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<span> 美食 </span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="#safeTravel02" title="移动至对应区域" class="safe-travel-link-position"> <svg xmlns="" width="60" height="60" viewBox="0 0 60 60" fill="none"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_1088_53)"> <path d="M18.3867 47.4194H39.677V49.3549H18.3867V47.4194Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M0.966797 35.8065V39.9738C1.53761 40.3896 2.19396 40.6452 2.90228 40.6452C5.04001 40.6452 6.77325 38.4787 6.77325 35.8065C6.77325 34.2165 6.15093 32.8173 5.2035 31.9355H4.83776C2.70004 31.9355 0.966797 33.6688 0.966797 35.8065Z" fill="#84C8ED"></path> <path d="M49.2924 25.3007C48.5529 23.4521 46.7899 22.2581 44.7991 22.2581H22.9437C20.3618 22.2581 18.0412 23.6931 16.8844 26.0033L13.5488 32.675V42.9176H15.4843V33.871H29.0327V35.8064H25.1617V37.7419H29.0327V43.5484H16.909V45.4839H41.1583V43.5484H38.7923C39.2384 40.6976 41.6124 38.4356 44.569 38.2249L52.2585 37.6753V32.7166L49.2924 25.3007ZM47.4945 26.0189L49.8614 31.9355H30.9682V24.1935H44.7991C45.9932 24.1935 47.0512 24.9099 47.4945 26.0189ZM16.0825 31.9355L17.0503 30H20.323V31.9355H16.0825ZM22.2585 31.9355V30C22.2585 28.9325 21.3905 28.0645 20.323 28.0645H18.018L18.6158 26.8685C19.4413 25.2185 21.1003 24.1935 22.9437 24.1935H29.0327V31.9355H22.2585ZM44.4306 36.2941C40.4637 36.5776 37.2982 39.6831 36.8384 43.5484H30.9682V33.871H50.323V35.8731L44.4306 36.2941Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M54.1934 37.742C54.1934 39.8769 55.9294 41.6129 58.0643 41.6129C58.3847 41.6129 58.7051 41.5548 59.0321 41.4669V34.0114C56.4889 33.3309 54.1934 35.2867 54.1934 37.742Z" fill="#84C8ED"></path> <path d="M23.1994 19.3548H51.831C51.986 19.3548 52.132 19.3907 52.278 19.4266L50.5495 7.33169C50.3463 5.90985 49.1116 4.83862 47.6765 4.83862H22.0002C20.5651 4.83862 19.3294 5.90985 19.1262 7.33169L17.0977 21.5284C18.795 20.1491 20.9379 19.3548 23.1994 19.3548Z" fill="#84C8ED"></path> <path d="M21.2891 10.6452H23.2245V16.4517H25.16V10.6452H27.0955V8.70972H21.2891V10.6452Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M48.3885 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32.9032H11.224L15.5311 24.9028C17.0517 22.0771 19.9909 20.3226 23.1998 20.3226H51.8314C52.2486 20.3226 52.6172 20.5886 52.7495 20.9846L53.3884 22.9035L53.695 23.0873C56.3913 24.7053 58.0645 27.6619 58.0645 30.8042V43.5484H49.8118V45.4839H57.8864C57.4857 46.6075 56.4211 47.4193 55.1613 47.4193H51.2903V49.3548H55.1613C57.8292 49.3548 60 47.184 60 44.5161V30.8042C60 27.1076 58.0933 23.6237 55.0016 21.6211Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M12.5808 55.1613C8.84643 55.1613 5.80664 52.1225 5.80664 48.3871C5.80664 44.6518 8.84643 41.6129 12.5808 41.6129C16.3152 41.6129 19.355 44.6518 19.355 48.3871C19.355 52.1225 16.3152 55.1613 12.5808 55.1613ZM12.5808 46.4516C11.5134 46.4516 10.6454 47.3197 10.6454 48.3871C10.6454 49.4546 11.5134 50.3226 12.5808 50.3226C13.6483 50.3226 14.5163 49.4546 14.5163 48.3871C14.5163 47.3197 13.6483 46.4516 12.5808 46.4516Z" fill="#84C8ED"></path> <path d="M45.4851 55.1613C41.7507 55.1613 38.7109 52.1225 38.7109 48.3871C38.7109 44.6518 41.7507 41.6129 45.4851 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51.2903ZM45.4853 47.4194C44.9513 47.4194 44.5175 47.8541 44.5175 48.3871C44.5175 48.9201 44.9513 49.3549 45.4853 49.3549C46.0192 49.3549 46.453 48.9201 46.453 48.3871C46.453 47.8541 46.0192 47.4194 45.4853 47.4194Z" fill="black"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_1088_53"> <rect width="60" height="60" fill="white"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span> 出租车 </span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="#safeTravel03" title="移动至对应区域" class="safe-travel-link-position"> <svg xmlns="" width="60" height="60" viewBox="0 0 60 60" fill="none"> <path d="M30 0C13.4325 0 0 13.4325 0 30C0 46.5713 13.4325 60 30 60C46.5675 60 60 46.5713 60 30C60 13.4325 46.5675 0 30 0ZM32.7094 42.8062L33.255 43.8019C33.255 43.8019 30.84 48.5362 26.7975 48.5362C24.6562 48.5362 23.5838 47.1694 23.5838 44.4375C23.5838 42.4819 24.1012 39.7069 25.1306 36.1238C26.1581 32.5313 26.6756 30.1537 26.6756 28.9819C26.6756 27.93 26.1825 27.2213 25.1906 26.8575L25.4944 25.44C25.4944 25.44 29.01 22.8281 31.6425 22.8281C33.5025 22.8281 34.4325 23.835 34.4325 25.8562C34.4325 26.8275 34.0013 28.9369 33.1294 32.1919C32.4225 