203125 4.34375 -1.171875 4.296875 -1.109375 C 3.515625 -0.171875 2.390625 -0.171875 2.21875 -0.171875 C 1.5 -0.171875 1.28125 -0.796875 1.28125 -1.359375 C 1.28125 -1.65625 1.359375 -2.109375 1.40625 -2.265625 Z M 1.484375 -2.546875 C 1.796875 -3.765625 2.71875 -4.109375 3.21875 -4.109375 C 3.625 -4.109375 4 -3.921875 4 -3.515625 C 4 -2.546875 2.359375 -2.546875 1.9375 -2.546875 Z M 1.484375 -2.546875 "></path> </g> <g id="zY01G5O-WacgztL6uRrmvki5lo4=-glyph-3-4"> <path d="M 0.515625 1.203125 C 0.4375 1.53125 0.421875 1.609375 0.015625 1.609375 C -0.125 1.609375 -0.234375 1.609375 -0.234375 1.796875 C -0.234375 1.890625 -0.15625 1.9375 -0.09375 1.9375 C 0 1.9375 0.046875 1.90625 0.78125 1.90625 C 1.5 1.90625 1.703125 1.9375 1.78125 1.9375 C 1.8125 1.9375 1.96875 1.9375 1.96875 1.75 C 1.96875 1.609375 1.828125 1.609375 1.703125 1.609375 C 1.21875 1.609375 1.21875 1.546875 1.21875 1.453125 C 1.21875 1.390625 1.40625 0.671875 1.703125 -0.484375 C 1.828125 -0.265625 2.140625 0.09375 2.6875 0.09375 C 3.90625 0.09375 5.1875 -1.3125 5.1875 -2.765625 C 5.1875 -3.75 4.546875 -4.390625 3.75 -4.390625 C 3.15625 -4.390625 2.671875 -3.984375 2.375 -3.6875 C 2.171875 -4.390625 1.5 -4.390625 1.40625 -4.390625 C 1.046875 -4.390625 0.796875 -4.171875 0.640625 -3.859375 C 0.40625 -3.40625 0.296875 -2.90625 0.296875 -2.875 C 0.296875 -2.78125 0.375 -2.734375 0.453125 -2.734375 C 0.578125 -2.734375 0.59375 -2.78125 0.65625 -3.046875 C 0.78125 -3.546875 0.96875 -4.109375 1.375 -4.109375 C 1.625 -4.109375 1.6875 -3.890625 1.6875 -3.65625 C 1.6875 -3.546875 1.65625 -3.3125 1.640625 -3.234375 Z M 2.359375 -3.078125 C 2.40625 -3.234375 2.40625 -3.265625 2.546875 -3.4375 C 2.9375 -3.890625 3.359375 -4.109375 3.71875 -4.109375 C 4.21875 -4.109375 4.40625 -3.625 4.40625 -3.1875 C 4.40625 -2.8125 4.1875 -1.75 3.890625 -1.15625 C 3.625 -0.625 3.15625 -0.171875 2.6875 -0.171875 C 2 -0.171875 1.84375 -0.953125 1.84375 -1.03125 C 1.84375 -1.046875 1.859375 -1.15625 1.875 -1.1875 Z M 2.359375 -3.078125 "></path> </g> <g id="zY01G5O-WacgztL6uRrmvki5lo4=-glyph-4-0"> </g> <g id="zY01G5O-WacgztL6uRrmvki5lo4=-glyph-4-1"> <path d="M 6.53125 -4.578125 C 6.65625 -4.703125 6.671875 -4.75 6.671875 -4.828125 C 6.671875 -4.9375 6.5625 -5.046875 6.4375 -5.046875 C 6.34375 -5.046875 6.3125 -5.015625 6.203125 -4.90625 L 4.109375 -2.828125 L 2.03125 -4.921875 C 1.90625 -5.03125 1.859375 -5.046875 1.78125 -5.046875 C 1.671875 -5.046875 1.5625 -4.953125 1.5625 -4.828125 C 1.5625 -4.734375 1.59375 -4.6875 1.6875 -4.59375 L 3.78125 -2.5 L 1.703125 -0.40625 C 1.578125 -0.28125 1.5625 -0.234375 1.5625 -0.15625 C 1.5625 -0.03125 1.671875 0.0625 1.78125 0.0625 C 1.875 0.0625 1.90625 0.046875 2.015625 -0.0625 L 4.109375 -2.15625 L 6.28125 0.015625 C 6.328125 0.046875 6.390625 0.0625 6.4375 0.0625 C 6.5625 0.0625 6.671875 -0.046875 6.671875 -0.15625 C 6.671875 -0.234375 6.625 -0.28125 6.625 -0.296875 C 6.578125 -0.34375 4.984375 -1.9375 4.4375 -2.5 Z M 6.53125 -4.578125 "></path> </g> <g id="zY01G5O-WacgztL6uRrmvki5lo4=-glyph-5-0"> </g> <g id="zY01G5O-WacgztL6uRrmvki5lo4=-glyph-5-1"> <path d="M 4.453125 -2.75 C 4.453125 -2.75 4.421875 -2.828125 4.421875 -2.84375 C 4.421875 -2.84375 4.421875 -2.859375 4.578125 -3 L 5.796875 -4.171875 C 5.984375 -4.34375 6.234375 -4.515625 6.3125 -4.5625 C 6.609375 -4.734375 6.859375 -4.78125 7.125 -4.796875 C 7.234375 -4.8125 7.328125 -4.8125 7.328125 -4.984375 C 7.328125 -5.03125 7.28125 -5.09375 7.203125 -5.09375 C 6.984375 -5.09375 6.703125 -5.078125 6.46875 -5.078125 L 6.03125 -5.078125 C 5.890625 -5.078125 5.734375 -5.09375 5.59375 -5.09375 C 5.53125 -5.09375 5.421875 -5.09375 5.421875 -4.921875 C 5.421875 -4.8125 5.515625 -4.796875 5.546875 -4.796875 C 5.640625 -4.796875 5.78125 -4.765625 5.78125 -4.625 C 5.78125 -4.53125 5.71875 -4.453125 5.484375 -4.234375 L 4.890625 -3.671875 C 4.828125 -3.609375 4.375 -3.171875 4.28125 -3.09375 L 3.484375 -4.546875 C 3.484375 -4.5625 3.4375 -4.625 3.4375 -4.640625 C 3.4375 -4.6875 3.59375 -4.78125 3.828125 -4.796875 C 3.890625 -4.796875 4 -4.8125 4 -4.984375 C 4 -5.015625 3.984375 -5.09375 3.875 -5.09375 C 3.71875 -5.09375 3.53125 -5.078125 3.375 -5.078125 C 3.375 -5.078125 2.859375 -5.078125 2.859375 -5.078125 C 2.71875 -5.078125 2.5625 -5.078125 2.421875 -5.078125 C 2.265625 -5.078125 2.109375 -5.09375 1.96875 -5.09375 C 1.875 -5.09375 1.796875 -5.0625 1.796875 -4.921875 C 1.796875 -4.796875 1.890625 -4.796875 2.03125 -4.796875 C 2.484375 -4.796875 2.53125 -4.734375 2.59375 -4.59375 L 3.71875 -2.546875 C 3.546875 -2.40625 3.1875 -2.0625 2.921875 -1.8125 C 1.6875 -0.609375 1.390625 -0.328125 0.6875 -0.296875 C 0.578125 -0.296875 0.484375 -0.296875 0.484375 -0.109375 C 0.484375 -0.0625 0.53125 0 0.59375 0 C 0.8125 0 1.09375 -0.03125 1.328125 -0.03125 C 1.53125 -0.03125 2.03125 0 2.21875 0 C 2.265625 0 2.390625 0 2.390625 -0.1875 C 2.390625 -0.296875 2.296875 -0.296875 2.25 -0.296875 C 2.15625 -0.3125 2.015625 -0.34375 2.015625 -0.46875 C 2.015625 -0.515625 2.03125 -0.546875 2.09375 -0.65625 C 2.109375 -0.65625 2.125 -0.6875 2.140625 -0.703125 L 3.84375 -2.3125 L 4.796875 -0.5625 C 4.828125 -0.5 4.84375 -0.484375 4.84375 -0.46875 C 4.84375 -0.421875 4.703125 -0.3125 4.453125 -0.296875 C 4.40625 -0.296875 4.28125 -0.296875 4.28125 -0.109375 C 4.28125 -0.09375 4.296875 0 4.421875 0 C 4.578125 0 4.75 -0.015625 4.921875 -0.015625 C 4.921875 -0.015625 5.4375 -0.03125 5.4375 -0.03125 C 5.578125 -0.03125 5.71875 -0.015625 5.875 -0.015625 C 6.015625 -0.015625 6.1875 0 6.328125 0 C 6.421875 0 6.484375 -0.046875 6.484375 -0.1875 C 6.484375 -0.296875 6.375 -0.296875 6.28125 -0.296875 C 5.8125 -0.296875 5.765625 -0.359375 5.703125 -0.5 Z M 4.453125 -2.75 "></path> </g> <g id="zY01G5O-WacgztL6uRrmvki5lo4=-glyph-6-0"> </g> <g id="zY01G5O-WacgztL6uRrmvki5lo4=-glyph-6-1"> <path d="M 4.015625 -1.390625 L 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</svg> </div> <p>commute to really be the product of the arrows <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><msub><mi>e</mi> <mi>X</mi></msub></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">e_{X}</annotation></semantics></math> and <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>id</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">id</annotation></semantics></math>.</p> <p>The arrow <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>m</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">m</annotation></semantics></math> is sent to a map <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>m</mi><mo>:</mo><mi>X</mi><mo>×</mo><mi>X</mi><mo>→</mo><mi>X</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">m: X \times X \rightarrow X</annotation></semantics></math> which is arbitrary except that the diagrams</p> <div style="text-align: center"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="165.728" height="89.068" viewBox="0 0 165.728 89.068"> <defs> <g> <g id="vF8vHvAgzJOP79KobiQDQJbOo6o=-glyph-0-0"> </g> <g id="vF8vHvAgzJOP79KobiQDQJbOo6o=-glyph-0-1"> <path d="M 4.296875 -9.578125 C 4.296875 -9.921875 4.296875 -9.9375 4 -9.9375 C 3.640625 -9.53125 2.890625 -8.984375 1.359375 -8.984375 L 1.359375 -8.546875 C 1.703125 -8.546875 2.453125 -8.546875 3.265625 -8.9375 L 3.265625 -1.15625 C 3.265625 -0.609375 3.21875 -0.4375 1.90625 -0.4375 L 1.453125 -0.4375 L 1.453125 0 C 1.859375 -0.03125 3.296875 -0.03125 3.796875 -0.03125 C 4.28125 -0.03125 5.71875 -0.03125 6.125 0 L 6.125 -0.4375 L 5.65625 -0.4375 C 4.34375 -0.4375 4.296875 -0.609375 4.296875 -1.15625 Z M 4.296875 -9.578125 "></path> </g> <g id="vF8vHvAgzJOP79KobiQDQJbOo6o=-glyph-1-0"> </g> <g id="vF8vHvAgzJOP79KobiQDQJbOo6o=-glyph-1-1"> <path d="M 5.8125 -4.15625 L 2.828125 -7.125 C 2.640625 -7.296875 2.609375 -7.328125 2.5 -7.328125 C 2.34375 -7.328125 2.203125 -7.203125 2.203125 -7.03125 C 2.203125 -6.9375 2.21875 -6.90625 2.390625 -6.734375 L 5.375 -3.734375 L 2.390625 -0.734375 C 2.21875 -0.5625 2.203125 -0.53125 2.203125 -0.4375 C 2.203125 -0.265625 2.34375 -0.140625 2.5 -0.140625 C 2.609375 -0.140625 2.640625 -0.171875 2.828125 -0.34375 L 5.796875 -3.3125 L 8.890625 -0.21875 C 8.921875 -0.203125 9.015625 -0.140625 9.109375 -0.140625 C 9.296875 -0.140625 9.40625 -0.265625 9.40625 -0.4375 C 9.40625 -0.46875 9.40625 -0.515625 9.359375 -0.59375 C 9.34375 -0.625 6.96875 -2.96875 6.234375 -3.734375 L 8.96875 -6.46875 C 9.03125 -6.5625 9.265625 -6.75 9.328125 -6.84375 C 9.34375 -6.875 9.40625 -6.9375 9.40625 -7.03125 C 9.40625 -7.203125 9.296875 -7.328125 9.109375 -7.328125 C 9 -7.328125 8.9375 -7.28125 8.765625 -7.109375 Z M 5.8125 -4.15625 "></path> </g> <g id="vF8vHvAgzJOP79KobiQDQJbOo6o=-glyph-2-0"> </g> <g