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If you have any feature suggestion, feedback, or criticism, please also let me know.</p> <h3>Install instructions</h3> <p>If all you want to do is install PreviewQt, first check the official repositories of your Linux distribution (if you are indeed running Linux). If PreviewQt is not (yet) available there, or if you're running Windows, take a look at the <a href="/down">Downloads</a> page for additional options. If you want to build PreviewQt from source, <a href="/install">you can find the build instructions right here</a>.</p> <h3>Open a bug report</h3> <p>If you find something in PreviewQt that seems not quite right or that doesn't work as you would expect it to, please let me know. I depend on reports of users of issues they face to know what needs to be fixed and/or improved. You can open a bug report by <a href="">opening an issue over at GitLab</a>. When you do so, please include as much information as possible:</p> <ol> <li>What platform are you running (e.g., Windows, Ubuntu, ...)?</li> <li>What version of PreviewQt are you using?</li> <li>What features are supported by your build?</li> <li>If you are able to reproduce any issue, what steps are necessary to do so?</li> </ol> <p>If it happens with only specific images or image formats, if possible please include a sample image.</p> <h3>Still need more help?</h3> <p>If you need further help or want to ask more questions, please don't hesitate to email me at <span id="email"><span style="font-size: 75%">(you need to enable javascript to see the email address)</span></span>.</p><br><br> <script> var pref1 = "<a" + " " + "href" + "=\"" + "ma" + "ilt" + "o:"; var pref2 = "\" cl" + "ass" + "=" + "\"li" + "n" + "k\"" + ">"; var suf = "</a>"; var erstes = "&#76;&#117;" + "&#107;"; var zweites = "&#97;&#115;"; var drittes = "&#80;&#114;&#101;" + "&#118;&#105;&#101;" + "&#119;" + "&#81;&#116;"; var viertes = "&#111;&#114;" + "&#103;"; document.getElementById("email").innerHTML = pref1 + erstes + zweites + "&#64;" + drittes + "." + viertes + pref2 + erstes + zweites + "&#64;" + drittes + "." + viertes + suf; </script> <script> $("#nav-item-1").on("mouseenter", function() { handleNavMouseEnter(1); }); $("#nav-item-2").on("mouseenter", function() { handleNavMouseEnter(2); }); $("#nav-item-3").on("mouseenter", function() { handleNavMouseEnter(3); }); $("#nav-item-1").on("mouseleave", function() { handleNavMouseLeave(1); }); $("#nav-item-2").on("mouseleave", function() { handleNavMouseLeave(2); }); $("#nav-item-3").on("mouseleave", function() { handleNavMouseLeave(3); }); $("#submenu-1").on("mouseleave", function() { handleNavMouseLeave(1); }); $("#submenu-2").on("mouseleave", function() { handleNavMouseLeave(2); }); $("#submenu-3").on("mouseleave", function() { handleNavMouseLeave(3); }); </script> </body> </html>

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