34.8 31.8881 36.9338 31.5262 38.5856C31.2225 39.9413 31.0725 40.8713 31.0725 41.3794C31.0725 42.33 31.6181 42.8062 32.7094 42.8062ZM32.2969 19.7063C30.0188 19.7063 28.1719 17.8687 28.1719 15.5906C28.1719 13.3125 30.0169 11.4637 32.2969 11.4637C34.5713 11.4637 36.4163 13.3125 36.4163 15.5906C36.4163 17.8687 34.5713 19.7063 32.2969 19.7063Z" fill="#84C8ED"></path> </svg> <span> 多国语言指南 </span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="#safeTravel04" title="移动至对应区域" class="safe-travel-link-position"> <svg xmlns="" width="60" height="60" viewBox="0 0 60 60" fill="none"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_1088_76)"> <path d="M40.6443 60C36.3756 60 32.9023 56.5268 32.9023 52.258C32.9023 47.9893 36.3756 44.5161 40.6443 44.5161C44.913 44.5161 48.3862 47.9893 48.3862 52.258C48.3862 56.5268 44.913 60 40.6443 60ZM40.6443 49.3548C39.0436 49.3548 37.7411 50.6574 37.7411 52.258C37.7411 53.8587 39.0436 55.1613 40.6443 55.1613C42.2449 55.1613 43.5475 53.8587 43.5475 52.258C43.5475 50.6574 42.2449 49.3548 40.6443 49.3548Z" fill="#84C8ED"></path> <path d="M9.67748 60C5.40877 60 1.93555 56.5268 1.93555 52.258C1.93555 47.9893 5.40877 44.5161 9.67748 44.5161C13.9462 44.5161 17.4194 47.9893 17.4194 52.258C17.4194 56.5268 13.9462 60 9.67748 60ZM9.67748 49.3548C8.07684 49.3548 6.77426 50.6574 6.77426 52.258C6.77426 53.8587 8.07684 55.1613 9.67748 55.1613C11.2781 55.1613 12.5807 53.8587 12.5807 52.258C12.5807 50.6574 11.2781 49.3548 9.67748 49.3548Z" fill="#84C8ED"></path> <path d="M17.3528 53.2258C17.2677 53.9013 17.0983 54.5507 16.8496 55.1613H33.4735C33.2257 54.5507 33.0554 53.9013 32.9703 53.2258H17.3528Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M17.3528 51.2903H32.9712C33.0564 50.6149 33.2257 49.9655 33.4744 49.3549H16.8496C17.0974 49.9655 17.2677 50.6149 17.3528 51.2903Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M40.6444 48.3871C38.5096 48.3871 36.7734 50.1232 36.7734 52.2581C36.7734 54.3929 38.5096 56.129 40.6444 56.129C42.7792 56.129 44.5154 54.3929 44.5154 52.2581C44.5154 50.1232 42.7792 48.3871 40.6444 48.3871ZM40.6444 54.1935C39.577 54.1935 38.7089 53.3255 38.7089 52.2581C38.7089 51.1906 39.577 50.3226 40.6444 50.3226C41.7118 50.3226 42.5799 51.1906 42.5799 52.2581C42.5799 53.3255 41.7118 54.1935 40.6444 54.1935Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M9.67761 48.3871C7.54277 48.3871 5.80664 50.1232 5.80664 52.2581C5.80664 54.3929 7.54277 56.129 9.67761 56.129C11.8124 56.129 13.5486 54.3929 13.5486 52.2581C13.5486 50.1232 11.8124 48.3871 9.67761 48.3871ZM9.67761 54.1935C8.61019 54.1935 7.74212 53.3255 7.74212 52.2581C7.74212 51.1906 8.61019 50.3226 9.67761 50.3226C10.745 50.3226 11.6131 51.1906 11.6131 52.2581C11.6131 53.3255 10.745 54.1935 9.67761 54.1935Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M55.6861 16.6065C55.3629 16.3975 54.9448 16.3994 54.6235 16.6143L52.3803 18.1094L51.0061 16.7352C50.6277 16.3568 50.0161 16.3568 49.6377 16.7352L48.2635 18.1094L46.0203 16.6143C45.699 16.3994 45.2809 16.3975 44.9577 16.6065C44.6335 16.8165 44.4651 17.1978 44.529 17.5781L45.4967 23.3846C45.5742 23.851 45.9777 24.1936 46.4509 24.1936H54.1929C54.6661 24.1936 55.0696 23.851 55.1471 23.3846L56.1148 17.5781C56.1787 17.1978 56.0103 16.8165 55.6861 16.6065ZM53.3732 22.2581H47.2696L46.8051 19.4633L47.8493 20.1601C48.2326 20.4175 48.7435 20.3652 49.0706 20.0391L50.3219 18.7878L51.5732 20.0391C51.8993 20.3652 52.4103 20.4165 52.7945 20.1601L53.8387 19.4633L53.3732 22.2581Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M60 20.3226C60 14.9865 55.6587 10.6452 50.3226 10.6452C47.1552 10.6452 44.3468 12.1819 42.5806 14.5413V0H15.4839V19.3548H13.5484V10.6452C13.5484 9.04452 12.2458 7.74193 10.6452 7.74193H2.90323C1.30258 7.74193 0 9.04452 0 10.6452C0 12.2458 1.30258 13.5484 2.90323 13.5484H11.6129V19.3548V41.2906L9.17516 44.5413C9.34161 44.5306 9.50806 44.5161 9.67742 44.5161C10.289 44.5161 10.8813 44.5945 11.4523 44.73L13.0645 42.5806H45.9135C48.3658 42.5806 50.4319 40.7439 50.7203 38.2994L50.9274 36.4045L52.6897 37.5794C52.8503 37.6868 53.0381 37.7419 53.2258 37.7419C53.3826 37.7419 53.5394 37.7042 53.6826 37.6277C53.9971 37.4594 54.1935 37.1313 54.1935 36.7742V29.1861C57.6068 27.689 60 24.2816 60 20.3226ZM2.90323 11.6129C2.36903 11.6129 1.93548 11.1794 1.93548 10.6452C1.93548 10.111 2.36903 9.67742 2.90323 9.67742H10.6452C11.1794 9.67742 11.6129 10.111 11.6129 10.6452V11.6129H2.90323ZM46.4516 