Free web counter, hit counter, free counter, web site tracker - CQ Counter

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(Click <a class=attn href="/?sts,period,,,,abooks"><b>HERE</b></a> for a demo report) <!-- CQ Counter code start --> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"><!-- _n=navigator.appName; _t=new Date(); function t() { document.write( "<img src=\""+ _r+"&_c="+_c+"&_j="+_j+"&_t="+(_t.getTimezoneOffset())+ "&_l="+escape(document.referrer)+"\" height=15 width=70 "+ "border=0 align=absmiddle>");} _c="0"; _r="0"; _j="U";//--></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript1.2"><!-- _b=screen; _r=_b.width; _n!="Netscape"?_c=_b.colorDepth : _c=_b.pixelDepth; navigator.javaEnabled()?_j="Y":_j="N";//--></script> <a href="" target="_top"><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"><!-- t(); //--></script><noscript><img width=70 height=15 border=0 alt="Hit Counter - Web Tracker - Live Demo" src=""></noscript></a> <!-- CQ Counter code end --> <br><br> CQ Counter statistics reports can enable you to identify areas for web site improvement that can directly impact the performance of your site(s) and increase competitive advantage. <br><b>Get Your </b><a class=attn href="/?reg"><B>Free Web Counter!</B></a> <BR><BR> <B>Would you like to know?</B><BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; - Which sites or search engines send to your site more visitors?<BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; - How often are your pages reloaded?<BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; - How many hits have your sites every hour, day, week, month, and year?<BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; - What operating system and web browsers do your visitors use?<BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; - Which IP address your web page visitors come from?<BR> <BR> CQ Counter will help you find answers to those important questions! <BR> <BR> <B>Why CQ Counter?</B><BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; - You do not install anything on your server.<BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; - You can access your real-time reports from any Internet browser.<BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; - Easy to read statistics charts.<BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; - We will not display any ads on your website.<BR> <BR> <b>Get Your </b><a class=attn href="/?reg"><B>Free Hit Counter Now!</B></a> It's simple, powerful and easy to install! <br><br> <hr size=1 noshade> </blockquote> <table width="95%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=10 border=0> <tr> <td align=center valign=bottom> <blockquote> <A HREF="/?order"><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="120" HEIGHT="140" BORDER=0 ALT="CQ Counter Basic Edition Plus"></A> </blockquote> </td> <td> <A HREF="/?order"><B>CQ Counter Basic Edition Plus!</B></A> <br><br> The Basic Edition Plus offers all feature of the Free CQ Counter plus password protected statistics reports and no banner ads in reports for <B>$49.95 per year</B>. </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table bgcolor="#000000" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 width="100%"> <tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%"> <tr><td nowrap width="100%"></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <div> <table width="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr> <td align=right height=27> <small><a class=fm href="">Home</a>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a class=fm href="/?reg">Registration</a>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a class=fm href="/?settings">Settings</a>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a class=fm href="/?faq">Faq</a>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a class=fm href="/?contact">Contact Us</a>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a class=fm href="/?terms">Terms</a>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a class=fm href="/?privacy">Privacy</a>&nbsp;</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align=right nowrap> <SMALL>Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Cybernet Quest. 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