id="vF8vHvAgzJOP79KobiQDQJbOo6o=-glyph-2-1"> <path d="M 7.09375 -6.0625 L 5.6875 -9.328125 C 5.890625 -9.6875 6.328125 -9.75 6.515625 -9.765625 C 6.609375 -9.765625 6.765625 -9.78125 6.765625 -10.03125 C 6.765625 -10.203125 6.625 -10.203125 6.546875 -10.203125 C 6.28125 -10.203125 5.984375 -10.171875 5.734375 -10.171875 L 4.875 -10.171875 C 3.953125 -10.171875 3.296875 -10.203125 3.28125 -10.203125 C 3.171875 -10.203125 3.015625 -10.203125 3.015625 -9.921875 C 3.015625 -9.765625 3.15625 -9.765625 3.34375 -9.765625 C 4.21875 -9.765625 4.265625 -9.625 4.421875 -9.265625 L 6.203125 -5.109375 L 2.953125 -1.640625 C 2.421875 -1.0625 1.78125 -0.5 0.671875 -0.4375 C 0.5 -0.421875 0.375 -0.421875 0.375 -0.15625 C 0.375 -0.109375 0.390625 0 0.546875 0 C 0.765625 0 0.984375 -0.03125 1.1875 -0.03125 L 1.890625 -0.03125 C 2.375 -0.03125 2.890625 0 3.359375 0 C 3.46875 0 3.640625 0 3.640625 -0.265625 C 3.640625 -0.421875 3.546875 -0.4375 3.453125 -0.4375 C 3.15625 -0.46875 2.953125 -0.625 2.953125 -0.859375 C 2.953125 -1.125 3.140625 -1.296875 3.5625 -1.75 L 4.90625 -3.203125 C 5.234375 -3.546875 6.015625 -4.40625 6.34375 -4.734375 L 7.921875 -1.0625 C 7.9375 -1.03125 7.984375 -0.875 7.984375 -0.859375 C 7.984375 -0.734375 7.65625 -0.46875 7.1875 -0.4375 C 7.09375 -0.4375 6.9375 -0.421875 6.9375 -0.15625 C 6.9375 0 7.078125 0 7.15625 0 C 7.40625 0 7.703125 -0.03125 7.96875 -0.03125 L 9.609375 -0.03125 C 9.875 -0.03125 10.15625 0 10.40625 0 C 10.515625 0 10.6875 0 10.6875 -0.28125 C 10.6875 -0.4375 10.53125 -0.4375 10.390625 -0.4375 C 9.5 -0.453125 9.46875 -0.515625 9.21875 -1.078125 L 7.25 -5.703125 L 9.140625 -7.734375 C 9.296875 -7.890625 9.640625 -8.265625 9.765625 -8.40625 C 10.40625 -9.078125 11.015625 -9.6875 12.21875 -9.765625 C 12.375 -9.78125 12.515625 -9.78125 12.515625 -10.03125 C 12.515625 -10.203125 12.390625 -10.203125 12.328125 -10.203125 C 12.109375 -10.203125 11.890625 -10.171875 11.6875 -10.171875 L 11 -10.171875 C 10.515625 -10.171875 10 -10.203125 9.53125 -10.203125 C 9.421875 -10.203125 9.25 -10.203125 9.25 -9.9375 C 9.25 -9.78125 9.34375 -9.765625 9.4375 -9.765625 C 9.671875 -9.734375 9.9375 -9.625 9.9375 -9.328125 L 9.921875 -9.3125 C 9.90625 -9.203125 9.875 -9.046875 9.703125 -8.875 Z M 7.09375 -6.0625 "></path> </g> <g id="vF8vHvAgzJOP79KobiQDQJbOo6o=-glyph-3-0"> </g> <g id="vF8vHvAgzJOP79KobiQDQJbOo6o=-glyph-3-1"> <path d="M 2 -2.265625 C 2.21875 -2.265625 2.96875 -2.28125 3.5 -2.46875 C 4.359375 -2.765625 4.390625 -3.375 4.390625 -3.515625 C 4.390625 -4.078125 3.875 -4.390625 3.21875 -4.390625 C 2.09375 -4.390625 0.484375 -3.515625 0.484375 -1.75 C 0.484375 -0.734375 1.109375 0.09375 2.203125 0.09375 C 3.765625 0.09375 4.59375 -0.890625 4.59375 -1.03125 C 4.59375 -1.125 4.5 -1.203125 4.4375 -1.203125 C 4.375 -1.203125 4.34375 -1.171875 4.296875 -1.109375 C 3.515625 -0.171875 2.390625 -0.171875 2.21875 -0.171875 C 1.5 -0.171875 1.28125 -0.796875 1.28125 -1.359375 C 1.28125 -1.65625 1.359375 -2.109375 1.40625 -2.265625 Z M 1.484375 -2.546875 C 1.796875 -3.765625 2.71875 -4.109375 3.21875 -4.109375 C 3.625 -4.109375 4 -3.921875 4 -3.515625 C 4 -2.546875 2.359375 -2.546875 1.9375 -2.546875 Z M 1.484375 -2.546875 "></path> </g> <g id="vF8vHvAgzJOP79KobiQDQJbOo6o=-glyph-3-2"> <path d="M 2.96875 -6.21875 C 2.96875 -6.4375 2.8125 -6.59375 2.578125 -6.59375 C 2.328125 -6.59375 2.03125 -6.359375 2.03125 -6.0625 C 2.03125 -5.84375 2.1875 -5.6875 2.421875 -5.6875 C 2.6875 -5.6875 2.96875 -5.921875 2.96875 -6.21875 Z M 1.515625 -2.5625 L 0.984375 -1.1875 C 0.921875 -1.03125 0.875 -0.921875 0.875 -0.75 C 0.875 -0.265625 1.25 0.09375 1.78125 0.09375 C 2.75 0.09375 3.15625 -1.296875 3.15625 -1.421875 C 3.15625 -1.53125 3.078125 -1.5625 3.015625 -1.5625 C 2.890625 -1.5625 2.875 -1.484375 2.84375 -1.390625 C 2.609375 -0.59375 2.203125 -0.171875 1.796875 -0.171875 C 1.6875 -0.171875 1.5625 -0.234375 1.5625 -0.5 C 1.5625 -0.734375 1.640625 -0.921875 1.765625 -1.21875 C 1.859375 -1.5 1.96875 -1.765625 2.078125 -2.03125 L 2.375 -2.84375 C 2.46875 -3.078125 2.59375 -3.375 2.59375 -3.546875 C 2.59375 -4.046875 2.1875 -4.390625 1.6875 -4.390625 C 0.71875 -4.390625 0.296875 -3 0.296875 -2.875 C 0.296875 -2.78125 0.375 -2.734375 0.453125 -2.734375 C 0.578125 -2.734375 0.59375 -2.796875 0.625 -2.90625 C 0.890625 -3.84375 1.359375 -4.109375 1.65625 -4.109375 C 1.796875 -4.109375 1.890625 -4.0625 1.890625 -3.78125 C 1.890625 -3.6875 1.890625 -3.546875 1.78125 -3.25 Z M 1.515625 -2.5625 "></path> </g> <g id="vF8vHvAgzJOP79KobiQDQJbOo6o=-glyph-3-3"> <path d="M 5.359375 -6.625 C 5.375 -6.640625 5.40625 -6.765625 5.40625 -6.78125 C 5.40625 -6.828125 5.359375 -6.921875 5.25 -6.921875 C 5.203125 -6.921875 4.890625 -6.890625 4.671875 -6.875 L 4.109375 -6.828125 C 3.890625 -6.8125 3.78125 -6.796875 3.78125 -6.625 C 3.78125 -6.484375 3.921875 -6.484375 4.046875 -6.484375 C 4.53125 -6.484375 4.53125 -6.421875 4.53125 -6.328125 C 4.53125 -6.265625 4.453125 -5.9375 4.390625 -5.734375 L 3.90625 -3.796875 C 3.8125 -3.96875 3.53125 -4.390625 2.921875 -4.390625 C 1.734375 -4.390625 0.421875 -3.015625 0.421875 -1.53125 C 0.421875 -0.5 1.09375 0.09375 1.859375 0.09375 C 2.5 0.09375 3.046875 -0.40625 3.234375 -0.609375 C 3.40625 0.078125 4.09375 0.09375 4.203125 0.09375 C 4.671875 0.09375 4.890625 -0.28125 4.96875 -0.453125 C 5.171875 -0.8125 5.3125 -1.390625 5.3125 -1.421875 C 5.3125 -1.484375 5.28125 -1.5625 5.15625 -1.5625 C 5.03125 -1.5625 5.015625 -1.5 4.953125 -1.25 C 4.8125 -0.703125 4.625 -0.171875 4.234375 -0.171875 C 4 -0.171875 3.921875 -0.375 3.921875 -0.640625 C 3.921875 -0.84375 3.953125 -0.953125 3.984375 -1.078125 Z M 3.234375 -1.078125 C 2.734375 -0.390625 2.21875 -0.171875 1.890625 -0.171875 C 1.4375 -0.171875 1.203125 -0.59375 1.203125 -1.109375 C 1.203125 -1.578125 1.46875 -2.65625 1.6875 -3.09375 C 1.984375 -3.703125 2.46875 -4.109375 2.9375 -4.109375 C 3.578125 -4.109375 3.765625 -3.390625 3.765625 -3.265625 C 3.765625 -3.234375 3.515625 -2.25 3.453125 -2 C 3.328125 -1.53125 3.328125 -1.5 3.234375 -1.078125 Z M 3.234375 -1.078125 "></path> </g> <g id="vF8vHvAgzJOP79KobiQDQJbOo6o=-glyph-3-4"> <path d="M 0.515625 1.203125 C 0.4375 1.53125 0.421875 1.609375 0.015625 1.609375 C -0.125 1.609375 -0.234375 1.609375 -0.234375 1.796875 C -0.234375 1.890625 -0.15625 1.9375 -0.09375 1.9375 C 0 1.9375 0.046875 1.90625 0.78125 1.90625 C 1.5 1.90625 1.703125 1.9375 1.78125 1.9375 C 1.8125 1.9375 1.96875 1.9375 1.96875 1.75 C 1.96875 1.609375 1.828125 1.609375 1.703125 1.609375 C 1.21875 1.609375 1.21875 1.546875 1.21875 1.453125 C 1.21875 1.390625 1.40625 0.671875 1.703125 -0.484375 C 1.828125 -0.265625 2.140625 0.09375 2.6875 0.09375 C 3.90625 0.09375 5.1875 -1.3125 5.1875 -2.765625 C 5.1875 -3.75 4.546875 -4.390625 3.75 -4.390625 C 3.15625 -4.390625 2.671875 -3.984375 2.375 -3.6875 C 2.171875 -4.390625 1.5 -4.390625 1.40625 -4.390625 C 1.046875 -4.390625 0.796875 -4.171875 0.640625 -3.859375 C 0.40625 -3.40625 0.296875 -2.90625 0.296875 -2.875 C 0.296875 -2.78125 0.375 -2.734375 0.453125 -2.734375 C 0.578125 -2.734375 0.59375 -2.78125 0.65625 -3.046875 C 0.78125 -3.546875 0.96875 -4.109375 1.375 -4.109375 C 1.625 -4.109375 1.6875 -3.890625 1.6875 -3.65625 C 1.6875 -3.546875 1.65625 -3.3125 1.640625 -3.234375 Z M 2.359375 -3.078125 C 2.40625 -3.234375 2.40625 -3.265625 2.546875 -3.4375 C 2.9375 -3.890625 3.359375 -4.109375 3.71875 -4.109375 C 4.21875 -4.109375 4.40625 -3.625 4.40625 -3.1875 C 4.40625 -2.8125 4.1875 -1.75 3.890625 -1.15625 C 3.625 -0.625 3.15625 -0.171875 2.6875 -0.171875 C 2 -0.171875 1.84375 -0.953125 1.84375 -1.03125 C 1.84375 -1.046875 1.859375 -1.15625 1.875 -1.1875 Z M 2.359375 -3.078125 "></path> </g> <g id="vF8vHvAgzJOP79KobiQDQJbOo6o=-glyph-3-5"> <path d="M 2 -1.640625 C 2.03125 -1.78125 2.125 -2.15625 2.15625 -2.3125 C 2.1875 -2.40625 2.25 -2.65625 2.265625 -2.75 C 2.28125 -2.796875 2.609375 -3.453125 3.046875 -3.78125 C 3.390625 -4.03125 3.71875 -4.109375 4 -4.109375 C 4.359375 -4.109375 4.5625 -3.890625 4.5625 -3.4375 C 4.5625 -3.203125 4.5 -2.96875 4.390625 -2.515625 C 4.328125 -2.265625 4.15625 -1.59375 4.09375 -1.328125 L 3.953125 -0.734375 C 3.890625 -0.5625 3.828125 -0.265625 3.828125 -0.203125 C 3.828125 0.015625 4.015625 0.09375 4.140625 0.09375 C 4.328125 0.09375 4.46875 -0.015625 4.546875 -0.140625 C 4.578125 -0.203125 4.65625 -0.53125 4.703125 -0.75 L 4.9375 -1.640625 C 4.96875 -1.78125 5.0625 -2.15625 5.09375 -2.3125 C 5.234375 -2.84375 5.234375 -2.859375 5.46875 -3.1875 C 5.796875 -3.671875 6.265625 -4.109375 6.921875 -4.109375 C 7.28125 -4.109375 7.5 -3.90625 7.5 -3.4375 C 7.5 -2.890625 7.078125 -1.75 6.890625 -1.265625 C 6.78125 -1 6.765625 -0.9375 6.765625 -0.75 C 6.765625 -0.171875 7.234375 0.09375 7.65625 0.09375 C 8.640625 0.09375 9.046875 -1.296875 9.046875 -1.421875 C 9.046875 -1.53125 8.96875 -1.5625 8.890625 -1.5625 C 8.765625 -1.5625 8.75 -1.484375 8.71875 -1.390625 C 8.484375 -0.5625 8.0625 -0.171875 7.6875 -0.171875 C 7.53125 -0.171875 7.453125 -0.28125 7.453125 -0.515625 C 7.453125 -0.734375 7.53125 -0.953125 7.625 -1.203125 C 7.78125 -1.578125 8.21875 -2.734375 8.21875 -3.296875 C 8.21875 -4.03125 7.703125 -4.390625 6.984375 -4.390625 C 6.296875 -4.390625 5.71875 -4.03125 5.28125 -3.421875 C 5.1875 -4.21875 4.5625 -4.390625 4.03125 -4.390625 C 3.578125 -4.390625 2.96875 -4.234375 2.421875 -3.515625 C 2.359375 -4.109375 1.875 -4.390625 1.40625 -4.390625 C 1.0625 -4.390625 0.8125 -4.1875 0.640625 -3.84375 C 0.40625 -3.375 0.296875 -2.890625 0.296875 -2.875 C 0.296875 -2.78125 0.375 -2.734375 0.453125 -2.734375 C 0.578125 -2.734375 0.59375 -2.78125 0.65625 -3.046875 C 0.78125 -3.53125 0.953125 -4.109375 1.375 -4.109375 C 1.640625 -4.109375 1.6875 -3.875 1.6875 -3.65625 C 1.6875 -3.46875 1.640625 -3.28125 1.5625 -2.953125 C 1.546875 -2.875 1.390625 -2.28125 1.359375 -2.140625 L 0.984375 -0.640625 C 0.953125 -0.5 0.890625 -0.25 0.890625 -0.203125 C 0.890625 0.015625 1.078125 0.09375 1.203125 0.09375 C 1.390625 0.09375 1.53125 -0.015625 1.609375 -0.140625 C 1.640625 -0.203125 1.71875 -0.53125 1.765625 -0.75 Z M 2 -1.640625 "></path> </g> <g id="vF8vHvAgzJOP79KobiQDQJbOo6o=-glyph-4-0"> </g> <g id="vF8vHvAgzJOP79KobiQDQJbOo6o=-glyph-4-1"> <path d="M 4.453125 -2.75 C 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-5.921875 2.96875 -6.21875 Z M 1.515625 -2.5625 L 0.984375 -1.1875 C 0.921875 -1.03125 0.875 -0.921875 0.875 -0.75 C 0.875 -0.265625 1.25 0.09375 1.78125 0.09375 C 2.75 0.09375 3.15625 -1.296875 3.15625 -1.421875 C 3.15625 -1.53125 3.078125 -1.5625 3.015625 -1.5625 C 2.890625 -1.5625 2.875 -1.484375 2.84375 -1.390625 C 2.609375 -0.59375 2.203125 -0.171875 1.796875 -0.171875 C 1.6875 -0.171875 1.5625 -0.234375 1.5625 -0.5 C 1.5625 -0.734375 1.640625 -0.921875 1.765625 -1.21875 C 1.859375 -1.5 1.96875 -1.765625 2.078125 -2.03125 L 2.375 -2.84375 C 2.46875 -3.078125 2.59375 -3.375 2.59375 -3.546875 C 2.59375 -4.046875 2.1875 -4.390625 1.6875 -4.390625 C 0.71875 -4.390625 0.296875 -3 0.296875 -2.875 C 0.296875 -2.78125 0.375 -2.734375 0.453125 -2.734375 C 0.578125 -2.734375 0.59375 -2.796875 0.625 -2.90625 C 0.890625 -3.84375 1.359375 -4.109375 1.65625 -4.109375 C 1.796875 -4.109375 1.890625 -4.0625 1.890625 -3.78125 C 1.890625 -3.6875 1.890625 -3.546875 1.78125 -3.25 Z M 1.515625 -2.5625 "></path> </g> <g id="Nx6PuN-hFyY1vUc-JIYF94jj_DI=-glyph-3-2"> <path d="M 5.359375 -6.625 C 5.375 -6.640625 5.40625 -6.765625 5.40625 -6.78125 C 5.40625 -6.828125 5.359375 -6.921875 5.25 -6.921875 C 5.203125 -6.921875 4.890625 -6.890625 4.671875 -6.875 L 4.109375 -6.828125 C 3.890625 -6.8125 3.78125 -6.796875 3.78125 -6.625 C 3.78125 -6.484375 3.921875 -6.484375 4.046875 -6.484375 C 4.53125 -6.484375 4.53125 -6.421875 4.53125 -6.328125 C 4.53125 -6.265625 4.453125 -5.9375 4.390625 -5.734375 L 3.90625 -3.796875 C 3.8125 -3.96875 3.53125 -4.390625 2.921875 -4.390625 C 1.734375 -4.390625 0.421875 -3.015625 0.421875 -1.53125 C 0.421875 -0.5 1.09375 0.09375 1.859375 0.09375 C 2.5 0.09375 3.046875 -0.40625 3.234375 -0.609375 C 3.40625 0.078125 4.09375 0.09375 4.203125 0.09375 C 4.671875 0.09375 4.890625 -0.28125 4.96875 -0.453125 C 5.171875 -0.8125 5.3125 -1.390625 5.3125 -1.421875 C 5.3125 -1.484375 5.28125 -1.5625 5.15625 -1.5625 C 5.03125 -1.5625 5.015625 -1.5 4.953125 -1.25 C 4.8125 -0.703125 4.625 -0.171875 4.234375 -0.171875 C 4 -0.171875 3.921875 -0.375 3.921875 -0.640625 C 3.921875 -0.84375 3.953125 -0.953125 3.984375 -1.078125 Z M 3.234375 -1.078125 C 2.734375 -0.390625 2.21875 -0.171875 1.890625 -0.171875 C 1.4375 -0.171875 1.203125 -0.59375 1.203125 -1.109375 C 1.203125 -1.578125 1.46875 -2.65625 1.6875 -3.09375 C 1.984375 -3.703125 2.46875 -4.109375 2.9375 -4.109375 C 3.578125 -4.109375 3.765625 -3.390625 3.765625 -3.265625 C 3.765625 -3.234375 3.515625 -2.25 3.453125 -2 C 3.328125 -1.53125 3.328125 -1.5 3.234375 -1.078125 Z M 3.234375 -1.078125 "></path> </g> <g id="Nx6PuN-hFyY1vUc-JIYF94jj_DI=-glyph-3-3"> <path d="M 2 -2.265625 C 2.21875 -2.265625 2.96875 -2.28125 3.5 -2.46875 C 4.359375 -2.765625 4.390625 -3.375 4.390625 -3.515625 C 4.390625 -4.078125 3.875 -4.390625 3.21875 -4.390625 C 2.09375 -4.390625 0.484375 -3.515625 0.484375 -1.75 C 0.484375 -0.734375 1.109375 0.09375 2.203125 0.09375 C 3.765625 0.09375 4.59375 -0.890625 4.59375 -1.03125 C 4.59375 -1.125 4.5 -1.203125 4.4375 -1.203125 C 4.375 -1.203125 4.34375 -1.171875 4.296875 -1.109375 C 3.515625 -0.171875 2.390625 -0.171875 2.21875 -0.171875 C 1.5 -0.171875 1.28125 -0.796875 1.28125 -1.359375 C 1.28125 -1.65625 1.359375 -2.109375 1.40625 -2.265625 Z M 1.484375 -2.546875 C 1.796875 -3.765625 2.71875 -4.109375 3.21875 -4.109375 C 3.625 -4.109375 4 -3.921875 4 -3.515625 C 4 -2.546875 2.359375 -2.546875 1.9375 -2.546875 Z M 1.484375 -2.546875 "></path> </g> <g id="Nx6PuN-hFyY1vUc-JIYF94jj_DI=-glyph-3-4"> <path d="M 0.515625 1.203125 C 0.4375 1.53125 0.421875 1.609375 0.015625 1.609375 C -0.125 1.609375 -0.234375 1.609375 -0.234375 1.796875 C -0.234375 1.890625 -0.15625 1.9375 -0.09375 1.9375 C 0 1.9375 0.046875 1.90625 0.78125 1.90625 C 1.5 1.90625 1.703125 1.9375 1.78125 1.9375 C 1.8125 1.9375 1.96875 1.9375 1.96875 1.75 C 1.96875 1.609375 1.828125 1.609375 1.703125 1.609375 C 1.21875 1.609375 1.21875 1.546875 1.21875 1.453125 C 1.21875 1.390625 1.40625 0.671875 1.703125 -0.484375 C 1.828125 -0.265625 2.140625 0.09375 2.6875 0.09375 C 3.90625 0.09375 5.1875 -1.3125 5.1875 -2.765625 C 5.1875 -3.75 4.546875 -4.390625 3.75 -4.390625 C 3.15625 -4.390625 2.671875 -3.984375 2.375 -3.6875 C 2.171875 -4.390625 1.5 -4.390625 1.40625 -4.390625 C 1.046875 -4.390625 0.796875 -4.171875 0.640625 -3.859375 C 0.40625 -3.40625 0.296875 -2.90625 0.296875 -2.875 C 0.296875 -2.78125 0.375 -2.734375 0.453125 -2.734375 C 0.578125 -2.734375 0.59375 -2.78125 0.65625 -3.046875 C 0.78125 -3.546875 0.96875 -4.109375 1.375 -4.109375 C 1.625 -4.109375 1.6875 -3.890625 1.6875 -3.65625 C 1.6875 -3.546875 1.65625 -3.3125 1.640625 -3.234375 Z M 2.359375 -3.078125 C 2.40625 -3.234375 2.40625 -3.265625 2.546875 -3.4375 C 2.9375 -3.890625 3.359375 -4.109375 3.71875 -4.109375 C 4.21875 -4.109375 4.40625 -3.625 4.40625 -3.1875 C 4.40625 -2.8125 4.1875 -1.75 3.890625 -1.15625 C 3.625 -0.625 3.15625 -0.171875 2.6875 -0.171875 C 2 -0.171875 1.84375 -0.953125 1.84375 -1.03125 C 1.84375 -1.046875 1.859375 -1.15625 1.875 -1.1875 Z M 2.359375 -3.078125 "></path> </g> <g id="Nx6PuN-hFyY1vUc-JIYF94jj_DI=-glyph-3-5"> <path d="M 2 -1.640625 C 2.03125 -1.78125 2.125 -2.15625 2.15625 -2.3125 C 2.1875 -2.40625 2.25 -2.65625 2.265625 -2.75 C 2.28125 -2.796875 2.609375 -3.453125 3.046875 -3.78125 C 3.390625 -4.03125 3.71875 -4.109375 4 -4.109375 C 4.359375 -4.109375 4.5625 -3.890625 4.5625 -3.4375 C 4.5625 -3.203125 4.5 -2.96875 4.390625 -2.515625 C 4.328125 -2.265625 4.15625 -1.59375 4.09375 -1.328125 L 3.953125 -0.734375 C 3.890625 -0.5625 3.828125 -0.265625 3.828125 -0.203125 C 3.828125 0.015625 4.015625 0.09375 4.140625 0.09375 C 4.328125 0.09375 4.46875 -0.015625 4.546875 -0.140625 C 4.578125 -0.203125 4.65625 -0.53125 4.703125 -0.75 L 4.9375 -1.640625 C 4.96875 -1.78125 5.0625 -2.15625 5.09375 -2.3125 C 5.234375 -2.84375 5.234375 -2.859375 5.46875 -3.1875 C 5.796875 -3.671875 6.265625 -4.109375 6.921875 -4.109375 C 7.28125 -4.109375 7.5 -3.90625 7.5 -3.4375 C 7.5 -2.890625 7.078125 -1.75 6.890625 -1.265625 C 6.78125 -1 6.765625 -0.9375 6.765625 -0.75 C 6.765625 -0.171875 7.234375 0.09375 7.65625 0.09375 C 8.640625 0.09375 9.046875 -1.296875 9.046875 -1.421875 C 9.046875 -1.53125 8.96875 -1.5625 8.890625 -1.5625 C 8.765625 -1.5625 8.75 -1.484375 8.71875 -1.390625 C 8.484375 -0.5625 8.0625 -0.171875 7.6875 -0.171875 C 7.53125 -0.171875 7.453125 -0.28125 7.453125 -0.515625 C 7.453125 -0.734375 7.53125 -0.953125 7.625 -1.203125 C 7.78125 -1.578125 8.21875 -2.734375 8.21875 -3.296875 C 8.21875 -4.03125 7.703125 -4.390625 6.984375 -4.390625 C 6.296875 -4.390625 5.71875 -4.03125 5.28125 -3.421875 C 5.1875 -4.21875 4.5625 -4.390625 4.03125 -4.390625 C 3.578125 -4.390625 2.96875 -4.234375 2.421875 -3.515625 C 2.359375 -4.109375 1.875 -4.390625 1.40625 -4.390625 C 1.0625 -4.390625 0.8125 -4.1875 0.640625 -3.84375 C 0.40625 -3.375 0.296875 -2.890625 0.296875 -2.875 C 0.296875 -2.78125 0.375 -2.734375 0.453125 -2.734375 C 0.578125 -2.734375 0.59375 -2.78125 0.65625 -3.046875 C 0.78125 -3.53125 0.953125 -4.109375 1.375 -4.109375 C 1.640625 -4.109375 1.6875 -3.875 1.6875 -3.65625 C 1.6875 -3.46875 1.640625 -3.28125 1.5625 -2.953125 C 1.546875 -2.875 1.390625 -2.28125 1.359375 -2.140625 L 0.984375 -0.640625 C 0.953125 -0.5 0.890625 -0.25 0.890625 -0.203125 C 0.890625 0.015625 1.078125 0.09375 1.203125 0.09375 C 1.390625 0.09375 1.53125 -0.015625 1.609375 -0.140625 C 1.640625 -0.203125 1.71875 -0.53125 1.765625 -0.75 Z M 2 -1.640625 "></path> </g> <g id="Nx6PuN-hFyY1vUc-JIYF94jj_DI=-glyph-4-0"> </g> <g id="Nx6PuN-hFyY1vUc-JIYF94jj_DI=-glyph-4-1"> <path d="M 6.53125 -4.578125 C 6.65625 -4.703125 6.671875 -4.75 6.671875 -4.828125 C 6.671875 -4.9375 6.5625 -5.046875 6.4375 -5.046875 C 6.34375 -5.046875 6.3125 -5.015625 6.203125 -4.90625 L 4.109375 -2.828125 L 2.03125 -4.921875 C 1.90625 -5.03125 1.859375 -5.046875 1.78125 -5.046875 C 1.671875 -5.046875 1.5625 -4.953125 1.5625 -4.828125 C 1.5625 -4.734375 1.59375 -4.6875 1.6875 -4.59375 L 3.78125 -2.5 L 1.703125 -0.40625 C 1.578125 -0.28125 1.5625 -0.234375 1.5625 -0.15625 C 1.5625 -0.03125 1.671875 0.0625 1.78125 0.0625 C 1.875 0.0625 1.90625 0.046875 2.015625 -0.0625 L 4.109375 -2.15625 L 6.28125 0.015625 C 6.328125 0.046875 6.390625 0.0625 6.4375 0.0625 C 6.5625 0.0625 6.671875 -0.046875 6.671875 -0.15625 C 6.671875 -0.234375 6.625 -0.28125 6.625 -0.296875 C 6.578125 -0.34375 4.984375 -1.9375 4.4375 -2.5 Z M 6.53125 -4.578125 "></path> </g> <g id="Nx6PuN-hFyY1vUc-JIYF94jj_DI=-glyph-5-0"> </g> <g id="Nx6PuN-hFyY1vUc-JIYF94jj_DI=-glyph-5-1"> <path d="M 4.453125 -2.75 C 4.453125 -2.75 4.421875 -2.828125 4.421875 -2.84375 C 4.421875 -2.84375 4.421875 -2.859375 4.578125 -3 L 5.796875 -4.171875 C 5.984375 -4.34375 6.234375 -4.515625 6.3125 -4.5625 C 6.609375 -4.734375 6.859375 -4.78125 7.125 -4.796875 C 7.234375 -4.8125 7.328125 -4.8125 7.328125 -4.984375 C 7.328125 -5.03125 7.28125 -5.09375 7.203125 -5.09375 C 6.984375 -5.09375 6.703125 -5.078125 6.46875 -5.078125 L 6.03125 -5.078125 C 5.890625 -5.078125 5.734375 -5.09375 5.59375 -5.09375 C 5.53125 -5.09375 5.421875 -5.09375 5.421875 -4.921875 C 5.421875 -4.8125 5.515625 -4.796875 5.546875 -4.796875 C 5.640625 -4.796875 5.78125 -4.765625 5.78125 -4.625 C 5.78125 -4.53125 5.71875 -4.453125 5.484375 -4.234375 L 4.890625 -3.671875 C 4.828125 -3.609375 4.375 -3.171875 4.28125 -3.09375 L 3.484375 -4.546875 C 3.484375 -4.5625 3.4375 -4.625 3.4375 -4.640625 C 3.4375 -4.6875 3.59375 -4.78125 3.828125 -4.796875 C 3.890625 -4.796875 4 -4.8125 4 -4.984375 C 4 -5.015625 3.984375 -5.09375 3.875 -5.09375 C 3.71875 -5.09375 3.53125 -5.078125 3.375 -5.078125 C 3.375 -5.078125 2.859375 -5.078125 2.859375 -5.078125 C 2.71875 -5.078125 2.5625 -5.078125 2.421875 -5.078125 C 2.265625 -5.078125 2.109375 -5.09375 1.96875 -5.09375 C 1.875 -5.09375 1.796875 -5.0625 1.796875 -4.921875 C 1.796875 -4.796875 1.890625 -4.796875 2.03125 -4.796875 C 2.484375 -4.796875 2.53125 -4.734375 2.59375 -4.59375 L 3.71875 -2.546875 C 3.546875 -2.40625 3.1875 -2.0625 2.921875 -1.8125 C 1.6875 -0.609375 1.390625 -0.328125 0.6875 -0.296875 C 0.578125 -0.296875 0.484375 -0.296875 0.484375 -0.109375 C 0.484375 -0.0625 0.53125 0 0.59375 0 C 0.8125 0 1.09375 -0.03125 1.328125 -0.03125 C 1.53125 -0.03125 2.03125 0 2.21875 0 C 2.265625 0 2.390625 0 2.390625 -0.1875 C 2.390625 -0.296875 2.296875 -0.296875 2.25 -0.296875 C 2.15625 -0.3125 2.015625 -0.34375 2.015625 -0.46875 C 2.015625 -0.515625 2.03125 -0.546875 2.09375 -0.65625 C 2.109375 -0.65625 2.125 -0.6875 2.140625 -0.703125 L 3.84375 -2.3125 L 4.796875 -0.5625 C 4.828125 -0.5 4.84375 -0.484375 4.84375 -0.46875 C 4.84375 -0.421875 4.703125 -0.3125 4.453125 -0.296875 C 4.40625 -0.296875 4.28125 -0.296875 4.28125 -0.109375 C 4.28125 -0.09375 4.296875 0 4.421875 0 C 4.578125 0 4.75 -0.015625 4.921875 -0.015625 C 4.921875 -0.015625 5.4375 -0.03125 5.4375 -0.03125 C 5.578125 -0.03125 5.71875 -0.015625 5.875 -0.015625 C 6.015625 -0.015625 6.1875 0 6.328125 0 C 6.421875 0 6.484375 -0.046875 6.484375 -0.1875 C 6.484375 -0.296875 6.375 -0.296875 6.28125 -0.296875 C 5.8125 -0.296875 5.765625 -0.359375 5.703125 -0.5 Z M 4.453125 -2.75 "></path> </g> <g id="Nx6PuN-hFyY1vUc-JIYF94jj_DI=-glyph-6-0"> </g> <g id="Nx6PuN-hFyY1vUc-JIYF94jj_DI=-glyph-6-1"> <path d="M 2.6875 -4.75 C 2.6875 -4.96875 2.65625 -4.96875 2.421875 -4.96875 C 1.9375 -4.484375 1.171875 -4.484375 0.90625 -4.484375 L 0.90625 -4.203125 C 1.09375 -4.203125 1.59375 -4.203125 2.03125 -4.40625 L 2.03125 -0.640625 C 2.03125 -0.390625 2.03125 -0.296875 1.265625 -0.296875 L 0.953125 -0.296875 L 0.953125 0 C 1.359375 -0.03125 1.9375 -0.03125 2.359375 -0.03125 C 2.78125 -0.03125 3.359375 -0.03125 3.765625 0 L 3.765625 -0.296875 L 3.453125 -0.296875 C 2.6875 -0.296875 2.6875 -0.390625 2.6875 -0.640625 Z M 2.6875 -4.75 "></path> </g> </g> </defs> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#Nx6PuN-hFyY1vUc-JIYF94jj_DI=-glyph-0-1" x="6.434" y="19.062"></use> </g> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" 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xlink:href="#Nx6PuN-hFyY1vUc-JIYF94jj_DI=-glyph-5-1" x="86.619" y="11.80975"></use> </g> <path fill="none" stroke-width="0.47818" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M -38.586656 20.197656 L 40.221937 -25.642187 " transform="matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 82.864, 46.225)"></path> <path fill="none" stroke-width="0.47818" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M -2.486787 2.867493 C -2.033088 1.147459 -1.018986 0.336388 0.000193948 -0.00172814 C -1.022059 -0.334247 -2.031403 -1.147335 -2.486229 -2.867098 " transform="matrix(0.86436, 0.50279, 0.50279, -0.86436, 123.29367, 71.98669)"></path> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#Nx6PuN-hFyY1vUc-JIYF94jj_DI=-glyph-3-4" x="69.856" y="56.871"></use> </g> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#Nx6PuN-hFyY1vUc-JIYF94jj_DI=-glyph-6-1" x="75.18475" y="58.25475"></use> </g> <path fill="none" stroke-width="0.47818" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 53.97975 20.197656 L 53.97975 -20.966406 " transform="matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 82.864, 46.225)"></path> <path fill="none" stroke-width="0.47818" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M -2.485375 2.867575 C -2.032206 1.1488 -1.020451 0.336304 -0.000892525 0.00037999 C -1.020437 -0.335585 -2.03216 -1.148121 -2.48526 -2.870821 " transform="matrix(-0.00002, 0.99998, 0.99998, 0.00002, 136.84337, 67.43058)"></path> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#Nx6PuN-hFyY1vUc-JIYF94jj_DI=-glyph-3-5" x="140.359" y="48.992"></use> </g> </svg> </div> <p>are forced to commute.</p> <p>Putting all of this together, we see that we exactly have a unital magma.</p> <p></p> </div> </p> <p> <div class='num_remark' id='ExampleLawvereTheory'> <h6>Example</h6> <p>A <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Lawvere+theory">Lawvere theory</a> is a special case of a (limit) sketch, where the category is one with a distinguished object <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>X</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">X</annotation></semantics></math> such that all objects are (<a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/isomorphic">isomorphic</a> to) powers of <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>X</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">X</annotation></semantics></math>, and <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>C</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>∅</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">C = \emptyset</annotation></semantics></math> and <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>L</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">L</annotation></semantics></math> is the set of all product cones.</p> </div> </p> <h2 id="properties">Properties</h2> <h3 id="RelationToLocallyRepresentableCategories">Relation to accessible and locally representable categories</h3> <p> <div class='num_prop' id='LimitSketchableCategoriesAreAccessible'> <h6>Proposition</h6> <p>The categories of models of sketches are equivalently the <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/accessible+categories">accessible categories</a>.</p> </div> </p> <p> <div class='num_prop' id='LimitSketchableCategoriesAreLocallyPresentable'> <h6>Proposition</h6> <p>The categories of models of limit-sketches are the <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/locally+presentable+categories">locally presentable categories</a>.