34.8387H44.5161V30.9677H46.4516V34.8387ZM13.5484 25.1613H19.3548V29.0323H13.5484V25.1613ZM42.5806 26.1039V29.0323H36.7742V25.1613H41.9545C42.1452 25.4884 42.3552 25.8019 42.5806 26.1039ZM34.8387 29.0323H29.0323V25.1613H34.8387V29.0323ZM34.8387 30.9677V34.8387H29.0323V30.9677H34.8387ZM27.0968 29.0323H21.2903V25.1613H27.0968V29.0323ZM13.5484 30.9677H19.3548V34.8387H13.5484V30.9677ZM21.2903 30.9677H27.0968V34.8387H21.2903V30.9677ZM27.0968 36.7742V40.6452H21.2903V36.7742H27.0968ZM29.0323 36.7742H34.8387V40.6452H29.0323V36.7742ZM36.7742 36.7742H42.5806V40.6452H36.7742V36.7742ZM36.7742 34.8387V30.9677H42.5806V34.8387H36.7742ZM44.5161 29.0323V28.0461C45.0194 28.4255 45.5594 28.7555 46.1323 29.0323H44.5161ZM40.6452 19.3548H38.7097V1.93548H40.6452V19.3548ZM34.8387 19.3548V1.93548H36.7742V19.3548H34.8387ZM17.4194 1.93548H32.9032V19.3548H17.4194V1.93548ZM40.6945 21.2903C40.7613 21.9581 40.8958 22.6045 41.0923 23.2258H13.5484V21.2903H40.6945ZM13.5484 36.7742H19.3548V40.6452H13.5484V36.7742ZM45.9126 40.6452H44.5161V36.7742H46.4516C46.4516 37.1313 46.6481 37.4594 46.9626 37.6277C47.2761 37.7961 47.6594 37.7768 47.9555 37.5794L48.9213 36.9358L48.7965 38.0816C48.6242 39.5429 47.3845 40.6452 45.9126 40.6452ZM52.2581 34.9664L50.8597 34.0335C50.5345 33.8158 50.1116 33.8158 49.7864 34.0335L48.3871 34.9664V29.8055C49.0123 29.9323 49.6597 30 50.3226 30C50.9855 30 51.6329 29.9323 52.2581 29.8045V34.9664ZM50.3226 28.0645C46.0539 28.0645 42.5806 24.5913 42.5806 20.3226C42.5806 16.0539 46.0539 12.5806 50.3226 12.5806C54.5913 12.5806 58.0645 16.0539 58.0645 20.3226C58.0645 24.5913 54.5913 28.0645 50.3226 28.0645Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M29.0329 4.83862V7.74185C29.0329 9.87669 27.2968 11.6128 25.1619 11.6128C23.0271 11.6128 21.291 9.87669 21.291 7.74185V4.83862H19.3555V7.74185C19.3555 10.9441 21.9597 13.5483 25.1619 13.5483C28.3642 13.5483 30.9684 10.9441 30.9684 7.74185V4.83862H29.0329Z" fill="black"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_1088_76"> <rect width="60" height="60" fill="white"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span> 手机护照 </span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="#safeTravel05" title="移动至对应区域" class="safe-travel-link-position"> <svg xmlns="" width="60" height="60" viewBox="0 0 60 60" fill="none"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_1088_95)"> <path d="M24.1953 26.7097H35.8082V34.4517H24.1953V26.7097Z" fill="#84C8ED"></path> <path d="M5.80746 45.0968C5.80746 42.4289 4.07138 40.2581 1.93649 40.2581C1.83773 40.2581 1.73708 40.2727 1.63738 40.2831L1.18659 41.5722C1.04246 41.9837 0.96875 42.4161 0.96875 42.8518V48C0.96875 48.688 1.16343 49.324 1.47767 49.884C1.63171 49.9095 1.78434 49.9355 1.93649 49.9355C4.07138 49.9355 5.80746 47.7647 5.80746 45.0968Z" fill="#84C8ED"></path> <path d="M59.034 41.2258H57.0985C55.4981 41.2258 54.1953 42.5286 54.1953 44.1291V46.0645C54.1953 47.665 55.4981 48.9678 57.0985 48.9678H58.8975C58.9778 48.6573 59.034 48.336 59.034 48V41.2258Z" fill="#84C8ED"></path> <path d="M49.3847 22.8387L48.7251 20.1987C48.4028 18.9049 47.2432 18 45.9088 18H19.8998C18.5653 18 17.4067 18.9049 17.0835 20.1987L16.4238 22.8387H49.3847Z" fill="#84C8ED"></path> <path d="M38.7109 41.2258H40.6464V43.1613H38.7109V41.2258Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M42.582 41.2258H44.5175V43.1613H42.582V41.2258Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M46.4512 41.2258H48.3867V43.1613H46.4512V41.2258Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M19.3555 41.2258H21.291V43.1613H19.3555V41.2258Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M53.2258 21.871H14.6083C10.0904 21.871 6.05217 24.7355 4.55992 28.9996L0.27076 41.2527C0.0921434 41.7697 0 42.307 0 42.8518V48C0 50.6679 2.1708 52.8387 4.83871 52.8387H6.77419V50.9032H4.83871C3.23825 50.9032 1.93548 49.6005 1.93548 48V42.8518C1.93548 42.5243 1.99077 42.2021 2.09898 41.8926L3.00955 39.2903H11.6129V41.2258H7.74194V43.1613H11.6129V46.0645H13.5484V39.2903H23.2258V50.9032H18.3871V52.8387H41.6129V50.9032H36.7742V39.2903H58.0645V48C58.0645 49.6005 56.7618 50.9032 55.1613 50.9032H53.2258V52.8387H55.1613C57.8292 52.8387 60 50.6679 60 48V28.6452C60 24.9098 56.9602 21.871 53.2258 21.871ZM53.2258 23.8065C54.8003 23.8065 56.1881 24.5738 57.0717 25.7419H9.17418C10.6858 24.5304 12.5806 23.8065 14.6073 23.8065H53.2258ZM50.3226 27.6774V37.3548H44.5161V27.6774H50.3226ZM34.8387 