Privacy Policy - Envato
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This policy sets out how we and our Group Companies manage your personal information if you’re a user of our sites or products. It applies to all users of Envato Elements, Envato Market, Placeit, Envato Tuts+, Mixkit, Empowerkit, Reshot, AI Labs and all products, features, functionalities, services, software, applications, programs, add-ons, extensions, plug-ins, and other technologies we may develop or use from time to time (together, the <strong>Envato Sites</strong>).</li><li>When we say ‘<strong>Envato</strong>‘, ‘<strong>we</strong>‘, ‘<strong>us</strong>’ or‘<strong>our</strong>’ we mean Shutterstock, Inc. When we refer to ‘<strong>Group Companies</strong>‘ we mean any company that controls, is controlled by or is under common control with Envato.</li><li>If we say ‘<strong>policy</strong>’ we’re talking about this privacy policy. If we say ‘<strong>user terms</strong>’ we’re talking about the rules for using each of the Envato Sites. The rules vary by product and each product makes them separately available and seeks consent to them separately from this policy.</li></ol><h2>Scope</h2><ol start="4"><li>This policy applies to the personal information that we collect as a data controller or business. This policy does not apply to personal information which is subject to separate agreements, which may include data processing agreements (DPAs), concerning the processing of personal information.</li><li>We are a data controller or business for personal information related to your personal account, and to the delivery of services related to the Envato Sites.</li><li>When we use PayPal Braintree to facilitate transactions, PayPal Braintree acts as an independent data controller in the context of processing your personal information. PayPal Braintree’s privacy statement is available at</li></ol><h2>The type of personal information we collect</h2><ol start="7"><li>We collect certain personal information about visitors and users of the Envato Sites.</li><li>The most common types of information we collect include names, usernames, addresses, email addresses, IP addresses, phone numbers, location, country of residence, other contact details, date of birth, survey responses, blogs, photos, payment information (such as payment agent details, but excluding any payment card information), transaction details, business registration and tax information, support queries, forum comments (if applicable), content you direct us to make available on the EnvatoSites (such as item descriptions and other information you choose to make available on your profile), your actions on the Envato Sites (including any selections or inputs into items, or text or image prompts), web and email analytics data and correspondence between you and us.</li><li>We require authors to verify their identity using a third party identity verification service, such as Jumio or Veriff. With explicit author consent, such third party identity verification services may collect and process author biometric information, as explained in section 14.</li><li>We collect personal information from job applicants (such as their CV, the application form itself, cover letter and interview notes) when they apply for a position at Envato, as well as any personal information which is required when they work for us (such as their tax file or social security number, and contact details such as address and phone number).</li><li>We collect information about your device and your interactions with the Envato Sites using cookies, web beacons and similar technologies. For more information on the types of information we collect automatically, please read the section on cookies below and our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a>.</li></ol><h2>How we collect personal information</h2><ol start="12"><li>We collect personal information:<ol type="a"><li>directly from you, when you provide it to us. For example, when you open an account with us or apply to become an author; complete forms such as free trials, membership, email list, subscription or competition registrations; when you submit feedback, engage with our support teams or send us any other type of communication; when you communicate in forums or our community spaces; or when you make transactions such as buying, subscribing or providing services on the Envato Sites;</li><li>automatically, as you use the Envato Sites;</li><li>indirectly, through other businesses that provide services associated with the Envato Sites, when you use those services, as explained in further detail in section 15.</li></ol></li></ol><h2>Information about our authors</h2><ol start="13"><li>As the operator of digital content marketplaces and subscription services, we have a legitimate interest in collecting, verifying, using, storing, disclosing and displaying on the Envato Sites certain information about our authors.</li><li>We believe that knowing who our authors are will strengthen the integrity of our marketplaces and subscription services by reducing fraud, making authors more accountable for their content and giving Envato and customers the ability to enforce contracts for authors who break the rules. Envato is also subject to a legal obligation to know who our authors are and publish author information on Envato Sites, in certain circumstances. For example, the laws of certain countries require us to collect, verify and display on Envato Market certain information about authors. These laws include the EU Digital Services Act, which requires us to collect, verify and display on certain sites information about certain authors, including their name, address, email address, phone number and, if applicable, business registration details. If you are an author, we will ask you to verify your identity using a third party identity verification service, such as Jumio or Veriff. With your explicit consent, such a third party identity verification service may require you to upload a government-issued photo ID document or, if applicable, business registration documents, as well as a “selfie” image that the identity verification service will compare to your government-issued photo ID using biometric facial recognition technology. The third party identity verification service will not share your biometric data with us; however, it may share with us your government-issued photo ID document and your “selfie” in order to satisfy our data retention obligations.