Online Dispute Resolution | European Commission
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EU - 2024/3228 - EN - EUR-Lex</a><br/><br/> You can use the platform until 19 July 2025, but you can no longer submit new complaints. We invite you to get informed on the <a href="">other means of consumer dispute resolution</a>.<br/><br/> Pursuant to Article 2(4) of the Regulation 2024/3228/EU, all users information, including personal data will be deleted on 20 July 2025 at the latest. We therefore ask you to export all data relevant to your case before 19 July 2025.<br/><br/> If you have any difficulties downloading your data from the European ODR Platform, the European Commission will assist you. Please send an email to <a href=""></a> and we will reply to you in 15 working days. Kindly note that this mailbox is only available for requests related to downloading the data, as explained above. Unfortunately, we will not be able to respond to any other requests that will arrive to this mailbox.<br/><br/> If you have a consumer problem, you may find useful advice on the <a href="">Your Europe website</a>. If you want to contest an unjustified restriction of your content or your account by the provider of an online platform, you could reach out to an out-of-court dispute settlement body, certified pursuant to Article 21 of Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 (Digital Services Act). The European Commission publishes a list of these bodies on its <a href=""> website. </a>.<br/><br/> Our privacy statement is available <a href="">here.</a>.<br/><br/> For any other assistance until 19 July 2025, please get in touch with your <a href="">national contact point</a>. The Commission will cooperate with the national contact points in the new information website helping consumers to find appropriate dispute resolution tools. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="page-content"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="ecl-row ecl-u-z-navigation ecl-u-pt-xl"> <div class="ecl-col-md-3 ecl-u-z-navigation"> <nav class="ecl-navigation-inpage" > <p> <button class="ecl-button ecl-button--call " onClick="document.location='../security/?event=security.register'"> Register as a trader </button> </p> <div class="ecl-navigation-inpage__title"> Page Contents </div> <div class="ecl-navigation-inpage__body"> <div class="ecl-navigation-inpage__trigger" aria-controls="ecl-navigation-inpage-list" aria-expanded="false" id="ecl-navigation-inpage-trigger"> </div> <ul class="ecl-navigation-inpage__list" aria-labelledby="ecl-navigation-inpage-trigger" id="ecl-navigation-inpage-list"> <li class="ecl-navigation-inpage__item"> <a class="ecl-navigation-inpage__link ecl-link ecl-link--standalone" href="#inline-nav-1"> Why the ODR platform matters for traders </a> </li> <li class="ecl-navigation-inpage__item"> <a class="ecl-navigation-inpage__link ecl-link ecl-link--standalone" href="#inline-nav-2"> Trader obligations </a> </li> <li class="ecl-navigation-inpage__item"> <a class="ecl-navigation-inpage__link ecl-link ecl-link--standalone" href="#inline-nav-3"> Start using ODR </a> </li> <li class="ecl-navigation-inpage__item"> <a class="ecl-navigation-inpage__link ecl-link ecl-link--standalone" href="#inline-nav-5"> Documents </a> </li> </ul> </div> </nav> </div> <div class="ecl-col-md-9"> <section id="inline-nav-1"> <h2 class="ecl-heading ecl-heading--h2"> Why the ODR platform matters for traders </h2> <p class="ecl-paragraph"> The European Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform is provided by the European Commission to make online shopping safer and fairer through access to quality dispute resolution tools. All online retailers and traders in EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway are obliged to provide an easily accessible link to the ODR platform and an e-mail address for the ODR platform to contact you (Article 14 of the Regulation (EU) No <a href="">524/2013 </a> ). </p> <p class="ecl-paragraph"> If you have received a notification from the ODR platform, it means a consumer has an unresolved problem with a good or service purchased from your online store and chose to use the ODR platform to find a solution. </p> <h3 class="ecl-heading ecl-heading--h3"> Resolve through a dispute resolution body </h3> <p class="ecl-paragraph"> If the notification concerns a complaint, this means the consumer would like to refer the problem to an approved dispute resolution body. The dispute resolution bodies listed on the ODR platform meet strict standards of quality and