33.4839H25.1613V27.6774H34.8387V33.4839ZM6.38814 29.638C6.63574 28.9287 6.9892 28.2823 7.39557 27.6774H15.1092L11.8827 37.3548H3.68715L6.38814 29.638ZM13.9231 37.3548L17.1486 27.6774H23.2258V37.3548H13.9231ZM25.1613 35.4194H29.0323V50.9032H25.1613V35.4194ZM30.9677 50.9032V35.4194H34.8387V50.9032H30.9677ZM36.7742 27.6774H42.5806V37.3548H36.7742V27.6774ZM52.2581 37.3548V27.6774H57.9667C58.0305 27.9902 58.0645 28.3144 58.0645 28.6452V37.3548H52.2581Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M15.4844 41.2258H17.4199V43.1613H15.4844V41.2258Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M47.4187 58.6451C43.6843 58.6451 40.6445 55.6053 40.6445 51.8709C40.6445 48.1365 43.6843 45.0967 47.4187 45.0967C51.1531 45.0967 54.1929 48.1365 54.1929 51.8709C54.1929 55.6053 51.1531 58.6451 47.4187 58.6451ZM47.4187 49.9354C46.3513 49.9354 45.4832 50.8034 45.4832 51.8709C45.4832 52.9383 46.3513 53.8064 47.4187 53.8064C48.4862 53.8064 49.3542 52.9383 49.3542 51.8709C49.3542 50.8034 48.4862 49.9354 47.4187 49.9354Z" fill="#84C8ED"></path> <path d="M47.4189 54.7742C45.8184 54.7742 44.5156 53.4715 44.5156 51.871C44.5156 50.2705 45.8184 48.9678 47.4189 48.9678C49.0193 48.9678 50.3221 50.2705 50.3221 51.871C50.3221 53.4715 49.0193 54.7742 47.4189 54.7742ZM47.4189 50.9033C46.8849 50.9033 46.4511 51.337 46.4511 51.871C46.4511 52.405 46.8849 52.8387 47.4189 52.8387C47.9528 52.8387 48.3866 52.405 48.3866 51.871C48.3866 51.337 47.9528 50.9033 47.4189 50.9033Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M12.5808 58.6451C8.84643 58.6451 5.80664 55.6053 5.80664 51.8709C5.80664 48.1365 8.84643 45.0967 12.5808 45.0967C16.3152 45.0967 19.355 48.1365 19.355 51.8709C19.355 55.6053 16.3152 58.6451 12.5808 58.6451ZM12.5808 49.9354C11.5134 49.9354 10.6454 50.8034 10.6454 51.8709C10.6454 52.9383 11.5134 53.8064 12.5808 53.8064C13.6483 53.8064 14.5163 52.9383 14.5163 51.8709C14.5163 50.8034 13.6483 49.9354 12.5808 49.9354Z" fill="#84C8ED"></path> <path d="M12.581 54.7742C10.9805 54.7742 9.67773 53.4715 9.67773 51.871C9.67773 50.2705 10.9805 48.9678 12.581 48.9678C14.1814 48.9678 15.4842 50.2705 15.4842 51.871C15.4842 53.4715 14.1814 54.7742 12.581 54.7742ZM12.581 50.9033C12.047 50.9033 11.6132 51.337 11.6132 51.871C11.6132 52.405 12.047 52.8387 12.581 52.8387C13.1149 52.8387 13.5487 52.405 13.5487 51.871C13.5487 51.337 13.1149 50.9033 12.581 50.9033Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M32.5 16C32.5 16 28 9.36842 28 6.42105C28 5.24852 28.4741 4.124 29.318 3.2949C30.1619 2.46579 31.3065 2 32.5 2C33.6935 2 34.8381 2.46579 35.682 3.2949C36.5259 4.124 37 5.24852 37 6.42105C37 9.36842 32.5 16 32.5 16Z" fill="#84C8ED"></path> <path d="M32.5 8C33.3284 8 34 7.32843 34 6.5C34 5.67157 33.3284 5 32.5 5C31.6716 5 31 5.67157 31 6.5C31 7.32843 31.6716 8 32.5 8Z" fill="white"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_1088_95"> <rect width="60" height="60" fill="white"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span> 无人驾驶班车 </span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="#safeTravel06" title="移动至对应区域" class="safe-travel-link-position"> <svg xmlns="" width="60" height="60" viewBox="0 0 60 60" fill="none"> <path d="M56.1923 30.6546L54.0326 24.7852C53.9454 24.5525 53.77 24.3637 53.5444 24.2596C53.3188 24.1556 53.0613 24.1448 52.8278 24.2295C46.8648 26.2126 43.739 17.6883 49.5448 15.3282C49.7776 15.2418 49.9667 15.0666 50.0705 14.841C50.1744 14.6154 50.1844 14.3578 50.0986 14.1248L47.5854 7.31417C47.4994 7.08091 47.3242 6.89138 47.0985 6.78725C46.8727 6.68312 46.6148 6.67292 46.3815 6.7589L6.25672 21.5451C6.02344 21.6311 5.83385 21.8061 5.72963 22.0318C5.62541 22.2575 5.61511 22.5153 5.70098 22.7486L7.09843 26.5476H4.6875C4.56438 26.5475 4.44245 26.5718 4.3287 26.6189C4.21494 26.666 4.11158 26.735 4.02452 26.8221C3.93745 26.9092 3.8684 27.0125 3.8213 27.1263C3.7742 27.24 3.74997 27.362 3.75 27.4851V34.7488C3.74997 34.872 3.7742 34.9939 3.8213 35.1076C3.8684 35.2214 3.93745 35.3248 4.02452 35.4118C4.11158 35.4989 4.21494 35.5679 4.3287 35.615C4.44245 35.6621 4.56438 35.6864 4.6875 35.6863C5.9454 35.6863 7.15177 36.186 8.04124 37.0755C8.9307 37.965 9.4304 39.1713 9.4304 40.4292C9.4304 41.6871 8.9307 42.8935 8.04124 43.783C7.15177 44.6724 5.9454 45.1721 4.6875 45.1721C4.56438 45.1721 4.44245 45.1963 4.3287 45.2434C4.21494 45.2905 4.11158 45.3596 4.02452 45.4466C3.93745 45.5337 3.8684 45.6371 3.8213 