</p> </div> (<a href="#AdámekRosický49">Adámek & Rosický 1994, Cor. 1.52</a>)</p> <div class="num_prop"> <h6 id="remark">Remark</h6> <p>From the discussion there we have that</p> <ul> <li> <p>an <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/accessible+category">accessible category</a> is equivalently:</p> <ul> <li>a <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/full+subcategory">full subcategory</a> of a <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/presheaf+category">presheaf category</a> that’s closed under <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>κ</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">\kappa</annotation></semantics></math>-filtered colimits for some <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>κ</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">\kappa</annotation></semantics></math></li> <li>the category of models of a sketch</li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>a <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/locally+presentable+category">locally presentable category</a> is equivalently:</p> <ul> <li>a <em>reflective</em> full subcategory of a presheaf category that’s closed under <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>κ</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">\kappa</annotation></semantics></math>-filtered colimits for some <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>κ</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">\kappa</annotation></semantics></math></li> <li>the category of models of a <em>limit</em> sketch</li> <li>an accessible category with all small limits</li> <li>an accessible category with all small colimits</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p>We can “break in half” the difference between the two and define</p> <ul> <li>a <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/locally+multipresentable+category">locally multipresentable category</a> to be equivalently: <ul> <li>a <em>multireflective</em> full subcategory of a presheaf category that’s closed under <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>κ</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">\kappa</annotation></semantics></math>-filtered colimits for some <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>κ</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">\kappa</annotation></semantics></math></li> <li>the category of models of a <em>limit and coproduct</em> sketch</li> <li>an accessible category with all small <em>connected</em> limits</li> <li>an accessible category with all small multicolimits</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p>and</p> <ul> <li>a <em>weakly locally presentable category</em> to be equivalently: <ul> <li>a <em>weakly reflective</em> full subcategory of a presheaf category that’s closed under <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>κ</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">\kappa</annotation></semantics></math>-filtered colimits for some <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>κ</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">\kappa</annotation></semantics></math></li> <li>the category of models of a <em>limit and epi</em> sketch</li> <li>an accessible category with all small products</li> <li>an accessible category with all small weak colimits</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 id="monoidal_structures_on_the_category_of_sketches">Monoidal Structures on the Category of Sketches</h3> <p>The category of sketches is well behaved: it is complete, cocomplete, cartesian closed and has a second symmetric monoidal closed structure.</p> <div class="num_prop"> <h6 id="proposition">Proposition</h6> <p>The category of sketches is <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/topological+category">topological</a> over the category of directed <a href="">pseudographs</a>.</p> </div> <p>The above proposition gives the category of sketches Cartesian products - however these are often not the sketches one would expect when thinking of the product of two theories. Instead consider the tensor product:</p> <div class="num_prop"> <h6 id="proposition_2">Proposition</h6> <p>Let <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>S</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>T</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">S,T</annotation></semantics></math> be sketches. We define the sketch <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>S</mi><mo>⊗</mo><mi>T</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">S \otimes T</annotation></semantics></math> to be:</p> <p>The vertices of <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>S</mi><mo>⊗</mo><mi>T</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">S \otimes T</annotation></semantics></math> are the product of the set of vertices from <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>S</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">S</annotation></semantics></math>, <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>T</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">T</annotation></semantics></math>. The set of arrows is given as</p> <div class="maruku-equation"><math xmlns="" display="block" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mo stretchy="false">{</mo><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>α</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>b</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo stretchy="false">|</mo><mi>α</mi><mo>∈</mo><mstyle mathvariant="sans-serif"><mi>Edge</mi></mstyle><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>S</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo>,</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>∈</mo><mstyle mathvariant="sans-serif"><mi>Vertex</mi></mstyle><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>T</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo stretchy="false">}</mo><mo>∪</mo><mo stretchy="false">{</mo><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>β</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo stretchy="false">|</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>∈</mo><mstyle mathvariant="sans-serif"><mi>Vertex</mi></mstyle><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>S</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo>,</mo><mi>β</mi><mo>∈</mo><mstyle mathvariant="sans-serif"><mi>Edge</mi></mstyle><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>T</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo stretchy="false">}</mo></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex"> \{ (\alpha, b) | \alpha \in \mathsf{Edge}(S), b \in \mathsf{Vertex}(T)\} \cup \{ (a, \beta) | a \in \mathsf{Vertex}(S), \beta \in \mathsf{Edge}(T)\} </annotation></semantics></math></div> <p>where the source of <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>α</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>b</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">(\alpha,b)</annotation></semantics></math> is <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><msub><mi>s</mi> <mi>S</mi></msub><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>α</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo>,</mo><mi>b</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">(s_S(\alpha), b)</annotation></semantics></math>, and vice versa. <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>S</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">S</annotation></semantics></math> is often called the <em>horizontal</em> structure and <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>T</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">T</annotation></semantics></math> as the <em>vertical</em> structure. The set of diagrams is the union of the following three sets:</p> <ul> <li> <p>The horizontal diagrams are constant in the second parameter: <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>H</mi><mo>=</mo><mo stretchy="false">{</mo><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>D</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>b</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo stretchy="false">|</mo><mi>D</mi><mo>∈</mo><mstyle mathvariant="sans-serif"><mi>Diagrams</mi></mstyle><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>S</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo>,</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>∈</mo><mstyle mathvariant="sans-serif"><mi>Vertex</mi></mstyle><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>T</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo stretchy="false">}</mo></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">H = \{ (D, b) | D \in \mathsf{Diagrams}(S), b \in \mathsf{Vertex}(T) \}</annotation></semantics></math></p> </li> <li> <p>The vertical diagrams are constant in the first parameter: <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>V</mi><mo>=</mo><mo stretchy="false">{</mo><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>D</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo stretchy="false">|</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>∈</mo><mstyle mathvariant="sans-serif"><mi>Vertex</mi></mstyle><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>S</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo>,</mo><mi>D</mi><mo>∈</mo><mstyle mathvariant="sans-serif"><mi>Diagrams</mi></mstyle><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>T</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo stretchy="false">}</mo></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">V = \{ (a, D) | a \in \mathsf{Vertex}(S), D \in \mathsf{Diagrams}(T) \}</annotation></semantics></math></p> </li> <li> <p>Also add every square diagram: <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>C</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">C</annotation></semantics></math> is the set of squares for each edge <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>α</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">\alpha</annotation></semantics></math> in <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>S</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">S</annotation></semantics></math>, <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>β</mi><mo>∈</mo><mi>T</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">\beta \in T</annotation></semantics></math></p> </li> </ul> <div style="text-align: center"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="163.574" height="97.661" viewBox="0 0 163.574 97.661"> <defs> <g> <g id="YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-0-0"> </g> <g id="YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-0-1"> <path d="M 4.859375 3.625 C 4.859375 3.578125 4.859375 3.5625 4.59375 3.296875 C 3.109375 1.796875 2.265625 -0.671875 2.265625 -3.71875 C 2.265625 -6.625 2.96875 -9.109375 4.703125 -10.875 C 4.859375 -11.015625 4.859375 -11.03125 4.859375 -11.078125 C 4.859375 -11.171875 4.78125 -11.203125 4.71875 -11.203125 C 4.53125 -11.203125 3.296875 -10.125 2.5625 -8.65625 C 1.8125 -7.15625 1.46875 -5.5625 1.46875 -3.71875 C 1.46875 -2.390625 1.671875 -0.609375 2.453125 0.984375 C 3.328125 2.78125 4.5625 3.75 4.71875 3.75 C 4.78125 3.75 4.859375 3.71875 4.859375 3.625 Z M 4.859375 3.625 "></path> </g> <g id="YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-0-2"> <path d="M 4.21875 -3.71875 C 4.21875 -4.859375 4.0625 -6.703125 3.21875 -8.4375 C 2.34375 -10.234375 1.125 -11.203125 0.953125 -11.203125 C 0.890625 -11.203125 0.828125 -11.171875 0.828125 -11.078125 C 0.828125 -11.03125 0.828125 -11.015625 1.078125 -10.75 C 2.5625 -9.25 3.40625 -6.78125 3.40625 -3.734375 C 3.40625 -0.84375 2.703125 1.65625 0.96875 3.421875 C 0.828125 3.5625 0.828125 3.578125 0.828125 3.625 C 0.828125 3.71875 0.890625 3.75 0.953125 3.75 C 1.15625 3.75 2.375 2.671875 3.109375 1.203125 C 3.875 -0.3125 4.21875 -1.921875 4.21875 -3.71875 Z M 4.21875 -3.71875 "></path> </g> <g id="YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-1-0"> </g> <g id="YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-1-1"> <path d="M 4.5 -1.78125 C 4.421875 -1.53125 4.421875 -1.5 4.21875 -1.203125 C 3.890625 -0.796875 3.21875 -0.15625 2.53125 -0.15625 C 1.90625 -0.15625 1.5625 -0.703125 1.5625 -1.578125 C 1.5625 -2.40625 2.03125 -4.078125 2.3125 -4.703125 C 2.828125 -5.75 3.53125 -6.28125 4.109375 -6.28125 C 5.09375 -6.28125 5.28125 -5.0625 5.28125 -4.9375 C 5.28125 -4.921875 5.25 -4.734375 5.234375 -4.703125 Z M 5.453125 -5.59375 C 5.28125 -5.984375 4.890625 -6.59375 4.109375 -6.59375 C 2.421875 -6.59375 0.59375 -4.40625 0.59375 -2.203125 C 0.59375 -0.71875 1.46875 0.15625 2.484375 0.15625 C 3.296875 0.15625 4 -0.5 4.421875 -0.984375 C 4.578125 -0.109375 5.265625 0.15625 5.71875 0.15625 C 6.171875 0.15625 6.53125 -0.125 6.796875 -0.65625 C 7.03125 -1.171875 7.25 -2.078125 7.25 -2.140625 C 7.25 -2.203125 7.1875 -2.265625 7.09375 -2.265625 C 6.953125 -2.265625 6.953125 -2.203125 6.890625 -1.96875 C 6.65625 -1.09375 6.375 -0.15625 5.765625 -0.15625 C 5.328125 -0.15625 5.296875 -0.53125 5.296875 -0.84375 C 5.296875 -1.1875 5.34375 -1.34375 5.484375 -1.921875 C 5.59375 -2.296875 5.65625 -2.625 5.78125 -3.0625 C 6.328125 -5.296875 6.46875 -5.84375 6.46875 -5.9375 C 6.46875 -6.140625 6.296875 -6.296875 6.078125 -6.296875 C 5.59375 -6.296875 5.484375 -5.78125 5.453125 -5.59375 Z M 5.453125 -5.59375 "></path> </g> <g id="YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-1-2"> <path d="M 2.90625 0.0625 C 2.90625 -0.8125 2.625 -1.453125 2.015625 -1.453125 C 1.53125 -1.453125 1.296875 -1.0625 1.296875 -0.734375 C 1.296875 -0.40625 1.53125 0 2.03125 0 C 2.21875 0 2.390625 -0.0625 2.53125 -0.1875 C 2.546875 -0.21875 2.5625 -0.21875 2.578125 -0.21875 C 2.609375 -0.21875 2.609375 -0.015625 2.609375 0.0625 C 2.609375 0.546875 2.53125 1.53125 1.65625 2.5 C 1.5 2.671875 1.5 2.703125 1.5 2.734375 C 1.5 2.8125 1.5625 2.890625 1.640625 2.890625 C 1.765625 2.890625 2.90625 1.78125 2.90625 0.0625 Z M 2.90625 0.0625 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-3.6875 2.109375 -4.640625 2.171875 -4.84375 C 2.203125 -4.953125 3.078125 -6.28125 4.09375 -6.28125 C 4.75 -6.28125 5.046875 -5.625 5.046875 -4.859375 C 5.046875 -4.140625 4.625 -2.453125 4.25 -1.671875 C 3.890625 -0.859375 3.203125 -0.15625 2.515625 -0.15625 Z M 2.515625 -0.15625 "></path> </g> <g id="YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-2-0"> </g> <g id="YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-2-1"> <path d="M 2.640625 -4.71875 C 2.6875 -4.859375 2.734375 -4.921875 2.734375 -5.03125 C 2.734375 -5.359375 2.4375 -5.578125 2.15625 -5.578125 C 1.75 -5.578125 1.640625 -5.21875 1.609375 -5.078125 L 0.34375 -0.78125 C 0.296875 -0.671875 0.296875 -0.640625 0.296875 -0.625 C 0.296875 -0.53125 0.359375 -0.515625 0.453125 -0.484375 C 0.640625 -0.40625 0.65625 -0.40625 0.671875 -0.40625 C 0.703125 -0.40625 0.765625 -0.40625 0.84375 -0.578125 Z M 2.640625 -4.71875 "></path> </g> <g id="YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-3-0"> </g> <g id="YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-3-1"> <path d="M 3.3125 2.5 C 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-1.390625 Z M 4.34375 -1.0625 C 3.625 -0.421875 2.796875 -0.171875 2.21875 -0.171875 C 1.6875 -0.171875 1.25 -0.484375 1.25 -1.28125 C 1.25 -1.625 1.40625 -2.65625 1.875 -3.3125 C 2.265625 -3.875 2.8125 -4.109375 3.21875 -4.109375 C 3.765625 -4.109375 4.078125 -3.734375 4.203125 -3.125 C 4.359375 -2.4375 4.28125 -1.640625 4.34375 -1.0625 Z M 4.34375 -1.0625 "></path> </g> <g id="YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-4-2"> <path d="M 1.859375 -0.15625 C 1.859375 0.5 1.71875 1.0625 1.109375 1.6875 C 1.0625 1.71875 1.046875 1.734375 1.046875 1.78125 C 1.046875 1.859375 1.125 1.921875 1.203125 1.921875 C 1.3125 1.921875 2.140625 1.140625 2.140625 -0.03125 C 2.140625 -0.671875 1.90625 -1.109375 1.46875 -1.109375 C 1.109375 -1.109375 0.921875 -0.828125 0.921875 -0.5625 C 0.921875 -0.28125 1.109375 0 1.46875 0 C 1.71875 0 1.859375 -0.140625 1.859375 -0.15625 Z M 1.859375 -0.15625 "></path> </g> <g id="YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-4-3"> <path d="M 2.4375 -6.625 C 2.4375 -6.640625 2.46875 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-3.1875 C 3.609375 -2.8125 3.390625 -1.75 3.09375 -1.15625 C 2.828125 -0.625 2.359375 -0.171875 1.890625 -0.171875 Z M 1.890625 -0.171875 "></path> </g> <g id="YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-4-4"> <path d="M 3.90625 -3.796875 C 3.8125 -3.96875 3.53125 -4.390625 2.921875 -4.390625 C 1.734375 -4.390625 0.421875 -3.015625 0.421875 -1.53125 C 0.421875 -0.5 1.09375 0.09375 1.859375 0.09375 C 2.5 0.09375 3.046875 -0.40625 3.234375 -0.609375 C 3.40625 0.078125 4.09375 0.09375 4.203125 0.09375 C 4.671875 0.09375 4.890625 -0.28125 4.96875 -0.453125 C 5.171875 -0.8125 5.3125 -1.390625 5.3125 -1.421875 C 5.3125 -1.484375 5.28125 -1.5625 5.15625 -1.5625 C 5.03125 -1.5625 5.015625 -1.5 4.953125 -1.25 C 4.8125 -0.703125 4.625 -0.171875 4.234375 -0.171875 C 4 -0.171875 3.921875 -0.375 3.921875 -0.640625 C 3.921875 -0.8125 4 -1.15625 4.0625 -1.40625 C 4.125 -1.65625 4.28125 -2.25 4.3125 -2.4375 L 4.515625 -3.1875 C 4.5625 -3.421875 4.671875 -3.84375 4.671875 -3.890625 C 4.671875 -4.125 4.484375 