</li></ol><h2>Personal information we collect about you from others</h2><ol start="15"><li>Although we generally collect personal information directly from you, on occasion, we also collect certain categories of personal information about you from other sources. This may include:<ol type="a"><li>financial and/or transaction details (though not payment card information) from payment providers, in order to process transactions;</li><li>third party platforms (like Google or Meta), which may provide your registration or profile information when you link, connect, or login to your account through them. Such information varies and is controlled by that platform or as authorized by you via your privacy settings on that platform;</li><li>other third party sources/and or partners, whereby we receive additional information about you (to the extent permitted by applicable law), such as demographic data or fraud detection information, and combine it with information we have about you. For example, we may receive fraud warnings from service providers like our identity verification services. We also receive information about you and your activities, experiences and interactions on and off the Envato Sites through partnerships with our partner ad networks.</li><li>information about you as a rights holder from our third party authors. For example, information in the form of a model release when your image is used in an item made available on an Envato Site;</li><li>information provided to us by the subscriber of the account, if you’re a member of a team, agency or other organisation that uses an Envato Site.</li></ol></li></ol><h2>How we use personal information</h2><ol start="16"><li>We will use your personal information:<ol type="a"><li>to perform our contractual obligations towards you as you use the services through the Envato Sites, in particular, by facilitating and processing transactions that take place on the Envato Sites, such as when you purchase or download an item from our marketplace or subscription services;</li><li>when it is necessary for purposes which are in our, or third parties’, legitimate interests. These interests include:<ol type="i"><li>operating the Envato Sites and creating and maintaining your account;</li><li>providing the services described on the Envato Sites;</li><li>verifying your identity when you sign in to an Envato Site;</li><li>responding to support tickets, and helping facilitate the resolution of any disputes;</li><li>updating you with operational news and information about the Envato Sites (e.g. to notifyyou about changes to Envato Sites, or any outages);</li><li>carrying out technical analysis to determine how to improve the Envato Sites and to create new sites and/or products;</li><li>monitoring activity on the Envato Sites (e.g. to identify potential fraudulent activity and to ensure compliance with the user terms that apply to Envato Sites);</li><li>managing our relationship with you (e.g. by responding to your comments or queries submitted to us on an Envato Site or asking for your feedback or whether you want to participate in a survey);</li><li>managing our legal and operational affairs and risks relating to content and fraud matters;</li><li>training Envato staff about how to best serve our user community;</li><li>improving the Envato Sites and creating new products and services;</li><li>providing general administrative and performance functions and activities;</li><li>processing job applications to Envato;</li><li>sharing information with service providers and business partners who help us provide services related to the Envato Sites;</li><li>using data analytics to measure the effectiveness of advertising and marketing of the Envato Sites, and improve the optimization of our the Envato Sites (including by way of data analytics tools);</li><li>understanding how the Envato Sites are being used and helping us grow our business;</li><li>ensuring the security of the Envato Sites and enforcing our rules and policies;</li></ol></li><li>subject to your consent (where required), and unless you have opted out of receiving marketing communications, providing you with marketing information about products and services which we feel may interest you. You can opt out of such communications by following the unsubscribe mechanism on any communication, or by otherwise contacting us as set out at the end of this policy;</li><li>subject to your consent (where required), customising the Envato Sites, like advertising that appears on the Envato Sites in order to provide a more personalised experience;</li><li>to comply with our legal obligations, such as when laws and regulations require us to collect, verify, use, store and display your information in certain ways (e.g. to comply with applicable sanctions); this includes:<ol type="i"><li>verifying your identity when you open your account and sign in to any Envato Site, including for our authors by using a third party verification service that, with explicit consent, compares a “selfie” taken by the author against a government-issued photo ID document using biometric facial recognition technology;</li><li>for other purposes which are required by law, or, where we have a legitimate interest, to respond to and/or defend ourselves against complaints, disputes or legal claims;</li><li>for the purpose of sharing information with, and responding to requests from, governments, courts of law, public authorities (including tax authorities), regulators or law enforcement authorities; or</li><li>where we require your personal information to comply with legal or contractual obligations.