45.7508C3.7742 45.8646 3.74997 45.9865 3.75 46.1096V52.3613C3.74997 52.4844 3.7742 52.6064 3.8213 52.7201C3.8684 52.8339 3.93745 52.9372 4.02452 53.0243C4.11158 53.1114 4.21494 53.1804 4.3287 53.2275C4.44245 53.2746 4.56438 53.2988 4.6875 53.2988H47.4536C47.5767 53.2988 47.6987 53.2746 47.8124 53.2275C47.9262 53.1804 48.0295 53.1114 48.1166 53.0243C48.2037 52.9372 48.2727 52.8339 48.3198 52.7201C48.3669 52.6064 48.3911 52.4844 48.3911 52.3613V46.1096C48.3911 45.9865 48.3669 45.8646 48.3198 45.7508C48.2727 45.6371 48.2037 45.5337 48.1166 45.4466C48.0295 45.3596 47.9262 45.2905 47.8124 45.2434C47.6987 45.1963 47.5767 45.1721 47.4536 45.1721C46.1957 45.1721 44.9893 44.6724 44.0999 43.783C43.2104 42.8935 42.7107 41.6871 42.7107 40.4292C42.7107 39.1714 43.2104 37.965 44.0999 37.0755C44.9893 36.1861 46.1957 35.6864 47.4536 35.6864C47.595 35.6825 47.7339 35.6481 47.8608 35.5855C47.9877 35.5229 48.0994 35.4335 48.1885 35.3236C48.2776 35.2137 48.3418 35.0858 48.3768 34.9487C48.4117 34.8116 48.4166 34.6686 48.3911 34.5295L55.6366 31.8581C55.8698 31.7722 56.0594 31.5971 56.1636 31.3714C56.2678 31.1457 56.2782 30.8879 56.1923 30.6546ZM46.5161 33.8777C44.9467 34.1128 43.5138 34.9034 42.478 36.1058C41.4423 37.3081 40.8727 38.8424 40.8727 40.4293C40.8727 42.0162 41.4424 43.5504 42.4781 44.7528C43.5138 45.9552 44.9468 46.7458 46.5162 46.9808L46.5161 51.4238H16.1774V48.9336C16.1739 48.6872 16.0736 48.4522 15.8981 48.2792C15.7227 48.1062 15.4862 48.0092 15.2399 48.0092C14.9935 48.0092 14.757 48.1062 14.5816 48.2792C14.4062 48.4522 14.3059 48.6872 14.3024 48.9336V51.4238H5.625V46.9808C7.19422 46.7454 8.62685 45.9547 9.66232 44.7524C10.6978 43.55 11.2673 42.016 11.2673 40.4292C11.2673 38.8424 10.6977 37.3084 9.66225 36.1061C8.62676 34.9037 7.19412 34.113 5.6249 33.8777L5.625 28.4226H14.3024V30.6684C14.3024 30.917 14.4011 31.1555 14.577 31.3313C14.7528 31.5071 14.9912 31.6059 15.2399 31.6059C15.4885 31.6059 15.727 31.5071 15.9028 31.3313C16.0786 31.1555 16.1774 30.917 16.1774 30.6684V28.4226H46.5161V33.8777ZM48.3911 32.5308V27.4851C48.3911 27.3619 48.3669 27.24 48.3198 27.1263C48.2727 27.0125 48.2037 26.9091 48.1166 26.8221C48.0295 26.735 47.9262 26.666 47.8124 26.6189C47.6987 26.5718 47.5767 26.5475 47.4536 26.5476H9.09617L7.78381 22.9807L46.1508 8.84264L48.0377 13.9576C41.4133 17.6731 45.0942 27.7436 52.5743 26.2522L54.1095 30.4225L48.3911 32.5308Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M15.2402 33.6969C15.1171 33.6969 14.9952 33.7211 14.8814 33.7682C14.7677 33.8153 14.6643 33.8844 14.5773 33.9714C14.4902 34.0585 14.4211 34.1618 14.374 34.2756C14.3269 34.3894 14.3027 34.5113 14.3027 34.6344V37.8177C14.3027 38.0663 14.4015 38.3048 14.5773 38.4806C14.7531 38.6564 14.9916 38.7552 15.2402 38.7552C15.4889 38.7552 15.7273 38.6564 15.9031 38.4806C16.079 38.3048 16.1777 38.0663 16.1777 37.8177V34.6344C16.1778 34.5113 16.1535 34.3894 16.1064 34.2756C16.0593 34.1618 15.9903 34.0585 15.9032 33.9714C15.8162 33.8844 15.7128 33.8153 15.599 33.7682C15.4853 33.7211 15.3634 33.6969 15.2402 33.6969Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M15.2402 40.8467C15.1171 40.8466 14.9952 40.8709 14.8814 40.918C14.7677 40.9651 14.6643 41.0341 14.5773 41.1212C14.4902 41.2083 14.4211 41.3116 14.374 41.4254C14.3269 41.5391 14.3027 41.6611 14.3027 41.7842V44.967C14.3027 45.2156 14.4015 45.4541 14.5773 45.6299C14.7531 45.8057 14.9916 45.9045 15.2402 45.9045C15.4889 45.9045 15.7273 45.8057 15.9031 45.6299C16.079 45.4541 16.1777 45.2156 16.1777 44.967V41.7842C16.1778 41.6611 16.1535 41.5391 16.1064 41.4254C16.0593 41.3116 15.9903 41.2083 15.9032 41.1212C15.8162 41.0341 15.7128 40.9651 15.599 40.918C15.4853 40.8709 15.3634 40.8466 15.2402 40.8467Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M24.1776 35.5719H35.856C36.1023 35.5682 36.3372 35.4679 36.51 35.2924C36.6829 35.117 36.7797 34.8807 36.7797 34.6344C36.7797 34.3881 36.6829 34.1518 36.51 33.9763C36.3372 33.8009 36.1023 33.7006 35.856 33.6969H24.1776C23.9314 33.7006 23.6965 33.8009 23.5236 33.9763C23.3508 34.1518 23.2539 34.3881 23.2539 34.6344C23.2539 34.8807 23.3508 35.117 23.5236 35.2924C23.6965 35.4679 23.9314 35.5682 24.1776 35.5719Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M24.1776 40.2732H35.856C36.1023 40.2695 36.3372 40.1692 36.51 39.9937C36.6829 39.8183 36.7797 39.582 36.7797 39.3357C36.7797 39.0894 36.6829 38.8531 36.51 38.6776C36.3372 38.5022 36.1023 38.4018 35.856 