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4.90625 -3.984375 5.078125 -4.109375 5.140625 -4.15625 C 5.625 -4.5 5.984375 -5.0625 5.984375 -5.671875 Z M 4.015625 -3.984375 C 3.84375 -3.953125 3.65625 -3.921875 3.46875 -3.921875 C 3.359375 -3.921875 3.25 -3.921875 3.140625 -3.96875 C 3.328125 -4.015625 3.53125 -4.015625 3.71875 -4.015625 C 3.8125 -4.015625 3.921875 -4 4.015625 -3.984375 Z M 5.359375 -5.859375 C 5.359375 -5.359375 5.140625 -4.78125 4.78125 -4.421875 C 4.734375 -4.375 4.53125 -4.1875 4.46875 -4.171875 C 4.1875 -4.234375 3.96875 -4.296875 3.671875 -4.296875 C 3.421875 -4.296875 2.796875 -4.3125 2.796875 -3.921875 C 2.796875 -3.625 3.359375 -3.65625 3.5625 -3.65625 C 3.875 -3.65625 4.15625 -3.671875 4.453125 -3.78125 C 4.75 -3.546875 4.890625 -3.234375 4.890625 -2.734375 C 4.890625 -2.140625 4.6875 -1.484375 4.40625 -1.09375 C 4.03125 -0.5625 3.421875 -0.1875 2.671875 -0.1875 C 2.015625 -0.1875 1.5 -0.703125 1.5 -1.390625 C 1.5 -1.53125 1.5 -1.65625 1.53125 -1.75 L 2.1875 -4.40625 C 2.40625 -5.28125 3.265625 -6.75 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fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-3-1" x="133.754" y="53.296"></use> </g> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-4-4" x="137.87025" y="53.296"></use> </g> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-5-1" x="143.49275" y="49.77975"></use> </g> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-4-2" x="146.84775" y="53.296"></use> <use xlink:href="#YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-4-5" x="149.787721" y="53.296"></use> </g> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-3-2" x="156.24025" y="53.296"></use> </g> <path fill="none" stroke-width="0.47818" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M -29.592781 -34.01075 L 25.622062 -34.01075 " transform="matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 78.042, 50.708)"></path> <path fill="none" stroke-width="0.47818" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M -2.487558 2.868738 C -2.030526 1.146081 -1.018808 0.333581 0.00072375 0.00155 C -1.018808 -0.334387 -2.030526 -1.146887 -2.487558 -2.869544 " transform="matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 103.90162, 84.7203)"></path> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-3-1" x="63.367" y="78.713"></use> </g> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-4-1" x="67.48325" y="78.713"></use> <use xlink:href="#YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-4-2" x="74.281745" y="78.713"></use> <use xlink:href="#YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-4-3" x="77.221716" y="78.713"></use> </g> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-5-1" x="81.75075" y="75.19675"></use> </g> <g fill="rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)" fill-opacity="1"> <use xlink:href="#YwN5Xzuz6xNEYRreH_ZKs0q26K8=-glyph-3-2" x="85.107" y="78.713"></use> </g> </svg> </div> <ul> <li>The set of cones and cocones are define analogously to the set of commuting diagrams, except <em>only</em> the vertical and horizontal cones are taken.</li> </ul> <p>This tensor product, along with the unit <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mo>*</mo><mo>,</mo><mi>∅</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>∅</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>∅</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">(\ast, \emptyset, \emptyset, \emptyset)</annotation></semantics></math>, gives the category of sketches a monoidal structure.</p> </div> <p>This monoidal structure is useful for considering structures like double categories (i.e. categories in the category of categories).</p> <div class="num_prop"> <h6 id="proposition_3">Proposition</h6> <p>Let <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>S</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>T</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">S,T</annotation></semantics></math> be sketches, and <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>X</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">X</annotation></semantics></math> some category. Then the category of models of <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>S</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">S</annotation></semantics></math> in the category of models of <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>T</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">T</annotation></semantics></math> in <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>X</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">X</annotation></semantics></math> is equivalent to the category of models of <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>S</mi><mo>⊗</mo><mi>T</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">S \otimes T</annotation></semantics></math> in <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>X</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">X</annotation></semantics></math>.</p> </div> <p>One can ask when <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>S</mi><mo>⊗</mo><mi>T</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">S \otimes T</annotation></semantics></math> has the same models as <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>T</mi><mo>⊗</mo><mi>S</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">T \otimes S</annotation></semantics></math>, i.e. when <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>S</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">S</annotation></semantics></math>-models in the category of <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>T</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">T</annotation></semantics></math>-models are the same as <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>T</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">T</annotation></semantics></math>-models in the category of <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>S</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">S</annotation></semantics></math>-models. This is the case, roughly, when the colimits and limits specified in the sketches commute. For example, since limits always commute, you can swap the sketches if both are limit sketches. And you can swap a finite product sketch with a sifted colimit sketch etc. For more precise statements see David Bensons article and the references therein.</p> <p>In general one can not swap the order in the monoidal product. For example take the (terminal object + coproduct)-sketch <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>S</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">S</annotation></semantics></math> whose models are maps <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>X</mi><mo>→</mo><mi>X</mi><mo lspace="thinmathspace" rspace="thinmathspace">∐</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">X \to X \coprod 1</annotation></semantics></math> and the finite product sketch <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>M</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">M</annotation></semantics></math> whose models are monoids. Look at models of these in <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>Set</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">Set</annotation></semantics></math>: Since in the category of monoids the terminal object is also initial, the coproduct of a monoid with the terminal object is isomorphic to that monoid again. Therefore <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>S</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">S</annotation></semantics></math>-models in <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>M</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">M</annotation></semantics></math>-Mod are monoids with an endomorphism. On the other hand <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>M</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">M</annotation></semantics></math>-models in <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>S</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">S</annotation></semantics></math>-Mod are pairs of monoids one of which has one element more, plus a homomorphism between them. These categories do not seem to be equivalent.