</li></ol></li></ol></li><li>If we can’t collect and use personal information for these purposes, then we may not be able to manage our contractual relationship with you, provide you with the Envato Sites, or meet legal obligations placed on us. In all other cases, provision of requested personal information is optional.</li></ol><h2>When we disclose your personal information</h2><ol start="18"><li>We may disclose personal information to the following recipients:<ol type="a"><li>users and visitors to Envato Sites, who will see certain personal information, such as author information (see section 14);</li><li>Group Companies;</li><li>if applicable, authors of any items or services made available to you, so they can facilitate support and license validation;</li><li>the account holder, if you’re a member of a team, agency or other organisation that uses Envato Sites;</li><li>If applicable, anyone who uses assets that you have made available through Envato Sites;</li><li>subcontractors and service providers who assist us in connection with the ways we use personal information (as set out above), in particular: website hosting providers; recruitment agencies; marketing and analytics services; security and fraud prevention services; subscription management services; payment processing services; identification verification services; and operational tooling services;</li><li>our professional advisers (e.g. lawyers, accountants and financial advisers);</li><li>regulators, law enforcement, government and public authorities (including tax authorities), take down services and others in connection with our compliance procedures and obligations or where we have a good-faith belief that it is necessary to protect Envato (including our rights, property or intellectual property), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory enquiries;</li><li>in connection with or contemplation of (including as part of the due diligence process) any corporate transaction (such as a sale, merger or asset transfer) or business reorganisation impacting Envato, to any counterparty or prospective counterparty, and their professional advisers;</li><li>a third party to respond to requests relating to a criminal investigation or alleged or suspected illegal activity;</li><li>a third party, in order to enforce, defend or protect our rights or property, or to address financial or reputational risks;</li><li>a rights holder in relation to an allegation of intellectual property infringement or any other infringement; and</li><li>other recipients where we are authorised or required by law, or requests by governments, regulators, courts of law, law enforcement authorities or other public authorities (including tax authorities), to do so.</li></ol></li></ol><h2>Where we transfer and/or store your personal information</h2><ol start="19"><li>We are based in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico and other countries in which Group Companies maintain operations or facilities, so when your data is transferred to us it will be processed in those countries. Some of the recipients we have described in section 18, and to whom we disclose your personal information, are based in other countries around the world. These countries may not provide the same protections as the data protection laws where you are based. When we transfer data to these recipients, we do this on the basis of this policy and we will ensure that relevant safeguards are in place to afford adequate protection for your personal information. For example, if you are in the EEA or the UK, we may rely on a UK government adequacy regulation or adequacy decision by the European Commission, on contractual protections for the transfer of your personal information or a derogation if available. We also take care to work with subcontractors and service providers who we believe maintain an acceptable standard of data security compliance.</li><li>Where required under applicable laws, by providing us with your personal information you consent to the transfer of, and authorise us to disclose, that personal information to recipients as described in this policy (including those recipients that may not be required to protect your personal information in a way that provides comparable safeguards to those under the data protection laws where you are based).</li></ol><h2>How we keep your personal information secure</h2><ol start="21"><li>We use commercially reasonable organizational, technical and administrative measures designed to protect against unauthorized access, misuse, loss, disclosure, alteration and destruction of the personal information we process. Unfortunately, data transmission, including over the internet, cannot be guaranteed as completely secure. Therefore, while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its security.