38.3982H24.1776C23.9314 38.4018 23.6965 38.5022 23.5236 38.6776C23.3508 38.8531 23.2539 39.0894 23.2539 39.3357C23.2539 39.582 23.3508 39.8183 23.5236 39.9937C23.6965 40.1692 23.9314 40.2695 24.1776 40.2732Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M35.856 43.0989H24.1776C23.9313 43.1025 23.6964 43.2029 23.5236 43.3783C23.3508 43.5538 23.2539 43.7901 23.2539 44.0364C23.2539 44.2827 23.3508 44.519 23.5236 44.6944C23.6965 44.8699 23.9314 44.9702 24.1776 44.9739H35.8561C36.1023 44.9702 36.3372 44.8698 36.51 44.6944C36.6829 44.519 36.7797 44.2826 36.7797 44.0364C36.7797 43.7901 36.6828 43.5537 36.51 43.3783C36.3372 43.2029 36.1022 43.1025 35.856 43.0989Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M48.3937 27.4888C48.3876 28.8932 48.4023 33.1865 48.3937 34.5294C48.4194 34.6688 48.4147 34.8122 48.3799 34.9497C48.345 35.0872 48.2809 35.2155 48.1919 35.3259C48.1029 35.4363 47.9911 35.5261 47.8641 35.5893C47.7371 35.6525 47.598 35.6875 47.4562 35.6919C46.8339 35.6919 46.2177 35.8145 45.6427 36.0526C45.0677 36.2908 44.5453 36.6399 44.1052 37.0799C43.6652 37.52 43.3161 38.0424 43.0779 38.6174C42.8398 39.1924 42.7172 39.8086 42.7172 40.431C42.7172 41.0533 42.8398 41.6696 43.0779 42.2445C43.3161 42.8195 43.6652 43.3419 44.1052 43.782C44.5453 44.2221 45.0677 44.5711 45.6427 44.8093C46.2177 45.0474 46.8339 45.17 47.4562 45.17C47.7047 45.1708 47.9427 45.2698 48.1183 45.4454C48.294 45.6211 48.393 45.8591 48.3937 46.1075V52.3607C48.393 52.6091 48.294 52.8471 48.1183 53.0227C47.9427 53.1984 47.7047 53.2974 47.4562 53.2982H16.1812C16.1836 52.0218 16.1781 50.2092 16.1812 48.9388C16.1773 48.6928 16.0768 48.4582 15.9014 48.2856C15.726 48.113 15.4898 48.0163 15.2438 48.0163C14.9977 48.0163 14.7615 48.113 14.5861 48.2856C14.4108 48.4581 14.3102 48.6927 14.3062 48.9388C14.3009 50.2138 14.3136 52.0115 14.3062 53.2981H4.6875C4.43909 53.2974 4.20106 53.1984 4.02541 53.0227C3.84975 52.8471 3.75074 52.609 3.75 52.3606V46.1075C3.75074 45.8591 3.84975 45.6211 4.02541 45.4454C4.20106 45.2698 4.43909 45.1708 4.6875 45.17C5.30984 45.17 5.92609 45.0474 6.50106 44.8093C7.07603 44.5711 7.59846 44.2221 8.03852 43.782C8.47859 43.3419 8.82766 42.8195 9.06582 42.2445C9.30398 41.6696 9.42656 41.0533 9.42656 40.431C9.42656 39.8086 9.30398 39.1924 9.06582 38.6174C8.82766 38.0424 8.47859 37.52 8.03852 37.0799C7.59846 36.6399 7.07603 36.2908 6.50106 36.0526C5.92609 35.8145 5.30984 35.6919 4.6875 35.6919C4.43909 35.6912 4.20106 35.5922 4.02541 35.4165C3.84975 35.2408 3.75074 35.0028 3.75 34.7544V27.4888C3.75072 27.2404 3.84973 27.0023 4.0254 26.8267C4.20108 26.651 4.43913 26.552 4.68756 26.5513C7.26703 26.5325 11.6938 26.5774 14.3062 26.5513C14.3106 27.7367 14.3003 29.4881 14.3062 30.6668C14.3095 30.9133 14.4098 31.1485 14.5852 31.3217C14.7607 31.4948 14.9972 31.5919 15.2437 31.5919C15.4902 31.5919 15.7268 31.4948 15.9022 31.3217C16.0777 31.1486 16.1779 30.9133 16.1812 30.6669C16.1766 29.484 16.1878 27.7472 16.1812 26.5513H47.4562C47.7047 26.552 47.9427 26.651 48.1183 26.8267C48.294 27.0023 48.393 27.2404 48.3937 27.4888ZM35.8594 38.4013H24.1781C23.9295 38.4013 23.691 38.5 23.5152 38.6759C23.3394 38.8517 23.2406 39.0901 23.2406 39.3388C23.2406 39.5874 23.3394 39.8259 23.5152 40.0017C23.691 40.1775 23.9295 40.2763 24.1781 40.2763H35.8594C36.1055 40.2725 36.3403 40.172 36.513 39.9966C36.6857 39.8212 36.7825 39.5849 36.7825 39.3388C36.7825 39.0926 36.6857 38.8563 36.513 38.6809C36.3403 38.5055 36.1055 38.4051 35.8594 38.4013ZM35.8594 43.0982H24.1781C23.9295 43.0982 23.691 43.1969 23.5152 43.3727C23.3394 43.5486 23.2406 43.787 23.2406 44.0357C23.2406 44.2843 23.3394 44.5227 23.5152 44.6986C23.691 44.8744 23.9295 44.9732 24.1781 44.9732H35.8594C36.108 44.9732 36.3465 44.8744 36.5223 44.6986C36.6981 44.5227 36.7969 44.2843 36.7969 44.0357C36.7969 43.787 36.6981 43.5486 36.5223 43.3727C36.3465 43.1969 36.108 43.0982 35.8594 43.0982ZM35.8594 33.695H24.1781C23.9295 33.695 23.691 33.7938 23.5152 33.9696C23.3394 34.1454 23.2406 34.3839 23.2406 34.6325C23.2406 34.8812 23.3394 35.1196 23.5152 35.2954C23.691 35.4713 23.9295 35.57 24.1781 35.57H35.8594C36.1056 35.5664 36.3405 35.466 36.5134 35.2906C36.6862 35.1152 36.7831 34.8788 36.7831 34.6325C36.7831 34.3863 36.6862 34.1499 36.5134 33.9745C36.3405 33.7991 36.1056 33.6987 35.8594 33.695ZM14.3062 34.6325V37.82C14.3062 38.0687 14.405 38.3071 14.5808 38.4829C14.7567 38.6588 14.9951 38.7575 15.2437 38.7575C15.4924 