independence. </p> <p class="ecl-paragraph"> A dispute resolution body is a neutral third party that helps consumers and traders solve disputes in a non-confrontational way. They are usually less expensive and quicker than going to court. </p> <p class="ecl-paragraph"> You will have 30 days to agree on a dispute resolution body to handle your case, <a href="">learn more</a> . Failing that, the consumer will be advised on other tools to protect their rights and obtain redress. </p> </section> <section id="inline-nav-2"> <h2 class="ecl-heading ecl-heading--h2"> Trader obligations </h2> <p class="ecl-paragraph"> If you trade online in the EU, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein, you have the following obligations in relation to the ODR platform. These obligations APPLY TO ALL ONLINE TRADERS whether they intend to use the ODR platform or not: <ol class="ecl-paragraph" > <li> You have to clearly provide your e-mail address on your website. Providing only an interactive contact form is not sufficient. </li> <li> You have to provide a link from your website to the Online Dispute Resolution platform <a class="ecl-link" href=""></a> This link has to be visible and easily accessible on the website. </li> </ol> </p> </section> <section id="inline-nav-3"> <h2 class="ecl-heading ecl-heading--h2"> Start using ODR </h2> <p class="ecl-paragraph"> Registering on the ODR platform will make it easier for your customers to engage with you if they have a problem. It will help you avoid unnecessary escalation of complaints by receiving them before the consumer turns to other mechanisms to resolve their dispute. </p> <p class="ecl-paragraph"> If you receive a request from your customer through the ODR platform, you will need to register to respond. </p> <h3 class="ecl-heading ecl-heading--h3"> To register you have to <a class="ecl-link" href="">create an EU login</a> </h3> <br> <img src=""> <br><br> <p class="ecl-paragraph"> 13-After you have created your EU login, you will be directed to the ODR platform where you will have to create an organisation in the site to be able to: <ol class="ecl-paragraph" > <li> Access the system </li> <li> Create/Receive complaints via the ODR platform </li> <li> Manage users within your organisation </li> <li> Update your personal data (e.g. change the e-mail address to which the notifications will be sent) </li> </ol> </p> <br> <img src=""> <p class="ecl-paragraph">Once you have created an organisation, all members of your organisation will be able to access the dashboard and see the complaints.</p> </section> <section id="inline-nav-5"> <h2 class="ecl-heading ecl-heading--h2"> Documents </h2> <section class="ecl-file" > <div class="ecl-file__body"> <div class="ecl-row"> <div class=" ecl-col ecl-col-md-8"> <span class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--file ecl-file__icon"> </span> <div class="ecl-file__metadata"> <div class="ecl-file__title"> Leaflet for traders <br> </div> <div class="ecl-file__info"> <span class="ecl-file__language"> English </span> (903 kB - PDF) </div> </div> </div> <div class="ecl-col-12 ecl-col-md-4"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ecl-button ecl-button--default ecl-button--block ecl-button--file ecl-file__download"> Download <span class="sr-only"> (903 kB - PDF) </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="ecl-file"> <div class="ecl-file__body"> <div class="ecl-row"> <div class=" ecl-col ecl-col-md-8"> <span class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--file ecl-file__icon"></span> <div class="ecl-file__metadata"> <div class="ecl-file__title"> Trader statistic<br> </div> <div class="ecl-file__info"> <span class="ecl-file__language">English</span> (903 kB - PDF) </div> </div> </div> <div class="ecl-col-12 ecl-col-md-4"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ecl-button ecl-button--default ecl-button--block ecl-button--file ecl-file__download"> Download <span class="sr-only">(191 kB - PDF)</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="ecl-footer"> <div class="ecl-footer__site-identity"> <div class="ecl-container"> <div class="ecl-row"> <div class="ecl-col-sm ecl-footer__column"> <ul class="ecl-footer__menu ecl-list--unstyled" > <li class="ecl-footer__menu-item" > <h4 class="ecl-h4"> <a class="ecl-link ecl-footer__link" href=""> Online Dispute Resolution </a> </h4> </li> <li class="ecl-footer__menu-item"> <a href="" id="eu-ye-logo" target="_blank"> <img class="ecl-image ecl-image--fluid" style="max-width: 8.0rem; 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