</li></ol><h2>Your rights relating to your personal information</h2><ol start="22"><li>Depending on the jurisdiction you are located in, you may have the following rights, as provided under applicable law and subject to any limitations in such law:<ol type="a"><li>to receive <strong>information</strong> about how we collect and use personal information. We have made this information available to you without having to request it by including it in this policy;</li><li>to <strong>access</strong> the personal information we hold about you;</li><li>to request <strong>we correct</strong> any inaccurate personal information we hold about you;</li><li>to request <strong>we delete</strong> any personal information we hold about you;</li><li>to <strong>restrict</strong> the processing of personal information we hold about you;</li><li>to <strong>object</strong> to the processing of personal information we hold about you;</li><li>to <strong>receive</strong> any personal information we hold about you in a structured and commonly used machine readable format or have such personal information transmitted to another company;</li><li>to <strong>opt out</strong> of the sale or sharing of personal information or the processing and sharing of personal information for targeted advertising. To exercise this right, you can click the “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information” link on the footer of our website.</li></ol></li><li>Please note that, prior to any response to the exercise of such rights, we may require you to verify your identity or confirm the specific right that you’re seeking to exercise.</li><li>If you seek to exercise any of the rights described in section 22, depending on the jurisdiction you are in and applicable laws, we may need to pass on costs that are strictly necessary for the reproduction, modification or sending of personal information to you. Otherwise, your exercise of these rights will be free of charge.</li><li>Your rights may be limited in certain situations under applicable law. For example, we cannot delete your personal information if we are subject to a legal obligation to process it or retain it for a specified period or purpose.</li><li>You can access or correct some of the personal information that we process by logging into your account. You can also close the account you have with us for any Envato Site at any time, subject to the user terms applicable to that Envato Site. To make a request to exercise any other rights you have, contact us using the contact details at the end of this policy. Note that deactivating your account may not cause us to fully delete all of your personal information. To request that we do so, please submit a data deletion request as described in section 38.</li></ol><h2>Marketing choices regarding your personal information</h2><ol start="27"><li>We may send you marketing communications by email about products and services that we feel may be of interest to you. Where required by law, we will obtain your consent. You can opt-out of such communications if you would prefer not to receive them in the future by using the “unsubscribe” facility provided in the communication itself.</li><li>You also have choices about cookies, as described below. By modifying your browser preferences, you can accept all cookies, be notified when a cookie is set, or reject all cookies. If you choose to reject cookies, some parts of the Envato Sites may not work properly in your case. For more information on the types of information we collect automatically, please read the section on cookies below and our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a>.</li></ol><h2>Cookies and web analytics</h2><ol start="29"><li>For more information about how we use cookies, web beacons and similar technologies see our Cookie Policy here and for more general information on cookies, see<a href=""></a>.</li><li>When you visit Envato Sites, we automatically collect certain information including:<ol type="a"><li>your IP address or proxy server IP address;</li><li>the domain name you requested;</li><li>the name of your internet service provider is sometimes captured depending on the configuration of your ISP connection;</li><li>the date and time of your visit to the website;</li><li>the length of your session;</li><li>the pages which you have accessed;</li><li>the number of times you access our sites within any month;</li><li>the file URL you look at and information relating to it;</li><li>the website which referred you to our sites;</li><li>the operating system which your computer uses; and</li><li>the technical capabilities of your web browser.</li></ol></li><li>We may use cookies to understand your behavior as a user of the Envato Sites and give you a better experience when browsing the Envato Sites, and if you would like to disable them or configure their use, you may consult the ‘Settings’ section of your browser.</li><li>Occasionally, we will use third party advertising companies to serve ads based on prior visits to Envato Sites. For example, if you visit an Envato Site, you may later see an ad for our products and services when you visit a different Envato Site. Read more about your options in our Cookie Policy. However, please note that Envato is only responsible for data collected directly on Envato Sites. We cannot in any way be responsible for the collection and/or processing of your personal information on any third party website or platform, therefore we recommend that you consult the third party’s privacy notice and policies before providing any personal information.</li><li>Some internet browsers can be configured to send “Do Not Track” signals to the online services that you visit. We currently do not respond to “Do Not Track” or similar signals. To find out more about “Do Not Track,” please visit <a href=""></a>.</li><li>We use Google Analytics to help us better understand how people engage with the Envato Sites by collecting information and creating reports about how users use the Envato Sites. For more information on Google Analytics, click here. For more information about Google’s privacy practices, click <a href="">here</a>. You can opt out of Google Analytics by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at: <a href=""></a>.