38.7575 15.7308 38.6588 15.9067 38.4829C16.0825 38.3071 16.1812 38.0687 16.1812 37.82V34.6325C16.1812 34.3839 16.0825 34.1454 15.9067 33.9696C15.7308 33.7938 15.4924 33.695 15.2437 33.695C14.9951 33.695 14.7567 33.7938 14.5808 33.9696C14.405 34.1454 14.3062 34.3839 14.3062 34.6325ZM16.1812 44.9638V41.7857C16.1812 41.537 16.0825 41.2986 15.9067 41.1227C15.7308 40.9469 15.4924 40.8482 15.2437 40.8482C14.9951 40.8482 14.7567 40.9469 14.5808 41.1227C14.405 41.2986 14.3062 41.537 14.3062 41.7857V44.9638C14.3062 45.2124 14.405 45.4509 14.5808 45.6267C14.7567 45.8025 14.9951 45.9013 15.2437 45.9013C15.4924 45.9013 15.7308 45.8025 15.9067 45.6267C16.0825 45.4509 16.1812 45.2124 16.1812 44.9638Z" fill="#84C8ED"></path> </svg> <span> 演出 </span> </a> </li> </ul> <ul class="safe-travel-tab-conts"> <li id="safeTravel01"> <h3 class="safe-travel-bar-tit"> 美食 </h3> <ul class="safe-travel-list"> <li> <div class="safe-travel-tit-row"> <div class="safe-travel-tit-area"> <p class="safe-travel-ref-tit"> 餐厅预订及排队服务 </p> <h4 class="safe-travel-strong-tit"> Catch Table </h4> </div> <div class="safe-travel-down-links"> <a href="" target="_blank" style="background:url('') no-repeat center / contain" title="前往Google Play下载"> <span class="hd-element"> 通过Google Play下载 </span> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="background:url('') no-repeat center / contain" title="前往App Store下载"> <span class="hd-element"> 通过App Store下载 </span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="safe-travel-contents"> <p class="safe-travel-content-txt"> 在首尔市,无论是探访热门地点还是前往米其林餐厅,提前预订都是至关重要的。对于那些通常需要排队等候的餐厅,您可以通过远程排队系统提前安排,确保能按时便捷地享用美食。提供韩语·英语·中文·日语服务。 </p> <div class="safe-travel-imgarea"> <img src="" alt="开启愉快的美食生活,CATCH TABLE"> <img src="" alt="CATCH TABLE应用界面"> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="safe-travel-tit-row"> <div class="safe-travel-tit-area"> <p class="safe-travel-ref-tit"> 餐厅外卖服务 </p> <h4 class="safe-travel-strong-tit"> Creatrip </h4> </div> <div class="safe-travel-down-links"> <a href="" target="_blank" style="background:url('') no-repeat center / contain" title="前往Google Play下载"> <span class="hd-element"> 通过Google Play下载 </span> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="background:url('') no-repeat center / contain" title="前往App Store下载"> <span class="hd-element"> 通过App Store下载 </span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="safe-travel-contents"> <p class="safe-travel-content-txt"> 为游客精心打造的外卖服务, <span style="font-family: "Noto Sans KR"; font-size: 16px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 350;"> 提供英语·中文简体·中文繁体·日语等12种语言服务。 </span> </p> <div class="safe-travel-imgarea"> <img src="" alt="Solo Foodie PASS"> <img src="" alt="Solo Foodie PASS应用界面"> </div> </div> </li> <li> <p> <br> </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="safeTravel02"> <h3 class="safe-travel-bar-tit"> 出租车 </h3> <ul class="safe-travel-list"> <li> <div class="safe-travel-tit-row"> <div class="safe-travel-tit-area"> <p class="safe-travel-ref-tit"> 专为外国游客提供的出租车服务 </p> <h4 class="safe-travel-strong-tit"> TABA </h4> </div> <div class="safe-travel-down-links"> <a href="" target="_blank" style="background:url('') no-repeat center / contain" title="前往Google Play下载"> <span class="hd-element"> 通过Google Play下载 </span> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="background:url('') no-repeat center / contain" title="前往App Store下载"> <span class="hd-element"> 通过App Store下载 </span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="safe-travel-contents"> <div class="safe-travel-content-txt"> <p> 首尔特别市是一座兼具丰富文化底蕴、悠久历史遗迹与尖端科技魅力的迷人都市。然而,对于远道而来的外国游客而言,探索这座城市的每一个角落可能会遇到不小的挑战。因此有了专为首尔旅游精心打造的出租车叫车服务——TABA,游览首尔将变得前所未有的轻松与便捷。 <br> <br> </p> <p> 主要功能: </p> <ul> <li> <p> • 支持多国语言 </p> <p> 在国外使用当地服务时,语言往往成为一大障碍。而TABA支持使用任何语言搜索地址,无需特意输入韩语。这一功能极大地便利了那些访问首尔的国际游客及居民。提供韩语·英语·日语·简体中文等33种语言服务。 </p> </li> <li> <p> • 无需通过韩国号码进行认证 </p> <p> 无需进行复杂的认证流程,可以直接使用原本的海外手机号码进行注册,操作简便快捷。 </p> </li> <li> <p> • 查看首尔的旅游景点信息 </p> <p> 您可以轻松地查看到热门的旅游景点,并直接叫车前往这些目的地。 </p> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="safe-travel-imgarea"> <img src="" alt="TABA Taxi,专为访韩游客设计的打车应用"> <img src="" alt="仅需一个应用程序,即可尽情体验首尔之最,由首尔市支持的首个面向外国游客友好型叫车服务"> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="safeTravel03"> <h3 class="safe-travel-bar-tit"> 多国语言指南 </h3> <ul class="safe-travel-list"> <li> <div class="safe-travel-tit-row"> <div class="safe-travel-tit-area"> <p class="safe-travel-ref-tit"> 实时翻译旅游指南服务 </p> <h4 class="safe-travel-strong-tit"> Flitto </h4> </div> <div class="safe-travel-down-links"> <a href="" target="_blank" style="background:url('') no-repeat center / contain" title="前往Google Play下载"> <span class="hd-element"> 通过Google Play下载 </span> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="background:url('') no-repeat center / contain" title="前往App Store下载"> <span class="hd-element"> 通过App Store下载 </span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="safe-travel-contents"> <div class="safe-travel-content-txt"> <p> Flitto提供快速且准确的“实时翻译解决方案”,应用于接待外国客人的所有场所,如服务台、旅游咨询处、售票处等此方案采用同声传译技术,提供韩语·英语·日语·简体中文·繁体中文等16种语言服务,确保游客能够使用自己的母语轻松交流,实现无障碍沟通。通过使用透明显示屏和平板设备,开辟了全球沟通的新途径,成为了实现这一目标的强大工具。 <br> <br> 服务地点 : 光化门广场咨询中心、首尔观光广场1楼 游客咖啡厅 </p> </div> <div class="safe-travel-imgarea"> <img src="" alt="Flitto 新增了人工智能翻译功能,集成了机器翻译与人工翻译双重优势的平台"> <img src="" alt="使用人工智能翻译功能的人们"> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="safeTravel04"> <h3 class="safe-travel-bar-tit"> 手机护照 </h3> <ul class="safe-travel-list"> <li> <div class="safe-travel-tit-row"> <div class="safe-travel-tit-area"> <p class="safe-travel-ref-tit"> 手机护照服务 </p> <h4 class="safe-travel-strong-tit"> TripPASS </h4> </div> <div class="safe-travel-down-links"> <a href="" target="_blank" style="background:url('') no-repeat center / contain" title="前往Google Play下载"> <span class="hd-element"> 通过Google Play下载 </span> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="background:url('') no-repeat center / contain" title="前往App Store下载"> <span class="hd-element"> 通过App Store下载 </span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="safe-travel-contents"> <div class="safe-travel-content-txt"> <p> Trip.PASS是一款创新型的旅游金融应用程序,它依托于手机护照技术,集成了支付、交通、即时退税以及手机护照服务等功能。 <br> 用户只需结合使用Trip.PASS的2合1卡和移动应用程序,便能轻松愉快地畅游韩国的每一个角落。 <br> 提供英语·中文·日语服务。 <br> <br> * 卡片购买途径 : 请访问 查看详情! <br> <br> 💳 TripPASS Card功能 : <br> -以普通交通卡的价格,提供更多实用功能 <br> -可以通过使用应用程序来便捷地完成充值操作 <br> -从免税店、百货商店、普通商店以及传统市场,均可使用此支付方式进行消费 </p> </div> <div class="safe-travel-imgarea"> <img src="" alt="Trip.PASS支付*交通二合一卡,仅需十分钟,即可轻松准备好您的旅行!"> <img src="" alt="外国游客的韩国旅行必备应用程序 Trip PASS"> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="safeTravel05"> <h3 class="safe-travel-bar-tit"> 无人驾驶班车 </h3> <ul class="safe-travel-list"> <li> <div class="safe-travel-tit-row"> <div class="safe-travel-tit-area"> <p class="safe-travel-ref-tit"> 无人驾驶班车叫车应用程序 </p> <h4 class="safe-travel-strong-tit"> TAP! </h4> </div> <div class="safe-travel-down-links"> <a href="" target="_blank" style="background:url('') no-repeat center / contain" title="前往Google Play下载"> <span class="hd-element"> 通过Google Play下载 </span> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="background:url('') no-repeat center / contain" title="前往App Store下载"> <span class="hd-element"> 通过App Store下载 </span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="safe-travel-contents"> <div class="safe-travel-content-txt"> <p> 首尔市的TAP!无人驾驶平台软件让每个人都能便捷地预约并乘坐无人驾驶汽车,极大地促进了无人驾驶出行服务的广泛普及。提供韩语·英语服务。 </p> </div> <div class="safe-travel-imgarea"> <img src="" alt="无人驾驶汽车"> <img src="" alt="无人驾驶汽车内部"> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="safeTravel06"> <h3 class="safe-travel-bar-tit"> 演出 </h3> <ul class="safe-travel-list"> <li> <div class="safe-travel-tit-row"> <div class="safe-travel-tit-area"> <p class="safe-travel-ref-tit"> 面向全球游客的演出预订服务 </p> <h4 class="safe-travel-strong-tit"> Interpark Global </h4> </div> <div class="safe-travel-down-links"> <a class="btn-link" href="" target="_blank" title="打开新窗口"> <span> 前往Interpark → </span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="safe-travel-contents"> <div class="safe-travel-content-txt"> <p> Interpark Global为前往首尔的国际游客提供有关 K-POP 演唱会、音乐剧和展览的信息,以及门票预订。您还可以找到旅游信息和临时商店等各种活动信息,使您的韩国之行更加便捷和丰富。 </p> </div> <div class="safe-travel-imgarea"> <img src="" alt="Interpark Global"> <img src="" alt="面向全球游客的演出预订服务 - Interpark Global / Interpark Global为前往首尔的国际游客提供有关 K-POP 演唱会、音乐剧和展览的信息,以及门票预订。您还可以找到旅游信息和临时商店等各种活动信息,使您的韩国之行更加便捷和丰富。"> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div></div><script> $(document).ready(function() { $('.safe-tab li').on("click", function() { $(this).siblings().removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); let number = $(this).index() + 1; 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