Coumarin Tetramethyl (T) Dye Lasers
<html> <head><title>Coumarin Tetramethyl (T) Dye Lasers</title> <body background = "OpticsJournal-33.jpg"> <meta name="keywords" content="lasers,tunable,dye,physics,oscillators,resonators, books,optics,dirac,interference,dispersion,dispersive,diffraction,prisms,tunable lasers,dye lasers, multiple-prism,beam-expanders,gratings,quantum,electronics,linewidth,solid-state, interferometry,interferometers,imaging, duarte, macquarie, australian, institute, optical, society, america"> </head> <center><a href=""><img src = "" align = leftt border = 0></a></center> <br> </br> <center><h1>COUMARIN TETRAMETHYL (T) DYE LASERS</h1></center> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="experiment-7.css"></link> <BODY LINK="#000066" VLINK="007766" ALINK="#000066"> <center><a href=""><img src = " DUARTE-LASERS COUMARIN 545T.jpg" align = leftt border = 0></a></center> <ul> <li>F. J. Duarte, Coherent electrically excited organic semiconductors, in <a href=""><i>Tunable Laser Applications</i>, 3rd Ed. (CRC, New York, 2016) Chapter 12.</a> </ul> <br> <center><a href=""><img src = " DUARTE-LASERS TLA3rd.png"></center></a> <ul> <li><a href="">F. J. Duarte, Tunable organic dye lasers: physics and technology of high-performance liquid and solid-state narrow-linewidth oscillators, <i>Progress in Quantum Electronics</i> 36, 29-50 (2012) (<i>Invited</i>).</a> <li><a href="">F. J. Duarte, Electrically-pumped organic-semiconductor coherent emission: a review , in <i>Coherence and Ultrashort Pulse Laser Emission</i>, F. J. Duarte, Ed. (InTech, Vienna, 2010).</a> <li><a href="">F. J. Duarte, Coherent electrically excited organic semiconductors, in <i>Tunable Laser Applications</i>, 2nd Ed. (CRC, New York, 2009) Chapter 14</a> <li>F. J. Duarte, Coherent electrically excited organic semiconductors: coherent or laser emission?, <i>Appl. Phys. B</i> 90, 101-108 (2008). <li>F. J. Duarte, Coherent electrically-excited organic semiconductors: visibility of interferograms and emission linewidth, <i>Opt. Lett.</i> 32, 412-414 (2007). <li>F. J. Duarte, L. S. Liao, <a href="">K. M. Vaeth</a>, and A. M. Miller, Widely tunable green laser emission using the coumarin 545 tetramethyl dye as the gain medium, <i>J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt.</i> 8, 172-174 (2006). <li>F. J. Duarte, L. S. Liao, and K. M. Vaeth, Coherence characteristics of electrically excited tandem organic light-emitting diodes, <i>Opt. Lett.</i> 30, 3072-3074 (2005). <li>F. J. Duarte, Dye lasers, in <a href=""><i>Tunable Lasers Handbook</i></a>, F. J. Duarte (Ed.) (Academic, New York, 1995) pp. 167-218. <li><a href="">F. J. Duarte</a>, Ray transfer matrix analysis of multiple-prism dye laser oscillators, <i>Opt. Quantum. Electron.</i> 21, 47-54 (1989). <li>C. H. Chen, J. L. Fox, F. J. Duarte, and J. J. Ehrlich, Lasing characteristics of new coumarin-analog dyes: broadband and narrow-linewidth performance, <i>Appl. Opt.</i> 27, 443-445 (1988). </ul> <center><a href=""><h2>Dye Lasers</h2></a></center> <br> <center><a href=""><img src = ""></center></a> <br> <center><a href=""><img src = ""></a> <a href=""><img src = ""></a> <a href=""><img src = ""></a> </center> <center><font size=1> <p>Page published on the <i>30th of January, 2005; Last updated on the <i>30th of September, 2016.</i></p> </html>