</p> <h2 id="related_concepts">Related concepts</h2> <ul> <li><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/internalization">internalization</a></li> </ul> <h2 id="references">References</h2> <h3 id="general">General</h3> <p>Original articles:</p> <ul> <li id="Ehresmann68"> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Charles+Ehresmann">Charles Ehresmann</a>, <em>Esquisses et types de structures algébriques</em>, Bul. Inst. Polit. Iasi <strong>14</strong> 1–2 (1968) 1-14 [<a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/files/Ehresmann-EsquisseEtTypes.pdf" title="pdf">pdf</a>]</p> </li> <li id="BastianiEhresmann72"> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Andr%C3%A9e+Bastiani">Andrée Bastiani</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Charles+Ehresmann">Charles Ehresmann</a>, <em>Categories of sketched structures</em>, Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques, Tome <strong>13</strong> no 2 (1972) 104-214 (<a href="">numdam:CTGDC_1972__13_2_104_0</a>)</p> </li> </ul> <p>Overview in:</p> <ul> <li><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Charles+Wells">Charles Wells</a>, <em>Sketches: Outline with references</em>, 1993 (<a href="">citeseer:</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/files/Wells_Sketches.pdf" title="pdf">pdf</a>)</li> </ul> <p>See also:</p> <ul> <li><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Michael+Barr">Michael Barr</a>, <em>Notes on Sketches</em>, Technical report of the Electrotechnical Laboratory (computer language section), Tsukuba, Japan (1997) [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/files/Barr-NotesOnSketches.pdf" title="pdf">pdf</a>]</li> </ul> <p>Textbook accounts:</p> <ul> <li><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Michael+Barr">Michael Barr</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Charles+Wells">Charles Wells</a>, Section 4 of: <em><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Toposes%2C+Triples%2C+and+Theories">Toposes, Triples, and Theories</a></em>, Originally published by: Springer-Verlag, New York, 1985, republished in: <p>Reprints in <a href="">Theory and Applications of Categories, No. 12 (2005) pp. 1-287</a></p> </li> </ul> <p>and with emphasis on the relation to <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/locally+presentable+category">locally presentable</a> and <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/accessible+categories">accessible categories</a>:</p> <ul> <li id="MakkaiPare"> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Michael+Makkai">Michael Makkai</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Robert+Par%C3%A9">Robert Paré</a>, Chapter 3 onwards in: <em>Accessible categories: The foundations of categorical model theory</em>, Contemporary Mathematics 104. American Mathematical Society, Rhode Island, 1989 (<a href="">ISBN:978-0-8218-7692-3</a>)</p> </li> <li id="AdámekRosický49"> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Ji%C5%99%C3%AD+Ad%C3%A1mek">Jiří Adámek</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Ji%C5%99%C3%AD+Rosick%C3%BD">Jiří Rosický</a>, Def. 1.49 onwards in: <em><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Locally+presentable+and+accessible+categories">Locally presentable and accessible categories</a></em>, Cambridge University Press (1994)</p> </li> </ul> <p>Proof that not only every sketchable category is <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/accessible+category">accessible</a> but that conversely every <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/accessible+category">accessible category</a> is sketchable:</p> <ul> <li><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Christian+Lair">Christian Lair</a>, <em>Catégories modelables et catégories esquissables</em>, Diagrammes <strong>6</strong> 5 (1981) [<a href="">numdam:DIA_1981__6__A5_0</a>, <a href="">pdf</a>]</li> </ul> <p>The tensor product of sketches is investigated here:</p> <ul> <li>David D. Benson, Multilinearity of sketches, <a href="">TAC, vol.11, nr. 3, pp.269-277</a></li> </ul> <p>The category of sketches itself was studied as a <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/categorical+semantics">categorical semantics</a> for <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/type+theory">type theory</a> in:</p> <ul> <li id="Gray"><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/John+W.+Gray">John W. Gray</a>, <em>The Category of Sketches as a Model for Algebraic Semantics</em>, Categories in Computer Science and Logic: Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference Held June 14-20, 1987 with Support from the National Science Foundation. Vol. 92. American Mathematical Soc., 1989.</li> </ul> <p>See also</p> <ul> <li><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Martin+Brandenburg">Martin Brandenburg</a>, <em>Large limit sketches and topological space objects</em> (<a href="">arXiv:2106.11115</a>)</li> </ul> <h3 id="in_enriched_category_theory">In enriched category theory</h3> <p>Discussion of sketches the generality of <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/enriched+category+theory">enriched category theory</a>:</p> <ul> <li id="Kelly82"> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/G.+Max+Kelly">G. Max Kelly</a>, <em>Structures defined by finite limits in the enriched context, I</em>, Cahiers de topologie et géométrie différentielle <strong>23</strong> 1 (1982) 3-42 [<a href="">numdam:CTGDC_1982__23_1_3_0</a>]</p> </li> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Francis+Borceux">Francis Borceux</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Carmen+Quinteriro">Carmen Quinteriro</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Ji%C5%99%C3%AD+Rosick%C3%BD">Jiří Rosický</a>, <em>A theory of enriched sketches</em>, Theory and Applications of Categories, <strong>4</strong> 3 (1998) 47-72 [<a href="">tac:4-03</a>, <a href="">pdf</a>]</p> </li> </ul> <h3 id="generalisations">Generalisations</h3> <p>Discussion in the generality of <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/internalization">internalization</a> into <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/2-categories">2-categories</a>:</p> <ul> <li id="Street76"> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Ross+Street">Ross Street</a>, <em>Complete objects relative to a theory</em> (1976) [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/files/Street-CompleteObjects.pdf" title="pdf">pdf</a>]</p> </li> <li id="KinoshitaPowerTakeyama99"> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Yoshiki+Kinoshita">Yoshiki Kinoshita</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/John+Power">John Power</a>, Makoto Takeyama, <em>Sketches</em>, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra <strong>143</strong> 1-3 (1999) 275-291 [<a href="">doi:10.1016/S0022-4049(98)00114-5</a>]</p> </li> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Ross+Street">Ross Street</a>, <em>Pointwise extensions and sketches in bicategories</em> [<a href="">arXiv:1409.6427</a>]</p> </li> </ul> <p>Generalising the approach of <a href="#KinoshitaPowerTakeyama99">Kinoshita, Power & Takeyama 1999</a>, a notion of sketch relative to an <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/algebraic+weak+factorisation+system">algebraic weak factorisation system</a> is defined in:</p> <ul> <li><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/John+Bourke">John Bourke</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Richard+Garner">Richard Garner</a>, <em>Algebraic weak factorisation systems II: Categories of weak maps</em>, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra <strong>220</strong> (2016) [<a href="">arXiv:1412.6560</a>, <a href="">doi:10.1016/j.jpaa.2015.06.003</a>]</li> </ul> </body></html> </div> <div class="revisedby"> <p> Last revised on June 2, 2024 at 06:11:41. See the <a href="/nlab/history/sketch" style="color: #005c19">history</a> of this page for a list of all contributions to it. </p> </div> <div class="navigation navfoot"> <a href="/nlab/edit/sketch" accesskey="E" class="navlink" id="edit" rel="nofollow">Edit</a><a href="">Discuss</a><span class="backintime"><a href="/nlab/revision/sketch/44" accesskey="B" class="navlinkbackintime" id="to_previous_revision" rel="nofollow">Previous revision</a></span><a href="/nlab/show/diff/sketch" accesskey="C" class="navlink" id="see_changes" rel="nofollow">Changes from previous revision</a><a href="/nlab/history/sketch" accesskey="S" class="navlink" id="history" rel="nofollow">History (44 revisions)</a> <a href="/nlab/show/sketch/cite" style="color: black">Cite</a> <a href="/nlab/print/sketch" accesskey="p" id="view_print" rel="nofollow">Print</a> <a href="/nlab/source/sketch" id="view_source" rel="nofollow">Source</a> </div> </div> <!-- Content --> </div> <!-- Container --> </body> </html>