</li></ol><h2>Information you make public or give to others</h2><ol start="36"><li>You may make your personal information available to other people, like when you post a public message on a forum thread, share information via social media, or make contact with another user (such as a third party author) whether via the Envato Sites, directly via email or other means. Before making your information publicly available or giving your information to anyone else, think carefully. If you’re sharing information via another website, check the privacy policy for that site to understand its information management practices as this policy will not apply.</li></ol><h2>How long we keep your personal information and how you can manage or delete your personal information</h2><ol start="37"><li>We retain your personal information for as long as is necessary for the purposes outlined in this policy. To determine the appropriate retention period for your personal information, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal information; the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal information; the purposes for which we use your personal information and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means; and other applicable legal requirements.</li><li>If you would like to terminate any Envato services, or exercise any of the rights set out in section 22, please:<ol type="a"><li>contact our Data Protection Officer in writing at PO Box 16122, Collins Street West, Victoria 8007 Australia, or by email at <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="1f6f6d76697e7c66317c777e726f7670715f7a71697e6b70317c7072">[email protected]</a>; or</li><li>submit a request form through our help centre for the relevant Envato Site located at <a href=""></a>.</li></ol></li><li>If you’re looking to report a security vulnerability in an Envato Site please visit our Helpful Hacker Program page.</li><li>Please note that if you request the deletion of your personal information, we may retain information from deleted accounts as necessary for our legitimate business interests, to comply with the law, prevent fraud, collect fees, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with investigations or requests by governments, courts of law, or law enforcement and other public authorities (including tax authorities), enforce the user terms and take other actions permitted by law. Any information we retain will be handled in accordance with this policy.</li></ol><h2>When we need to update this policy</h2><ol start="41"><li>We may change this policy from time to time, including in order to make sure it stays up to date with the latest legal requirements and any changes to our practices.</li><li>If we make material changes to the policy, we’ll take steps to notify you about such changes where required by applicable law. We may provide you this notice via our website and/or by email to the email address associated with your account. A copy of the latest version of this policy will be available on this page or other Envato Sites. By continuing to use the Envato Sites after the effective date of any changes, you will be deemed to have been made aware of, and will be subject to the updated version of this policy.</li></ol><h2>How you can contact our Data Protection Officer</h2><ol start="43"><li>If you wish to exercise any of your rights under this policy, or have any inquiries or complaints about our privacy practices or the way in which we have been managing your personal information, please contact our Data Protection Officer in writing at PO Box 16122, Collins Street West, Victoria 8007 Australia, or by email at <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="ee9e9c87988f8d97c08d868f839e878180ae8b80988f9a81c08d8183">[email protected]</a>, or contact our nominated data protection representative. When you provide any information to us, please: (a) provide sufficient information to allow us to reasonably verify your identity or that you are an authorised representative of a user; and (b) provide sufficient detail such that we understand and can evaluate your request. We will deal with the matter within a reasonable time, and within any timeframe prescribed by applicable law, and keep you informed of the progress of our review.</li></ol><h2>How you can contact our EU and UK Representative</h2><ol start="44"><li>VeraSafe has been appointed as Envato’s representative in relation to the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union and the United Kingdom. If you are in the EEA or the UK, you may also contact us at VeraSafe in addition to our Data Protection Officer (see above) only on matters related to the processing of personal information. To make such an inquiry, please contact VeraSafe using this contact form: <a href=""></a> or via telephone at: +420 228 881 031.</li><li>Alternatively, VeraSafe can be contacted at:<br><br><span>VeraSafe</span><br><span>Plaza de la Solidaridad 12, Floor 5</span><br><span>29006, Malaga</span><br><span>Malaga, Spain</span></li></ol><h2>Complaints</h2><ol start="46"><li>If you contact us with a complaint about our handling of your information, we will acknowledge receipt of the complaint, attend to all complaints promptly and seek to resolve them as soon as reasonably practicable.</li><li>If you have unresolved concerns after contacting us, you may also have the right to complain to your data protection authority.</li></ol><h2>Privacy snapshot</h2><p>The table below sets forth the categories of personal information we may collect about you over the past twelve (12) months; how we may use such information; whether we disclose it; and if you can limit sharing.</p><table><thead><tr><th>Data category collected</th><th>How we collect</th><th>Primary purpose of processing</th><th>Key disclosures</th><th>Can you limit sharing?</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td rowspan="2"><strong>Identifiers</strong><br><br>This includes names, addresses (both physical and email), personal identifiers (including online, internet protocol addresses, or other similar identifiers).</td><td rowspan="2">When you visit and use Envato Sites; from third-party sites and services.</td><td rowspan="2">To deliver our services; to improve, monitor, personalize and protect our services; and for marketing and advertising.</td><td>Service providers</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td>Marketing and advertising partners</td><td>Yes</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="2"><strong>Personal Information categories under the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code §1798.80e)</strong><br><br>This includes names, address, telephone numbers, state identification numbers, education, employment, tax information, payment information but excluding any payment card information.</td><td rowspan="2">When you visit and use the Envato Sites; from third-party sites and services.</td><td rowspan="2">To deliver our services; to improve, monitor, personalize and protect our services; and for marketing and advertising.</td><td>Service providers</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td>Marketing and advertising partners</td><td>Yes</td></tr><tr><td><strong>Protected Classification characteristics under Californian or federal law.</strong><br><br>This includes age, race, colour, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, religion or creed, marital status, medical conditions, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, veteran or military status, genetic information.</td><td>No</td><td>N/A</td><td>N/A</td><td>N/A</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="2"><strong>Commercial information</strong><br><br>This includes but is not limited to records of your use of the Envato Sites and subscriptions and purchases.</td><td rowspan="2">When you visit and use the Envato Sites; from third-party sites and services.</td><td rowspan="2">To deliver our services; to improve, monitor, personalize and protect our services; and for marketing and advertising.</td><td>Service providers</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td>Marketing and advertising partners</td><td>Yes</td></tr><tr><td><strong>Biometric information</strong><br><br>Genetics, physiological, behavioural or biological characteristics.</td><td>By our third party service provider with explicit author consent. We do not process any biometric information.</td><td>To verify the identity of an author.</td><td>N/A</td><td>N/A</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="2"><strong>Internet or similar network activity</strong><br><br>History or search history.</td><td rowspan="2">When you visit and use the Envato Sites; from third-party sites and services.</td><td rowspan="2">To deliver our services; to improve, monitor, personalize and protect our services.</td><td>Service providers</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td>Marketing and advertising partners</td><td>Yes</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="2"><strong>Geolocation data</strong><br><br>Physical location or movements.</td><td rowspan="2">When you visit and use the Envato Sites; from third-party sites and services.</td><td rowspan="2">To improve, monitor, personalize and protect our services; and for marketing and advertising.</td><td>Service providers</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td>Marketing and advertising partners</td><td>Yes</td></tr><tr><td><strong>Employment</strong><br><br>Current or past employment history.</td><td>When you apply for a position with Envato.</td><td>To consider your application for a position with Envato.</td><td>Service providers</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="2"><strong>Education</strong><br><br>Information that is not publicly available as defined in the California Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. section 1232g, 34 C.F.R, Part 99).</td><td rowspan="2">When you visit and use the Envato Sites; from third-party sites and services.</td><td rowspan="2">To deliver our services; to improve, monitor, personalize and protect our services; and for marketing and advertising.</td><td>Service providers</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td>Marketing and advertising partners</td><td>Yes</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="2"><strong>Inferences</strong></td><td rowspan="2">When you visit and use the Envato Sites; from third-party sites and services.</td><td rowspan="2">To deliver our services; to improve, monitor, personalize and protect our services; and for marketing and advertising.</td><td>Service providers</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td>Marketing and advertising partners</td><td>Yes</td></tr></tbody></table><p>* As described further in this policy, we may disclose all categories of personal information to our service providers, Group Companies, professional advisors and others for the purposes described in the policy. We also may disclose personal information to authorities or others for legal and compliance purposes, and to business transferees in the context of an acquisition or the sale of our business or another corporate transaction.</p></div></div></div><footer class="footer_siteFooter__2-18f" role="contentinfo"><div class="footer_topRowContainer__QdWUF"><a href="" class="footer_logo__7VCCB" rel="home" aria-label="Envato"><img alt="envato logo" loading="lazy" src="/static/media/envato.44bb3d4c.svg" data-logo="envato"></a><div class="footer_internalLinks__uiAbN"><nav role="navigation"><ul class="footer_nav_list__2c3PC footer_nav_vertical__2roKo"><li class="footer_nav_listItem__1PsWa"><a href="/products/" class="footer_nav_link__1zPe8">Products</a></li><li class="footer_nav_listItem__1PsWa"><a href="/about/purpose/" class="footer_nav_link__1zPe8">Purpose</a></li><li class="footer_nav_listItem__1PsWa"><a href="/affiliates/" class="footer_nav_link__1zPe8">Affiliates</a></li><li 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